I went 40 years as a "Christian" without ever reading the Bible for myself. A year ago I was convicted to read it for myself and my life has changed so much. The biggest thing that God has done for me is take away my anxiety and depression. I used to have to take medication to leave my house for longer than an hour, now I no longer need medication and I am excited to travel and go places and I have peace every day. It is so important and literally life giving to read the word for yourself. I started with the New Testament and then read the Old Testament and am doing so again right now. I get something new out of it every day and God is faithful to reveal himself through his word.
I love your testimony, mine is very similar - I lived almost 40 years thinking I was a Christian too... 5 years ago, I started hearing scripture from the bible that contradicted what I had learned as a child... so I started reading the bible - it has been eye opening. The holy spirit has now changed me completely inside and out!!! I have been healed of 20 years of unbearable migraines and neck and back pain, completely delivered of anxiety and depression and now I work for a non-profit helping people. God is so good! Praise the Lord!
Wow!! To go 40 years Christian before you read the Bible. I came to Christ in 2021 I am reading through the Bible for the third time, this time I am journaling through it as I read through it. So it will take me twice as long. I too get something new from it daily! So much to learn and I plan to continue to read it over and over and over again for the rest of my life! 🩵
@ronnie-lynn no no, he/she said "christian" which means false convert, someone who "believed in God" but didn't have a revelation of the truth so continued to walk in darkness... their is a huge difference. I thought I was a christian all my life, when I found the truth I realised I'd been deceived all along...
*As Christians, our Job is to bring people to Jesus not to push them away from Him* *Unfortunately, hypocrisy in our lives push sinners away from Christ*
That and mostly because we have Christians who believe in being free just like in Bible times and that's most of them. So they are seeing people call themselves Christians who actually aren't and judging a religion off that. Saying your a Christian doesn't make you one but someone who doesn't follow Christ won't know the difference.
I absolutely love how both proclaim the Word and make it relevant. Arden’s statement about taking the name of God in vain by professing relationship with Christ but living in a worldly manner was profound AND anointed 🙌
I struggled with a sin issue the past year. The entire time I confessed it as sin. I knew I was separated spiritually from hearing God clearly. But I read my Bible and prayed daily. It is best to be in prayer, fellowship and the word. Sin is serious and should not be taken lightly even by devout, struggling christians. It is best to not practice sin, identify it as sin and repent and confess. Do not give up God hears and knows a sincere heart.
#1 You are redeemed but you are also still fallen. John tells us that are NATURE is that we prefer the darkness because the LIGHT exposes our sins. Christ is in the light and if we remain in the light he will fellowship with us... here is a question. Given that John is speaking TRUTH to us... WHAT is this light John is speak about... it cant be Christ because he is described separately from the light. John does not tell us that Christ is the light either... well, if you have studied the Old Testament you probably know.... it is the LAW that is the light. We are TOLD that. We are TOLD that the LAW or better understood as INSTRUCTION is a LIGHT unto our feet ILLUMINATIONG our PATH THAT WE CAN WALK AND NOT STUMBLE IN THE DARKNESS. If you are a protestant your pounding that key board, scream the tripe line of you can earn salvation with works. You are 100% correct. That is like being surprised that a screw driver is a terrible hammer. But here is the thing you dont seem to grasp... the Torah (first 5 in which the law is revealed) From the moment God spoke it to Moses hearing, the LAW has NEVER saved anyone. Abraham was credit righteousness because HE BELIEVED GOD not because he was a good/righteous man. 1 john makes it CRYSTAL, UNMISTAKABLY CLEAR when he says IF WE SAY WE ARE HIS WE OUGHT WALK AS HE WALKED... in other words Christ OBSERVED THE COMMANMENTS OF GOD who are YOU to say you are released of the obligations of the law? YOU ARE FREED FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. Do you attempt to make Christ a LIAR??? He made it CLEAR when he said Heaven and Earth will pass away before his words pass away. I know right about now you are saying well it is complete because his work here is complete... first off no its not or he wouldnt be RETURNING so there is that. Yeshua, when he was chastising the pharisee's said to them, you diligently search the scriptures for eternal life yet you do not see me. It is not I who will judge you but it will be Moses who judges you because you have rejected me. Johns Gospel in the beginning of his gospel says something stunning that the WORD became Flesh (Yeshua) and dwelt among us. When John wrote his gospel the only thing that was SCRIPTURE was the Tanakh (Old testament) In Jewish thinking it is divided in 3 parts. The Torah (1st 5 books) the writings, and the Prophets. The Torah is the only one in which God SPOKE audibly to give the Torah. The Torah=Yeshua Christ IS the Torah and the Torah is Christ. So if that is true it should RADICALLY change how you view the law...
@@robschaller9061 @redeemed and still fallen? It's like saying bought but not yours. Redeemed means to buy back or purchased. God couldn't have redeemed or bought back humanity at such a great price and they're still bound by the same force of darkness they were sold to. That's absurd. Sadly, this i why many claim to be Christians and still deny the testimony or witness of scriptures.
As someone who was married for over 25 years, and had my “Christian” husband leave me for a “Christian” woman, I think honoring the vows you made and upholding the covenant of marriage, is certainly one way Christians can show their authenticity, love and obedience to Yashua, as well as modeling what a Christ centered marriage should be.
True, but we must also be careful to not judge. I too were abandoned, but some would like to judge everyone, who went through a divorce. We never know the whole story about anyone's life.
@@Donnah1979no judgement, just saying I think one big reason inappropriate relationships occur among Christians is that a lot of Christians have a worldly view, instead of a Biblical view, of marriage. When life gets tough they think it means they need a new partner. If church would teach what marriage actually is how many of those occurrences could be prevented? I would never judge what the wronged party chose to do about being wronged. I just think there’s a lot of ignorance among Christians about marriage.
By their fruits we will know them. People who do things like that then parade the relationship like it was God led astound me. Christian means Christ following. No man or woman follows Christ into infidelity. Even if the church pats them on the back and gives approval. God is never in that. It’s sad that churches don’t support strengthening marriages within their church as much as they do other things, when marriage is the only relationship besides salvation that is a God ordained covenant relationship.
@@shylafoxwilliamson5264 When two imperfect humans come together, there will be conflict (natural). The husband does not care about the wife. What is the husband’s response? What is the wife’s response? What is the solution? Is psychology the solution? We can add more problems to the family: strife, jealousy, drunkenness, evil entertainments, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, lies, slander, debauchery, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, wickedness, sensuality, pride, and foolishness. When two people get together, soon or later they will have conflict. How will they handle the conflict? People are selfish. People are evil. Divorce is an option. Evil character will come out of a person during time of financial or relationship stress. Society has no rule on how a married woman should behave. Society has no moral standard. Christians cannot talk about morality. To talk about morality is to judge. Not to judge others is a virtue. Immoral people may deny that rules exist. Psychologists should know that rules exist. A woman or a man can behave anyway that they want because the behavior is not against the law. But the behavior is against the moral law. The offended person has to take the law into his own hand. When the offended person takes the law into his own hand, he violates the criminal law.
God spoke to me to read Jude 3 yrs ago. I read this over and over. I understood the message, but not sure how to recognize those the scripture was describing. Shortly after my heart went to studying the fruits of the spirit. I wasn’t sure why my focus was so strong in this area, but I see how it has helped me to see the fruits of Christians. It has also helped me to seek the Holy Spirit to correct things in my own life that wasn’t bearing good fruit. Psalms 139;23 David ask God to search him. Thank you both for teaching on this subject. Relevant for our time.
@@tomceman4451 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6) Jesus is our supreme example of truth, because He is the truth.
