Excellent content. This clearly proves the existence of purgatory. Luther misled billions of protestants into believing that there is no purgatory. He was one of the greatest heretics in history. As a former pentecostal protestant, I hope and pray that all protestants heed this undeniable truth and never harden their hearts like they often do. Protestants who have already died need our prayers because their protestant families don't believe in prayer for the dead. They seem to have overlooked the logic that a man's life doesn't end in death, as the soul never dies, but rather goes to a whole new dimension which is spiritual in nature and we often call it a second life. Kudos to you sir. Keep it coming. God bless you.
I agree and we see in 2 Maccabees 12:46 - It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins. Martin Luther deliberately threw out the books of the Bible that underpinned Catholic theology. He also wanted to remove Hebrews, James and the Book of Revelation. A true heretic and to think there is actually a denomination named after him :(
Very persuasive. All challenges to Scripture are negated when the luminaries you quote from the first several centuries entirely reinforce the existence of Purgatory, and in detail. Excellent and valuable work. God Bless You and Yours!
I can't remember the source but it was something I've recently watched and it was a custom of 1st century Jews that when a family member passed thier relatives were to pray for an entire year for their family members salvation and that they'd be loosed from the fires of purgatory. I've got a feeling it may have been the Catholic talk show's episode with the Jewish rabbi.
So you love Jesus our savior but also love a mortal who is dead in the grave waiting for the resurrection along with all believers ? Yes Mary's spirit has been placed by God in the heavenly realm with all believers Eph 2:6 but she has no power , no more work to do , and no communication to you . The scriptures tell you to focus on Christ , to imitate Christ . Not one verse in scripture ever tells you to pray to anyone other than God so why would you acknowledge Mary as if she could hear you.
Is fascinating. I saw a blue orb after my protestant mother died miserably at age 32 from cancer living like the woman at the well. Nobody I know (prots and etc) cares or believes in our religion. The apathy and ignorance is unbearable. Why are we not praying for the dead? God is outside of time anyway. Unlike other prots, I utterly rejoice that what I was raised on is wrong, thank God ⚡🛐
People refuse to believe because of the sin of pride and the refusal to change one’s worldview. Many Protestant pastors would refuse your logic simply based on the fact that they would have to completely upend their lives and their jobs in order to become catholic and many simply refuse to do so.
It is not because of sin and pride real Christians do not believe in a pagan purgatory it is a grand Roman Catholic Deception and totally Anti -biblical .by the way the Living Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is not a catholic nor protestant religion , you have to accept Him personally and repent of all your sins and He is faithful to forgive . Also the Bible is very clear there is a Heaven and there is a Hell , Nothing in-between!
@@isrberlinerin4063where did all those who died before Christ go? You say - there is only two places. So if they went to Heaven, why did Jesus need to die if u can get in without Him? If they went to Hell, then all the people we read about - Abraham, Moses etc are in hell. So u will answer: Abraham's bosom. A third place!! They went there because they believed but were not yet prefected until after Christ's death. The same as today; people can believe but die before being perfected
@@user-lh5li8ll7i It is not what i say , the Bible is clear there is a Heaven and a Hell . Of course religious people always want to go beyond . When you read the old testament it tells you what happen in the old animal blood sacrifice system . The Living Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is the new Covenant He spilled His Blood for all humanity .
@@paulcapaccio9905 why because he disagrees with what you accepted as truth and chose not to do any searching of the scriptures to see for yourself if such a place exists and why it would when Jesus died for every sin possible?
This is awesome. Proof through Bible. Proof through early church. I've heard of supernatural experiences people have encountered that conclude purgatory is real. Is there any chance you could make a video on this?
The exact "punishment" that the alms receive is not clear, is just described as a purifying fire. The point is that no one enters imperfect in heaven, so in order to this we have go through this penance.
I think yes we experience pain and the pain we experience is from that of our greatest vices. And after, like he made the example of for paying your time in jail if you did something wrong the same can be said for purgatory that once all your suffering of your greatest devices is done and you are cleansed in the spirit only then can you enter the kingdom of heaven
I always knew the Catholic church was the one it has everything that our souls mean in the body and blood of Jesus is what gives us life also makes the world go round this church gives us everything that our souls mean in our bodies need to be purified before we go to heaven thank God for purgatory I believe in the Catholic Church
You are so nicely deceived by your Roman catholic Masters . Our bodies never see anything after death its only a shell . It is our souls that will enter Heaven or Hell the Bible is very clear there is no pagan purgatory only a Heven and a Hell . You personally have to decide where you want to spent eternity . Only the Living Savior and Lord Jesus Christ can forgive all your sins and one you are saved you are sanctified and He by His Holy Spirit will purify you while alive . Religion is a dead end !
@@isrberlinerin4063hen why did every pre-nicene Christian believe in purgatory, reject tulip, faith alone and scripture alone? Some of them were students of the Apostles themselves, they had the original copies of the NT if not write some of it themselves, spoke the language, were actually there, canonized what you understand to be scripture, were given the scared oral teachings you or any other protestant for the last 500 years doesn't have, and martyred for the one church Jesus started. If your dad wrote a book about your grandpa, do you know your grandpa better than someone 1500 years later with a different culture, environment and language? Because thats your argument.
@@MasterKeyMagic My previous comment was not an argument its the truth . Your argument is catholic religious fiction . Like i said you are deceived by your Roman Masters and to believe the Real Jesus Christ started the catholic church is a satanic lie . The Romans crucified Jesus and Peter you catholics claim was the first pope was also crucified up side down by the Romans . Have you any idea what happen in the Roman Catholic Inquisition ? First it was forbidden to read the Bible , 2, true Christians that did not agree with the false catholic doctrines were haunted down merciless tortured and then burned on a stake . The Roman evil Pope at that time ordered every book to be burned that was not authorized by the Pope and his henchmen . Even Roman citizens were subject to torture if they did not abide by the evil rule by this wicked Pope and the Roman ministerium . So that is part of the evil history of you so beloved Roman Catholic Religion including total corruption .Actually all you catholics call evil good and your religious self-righteousness stinks to high heaven . You are willingly stay in bondage to a Roman catholic Mary & Saints / pagan purgatory Cult and if you do not change course your eternal soul is in peril . By the way your grandpa story is absurd , it has nothing to do with anything . One more truth ,the Living Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is not a religion He lives in the hearts that are His sheep that know His voice . He does not live in religious Symbols , Rituals , your idol the catholic manufactured Mary ! Its time the Truth will set you free , Jesus Christ said I Am The Way ,The Truth ,The Life No one comes to the Father but by Me.
