Elissar may have been in favour of peace and co-existence, and hated violence and revenge; but Hamilcar and Hannibal were both consumed with a war of revenge against Rome. Likewise, the Romans took the exact opposite view of the Queen in terms of how the world should be ruled. That subject would be a good sequel for this film. If Elissar saw the future of Carthage...
No I'm an organizer within an organization that is mostly dedicated to reviving the Carthaginian history . We're going to be working with elementary students soon and I thought maybe we can use this if allowed. For more info you can take a peek at our group on facebook facebook.com/groups/1406004559666509/
I am from Carthage and Carthage. It is located in Tunisia. Long live Hannibal, the defendant of Rome and Alisa, where she established Carthage and long live Tunisia. The origin of civilization and history 🇹🇳🇹🇳✊✊
defender of rome huh what kind of revisionist drivel is this? you must have been one of those carthaginians that left home while rome is burning carthage down.only to return seeing carthage rebuilt by rome so you might think carthage is the defender of rome.
The Berbers are North Africans not samons like you have depicted them here. Also the racism is astounding with the Tyrians pictured as white vs. the darker skinned “wild” berbers with accent when in reality they are both tan Mediterranean people who aren’t very different in appearance…
You left out the part about her throwing herself into the fire instead of marrying him but I guess that would've been kind of a bummer way to end the cartoon
nothing wrong with a strong will woman-if she does good and her aims are just and good!.-a woman who has both beauty and brains is truly a rare thing and she is worth more than all the riches of all the earth
@@theredstonesword9293 nope u r wrong, it's a mix of Turks, Europeans,Arabs etc,no country on the entire globe it's people kept their ancient genetic structure LOL it's beyond logic and science that hhhhhhhhhh
My fellow ancient Carthaginians, this time our new cities will be in space. The new sea is space. I am from the Hasdrubal the strategist/Hasdrubal the first (500 B.C.). We have been in Italy mostly. When Islam began, in 600 A.D., we were part of the Venetian empire/state structure. Our Nobility family group is Gerardi. The last post was through the Naples Kingdom in Italy. I am interested in offering a vision and goal for the new reconstituted Neo-Carthaginian Nobility group.
Here's something that often happens in animation and it really pisses me off: racial/color coding. Dido's villain of a brother is darker-skinned because he's evil. Dido's handmaiden is darker than her queen because she's of inferior social status and they wanted to make the two women look different. The barbarian king is darker-skinned because he's basically a savage. But, the peace-loving, intelligent, enlightened Queen is lilly white with blue eyes. Tyre is in Lebanon and I doubt most of the people at the time looked anything like that. Animators don't mean these things to be insulting but they are.
Kimberly Robinson - As a Lebanese and a direct descendant of our Phoenico-Canaanite forebears, I can assure you that our ancestors, although mostly brunet, did then as now have those among us who were fair of hair, eye and skin tone. Women, you must remember, especially of the upper class, didn't do manual labor and weren't out in the sun as much as men were.
Kimberly, I am completely on your side and support you! Thank you for bringing this to attention. There are people in the Levant today with lighter phenotypes and eye colors because of two or three millennia's worth of EUROPEAN expansion into the area, regardless of whether they want to admit it or not. (At this, I would point to an internalized attempt to align themselves with the "Superior" West by rejecting the cultural and native norm) To the naysayers, even if it IS historically accurate -which it's not-, correlating goodness with whiteness and evil with black and brownness is imbibed in our culture today. It normalizes violence against black and brown people like me and desensitizes abuse. And it starts in cartoons.
Math Facile we’ve been transmitting this story of elissar from generation to another in tunisia . Also there’s a general misconception that romans destroyed all carthage while they only destroyed the capital city carthage but all the other nearby Carthaginian cities and colonies were intact and still are to this day ... also every year an archeological site is uncovered by archeologists and historians ... there are always lots of mosaics and pieces extracted and taken to museums
Math Facile we’ve been transmitting this story of elissar from generation to another in tunisia . Also there’s a general misconception that romans destroyed all carthage while they only destroyed the capital city carthage but all the other nearby Carthaginian cities and colonies were intact and still are to this day ... also every year an archeological site is uncovered by archeologists and historians ... there are always lots of mosaics and pieces extracted and taken to museums
@@راميالبنّى-ك4ذ the original masters of the sea and alphabets who taught the Romans and Greeks.. Sad they got backstabbed by the people they helped to civilise
⛅ 🔥 👑 🔥 ⛅ To those who ridiculously object to the portrayal of our Elissar (Dido) and her fellow Phoenico-Canaanite followers who founded and peopled Carthage being fairer of hair, skin and eye color than the North African natives as somehow symbolic of their civil, intellectual and aesthetic superiority, then your protests are indicative of both your wrongful vilification of whiteness as well as your ignorance about our phenotype. And I say this as a Lebanese and a direct descendant of the Canaanites/Phoenicians who is well-informed about our heritage, and who considers this animated segment to be correct on the issue as well as complimentary. First off, the indigenous African ancestors of the Amizigh/Berbers lived closer to the equator and were thus naturally darker than us in hue. Next, light colored hair and eyes and skin tone, although the exception to the rule, we're then as now not only present among our population, but even in their own, and weren't exclusive to ethnic Europeans. One need only view the extant murals of the Minoans on the matter which evidence this. Also, we hailed from the advanced civilizations in Western Asia and our expert Near Eastern navigators brought our alphabet, engineering techniques, etc., to peoples who were less sophisticated than us. Last, it must be understood that a fairer skin tone was indicative of social status and even gender in society, as women didn't do as much manual labor as men and were thus less exposed to the sun, and the nobility could afford to shun it altogether.
