Nice video Marijo. Except EDR you can also go for bleed resistance where ever possible to counter other PM and also have an MDR as a secondary weapon to finish enemies with the extra damage when under status effect.
Thank You George, I heard about bleed resistance will kinda slow down the bleeding effect but at the time I was making the build I didn't know about that, it was discovered later, it is awesome tip as always coming from You! Concerning the Urban MDR You are also right and I think I have one, perfect for this build and will definitely try it out! Reason I go with my Lightweight M4 is Predatory, in case I go PVE/PVP in the DZ with this build! Tnx Again!
George Koutsis just watched a video on it. Apparently you bleed a lot less longer with bleed resistance vs. without. Which sounds like that would be obvious but the way the gear is worded it straight up says it ignores it. No idea why.
Great vid, I've been using a 6k Stam pred for a couple of weeks and I love it, it takes a little more effort to use in the dz but it still mega melts everyone...I'm at 528k DPS ( 6100 firearms), 514k toughness ( 7000 Stam), I have all pieces rolled to firearms but I have all 266 stamina crit hit mods on, thanks for getting the word out on this very underrated version of this build👍
I also hope that Classified builds will stay strong and powerful since that is why they were made and we have farmed so much to get them.Thanks for the video. :)
You are right bro......every gear set is good and every set has is own talent....player should learn how to play the game and sensible play in every situation .......there is always a problem for some player every time when they down every bro..😀
With your 6000 stamina Predator you should use the house and Urban MDR. Use house to proc the bleed and then finish with Urban MDR when opponent is under status effect also the 10th shot with MDR will proc another bleed that is pretty nice. Try it out ;)
Thank You, it is an awesome suggestion, Urban MDR is a beast because of the high dmg per bullet, I know, reason I go with my Lightweight M4 is Predatory, in case I go PVE/PVP in the DZ with this build!
Ok. I am glad you like the idea with Urban MDR. i have had fun with it. So you can do close range with smg the first bleed proc and then with MDR you can take distance to the opponent after that first bleed and shoot long range to proc the second bleed with MDR. :) Or other way around first long range and proc bleed with MDR and then close to finish with the house. There are options how to do it. I hope you make video about this not build but gameplay video :)
At the beginning of creating the new character you can choose gender and make different haircuts and races! I have one male character and three ladies, one lady is an Asian, i think..and then you just dress them up in vanity items and that's it!
I concur. There are ups and downs to a 9k predator build for example your heals do absolutely nothing. Which means you either have to deal with it or sacrifice something so that you do have a healing Talent
Finally someone who talks sense. Don't get me wrong I don't think the builds great, 9k stam for pred is a must but I agree with what you where saying in the video 👍
Marijo Gašparović ok will do. Let me ask you a question, on my 9k pred build my gloves can only have either crit chance or smg damage due to them not being the best, which should I go for? I know more damage equals a higher bleed tick
Pred mark is a survivalist build. You will deal a lot of damage. You have no survivability. All you do is deal damage. Striker is capable of dealing just as much damage, and also heal themselves at the same time. Like you said most people run striker. The fact that people complain about pred makes zero sense. Not to mention there are counters to everything in this game
You failed to mention the reason that people are crying about Pred. The bleed is too strong for only hitting 10 shots and the 9k stamina makes anyone using this build a walking terminator. Of course, i dont want this build driven into the ground, as all the classifieds are cheesy and remove any element of skill. However, I think they should simply fix the 6pc so that the bleed does not ignore bleed resistance. Adrenaline should also counter the bleed.
Bleed Resistance indeed helps against predmark, i didn't mention that in the video, found out later! Yes, build is dealing a great damage..I Agree with that..