@@imisschristendom5293 They suffer loss of any reward they would have received . Read the context 3:10-15 and you see the entire context has nothing to do with sin. Saved only through fire ? No . Salvation is not in question and the fire is not literal . The same concept is you running out of a burning building to safety but you have lost everything in the fire.
Prayer for the dead dilemma also applies to everything if god wants your mother dead then why pray it's only an expression of your desire and a sign of communion between the church of the living and the dead
When the Apostles set out across the known world and ordained other men as Bishops they encountered different groups of peoples who had different cultures. You could say there were more than just one belief when it came to the afterlife especially in Judaism. For instance in the Eastern Church the belief is that the soul lingers upon this world near the body for two or three days before entering Heaven or Hell therefore would be in a joyous state like Lazarus or in a joyless state like the Rich Man. Or the Western Church the Particular Judgement is immediate the soul either directly enters into Heaven, or enters into Purgatory before entering into Heaven, or enters directly into Hell. Which Purgatory is more aligned to Judasim's Gehenna a final purification of 12 months and is debated upon what happens to a soul which couldn't be purified. Purgatory obviously has no set amount of time in Christianity the final purification takes as long as it's nessisary for the soul to be purified. As for Hell Christianity doesn't believe in the annihilation of the soul because the soul is immortal and God the Creator only creates He doesn't destroy so the soul remains in punishment forever beyond the aid of purification. God already knows they will never repent. It's like comparing Hades to Sheol, or Tartarus to Gehenna.
In Matthew 10:28 Jesus says: "And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell." Your comment seems to contradict Christ Jesus' words about what God, our Creator, can and cannot do. Blessings 🙏
@@WhiteDove73-888 The first death is our Earthly death. The Second death is the resurrected body joining its soul in eternal hell. No annihilation of the soul ever.
Truly, truly, I tell you, the hour is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. (John 5:25) Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out-those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment. ( John 5: 28,29)
How much do you have to pay to get out of purgatory? What’s the cost? That’s our main issue. Your Popes were charging people to get out of there sooner? Which is ridiculous
Absolute rubbish. Alms-giving is a work of charity and commanded by Jesus as a good work as opposed to a work of the law. Were ther abuses?? As with all tings human of course there was. Does that make the practice wrong? Of course it doesn't. The Popes and the Church were in the midst of dealing with and correcting these abuses when looney Luther intoduced his even worse heresies and errors which has screwed the whole thing up for centuries.
@@39knights you are the loony tune to believe all this Roman catholic Deception . It seem you have no clue about your catholic religion , but always redy to accuse .
This again looks to contradict Christ. How does CCC 1031 compliment and not contradict Christ's sacrifice in that He has already purified us and made us completely holy from all sins through His death as stated in Hebrews 10:10 and 1 John 1:7?
None of this means we don't have to suffer the consequences of sin. This is obvious since. If someone commits a crime and in prison becomes a Christian, they won't be let out. You don't get to sin and have no consequences. Sorry Sin has to consequences Eternal punishment, and repairation. The blood of christ takes away the eternal punishment. But we still have to make reparation.
@@imisschristendom5293 (Don't know why this comment isn't sending..) I am not in disagreement with you about us suffering for our sins. However, it seems you forgot or lost sight of the fact that people and the world are continuously suffering from sin right now as we speak. Look at this world. Look at people. It's clear. Evil and disease is all around us. Psychological disorders, mental torment, addiction, cancer, tsunamis, bullying, suicide, murder, greed, power, the list goes on and on. This world is too imperfect to even think we aren't suffering from our sins. Not to mention, there are many cases where apparently really nice, selfless, and loving people are randomly punished out of the blue WITH cancer or WITH a natural disaster that completely tears their families lives away. So don't tell me or anyone that people don't suffer because we do. How about Africa? Or China? And we can't forget about what happened to the Jews. Do/did they not suffer? God creates/allows a suffering torment on people. True Christians DO suffer for their sins because they care that they did wrong and the Holy Spirit works through them through pain and tourment. There's a reason why there's the saying that pain is the greatest teacher. Because it is and God obviously knows it. Even true Christians who murdered and got away with it will turn themselves in because of the immense power of the Holy Spirit working through them using very very painful and influential spirituality and emotions. Christians who sin and don't care clearly aren't even Christians, so even if they don't suffer for their sins since they don't care, they'll be suffering eventually for it in damnation either way. My point is, it is clear that Jesus and God don't need a specific place after death to punish and purify people, especially followers of Christ. We are and have been rooting in our sins and Jesus has already purified us from all sins since day one, and these things will continue to happen. In addition to this, you also show a clear lack of focus on what Purgatory actually makes Jesus look like, which is a faud and a liar. The two verses I previously provided (Hebrews 10:10; 1 John 1:7) clearly states that Christ's death has already purified followers of Christ from all sin and has made them (us) completely holy once and for all. Since the purifying has already clearly been done to followers of Christ, Purgatory is again, unnecessary. And lastly, in response to your temporal objection to Purgatory, do you consider that Jesus will be temporarily at the right hand of God and then for eternity afterwards, even though it's stated that He will be there for eternity (Psalm 110:4)? My point is, to treat something temporarily as part of eternity is being intellectually dishonest. They do not coexist with eachother. If you are going to believe in temporal punishment despite Jesus sacrifice for eternal purification and holiness, you must approach other eternal events stated in the Bible such as Jesus' seating at the right hand of the Father, with room for temporal exceptions that that isn't the case. The logic does not flow.
I apologize, I didn't mean to hit a nerve. I am one who believes sin is the cause of all the evil in the world, including cancer and illness. If the world stopped sinning there would be no cancer. I get so many lengthy comments with a multitude of accusations. And quite frankly I dont have the time or desire to answer a million accusations. But you asked a good question and gave 2 seemingly problematic verses for Purgatory. And deserve an answer. Hebrews 10:10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Here Paul is contrasting the old law of sacrifice and burnt offering with the once and for all sacrifice of Christ on the cross. At baptism we are made holy by the once and for all sacrifice of Christ. Any sin committed prior are forgiven, and punishment. But if we sin after baptism, paul makes it clear we will be punished a few verses later Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? (Heb. 10:28-29). Also, this is Paul. The bible says he can be confusing. 2nd Peter 3: 15,16 Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, speaking of this as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures. 1 john 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he also is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. This verse says " if" if you walk in light the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. But what if we fail at times to walk in light? To walk in light is to not sin. I agree. If after baptism you don't sin, you won't go to Purgatory. Also Purgatory is part of the process of cleansing us from all sin. Every Christian doctrine has verses that can be used for or against. Protestants believe in faith alone yet James says we are not justified James 2:24 24 You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone You can't take one or 2 verses and build, or tear down a doctrine. Christ built a church, he didn't write a book. This is why Scripture ALONE will not get you the truth. You must follow Christ's church. 1 Timothy 3:15, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. The bible says the church has the truth. And the bible says not everything is in scripture. We are to adhere to all the church teachings. 2nd Thessalonians 2:15 Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours.