@@ralo390 They are not black, that is, Negroid racially, and the anthropolgy proves this: The Caucasoid Canaanite/Phoenician and Lebanese DNA Evidence Supporting my argument using irrefutable DNA evidence are the results of the Genographic Project of the National Geographic Society that confirm that the Phoenicians are the Canaanites, that they were Caucasoids in race and of the Mediterranean extraction, and that we Lebanese in our Levantine homeland of northern Canaan/Phoenicia are indeed their direct descendants, with the Maghrebi who share in this heritage being our distant cousins: phoenicia.org/genetics.html
Well that’s according to the enemies of Phoenicia. Not much is none about them because they didn’t leave a lot writing and if they did they’ve been conquered way to many times to preserve all those texts
Emma N what about Carthage Tophets ? but anyway back in time greeks also practiced sacrifice , Phoenicians even worship Demetra after an epidemic near Sicily( or because of political intentions)
Contrary to the Charges Leveled Against Them by Their Detractors, the Canaanites/Phoenicians Did Not Practice Child Sacrifice Skeletal Remains from Punic Carthage Do Not Support Systematic Sacrifice of Infants Abstract Two types of cemeteries occur at Punic Carthage and other Carthaginian settlements: one centrally situated housing the remains of older children through adults, and another at the periphery of the settlement (the “Tophet”) yielding small urns containing the cremated skeletal remains of very young animals and humans, sometimes comingled. Although the absence of the youngest humans at the primary cemeteries is unusual and worthy of discussion, debate has focused on the significance of Tophets, especially at Carthage, as burial grounds for the young. One interpretation, based on two supposed eye-witness reports of large-scale Carthaginian infant sacrifice [Kleitarchos (3rd c. BCE) and Diodorus Siculus (1st c. BCE)], a particular translation of inscriptions on some burial monuments, and the argument that if the animals had been sacrificed so too were the humans, is that Tophets represent burial grounds reserved for sacrificial victims. An alternative hypothesis acknowledges that while the Carthaginians may have occasionally sacrificed humans, as did their contemporaries, the extreme youth of Tophet individuals suggests these cemeteries were not only for the sacrificed, but also for the very young, however they died. Here we present the first rigorous analysis of the largest sample of cremated human skeletal remains (348 burial urns, N = 540 individuals) from the Carthaginian Tophet based on tooth formation, enamel histology, cranial and postcranial metrics, and the potential effects of heat-induced bone shrinkage. Most of the sample fell within the period prenatal to 5-to-6 postnatal months, with a significant presence of prenates. Rather than indicating sacrifice as the agent of death, this age distribution is consistent with modern-day data on perinatal mortality, which at Carthage would also have been exacerbated by numerous diseases common in other major cities, such as Rome and Pompeii. Our diverse approaches to analyzing the cremated human remains from Carthage strongly support the conclusion that Tophets were cemeteries for those who died shortly before or after birth, regardless of the cause. Citation: Schwartz JH, Houghton F, Macchiarelli R, Bondioli L (2010) Skeletal Remains from Punic Carthage Do Not Support Systematic Sacrifice of Infants. PLoS ONE 5(2): e9177. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009177 journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0009177
According to Marie-Pierre Noël, "Elishat/Elisha" is a name repeatedly attested on Punic votives. It is composed of the Punic reflex of *ʾil-"god", the remote Phoenician creator god El, also a name for God in Judaism, and "‐issa", which could be either "ʾiš" (𐤀𐤎) means "fire", or another word for "woman" Other works state it is the feminine form of El. In Greek it appears as Theiossô, which translates Élissa: el becoming theos.
@@germanyandfcbayern5791 Not full, there are just a few as expected. And its due to the Crusades that happened many centuries after this. Light features in Europe are result of the migrations from russian steppes and Levant is not related to those at all.