Them are the best thoughts I’ve heard anyone say about the skill to play I’ve been saying that for awhile it takes less skill to use striker because the pred player has to hit the same target if he hits any other target he has to start over but a striker can hit any player to build damage great video
Both DPS seemed about the same. From what I saw, it mostly came down to the fact that you were prepared to heal, and he did not at all. A lot of Pred Mark users also purposely stop firing because they like to watch the bleed finish off a target. I've heard it several times from Rogue groups that chase after me. Someone will tell the others to stop firing because the "bleed is up.", which is great because that lets me know that I should cleanse it off. :P You can clearly see that he stopped firing after you turned around, where it looked and sounded like he tried to shoot off a sticky bomb for some reason. With everyone using the same Predator/Striker/Nomad sets in the DZ these days, it mostly comes down who is better at rotating their heals and chicken dancing, than it does who's using 6 or 9k builds. It matters even less since 95% of the DZ Rogues are just squads chasing down and camping people trying to farm for Div Tech. It's true that your build is ready for Skirmish though. I'd also like to point out that some people have finally noticed that the Predator's Mark set description is wrong and that bleed resistance does work against it. It's just that most people are lemmings that just watch a build video and whine, rather than test anything themselves.
Idk what it was but the other day I was easily getting 170k crits but last night my bleed damage seemed way low. Like I’ve watched guys die almost instantly but now it’s like they just get a scratch. I’m assuming EDR and Bleed Resistance but damn. If we can’t bleed nomads and strikers out then it’s going to become a useless set.
I can't really tell you what is going on. Since 1.8.1 my pc has a terrible drop down in FPS, it's not playable and also there is a vast reports on many dysfunctions in the game since then, not only on pc but other platforms too..ordered a new pc to keep up with the game and maintain the work on the channel, sorry..
Hey Man, I was just trying this setup and it turns out good, better burst dmg. I already made a 9000 Stamina build which is the best option for predmark and you can check out the video here:видео.html
This is exactly what i was thinking. And even if you hit 2 players, as long as you don't miss, bleed on whoever catches the 10th shot. But thats the thing, alot of people who use it cant even hit 10 shots in a row, it takes 2 mags to land 10 shots. Right now, hey justspam till you land 10 shots out of 120 and kill not only that player, but with shrapnel a whole team! Who could possibly argue this isnt a cheese set
All factz bro great video, the alpha bridge nerf that you mentioned should make these muffukas stop talking about nerfs just play the fucking game and stop fucking crying.. now they want the old alfa they cried about back!
I think it's hilarious how people say is that it requires no skill as well that's like the claim people made in Destiny 1 about auto rifles look how that worked out lol 😂
You mean something like this:видео.html As, I said I'm more PVE oriented but have all gear sets complete..and Tnx for the comment, hope you like the vids! we can play sometimes, my Uplay: TachiGekko
Why is every one trying to kill the messenger ?? Kill the message. If every one is running monad and killing every body why not join the party ?? Why keep fighting it ?? Just to say I'm a skillful player ? .. That is just self satisfaction and at the end you ended up dying by a nomad.
I think it was you who called out for a nerf for seeker mines. And I supported that opinion 100 %. You re absolutely completely wrong in this video. 1st of all nomad is all about rng. U say u re going to get 5 lives with nomad. It’s not true. Most of the time u only get one. But with pred u always get that killer bleed with only 10 shots. Go run nomad and show me how many times u get 5 procks?!!! That’s total bullshit mate 2ndly no u cant down anyone with 10 shots with striker. 3rdly striker is not cheesy bcz it takes skill to land more than 10 shots. While it’s just 10 lousy aim predator bullshit. 4thly. Counter pred?!!! Really? Go check widdz and marco and gourmetjay and all they good players. And see how they always go down. 90 % of time it’s cheesy and yess CHEESY pred. If they can’t counter who can? We the average players?!!! How can u counter it? With a squishy box that u fight on its way edge and which they can destroy is a glimpse of an eye With an energy bar that takes 10 seconds to take on console? And only lasts 5 seconds? With a medkit that while u re popping they’re already landing another 10 shots. Man spare us the bullshit will you. It’s fucking broken as fk. U want pred? Ok u know what give us back the one shot seekers Give us back the real deadeye set. At least deadeye and seekers where squishy.
