Marvel Spider Man 2 Lets Play Road To 19 Inches…5 (video version-)

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @olasmocs7744
    @olasmocs7744  10 месяцев назад +4

    As you all should have noticed I can’t look at chat when streaming cuz of how it’s all set up- 😅

  • @decimalsaturn
    @decimalsaturn 10 месяцев назад +1

    Ok I'll possibly start with deaths and warning these deaths get extremely brutal.
    1 police officer. He was attempting to kill the stall end killer but had his head shoved through a car window after mentioning the name "Marydale" and the stall end killer turned the breaks off causing the car to roll down a hill with the officers head still stuck it rolled down the hill before hitting a tree the officers head was decapitated making a brutal scene.
    2 Richman. He ran away from the person he was trying to kill Viper he ran to the elevator it slowly went down he heard a loud thud and the roof of the elevator was ripped open and he was pulled up Viper gouged both of his eyes out killing him and through him back down in the elevator to scare his bodyguards.
    3 astronaut. He went to close to the void portal and a deconstructer saw him got closer and started to rip him apart however the astronaut didn't feel the pain of his flesh being pulled apart until it ripped his organs out and then left as if it was trying to rebuild him but failed the astronaut bled to death.
    4 Haiden H. A traitor and sadistic animal abuser and tormenter it's safe to say he got what he deserved he killed a nest of 6 young snappers without care he ran away from the people he betrayed and ran to a cave it was pretty dark so he had a flare he lit it he continued to walk and he could hear giggles his flare ran out so he got his lighter out and flicked it on only to be face to face with the snapper parents laughing at him before he could run they grabbed him and tortured him to death.
    5 a victim of Seth. This person doesn't have a name yet however he will in the future and this comment will be edited to add his name so don't worry this victim was running away from the monster known as Seth before he was caught he was being mauled to death but was left alive for all of it his friends notices him but rather then helping him he aimed the shotgun his friend said "I'm sorry but I won't let you turn into one of those things" before pulling the trigger blowing his head off.
    6 the stall end killer. This is not a brutal death but it is rather sad the stall end killer was trying to kill his sister in a fit of blind rage he was shot in the chest 4 times but didn't fool around he was so close to killing her but she shot him in the back disabling him he fell on the ground his sister said why did he kill there parents he talked for the first time after so long he was kept in a basement due to him being to emotional and was hated by his mother and father which infuriated him he saw the basement door open so he snuck out grabbed a knife and killed his mother and father he saw his sister on the ground crying he walked past her and left the stall end killer said his last words "I'm sorry" before bleeding put.
    7 Felix J. Another sad death although Felix was already dead from the start he still didn't deserve it he worked with a group of villains known as the Ruthless Whole the reason why he joined was due to his son getting shot by an officer by total accident he was given a chance by the Ruthless One and he joined the group however unfortunately his health was declining and after a raid in the same place his son was kill he was shot in the chest unfortunately hitting his heart he bled to death however when he died he was buried next to his son fulfilling his wish "you know when I'm dead from my poor health I want to be buried next to my son but my crimes I committed are preventing that from happening I'll do what's right to see my son again".
    8 the Seth family. An unfortunate fate that could have been prevented Seth's mother was the first to go her son transformed into a creature while she was cooking he pounced on his mother and mauled her to death his father grabbed his shotgun but he said " I can't do this not my son" Seth stood up and hit his father in the face breaking his neck killing him instantly Seth woke up saw the carnage and buried his parents Seth was only 7 and couldn't age due to the "infection" no weapons could kill him however a determined man named Kyle U brought soldiers to kill Seth however the truck ride there turned to catastrophe as Seth ripped the head off of the truck driver crashing the truck Kyle survived but the others were killed he got out of the truck found the abandoned house found a rusty shotgun used a weapon cleaner and found Seth eating a dead soldier Kyle aimed the shotgun and when Seth ran Kyle shot him he was there screaming screeching and crying saying "MOTHER FATHER I'M SORRY IT WASN'T ME IT WASN'T MEEE!!!" Before he finally died.
    9 the Ruthless One's mother. Now this one is very tough to explain but I'll try to explain it he killed her out of rage due to the abuse from her his mother and father were created by a destructive god who wanted carnage she was made to be abusive and he took her gene's causing him to go ballistic he grabbed a bat when she was asleep creeped up to her and hit her again and again and again he walked out of the room and her head was just gone and unrecognisable.
    Honourable mentions. Eli. Torn to shreds by a snapper. Ace. Had window slammed on neck repeatedly by stall end killer. Butcher of butcher creek. Had his neck broken by his victim. Detective. Had metal poll shoved in neck by stall end kill before being swang around decapitating him. Now we move on to the most brutal death yet.
    10 unrecognised spacemarine. He got infected by the grey virus after he was disabled from another infected he could only crawl he had to lock down the facility he crawled to each switch until he got to the third one where he could finally stand up he walked to the exit while the doors were closing seeing the sunlight after months of being in the facility but he began to unfortunately transform as if the virus was toying the unfortunate soldier before the doors closed however the reopened 5 days later by the cleanup crew however what horrific thing they saw immediately made all of them throw up what I'm about to tell you is one of the most disturbing thing out of every story I made discretion is very much advised what they saw was the spacemarine his body was so contorted that it was hard to find his head his lungs were missing his arms were bound together to not move his legs were melted into the floor his spine was sticking out his heart was on the outside of his body and his skull was broken open with tendrils sticking in his brain repeatedly and his eye was hanging out but the most disturbing part about this was that he was alive during this time his heart was still beating and the reason why the tendrils are sticking into his brain again and again is because it wanted him to be awake through this whole process and his heart was still beating he stared at the crew not for help but to end this torture the leader of the crew grabbed his flamethrower aimed it at the soldiers and burned him alive permanently killing him.
    (I really hope you enjoyed this but yes this is the top 10 most brutal deaths in the stories I make so yeah anyways I have to go so see ya later ba bye.)