@@guilherminhu I respect your knowledge about europe wich show that you actually do the research, but I will be honest with you when it comes to Lebanon it isn't as easy because of politics. I'm 80% phoenician decendant. The phoenician from what is today known as syria ans palestine came to the mountain and remain independant and defend their christianity against ummayad mamluk and ottomans. Only one ummayad ruin exist in Lebanon and it isn't in the mountains. The crusader did not invaded Lebanon we invited them only few remain and their family are well know like frangiyeh,tarabay, francis they are few and the phoenician desnedant like Abi nader, edde are white as well but a differenr form of body and head
@@jaiscott7168 historical lie launched by the Romans who stole all the inventions of Carthage and attributed them to them, falsified the history of Carthage, hid many facts about it and burned its books. And they invented fictitious stories about it, such as the story of Elisa, which does not exist in reality, and Carthage was founded by several peoples, the most important of which are the inhabitants of North Africa, the Canaanites, the Sicilians, the Iberians, and others, all of whom considered themselves part of the Carthage Empire.
@@jaiscott7168 Roman claimed The gauls have long hair and moustache in reality when we dig and discovered the face of their ruler they where shaved with short hair. They had a culture they invented pants and shoes. If they lied about the gauls they will lie about carthage. In reality roman themselves sacrificed human being so they can win the war against Carthage search for it.
Did my comment got deleted anyway if you think this story was true you are ultra virgin no womsn will do that of she was used than git betrayed she will either mske the guy return to her or marry someone more hsndsome and better
You are speaking as if you ancestor did it, what your ancestor had accomplished in their entire life if the roman actually saw you and your family they will call you barbaric and sold you to slavery the same way they did to their allies in brittin
Actually it's close to be the Massyli dynasty rulling over that time so he is king of Massylia, which is larger than greater numidia 600 years later! (even the uniter of numidia used to say "i'm gonna get my fathers land back"), unfo, we don't have literature from massylians abt that time
😢In Tunisia and North Africa, from the Siwa Oasis to the Canary Islands, There is only the Amazigh They are divided into two types: free amazigh of indigenous origins who do not deny their origins, and Arabized amazigh who are ungrateful and ignorant of their origins and love to belong to the Arabs And for others in search of honorable lineage, not knowing that the most honorable lineage for them is their own lineage, the Amazigh, the pure North African, and the Amazigh is the origin and the soul, the enjoyment of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, and North Africa from the Siwa Oasis To the Canary Islands, genetically, according to the latest scientific research, such as National Geographic content, and the genetic analyzes found on RUclips and Facebook, and culturally, couscous, bronos, qashabia, cordon, bazin, tagine,Harissa, Tanit, and linguistically, the ancient Libyan language is the predecessor of the Amazigh language. The words Tunisia, Africa, Siliana, Sousse, Tataouine, Jendouba, and Tozeur are Amazigh words, and Amazigh is still present in our dialect as a word halluf And Fakroun, Shalghoum, Azarb, Sardouk, Couscous, and Bazin, and historically and culturally, even from the Carthaginians, Amazigh. A video by the American geneticist Spencer Wells, which you found on Tiktok. Rafik Kabia explains to you the genes of the Carthaginians, most of them Authentic local North African genes, meaning Amazigh, meaning indigenous North Africans, because the word amazigh “authentic” in the mother tongue of North Africa old lybians language The predecessor of the now Amazigh language and means a free and noble person, meaning that the Carthaginians are Amazighs, meaning the original Tunisians or Berbers Or the Lobies, there are many names. As for the same thing north African the same genetic culture the mother language,and the Carthaginian they are the amazigh who mixed with the rest of the Mediterranean, including the Phoenicians, the Hawitians, and everyone who came to North Africa, from the Siwa Oasis to the Canary Islands. The great Tamazgha was melted into the Amazigh language because It is our soul in all Cultural dimensions Please correct the history. There are many illogical fallacies It is not reasonable to attribute an entire civilization like Carthage to mere merchants who came from the East
"Sigh'.....The Phoenicians were a dark skinned people. They were a mix of browns and such, so why is the Queen obviously white? Hell, not even the Greeks were white skinned. And the Berbers were a very dark skinned people. I'm just saying....
@@sugadaddy7050 i'm from lebanon i can confirm almost 60% of us is black hair white like me 30% are blonds like many of my relatives and like 10% are brown mostly came from arabic country and live in places like beiruth tripoli and baalbak and they still have an accent different than most of us
La morphologie des lybiques est totalement fausses: alors que les Phéniciens étaient blancs aux cheveux et aux yeux très noirs,les lybiques étaient blonds aux yeux bleus, et jusqu'à nos jours les Berbères sont plutôt blonds malgré leur metissage avec plusieurs nationalités, contrairement à l'Egypte,les noirs africains n'ont jamais existé sur la terre tunisienne par le passé lointain,, et on veux nous convaincre du contraire aujourd'hui, hélas.
Wow. Lots of Carthaginian Propaganda. Brought you to by Scipio Africanus. P.S. By the Gods were you great enemies! The people of Rome Salute YOU! Except Cato, he wants me to pass on something to you all: CARTHAGO DELENDA EST!