This has helped me TREMENDOUSLY. I had decided not to vote because I'm FULLY aware of who is really in control. But you have really given me some really valid points on other ways my vote can serve God's kingdom. I literally was just in conversation with God just before he shared your video, asking Him what is all of this about and how I should move. Thank you Lord!
I’d love to see churches start educating people of all ages on the fact that marriage is designed to be a reflection of Christ and the church, instead of the world’s misguided idea that it’s merely a contract agreeing to keep each other happy. It is a COVENANT between husband and wife before God to do life TOGETHER! It’s not a contract, like a purchase, it’s a covenant, reflective of Christ’s covenant with us when He saves us.
There were two preachers and two wives. They prayed five times a day. They were best friends. One preacher killed his best friend for his beautiful wife. Why don't they get a divorce? .... If they got a divorce, they would lose their jobs. Church people frown on such a behavior. 1 Corinthians 10:13. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. I can have temptation that is common to mankind. God will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear. When I am tempted, God will provide a way out so that I can endure it. God does not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear. I have not been tempted beyond what I can bear. However, I am still alive. Perhaps, in the near future, I will be tempted beyond what I can bear.
Yes to godly marriage! Pleasing God involves loving God and so couples must worship and pray together regularly at home. Living unselfish lives of love and respect for one another is also vital. So tired of seeing people marry primarily for the purpose of fulfilling selfish needs, and the inevitable conflicts and divisions that come from that premise. Problems in the Church, like lukewarm selfish marriages, are a reflection on the Church today and the evidence of its superficial, lukewarm, double-minded ways. The evidence is also in the teaching. It's also in what you see and hear Christians say and do. And you can see it in so-called Christian marriages. The standards keep dropping lower and lower. Have you noticed? Nobody wants to hold young people to account. They are your sons and daughters, but loving them will not disciple them or deliver them from sinful attitudes and behaviours. Where is the fear of the Lord???
A convenient is a contract. The issue is that man desire to have them from Man, and man grant them in their methods of paganism. So have a real one and a counterfeit, as always.
I remember the first time i read the bible cover to cover over a full year, was when my eyes opened to who God is and His ways. And I remember I had a fire that burned because i realised in the church i was serving in, that many people do not really know God. They were simply going to church and doing the "good Christian" duties, but never opening the word of God for themselves. They Know about God, but they didn't KNOW HIM. It's shocking. Leaders should be teaching the importance of reading the bible and getting to know God on their own.
Thank you Yahweh for working through John Bevere and thankyou John for your amazing teachings ... I am in South Africa and was at the Christian Family Church when you spoke on the "Fear of the Lord" ... You make thing so easy to understand and your energy is just so motivating ... May the Lord Bless you and Keep you as you continue to teach on so many platforms ... Thank You ... Elmarie
This is exactly why my dad rejects Jesus. I’m witnessing through service and God is drawing my family to ask questions. My yes is “yes” and my no is “no”. God is leading and I’m amazed but also so nervous at the same time! Letting Him speak though my actions, I’m coming under fire, but it’s ok!
Was watching this and 13:00 min in after you talked about preaching and living godly something just jumped in my and spontaneously made me wanna talk with one of my best friends online and talk to her about my own religious journey into Christ and allowed her to be honest and open and me too even to things not related religion. So thank you.
Thank you, thank you.❤ Move in the image of Christ and they will give like they did Christ, and all will move into the Spirit and oil. This is so needed.
Thanks John and Arden for always spreading the truth! May God poor out a double blessing on you, your family and ministry. In Jesus' Holy and Mighty name Amen!
You were scaring me there for a minute John. I thought you were going to say that people who sin, like that man did, aren't saved. But, you nailed it, it's not that he sinned, it's that he thinks it's okay. The Lord revealed to me how I can feel clean, because I'm abiding in him and being free from sin because of that. Then I sinned again. He asked me "Do you prefer to remain clean, or be unclean?". And I was like "Oh, the clean is sooooo much better.". And this is the essence of a fake sinner, as opposed to a fake Christian. A fake sinner HATES His sin, and does not accept it, in that he/she fights against it. His heart is regenerated, though his flesh may win from time to time. But it will always be a fight for righteousness.
@davidchupp4460 I don't think that's true because you can't really know if the person truly believes. They might say that they trust in the sacrifice of Jesus, but unless that has gone from an intellectual stance to a spiritual inner understanding, then they aren't saved. I'm not saying they have to be a super theologian or anything.
@ they could be lying but it’s still my litmus test. You can see if they are sincere in what they believe. Fruit inspectors are generally wrong how they judge others
Good word!! Been following you, since you started…back in the day. 😉 Thank you for being consistent in your teaching, staying true to the Bible and now reaping the benefits of Godly children. Blessings on you and your family.
Politics is the elephant in the room right now. The lower Trump goes, the lower he drags the church with him. I really wonder where the bottom is in what kind of evil the church would support or turn a blind eye to for political power. Knowing Christian history I don't think there is one.
Read the WORD for ourselves daily and act on it by the help of HOLY SPIRIT. No one can read it for you. It's easy to blame teachers of false doctrine but salvation is a personal walk. Pastors, please sound it to the congregation at every opportunity to read the scriptures for themselves🙏
@@ia2906 There were two preachers and two wives. They prayed five times a day. They were best friends. One preacher killed his best friend for his beautiful wife. Why don't they get a divorce? .... If they got a divorce, they would lose their jobs.
I just join one of most historical church in my country and the most sad thing happened as I join as a new member in choir. Then bam! Some senior choir member are bullying us the new members. Sad ? Grieve? Yes ... so much. But we set our boundary and sing for God alone. Imagine. Bullying is happening in this church's choir 😅😭🤦🏻♀️
😂😢😮I'm sorry, except I saw this happen at my former church I loved, but I was surprised at what was stated right before into the choir area in the sanctuary. An older lady , I love and have known my whole life, looks at me and says in a low but hearable voice," Do you know many people in the church don't like it that those 2 teenage girls,( that had recently just joined the choir, was in the front row and very pretty, but nice Christian girls too. The rest was all older and many seniors that had sang in the choir for years. I hope she or no one told the girls. I'm sorry, but I was in my 40's and the 1st thing I thought was," No. .......," I'm sure many like seeing those beautiful girls!!❤😂
I refuse to be responsible for everyone who has walked away from God. I was offended by Christians as an Atheist because I was believing a lie, but they didn’t stop me eventually accepting Christ.
I had a dream that I walked into what looked like a mall/Walmart in the middle of winter, but when I walked in it looked just like an airport. My flight was leaving at 1:21 and I had some downtime, so I walked over to Macys which was inside the airport and then the airport started construction. There was a very narrow corridor that went from Macys to my gate, but I wasn’t exactly sure which way to go. I saw a middle-aged gentleman carrying a messenger bag that was headed thru the narrow corridor and I knew that if I followed him, he would lead me to my gate. I followed him and made it to my gate just in time to board. I had this dream probably 6-7 years ago, but never knew who the gentleman was. My Dad mailed me a book from John Bevere just a few months ago and I about fell out of my chair. The man from my dream was John Bevere!
I was in the Word, and just came across these two verses in Jeremiah 23:25-26 They are so appropriate for this podcast. Praise the living God, who orders the steps of the righteous! 25 I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. 26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;
Until recently i actually thought that prayer was me telling God what he should do and how. I know now that prayer is God connecting with me. And right now it's just head knowledge - i have no idea how it works.