@@imisschristendom5293 Lol if you consider that nerve like, then you got some unfortunate issues up your sleeve that you need to address with Jesus about. Not with a preist who may have more sins than you, but with Jesus - the One who is your actual Savior, Healer, and is the One to thank for Christianity in the first place. Hebrews 10:10 I agree with your parallel that you made as far as the hermeneutics behind Christ's death and how it is linked to the Old Testament. The thing is, it doesn't demonstrate that sins after Baptism will have a consequence that will take place after death and not on Earth. It demonstrates that a punishment will just occur after sin. And Hebrews 10:28-29 doesn't demonstrate that the punishment will be in a place after death. It just says that there's going to be an even greater punishment. To say its in Purgatory and not at Earth is speculation. 2 Peter 3:16-17 doesn't demonstrate Purgatory whatsoever. It demonstrates that people can morph God's correct interpretation of the Bible, which is why it is essential that any interpretation demonstrares clear support of the Bible in it's full context. You don't need to be an Einstein to read and comprehend Scripture correctly. The problem lies when one's motivation is to fulfill their own desires of what they think the Bible "should" say. Spewing out these verses doesn't prove anything about the existence of Purgatory lol It just reiterates that you are in disagreement with me and think that I'm the ignorant one. I mean, you can think that, but that position holds no weight until you actually provide verses that clearly demonstrate Purgatory and that my objections are nonsensical, sorry. Yes, when someone is a true Christian, they value doing the works that Christ taught. But when we slip up and walk away from the light by sinning, our sins are still purified through the Blood of Christ. When we sin, we don't purify ourselves by walking in the light (doing good works) to make up for it. We go to Jesus and His forgiveness as the belief in Christ is what cleanses and purifies. I do not agree with your claim that if we don't sin after Baptism that is when people would be able to bypass Purgatory. First, you have yet to demonstrate Purgatory is legitimate, and secondly, you forgot that belief in Christ purifies us from all sin, as I've demonstrated with the previous verses I've provided. Also, again, Christ doesn't need a Purgatory... When you believe in Christ you are justified through Christ blood, therby receving His complete purification and holiness. If a Christian doctrine has Biblically sound context to back up their claim, they'd be correct to believe their claim. Doesn't matter if they are from a non-Catholic faith. Churches can still be right despite their label. To say they wouldn't be do to their label is an argument through authority fallacy. Protestants are correct that it is faith alone to become justified in Christ. Even the Catholic Church teaches this as well that it is impossible for people to merrit their way into justification through good work. The Catholic Church though is correct in valuing following through in doing the good works that Christ set out for us to do after being justified, as Christ’s goal for us is to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). Although, I went to a protestant Christian college, the fundamental belief I noticed is that Protestants do value doing good works through Christ by living for Christ and working to become more Christ-like. I think its a big misconception that most Protestants don't value good works, as the whole "Faith alone" arguement is typically in regards to first being justified, which is when someone puts their faith in Christ. The argument is catored toward a false belief that the Catholic doctrine teaches that we can merrit ourselves into justification, which is not true. Now, protestants who believe in Christ but don't value transformation in Christ (good works), I would agree they would be in the wrong. I agree that scripture alone isn't the best thing in the long term, as having a Church authority is what assures correct teaching. However, it can still be enough for someone to be justified. If someone was reading the Bible for the first time and was searching for God, I'm sure God wouldn't respond to that person whose searching for Him with the thought that the individual would need to go to some human or a form of authority first to receive Christ. God in fact is the ultimate authority anyways and can intervene whenever. I agree with you that the Church holds the truth. Having said that, I expect the teachers of the Church to teach ideas that is fundamentally sound with the Bible. People, even the Pope, can still sin and lead people astray. We can't forget about the Great Schism and what happened there with the two Popes who were trying to excommunicate eachother lol Like that situation would ever happen in the first place if the leaders of the Catholic Church would always be following Jesus lol And we can't forget about the Crusades. I don't need to go into that one lol My point being, yes, the Roman Catholic Church may be able to trace it's lineage all the way to Pope Peter; however, the history of the Catholic Church has given good reason for Christians to critique even the teachings that come from the leaders of the Catholic faith to assure correction if neccessary, to stay consistent with what God's actual word is to prevent corruption from happening again.
@@bryfryable I guess you are the REAL APOSTLE OF CHRIST. 🙌🏼🙏🏼 We should ignore the first 1.500 years of the early church teachings and early Fathers. LOL. 🤪 no wonder why there are hundreds if PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS after the reformation. 🤦🏻 weak CATHOLICS BECOME PROTESTANT BUT STRONG PROTESTANT BECOME CATHOLICS...😇 God bless you my kind Brian. 🙌🏼🙏🏼🕊️🕊️🕊️⛪⛪👍🏼
If you think there's no Purgatory, you're reading the wrong Bible There are a lot of different Bibles other than the King James (1611), which omitted seven books. And today’s "other" religions pick and choose which pleases them not the truth of God. They change words in the Bible for their religion. Also there wasn’t any New Testament for 400 years, it was tradition of the passing of the word of God, until the Catholic Church first put out the New Testament in 498 A.D., 1,500 years before the Protestant religion began. Remember Sola Scriptura was added by Martin Luther in 1554 and that was the first change without authority about Purgatory. Read the Book of Maccabees on the dead. St. Paul tells us that the soul of man will ultimately be saved, though he will suffer for a time the purifying flames of purgatory.
Read the Book of Maccabees on the dead. St. Paul tells us that the soul of man will ultimately be saved, though he will suffer for a time the purifying flames of purgatory. Well here are some questions you can attempt to answer Purgatory has no basis in scripture and when you take a bit of time read up on all the verses used to convince you of purgatory ,and then make sure that the context of those verses prove what the cherry picked verses are correct? 2 Maccabee's 12 : 1. who died 2. why did they die? 3. who killed them ? 4.did they repent of their sins before they died ? 5. Was Judas correct in praying for them to attain godliness? Now look at the new testament and see if you can find any verse that would imply that an un repentant person can be prayed for after they die and thus attain godliness? So can you or will you respond with answers to those six questions or will you change the subject as so many roman Catholics do? . St. Paul tells us that the soul of man will ultimately be saved, though he will suffer for a time the purifying flames of purgatory. really are you absolutely sure Paul said this or is this something you were taught , accepted it as truth and did not bother to make sure that it was scriptural?