@@Bibliotecanatalie If you value your history, you´d know that at the time people in the levant were definitly not white, and that any attempt to configure so, including your hollow answers, constitute whitewashing, which has been a hollywood social technique for half a century. Continuing that tendency is definitly racist, and so is deffending it (I´m caucassian by the way, just not ignorant).
@@conejeitor you are definitely ignorant, the pheonicians that settled north africa were not sub saharan, therefore they weren't black. they weren't germanic nor anglo saxon either, they were semetic peoples, mostly of tanned skin, but there are ancienty egpytian heiroglyphics that indicates that these semetic peoples comingled with the earlier celtic settlers that came from the caucausus. So they are mostly whiter of skin.
Barbarian it’s racism word and please stop that shit cuz the real native people of North Africa are Carthaginians and Carthage was the first republic in the world with different races ....
Trusting what the american will write about carthage and phoenicia over the truth is not smart. Beside you are just a racist black woman who can't get over the fact that the phoenicisn are white I am a phoenician descendent I am white
This is well done and it’s nice to see someone who did their research on a topic of myth and history
Elissar queen of Carthage is not a myth ✌️
You are a myth
Any Carthaginians here 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳
rihab ___ right here!
rihab ___ me TAHIA TUNIS!
Me tunisian iam tunisisn
phenocians aren t tunisians
Ok so you are not Arabic you are amazigh we are not arabiiiic
Carthage is a great and powerful civilization
Carthago delenda est 🦅
Elissar may have been in favour of peace and co-existence, and hated violence and revenge; but Hamilcar and Hannibal were both consumed with a war of revenge against Rome. Likewise, the Romans took the exact opposite view of the Queen in terms of how the world should be ruled. That subject would be a good sequel for this film. If Elissar saw the future of Carthage...
Can I subtitle this video into Arabic and use it for educational purposes? (For elementary pupils) Thanks in advance.
sweet torment are you also a teacher in Tunisia?
No I'm an organizer within an organization that is mostly dedicated to reviving the Carthaginian history . We're going to be working with elementary students soon and I thought maybe we can use this if allowed. For more info you can take a peek at our group on facebook facebook.com/groups/1406004559666509/
sweet torment
It cannot be revived, rome had salted the land of carthage to much.
its not educational because
this is false
Iam tunisian 💟
Thank you, Glory to Carthage.
Beautifully done and explained. Thank u.
I am from Carthage and Carthage. It is located in Tunisia. Long live Hannibal, the defendant of Rome and Alisa, where she established Carthage and long live Tunisia. The origin of civilization and history 🇹🇳🇹🇳✊✊
defendant of rome ._.? origin of civilization and historu ._.?
Me to i am from tunis
defender of rome huh what kind of revisionist drivel is this? you must have been one of those carthaginians that left home while rome is burning carthage down.only to return seeing carthage rebuilt by rome so you might think carthage is the defender of rome.
Berbers and Arabs are not phonecian
@@abdirahman8111 but arabs are closer to phoenicians
What an amazing depiction of Dido (Elissa)
I swore Dido's bangs had a mind of their own this entire video
ao true
Hollywood faces criticism over its latest Cleopatra film. But they can't even see other stories that can be told. This is one of them.
The Berbers are North Africans not samons like you have depicted them here. Also the racism is astounding with the Tyrians pictured as white vs. the darker skinned “wild” berbers with accent when in reality they are both tan Mediterranean people who aren’t very different in appearance…
Proud phoenician, owner of AlissarGroup and brother of a sister called Alissar
You left out the part about her throwing herself into the fire instead of marrying him but I guess that would've been kind of a bummer way to end the cartoon
I dont undestand what happened in the end?? did they get married or she escaped??
nothing wrong with a strong will woman-if she does good and her aims are just and good!.-a woman who has both beauty and brains is truly a rare thing and she is worth more than all the riches of all the earth
Glory to Phoenicia.
Giorgio Khoury and glory to Numidia too my brother
Glory to Carthage LOL Phoenicia was destructed even before Rome was established, the heck r u even talking about kid
Glory to carthage
@@granda2126 93% of Lebanese DNA is Phoenician.
@@theredstonesword9293 nope u r wrong, it's a mix of Turks, Europeans,Arabs etc,no country on the entire globe it's people kept their ancient genetic structure LOL it's beyond logic and science that hhhhhhhhhh
The part where it’s like “yeah they lived happily ever after” is very funny to me
Cool animated documentary!
Nice!! 👍❤😊
Wait, you forget about Aeneas part
My fellow ancient Carthaginians, this time our new cities will be in space. The new sea is space. I am from the Hasdrubal the strategist/Hasdrubal the first (500 B.C.). We have been in Italy mostly. When Islam began, in 600 A.D., we were part of the Venetian empire/state structure. Our Nobility family group is Gerardi. The last post was through the Naples Kingdom in Italy. I am interested in offering a vision and goal for the new reconstituted Neo-Carthaginian Nobility group.
You have no clue what you’re talking about. Carthage was sacked and had its people killed and enslaved.