Ask and you will receive. Ask according to His will. It is His will that you know him (John 17:3). It is His will that you love Him (Psalm 42:1-2). It is His will that you communicate with Him (Genesis 3:9). Ask for that and you shall receive (Matthew 7:7-8, Matthew 21:22, John 16:24, James 4:3, 1 John 3:22, 1 John 5:14-15). Here's the secret of prayer - Revelation 3:20, Colossians 3:2, 1 Corinthians 2:9. Ask Him to teach you. Read all of those 12 Scriptures daily. Pray a lot in the Holy Spirit. God bless you and your prayers!
Indeed, false teachers bring the way of the truth into disrepute. However, this is not why 30 million have walked away. Nor is it why 2 Peter 2 is given to us to make such a conclusion. As a teacher, it is to correct us and keep us from the same errors, especially being a prophet for profit, and to warn and heed the warning. When you study this in depth and then walk in partnership with clear violators of the warning like Bill Johnson, Bethel Redding, God help us. Deliver us from always teaching but never learning.
Wow! There's so much about this that I could tell you from my own experience, mainly when everyday actions and words don't align with the Word and then you're not taught properly. I'm so thankful God opened my eyes early to this fact but unfortunately for 22 years having not been taught properly at a younger age I was both in the world and with God but also so angry at the church that I stopped going for over a decade. He's ended up bringing me back and teaching me Himself and leading me to the right people now, but it absolutely should not have taken a lot of religious trauma, walking on my own and into my mid 30s for God to have step in heavily Himself when its our job He gave us as a church to teach and for me to be here with Him now as I should be. God not letting go of my was the biggest saving grace but I completely understand why people leave the church or don't believe at all
They are talking about about George Janko. I pray for this brother. He justifies for his sins instead of leaning to the guilt the Holy Spirit puts in his life.
I guess balancing between a Christian on whos struggling and versus someone who just doesn't care. If you where to look at me ina season where I was struggling you would of thought i was fake but deep down I was crying to God for help and felt so ashamed and he was always there tugging at me he delivered me after many years so now I judge with mercy than assuming there false, John and his son have great content, I'm just giving my experience
Right the world gets upset at Christians for being hypocrites and and yet the world is even more judgmental towards Christians in judging us as hypocrits.
I am still watching, but I just wanted to say that this is such an important discussion. I think it is important that us as Christians can have differences in ideas of things on Earth and maybe even things much higher such as eschatology interpretations, but what we cannot disagree on what God commands us and how we are supposed to live, including what the ONLY path to salvation is, which is surrendering our lives to Jesus and accepting Him as our Lord and Savior. I say this because I know there was a recent episode about the election that I did not entirely agree with, though I certainly understood the points John was making and do not fault any beliefs or decisions made based on those whatsoever. I certainly don't have the all the answers, but I am working to find them. But it is so true that there are divisions rising and I believe the enemy is hard at work here to make it as painful as possible (which is as told in the Bible). I pray we will all find the proper discernment and heed the correction we all need. Thank you for your work.
Thank you brothers in Christ for what you're doing here. I dont know how i stumbled across your channel, actually yes i do,by the leading of the Holy Spirit. I enjoy listening to both of you. Im learning truths i didn't know. This has caused me to want to ask the Lord to reveal to me false teachings I've been taught,and reveal the real truth of Gods word. 2 Timothy 2:15 study to show yourself approved unto God,a workman that needs not to be ashamed,rightly dividing the word of truth. We need to know the word of God for ourselves. Not just theologically,but bh revelation from the Holy Spirit. If we just listen to a pastor without knowing the word fof ourselves,we Will think we are hearing truth. Ephesians 4:14 so that we may no longer be children,tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine,by human cunning,by craftiness in deceitful schemes. See what satan does is mix the truth with a lie,and you do not know the word,if you do not have the Holy Spirit helping you descern what your hearing is truth or not,you can be deceived into believing a lie.
I agree that a church should look at for the man that gives the word, but it's also a requirement that that man that gives the word has a job outside of the church
Non-religious people used to describe Christians with words like "good, kind, charitable, and trustworthy." Now they describe us as "hateful, fake, cruel, and power-hungry." What do you think happened to bring such disrepute?
As Christians we talk about Jesus but do we walk with truth, justice/righteous, and love. The Church is no longer walking in Christian integrity but wants to trade it in for power, over looking the fact that it damages the image of our Christian faith and what Jesus commanded us to do.
And the word ," white evangelicals," I've heard more since 2016 than in my entire life. It never ends good.. Confused?? Absolutely.. the lost... That is 😢😢😢😢
No job, no income, no freedom to make my own decisions as I'm living with my parents, yet I'm still happy as I have gotten closer to God. I found that God may have removed all these distractions as I was losing my way. When I had income, I was spending it like water, and barely thought of God. Now all I think is of Him. I may not have any income or even a romantic partner, but I am spiritually rich. That makes me happy.
I've been countlessly hurt by the church and most recently where I prayed to God and asked if I should leave. My mother in laws house burned to the ground and everything was lost about a month ago. I set up a go-fund me because a woman who worked at a church that I grew up in, hundreds of miles away said it would be better to do that so the church doesn't have to collect donations and deal with the whole paper work/tax deal. So I did. I reached out to my church who runs 2 shelters (only for people who are homeless AND have a drug/alchohol addiction) as well as a thrift store where people donate clothes/items and the money they receive from that goes back into the shelters as well as they clothe the homeless there. I have heard COUNTLESS times about how the church feeds/clothes the homeless... but what happened? We told a pastor what happened and asked for help. They said they would help and we got nothing. We reached out to someone in the office and she said she would add us to the prayer list but again, did nothing. My husbands mother lost EVERYTHING, including clothes and you sit there and say you cloth the homeless and we got.. NOTHING. My sunday school class brings in food and drinks and the church decided that the homeless that was coming around for the food was upsetting too many people, so they starting escorting them off campus and this past sunday, we were talking to a homeless person (I had been sending people to this church to get help but after what they did to us and from this guys testimony, I'm stopping) who said he went to that church and they turned him away because he doesn't have a alcohol or drug problem as well as NOT giving him any clothes. But they'll pay for people to go to Argentina to "help" the people there by working at a soup kitchen!! ITS A FACADE (Everything is set up a head of time to basically give the people the feeling like they're doing good but apparently the church does this every year, so they just go back and do the same thing to give themselves warm fuzzies). Give the appearance of "look at all we do" while LITERALLY turning people away that needs help! What a joke.
Leave that church and find a new one because regardless of their actions (which were very wrong btw) you still have to be in right standing with God by obeying what He told you to do which is to stay in fellowship with other believers. Don't let this make you bitter! God is still good! Even if we're living in wicked times.
@@tndm8312 Problem is, that's the only church in the area that isnt part of a cult. I tried out the rest of them already. A lady sitting next to me at another church was essentially telling me I'm not a christian because shes been a Christian therapist for 30 years and anyone who goes to public school isnt saved. That's the gist of it anyway. I had been tuning in online to watch sermons before and after years and years thought I'd give church another shot and this is what I get. I dont live in a city, I'm out in the sticks so I'm limited. I'm gonna check and see if theres any churches I may have missed but I'm so discouraged after all the problems I've faced from the church throughout my life that I'm close to giving up sitting in an actual church and just going back to online sermons.
If we believe only because of what we think or feel about Jesus, it is wrong....just come with honest faith...like you a child before in you...believing! God loves you.
TRUE Christians? Live Grace. FALSE Christians > LIVE LAWS (the 10) (in bondage and condemnation) Following LAWS is "The Minisrty of Death" We follow a SPIRIT. IN GRACE.
Thank you for this message I really needed to hear this I hope and pray my brother What you told your friend Verse Turns him out of the way of his arrow with his girlfriend
8:00 - I know the podcast he's talking about. I have heard this "Lord, Lord," passage is talking about those who put their faith for redemption in their own works. Those like NeedGod explain that we must trust Jesus 100% and realise nothing we do can make us worthy.