Yes, this is true. So basically they didnt believe in eternal punishment. Everyone went through temporary punishment. We call that Purgatory the point is tge early church did not believe a person went straight to heaven or straight to hell. They believed you had to be purified before entering heaven
@@CynHicks No, we catholics believe we can pay for our own sins in pergatory. We dont need jesus. We have our wonderful holy blameless godly catholic priests.
@@peterzinya407 You are obviously not Catholic. C'mon man, there's no need for baring false witness, even if it's obvious to me that it was sarcasm. Serious question though, do you know why they believe in purgatory; as did many Protestants at one time?
@@CynHicks They believe in everything the CC has for them. They are told they must believe everything or be kicked out of the CC, and go to hell when they die. The first prots were all catholics. So they still believed in all that catholic voodoo. I thought the Mormons were waked out. Mormons dont hold a candle to the wacky catholics and their idolatry.
Not true! The early church fathers did not teach the over developed theory of purgatory. We know this because the early church is still in existence and is called the eastern Orthodox church and they don't teach purgatory. The fire you talk about is not literal but how one that is not in good standing would view God's love. Those who reject God's love will reject God's light will not escape it and see it as painful but it's not literal. Does God create torment, i think not for God is a loving God.
@@henrybayard6574 I dont have a view. I believe what the bible says. Die unsaved and wake up in the lake of fire. The saved will be covered in the blood of Christ. All god will see is the righteousness of Christ. Satan says thats not true. Men have to do this and that to be saved. Jesus said It is finished. The CC says its not finished. You need to pray and read the NT again from start to finish. This time, believe it.
By not accepting him (his words, spirit)and that gift you are turning down that "pardon" and therefore will stand in Judgment before him. That's simply Biblical.
@@CynHicks "....By not accepting him (his words, spirit)and that gift you are turning down that "pardon" and therefore will stand in Judgment before him. That's simply Biblical......" EXACTLY. And how do you reject that pardon ..... by sinning. You can't have it both ways. You say you accept and believe in Jesus and then live a life in direct contrast to that. That is why Jesus also clearly said 'not everyone who says lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only those who DO THE WILL of my Father'. Faith Alone is a made up theology by a crazy catholic monk-priest. Not sure why you would stake your life and salvation on that catholic and not the sane ones who are telling you the Truth.
True Christians never believed in a Roman Pagan Purgatory and praying for the departed it is not a essential valid Christian doctrine . It is totally Anti - Scriptural to claim that there has to be a place of purification before one can enter heaven . That is a lie from the pit of hell told by your Roman catholic Masters and their councils of Florence and Trent . The Bible is very clear there is a Heaven and there is a Hell , Nothing in-between . That Book as you call it , it the Bible and it was not given by the diabolical Roman Mary & Saints / pagan purgatory Cult , just another catholic deception ! It is sad that catholics are so gullible and never do their own research away from Roman Catholic sources , just believe what their Roman Masters tell them . By the way the real Holy Spirit does not guide the catholic religion its used as lip-service and it is fake .
I really wish you guys would watch PART 1 first before you say Purgatory is not in the bible. Logic states that if there's a part 2, there must be a part 1 ruclips.net/video/7EPlUyWmLUk/видео.html
@@imisschristendom5293 It makes no difference what part 1or 2 , because there is no Purgatory. Its a an ancient pagan belief and the Roman Catholic Masters made it a doctrine . Not even your logic can change that fact !
This is false teaching. Where in the bible is the doctrine of purgatory? This is unbiblical. Bible only speaks of heaven & hell. Also Sin has no categories, no mortal & venial. Sin is sin and no one goes to heaven with even 1 sin. Rather Jesus Himself said in John 3:3 "Verily verily I say unto you unless a man be born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God". For your reference the vatican used 1 Peter 3:19 as a doctrine of purgatory. But actually it aint purgatory at all. It is Hades or hell.. repent and turn from doctrine of the devil or tradition of man; but accept JESUS as Lord & Savior while you're alive and get saved. Prayer has no power after death. May the grace of God be unto you..🙏
Excellent content. This clearly proves the existence of purgatory. Luther misled billions of protestants into believing that there is no purgatory. He was one of the greatest heretics in history. As a former pentecostal protestant, I hope and pray that all protestants heed this undeniable truth and never harden their hearts like they often do. Protestants who have already died need our prayers because their protestant families don't believe in prayer for the dead. They seem to have overlooked the logic that a man's life doesn't end in death, as the soul never dies, but rather goes to a whole new dimension which is spiritual in nature and we often call it a second life. Kudos to you sir. Keep it coming. God bless you.
I agree and we see in 2 Maccabees 12:46 - It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins. Martin Luther deliberately threw out the books of the Bible that underpinned Catholic theology. He also wanted to remove Hebrews, James and the Book of Revelation. A true heretic and to think there is actually a denomination named after him :(
Very persuasive. All challenges to Scripture are negated when the luminaries you quote from the first several centuries entirely reinforce the existence of Purgatory, and in detail. Excellent and valuable work. God Bless You and Yours!
This is so clear, so thorough, so well done and presented!!
I can't remember the source but it was something I've recently watched and it was a custom of 1st century Jews that when a family member passed thier relatives were to pray for an entire year for their family members salvation and that they'd be loosed from the fires of purgatory. I've got a feeling it may have been the Catholic talk show's episode with the Jewish rabbi.
Book of maccabees
I love you Jesus and Mary 🛐✝️😇
So you love Jesus our savior but also love a mortal who is dead in the grave waiting for the resurrection along with all believers ? Yes Mary's spirit has been placed by God in the heavenly realm with all believers Eph 2:6 but she has no power , no more work to do , and no communication to you . The scriptures tell you to focus on Christ , to imitate Christ . Not one verse in scripture ever tells you to pray to anyone other than God so why would you acknowledge Mary as if she could hear you.
@@brucewmclaughlin9072John 3:16 bro
Paul said to Imitate him btw
Yes, I love Jesus, Mary, David, Joseph, Elizabeth and even Jonah too
Is fascinating. I saw a blue orb after my protestant mother died miserably at age 32 from cancer living like the woman at the well.
Nobody I know (prots and etc) cares or believes in our religion.
The apathy and ignorance is unbearable.
Why are we not praying for the dead?
God is outside of time anyway.
Unlike other prots, I utterly rejoice that what I was raised on is wrong, thank God
Responding to Catholic Apologists on Purgatory ruclips.net/video/UzVzn8h7jnM/видео.html
People refuse to believe because of the sin of pride and the refusal to change one’s worldview. Many Protestant pastors would refuse your logic simply based on the fact that they would have to completely upend their lives and their jobs in order to become catholic and many simply refuse to do so.