I said you can agree or disagree and that's fine! We will never have same opinion on some things and that's fine too. Comparing 1.5 and 1.6 with 1.8 and now 1.8.1 regarding the seekers is silly. Your conclusion seems to be in line with my conclusion if you care about the context of the video. Taking the things out of context making the whole conversation useless. Where I said You are going down with 10 shots from Striker, show me that in the video, please. Insinuating something that is never said is not nice only to prove your side of the view. Nomad is RNG and no skill is required for that, you also didn't mention 60 EDR for 10 sec. Countering the Pred, yes you can, but it's not easy, otherwise what's the point of the gear set. Some of the Best Players you are talking about are leaving the game on the first sign of weakness, refusing to play if they can't take down whole server by themselves..and why you think they shouldn't go down in the first place..because of the pred?!! You spare me the bullshit!
You really think 150k+ bleed per tick is not broken/op? You think hitting 10 Shots to proc that is hard? Then you must be out of ur mind seriously, only low skilled players would say so, i can kill any set with most of my sets and i dont even use any op sets
I made a video about what I think and you may disagree but watch your language..I think I said enough, what more do you want? Argue over the comment section? pointless from my side of view..
Where is the point of playing pvp and only sit in cover use a button to do a kill with a one shot seeker mine naw naw naw bru use whatever u want for pve idc but i want good pvp fights where ppl have to shoot to one shot skill needed in pvp.
G 5hyxxt..Hey Man I understand your viewpoint and I was thinking that way not that long time ago..but let me just copy/paste the explanation of one of my subscribers, he said some things better than I can do so here it is: George Koutsis 6 days ago 1 subscribers In an RPG you do damage also with your skills and not only with your weapons. So from the RPG point of view the damage skills nerf in PVP is wrong. From a tactical shooter point of view you cannot have all the healings, ultis, critical save, medikit, booster shot, health station, pulse gear set bonuses, weapons talents etc buffs and mechanics that turn PVP into an exploitation chicken dance saga. PVP needs complete reworking.
There were more to this discussion and I will again copy/paste because I give the same answer as You, also we will hardly agree 100% about some subjects in the division but healthy discussion is always welcomed and can only improve the game and community relationships so here it is whole discussion, might be interesting point of view from both sides: Marijo Gašparović 6 days ago 2,671 subscribers I never think about those things a lot but I agree that skill damage is too low and should be modified in PVP..not to the point to have one shot seeker but make it worth a playing with skills, not only as a healer.. Anyway, I think that PVP is now in the best place since the game came out, not saying that is perfect, and hopefully will be better in the future. Cheaters are probably the worst thing but that is another story. Reply · 1 George Koutsis 6 days ago 1 subscribers If there is a one shot HF build in PVP then there should be also a one shot sticky TAC build. If Striker by just shooting a weapon gets damage buff and healing then a skill build should have equal functions lets say that the 6 pcs TAC has a boost up to 100% and healing like the relentless back pack. Dragon's Breath PVP modifier should be at 50-60 % and not 35%. With the Stamina being back in the game Skill builds are nerfed because of the PVP modifier and the Stamina buff. PVP now is a Str crowd asking for Nomads and Pred nerf, that is how good and balanced it is now in 1.8 .
Nice video Marijo.
Except EDR you can also go for bleed resistance where ever possible to counter other PM and also have an MDR as a secondary weapon to finish enemies with the extra damage when under status effect.
Thank You George, I heard about bleed resistance will kinda slow down the bleeding effect but at the time I was making the build I didn't know about that, it was discovered later, it is awesome tip as always coming from You! Concerning the Urban MDR You are also right and I think I have one, perfect for this build and will definitely try it out! Reason I go with my Lightweight M4 is Predatory, in case I go PVE/PVP in the DZ with this build! Tnx Again!
Predators mark ignores bleed resistance
Nope bleed resistance mitigates the bleed damage of PM.