No people preach you are saved by faith but yet judge people on their works. They are quick to call people devils and say they are going to hell by works. Yet they say you are saved by faith. They don't judge people by faith they judge by works. I know you heard of people calling people devils based on their behavior not faith. You cannot judge a person based on faith. You can judge a person based on behavior. You know them by their fruit.
Christians cannot judge but be judged by the Creator. Who are we to decide who is a Christian and who isn't one? Whatever you do, sin, sin offering, good, or else you are doing it to your account with god.
@justice8718 I am pretty sure that is the whole point of his second coming, so he can cut everyone but those he loves for the first time, and didn't betray him and his kingdom.
Right!? "Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand." Romans 14:4
Thanks for keeping us updated! I feel sympathy and empathy for our country. low income people are suffering to survive, and I appreciate Victoria Anne Leonard. You've helped my family with your advice. imagine investing $30,000 and receiving $95,460 after 28 days of trading.
I began investing in stocks and Def earlier this year, and it is the best choice I've ever made. My portfolio is rounding up to almost a million and I have realized that when a stock makes it to the news, chances are you're quite late to the party, the idea is to get in early on blue chips before it becomes public. There are lots of life changing opportunities in the market, and maximize it.
6:53 I knew immediately that you were talking about George Janko, I had to research and I found the video you’re talking about, I was never a fan of this guy, I thank God for giving me discernment, the spirit in that guy is NOT from God. I’m not here to judge him but this is a very important lesson. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
The gentleman that Arden was speaking of is George Janko, i suspect. In which case, George is actually doing much better in his faith now. I felt a similar way when that episode of the George Janko podcast came out. I'd like to see John and Arden on the George Janko podcast. I believe it would be a powerful podcast for the people but even more powerful for George and Belle (his girlfriend who is his now wife).😄
God also showed me thàt we christians had failed to portray Jesus rightly. And that we are not good testimony of Christ! NB: Thats is why many turned away from church. Some renounced their faith, some got into depression or worse... Gandhi once said if christians had been more kind, he would have become a christian himself.
During that time Christians were very strict on themselves. Should have told them Jesus had a sense of humour and wit. I'm serious. He really did. Next time you read the gospels, take a close look at His responses to other people.
Amen! How do you know if they are a true Christian? It's by the way they live! Well, take a closer look at the modern day churches and its congregants, do you believe they are ambassadors of Jesus?! The Church of Acts, the purest church, how many churches practice what the Church of Acts practiced?!
@Tdinh79 That is what the Bible teaches. As long as we remain in Christ by having a repentant heart and living FOR Christ until the end, you will be saved. However, if you reject Christ, walk away from Him, or live a life full of unrepentant sin, you are no longer saved.
The Bible teaches once saved always saved. I question if you were ever truly saved if that makes sense. There is backsliding and coming back to the faith but if you never come back to Jesus then I question if you were ever really saved
@@merandashae2721 Jesus calls the prodigal a person who knew the father and brother as “dead” and “lost” when he went back to a loose living, however, when He was repentant he was called “alive” and “found.” Now what would happen if the prodigal stayed out from the father and died in his sins? He would be “lost” and “dead” still.
The grace of God to empower us is bringing us into bondage? WOW, can't get more deceived than that! We must preach the Full Gospel. If we sin, we are covered by the blood, but now go and sin no more by the grace of God! In the early 2000s, I woke up one morning and heard the words clear as day "Only a fifth part shall understand". The Lord revealed to me that just as Joseph saved a fifth of the fruit, so will a fifth of those who "believe" be with Him in the end. The vast majority of Christians will turn away from the faith. Among other things, it is doctrines like this "God's empowering grace is bondage", that will lead them astray.
I strongly believe that you can't be free from any sin without His grace. The smallest of sins, to the biggest of sins, are part of our sin nature. You cannot overcome it without the divine influence upon the heart (grace). And, if you try, you will twist it into something that looks good but is not, thereby deceiving your own self into thinking you are righteous. e.g. Luke 18:10-14 (ESV) 10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ 13 But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” This pharisee trusted in his own efforts to be righteous, and ironically thanked God for his apparent righteousness that was achieved through his own efforts, yet was not justified.
Boyfriend and girlfriend is very weird to me because those are the words I actually think of for a marriage by the implications of their practices, not a temporary partner. So that’s why that pairing is left confused. They think about the world and get gaslighted by the new words and definitions.
John Bevere is so underrated. I feel his messages have always been so genuine and needed.
He’s an opportunist
How so? Please explain your comment rather than just dropping an opinion without any explanation...
Except he charges 30,000 to speak at a church. Besides that I think he's good.
@@sandramcdaniel2Yes, a Godly opportunist.
You will know them by their fruits .
I went 40 years as a "Christian" without ever reading the Bible for myself. A year ago I was convicted to read it for myself and my life has changed so much. The biggest thing that God has done for me is take away my anxiety and depression. I used to have to take medication to leave my house for longer than an hour, now I no longer need medication and I am excited to travel and go places and I have peace every day. It is so important and literally life giving to read the word for yourself. I started with the New Testament and then read the Old Testament and am doing so again right now. I get something new out of it every day and God is faithful to reveal himself through his word.
I love your testimony, mine is very similar - I lived almost 40 years thinking I was a Christian too... 5 years ago, I started hearing scripture from the bible that contradicted what I had learned as a child... so I started reading the bible - it has been eye opening. The holy spirit has now changed me completely inside and out!!! I have been healed of 20 years of unbearable migraines and neck and back pain, completely delivered of anxiety and depression and now I work for a non-profit helping people. God is so good! Praise the Lord!
You are one to talk John. You are a false teacher!!!!
Wow!! To go 40 years Christian before you read the Bible. I came to Christ in 2021 I am reading through the Bible for the third time, this time I am journaling through it as I read through it. So it will take me twice as long. I too get something new from it daily! So much to learn and I plan to continue to read it over and over and over again for the rest of my life! 🩵
@ronnie-lynn no no, he/she said "christian" which means false convert, someone who "believed in God" but didn't have a revelation of the truth so continued to walk in darkness... their is a huge difference. I thought I was a christian all my life, when I found the truth I realised I'd been deceived all along...
Praise God!! His Word is truly transformative.
*As Christians, our Job is to bring people to Jesus not to push them away from Him*
*Unfortunately, hypocrisy in our lives push sinners away from Christ*
That and mostly because we have Christians who believe in being free just like in Bible times and that's most of them. So they are seeing people call themselves Christians who actually aren't and judging a religion off that. Saying your a Christian doesn't make you one but someone who doesn't follow Christ won't know the difference.
I absolutely love how both proclaim the Word and make it relevant. Arden’s statement about taking the name of God in vain by professing relationship with Christ but living in a worldly manner was profound AND anointed 🙌
The worldly strange me out by how they live, by making their declarations to the world instead of God.
It's only profound and anointed when a white man says it, right?
This is an example of father and son conversation.
Peaceful. One speaks, the other listens. No one speak over another.
Great conversation!
I struggled with a sin issue the past year. The entire time I confessed it as sin. I knew I was separated spiritually from hearing God clearly. But I read my Bible and prayed daily. It is best to be in prayer, fellowship and the word. Sin is serious and should not be taken lightly
even by devout, struggling christians. It is best to not practice sin, identify it as sin and repent and confess. Do not give up God hears and knows a sincere heart.
