Eric Hyer: Is China the Cause of International (Dis)order?

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024

Комментарии • 4 тыс.

  • @lupus7194
    @lupus7194 3 года назад +2116

    The US really needs to make clear what the rules are which make up the "Rules Based Order". For example, the US says China should abide by the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea but the US itself is one of only two countries that are not signatories to the convention. Similarly, the US says that China should abide by the ruling of the World Court directed arbitration with respect to the dispute between China and the Philippines over the SCS. But the US does not recognise the jurisdiction of the World Court. It's clear then that UNCLOS and the World Court aren't part of the "Rules Based Order". So what is ? For example, what rule allowed the US to invade Iraq based on fabricated evidence of WMD, resulting in the deaths of a million people. Or the invasion of Afghanistan resulting in a quarter of a million deaths. Someone help me: what are the rules ! Then there are the many agreements that the US has reneged on such as the nuclear agreement with Iran, the intermediate range missile agreement etc. I guess these weren't part of the "Rules Based Order" so what is ? Finally, there is the International Criminal Court which the US has blocked from investigating US forces war crimes in Afghanistan. The US issued an executive order effectively criminalizing anyone who works at the ICC. Its lawyers, judges, researchers etc could now have their U.S. bank accounts frozen, U.S. visas revoked and travel to the U.S. denied.
    Can I summarise what I think the "Rules Based Order" really is: It means that the US does what it likes and the rest of us do what we are told.

    • @fajarliong
      @fajarliong 3 года назад +238

      Basically unwritten godfather rule, can be invoked anytime when godfather wants it.

    • @paulmcgrory5165
      @paulmcgrory5165 3 года назад +86

      The World Court did not make a ruling on the SCS. The issue went to an arbitration which PRC declined to engage.

    • @paulmcgrory5165
      @paulmcgrory5165 3 года назад +154

      @@campassbrown8862 Good point. The US has not and will not submit to an arbitration under UNCLOS. But it funded the Aquino puppet government to go to arbitration.

    • @jdjssd.n.jsjssjs8951
      @jdjssd.n.jsjssjs8951 3 года назад +234

      The rule base order by US means " shut up, do as I say or else".

    • @paulmcgrory5165
      @paulmcgrory5165 3 года назад +160

      @@jdjssd.n.jsjssjs8951 Their rules based order is - We make the rules and give the orders.

  • @weiminooi8799
    @weiminooi8799 3 года назад +256

    When hong kong protestor storm in parliment, Mdm Nancy: "sight to behold" and it is sad democracy is deteriorating in HK. But yet when people storm capitol hill, it is federal felonies....
    Same thing both hk rioters and capitol hill protestor did, but yet 2 different sets of saying. Double standards, don't you think? hypocrites....

    • @44bett
      @44bett 3 года назад +11

      Well said!

    • @dannytadashi4235
      @dannytadashi4235 2 года назад +7

      Yep 👍

    • @dannytadashi4235
      @dannytadashi4235 2 года назад +10

      This is call white folks hypocrisy

    • @eddiehah9842
      @eddiehah9842 2 года назад +7


    • @blueblue894
      @blueblue894 2 года назад +3

      Yeah independent country of north America. Bet that's not going to happen. The deep state will kill them off

  • @victoews6842
    @victoews6842 3 года назад +1721

    As a Canadian I (we) see China as a builder and USA as a Bomber. Guess who we are cheering for.

    • @algoa456
      @algoa456 3 года назад +26

      Perhaps as a naive Canadian you should ask the people who have been forced out of China or more correctly fled China for their perspective before shooting your mouth off. I’ve lived in Blanada, sorry Canada, for many years and aside from the dislike of the US that’s seems intrinsic to its culture it is like a political Disneyland with Canadians having zero understanding of Realpolitik. The danger of China is real, the country is jingoistic in the extreme and is increasingly aggressive on the world stage.
      One has only to see their aggression towards Australia because Australia dared to suggest a proper investigation into Covid origins.
      Angola, in Africa is, in effect a Chinese colony. Angola’s leaders are bribed, Chinese workers take the oil and the average Angolan sees not a scintilla of benefit. In Zambia forests are being destroyed and the timber sent to China for cheap furniture. I could go on.....for heaven sake do some research and leave Political Disneyland for awhile.

    • @kerbykuek
      @kerbykuek 3 года назад +87

      could not agree with you more Vic toews, spot on!

    • @blackknight4996
      @blackknight4996 3 года назад +146

      An advise to you, your brain is wrecked and your imagination has run wild. Don't stop your medication anytime soon. One thing for sure, you are not FIT to be on the radar screen of China. You are nothing! No disrespect to you Sir, Canada is a nobody in geopolitics.😁

    • @algoa456
      @algoa456 3 года назад +10

      @@blackknight4996 hello Hoo Flung Dung nice to hear from you. Is Xi paying you for your stupid comments. If China is so good why are millions of Chinese leaving the country?

    • @4ndrew4w44
      @4ndrew4w44 3 года назад +3

      Me too

  • @voicefrompeople155
    @voicefrompeople155 2 года назад +146

    Professor Hyer: I agree with you that People outside of China should visit China, learn Chinese language and try to understand China. Especially, including yourself, should visit Xinjiang to see how happy the people's life there. Should visit Hong Kong to see Hong Kong still has better freedom than U.S.A. Main Street News Media really did not tell the truth.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад +1

      what good china has anyway..

    • @duckmanone5435
      @duckmanone5435 Год назад

      @@baldogtondo7017 Go find out if you can afford it - find out why their government has over 90% approval from their citizens - from survey from Harvard University - or better still go look it up and visit and see why

    • @gregwang8628
      @gregwang8628 Год назад +10

      Go see for yourself 😅​@@baldogtondo7017

    • @wilftan2571
      @wilftan2571 Год назад +2


    • @stolendust
      @stolendust Год назад +3

      Have you visited Xinjiang and KH in person? Please do it before suggesting others to.

  • @badderstzi9527
    @badderstzi9527 3 года назад +402

    The following is what I borrowed from a Malaysian RUclipsr’s comment:
    I’m from Malaysia. China has traded with Malaysia for 2000 years. In those years, they had been the world’s biggest powers many times. Never once they sent troops to take our land. Admiral Zhenghe came to Malacca five times, in gigantic fleets, and a flagship eight times the size of Christopher Columbus’ flagship, Santa Maria. He could have seized Malacca easily, but he did not. In 1511, the Portuguese came. In 1642, the Dutch came. In the 18th century the British came. We were colonised by each, one after another.
    When China wanted spices from India, they traded with the Indians. When they wanted gems, they traded with the Persian. They didn’t take lands. The only time China expanded beyond their current borders was in Yuan Dynasty, when Genghis and his descendants Ogedei Khan, Guyuk Khan & Kublai Khan concurred China, Mid Asia and Eastern Europe. But Yuan Dynasty, although being based in China, was a part of the Mongolian Empire.
    Then came the Century of Humiliation. Britain smuggled opium into China to dope the population, a strategy to turn the trade deficit around, after the British could not find enough silver to pay the Qing Dynasty in their tea and porcelain trades. After the opium warehouses were burned down and ports were closed by the Chinese in ordered to curb opium, the British started the Opium War I, which China lost. Hong Kong was forced to be surrendered to the British in a peace talk (Nanjing Treaty). The British owned 90% of the opium market in China, during that time, Queen Victoria was the world’s biggest drug baron. The remaining 10% was owned by American merchants from Boston. Many of Boston’s institutions were built with profit from opium.
    After 12 years of Nanjing Treaty, the West started getting really really greedy. The British wanted the Qing government:
    1. To open the borders of China to allow goods coming in and out freely, and tax free.
    2. Make opium legal in China.
    Insane requests, Qing government said no. The British and French (with supports from the US), started Opium War II with China, which again, China lost. The Anglo-French military raided the Summer Palace, and threatened to burn down the Imperial Palace, the Qing government was forced to pay with ports, free business zones, 300,000 kilograms of silver and Kowloon was taken. Since then, China’s resources flew out freely through these business zones and ports. In the subsequent amendment to the treaties, Chinese people were sold overseas to serve as labor.
    In 1900, China suffered attacks by the 8-National Alliance (Empire of Japan, Russian Empire, British Empire (including India), France, USA, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary). Innocent Chinese civilians in Peking (Beijing now) were murdered, buildings were destroyed & women were raped. The Imperial Palace was raided, and treasures ended up in museums like the British Museum in London and the Louvre in Paris.
    In late 1930s China was occupied by the Japanese in WWII. Millions of Chinese died during the occupancy. 300,000 Chinese died in Nanjing Massacre alone.
    Mao brought China together again from the shambles. There were peace and unity for some time. But Mao’s later reign saw sufferings and deaths from famine and power struggles.
    Then came Deng Xiao Ping and his infamous “black-cat and white-cat” story. His preference in pragmatism than ideologies has transformed China. This thinking allowed China to evolve all the time to adapt to the actual needs in the country, instead of rigidly bounded to ideologies. It also signified the death of Communism in actually practice in China. The current Socialism+Meritocracy+Market Economy model fits the Chinese like gloves, and it propels the uprise of China. Singapore has a similar model, and has been arguably more successful than Hong Kong, because Hong Kong being gateway to China, was riding on the economic boom in China, while Singapore had no one to gain from.
    In just 30 years, the CPC have moved 800 millions of people out from poverty. The rate of growth is unprecedented in human history. They have built the biggest mobile network, by far the biggest high speed rail network in the world, and they have become a behemoth in infrastructure. They made a fishing village called Shenzhen into the world’s second largest technological centre after the Silicon Valley. They are growing into a technological power house. It has the most elaborate e-commerce and cashless payment system in the world. They have launched exploration to Mars. The Chinese are living a good life and China has become one of the safest countries in the world. The level of patriotism in the country has reached an unprecedented height.
    For all of the achievements, the West has nothing good to say about it. China suffers from intense anti-China propagandas from the West. Western Media used the keyword “Communist” to instil fear and hatred towards China.
    Everything China does is negatively reported.
    They claimed China used slave labor in making iPhones. The truth was, Apple was the most profitable company in the world, it took most of the profit, leave some to Foxconn (a Taiwanese company) and little to the labor.
    They claimed China was inhuman with one-child policy. At the same time, they accused China of polluting the earth with its huge population. The fact is the Chinese consume just 30% of energy per capita compared to the US.
    They claimed China underwent ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang. The fact is China has a policy which priorities ethnic minorities. For a long time, the ethnic minorities were allowed to have two children and the majority Han only allowed one. The minorities are allowed a lower score for university intakes. There are 39,000 mosque in China, and 2100 in the US. China has about 3 times more mosque per muslim than the US.
    When terrorist attacks happened in Xinjiang, China had two choices:
    1. Re-educate the Uighur extremists before they turned terrorists.
    2. Let them be, after they launch attacks and killed innocent people, bomb their homes.
    China chose 1 to solve problem from the root and not to do killing. How the US solve terrorism? Fire missiles from battleships, drop bombs from the sky.
    During the pandemic,
    When China took extreme measures to lockdown the people, they were accused of being inhuman.
    When China recovered swiftly because of the extreme measures, they were accused of lying about the actual numbers.
    When China’s cases became so low that they could provide medical support to other countries, they were accused of politically motivated.
    Western Media always have reasons to bash China.
    Just like any country, there are irresponsible individuals from China which do bad and dirty things, but the China government overall has done very well. But I hear this comment over and over by people from the West: I like Chinese people, but the CPC is evil. What they really want is the Chinese to change the government, because the current one is too good.
    Fortunately China is not a multi-party democratic country, otherwise the opposition party in China will be supported by notorious NGOs (Non-Government Organization) of the USA, like the NED (National Endowment for Democracy), to topple the ruling party. The US and the British couldn’t crack Mainland China, so they work on Hong Kong. Of all the ex-British colonial countries, only the Hong Kongers were offered BNOs by the British. Because the UK would like the Hong Kongers to think they are British citizens, not Chinese. A divide-and-conquer strategy, which they often used in Color Revolutions around the world.
    They resort to low dirty tricks like detaining Huawei’s CFO & banning Huawei. They raised a silly trade war which benefits no one. Trade deficit always exist between a developing and a developed country. USA is like a luxury car seller who ask a farmer: why am I always buying your vegetables and you haven’t bought any of my cars?
    When the Chinese were making socks for the world 30 years ago, the world let it be. But when Chinese started to make high technology products, like Huawei and DJI, it caused red-alert. Because when Western and Japanese products are equal to Chinese in technologies, they could never match the Chinese in prices. First world countries want China to continue in making socks. Instead of stepping up themselves, they want to pull China down.
    The recent movement by the US against China has a very important background. When Libya, Iran, and China decided to ditch the US dollar in oil trades, Gaddafi’s was killed by the US, Iran was being sanctioned by the US, and now it’s China’s turn. The US has been printing money out of nothing. The only reason why the US Dollar is still widely accepted, is because it’s the only currency which oil is allowed to be traded with. The US has an agreement with Saudi that oil must be traded in US dollar ONLY. Without the petrol-dollar status, the US dollars will sink, and America will fall. Therefore anyone trying to disobey this order will be eliminated. China will soon use a gold-backed crypto-currency, the alarms in the White House go off like mad.
    China’s achievement has been by hard work. Not by looting the world.
    I have deep sympathy for China for all the suffering, but now I feel happy for them. China is not rising, they are going back to where they belong. Good luck China.