I'm with you Brother! What's your plan? This is the time to do this!
Elissar of Tyre, Lebanon ofcourse 🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧
Yeah but she didn't marry him and instead she threw herself into a fire
Azer Ben Aziza - Yes, according to the poetic work of fiction, the Aeneid, written by Publius Virgilius Maro.
Thank you for letting me know
Wheres the part where she throws herself into the fire to avoid marriage lol
What Lebanese people gave the world❤❤❤❤❤
Queen Alyssar of phonicia.❤️❤️❤️
Want to see MORE QUALITY ANIMATED HISTORY stories / myths / Legends
Carthage Tunisia 🇹🇳 🇹🇳 🇹🇳
Here's something that often happens in animation and it really pisses me off: racial/color coding. Dido's villain of a brother is darker-skinned because he's evil. Dido's handmaiden is darker than her queen because she's of inferior social status and they wanted to make the two women look different. The barbarian king is darker-skinned because he's basically a savage. But, the peace-loving, intelligent, enlightened Queen is lilly white with blue eyes. Tyre is in Lebanon and I doubt most of the people at the time looked anything like that. Animators don't mean these things to be insulting but they are.
Kimberly Robinson its just trying to be a little historical accurate, go Cry somewhere else
Kimberly Robinson - As a Lebanese and a direct descendant of our Phoenico-Canaanite forebears, I can assure you that our ancestors, although mostly brunet, did then as now have those among us who were fair of hair, eye and skin tone. Women, you must remember, especially of the upper class, didn't do manual labor and weren't out in the sun as much as men were.
Modern north africans are COMPLETELY different from ancient punics.
You're just wrong and butthurt over nothing, you idiot. Cry me a damn river.
halafradrimx - How do North Africans differ from the ancient Punics then?
Kimberly, I am completely on your side and support you! Thank you for bringing this to attention.
There are people in the Levant today with lighter phenotypes and eye colors because of two or three millennia's worth of EUROPEAN expansion into the area, regardless of whether they want to admit it or not. (At this, I would point to an internalized attempt to align themselves with the "Superior" West by rejecting the cultural and native norm)
To the naysayers, even if it IS historically accurate -which it's not-, correlating goodness with whiteness and evil with black and brownness is imbibed in our culture today. It normalizes violence against black and brown people like me and desensitizes abuse. And it starts in cartoons.
We don't know the truth because the roman burned the librairie of carthage .the story of elissar is just a legend
Math Facile it's a true story.im Tunisian and I believe it.
behind a myth there is always some truth.
Math Facile we’ve been transmitting this story of elissar from generation to another in tunisia . Also there’s a general misconception that romans destroyed all carthage while they only destroyed the capital city carthage but all the other nearby Carthaginian cities and colonies were intact and still are to this day ... also every year an archeological site is uncovered by archeologists and historians ... there are always lots of mosaics and pieces extracted and taken to museums
Math Facile we’ve been transmitting this story of elissar from generation to another in tunisia . Also there’s a general misconception that romans destroyed all carthage while they only destroyed the capital city carthage but all the other nearby Carthaginian cities and colonies were intact and still are to this day ... also every year an archeological site is uncovered by archeologists and historians ... there are always lots of mosaics and pieces extracted and taken to museums
@@susanlablanc3699 stfu
A nice cartoon, I like it especially after reading the Aeneid a few days ago
The true lords of the mediterranean sea
@Tom Hanks Only because the senate refused to supply Hannibal, if they did, Rome would be in ruins
@@راميالبنّى-ك4ذ phonesians and the Greeks were the old masters of Mediterranean world but Rome came on top at last
@@raidang I know, I'm a pheonician myself 😁
@@راميالبنّى-ك4ذ the original masters of the sea and alphabets who taught the Romans and Greeks.. Sad they got backstabbed by the people they helped to civilise
Carthage never controlled the Mediterranean
⛅ 🔥 👑 🔥 ⛅ To those who ridiculously object to the portrayal of our Elissar (Dido) and her fellow Phoenico-Canaanite followers who founded and peopled Carthage being fairer of hair, skin and eye color than the North African natives as somehow symbolic of their civil, intellectual and aesthetic superiority, then your protests are indicative of both your wrongful vilification of whiteness as well as your ignorance about our phenotype. And I say this as a Lebanese and a direct descendant of the Canaanites/Phoenicians who is well-informed about our heritage, and who considers this animated segment to be correct on the issue as well as complimentary.
First off, the indigenous African ancestors of the Amizigh/Berbers lived closer to the equator and were thus naturally darker than us in hue. Next, light colored hair and eyes and skin tone, although the exception to the rule, we're then as now not only present among our population, but even in their own, and weren't exclusive to ethnic Europeans. One need only view the extant murals of the Minoans on the matter which evidence this. Also, we hailed from the advanced civilizations in Western Asia and our expert Near Eastern navigators brought our alphabet, engineering techniques, etc., to peoples who were less sophisticated than us. Last, it must be understood that a fairer skin tone was indicative of social status and even gender in society, as women didn't do as much manual labor as men and were thus less exposed to the sun, and the nobility could afford to shun it altogether.