#1 You are redeemed but you are also still fallen. John tells us that are NATURE is that we prefer the darkness because the LIGHT exposes our sins. Christ is in the light and if we remain in the light he will fellowship with us... here is a question. Given that John is speaking TRUTH to us... WHAT is this light John is speak about... it cant be Christ because he is described separately from the light. John does not tell us that Christ is the light either... well, if you have studied the Old Testament you probably know.... it is the LAW that is the light. We are TOLD that. We are TOLD that the LAW or better understood as INSTRUCTION is a LIGHT unto our feet ILLUMINATIONG our PATH THAT WE CAN WALK AND NOT STUMBLE IN THE DARKNESS. If you are a protestant your pounding that key board, scream the tripe line of you can earn salvation with works. You are 100% correct. That is like being surprised that a screw driver is a terrible hammer. But here is the thing you dont seem to grasp... the Torah (first 5 in which the law is revealed) From the moment God spoke it to Moses hearing, the LAW has NEVER saved anyone. Abraham was credit righteousness because HE BELIEVED GOD not because he was a good/righteous man.
1 john makes it CRYSTAL, UNMISTAKABLY CLEAR when he says IF WE SAY WE ARE HIS WE OUGHT WALK AS HE WALKED... in other words Christ OBSERVED THE COMMANMENTS OF GOD who are YOU to say you are released of the obligations of the law? YOU ARE FREED FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. Do you attempt to make Christ a LIAR??? He made it CLEAR when he said Heaven and Earth will pass away before his words pass away. I know right about now you are saying well it is complete because his work here is complete... first off no its not or he wouldnt be RETURNING so there is that. Yeshua, when he was chastising the pharisee's said to them, you diligently search the scriptures for eternal life yet you do not see me. It is not I who will judge you but it will be Moses who judges you because you have rejected me. Johns Gospel in the beginning of his gospel says something stunning that the WORD became Flesh (Yeshua) and dwelt among us. When John wrote his gospel the only thing that was SCRIPTURE was the Tanakh (Old testament) In Jewish thinking it is divided in 3 parts. The Torah (1st 5 books) the writings, and the Prophets. The Torah is the only one in which God SPOKE audibly to give the Torah. The Torah=Yeshua Christ IS the Torah and the Torah is Christ. So if that is true it should RADICALLY change how you view the law...
@@robschaller9061 @redeemed and still fallen? It's like saying bought but not yours. Redeemed means to buy back or purchased. God couldn't have redeemed or bought back humanity at such a great price and they're still bound by the same force of darkness they were sold to. That's absurd. Sadly, this i why many claim to be Christians and still deny the testimony or witness of scriptures.
As someone who was married for over 25 years, and had my “Christian” husband leave me for a “Christian” woman, I think honoring the vows you made and upholding the covenant of marriage, is certainly one way Christians can show their authenticity, love and obedience to Yashua, as well as modeling what a Christ centered marriage should be.
True, but we must also be careful to not judge.
I too were abandoned, but some would like to judge everyone, who went through a divorce.
We never know the whole story about anyone's life.
As someone who has been married for over 25 years, I could leave my wife for another Christian woman. I am still alive; therefore, it can happen.
@@Donnah1979no judgement, just saying I think one big reason inappropriate relationships occur among Christians is that a lot of Christians have a worldly view, instead of a Biblical view, of marriage. When life gets tough they think it means they need a new partner. If church would teach what marriage actually is how many of those occurrences could be prevented? I would never judge what the wronged party chose to do about being wronged.
I just think there’s a lot of ignorance among Christians about marriage.
By their fruits we will know them. People who do things like that then parade the relationship like it was God led astound me.
Christian means Christ following. No man or woman follows Christ into infidelity.
Even if the church pats them on the back and gives approval. God is never in that. It’s sad that churches don’t support strengthening
marriages within their church as much as they do other things, when marriage is the only relationship besides salvation that is a God ordained covenant relationship.
When two imperfect humans come together, there will be conflict (natural). The husband does not care about the wife. What is the husband’s response? What is the wife’s response? What is the solution? Is psychology the solution? We can add more problems to the family: strife, jealousy, drunkenness, evil entertainments, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, lies, slander, debauchery, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, wickedness, sensuality, pride, and foolishness. When two people get together, soon or later they will have conflict. How will they handle the conflict? People are selfish. People are evil. Divorce is an option.
Evil character will come out of a person during time of financial or relationship stress. Society has no rule on how a married woman should behave. Society has no moral standard. Christians cannot talk about morality. To talk about morality is to judge. Not to judge others is a virtue.
Immoral people may deny that rules exist. Psychologists should know that rules exist. A woman or a man can behave anyway that they want because the behavior is not against the law. But the behavior is against the moral law. The offended person has to take the law into his own hand. When the offended person takes the law into his own hand, he violates the criminal law.
Wow 😮. I can’t believe someone taught that verse in that way. 😭 that hurts to hear. Thank you both for addressing this issue.
Thank you guys for spreading truth.
Loved Ardens comment about taking the Lord‘s name in vain
I am currently reading The Awe of God and it's eye opening we need the fear of the Lord. Thank you John Bevere God bless you
Oh yes, The fear of GOD is missing in many Christian groups.😮
So good ! Thank you both for sharing the truths of Gods Word where so many others won’t .
God spoke to me to read Jude 3 yrs ago. I read this over and over. I understood the message, but not sure how to recognize those the scripture was describing.
Shortly after my heart went to studying the fruits of the spirit. I wasn’t sure why my focus was so strong in this area, but I see how it has helped me to see the fruits of Christians. It has also helped me to seek the Holy Spirit to correct things in my own life that wasn’t bearing good fruit. Psalms 139;23 David ask God to search him.
Thank you both for teaching on this subject. Relevant for our time.
Where does your truth come from?
@@barbterramiggi2525 What is truth?
@@barbterramiggi2525 what exactly are you asking? The Bible is truth.
@@MistyLooney I agree that the bible is truth. Would you give an example of truth?
@@tomceman4451 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6)
Jesus is our supreme example of truth, because He is the truth.
This has helped me TREMENDOUSLY. I had decided not to vote because I'm FULLY aware of who is really in control. But you have really given me some really valid points on other ways my vote can serve God's kingdom.
I literally was just in conversation with God just before he shared your video, asking Him what is all of this about and how I should move.
Thank you Lord!
THIS!! Is one of the most important messages to us all, all over the world! Thank you so much!
Love your teachings, love messenger X. Your book the bait of Satan helped transform my life. Thank BEVERE family for your faithfulness!!!
I’d love to see churches start educating people of all ages on the fact that marriage is designed to be a reflection of Christ and the church, instead of the world’s misguided idea that it’s merely a contract agreeing to keep each other happy. It is a COVENANT between husband and wife before God to do life TOGETHER! It’s not a contract, like a purchase, it’s a covenant, reflective of Christ’s covenant with us when He saves us.
I completely agree! And I see the devastation of how pursuing happiness over holiness is destroying families and churches.
There were two preachers and two wives. They prayed five times a day. They were best friends. One preacher killed his best friend for his beautiful wife. Why don't they get a divorce?
.... If they got a divorce, they would lose their jobs. Church people frown on such a behavior.
1 Corinthians 10:13. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
I can have temptation that is common to mankind. God will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear. When I am tempted, God will provide a way out so that I can endure it.
God does not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear. I have not been tempted beyond what I can bear. However, I am still alive. Perhaps, in the near future, I will be tempted beyond what I can bear.