    • @anonymintheworld9781
      @anonymintheworld9781 3 года назад +8

      Thank you

    • @Wbliss
      @Wbliss 2 года назад +18

      Thank you for such a great presentation of the historical facts and today’s reality of what China is today ; to those who wish to know the real China. Your account reflects a pragmatic approach to explaining the historical journals of country called China with all its complexities.

    • @peterreber7671
      @peterreber7671 2 года назад +19

      Beautifully written, thank you.

    • @hakunamatata3935
      @hakunamatata3935 2 года назад +33

      My country Bangladesh, historically Bengal region was World's 12th largest economy. British came and devastation would be an understatement to describe what they did to us. Millions and millions of people died because of hunger in their 200 years rule. During world war 2, 1.5 million people died in a famine. This famine occured not because there was any food shortage, but because British captured the food from the market to prevent Japanese advancement. USA practically was behind the genocide of 3 million people in Bangladesh's war of independence in 1971. After our independence, we faced another famine which killed 1.5 million people. Because USA stopped our food supply, because we had diplomatic relation with Cuba. When these countries utters democracy, human rights etc bullshits, all I feel like to say is may you burn in lowest level of hell forever

    • @andrewwong1146
      @andrewwong1146 2 года назад +7

      This so called Malaysian You tuber is factually wrong...
      1. He has forgotten that Malaysia fought a 11 year bloody insurgency war against the Communist supported by the CCP twice. In the first war, 14,500 Malaysians were killed, that's 3 a day. Chin Peng the then Secretary General of Malaysian Communist Party wrote, if it hadn't been for the Vietanam War, arms from from China would have flowed into Malaysia and it would have been decisive.
      2. China support and involvement with PKI, Parti Komunist Indonesia was a factor that resulted in a failed coup. The night before the coup," Zhou EnLai announced that "Indonesia will bring us a graet present ". The coup failed and more than 2 million people died!
      3. Moa did his utmost to support Communist revolution by providing arms to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ghana, Peru, Kenya Communist to generate revolution.
      China acievement? Not sure what you mean, please look at history!

  • @nessenleigh928
    @nessenleigh928 3 года назад +1032

    I live in China now, and thanks for this wonderful talk. A good question on 51'01" asking the relationship with China, as an American, I've observed that Chinese people really are still very friendly towards American people. There is no big historic hatred between us. The only thing that upsets Chinese is mainly on the demonization of China by the western media and politicians. If you visit China you'll find that the people here are highly satisfied with their living under their government. People appreciate very much for the friendship between us built in the past, and hopefully the relationship can be getting better in the future.

    • @jianinghu5788
      @jianinghu5788 2 года назад +47

      thanks for your comment

    • @forlara0228
      @forlara0228 2 года назад +37

      Welcome to stay in China, haha

    • @PeterChenFW
      @PeterChenFW 2 года назад +101

      Look back at china's long history - china never has intention to colonise other countries. Whatever military it has is only for defence

    • @不动不静
      @不动不静 2 года назад +65

      western dogs go like 'how much CCP pay you' LOL

    • @forlara0228
      @forlara0228 2 года назад +28

      @@不动不静 Hi, this is very offensive. The media is paid, but not the people. Be nice.

  • @lokechanmun8587
    @lokechanmun8587 3 года назад +413

    The US has 800 military bases in 70 countries. US may be a democracy at home. It is an imperial power outside of America.

    • @maolinren7292
      @maolinren7292 3 года назад +29

      A truly democratic country will reduce inequality, not increase it. Inequality in the USA continues increasing over decades. They are not democracy at all, just a misunderstanding.

    • @Amadeus8484
      @Amadeus8484 3 года назад +12

      It rigs its elections and its primaries and has even assassinates one of their presidents. Its not a democracy at home either.

    • @naughtyfrog8257
      @naughtyfrog8257 3 года назад +21

      democracy? when your choice is either a rotten apple or a rotten orange? I’ll rather have no choice but it’s a good fruit giving lots of vitamins.

    • @navdasone4710
      @navdasone4710 2 года назад +5

      The US is a bully that takes its orders from Britain and Israel.

    • @navdasone4710
      @navdasone4710 2 года назад +5

      @@maolinren7292 America is a ROGUE country as per its own definition of a ROGUE country!!!

  • @nickip3603
    @nickip3603 2 года назад +66

    A wonderful speech !! Hong Kong isn't a sad case at all. I am a 60 year old man HK born Chinese. We still enjoy a lot more freedom than most of China cities. Due to political chaos in HK back to 2018/2019 I think it was a correct move imposed by Beijing officials.

    • @pompeo9116
      @pompeo9116 Год назад

      Current world trade and financial order can not be sustained as long as USA shows its hegemony! Entire world needs an efficient and sufficient counter balance to the West. If it is not China under the spot light, it will be another country for sure.

  • @rosrosy5011
    @rosrosy5011 3 года назад +147

    The US and its allies should be hold responsible for what happened to Afghanistan and other countries that they have destroyed! They should be punished for the destructions that have caused!

    • @alfonsobaglioni1391
      @alfonsobaglioni1391 2 года назад +1

      Reason why there will not be another Yalta.

    • @dannytadashi4235
      @dannytadashi4235 2 года назад +3


    • @JonROlsen
      @JonROlsen 2 года назад +1

      @@alfonsobaglioni1391 or Nuremberg

    • @joellis5915
      @joellis5915 2 года назад +1

      @ Ros Rosy Where are the war crimes of the US/Wests/European committed by the international court of the UN? Are those warmongers exempted for all the war crimes? I agreed with your voice.

    • @JonROlsen
      @JonROlsen 2 года назад +7

      @Parker Crumpler No one believe you man.

  • @saviohudson
    @saviohudson 3 года назад +162

    Does anyone know where the HK issue started and what incidents led to it? Well, while I was in Taiwan around 2018, an HK couple came to Taiwan for vacation, and the guy murdered his pregnant girl and dumped her body in the river before fleeing to HK. As per Taiwanese and HK law, they do not have any laws in place that could help Taiwan or HK to prosecute crimes that happen outside their jurisdiction. So Taiwan couldn't extradite the guy, and HK couldn't prosecute him because the crime happened outside their jurisdiction. Because of this, the guy who murdered his GF went scotfree, and this incident prompted mainland China to come up with a law that would permit the law enforcement agencies to extradite convicts to the mainland for trial. This 'controversial' law is what eventually led to the riots.

    • @wf645
      @wf645 3 года назад +7

      sadly so ...

    • @pietrohyl8746
      @pietrohyl8746 2 года назад +19

      Addition information: Hong Kong government come up with the so-called "Extradition Law", not the Chinese government. Additionally, the HK government could has used another venue to handle the particular case, but choose not to do so.

