10:38 The strongest among us? Those boobs over there, definitely. (rofl) 27:44 Brelshaza is playing a phantom piano here o_o 42:05 Note that even though I debuffed the real Brelshaza in the middle BEFOREHAND, you CANNOT see my debuff ABOVE the clone BEFORE I attacked it (so likely a fake). After attacking the clone directly, there are fake debuff images over the head, BUT I cannot see my poison on the actual boss HP bar debuffs (verified fake). My artist video has the opposite happen (I was at the real one: Debuff visible overhead before direct attacks and also present on HP bar debuffs after reapplying). 43:20 OMG Azena will not allow Brelshaza to keep her upgraded outfit & decorations.
10:38 The strongest among us? Those boobs over there, definitely. (rofl)
27:44 Brelshaza is playing a phantom piano here o_o
42:05 Note that even though I debuffed the real Brelshaza in the middle BEFOREHAND, you CANNOT see my debuff ABOVE the clone BEFORE I attacked it (so likely a fake). After attacking the clone directly, there are fake debuff images over the head, BUT I cannot see my poison on the actual boss HP bar debuffs (verified fake). My artist video has the opposite happen (I was at the real one: Debuff visible overhead before direct attacks and also present on HP bar debuffs after reapplying).
43:20 OMG Azena will not allow Brelshaza to keep her upgraded outfit & decorations.
Thanks for your videos!