  • @decimalsaturn
    @decimalsaturn 10 месяцев назад +1

    I'm back sorry for the wait I was to tired anyways I'll start the story now.
    (This story takes place on a planet called urt and with a bird like humanoid named Viper)
    It was just a normal day with Viper until he got into his parents car as they were driving his parents got into an argument but Viper intervened and his father practically yelling said (GET OUT YOU CAN WALK HOME!!!) Viper in fright hopped out the car and his parents drove off. this happened to Viper a lot of the time and he usually finds his way back home but one issue he had he doesn't recognise the city he was ditched in he was actually lost his parents set him up and just left at that time Viper was only 7. he suffered with increased anger issues and the fights at his home didn't help he wondered the streets everything he looked at he remembered it was getting late so he stole a pillow and blanket from an old store and ran away and set up a little place for him to sleep. time flew by fast and he reached the age of 14 living with a bunch of people on the street he treated as family Viper was the only odd one out in this family why well he grew feathers and claws he was told by the mother in the group to trim the claws otherwise he'd poke out his own eye. he listened to her and once every month he kept his nails short to not accidentally hurt someone everything was going good until a rich man moved in to the city wearing fancy clothes and holding a stick. Viper was curious on what he was doing here so he kept an eye on the man and his jaw dropped he carries thousands of dollars on him he alerted his family some were keen on stealing from him but others were worried if they did rob him whose to say that he won't hunt them down and kill them. but others were convinced it was an easy job he carries the money with him and they could wear masks it was an easy job although they need masks and weapons so they used pillow cases with some holes glass and sharp metal and set the plan into action. he walked down the street during the night and Viper said (give us what you have or you will waste a lot more money on the hospital) shocked the man dropped the money and demanded to be let go they took the money and ran they were laughing and crying tears of joy this could buy them a house and food and water for years to come. this job was really easy but in reality it wasn't because one mistake led everything into chaos one of Vipers feathers dropped out of the mask and landed on the floor. the man reported this to the police they tracked Viper down but rather than arrest Viper the man bribed the authorities to kill everyone who stole the money and so they did it to 2 minutes for this massacre to end everybody screaming only 3 people survived Viper was one of those 3 he called for his adoptive mother and found her dead on the ground sadness overwhelmed Viper before his anger reached it's limit. an officer was investigating to see if anyone survived and was met with a surprise Viper stood there the officer was ready to pull the trigger but then Viper ran at him the officer shot but missed completely Viper used his claws and dug right through the officers vest striking him in an artery and dug his claw through the officers eye and said (an eye for an eye your leader is next.) he walked away and sat on a seat and was approached by a very tall man wearing very expensive armour and holding a massive hammer and he said (I understand your anger child when your so mad and just want to let it all out but with no punching bag) Viper looked up he recognised who he was and said (the Ruthless One your one of the most wanted criminals on this planet what are you doing here.) the Ruthless One spoke in a deep and cold voice (all I want is for you to get your revenge but all I need is to train you you will be the best I'll raise you as my own if you want) Viper still fuelled by anger and vengeance said (ok lets go.) Time flew by the Ruthless One trained Viper and raised him like his own son the other members of the gang were treated differently than Viper even when Viper reached the age of 18 he was still treated almost nicely from the Ruthless One was short tempered with the other members but with Viper he just sounded cold that was one way Viper put it. when Viper reached the age of 21 he hunted down the rich man and found him in a place Viper and the Ruthless One stormed into the building killed the guards and Viper was targeting the rich man and his anger by just looking at him spiked. he threw his weapon at a guard knocking him out and ran on all fours the rich man ran to the elevator and the doors shut he was laughing saying (HAHA F--K YOU YOUR WHOLE FAMILY GOT WHAT THEY DESERVED!!!) just as he was about to finish what he was saying he heard a loud thump on the roof of the elevator and heard scratching and scraping the roof was being ripped off and Vipers face appeared and said (PEEK A BOO!!!.) he jumped and grabbed the rich man and dug his sharp claws down his eyes and said (an eye for and eye) before escaping the elevator and leaving.
    (That was the end of the story this took me awhile to make and yet this is only ONE of the members of the Ruthless One. there are others in these stories and have there own lore that surround them so yeah let me know your opinions if you have any if you want me to change some parts of the story then just let me know anyway the next story will be out soon where we "explore" the lore of a particular character anyways I hope you have a good day or night and I'll see you later ba bye.)