She's on Carthaginian coins, Phoenicians and people of Carthage were not black if that where your going with this.
@@vinrusso821 they are clearly black if not what are they
@@ralo390 They are not black, that is, Negroid racially, and the anthropolgy proves this:
The Caucasoid Canaanite/Phoenician and Lebanese DNA Evidence
Supporting my argument using irrefutable DNA evidence are the results of the Genographic Project of the National Geographic Society that confirm that the Phoenicians are the Canaanites, that they were Caucasoids in race and of the Mediterranean extraction, and that we Lebanese in our Levantine homeland of northern Canaan/Phoenicia are indeed their direct descendants, with the Maghrebi who share in this heritage being our distant cousins:
What is the name of movie
Carthage 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳
Do you have a 2 copy of this story full story
It'is me carthage from italy🇹🇳❤🇮🇹
is there more?
Why does our queen speak with an English accent?
what accent do you want from her? north african?
@@JosephDeLosSantos-t3m semitic hhh
I'm more wandering why she's white and a redhead.
@@robertkirby8685 Many Lebanese people have light skin and red hair
@@robertkirby8685 north african and west arab are white
U really need to know more about that before judging😅
@2:55 "We are a peaceful people." *Institutes child sacrifice*
Wow, this is an example how long an absurd propaganda/lible can last...
Well that’s according to the enemies of Phoenicia. Not much is none about them because they didn’t leave a lot writing and if they did they’ve been conquered way to many times to preserve all those texts
Emma N what about Carthage Tophets ? but anyway back in time greeks also practiced sacrifice , Phoenicians even worship Demetra after an epidemic near Sicily( or because of political intentions)
Contrary to the Charges Leveled Against Them by Their Detractors, the Canaanites/Phoenicians Did Not Practice Child Sacrifice
Skeletal Remains from Punic Carthage Do Not Support Systematic Sacrifice of Infants
Two types of cemeteries occur at Punic Carthage and other Carthaginian settlements: one centrally situated housing the remains of older children through adults, and another at the periphery of the settlement (the “Tophet”) yielding small urns containing the cremated skeletal remains of very young animals and humans, sometimes comingled. Although the absence of the youngest humans at the primary cemeteries is unusual and worthy of discussion, debate has focused on the significance of Tophets, especially at Carthage, as burial grounds for the young. One interpretation, based on two supposed eye-witness reports of large-scale Carthaginian infant sacrifice [Kleitarchos (3rd c. BCE) and Diodorus Siculus (1st c. BCE)], a particular translation of inscriptions on some burial monuments, and the argument that if the animals had been sacrificed so too were the humans, is that Tophets represent burial grounds reserved for sacrificial victims. An alternative hypothesis acknowledges that while the Carthaginians may have occasionally sacrificed humans, as did their contemporaries, the extreme youth of Tophet individuals suggests these cemeteries were not only for the sacrificed, but also for the very young, however they died. Here we present the first rigorous analysis of the largest sample of cremated human skeletal remains (348 burial urns, N = 540 individuals) from the Carthaginian Tophet based on tooth formation, enamel histology, cranial and postcranial metrics, and the potential effects of heat-induced bone shrinkage. Most of the sample fell within the period prenatal to 5-to-6 postnatal months, with a significant presence of prenates. Rather than indicating sacrifice as the agent of death, this age distribution is consistent with modern-day data on perinatal mortality, which at Carthage would also have been exacerbated by numerous diseases common in other major cities, such as Rome and Pompeii. Our diverse approaches to analyzing the cremated human remains from Carthage strongly support the conclusion that Tophets were cemeteries for those who died shortly before or after birth, regardless of the cause.
Citation: Schwartz JH, Houghton F, Macchiarelli R, Bondioli L (2010) Skeletal Remains from Punic Carthage Do Not Support Systematic Sacrifice of Infants. PLoS ONE 5(2): e9177. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009177
Elissar is not phoenician or arabic name, it is greek. Her name in phoenician is Dido and in arabic... Alyssa/ Alysa.
Nope. It's Romans who named her Dido, which means "the wanderer".
Bloody Marine
Yes but was a semitic name
@@Skadi609 Elissa also means wanderer
According to Marie-Pierre Noël, "Elishat/Elisha" is a name repeatedly attested on Punic votives. It is composed of the Punic reflex of *ʾil-"god", the remote Phoenician creator god El, also a name for God in Judaism, and "‐issa", which could be either "ʾiš" (𐤀𐤎) means "fire", or another word for "woman" Other works state it is the feminine form of El. In Greek it appears as Theiossô, which translates Élissa: el becoming theos.