Yes to godly marriage! Pleasing God involves loving God and so couples must worship and pray together regularly at home. Living unselfish lives of love and respect for one another is also vital. So tired of seeing people marry primarily for the purpose of fulfilling selfish needs, and the inevitable conflicts and divisions that come from that premise. Problems in the Church, like lukewarm selfish marriages, are a reflection on the Church today and the evidence of its superficial, lukewarm, double-minded ways. The evidence is also in the teaching. It's also in what you see and hear Christians say and do. And you can see it in so-called Christian marriages. The standards keep dropping lower and lower. Have you noticed? Nobody wants to hold young people to account. They are your sons and daughters, but loving them will not disciple them or deliver them from sinful attitudes and behaviours. Where is the fear of the Lord???
A convenient is a contract.
The issue is that man desire to have them from Man, and man grant them in their methods of paganism. So have a real one and a counterfeit, as always.
I wish I wasn’t so poor 😢. Put I praise God for who he is, and all the many many blessings he given me
That was so good about the commandment about taking the Lord’s name in vain! Such revelation!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙏🏽
Thank you so much for this episode! Watching from Nigeria.
I remember the first time i read the bible cover to cover over a full year, was when my eyes opened to who God is and His ways. And I remember I had a fire that burned because i realised in the church i was serving in, that many people do not really know God. They were simply going to church and doing the "good Christian" duties, but never opening the word of God for themselves. They Know about God, but they didn't KNOW HIM. It's shocking. Leaders should be teaching the importance of reading the bible and getting to know God on their own.
This was so so so very good and I'm very thankful for true ministers of God's Word like your family! Bless you times a million! 🙏🔥
Thank you Yahweh for working through John Bevere and thankyou John for your amazing teachings ... I am in South Africa and was at the Christian Family Church when you spoke on the "Fear of the Lord" ... You make thing so easy to understand and your energy is just so motivating ... May the Lord Bless you and Keep you as you continue to teach on so many platforms ... Thank You ... Elmarie
This is exactly why my dad rejects Jesus. I’m witnessing through service and God is drawing my family to ask questions. My yes is “yes” and my no is “no”. God is leading and I’m amazed but also so nervous at the same time! Letting Him speak though my actions, I’m coming under fire, but it’s ok!
your family will be saved. And you will be sanctified more and more. The Word is powerful. The blood is powerful. Jesus is coming soon!
@@yllatusmuna You say the word is powerful, you must then grant him the texts for his needs. With no covenants, there is no power.
Very important and very clear. Thanks to Pastor John Bevere and his son. GOD bless you.
Thank you for this inspirational and powerful and inspirational message 🙏. Blessed will you with more wise messages for us🙏🙌
Was watching this and 13:00 min in after you talked about preaching and living godly something just jumped in my and spontaneously made me wanna talk with one of my best friends online and talk to her about my own religious journey into Christ and allowed her to be honest and open and me too even to things not related religion.
So thank you.
Wow!!!! Each one of us as professing Christians could be considered false prophets by the way we live! Wow😮...
Thank you brothers!!!!
Thank you, thank you.❤ Move in the image of Christ and they will give like they did Christ, and all will move into the Spirit and oil. This is so needed.
Such an important conversation and most important truth of the gospel. Thank you for speaking the truth of the gospel👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Just so informative. Thank you!🎉❤
Thanks John and Arden for always spreading the truth! May God poor out a double blessing on you, your family and ministry. In Jesus' Holy and Mighty name Amen!
I appreciate how you help re-normalise abstinence
You were scaring me there for a minute John. I thought you were going to say that people who sin, like that man did, aren't saved. But, you nailed it, it's not that he sinned, it's that he thinks it's okay. The Lord revealed to me how I can feel clean, because I'm abiding in him and being free from sin because of that. Then I sinned again. He asked me "Do you prefer to remain clean, or be unclean?". And I was like "Oh, the clean is sooooo much better.". And this is the essence of a fake sinner, as opposed to a fake Christian. A fake sinner HATES His sin, and does not accept it, in that he/she fights against it. His heart is regenerated, though his flesh may win from time to time. But it will always be a fight for righteousness.
The only way to know a fake Christian is what does he believe about salvation. His personal testimony says everything. How he lives is irrelevant.
@davidchupp4460 I don't think that's true because you can't really know if the person truly believes. They might say that they trust in the sacrifice of Jesus, but unless that has gone from an intellectual stance to a spiritual inner understanding, then they aren't saved. I'm not saying they have to be a super theologian or anything.
@ they could be lying but it’s still my litmus test. You can see if they are sincere in what they believe. Fruit inspectors are generally wrong how they judge others
@davidchupp4460 with that I agree 100%. It is humanity's number one problem thinking they know better when they do not even know the person's heart.
@@davidchupp4460 i was thinking, are they really called to be fruit inspectors? Or are they just fruitcakes? lol
I am just so happy listening to John Bevere 🙏🏾
Wow. Eyes opening! Great, thank you! May almighty and only God bless you!!! ❤
Thank you for your podcast. Your teaching is very sound. I love the authenticity as well.
First time fallowing you here I am learning more in your podcast thank you keep speaking the truth on sin
Good word!! Been following you, since you started…back in the day. 😉 Thank you for being consistent in your teaching, staying true to the Bible and now reaping the benefits of Godly children. Blessings on you and your family.
In what ways can Christians be more authentic?
By learning how to live out the Word of God in a practical way on this earth .
Politics is the elephant in the room right now. The lower Trump goes, the lower he drags the church with him. I really wonder where the bottom is in what kind of evil the church would support or turn a blind eye to for political power. Knowing Christian history I don't think there is one.
Read the WORD for ourselves daily and act on it by the help of HOLY SPIRIT. No one can read it for you. It's easy to blame teachers of false doctrine but salvation is a personal walk. Pastors, please sound it to the congregation at every opportunity to read the scriptures for themselves🙏
@@ia2906 AMEN!!! Hearing that only 7% of practicing churchgoing Christians actually read the Bible regularly was eye opening, and explains a lot!
@@ia2906 There were two preachers and two wives. They prayed five times a day. They were best friends. One preacher killed his best friend for his beautiful wife. Why don't they get a divorce?
.... If they got a divorce, they would lose their jobs.
I just join one of most historical church in my country and the most sad thing happened as I join as a new member in choir. Then bam! Some senior choir member are bullying us the new members. Sad ? Grieve? Yes ... so much. But we set our boundary and sing for God alone. Imagine. Bullying is happening in this church's choir 😅😭🤦🏻♀️
😂😢😮I'm sorry, except I saw this happen at my former church I loved, but I was surprised at what was stated right before into the choir area in the sanctuary. An older lady , I love and have known my whole life, looks at me and says in a low but hearable voice," Do you know many people in the church don't like it that those 2 teenage girls,( that had recently just joined the choir, was in the front row and very pretty, but nice Christian girls too. The rest was all older and many seniors that had sang in the choir for years. I hope she or no one told the girls. I'm sorry, but I was in my 40's and the 1st thing I thought was," No.
.......," I'm sure many like seeing those beautiful girls!!❤😂
He's talking about George Janko speaking with Cliffe at around 6:45
Cliffe doesn't seem to confront him about anything.
Cliffe is also evolutionary.
@@RCGWho Girls Gone Bible confronted Janko as well...
I was looking for a comment mentioning this! So crazy!
Thank you so much for this content. God bless the Bevere family 🙏
I love seeing John discuss the word with his boys like this!
I refuse to be responsible for everyone who has walked away from God. I was offended by Christians as an Atheist because I was believing a lie, but they didn’t stop me eventually accepting Christ.
Great word John! This is truth! 🔥
God, help us walk in your Word and Law. Keep us safe under your wings.
I had a dream that I walked into what looked like a mall/Walmart in the middle of winter, but when I walked in it looked just like an airport.