It is not because of sin and pride real Christians do not believe in a pagan purgatory it is a grand Roman Catholic Deception and totally Anti -biblical .by the way the Living Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is not a catholic nor protestant religion , you have to accept Him personally and repent of all your sins and He is faithful to forgive . Also the Bible is very clear there is a Heaven and there is a Hell , Nothing in-between!
@@isrberlinerin4063 you are a total fool !
@@isrberlinerin4063where did all those who died before Christ go? You say - there is only two places. So if they went to Heaven, why did Jesus need to die if u can get in without Him? If they went to Hell, then all the people we read about - Abraham, Moses etc are in hell. So u will answer: Abraham's bosom. A third place!! They went there because they believed but were not yet prefected until after Christ's death. The same as today; people can believe but die before being perfected
@@user-lh5li8ll7i It is not what i say , the Bible is clear there is a Heaven and a Hell . Of course religious people always want to go beyond . When you read the old testament it tells you what happen in the old animal blood sacrifice system . The Living Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is the new Covenant He spilled His Blood for all humanity .
@@paulcapaccio9905 why because he disagrees with what you accepted as truth and chose not to do any searching of the scriptures to see for yourself if such a place exists and why it would when Jesus died for every sin possible?
This is awesome. Proof through Bible. Proof through early church.
I've heard of supernatural experiences people have encountered that conclude purgatory is real. Is there any chance you could make a video on this?
Thanks for this. I didn't know the early church fathers left us such an abundance of their testimony affirming the existence of purgatory.
Responding to Catholic Apologists on Purgatory ruclips.net/video/UzVzn8h7jnM/видео.html
Jesus, I trust in you.
I personally like to think of Purgatory as something between Dante’s description and a cosmic version of Navy SEAL Hell Week
Bro can you give to the source of the books you gets all of those quote from. For example:- st. clement of alexandria
I use this website
Its not a catholic site its scholarly
I think i understand it but what's the general idea?, that we must expeirience pain ? how do we get purified?
The exact "punishment" that the alms receive is not clear, is just described as a purifying fire. The point is that no one enters imperfect in heaven, so in order to this we have go through this penance.
I think yes we experience pain and the pain we experience is from that of our greatest vices. And after, like he made the example of for paying your time in jail if you did something wrong the same can be said for purgatory that once all your suffering of your greatest devices is done and you are cleansed in the spirit only then can you enter the kingdom of heaven
Where’s part 1? Thanks
Protestant here: Do others have to pray for you to leave purgatory? Is it a requirement?
I always knew the Catholic church was the one it has everything that our souls mean in the body and blood of Jesus is what gives us life also makes the world go round this church gives us everything that our souls mean in our bodies need to be purified before we go to heaven thank God for purgatory I believe in the Catholic Church
You are so nicely deceived by your Roman catholic Masters . Our bodies never see anything after death its only a shell . It is our souls that will enter Heaven or Hell the Bible is very clear there is no pagan purgatory only a Heven and a Hell . You personally have to decide where you want to spent eternity . Only the Living Savior and Lord Jesus Christ can forgive all your sins and one you are saved you are sanctified and He by His Holy Spirit will purify you while alive . Religion is a dead end !
@@isrberlinerin4063hen why did every pre-nicene Christian believe in purgatory, reject tulip, faith alone and scripture alone? Some of them were students of the Apostles themselves, they had the original copies of the NT if not write some of it themselves, spoke the language, were actually there, canonized what you understand to be scripture, were given the scared oral teachings you or any other protestant for the last 500 years doesn't have, and martyred for the one church Jesus started.
If your dad wrote a book about your grandpa, do you know your grandpa better than someone 1500 years later with a different culture, environment and language? Because thats your argument.
@@MasterKeyMagic My previous comment was not an argument its the truth . Your argument is catholic religious fiction . Like i said you are deceived by your Roman Masters and to believe the Real Jesus Christ started the catholic church is a satanic lie . The Romans crucified Jesus and Peter you catholics claim was the first pope was also crucified up side down by the Romans . Have you any idea what happen in the Roman Catholic Inquisition ? First it was forbidden to read the Bible , 2, true Christians that did not agree with the false catholic doctrines were haunted down merciless tortured and then burned on a stake . The Roman evil Pope at that time ordered every book to be burned that was not authorized by the Pope and his henchmen . Even Roman citizens were subject to torture if they did not abide by the evil rule by this wicked Pope and the Roman ministerium . So that is part of the evil history of you so beloved Roman Catholic Religion including total corruption .Actually all you catholics call evil good and your religious self-righteousness stinks to high heaven . You are willingly stay in bondage to a Roman catholic Mary & Saints / pagan purgatory Cult and if you do not change course your eternal soul is in peril . By the way your grandpa story is absurd , it has nothing to do with anything .
One more truth ,the Living Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is not a religion He lives in the hearts that are His sheep that know His voice . He does not live in religious Symbols , Rituals , your idol the catholic manufactured Mary ! Its time the Truth will set you free , Jesus Christ said I Am The Way ,The Truth ,The Life No one comes to the Father but by Me.
Thomas felt the Human body of Christ after he rose
And Paul said we have glorified bodies.
Everything you said is unbiblical
why isn't Job 1 in Part 1 of this series?
Could you use the word of God in a video explaining the contradicting scriptures that people might have . TY.
2 peter 3:15 does not say anything about personal interpretation. Maybe you made a mistake in the video?
2nd Peter 3:16, is the meat of it. It starts at 3:15
You are correct it does not mention anything about interpretation....
@@imisschristendom5293 You are correct and I would also acknowledge the admonition of St. Peter in 2 Peter 3:17. Blessings 🙏
Regarding personal interpretation, the verses you're probably looking for are 2 Peter 1:20-21.
Purgatory is not mentioned in the bible 1corinthans chapter 3 refers to born again Christians losing reward but still being saved to go in to heaven.
They suffer loss, and are saved only through fire
It’s all there
@@imisschristendom5293 They suffer loss of any reward they would have received . Read the context 3:10-15 and you see the entire context has nothing to do with sin. Saved only through fire ? No . Salvation is not in question and the fire is not literal . The same concept is you running out of a burning building to safety but you have lost everything in the fire.