George Koutsis just watched a video on it. Apparently you bleed a lot less longer with bleed resistance vs. without. Which sounds like that would be obvious but the way the gear is worded it straight up says it ignores it. No idea why.
Great vid, I've been using a 6k Stam pred for a couple of weeks and I love it, it takes a little more effort to use in the dz but it still mega melts everyone...I'm at 528k DPS ( 6100 firearms), 514k toughness ( 7000 Stam), I have all pieces rolled to firearms but I have all 266 stamina crit hit mods on, thanks for getting the word out on this very underrated version of this build👍
Tnx a lot Man! Did this one just to try the build little bit different than the Meta. I'm glad that it works fine for You too! Tnx!
You make some very well put together videos man. I enjoy watching your videos.
Thank You Very Much!
I also hope that Classified builds will stay strong and powerful since that is why they were made and we have farmed so much to get them.Thanks for the video. :)
Thank You Man! You are right, we farmed the hell out of the game to collect all that staff!
We sure did farm the hell out of the game that is the point.
You are right bro......every gear set is good and every set has is own talent....player should learn how to play the game and sensible play in every situation .......there is always a problem for some player every time when they down every bro..😀
Tnx Man, appreciate this a lot..glad we are on the same page..
this build was way better last patch i use to destroy predators
With your 6000 stamina Predator you should use the house and Urban MDR. Use house to proc the bleed and then finish with Urban MDR when opponent is under status effect also the 10th shot with MDR will proc another bleed that is pretty nice. Try it out ;)
Thank You, it is an awesome suggestion, Urban MDR is a beast because of the high dmg per bullet, I know, reason I go with my Lightweight M4 is Predatory, in case I go PVE/PVP in the DZ with this build!
Ok. I am glad you like the idea with Urban MDR. i have had fun with it. So you can do close range with smg the first bleed proc and then with MDR you can take distance to the opponent after that first bleed and shoot long range to proc the second bleed with MDR. :) Or other way around first long range and proc bleed with MDR and then close to finish with the house. There are options how to do it. I hope you make video about this not build but gameplay video :)
Tnx Man, I will not promise but it is a good idea for the video..TNX!
I concur It's very effective I use it in things like legendary mode all the time. Might even start using it for resistance runs we'll see.
yykoo#rap#hip-hop#kotka that makes alot of since. 🤔👍🏾
Thank you, 100% agree with you...
Tnx Man, I'm glad we think the same!
Marijo I noticed that you have different characters in your videos. how do you create several characters that all look different?
At the beginning of creating the new character you can choose gender and make different haircuts and races! I have one male character and three ladies, one lady is an Asian, i think..and then you just dress them up in vanity items and that's it!
Hey Thanx your a scholar and a gentelman
Thank You Bad_Habitz!
Good video friend 👍🏻 I agree we need to stop the nerf
Thank You Will!
Lol bro, I totally agree with you with all the other sets. People complaining about Predator, but they don’t realize how powerful the other are
Exactly, tnx for the comment Romeo!
You speaking the truth bruh. Subbed
Tnx Man!
You are absolutely correct! Great video!
+Smiffer Smaffer Tnx Man!
You made very valid points man.
Tnx Man!
I concur. There are ups and downs to a 9k predator build for example your heals do absolutely nothing. Which means you either have to deal with it or sacrifice something so that you do have a healing Talent
Finally someone who talks sense. Don't get me wrong I don't think the builds great, 9k stam for pred is a must but I agree with what you where saying in the video 👍
Hey Man, tnx for the comment, i made 9000 stam build before, this was just to try out, you can check it here:видео.html
Marijo Gašparović ok will do. Let me ask you a question, on my 9k pred build my gloves can only have either crit chance or smg damage due to them not being the best, which should I go for? I know more damage equals a higher bleed tick
I will go with the SMG DMG, weapon dmg..SMG's are having native crit chance so weapon dmg definitely!
Marijo Gašparović ok thanks for the advice 😁
Bravo Marijo...cekamo te na ps4
Hvala Nikola, nažalost nemam PS4, igram na PC ali hvala svejedno i veliki pozdrav!