Actually her original name is Elyssa after god El the greeks adapted her name to Dido not the opposite
🇱🇧 🥰 🇹🇳
I didn't know there was a red haired blue eyed Scottish woman who was a queen in Africa 😅, you learn something new everyday
She's not native to Africa. North Africans can absolute look white too
Im north african and im readhair
@@spongebobby6027 so?
@@ayo9715 so get educated buddy ignorance is not good
@@spongebobby6027 your comments are irrelevant to my point
Red hair and blue eyes?
Lebanon is full of blonds and white people with black hair and we also have gingers
Welcome to eastern Mediterranean.
@@germanyandfcbayern5791 Not full, there are just a few as expected. And its due to the Crusades that happened many centuries after this. Light features in Europe are result of the migrations from russian steppes and Levant is not related to those at all.
@@guilherminhu I respect your knowledge about europe wich show that you actually do the research, but I will be honest with you when it comes to Lebanon it isn't as easy because of politics. I'm 80% phoenician decendant. The phoenician from what is today known as syria ans palestine came to the mountain and remain independant and defend their christianity against ummayad mamluk and ottomans. Only one ummayad ruin exist in Lebanon and it isn't in the mountains. The crusader did not invaded Lebanon we invited them only few remain and their family are well know like frangiyeh,tarabay, francis they are few and the phoenician desnedant like Abi nader, edde are white as well but a differenr form of body and head
Glory to hiram king of tyre
Mario Harika Hiram was the best , invest money smart.... temples, jew temples
Didn't ancient Berbers wear phallic sheaths? Or did western Berbers dress differently from eastern ones?
Nah the way they represent the berbers of tunisia is completely wrong
lwe need a Hollywood movie for this
Red dye? You mean purple?
53 persons apparently receive the grain dole from Cato the Elder
I can never forgive the Romans for what they did to Carthage.
I mean... It's not they would care where they are
Carthage sacrifice their own children unto devils
@@jaiscott7168 historical lie launched by the Romans who stole all the inventions of Carthage and attributed them to them, falsified the history of Carthage, hid many facts about it and burned its books. And they invented fictitious stories about it, such as the story of Elisa, which does not exist in reality, and Carthage was founded by several peoples, the most important of which are the inhabitants of North Africa, the Canaanites, the Sicilians, the Iberians, and others, all of whom considered themselves part of the Carthage Empire.
@@jaiscott7168 Roman claimed The gauls have long hair and moustache in reality when we dig and discovered the face of their ruler they where shaved with short hair. They had a culture they invented pants and shoes. If they lied about the gauls they will lie about carthage. In reality roman themselves sacrificed human being so they can win the war against Carthage search for it.
Yeah whatever she started
The Romans took this and made Dido, queen of the pyromaniacs.
Historians still debates wether because she was a Punic or a woman - Wise words of a romaboo
That's stupid how he call him self king of barbar, while roman not visit North africa yet to name native North african (barbar)
احب الترجمة أرجوك
Its on tunis
Proud that I am named after her
Glory to Quart-Hadash!
then the barbaric romans tore it down
Arthur Dayne Roma invicta
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Ryan Borganson what? don't you know that the Romans instigated it? Research more, you're too one sided to see the picture.
You misspelled Civilized
Roma Invicta!
Vae Victis, Carthage grew weak and lacked conviction, they could never match Rome
Niqqa I swear if Aeneas stayed
Did my comment got deleted anyway if you think this story was true you are ultra virgin no womsn will do that of she was used than git betrayed she will either mske the guy return to her or marry someone more hsndsome and better
Carthago Dalenda Est
You are speaking as if you ancestor did it, what your ancestor had accomplished in their entire life if the roman actually saw you and your family they will call you barbaric and sold you to slavery the same way they did to their allies in brittin
I am from Lebanon
King of the amazighs**
Amazigh no exist is phoenician 🤣🤣
@@TheMaitreNageur78 nope, Its a mixed empire, sicilian, sardinian, canaanite, pheno and amazigh
Actually it's close to be the Massyli dynasty rulling over that time so he is king of Massylia, which is larger than greater numidia 600 years later! (even the uniter of numidia used to say "i'm gonna get my fathers land back"), unfo, we don't have literature from massylians abt that time
Who came here bcz of a homework😭☝️
My fave civilization in civ5
I want more videos like this
A lot of things here are wrong