Prayer for the dead dilemma also applies to everything if god wants your mother dead then why pray it's only an expression of your desire and a sign of communion between the church of the living and the dead
When the Apostles set out across the known world and ordained other men as Bishops they encountered different groups of peoples who had different cultures. You could say there were more than just one belief when it came to the afterlife especially in Judaism. For instance in the Eastern Church the belief is that the soul lingers upon this world near the body for two or three days before entering Heaven or Hell therefore would be in a joyous state like Lazarus or in a joyless state like the Rich Man. Or the Western Church the Particular Judgement is immediate the soul either directly enters into Heaven, or enters into Purgatory before entering into Heaven, or enters directly into Hell. Which Purgatory is more aligned to Judasim's Gehenna a final purification of 12 months and is debated upon what happens to a soul which couldn't be purified. Purgatory obviously has no set amount of time in Christianity the final purification takes as long as it's nessisary for the soul to be purified. As for Hell Christianity doesn't believe in the annihilation of the soul because the soul is immortal and God the Creator only creates He doesn't destroy so the soul remains in punishment forever beyond the aid of purification. God already knows they will never repent.
It's like comparing Hades to Sheol, or Tartarus to Gehenna.
Responding to Catholic Apologists on Purgatory ruclips.net/video/UzVzn8h7jnM/видео.html
In Matthew 10:28 Jesus says:
"And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell."
Your comment seems to contradict Christ Jesus' words about what God, our Creator, can and cannot do.
Blessings 🙏
What about The second death. You are 100 wrong. Read your Bible
@@WhiteDove73-888 The first death is our Earthly death. The Second death is the resurrected body joining its soul in eternal hell. No annihilation of the soul ever.
Before Christ's crusafiction was hell and paradise, after is hell and heaven, coming is lake of fire and New Earth.
Truly, truly, I tell you, the hour is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. (John 5:25)
Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out-those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment.
( John 5: 28,29)
What is good? No one is good. This is ridiculous. You are
Rejoice in the name of God, Jesus Christ, as He is God for the dead and the living, those believed in Him is happy ever more.
How much do you have to pay to get out of purgatory? What’s the cost? That’s our main issue. Your Popes were charging people to get out of there sooner? Which is ridiculous
Absolute rubbish. Alms-giving is a work of charity and commanded by Jesus as a good work as opposed to a work of the law. Were ther abuses?? As with all tings human of course there was. Does that make the practice wrong? Of course it doesn't. The Popes and the Church were in the midst of dealing with and correcting these abuses when looney Luther intoduced his even worse heresies and errors which has screwed the whole thing up for centuries.
You are lying by pretending that is what you heard. Stop lying and try to undo some of the damage you've done.
@@39knights you are the loony tune to believe all this Roman catholic Deception . It seem you have no clue about your catholic religion , but always redy to accuse .
This again looks to contradict Christ.
How does CCC 1031 compliment and not contradict Christ's sacrifice in that He has already purified us and made us completely holy from all sins through His death as stated in Hebrews 10:10 and
1 John 1:7?
None of this means we don't have to suffer the consequences of sin. This is obvious since. If someone commits a crime and in prison becomes a Christian, they won't be let out.
You don't get to sin and have no consequences. Sorry
Sin has to consequences
Eternal punishment, and repairation.
The blood of christ takes away the eternal punishment. But we still have to make reparation.
@@imisschristendom5293 (Don't know why this comment isn't sending..) I am not in disagreement with you about us suffering for our sins. However, it seems you forgot or lost sight of the fact that people and the world are continuously suffering from sin right now as we speak.
Look at this world. Look at people. It's clear. Evil and disease is all around us. Psychological disorders, mental torment, addiction, cancer, tsunamis, bullying, suicide, murder, greed, power, the list goes on and on. This world is too imperfect to even think we aren't suffering from our sins. Not to mention, there are many cases where apparently really nice, selfless, and loving people are randomly punished out of the blue WITH cancer or WITH a natural disaster that completely tears their families lives away. So don't tell me or anyone that people don't suffer because we do. How about Africa? Or China? And we can't forget about what happened to the Jews. Do/did they not suffer? God creates/allows a suffering torment on people.
True Christians DO suffer for their sins because they care that they did wrong and the Holy Spirit works through them through pain and tourment. There's a reason why there's the saying that pain is the greatest teacher. Because it is and God obviously knows it. Even true Christians who murdered and got away with it will turn themselves in because of the immense power of the Holy Spirit working through them using very very painful and influential spirituality and emotions. Christians who sin and don't care clearly aren't even Christians, so even if they don't suffer for their sins since they don't care, they'll be suffering eventually for it in damnation either way.
My point is, it is clear that Jesus and God don't need a specific place after death to punish and purify people, especially followers of Christ. We are and have been rooting in our sins and Jesus has already purified us from all sins since day one, and these things will continue to happen.
In addition to this, you also show a clear lack of focus on what Purgatory actually makes Jesus look like, which is a faud and a liar. The two verses I previously provided (Hebrews 10:10; 1 John 1:7) clearly states that Christ's death has already purified followers of Christ from all sin and has made them (us) completely holy once and for all. Since the purifying has already clearly been done to followers of Christ, Purgatory is again, unnecessary.
And lastly, in response to your temporal objection to Purgatory, do you consider that Jesus will be temporarily at the right hand of God and then for eternity afterwards, even though it's stated that He will be there for eternity (Psalm 110:4)? My point is, to treat something temporarily as part of eternity is being intellectually dishonest. They do not coexist with eachother. If you are going to believe in temporal punishment despite Jesus sacrifice for eternal purification and holiness, you must approach other eternal events stated in the Bible such as Jesus' seating at the right hand of the Father, with room for temporal exceptions that that isn't the case.
The logic does not flow.
I apologize, I didn't mean to hit a nerve.
I am one who believes sin is the cause of all the evil in the world, including cancer and illness. If the world stopped sinning there would be no cancer.
I get so many lengthy comments with a multitude of accusations. And quite frankly I dont have the time or desire to answer a million accusations.
But you asked a good question and gave 2 seemingly problematic verses for Purgatory.
And deserve an answer.
Hebrews 10:10
And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Here Paul is contrasting the old law of sacrifice and burnt offering with the once and for all sacrifice of Christ on the cross. At baptism we are made holy by the once and for all sacrifice of Christ. Any sin committed prior are forgiven, and punishment. But if we sin after baptism, paul makes it clear we will be punished a few verses later
Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? (Heb. 10:28-29).
Also, this is Paul. The bible says he can be confusing.
2nd Peter 3: 15,16
Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, speaking of this as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures.
1 john 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as he also is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
This verse says " if" if you walk in light the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin.
But what if we fail at times to walk in light?
To walk in light is to not sin.
I agree. If after baptism you don't sin, you won't go to Purgatory. Also Purgatory is part of the process of cleansing us from all sin.