My flight was leaving at 1:21 and I had some downtime, so I walked over to Macys which was inside the airport and then the airport started construction. There was a very narrow corridor that went from Macys to my gate, but I wasn’t exactly sure which way to go. I saw a middle-aged gentleman carrying a messenger bag that was headed thru the narrow corridor and I knew that if I followed him, he would lead me to my gate. I followed him and made it to my gate just in time to board. I had this dream probably 6-7 years ago, but never knew who the gentleman was.
My Dad mailed me a book from John Bevere just a few months ago and I about fell out of my chair. The man from my dream was John Bevere!
I was in the Word, and just came across these two verses in Jeremiah 23:25-26 They are so appropriate for this podcast. Praise the living God, who orders the steps of the righteous!
25 I have heard what the prophets said,
that prophesy lies in my name,
saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.
26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;
Until recently i actually thought that prayer was me telling God what he should do and how. I know now that prayer is God connecting with me. And right now it's just head knowledge - i have no idea how it works.
Ask and you will receive. Ask according to His will.
It is His will that you know him (John 17:3). It is His will that you love Him (Psalm 42:1-2). It is His will that you communicate with Him (Genesis 3:9). Ask for that and you shall receive (Matthew 7:7-8, Matthew 21:22, John 16:24, James 4:3, 1 John 3:22, 1 John 5:14-15).
Here's the secret of prayer - Revelation 3:20, Colossians 3:2, 1 Corinthians 2:9. Ask Him to teach you. Read all of those 12 Scriptures daily. Pray a lot in the Holy Spirit. God bless you and your prayers!
A week ago, I just posted on this same topic. God is calling us to honor His name well.
Indeed, false teachers bring the way of the truth into disrepute. However, this is not why 30 million have walked away. Nor is it why 2 Peter 2 is given to us to make such a conclusion. As a teacher, it is to correct us and keep us from the same errors, especially being a prophet for profit, and to warn and heed the warning. When you study this in depth and then walk in partnership with clear violators of the warning like Bill Johnson, Bethel Redding, God help us. Deliver us from always teaching but never learning.
Thank you. To God be the Glory
Great podcast. Thank you Jesus for giving John such a great understanding of the WORD
Wow! There's so much about this that I could tell you from my own experience, mainly when everyday actions and words don't align with the Word and then you're not taught properly. I'm so thankful God opened my eyes early to this fact but unfortunately for 22 years having not been taught properly at a younger age I was both in the world and with God but also so angry at the church that I stopped going for over a decade. He's ended up bringing me back and teaching me Himself and leading me to the right people now, but it absolutely should not have taken a lot of religious trauma, walking on my own and into my mid 30s for God to have step in heavily Himself when its our job He gave us as a church to teach and for me to be here with Him now as I should be. God not letting go of my was the biggest saving grace but I completely understand why people leave the church or don't believe at all
❤ to the pure all things are pure.
As a Christian, I am free to do anything I want. I know the truth, and the truth sets me free. Or, I could be a liar.
They are talking about about George Janko. I pray for this brother. He justifies for his sins instead of leaning to the guilt the Holy Spirit puts in his life.
He got married
Great lesson, gentleman God bless!!!🙏
I guess balancing between a Christian on whos struggling and versus someone who just doesn't care. If you where to look at me ina season where I was struggling you would of thought i was fake but deep down I was crying to God for help and felt so ashamed and he was always there tugging at me he delivered me after many years so now I judge with mercy than assuming there false, John and his son have great content, I'm just giving my experience
Well said. 🙏🏽🫶
Right the world gets upset at Christians for being hypocrites and and yet the world is even more judgmental towards Christians in judging us as hypocrits.
I agree.
Thanks for this. Your & your family the Lord is pleased with i know it
This a a difficult one. I desperately need to understand this.
Living true to the Bible & since no one is perfect when you mess up be humble apologize and fix it
Something could be beyond apologizing.
What is beyond apologizing? infidelity.
I am still watching, but I just wanted to say that this is such an important discussion. I think it is important that us as Christians can have differences in ideas of things on Earth and maybe even things much higher such as eschatology interpretations, but what we cannot disagree on what God commands us and how we are supposed to live, including what the ONLY path to salvation is, which is surrendering our lives to Jesus and accepting Him as our Lord and Savior. I say this because I know there was a recent episode about the election that I did not entirely agree with, though I certainly understood the points John was making and do not fault any beliefs or decisions made based on those whatsoever. I certainly don't have the all the answers, but I am working to find them. But it is so true that there are divisions rising and I believe the enemy is hard at work here to make it as painful as possible (which is as told in the Bible). I pray we will all find the proper discernment and heed the correction we all need. Thank you for your work.
...love the mystery of truth
So well said.
God bless you guys! Authentic Christianity now!!
Thank you brothers in Christ for what you're doing here. I dont know how i stumbled across your channel, actually yes i do,by the leading of the Holy Spirit. I enjoy listening to both of you. Im learning truths i didn't know. This has caused me to want to ask the Lord to reveal to me false teachings I've been taught,and reveal the real truth of Gods word. 2 Timothy 2:15 study to show yourself approved unto God,a workman that needs not to be ashamed,rightly dividing the word of truth. We need to know the word of God for ourselves. Not just theologically,but bh revelation from the Holy Spirit. If we just listen to a pastor without knowing the word fof ourselves,we Will think we are hearing truth. Ephesians 4:14 so that we may no longer be children,tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine,by human cunning,by craftiness in deceitful schemes. See what satan does is mix the truth with a lie,and you do not know the word,if you do not have the Holy Spirit helping you descern what your hearing is truth or not,you can be deceived into believing a lie.
This podcast was so helpful and soooo real and relevant for such a time…thank you for this. I am in deep reflection of what I know and my life. ❤
I agree that a church should look at for the man that gives the word, but it's also a requirement that that man that gives the word has a job outside of the church
So true. We can better as christians how? by being honest and not judging like we better. So many do because the religious spirit is strong.
Non-religious people used to describe Christians with words like "good, kind, charitable, and trustworthy." Now they describe us as "hateful, fake, cruel, and power-hungry." What do you think happened to bring such disrepute?
Must I be the one to reply? Drum roll, please....Trump
@@nowyouseeme3402 Wrong Sherlock. It's you.
Wow, I really needed this today. Had some “Christian friends “ hurt me pretty bad
As Christians we talk about Jesus but do we walk with truth, justice/righteous, and love. The Church is no longer walking in Christian integrity but wants to trade it in for power, over looking the fact that it damages the image of our Christian faith and what Jesus commanded us to do.
If I can see a clear pathway, I may trade in Christian integrity for power.
@@tomceman4451praying for you man
And the word ," white evangelicals," I've heard more since 2016 than in my entire life. It never ends good.. Confused?? Absolutely.. the lost... That is 😢😢😢😢
What God’s truth demands, His grace supplies 🙏
No job, no income, no freedom to make my own decisions as I'm living with my parents, yet I'm still happy as I have gotten closer to God. I found that God may have removed all these distractions as I was losing my way. When I had income, I was spending it like water, and barely thought of God. Now all I think is of Him. I may not have any income or even a romantic partner, but I am spiritually rich. That makes me happy.
Wow, I’ve never heard do not use God’s vain like that. That’s some deep revelation. And realizing I was doing that all along.