  • @User-p7ys
    @User-p7ys 10 месяцев назад +2

    And the kraven killed the sinister six in marvel spider man 2 he killed sinister six
    1 vulture
    2 shocker
    3 electro
    4 Rhino
    5 scorpion

  • @User-p7ys
    @User-p7ys 10 месяцев назад +2

    And jurassic world 4 movie is gonaa be realesed on june 10 2025 how do i know beacuse i was on Twitter beacuse i check swre jurassic news outlet contec Twitter and i see the realesed date of jurassic world 4 movie the movie is gonaa called jurassic world extinction

  • @decimalsaturn
    @decimalsaturn 10 месяцев назад +2

    Hey man I'm back again and I was wondering I've been making a lot of stories and I would like to tell you the top 10 worst deaths in some of these stories from human to creature or instead maybe a story about a thing I've worked on for the past month but at the moment I only have time to do one of these things so the choice is yours although I will warn you the deaths are not just any deaths they're brutal and disturbing so just a heads up however the story is a little bit more friendly so I'll leave it up to you I'll see ya later ba bye.

    • @tweet6915
      @tweet6915 10 месяцев назад +1

      Bro what where you cooking when you made this😂
      And can i have some of it🤨

    • @decimalsaturn
      @decimalsaturn 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@tweet6915 oof sorry man but I ran out of the batch I cooked maybe next time.

  • @decimalsaturn
    @decimalsaturn 10 месяцев назад +1

    Hello again friend it's been awhile (by awhile I mean 2 months) I've been gone for awhile and for a few simple and not simple reasons 1 stories 2 work 3 sick 4 I am to lazy to type anything in the comments and 5 I've been away and out doing my own stuff and I know everytime I always say I'm back I'm gone for a week or a month but now I might actually be back I've made so many stories but at the moment none I have shared or have thought to share and funny thing is a quarter of these stories come from Minecraft and other games and I really want to share these I've also been thinking about making a RUclips channel explaining about the stories and it might be under this username where I make shorts and some other vids showing the audience what my characters and creatures look like this might take a few weeks or a month if unlucky but I've been waiting to do this for a long time now so yeah also if you want I could share some of the stories I made while away anyways I gotta go I'll probably tell ya soon anyways see ya.

  • @Rex_Vulcan
    @Rex_Vulcan 10 месяцев назад +1

    Do you know that goji center uploaded a new video about what if jurassic world t-rex was accurate to real life science? If so are you making video about it? Just asking

    • @olasmocs7744
      @olasmocs7744  10 месяцев назад +1

      I will one day just not rn

    • @Rex_Vulcan
      @Rex_Vulcan 10 месяцев назад

      @@olasmocs7744 ok

  • @meikuanao7158
    @meikuanao7158 10 месяцев назад +1

    Hi Mocs

  • @Pt-87-Saurotherium
    @Pt-87-Saurotherium 10 месяцев назад +1

    Yo Mocs