    • @KayyHong
      @KayyHong 2 года назад +35

      Sadly, the professor ignored certain facts. After the extradition treaty was removed, the rioting and violence by so called democratic forces continued and new demands were made such as a democratic and even independent Hong Kong. Give an inch and they demand a mile. The New National Security Law put an end to an unending chaotic situation. Hong Kong never had democracy under British colonial rule so why the fuss for democracy now?
      The professor never mentioned the bombings in Xinjiang in 2014 by Uighurs and their attacks in Tiananmen resulting in loss of lives. What should any nation do? Incarcerate them or give them the freedom to continue the violence? America turned the imprisonment of the anarchists into a "violation of human rights, forced labor, rape and sterilization of Uighur women and genocide." All these American narratives are without evidence and repeated endlessly by its echo chambers.
      As for Taiwan, it is China's territory and unresolved civil war and America would be wise to butt out!

    • @andrewwong1146
      @andrewwong1146 2 года назад +2

      @@KayyHong Sometime June 2019, 3 million Hong Kongers demonstrated against the CCP in the streets; that's almost half of the popoulation. It was followed by a lagislative election in November where 89% of the Pro-CCP candidtates were voted out. It is time to hold a referendum for the Hong Kongers to decide if they want to be a part of China. Afterall in the CCP Constitution, it says the wishes of the people comes first!

    • @mangosorbet768
      @mangosorbet768 2 года назад +14

      It was Hong knong legislative council tried to pass the extradition law not mainland China did not initiate anything. Also the murderer after released from jail because he can't be trial in Hong Kong volunteered to go back k to Taiwan to face his charges and yet Taiwan government refused. This whole thing was the dark hand of Taiwanese government.

  • @lukelokasf3510
    @lukelokasf3510 3 года назад +462

    The professor said that saddam husein invasion of Kuwait is the same as China’s invasion of Taiwan, he is WRONG.
    Kuwait was a sovereign country when it was invaded by Irak, Taiwan is NOT an independent country, it is part of one China principle, the official name of Taiwan is Republic of China (ROC), while mainland China is officially called the People’s republic of China (PRC), both claimed as CHINA.
    China is a country recognised by the UN, Taiwan is part of China territory, nothing can change that.

    • @ignatiuschua5268
      @ignatiuschua5268 3 года назад +54

      Moreover, all the ancestors of Taiwanese are from China, and the land where Taiwan also belongs to China historically.

    • @cpliu
      @cpliu 3 года назад +48

      As someone who grew up in Taiwan, we believed both mainland China and Taiwan belong to the Republic of China. We just didn't have the power to unite China. Who in the right mind would like to be contained in a small island. China belongs to us (those Chinese living in Taiwan) too. Let's be united as one country.

    • @ignatiuschua5268
      @ignatiuschua5268 3 года назад +3

      @@cpliu Ooh, that sounded so right. Each wanting the other to follow their way of governance.

    • @lukelokasf3510
      @lukelokasf3510 3 года назад +38

      Both PRC and ROC must work together and resolve this situation peacefully and DON’T let the US get involved, US is THE trouble maker.

    • @chulongxue3582
      @chulongxue3582 3 года назад +4

      @@cpliu you have a clear mind!👍

  • @VL-inquisitor
    @VL-inquisitor Год назад +100

    Roughly 1yr after this clip, China made history by brokering a peace deal between 2 arch-rivals - Saudi Arabia and Iran. This is a game-changer as China is becoming a true leader in the international arena setting the international order that promotes peace and developement through multilateral dialogue, mutual respect and diplomatic resolution. So, to answer your question, China is the cause of international order and peace.

    • @jefflopes8810
      @jefflopes8810 Год назад

      In order to present a complete picture, your commentary should also mention the international distrust and hard feelings that have fallen on China. This is due to aggressive tactics in the northern Philippines, continued flight incursion into Taiwan air space, over-fishing in Vietnamese waters and now off the coast of south America, and more. This agressiveness may eventually lead to wars in that area.

    • @VL-inquisitor
      @VL-inquisitor Год назад +2

      @@jefflopes8810 in order to present a complete picture, your comments should include the hegemonic nature and actions of a comparable superpower (the USA) such as wars, color revolutions, unilateral sanctions, unfair trade practices, infringement of human rights, international laws and code of conduct, and of course the negative impact of all of which on international peace and order!

    • @evolution686us
      @evolution686us Год назад

      After the United States withdrew from the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese government united with the Soviet Union and began massacring all Chinese Vietnamese in Vietnam, and invaded Cambodia and planned to attack Laos. In this regard, China launched an attack on Vietnam to force Vietnam to withdraw its troops from Cambodia and give up annexing other neighboring countries. China withdrew its troops from Vietnam after learning that Vietnam had withdrawn its troops from Cambodia.

    • @learnsaddict5556
      @learnsaddict5556 Год назад

      @@jefflopes8810 so the military base on philipine is not a threat ?? You give places for criminals in your frontyard, and as we know US always create hoax to spin the facts

    • @ex0duzz
      @ex0duzz Год назад +1

      Those are small potatoes, Taiwan issue has always been there since China was founded and is an internal Chinese issue. Anyone else meddling in that is the troublemaker. China has not changed its position since 1949 when it was founded. Every country including UN recognizes that Taiwan is part of China and that China is PRC. So they have absolutely zero moral ground to stand on if they oppose Chinese unification. And yet USA keeps selling taiwan arms to provoke a war and keep china divided. obviously china isn't going to just allow foreign countries to fund and arm separatists and the loser if the civil war.
      International distrust? There is no international distrust. It is just few countries with US military bases and us vassals. they make up like 5% of the world, while 85% of the world(global south) is all behind China and trusts China more than ever. That is the real international opinion. Not us and it's few puppets.
      Their fear and paranoia is just because china is too successful and rich and strong now, and they can no longer do gunboat diplomacy or sanction China anymore. But more importantly, with china's rise, the whole world now has other options and thus they cannot do gunboat diplomacy or economic hitjobs and sanctions and debt traps on them. Africa, middle east, south America, most of Asia, half of Europe are all siding with China. only those few occupied vassal puppet countries with us bases are forced to go against China because they can't resist usas threats and pressure. And even then it is mainly just some statements that mean nothing and in reality they have china as their biggest and most important trading partner. even usa fits this bill.

  • @chee-liekho5860
    @chee-liekho5860 3 года назад +300

    I have to disagree with him on Hong Kong. The British ruled Hong kong for 100 years without democracy but why after handing back China became so enthusiastic? The reason is simple. Britain and US eanted to make Hong kong into another Gibralta. They were subverting and infiltrating HongKong for the past twenty years with "Hong Kongers" who are actually foreign citizens. There are about 300,000 Canadians and not to mention those holding British and US citizenships. Some are even Vietnamese first generation refugees. China dealt with Hong kong independence movement the same way as British did to the Northern Ireland movement or the Spain did to its Catalan independence movement. It is just double standards.

    • @Lucky-qd6nh
      @Lucky-qd6nh 2 года назад +8

      Can't agree more

    • @ongsengkee2530
      @ongsengkee2530 2 года назад +8

      Brilliant statement👍👍

    • @andrewwong1146
      @andrewwong1146 2 года назад

      My wife's family escaped the horror of Great Leap Forward to start a new life in Hong Kong. I am sure the Hong Kongers have a right to determine weather they want to be part of China by way of referendum. Afterall, it is written in the Communist China Constitution that the Wishes of the people comes first!

    • @petergrey1873
      @petergrey1873 2 года назад +8

      @@andrewwong1146 The point is who represent the "People" you are talking about? Do you believe 1.4 billion Chinse agree to lose their territory once again after Brits colonized Hongkong for about so many years?

    • @algung2522
      @algung2522 2 года назад +2

      Chinese Constitution of 1949 also stated the UNIFICATION of Territories, which include those being colonized, robbed, stolen, in dispute, and unoccupied in South China Seas.

  • @frankvillager5272
    @frankvillager5272 3 года назад +170

    Did you say the US did not expand through territories and wars? You forgot the US-Mexican war? and the occupation of Hawaii? How did the US expand from the thirteen states into the current 50? I guess we Westerners do have a short memory.

    • @KayyHong
      @KayyHong 2 года назад +26

      American hypocrisy and dishonesty is reflected by this professor but I have heard much worse from other professors.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      you're talking of an era long past to justify china's expansionism of course ha...

    • @btgan3838
      @btgan3838 Год назад

      It's because only their white washed history is allowed to be written into their textbooks and taught in their schools.😅
      How many Americans know about what their Army did across the Pacific in the Philippines at the turn of 20th century century: Go look up The Philippines Genocide.
      A few years after that Genocide, laws were written forbidding any mention of it ... Within 15-20 years, all are forgotten, and most Filipinos now think the Americans are their savior and God. 😂

  • @tohkianhoe2592
    @tohkianhoe2592 3 года назад +716

    The professor speak professionally. However the last question raised about human rights, HK society is much peaceful now but he does not give a credit to China newly implemented policy. About XinJiang, how USA handle terrorisum, such a big mess in Afghanistan, but professor ignore the real facts that XinJiang muslim enjoy higher quality of iiving in compairsion to other parts of the world.

    • @raymondtay9442
      @raymondtay9442 3 года назад +84

      You are right. On the Xinjiang, HK and Taiwan issues, the Americans don't seem to be able to shake off their narrative of China bad, nothing more to discuss! Taiwan was mentioned as a democratic country, yet they acknowledge the 1-China policy. Nobody wants to say or explain that both the ROC and PRC accept, and it is also in the constitution of the ROC, that Taiwan is a province of China. In the case of HK, nobody mentioned the real reasons why the Chinese government had to enact the security laws to actually make HK a safer place. All they are interested to put forward is the curtailment of freedom and democracy as viewed through their tinted lens. Xinjiang issue is another load of crap propaganda based on bias reporting by those with agenda to destroy China. China hosted about a dozen Ambassadors and representatives from Muslim countries to visit Xinjiang several months ago. Among them from Indonesia and Arab countries, yet none of those people spoke negatively about what they saw and experienced in Xinjiang. The Americans seemed to believe that a lie when repeated often enough will turn it into the truth.