😢In Tunisia and North Africa, from the Siwa Oasis to the Canary Islands, There is only the Amazigh They are divided into two types: free amazigh of indigenous origins who do not deny their origins, and Arabized amazigh who are ungrateful and ignorant of their origins and love to belong to the Arabs And for others in search of honorable lineage, not knowing that the most honorable lineage for them is their own lineage, the Amazigh, the pure North African, and the Amazigh is the origin and the soul, the enjoyment of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, and North Africa from the Siwa Oasis To the Canary Islands, genetically, according to the latest scientific research, such as National Geographic content, and the genetic analyzes found on RUclips and Facebook, and culturally, couscous, bronos, qashabia, cordon, bazin, tagine,Harissa, Tanit, and linguistically, the ancient Libyan language is the predecessor of the Amazigh language. The words Tunisia, Africa, Siliana, Sousse, Tataouine, Jendouba, and Tozeur are Amazigh words, and Amazigh is still present in our dialect as a word halluf And Fakroun, Shalghoum, Azarb, Sardouk, Couscous, and Bazin, and historically and culturally, even from the Carthaginians, Amazigh. A video by the American geneticist Spencer Wells, which you found on Tiktok. Rafik Kabia explains to you the genes of the Carthaginians, most of them Authentic local North African genes, meaning Amazigh, meaning indigenous North Africans, because the word amazigh “authentic” in the mother tongue of North Africa old lybians language The predecessor of the now Amazigh language and means a free and noble person, meaning that the Carthaginians are Amazighs, meaning the original Tunisians or Berbers Or the Lobies, there are many names. As for the same thing north African the same genetic culture the mother language,and the Carthaginian they are the amazigh who mixed with the rest of the Mediterranean, including the Phoenicians, the Hawitians, and everyone who came to North Africa, from the Siwa Oasis to the Canary Islands. The great Tamazgha was melted into the Amazigh language because It is our soul in all Cultural dimensions
Please correct the history. There are many illogical fallacies
It is not reasonable to attribute an entire civilization like Carthage to mere merchants who came from the East
I am from cartage
"Sigh'.....The Phoenicians were a dark skinned people. They were a mix of browns and such, so why is the Queen obviously white? Hell, not even the Greeks were white skinned. And the Berbers were a very dark skinned people. I'm just saying....
Suga Daddy go away dude i’m an amazigh (kabyle) guy and i have the skin nose blue eyes and dark blond
smooth hairs
People who freak out over this type of thing are the true racists IMO, especially when it isn't even really accurate.
@@keinlanz Okay. Now please state your sources that prove Phoenicians (modern Lebanese) were white?
@@sugadaddy7050 i'm from lebanon i can confirm almost 60% of us is black hair white like me 30% are blonds like many of my relatives and like 10% are brown mostly came from arabic country and live in places like beiruth tripoli and baalbak and they still have an accent different than most of us
Cringe Carthage was build on war and agression not on this bullshit
Carthago delenda est
@@raidang Roma delenda est.
@@Aristonika9999 rome still stands while carthage only remains as roman ruins hahahah
La morphologie des lybiques est totalement fausses: alors que les Phéniciens étaient blancs aux cheveux et aux yeux très noirs,les lybiques étaient blonds aux yeux bleus, et jusqu'à nos jours les Berbères sont plutôt blonds malgré leur metissage avec plusieurs nationalités, contrairement à l'Egypte,les noirs africains n'ont jamais existé sur la terre tunisienne par le passé lointain,, et on veux nous convaincre du contraire aujourd'hui, hélas.
is not true story of elissar , Carthage
Ah so this is how Carthage fell, a woman was in charge.
Wow. Lots of Carthaginian Propaganda.
Brought you to by Scipio Africanus.
P.S. By the Gods were you great enemies!
The people of Rome Salute YOU!
Except Cato, he wants me to pass on something to you all:
Very bad and unconvincing trolling.
Roma delenda est.
But its black not white
Bullshit, it was based on trade.
فضحونا 😂
But why the berber king look like this we the berbers not like this we like a white people
Why is she white?
Shes from Lebanon
@@Bibliotecanatalie Is Lebanon a white country? Were phoenicians white?
@@conejeitor yes
@@Bibliotecanatalie If you value your history, you´d know that at the time people in the levant were definitly not white, and that any attempt to configure so, including your hollow answers, constitute whitewashing, which has been a hollywood social technique for half a century. Continuing that tendency is definitly racist, and so is deffending it (I´m caucassian by the way, just not ignorant).
@@conejeitor you are definitely ignorant, the pheonicians that settled north africa were not sub saharan, therefore they weren't black. they weren't germanic nor anglo saxon either, they were semetic peoples, mostly of tanned skin, but there are ancienty egpytian heiroglyphics that indicates that these semetic peoples comingled with the earlier celtic settlers that came from the caucausus. So they are mostly whiter of skin.
They are, according to DNA evidence
Man I am a phoenician descend I am a white niqqa
Barbarian it’s racism word and please stop that shit cuz the real native people of North Africa are Carthaginians and Carthage was the first republic in the world with different races ....
This is not correct history
This is ideed historically accurate. ☺
Trusting what the american will write about carthage and phoenicia over the truth is not smart. Beside you are just a racist black woman who can't get over the fact that the phoenicisn are white I am a phoenician descendent I am white
Why is it silly?
Roma invicta!
You have MISSED the main Brutal Part. She SACRIFICED herself by jumping into Fire for the Gods to avoid a forced marriage.
The Romans took this and made Dido, queen of the pyromaniacs.