Every Christian doctrine has verses that can be used for or against.
Protestants believe in faith alone yet James says we are not justified
James 2:24
24 You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone
You can't take one or 2 verses and build, or tear down a doctrine.
Christ built a church, he didn't write a book.
This is why Scripture ALONE will not get you the truth. You must follow Christ's church.
1 Timothy 3:15, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.
The bible says the church has the truth.
And the bible says not everything is in scripture. We are to adhere to all the church teachings.
2nd Thessalonians 2:15
Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours.
@@imisschristendom5293 Lol if you consider that nerve like, then you got some unfortunate issues up your sleeve that you need to address with Jesus about. Not with a preist who may have more sins than you, but with Jesus - the One who is your actual Savior, Healer, and is the One to thank for Christianity in the first place.
Hebrews 10:10
I agree with your parallel that you made as far as the hermeneutics behind Christ's death and how it is linked to the Old Testament. The thing is, it doesn't demonstrate that sins after Baptism will have a consequence that will take place after death and not on Earth. It demonstrates that a punishment will just occur after sin. And Hebrews 10:28-29 doesn't demonstrate that the punishment will be in a place after death. It just says that there's going to be an even greater punishment. To say its in Purgatory and not at Earth is speculation.
2 Peter 3:16-17 doesn't demonstrate Purgatory whatsoever. It demonstrates that people can morph God's correct interpretation of the Bible, which is why it is essential that any interpretation demonstrares clear support of the Bible in it's full context. You don't need to be an Einstein to read and comprehend Scripture correctly. The problem lies when one's motivation is to fulfill their own desires of what they think the Bible "should" say. Spewing out these verses doesn't prove anything about the existence of Purgatory lol It just reiterates that you are in disagreement with me and think that I'm the ignorant one. I mean, you can think that, but that position holds no weight until you actually provide verses that clearly demonstrate Purgatory and that my objections are nonsensical, sorry.
Yes, when someone is a true Christian, they value doing the works that Christ taught. But when we slip up and walk away from the light by sinning, our sins are still purified through the Blood of Christ. When we sin, we don't purify ourselves by walking in the light (doing good works) to make up for it. We go to Jesus and His forgiveness as the belief in Christ is what cleanses and purifies.
I do not agree with your claim that if we don't sin after Baptism that is when people would be able to bypass Purgatory. First, you have yet to demonstrate Purgatory is legitimate, and secondly, you forgot that belief in Christ purifies us from all sin, as I've demonstrated with the previous verses I've provided. Also, again, Christ doesn't need a Purgatory... When you believe in Christ you are justified through Christ blood, therby receving His complete purification and holiness.
If a Christian doctrine has Biblically sound context to back up their claim, they'd be correct to believe their claim. Doesn't matter if they are from a non-Catholic faith. Churches can still be right despite their label. To say they wouldn't be do to their label is an argument through authority fallacy.
Protestants are correct that it is faith alone to become justified in Christ. Even the Catholic Church teaches this as well that it is impossible for people to merrit their way into justification through good work. The Catholic Church though is correct in valuing following through in doing the good works that Christ set out for us to do after being justified, as Christ’s goal for us is to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). Although, I went to a protestant Christian college, the fundamental belief I noticed is that Protestants do value doing good works through Christ by living for Christ and working to become more Christ-like. I think its a big misconception that most Protestants don't value good works, as the whole "Faith alone" arguement is typically in regards to first being justified, which is when someone puts their faith in Christ. The argument is catored toward a false belief that the Catholic doctrine teaches that we can merrit ourselves into justification, which is not true. Now, protestants who believe in Christ but don't value transformation in Christ (good works), I would agree they would be in the wrong.
I agree that scripture alone isn't the best thing in the long term, as having a Church authority is what assures correct teaching. However, it can still be enough for someone to be justified. If someone was reading the Bible for the first time and was searching for God, I'm sure God wouldn't respond to that person whose searching for Him with the thought that the individual would need to go to some human or a form of authority first to receive Christ. God in fact is the ultimate authority anyways and can intervene whenever.
I agree with you that the Church holds the truth. Having said that, I expect the teachers of the Church to teach ideas that is fundamentally sound with the Bible. People, even the Pope, can still sin and lead people astray. We can't forget about the Great Schism and what happened there with the two Popes who were trying to excommunicate eachother lol Like that situation would ever happen in the first place if the leaders of the Catholic Church would always be following Jesus lol And we can't forget about the Crusades. I don't need to go into that one lol My point being, yes, the Roman Catholic Church may be able to trace it's lineage all the way to Pope Peter; however, the history of the Catholic Church has given good reason for Christians to critique even the teachings that come from the leaders of the Catholic faith to assure correction if neccessary, to stay consistent with what God's actual word is to prevent corruption from happening again.
@@bryfryable I guess you are the REAL APOSTLE OF CHRIST. 🙌🏼🙏🏼 We should ignore the first 1.500 years of the early church teachings and early Fathers. LOL. 🤪 no wonder why there are hundreds if PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS after the reformation. 🤦🏻 weak CATHOLICS BECOME PROTESTANT BUT STRONG PROTESTANT BECOME CATHOLICS...😇 God bless you my kind Brian. 🙌🏼🙏🏼🕊️🕊️🕊️⛪⛪👍🏼
If you think there's no Purgatory, you're reading the wrong Bible
There are a lot of different Bibles other than the King James (1611), which omitted seven books. And today’s "other" religions pick and choose which pleases them not the truth of God. They change words in the Bible for their religion.
Also there wasn’t any New Testament for 400 years, it was tradition of the passing of the word of God, until the Catholic Church first put out the New Testament in 498 A.D., 1,500 years before the Protestant religion began.
Remember Sola Scriptura was added by Martin Luther in 1554 and that was the first change without authority about Purgatory.
Read the Book of Maccabees on the dead. St. Paul tells us that the soul of man will ultimately be saved, though he will suffer for a time the purifying flames of purgatory.
Read the Book of Maccabees on the dead. St. Paul tells us that the soul of man will ultimately be saved, though he will suffer for a time the purifying flames of purgatory.
Well here are some questions you can attempt to answer
Purgatory has no basis in scripture and when you take a bit of time read up on all the verses used to convince you of purgatory ,and then make sure that the context of those verses prove what the cherry picked verses are correct? 2 Maccabee's 12 :
1. who died
2. why did they die?
3. who killed them ?
4.did they repent of their sins before they died ?
5. Was Judas correct in praying for them to attain godliness?
Now look at the new testament and see if you can find any verse that would imply that an un repentant person can be prayed for after they die and thus attain godliness?