    • @rufusmccoy7896
      @rufusmccoy7896 3 года назад +76

      What China did to fight terrorism in XinJiang is very humane, compared to Quantanamo Bay.

    • @jianwenyun7990
      @jianwenyun7990 3 года назад +31

      Unfortunately, this is a very ideologically biased lecture, even though it is presented by a professor who are traditionally upheld to be objective and bias-free in dealing any issues, even though it is made in the quite apparent background that the global political system initiated by US after WWI is being deteriorated and collapsed by either American negligence or purposeful exploitation. Why they just let it happen with their awareness that they cannot talk around themselves? Simple, conspiracy to maintain US dominance at the cost of other countries benefit, at the expense of global peace, without any regard to global efforts to hold sustainable economic development.

    • @jianwenyun7990
      @jianwenyun7990 3 года назад +50

      Wondering if you noticed a fact in his lecture. He never had any self-reflection of what has been going wrong with the global system under US controls. All he did is just point his finger to whoever has different ideas from him. Am really shocked that even professors in US are of such low quality.

    • @phongysim6035
      @phongysim6035 3 года назад +22

      He sound very bias too

  • @hakunamatata3935
    @hakunamatata3935 2 года назад +18

    USA was directly supported Pakistan in genocide of 3 million Bangladeshi people in 1971 and total destruction of the country. While China is helping Bangladesh immensely in its infrastructure providing 24 billion dollars, that too without interfering in the internal affairs. USA spends trillions of dollars in bombing countries, China spends billions in helping those countries rebuild . Whom should we support as rational human beings? Lots of love from Bangladesh ❤️💖🇧🇩 I love Chinese dramas and I am in love with their mindset and culture. They are hard working, intelligent and honest people. I would prefer single party regime if one party works its level best for the welfare of the citizens. We can all see how well world's largest democracy, India is performing compared to China, where society has become full of hatred, poverty and corruption is at its maximum level, GDP growth is in its negative figure. If democracy means that, then no thanks, I don't want democracy. Lots of love from Bangladesh to China 💖💖💖🇧🇩🇨🇳

  • @bombomu2
    @bombomu2 3 года назад +57

    The western talked about china taiwan as if they know china better than chinese.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад +1

      of course it has no freedom of anything ...

  • @MDD0402
    @MDD0402 3 года назад +413

    Prof. Hyer, as an academic, what evidence do you have about human rights situation in Hong Kong, Xinjiang of China? I hope you did not just hear from news media like BBC.

    • @JonROlsen
      @JonROlsen 2 года назад +25

      Maybe think tanks inform him.

    • @samliew6610
      @samliew6610 2 года назад +48

      From the way he spoke about these two places, looks like he just took what the biased media reported without doing any due diligence or questioning for Proofs. Sorry, no respect for him.

    • @troutstalker4744
      @troutstalker4744 2 года назад +23

      This professor/quack has no shame and credibility.

    • @unclebearjourney2171
      @unclebearjourney2171 2 года назад +22

      @Mit Shuler "We have no proof but we know for a fact that... "

    • @henrymac506
      @henrymac506 2 года назад +21

      Once again ignorant of the situation and brainwashed by propaganda.

  • @victoews6842
    @victoews6842 3 года назад +207

    On the last comment about suppression of Hong Kong I would say : Compare the suppression of "occupy Wall Street " or "Washington Jan 6" Then decide who (what system) is more humane .

    • @xelkim9666
      @xelkim9666 3 года назад +5

      Thank you Vic👍

    • @JulianPerez-zv6os
      @JulianPerez-zv6os 3 года назад +11

      China is more humane. Tolerance for HK rioters in bed with the CIA is offensive to a civil society and they have every right to crack down. How many middle easterners are you Westerners murdering as we speak compared to China?

    • @dannytadashi4235
      @dannytadashi4235 2 года назад +7


    • @dannytadashi4235
      @dannytadashi4235 2 года назад +1

      @@JulianPerez-zv6os yep agree 👍😁🇻🇳🇨🇳♥️

    • @dannytadashi4235
      @dannytadashi4235 2 года назад +3

      Thank you Vic Good analysis

  • @SyTacLoc
    @SyTacLoc 2 года назад +81

    The way this man explained about the port that China took from Sri Lanka was that China built the port and because Sri Lanka could pay the loan to China so the China took the port. To make it clear, Sri Lanka got a loan from the west and couldn’t pay back. Sri Lanka asked China for help to pay back the loan. I think it’s fair that China uses the port because the debt of Sri Lanka settled with China’s help.

    • @ex0duzz
      @ex0duzz Год назад +1

      China did not take the port, let alone by force. Sri Lanka leased the port to China in return to pay off debts that Sri Lanka owed the west. And also because under sri Lanka control, the port was unused and not making money. So they leased it to China so that Chinese ships will stop there and use it, and make sri Lanka money. That is not the same as "china debt trap Sri Lanka and forcefully taking the port".
      All the debt trap narrative is just anti China propaganda and has been debunked by Dr/professor Deborah Brautigam, an expert on Africa and Chinese investment and belt and road initiative. She has studied BRI in extensive detail and found that china has not taken one thing, or maliciously debt trapped anyone. That is what West and imf/world bank has done and is pure projection and slander to try disrupt china's belt and road initiative. Nothing new. They are trying to not only contain but to destroy china's economy. The chip ban, Huawei ban/kidnap, etc is akin to an act of war against china. Every successful Chinese company is now on entity list or banned list.

    • @chriswong9158
      @chriswong9158 Год назад +3

      To be correct, it was the Western IMF bank demanded loan payment, after Sri Lanka declare their farms were to go "Green Farming" and fail. The Western Nation help destroy Sri Lanka to the point even India refuse to help them out.

  • @frankteh3978
    @frankteh3978 3 года назад +407

    Professor Eric Hyer, please enlighten why the United States has war fleets on every ocean, 800 military bases around the world, enough nuclear weapons to wipe out life on earth several times over, has been waging war in the Middle East and North Africa for 30 years and is illegally occupying Iraq and Syria against the wishes of their governments and people. Among the other 2 questions I’ve asked earlier. Thank you.

    • @arkscrew
      @arkscrew 3 года назад +29

      Exactly.... The rules for themselves are very different. When they do it is to liberate us or educate us or civilize us. Those who don't even wash their butts after pooping will say who is civilized and who is not🤣🤣🤣

    • @alfonsobaglioni1391
      @alfonsobaglioni1391 2 года назад +16

      Professor reading from a script that has lost the plot. The USA has been built as a war machine. Gave up listening to shallow and nebulous history lesson being total waste of time. Trace your history man and see how we got to this mess, starting with J.F.Kennedy, like breaking glass windows and...'not me,Gov'. Wrong lesson for adults.

    • @JonROlsen
      @JonROlsen 2 года назад +26

      I'd like to see him do a lecture on Is The USA the Cause of International (Dis)order?

    • @JonROlsen
      @JonROlsen 2 года назад +13

      @@arkscrew US butts still hurting after Anchorage.

    • @arkscrew
      @arkscrew 2 года назад +4

      @@JonROlsen 🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏

  • @yeapsoon3115
    @yeapsoon3115 3 года назад +155

    💝💝💝, but it was a surprise as well a disappointment to hear Dr. Eric Hyer refer Taiwan as a democratic nation. The Taiwan Constitution does not even state that Taiwan as an independwnt nation but a part of China.

    • @Jake00001
      @Jake00001 2 года назад

      So China can do more human rights abuses?

    • @lawrenceralph7481
      @lawrenceralph7481 2 года назад +1

      Pretty sure that the 40 million Taiwanese think they're an independent nation. The CCP subjugation of Hong Kong and the mishandling of tiananmen square dissonance cemented that in their minds.
      No one will willingly live under CCP tyranny. They must be broken.

    • @bluemoonj
      @bluemoonj 2 года назад +9

      @@lawrenceralph7481 First of all, I don't know how you get the number 40 million, it is easy to just Google it, Taiwan has 23.57 millions people on year 2020, that is far far away from 40 millions. Secondary, according to the research in Taiwan, about 1/3 Taiwan population don't want to go to independent, about 1/3 want to be independent, andother 1/3 could be in the middle of those two groups. by the way, do you know the name of Government in Taiwan? It is named Republic of China. Did you get that? in its consititution, Taiwan is a local government, under the counrty named Republic of China!

    • @junli6065
      @junli6065 2 года назад

      @@lawrenceralph7481 Only 23mil on Taiwan, and the latest Pew research doesn’t support your claim

  • @pc5826
    @pc5826 3 года назад +128

    In the early part of his speech I thought the Eric Hyer was professionally. However, when he comes to HK, the one-country-two-system and Xinjiang, it showed that he either doesn't know what he was talking about or just followed the normal bias western narrative. From there onwards I lost my respect for him.

    • @medialcanthus9681
      @medialcanthus9681 2 года назад +1

      Agree. After they hear stories (believe lies), they feel emotional and "sad".

    • @Mp991Ricky
      @Mp991Ricky 2 года назад +3

      Speaker totally does not understand Hong Kong situation. I also lost respect on him too.

    • @shuilong52
      @shuilong52 2 года назад +1

      These professor, media etc makes big bucks by riding on popularity - otherwise they wouldn't survive. You cant blame them, it is their livelihood.

    • @pc5826
      @pc5826 2 года назад +1

      @@shuilong52 Yes, the more they bash China, the more they are sought after to give talks and hence makes more money.

    • @taijistar9052
      @taijistar9052 2 года назад +1

      He is the least China bashing American professor you will ever find.

