Its a nightmare and we need a Universal Basic Income because these disabilities make it extremely hard to find and keep a job. It is not as accommodating as they lead you to believe, and most people working today are suffering in silence and i know this because i was suffering in silence prior to quitting the two jobs that i was working and hardly able to make a living at without great difficulty.
Autism and childhood trauma don't have to go hand-to-hand. #letautismbeautism #letautismbeautism #depression #trauma #earlyintervention #nhs #earlydiagnosis #homelessness #suicide #anxiety #letautismbeautism
Its a nightmare and we need a Universal Basic Income because these disabilities make it extremely hard to find and keep a job. It is not as accommodating as they lead you to believe, and most people working today are suffering in silence and i know this because i was suffering in silence prior to quitting the two jobs that i was working and hardly able to make a living at without great difficulty.
You left out TBI
Autism and childhood trauma don't have to go hand-to-hand. #letautismbeautism #letautismbeautism #depression #trauma #earlyintervention #nhs #earlydiagnosis #homelessness #suicide #anxiety #letautismbeautism