Pred mark is a survivalist build. You will deal a lot of damage. You have no survivability. All you do is deal damage. Striker is capable of dealing just as much damage, and also heal themselves at the same time. Like you said most people run striker. The fact that people complain about pred makes zero sense. Not to mention there are counters to everything in this game
Thank You, I'm glad we think the same!
+IGotMelee Wery well said..tnx Man!
You failed to mention the reason that people are crying about Pred. The bleed is too strong for only hitting 10 shots and the 9k stamina makes anyone using this build a walking terminator. Of course, i dont want this build driven into the ground, as all the classifieds are cheesy and remove any element of skill. However, I think they should simply fix the 6pc so that the bleed does not ignore bleed resistance. Adrenaline should also counter the bleed.
Bleed Resistance indeed helps against predmark, i didn't mention that in the video, found out later! Yes, build is dealing a great damage..I Agree with that..
Marijo Gašparović Actually it doesn't. It says right in the 6pc that the bleed ignores all bleed resistance.
Check out the pinned comment bellow this video, it is small discussion..
best desription ever!
Thank You Nina!
i hope they don't nerf anything...
Me too..better buff other builds than nerf anything in the game..Tnx Man!
its already confirmed that pred mark will get a nerf
Them are the best thoughts I’ve heard anyone say about the skill to play I’ve been saying that for awhile it takes less skill to use striker because the pred player has to hit the same target if he hits any other target he has to start over but a striker can hit any player to build damage great video
Pathetic Circus Thank You Very Much!
Both DPS seemed about the same. From what I saw, it mostly came down to the fact that you were prepared to heal, and he did not at all.
A lot of Pred Mark users also purposely stop firing because they like to watch the bleed finish off a target. I've heard it several times from Rogue groups that chase after me. Someone will tell the others to stop firing because the "bleed is up.", which is great because that lets me know that I should cleanse it off. :P
You can clearly see that he stopped firing after you turned around, where it looked and sounded like he tried to shoot off a sticky bomb for some reason.
With everyone using the same Predator/Striker/Nomad sets in the DZ these days, it mostly comes down who is better at rotating their heals and chicken dancing, than it does who's using 6 or 9k builds.
It matters even less since 95% of the DZ Rogues are just squads chasing down and camping people trying to farm for Div Tech. It's true that your build is ready for Skirmish though.
I'd also like to point out that some people have finally noticed that the Predator's Mark set description is wrong and that bleed resistance does work against it. It's just that most people are lemmings that just watch a build video and whine, rather than test anything themselves.
This is one of the best analyze's I've ever seen! I agree with everything You said and just wanted to say Thank You for your time!
A built is a built. A flame turret is suppose to hurt. People just like to wine.
Agree 100%! Tnx!
What cache did you get that red jacket from
I believe it was EC Mark 2..can't remember 100% but ill bet on mark 2.sorry..if find out will let you know..
Awesome, very much appreciated
Exactly this.. All those people crying about predator are those salty nomad players that couldn't proc their 9 lives lmao.
LOL, I'm glad we think the same on this one! Tnx Man!
Idk what it was but the other day I was easily getting 170k crits but last night my bleed damage seemed way low. Like I’ve watched guys die almost instantly but now it’s like they just get a scratch. I’m assuming EDR and Bleed Resistance but damn. If we can’t bleed nomads and strikers out then it’s going to become a useless set.
I can't really tell you what is going on. Since 1.8.1 my pc has a terrible drop down in FPS, it's not playable and also there is a vast reports on many dysfunctions in the game since then, not only on pc but other platforms too..ordered a new pc to keep up with the game and maintain the work on the channel, sorry..
Still missing that pred mark mask damn 😑
Hope You get it soon, they announce some changes about the classified drops and ways to get the gear in the last SOTG..
Good point
Tnx Man!
Why 6k stamina nd not 9k?