  • @truthfiction8408
    @truthfiction8408 2 года назад +44

    Fantastic presentation by the gentleman, but there are many flaws and basic understanding of the situation clearly led naked by the naive and uninformed questions asked by these young Americans.
    To start with, it's frightening to see in these young minds the pure American exceptionalism to do whatever they feel like around the world without consequences and not abiding by any international rule (which they were pivotal to).
    How can Americans talk about human rights when they take unilateral decisions against international laws and destroy the country, economy, livelihood, and safety of numerous countries all in the name of democracy. The professor talked about China dicating to the people how many children they should have, yet the American president just recently told the American people they could lose their jobs if they don't take the Covid jab; what is the fundamental difference between these two instances? America just pressured the UK into extraditing Julian Assange to face trumped up charges in the US for exposing their war crimes around the world; tell me how the US possesses any moral rights to criticise China, Iran, or Russia on human rights abuse.
    On economy, the US and its Western allies have plundered the weaker nations in South America, Africa, and parts of Asia for decades and when any of these countries complained, these western allies trump up charges and overtook such a government (via violent coups) and in some cases simply attacked them like in Iraq and Lybia. The west had its chance to make it right with all these nations but they chose the path of oppression and exploitation, now, the Chinese are presenting an alternative, not perfect by any stretch, but it's nevertheless an alternative with a human face and gives these weaker nation nations a chance to grow on their own terms, and they'd be stupid not to take it.
    I predict that the west will be relegated into insignificance in the next 10-20 years going by the programs run by the Chinese, and we all have our leaders to thank for it.
    Fact is, the US and its allies twists and changes the rules of the game as long as they maintain world hegemony and dictate the rules of the game; the problem is, how long can the west sustain such a cruel and mean strategy in dealing with other countries?

  • @cerruti1881au
    @cerruti1881au 3 года назад +169

    According to the Cambridge dictionary: invade is to enter a country by force with large numbers of soldiers in order to take possession of it. SinceTaiwan is not an independent country (not recognised by the majority of the countries and UN), it's not an invade. Besides, both parties have never declared the ending of the Civil War since 1927. Technically, they are still in a "war" status, but it's an internal affair.

    • @alaltest9319
      @alaltest9319 2 года назад +3

      the civil war has not finished yet in China between china mainland and taiwan province that has turned into a rebellion island now !

    • @陳志偉-l1q
      @陳志偉-l1q 2 года назад

      剛好相反:對台灣的領土聲索是完全沒有法理依據的,聯合國的一中決議案中共國是中國唯一合法代表,取代了中華民國所有【中國的法理地位】台灣人對中國已經 沒有任何的責任與義務,

    • @cerruti1881au
      @cerruti1881au 2 года назад +17

      ​@@陳志偉-l1q Both PRC and ROC support one country on the constitutional level. Even the ROC constitution claims China mainland part of ROC's sovereignty, and Taiwan is a province, even including outer Mongolia and 11-line in the South China Sea. The fact is both sides have a dispute on the sovereignty of China, Taiwan is part of it. People on the mainland don't care who rules China, whether it is PRC or ROC. But they do care it's one country, one Chinese Nation. Do not use "world" or the majority of the countries but use the western anti-China alliance. They cannot represent the world. Still deny the fact? Don't worry. PLA will tell you the truth.

    • @dannytadashi4235
      @dannytadashi4235 2 года назад +3

      @@cerruti1881au yep 👍

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад +1

      right still in a de facto war..

  • @JS-ih7lu
    @JS-ih7lu 3 года назад +161

    I was fine with most of the professor’s speech, but his Q&A answers, esp on “Taiwan as a country”, “China is communist”, “Sri Lankan port debt trap” and “HK/Xinjiang human rights” reflect his American worldview and misinformation. Now I see why most of the comments are negative. He is just regurgitating western propaganda.

    • @garytan9904
      @garytan9904 3 года назад

      there are few westerners who got the marbles to said what it is.
      At best they will skirt around the issues

    • @JS-ih7lu
      @JS-ih7lu 3 года назад +14

      @@garytan9904 If only it were that simple. It’s not a matter of courage. I can see the professor truly believes in his views. Most westerners have swallowed the war propaganda whole, even thoughtful, intelligent “experts” like the professor have not been spared. And that is far more insidious and worrying, since the biggest atrocities in the world were usually committed by “good people” who believed they were “doing good”.

    • @garytan9904
      @garytan9904 3 года назад +1

      @@JS-ih7lu understand your perspective
      often sugar coated things are laced with poison

    • @sjsupa
      @sjsupa 3 года назад +2

      He did not say “Sri Lankan port debt trap”. His description was China is running the port themselves to so they can make the money back. Which, I think is the truth. The Chinese has no interest in loosing money so they are running the business for Sri Lankan to make money.

    • @JS-ih7lu
      @JS-ih7lu 3 года назад +10

      @@sjsupa Most of what western media report are not “lies” in themselves. They are cherry-picked “facts” that distort the overall picture. China makes hundreds of loans as part of BRI, when the lessor struggles with repayment, China renegotiates terms & restructure loans most of the time. However, western media only ever report the Sri Lankan port as the single negative example, giving the impression that it is representative of all other deals, and hence all Chn loans are “debt trap”. This is the propaganda.

  • @jinwang4226
    @jinwang4226 3 года назад +146

    Dr Hyer's view of China role after 2008 financial crisis is very questionable. China's massive spending bailed out the world economy and paid the cost of heavy debt burden which continues 'til today.

    • @tinatang1
      @tinatang1 3 года назад +14

      China also bailed out the US in 2008 by buying trillions of US bonds/treasury bills.

    • @whhusa
      @whhusa 2 года назад +4

      @@tinatang1 True. Not to mention the fact China had to pump 4 trillion RMB into its own economy which mostly went into real estate causing the real estate bubble it has today.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      china's predatory business practices and their hacking of intellectual property has tide them over and make them what they are now?

  • @rockycheny5437
    @rockycheny5437 2 года назад +32

    I enjoyed most part of the speech and Q&A's, except the last question about the human rights in xinjiang and hong kong. the tight security controls were installed as a reuslt of numerous terrist attacks on the innocent victims. One can easily trace and get the figures of casualties. I am yet to be convinced about the concentration camps and I have friends who felt so strongly about it, they made a trip to the area to check it out for themselves. They all have said that they could not find evidence that such camps do exist. the local people in xinjiang, from all ethic backgrounds say they feel safer and support such tight secuurity. With regards to issues in Hong Kong, i guess we need to ask the locals, and it's easy enough to do that.

    • @wilftan2571
      @wilftan2571 Год назад

      Agreed, human right bullshit

    • @john-ss8hk
      @john-ss8hk Год назад +5

      I m from HK. I born here, educated, worked and lived overseas before returning. These are rioters. This claim of independence by these youngsters who are mostly born after 1997 is an act of subversive action. Prof, please do not feel sad for us. We are just doing fine here now and don't need you to act as our advocate. Please leave us alone.

  • @sjsupa
    @sjsupa 3 года назад +127

    Other than human rights issues, I think the professor speaks mostly the truth about China and US-China relationship. As a Chinese, I appreciate that. For human rights issue, particular about Xinjiang, he is badly misinformed.
    Not only Taliban never raised any issue about Muslim in China, none of the Muslim country does. That is because, there is no issue about Muslim in China. Look, almost every College in China has special cafeteria for Muslim students. I don't see any such cafeteria in college in US. Muslim got special treatment in China.
    What China has issue with, are the separatists and the terrorists in Xinjiang. Please be aware!

    • @cutnicely
      @cutnicely 3 года назад +16

      That's quite special, that every Chinese college has a Muslim cafeteria. That makes their praying much easier.
      Why do American colleges not do this?

    • @andysui5979
      @andysui5979 3 года назад +3

      @@cutnicely 'Cause in the States, If not for politics, why border?

    • @44bett
      @44bett 3 года назад +8

      The professor said nothing about the Uyghur ETIM al-Qaeda terrorist group that fire bombed and killed many Muslims in Xinjiang. When captured fighting the US in Syria and Afghanistan, they were sent to Guantanamo Prison.

    • @dannytadashi4235
      @dannytadashi4235 2 года назад +2


    • @dannytadashi4235
      @dannytadashi4235 2 года назад +1

      This is call white folks hypocrisy

  • @ayambo3281
    @ayambo3281 3 года назад +103

    ..but I’m not an economist…when asked by the computer science major how the USA is going to fund BBB projects when there’s sooo much debt. What the prof didn’t want to say was “we can always print more money” 😂

    • @eddiehah9842
      @eddiehah9842 2 года назад


    • @HeresMyView
      @HeresMyView 2 года назад +1

      Or follow what I say, not what I do. 😁😁👎👎

    • @yliang1688
      @yliang1688 Год назад

      BBBW, or B3W, 2021

    • @peterchu8701
      @peterchu8701 Год назад

      There is a limit to what we can print. That limit has been reached by the defense budget (bully budgets).

    • @s._3560
      @s._3560 Год назад

      Also after condemning BRI and labelling it a debt trap, they turn around and want to do the same in BBB. Lol! And why for so many decades of US and Europe prosperity did they not once think of helping to the global south to prosper with building infrastructure projects until China start doing it with BRI? US only helped Europe with their Marshall plan and nobody else. Japan had their bullet train system for so many decades but never once want to help other countries to build it till China did, now want to compete for contracts. Everything done now is only reactionary and done only as a means to contain China.

  • @agnesliu6225
    @agnesliu6225 2 года назад +906

    I was born and raised in HK and witnessed first hand the riots in HK in 2019. What shocked me the most was how western media and politicians could be so biased and inaccurate in their accounts of the terrorist attacks HK was facing back then. They called the HK terrorists heroic democratic fighters, and demonised the HK police who were just doing their duty to keep the place safe. HK police were accused of brutality, but actually no rioters were killed in the incident that lasted several months. The funny thing is, the same thing happened in the Capitol Hill for just one day and some of the protestors were gunned down immediately and some passed away mysteriously later, and they were called rightfully the rioters.
    Every country has the right to defend its territory and maintain law and order and keep the place safe for everyone, so does China. And now back to the question whether what happened in HK in 2019 was a terrorist attack, I think no one who has lived through it would call it otherwise. Then this leads us to ask the second question - who masterminded it, who funded it, who pulled the strings behind? The answer is evident.

    • @andrewwong1146
      @andrewwong1146 2 года назад +4

      Inaccurate? On June 14, 2019 more than 3 million Hong Kong residents flooded the street to protest against the CCP regime; that's almost one-half of the population. Any dictator, ruler with any self respect would be ashamed of themselves but not CCP! This is followed by November Legislative Election when 90% of the Pro-CCP were voted out. It is time to give the residents of Hong Kong by way of referendum to decide if they want to vote to remain with China. After all, it says in the Communist Constitution, the wishes of the people of the people comes first!