So can you or will you respond with answers to those six questions or will you change the subject as so many roman Catholics do?
. St. Paul tells us that the soul of man will ultimately be saved, though he will suffer for a time the purifying flames of purgatory.
really are you absolutely sure Paul said this or is this something you were taught , accepted it as truth and did not bother to make sure that it was scriptural?
Origen was a Universalist. So was Clement of Alexandria, and Gregory of Nyssa.
Yes, this is true. So basically they didnt believe in eternal punishment. Everyone went through temporary punishment. We call that Purgatory the point is tge early church did not believe a person went straight to heaven or straight to hell. They believed you had to be purified before entering heaven
In purgatory your guardian always comfort you but in hell your guardian angel depart you.exactly abandoned.no hope no light, purely darkness. ok
Not sure about you but if I stand in judgement then I'm doomed.
We all fall short, that is why the need for Christ's blood sacrifice is paramount to everyone.
@@tlbx57 Exactly.
@@CynHicks No, we catholics believe we can pay for our own sins in pergatory. We dont need jesus. We have our wonderful holy blameless godly catholic priests.
@@peterzinya407 You are obviously not Catholic. C'mon man, there's no need for baring false witness, even if it's obvious to me that it was sarcasm.
Serious question though, do you know why they believe in purgatory; as did many Protestants at one time?
@@CynHicks They believe in everything the CC has for them. They are told they must believe everything or be kicked out of the CC, and go to hell when they die.
The first prots were all catholics. So they still believed in all that catholic voodoo. I thought the Mormons were waked out. Mormons dont hold a candle to the wacky catholics and their idolatry.
Well done but many more early testimonials exist from early Christians supporting the belief in purgatory.
if you wake up in flames, you will stay there.
But you people are charging people money to get out of there. That’s the heretical Lol the issue! Thanks
Who can I bribe these days to get out of hell later. Indulge me.
That's a ridiculous question. I won't indulge.
Not true! The early church fathers did not teach the over developed theory of purgatory. We know this because the early church is still in existence and is called the eastern Orthodox church and they don't teach purgatory. The fire you talk about is not literal but how one that is not in good standing would view God's love. Those who reject God's love will reject God's light will not escape it and see it as painful but it's not literal. Does God create torment, i think not for God is a loving God.
Do the Orthodox pray for the dead?
Do the orthodox believe everyone goes straight to heaven or straight to hell?
"That's not how 'I' interpret those scriptures." A former friend's whole faith revolved around the two words 'I believe'.
Responding to Catholic Apologists on Purgatory ruclips.net/video/UzVzn8h7jnM/видео.html
Believe in what is the question ? There are many things one can believe in !
The devil believes too.
catholic church says jesus sacrifice wasnt enough.
Can you show me where the RCC says that??
@@henrybayard6574 Are you joking? Thats what this video is about. man paying for their sins.
@@peterzinya407 what is the penalty of God if you die in your sins without him?? Not trying to be smart just wanted to know your views??
@@henrybayard6574 I dont have a view. I believe what the bible says. Die unsaved and wake up in the lake of fire. The saved will be covered in the blood of Christ. All god will see is the righteousness of Christ.
Satan says thats not true. Men have to do this and that to be saved. Jesus said It is finished. The CC says its not finished. You need to pray and read the NT again from start to finish. This time, believe it.
@@peterzinya407 if the punishment is to wake you in the lake of fire, show me where Jesus paid that price. I'll wait for your response.
The Holy Spirit guides the catholic church but not individually?? I hope you know what you are talking about,
so off base
Thank you. I believe I saw purgatory
Jesus stood in judgement for me.
@Delawanna The entire point of salvation is that you will not be judged. All that is will be condemned.
Jesus was condemned for you.
By not accepting him (his words, spirit)and that gift you are turning down that "pardon" and therefore will stand in Judgment before him. That's simply Biblical.
@@CynHicks "....By not accepting him (his words, spirit)and that gift you are turning down that "pardon" and therefore will stand in Judgment before him. That's simply Biblical......"
EXACTLY. And how do you reject that pardon ..... by sinning. You can't have it both ways. You say you accept and believe in Jesus and then live a life in direct contrast to that. That is why Jesus also clearly said 'not everyone who says lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only those who DO THE WILL of my Father'. Faith Alone is a made up theology by a crazy catholic monk-priest. Not sure why you would stake your life and salvation on that catholic and not the sane ones who are telling you the Truth.
@@CynHicksChrist will judge according the Good and Bad works we did. Paul Words, not mines. May the Lord God bless you
The Apostle Paul Hebrews 9:27 " And it is appointed unto men once to die, but then the judgement." The catholic church speaks against Paul.
True Christians never believed in a Roman Pagan Purgatory and praying for the departed it is not a essential valid Christian doctrine . It is totally Anti - Scriptural to claim that there has to be a place of purification before one can enter heaven . That is a lie from the pit of hell told by your Roman catholic Masters and their councils of Florence and Trent . The Bible is very clear there is a Heaven and there is a Hell , Nothing in-between . That Book as you call it , it the Bible and it was not given by the diabolical Roman Mary & Saints / pagan purgatory Cult , just another catholic deception ! It is sad that catholics are so gullible and never do their own research away from Roman Catholic sources , just believe what their Roman Masters tell them . By the way the real Holy Spirit does not guide the catholic religion its used as lip-service and it is fake .
I really wish you guys would watch PART 1 first before you say Purgatory is not in the bible.
Logic states that if there's a part 2, there must be a part 1
@@imisschristendom5293 It makes no difference what part 1or 2 , because there is no Purgatory. Its a an ancient pagan belief and the Roman Catholic Masters made it a doctrine . Not even your logic can change that fact !
@@isrberlinerin4063 you are a total fool !!!!!!!
Says who?
@@marshallcampbell125 catholics believe a grand lie and ask the dumbest questions !
This is false teaching. Where in the bible is the doctrine of purgatory? This is unbiblical. Bible only speaks of heaven & hell. Also Sin has no categories, no mortal & venial. Sin is sin and no one goes to heaven with even 1 sin. Rather Jesus Himself said in John 3:3 "Verily verily I say unto you unless a man be born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God". For your reference the vatican used 1 Peter 3:19 as a doctrine of purgatory. But actually it aint purgatory at all. It is Hades or hell.. repent and turn from doctrine of the devil or tradition of man; but accept JESUS as Lord & Savior while you're alive and get saved. Prayer has no power after death. May the grace of God be unto you..🙏
Did you watch the entire series or are you just ignorant?
Ever heard of 1 John 5 16-17? I guess that isn't underlined in your bible.
Sorry, purgatory very true