I've been countlessly hurt by the church and most recently where I prayed to God and asked if I should leave. My mother in laws house burned to the ground and everything was lost about a month ago. I set up a go-fund me because a woman who worked at a church that I grew up in, hundreds of miles away said it would be better to do that so the church doesn't have to collect donations and deal with the whole paper work/tax deal. So I did. I reached out to my church who runs 2 shelters (only for people who are homeless AND have a drug/alchohol addiction) as well as a thrift store where people donate clothes/items and the money they receive from that goes back into the shelters as well as they clothe the homeless there. I have heard COUNTLESS times about how the church feeds/clothes the homeless... but what happened? We told a pastor what happened and asked for help. They said they would help and we got nothing. We reached out to someone in the office and she said she would add us to the prayer list but again, did nothing. My husbands mother lost EVERYTHING, including clothes and you sit there and say you cloth the homeless and we got.. NOTHING. My sunday school class brings in food and drinks and the church decided that the homeless that was coming around for the food was upsetting too many people, so they starting escorting them off campus and this past sunday, we were talking to a homeless person (I had been sending people to this church to get help but after what they did to us and from this guys testimony, I'm stopping) who said he went to that church and they turned him away because he doesn't have a alcohol or drug problem as well as NOT giving him any clothes. But they'll pay for people to go to Argentina to "help" the people there by working at a soup kitchen!! ITS A FACADE (Everything is set up a head of time to basically give the people the feeling like they're doing good but apparently the church does this every year, so they just go back and do the same thing to give themselves warm fuzzies). Give the appearance of "look at all we do" while LITERALLY turning people away that needs help! What a joke.
Leave that church and find a new one because regardless of their actions (which were very wrong btw) you still have to be in right standing with God by obeying what He told you to do which is to stay in fellowship with other believers. Don't let this make you bitter! God is still good! Even if we're living in wicked times.
@@tndm8312 Problem is, that's the only church in the area that isnt part of a cult. I tried out the rest of them already. A lady sitting next to me at another church was essentially telling me I'm not a christian because shes been a Christian therapist for 30 years and anyone who goes to public school isnt saved. That's the gist of it anyway. I had been tuning in online to watch sermons before and after years and years thought I'd give church another shot and this is what I get. I dont live in a city, I'm out in the sticks so I'm limited. I'm gonna check and see if theres any churches I may have missed but I'm so discouraged after all the problems I've faced from the church throughout my life that I'm close to giving up sitting in an actual church and just going back to online sermons.
You will know them by their fruit... I love that shirt too John, love the color!
If we believe only because of what we think or feel about Jesus, it is wrong....just come with honest faith...like you a child before in you...believing! God loves you.
TRUE Christians? Live Grace.
FALSE Christians > LIVE LAWS (the 10)
(in bondage and condemnation)
Following LAWS is "The Minisrty of Death"
We follow a SPIRIT.
Thank you for this message I really needed to hear this I hope and pray my brother What you told your friend Verse Turns him out of the way of his arrow with his girlfriend
Alleluia 👐
8:00 - I know the podcast he's talking about. I have heard this "Lord, Lord," passage is talking about those who put their faith for redemption in their own works. Those like NeedGod explain that we must trust Jesus 100% and realise nothing we do can make us worthy.
Yeah his answer is screwed up.
Wow so True 🙏
Your son is spot on about not taking the lords name in vain. Dennis Prager said that's the Jewish interpretation
George Janko
The only fake Christians I’ve come across are those who resemble Pharisees. Preaching works for salvation, yet claiming they have saving faith.
No people preach you are saved by faith but yet judge people on their works. They are quick to call people devils and say they are going to hell by works. Yet they say you are saved by faith. They don't judge people by faith they judge by works. I know you heard of people calling people devils based on their behavior not faith. You cannot judge a person based on faith. You can judge a person based on behavior. You know them by their fruit.
@@dennismagee9555yeah you can. You know a true believer based on Gasp what he BELIEVES about salvation.
@@davidchupp4460 How do you judge people on their faith???
Church hurt is real, but don't let it keep you from the healer.
How is this hard. 2 Timothy 2:19. " Let those who name God keep depart from iniquity and The Lord knows who is His."
Christians cannot judge but be judged by the Creator. Who are we to decide who is a Christian and who isn't one? Whatever you do, sin, sin offering, good, or else you are doing it to your account with god.
We have to judge or else God beats us down.
@justice8718 I am pretty sure that is the whole point of his second coming, so he can cut everyone but those he loves for the first time, and didn't betray him and his kingdom.
Right!? "Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand." Romans 14:4
@@reneeagudeloworship Thank you for clarifying it for them. God bless you.
Bible never explains what a Christian is.. but it does say what a disciple is.
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6:53 I knew immediately that you were talking about George Janko, I had to research and I found the video you’re talking about, I was never a fan of this guy, I thank God for giving me discernment, the spirit in that guy is NOT from God. I’m not here to judge him but this is a very important lesson. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
The gentleman that Arden was speaking of is George Janko, i suspect. In which case, George is actually doing much better in his faith now. I felt a similar way when that episode of the George Janko podcast came out. I'd like to see John and Arden on the George Janko podcast. I believe it would be a powerful podcast for the people but even more powerful for George and Belle (his girlfriend who is his now wife).😄
God also showed me thàt we christians had failed to portray Jesus rightly. And that we are not good testimony of Christ!
NB: Thats is why many turned away from church. Some renounced their faith, some got into depression or worse...
Gandhi once said if christians had been more kind, he would have become a christian himself.
During that time Christians were very strict on themselves. Should have told them Jesus had a sense of humour and wit.
I'm serious. He really did. Next time you read the gospels, take a close look at His responses to other people.
Amen! How do you know if they are a true Christian? It's by the way they live! Well, take a closer look at the modern day churches and its congregants, do you believe they are ambassadors of Jesus?! The Church of Acts, the purest church, how many churches practice what the Church of Acts practiced?!
Very few sadly...
Once saved always saved is a deception from Satan. It is sad that so many people are falling for it.
Sad, but true.
Saul's story is a prime example of this principle.
I believe in the “once saved always saved” on the condition we remain “in” Him and rain steadfast to the very end to be saved!
@Tdinh79 That is what the Bible teaches. As long as we remain in Christ by having a repentant heart and living FOR Christ until the end, you will be saved. However, if you reject Christ, walk away from Him, or live a life full of unrepentant sin, you are no longer saved.
The Bible teaches once saved always saved. I question if you were ever truly saved if that makes sense. There is backsliding and coming back to the faith but if you never come back to Jesus then I question if you were ever really saved
@@merandashae2721 Jesus calls the prodigal a person who knew the father and brother as “dead” and “lost” when he went back to a loose living, however, when He was repentant he was called “alive” and “found.” Now what would happen if the prodigal stayed out from the father and died in his sins? He would be “lost” and “dead” still.
The grace of God to empower us is bringing us into bondage? WOW, can't get more deceived than that! We must preach the Full Gospel. If we sin, we are covered by the blood, but now go and sin no more by the grace of God! In the early 2000s, I woke up one morning and heard the words clear as day "Only a fifth part shall understand". The Lord revealed to me that just as Joseph saved a fifth of the fruit, so will a fifth of those who "believe" be with Him in the end. The vast majority of Christians will turn away from the faith. Among other things, it is doctrines like this "God's empowering grace is bondage", that will lead them astray.
I strongly believe that you can't be free from any sin without His grace. The smallest of sins, to the biggest of sins, are part of our sin nature. You cannot overcome it without the divine influence upon the heart (grace). And, if you try, you will twist it into something that looks good but is not, thereby deceiving your own self into thinking you are righteous. e.g. Luke 18:10-14 (ESV) 10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ 13 But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
This pharisee trusted in his own efforts to be righteous, and ironically thanked God for his apparent righteousness that was achieved through his own efforts, yet was not justified.
Boyfriend and girlfriend is very weird to me because those are the words I actually think of for a marriage by the implications of their practices, not a temporary partner. So that’s why that pairing is left confused. They think about the world and get gaslighted by the new words and definitions.