    • @andrewwong1146
      @andrewwong1146 2 года назад +3

      The second point is weather it's a terrorist attack? Moa ZaeDong started out making repeated terrorist attack, assassination, and purging within his own ranks! Can you comment on this?

    • @sushilover5367
      @sushilover5367 2 года назад +81

      @@andrewwong1146 more than 3 million? in which universe? lol

    • @agnesliu6225
      @agnesliu6225 2 года назад +44

      @@andrewwong1146 3 million people came out protesting? The opposition camp also claimed dozens of rioters were being killed at the Prince Edward Subway Station, and surprisingly in China’s speed everything was cleaned up and the train ran smoothly right after that. No one in his right mind will believe it.

    • @wilsonwilson7533
      @wilsonwilson7533 2 года назад +33

      First of all, who told u there was 3 m people go to the street to "protest"? some just go out to have normal activity likes shopping at the mall, trying different restaurant on the street. There's no way to have 3m people on the street in a super small areas in HK island. If you just talk about some random n.o from internet or some online media to judge a thing. Then I can tell you U.S and some western countries are the real jokes on fighting crime related to guns and covid. How many people die because of the so called " freedom" of western countries. All the gun shooting at school, mall ,on the street because "majority" of US citizens want to have gun. In your way of saying, 20M+ US citizens want to have gun and think that's the best way to keep the country safe, how do I get 20M+ ? media and internet told me that lol. Majority of citizens think wearing mask is useless in terms of science to stop the the spread of covid, why the doctor wear mask in the surgery room, it's useless to stop the spread of virus lol. Who told me that? the internet , I don't need to know if it's true or not, most people not wearing mask nowadays on the street and people like Andrew Wong told us bababa on internet so I just believe everything on internet lol

  • @boris7417
    @boris7417 Год назад +6

    Listening through to the Belt and Road, it struck me why the relevant loans are described as Debt Trap, while the conditional loans made by the World Bank/IMF over past decades, which has caused so much agony and chaos on the borrowers, were hailed as benevolent !

  • @chatsneuf4039
    @chatsneuf4039 3 года назад +112

    The professor really lost his credibility the way he answered the last question

    • @Mp991Ricky
      @Mp991Ricky 2 года назад +11

      I’m wonder where he got the degree. Is this the qualification of American professor nowadays?

    • @JD-lx3cx
      @JD-lx3cx 2 года назад +7

      Totally agree

    • @carlfung7933
      @carlfung7933 2 года назад +3

      This professor talked logically at the beginning but when he answering the questions, he is just a phony hypocrite, he is not a down to earth or sincere person ,from watching how how he replied the questions that showed or exposed his preachings don't match his actions. He is misused his title and status. He may
      overestimate his knowledge, underestimate some Knowledgeable audiences who are wise with open-minded and like to analyze the matters logically and rationally that based on the facts. This professor should answer the questions after analyzing the situations or cases fairly and honestly as based on the facts, Also, he should put his own personal negative feeling and.bias aside. Our integrity, liability, accountability, conscientious and honesty are showed by our attitudes and behaviours as how we treat and deal with matters and people in general. Any kind of good relationship are based on trust , sincerity, integrity, conscientious and mutual respect.

    • @phenixwutao
      @phenixwutao 2 года назад

      This professor knows nothing about China, he studies China in his room, just read papers. That's why US professionals' prediction to China always failed.

    • @Anonymous------
      @Anonymous------ 2 года назад

      The prof needs to stop reading or watching American fake news about Xinjiang.

  • @ezeemake
    @ezeemake 3 года назад +195

    Wasted 50 minutes of my life listening to Eric where Eric echoes the fake news abt human rights at the end. This undone all the good observatory work 👎👎

    • @2seraya
      @2seraya 3 года назад +9

      Yes, a good talk undone by a woefully bad ending. On Taiwan, US could do the world a great favour by helping in the reunification. Taiwan should be smart enough to start negotiating for favourable terms for reunification. The Chinese government has already said, as long as it is under one country, anything is possible.

    • @blackknight4996
      @blackknight4996 3 года назад +5

      Thanks Jeff..I stopped at 5:01. Luckily saw your advice.

    • @Growthunlimited
      @Growthunlimited 3 года назад +5

      For the least, you get to see how an American presenting issues and what are the pupils' views and concerns.

    • @Growthunlimited
      @Growthunlimited 3 года назад +12

      Also, it is hopeless. The Americans are all out to weaken China (and Asia in the process) in all possible ways. All the talks about human rights are just excuses to interfere in Asia's politics for American Exceptionalism and Suprimacy.

    • @chevergara3139
      @chevergara3139 3 года назад +1

      I look at it as Hyer's balancing act in his lecture in order to avoid being perceived as a Chinese Paid Propagandist and close the minds of the audience. The important thing is, he managed to debunk many smear issues against China.

  • @danielchua1713
    @danielchua1713 3 года назад +24

    I agreed most of the professor points except one one Xinjian.
    I am Malaysian, a Muslim major south east Asian country. I have not seen any protest against China on so call human right violation in Xinjian. In the past we have fought hard for Muslim in Palestine, Bosnia, Iraq. Neither did any Muslim countries in the world criticize China on Xinjian.
    Knowing the importance of Muslim brotherhood principle, I only come to 1 simple conclusion. The so call Xinjian massacre is nothing but lies created by American and European.
    You are the expert, why don't you just buy a ticket and have a look in Xinjian and tell us with your own experience if there is really a genocide? Xinjian is a popular travel destination now.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      protest rally or demonstration is not allowed in china mind you ha..

    • @danielchua1713
      @danielchua1713 2 года назад +4

      @@baldogtondo7017 read my statement again.
      Also who say protest is no allowed in China? Go and search online and see how wrong you are.

    • @andrewwong1146
      @andrewwong1146 2 года назад

      So why does CCP China not allowed an independent UN fact finding to visit Xinjiang and see for themselves?

    • @danielchua1713
      @danielchua1713 2 года назад +1

      @@andrewwong1146 You sure? What happen to the last WHO investigation team visited Wuhan? The team first reported they received full corporation & access, and they are satisfying with the finding. . Just after few days, the whole story changed again.
      By the way, did UN independent investigation team visited IRAQ before the war? They found nothing and reported to UN. We all know what happen next.
      Xinjiang is now a tourist hotspot, why don't you just buy a plane ticket and have yourself a nice holiday there? I am waiting to do that after the travel restriction.
      Genocide? Anyone with common sense would know is a lie. Have you seen any body or mass grave? Have you seen any footage of mass murder and torture?
      I have seen countless photo of death Muslim in countries invaded by USA. I have been photo of Guantanamo bay.

    • @andrewwong1146
      @andrewwong1146 2 года назад

      @@danielchua1713 Full access? They were not even allowed to enter into the lab, all they had was a 30 min presentation by CCP. The visit came after months of last minute cancellation and more than 1 year after all the evidence has been destroyed! Please do not twist the truth like CGTN.

  • @et683
    @et683 2 года назад +12

    According to a survey conducted by local think-tank Bauhinia Institute, 85.7 percent of respondents agree that Hong Kong has the constitutional responsibility to safeguard national security and 78.6 percent of residents believe the Hong Kong society has become more peaceful since the national security law took effect. If Hyer really embraces democracy, why can't he respect the fact that majority of Hong Kong people don't want the "American democracy" that is being promoted by the National Endowment of Democracy funded by the CIA?

  • @SSTan-cz7eo
    @SSTan-cz7eo 3 года назад +35

    More of a propaganda\bias\MAGA talk rather than a academic reseach\talk. What a shame

  • @peteryoung8541
    @peteryoung8541 3 года назад +84

    Okay that last part just torpedoed the speech, that part of the Debt Trap with Sri Lanka has been discredited already, why is he still pushing that lie?

    • @ignatiuschua5268
      @ignatiuschua5268 3 года назад +13

      Look at his skin. Taliban ignoring Uighur is another bombshell.

    • @peteryoung8541
      @peteryoung8541 3 года назад

      @@lanlantulan from an academic.....fairness and balance.

    • @coolorochi
      @coolorochi 3 года назад

      Because the whole speech is at same level as that point

    • @ranchand9789
      @ranchand9789 3 года назад +9

      As a Sri Lankan, I have to disagree with the professor's assessment, Our debt with China is 10% from total debt. This expenditure include critical infrastructure including highways and powerplants that is critical to the economic growth of the nation. The Hambatota port is an important development project as well. However ROI yield may take 10-15 more years. SL Govt privatized 80% shares to a Chinese company on 99 year lease. Western countries should invest in infrastructure and economic development in developing countries instead of talking BS Infront of a podium.

    • @tinatang1
      @tinatang1 3 года назад +6

      Precisely! Sri Lanka's debt for the Port comprises only 9% of Sri Lanka's total foreign debt. Besides, China had restructed the loan many many times to help Sri Lanka but in the end, Sri Lanka still gains a modern port maintained for her for 99 years! Obviously though the professor thinks he has all the facts, he is totally ignorant about a great many things.

  • @honesttruth8710
    @honesttruth8710 3 года назад +114

    China has Belt and Road Initiatives while USA has Bomb and Raid Incursion. That's what I perceive from Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia.

    • @tinatang1
      @tinatang1 3 года назад +13

      I like that! Bomb & Raid INCURSIONS by the US!

    • @JC-sl7bs
      @JC-sl7bs 2 года назад +1


    • @kuangdiluo
      @kuangdiluo 2 года назад +1

      Heard about debt trap by belt and road initiative?

    • @troutstalker4744
      @troutstalker4744 2 года назад +1

      Very smart play there pal..bravo

    • @yapkent
      @yapkent 2 года назад +7

      @@kuangdiluo that is fake news kiddo

  • @syncmaster915n
    @syncmaster915n 2 года назад +6

    The professor answered badly on the last question. He should have told the student to just go to Hong Kong and see for herself whether Hong Kong is as bad as he portrayed, or that Hong Kong people are living without freedom or whatever. Just hop on a plane and go there. Don't listen to anyone else. Same idea applies to Xinjiang and Tibet. Just go there and see for herself and for the professor too, because for a person with supposedly a wealth of knowledge of China, he is sadly and badly informed about the situation on the ground. Just go to there to see if there is any genocide going on, or that minority people are oppressed as purported by the western press.