Hey Man, I was just trying this setup and it turns out good, better burst dmg. I already made a 9000 Stamina build which is the best option for predmark and you can check out the video here:видео.html
That Pred. Mark guy would have had you but he stopped shooting and tried shooting a disruptor at you that is why you were able to beat him.
Might be..he made a wrong choice..I can agree with You..tnx for the comment..
U know I had actually thought about doing that and have health on kill on my gear pieces
That would also interesting and good way to go! Appreciate the idea! Tnx!
We Need Classified Exotics!
Well said
Tnx Man!
You said it well. I am tired of the crying.
Thank You Roy Toomer!
I think you should hit 10 bullets without missing a shot to proc bleed. Think thats fair..
I respect that Idea, tnx Man!
This is exactly what i was thinking. And even if you hit 2 players, as long as you don't miss, bleed on whoever catches the 10th shot. But thats the thing, alot of people who use it cant even hit 10 shots in a row, it takes 2 mags to land 10 shots. Right now, hey justspam till you land 10 shots out of 120 and kill not only that player, but with shrapnel a whole team! Who could possibly argue this isnt a cheese set
All factz bro great video, the alpha bridge nerf that you mentioned should make these muffukas stop talking about nerfs just play the fucking game and stop fucking crying.. now they want the old alfa they cried about back!
Got my subs and like
Preds hit like a truck
Yes, Pred has nice damage.. :))
Strikers is cheesey as hell. The heals suck but predatory makes it better
I think it's hilarious how people say is that it requires no skill as well that's like the claim people made in Destiny 1 about auto rifles look how that worked out lol 😂
I'm not so familiar with The Destiny Game but I really appreciate Your Comment! Thank You Kyle!
Thank You!
I agree mostly all builds are o.p. right
In a way yes..Tnx Man!
In another words,some of the builds should get buffed. No more nerfs massive,please.
if u had my build my friend u would drop them in 3 secs u would have to add me u would be amazed
You mean something like this:видео.html As, I said I'm more PVE oriented but have all gear sets complete..and Tnx for the comment, hope you like the vids! we can play sometimes, my Uplay: TachiGekko
My thoughts: common ubisoft - Bleed is bullshit
Well, I respect that but slightly disagree..tnx Man
Why is every one trying to kill the messenger ?? Kill the message. If every one is running monad and killing every body why not join the party ?? Why keep fighting it ?? Just to say I'm a skillful player ? .. That is just self satisfaction and at the end you ended up dying by a nomad.
+REAP3RUSA I'm only saying we don't need any more nerfs in this short..
Good video
Tnx Man!
predator build need skill because nothing survivability no 30% Recoil or accuracy nothing !
Well it worked fine for me this way, but I agree that survivability is a low with this gear set..Tnx for the advice, I really appreciate this..
i drop over a mill dam
Congrats Man, I'm not playing to much of a PVP!
GTE STEVE in PVE lol, there's a csp on damage from bleed...
I think it was you who called out for a nerf for seeker mines. And I supported that opinion 100 %.
You re absolutely completely wrong in this video.
1st of all nomad is all about rng. U say u re going to get 5 lives with nomad. It’s not true. Most of the time u only get one. But with pred u always get that killer bleed with only 10 shots.
Go run nomad and show me how many times u get 5 procks?!!! That’s total bullshit mate
2ndly no u cant down anyone with 10 shots with striker.
3rdly striker is not cheesy bcz it takes skill to land more than 10 shots. While it’s just 10 lousy aim predator bullshit.
4thly. Counter pred?!!! Really? Go check widdz and marco and gourmetjay and all they good players. And see how they always go down. 90 % of time it’s cheesy and yess CHEESY pred.
If they can’t counter who can? We the average players?!!!
How can u counter it? With a squishy box that u fight on its way edge and which they can destroy is a glimpse of an eye
With an energy bar that takes 10 seconds to take on console? And only lasts 5 seconds?
With a medkit that while u re popping they’re already landing another 10 shots.
Man spare us the bullshit will you. It’s fucking broken as fk.