  • @Santeh60
    @Santeh60 3 года назад +37

    The Professor miss the point that Taiwan is not a COUNTRY it is a provincial island of China. The Gov there was remnants of the KMT whom loss the political fight in China proper back in 1947 and ran away to hide in the Island of Formosa ( now known as Taiwan).

    • @joshua1of496
      @joshua1of496 3 года назад +2

      Is that why Taiwan 🇹🇼 is so successful and a democracy? Taiwan is an example of how China should be or could be. Taiwan and Honk Kong were successful when China was suffering from poverty.

    • @wf645
      @wf645 3 года назад +5

      @@joshua1of496 LOL, Taiwan has regressive "democracy" under the current DPP and is a Dictatorship, persecuting and shutting off voices that does not agree with the current ruling DPP and a lapdog of US. Hong Kong was NEVER indepedent nor was there democracy ... there never was under British rule and will never have. Both prospered off trading with China ...

    • @poseidon61
      @poseidon61 2 года назад +2

      You cannot assume democracy will work on bigger countries. Just look at the top 5 world populated democratic countries, you'll find your answer.

    • @michaels4255
      @michaels4255 2 года назад

      Nonsense. Of course Taiwan is a country, and it was a member of the UN until the 1970s when the US double crossed it to drive a deeper wedge between Communist China and the Soviet Union. How does it "unbecome" a country? This attempt to delegitimize the free Republic of China on Taiwan is pure political propaganda. The ROC has a more legitimate than the CCP to be the legitimate successor to the pre Civil War government of China because Chiang Kaishek was the legitimate successor to China's great democratic leader Sun Yat Sen. The Commies are illegitimate because they came to power through revolution against a free and democratic government that had the support of the Chinese people. The prosperity and freedom we see in Taiwan could have been the destiny of all China if not for the Communists.

    • @Santeh60
      @Santeh60 2 года назад +2

      @@michaels4255 Nonsense, don't understand how what you read or even know history of the world dating back to the 1800 A.D better go to your nearest library to read more.

  • @bansrajmattai4548
    @bansrajmattai4548 3 года назад +82

    China argues for international order, the west speaks of rules based order, where rules based means their rules, without regard for others. The latter doesn't have currency in today's world. The reasonableness of China's and Russia's position is unquestionable.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      the "taste of the pudding is in the eating" rather read my replies above ha..

  • @samsungtaba8706
    @samsungtaba8706 3 года назад +59

    No matter what you say the fact that China is on the right track, peaceful country and prosperity. God Bless China.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      china an atheist communist country has no god mind you ha..

    • @samsungtaba8706
      @samsungtaba8706 2 года назад

      God loves good people who follow His way. Forget about atheist or what so ever.

  • @sjaw100
    @sjaw100 2 года назад +6

    China is not gearing for “world domination”! Such fixation with dominating other countries is the downfall of USA…spending unnecessary money on bases and military weapons. China will build friendship on equal basis worldwide.

  • @controversial1994
    @controversial1994 3 года назад +259

    Professor, it will be helpful to explain the Sri Lanka port issue fully so as not to misinform your audiences. 1. The Hambantota port deal is NOT a debt-equity swap, meaning that the Chinese cancelled debt in exchange for control of the port - although that seems to be the Western narrative. 2. To the contrary, In August 2017, Sri Lanka’s government signed a concession agreement with China Merchants Port for $1.12 billion to operate the Hambantota Port for 99 years as a Private Public Partnership (PPP) project. In terms of the agreement, 70% stake of the port is leased to CM Port and the remaining 30% is owned by the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA). The $1.12 billion from the leasing of the stake was not used to pay off the debt obtained to construct the port. 3. In fact, contrary to Western narrative, the Sri Lankan government did a very smart thing, they used this significant dollar inflow to strengthen the country’s foreign reserves and make some short-term foreign debt repayments that had a depressing effect on Sri Lanka's economy as it was experiencing sluggish growth.

    • @44bett
      @44bett 3 года назад +9

      The World Bank agrees with you.

    • @The667251
      @The667251 2 года назад +25

      The Dishonest Professor, you are insulting the wisdom of Sri Lanka government.

    • @henrymac506
      @henrymac506 2 года назад +21

      Professor of misinformation

    • @sanm2010
      @sanm2010 2 года назад +13

      I am pained to know that such a wonderful speech at turned out to be like mainstream media narrative in human rights issue and factual distortion of a Sri Lankan port's taking over by China. A grain of mud destroys the whole food.

    • @liulaolao7269
      @liulaolao7269 2 года назад +14

      Also, I heard that the US bought Alaska from USSR. Even if China bought the Sri Lankan port, what is wrong with that ?

  • @seansailBruce
    @seansailBruce 3 года назад +40

    The whole speech full of inexplicable inconsistencies with the Q&A section.
    China is definitely a peaceful nation.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      replied above ha..

    • @alexberkovich9992
      @alexberkovich9992 2 года назад

      Yeah, peaceful - just ask Australians

    • @seansailBruce
      @seansailBruce 2 года назад

      @@alexberkovich9992 China invaded Australia and killed thousands of its indigenous people. Incredible!

  • @kwongng2529
    @kwongng2529 3 года назад +65

    Professor said not save pennies but lose the pound. He didn’t say the defence budget. He didn’t say Taiwan and HK protesters/rioters are actually seeking for independent neither. These would change the context significantly. The students in this forum need to know.

    • @tinatang1
      @tinatang1 3 года назад +2

      The Professor also did not tell his audience that the US Congress via the NED paid the Hong Kong students to riot and paid for their gear and weapons. He should also repeat what Nancy Pelossi said when the Hong Kong rioters invaded the Hong Kong Legislative Assemby: "What a beautiful sight" she said! Karma visited Nancy Pelosi on Jan 6 when Trump supporters broke into her office at the Capitol, looking to hang her and Mike Pence. Many Hong Kong netizens gleefully said "What a beautiful sigjt!"

  • @samhe888
    @samhe888 2 года назад +20

    The way Eric Hyer presented it as if US owns the world

    • @LaVictoireEstLaVie
      @LaVictoireEstLaVie 2 года назад +2

      That is their ideology. These people , just like neoconservatives and neoliberals, think the US owns the world.

    • @beatricewan9958
      @beatricewan9958 Год назад

      Yes! Being American, he understands America wants to dominate the world, but he can't say the same for China that she also wants to dominate the world.
      China knows 高處不勝寒!
      Don't understand why the West has so much fear about communism!
      No matter what system: democratic, communist, liberal, .... it's a government who looks after its people that counts!

  • @alantran1914
    @alantran1914 3 года назад +35

    So, what is exactly the international Rule-based anyway? The way I see it... "WE rule YOU obey!" that is: international Rule-based!

    • @netrubbish
      @netrubbish 3 года назад +7

      There is NO international rules.....only USA's rules. If you don't like it, we will send you warships and missiles to destroy your country. Or at the very least, we will sanction you economically. That is why they call it "AMERICA FIRST", and others are expendable.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      you'r not stating the fact as they happen,why?

    • @farshidbazyar6626
      @farshidbazyar6626 2 года назад

      Exactly 🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️

    • @farshidbazyar6626
      @farshidbazyar6626 2 года назад

      What if it is not in their interest?
      What if someone else want another rule which serves their interest?🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ apparently they are dis-order 😏

  • @honcheelim1220
    @honcheelim1220 3 года назад +201

    Though WW2 ended 70 years ago, many, especially the older generation in Asia & SE Asia still harbouring lingering fear of Japanese cruelty, legacy of the atrocious massacres committed by the Japanese during the war. The question here now US claiming to be a benign nation could team up with a such a cruel nation to keep peace!!!

    • @windsong3wong828
      @windsong3wong828 3 года назад +6

      Well put 👍

    • @zhangyi5145
      @zhangyi5145 3 года назад +13

      U.S. is nowadays more evil than all historical Nazis put together

    • @wf645
      @wf645 3 года назад +17

      Japan does NOT even Acknowledge WW2 and their atrocities that they did during WW2 and its NOT even in their history books ... i.e whitewash ... till the day Japan apologise for their atrocities ...

    • @yananneteoh9818
      @yananneteoh9818 3 года назад +7

      RT showing Unit 731in Manchukuo. Really horrifying...

    • @Kotak8
      @Kotak8 3 года назад +4

      Japan has been playing “pig eating tiger”, gradually building up its military capabilities since 1970.

  • @yingliren9262
    @yingliren9262 3 года назад +104

    Let me help to answer the last 2 questions. For HongKong, just see if US capital withdraw from HK. HK is moving in the right direction for its residents. For Xinjiang, the Taliban is right next to Xinjiang, and they know what happens there more than the Americans. The UK, Aussie and US fabricated most of the Xinjiang stories.

    • @Rex-ww4cw
      @Rex-ww4cw 2 года назад +1

      Right ??? Just look at the first ever video of CGTN

    • @MrLee4747
      @MrLee4747 2 года назад +4

      The Talibans are well informed of what happened especially in Xinjiang and of course the surrounding nations next to Afghanistan. Taliban's are capable to take care of their interest and also aware of her neighbours needs and interests. She needs to oblige in order to establish her right to exist and jointly govern her territories, a huge jobs and at the immediate moments is a fact that she needs slot of good will to survive this difficult period. So far, overall she manages at her pace and China needs to assist in funding these uncertain and trying times. Time will tell and Afghanistan needs real assistance to survive during these crucial period.

    • @siahiongngie642
      @siahiongngie642 2 года назад +14

      You are absolutely right! I have been to Xinjiang, talking about suppressing the Muslims is all fabricated lies !