U want pred? Ok u know what give us back the one shot seekers
Give us back the real deadeye set.
At least deadeye and seekers where squishy.
I said you can agree or disagree and that's fine! We will never have same opinion on some things and that's fine too. Comparing 1.5 and 1.6 with 1.8 and now 1.8.1 regarding the seekers is silly. Your conclusion seems to be in line with my conclusion if you care about the context of the video. Taking the things out of context making the whole conversation useless. Where I said You are going down with 10 shots from Striker, show me that in the video, please. Insinuating something that is never said is not nice only to prove your side of the view. Nomad is RNG and no skill is required for that, you also didn't mention 60 EDR for 10 sec. Countering the Pred, yes you can, but it's not easy, otherwise what's the point of the gear set. Some of the Best Players you are talking about are leaving the game on the first sign of weakness, refusing to play if they can't take down whole server by themselves..and why you think they shouldn't go down in the first place..because of the pred?!! You spare me the bullshit!
do not use pred with 6k...
Tnx Man, it was just a try, I'm having my 9000 stamina PredMark in the loadouts!
Pred Mark requires no skill sorry, the bleed is too insane
All Right, I respect your opinion and tnx for the comment!
You really think 150k+ bleed per tick is not broken/op? You think hitting 10 Shots to proc that is hard? Then you must be out of ur mind seriously, only low skilled players would say so, i can kill any set with most of my sets and i dont even use any op sets
I made a video about what I think and you may disagree but watch your language..I think I said enough, what more do you want? Argue over the comment section? pointless from my side of view..
Ok so your low skilled i understand
You don't understand nothing my friend and your frustrations are so obvious even in this small amount of conversation!
Where is the point of playing pvp and only sit in cover use a button to do a kill with a one shot seeker mine naw naw naw bru use whatever u want for pve idc but i want good pvp fights where ppl have to shoot to one shot skill needed in pvp.
Skill comes the player . Any set can be made to smash your opponents . Just matters on the situation .
G 5hyxxt..Hey Man I understand your viewpoint and I was thinking that way not that long time ago..but let me just copy/paste the explanation of one of my subscribers, he said some things better than I can do so here it is:
George Koutsis 6 days ago 1 subscribers
In an RPG you do damage also with your skills and not only with your weapons.
So from the RPG point of view the damage skills nerf in PVP is wrong.
From a tactical shooter point of view you cannot have all the healings, ultis, critical save, medikit, booster shot, health station, pulse gear set bonuses, weapons talents etc buffs and mechanics that turn PVP into an exploitation chicken dance saga.
PVP needs complete reworking.
joseph kirk .. Agree!
Marijo Gašparović Yea skills should deal dmg that is right but they should not one shot a player i mean.
There were more to this discussion and I will again copy/paste because I give the same answer as You, also we will hardly agree 100% about some subjects in the division but healthy discussion is always welcomed and can only improve the game and community relationships so here it is whole discussion, might be interesting point of view from both sides:
Marijo Gašparović 6 days ago 2,671 subscribers
I never think about those things a lot but I agree that skill damage is too low and should be modified in PVP..not to the point to have one shot seeker but make it worth a playing with skills, not only as a healer.. Anyway, I think that PVP is now in the best place since the game came out, not saying that is perfect, and hopefully will be better in the future. Cheaters are probably the worst thing but that is another story.
Reply · 1
George Koutsis 6 days ago 1 subscribers
If there is a one shot HF build in PVP then there should be also a one shot sticky TAC build.
If Striker by just shooting a weapon gets damage buff and healing then a skill build should have equal functions lets say that the 6 pcs TAC has a boost up to 100% and healing like the relentless back pack.
Dragon's Breath PVP modifier should be at 50-60 % and not 35%.
With the Stamina being back in the game Skill builds are nerfed because of the PVP modifier and the Stamina buff.
PVP now is a Str crowd asking for Nomads and Pred nerf, that is how good and balanced it is now in 1.8 .