    • @frankiechiuh3401
      @frankiechiuh3401 2 года назад +5

      You are right, westerners think they should use military forces to assault anyone who doesn’t fit into their ideology. China will help on “human kind” ground and have the patience to help them around. Just see Mongolia, Pakistan, African countries and Central Asia, no interference, just help in infrastructure & economy. Soon, hope Afghanistan & Myanmar and others will be back on their feet.

    • @y.p.6456
      @y.p.6456 2 года назад +1

      How you know those stories were fabricated?

  • @hansjam8364
    @hansjam8364 2 года назад +5

    Taiwan has been Chinese territory since ancient times. After World War II, due to the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Taiwan did not return to China. The United States sold many weapons to Taiwan and secretly supported Taiwan’s independence, but it asked China to maintain the status quo

  • @mytube30005
    @mytube30005 3 года назад +98

    One thing we need to understand Chinese government imposes laws on their ppl are on necessity. The one child law was because they were poor, not enough food to feed that many people. Many of us may not know or remember, China suffered starvation during 1959-1961. That was the right thing to do at the time imo.

    • @tinatang1
      @tinatang1 3 года назад +9

      Singapore government also imposed a "Boy or Girl, Two is Enough" policy from late 1960s to the 1980s for the same reason. Singapore had to get on its feet after being expelled from Malaysia and after the British withdrawal when the country was very poor.

    • @shaoyinglu
      @shaoyinglu 2 года назад +13

      Xi Jinping himself also only has a single child. Although the law itself is debatable, the sincerity of the Chinese government is not a question.

    • @Mp991Ricky
      @Mp991Ricky 2 года назад +4

      I’m 65 and I totally understand what you said.

    • @uweburkart373
      @uweburkart373 2 года назад

      That starvation crisis was self imposed by the "Great Leader" to follow an ideology towards the "Great leap forward" resulting in a "cultural revolution" to blame others for the errors and disguise their own failure.

    • @rap3208
      @rap3208 2 года назад +1

      @@uweburkart373 The cultural revolution was a kneejerk reaction to their century of shame by kicking out all outsiders and deciding to do it all alone by themselves. The starvation was a cause of policy mistakes and natural calamities and not because it was intentional by the government like you are saying. But of course you'd like to believe the former, or is convinced of the former because that is what conforms to your bias of the chinese government being evil.

  • @will4519
    @will4519 3 года назад +120

    I hope American scholars who have their focus on China could learn to speak the language and visit the country more, maybe even live there for a while. They will get novel perspectives or at least more credibility. Instead of “producing” papers based on literatures from your peers in the US. That never end up creating anything new

    • @edisonwong320
      @edisonwong320 2 года назад +2

      I think some do.
      But western media would not want to promote them. So we get just the western view

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      naive, english is the lingua franca of the international community for your information and education ha..

    • @TheRealIronMan
      @TheRealIronMan 2 года назад

      Nah, American scholars are actually quite knowledgeable and sophisticated, you can totally have valuable and insightful conversations about China with professors that are specialized in Chinese culture and history studies, the problem is those voices are not allowed in media, most "China experts" you see on TV dont even speak a word of Chinese, they are lobbyists and political commentators with specific agendas.

    • @btgan3838
      @btgan3838 Год назад

      Oh, such myopic thinking!
      Go ahead, close your native English speaking mind to the thoughts and ideas of all the other non-English speaking cultures, which by the way is the much larger majority of the earth's population... 😅

  • @angelahang6941
    @angelahang6941 2 года назад +8

    Where does this question come from in the first place? We didn’t interfere any other countries inner affairs as US. We don’t have a soldier in other countries. We just strive to do business with other countries. how it is even possible China is the cause of international disorder? If by disorder you mean westerns can’t always get what they want from other countries, I think it is the order instead of disorder.

    • @tc691kiing9
      @tc691kiing9 2 года назад

      It is the fought between ideology, holistic war about everything.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      replied above...------

  • @jaylai2879
    @jaylai2879 3 года назад +156

    Nearer the end comments on "free HK movement", the implementation of National security law in HK is being viewed as a sad case. I wonder if it is at all conceivable that for example a state in the USA say Alaska or Hawaii, is allowed not to have national security law that the other 49 states have ? Which other country allow that ? I would very much like to know.

    • @wf645
      @wf645 3 года назад +10

      Fact is US and the West has got the Patriot Act which are more insidious than National security law and the US and West ones are probably more comprehensive. Simply put they know what they are doing to others, hence they need their own strong National security law ...

    • @maolinren7292
      @maolinren7292 3 года назад +9

      I would like to know too. But sadly we will not get any answer about this. This kind of question is too hard for Americans to answer, so they just ignore it.

    • @jaylai2879
      @jaylai2879 3 года назад +2

      @@wf645 was trying to dig up some history and I think there is a national security law pre-97 that was part of the British rule. Post 97 this security law concept was brought up for hearing, debate and legislate multiple times in the admin govt and everytime it was turned down or turned violent by those so called pro democracy law makers. So they kept postponing it indefinitely until sh-- hits the fan.... And that, is a more sad case.

    • @wf645
      @wf645 3 года назад +4

      @@jaylai2879 Yup. Good that those "Pro dem / independence" legislature are NO longer in the parliament.

    • @two02ful
      @two02ful 3 года назад +5

      Those thousand of spy now have no where to go after being drag off from Hong Kong. Stupid strategy and keep repeating the same and this time trying to infiltrate Afghanistan thru back door!

  • @saviohudson
    @saviohudson 3 года назад +42

    The reason why Huawei is bleeding is that they tried to help the people of Iran by providing them with essential telecommunications equipment, which was badly needed as a country hit by unilateral sanctions.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      they were spying for china ,thus were banned in the u.s. and e.u. counties ha..

  • @matubalfaisal2600
    @matubalfaisal2600 3 года назад +58

    God bless China 🇨🇳✊✊✊✊✊

  • @paulmcgrory5165
    @paulmcgrory5165 2 года назад +9

    In 2019 the United Nations International Court of Justice ruled that Britain should return the Chagos Islands back to Mauritius. The judge described the occupation as “an unlawful act of continuing character”. Britain derided the findings, retorting it would give up the islands only when they were no longer required for “defence”. The UN General Assembly affirmed the court’s findings in May 2019 but was rejected by both Britain and the US. Rules based order. This is a joke.

  • @rosrosy5011
    @rosrosy5011 3 года назад +56

    The next questions - why can't the US just let the different states within the US to become independent, afterall a few of them have their own state regulations on a number of things already. If the US can say yes to this, then they can start saying the same to China on Taiwan.

    • @MrBlinder514
      @MrBlinder514 2 года назад +1

      Even US agrees, it's none of China's business and US needs to respect the other countries' different practices. It's not the US rules that everyone has to follow.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      ignorant of the u.s. federal system of governance do you ? ha..

    • @nocturnally879
      @nocturnally879 Год назад


  • @jimmycool9265
    @jimmycool9265 3 года назад +133

    If you speak the truth and understand Chinese history, you understand why China has the right to take back Hong Kong and Taiwan. To enforce your western value to other cultures is a barbaric and colonial mentality. Double standards is a hypocritical foreign policy. Mind your own business and taking care of your own social injustice is the basic human rights and showing respect to others that don't follow your rules and orders. American standard is for Americans, and the international standard is to abide by the United Nations rules and orders.

    • @auspiciouslywild
      @auspiciouslywild 3 года назад +3

      CCP's China has never once in history had sovereignty over Taiwan, so how do they have a right to it? Just because Han Chinese colonized it during a previous empire? So that means the UK has the right to take back USA? Spain has the right to take back Mexico? Or is it justified by a country splitting? So North Korea has the right to take back South Korea or vice versa? "Double standards is a hypocritical foreign policy." - Yeah, and China is the king of double standards. They cry about US imperialism, but China is literally the largest empire in the world, occupying huge territories where other ethnicities are the majority, without giving them real autonomy or significant representation in the central government. Tell me how many in the Politburo is non-Han? CCP wants to take back Taiwan, where their only source of claim is imperial colonialism during the Qing dynasty.
      In my opinion, the will of the people in a large geographical area is supreme. If the people living in Taiwan does not want to be ruled by the CCP, they have the right to not be ruled by them. Simple as that. The CCP loooves to pay lip service to the will of the people, but they only care about it when the will of the people aligns with the ambitions of the elite in the top of the CCP. Imagine if the CCP could grow up to the level of United Kingdom, and actually let the people in their provinces vote on independence. But no.. it's not *really* about what the people want, is it?
      Tell me, what exactly would a war on Taiwan accomplish except the biggest bloodshed since WW2? Heal the pride of the CCP? At least USAs wars in the middle east can be justified by taking down violent regimes or violent terrorists. I don't agree with them, but at least there a shred of justification. I don't blame USA for going after Al-Qaida when they killed thousands of US civilians. Going to war on Taiwan would be PURE aggression, against a people and government that has not hurt anyone (yes, KMT was violent decades ago, but it's not like CCP/PLA has the moral upper hand there, when they hung back while KMT defeated the Japanese.. which the PLA now *loves* to take credit for.. and then stabbed them in the back).
      Does China have a right to take back Hong Kong? Well yeah, duh, they were literally given it back in a peaceful transition. Do they have a right to ignore the intention behind the agreement of that transition? Maybe? It's not like the agreement was ever enforceable. But then don't be surprised when the people of Taiwan calls bullshit on the whole "one country two systems" lie.

    • @paisinsj9536
      @paisinsj9536 3 года назад +8

      @@auspiciouslywild Wow, Shocked! But I still think taiwan is a part of China, because most countries in the world agree with one china policy, right? I peasonaly don't want to see a war happens between China and taiwan. To aviod that, I believe they should talk rather than being agressive . No matter what happend in history, for now they both can decide the direction of future. But they can't ignore each other. Can taiwan decide to be a sovereign state and China just let it happen? I don't think so, that definitely leading to a war. So that's the situation now, hope it won't be worse.

    • @auspiciouslywild
      @auspiciouslywild 3 года назад +2

      @@paisinsj9536 Do you understand that the world and China has completely different understanding of what "One China Policy" means? Have you read the wording USA used? They don't see Taiwan as part of (CCPs) China, what they wrote is that they acknowledge (doesn't mean they accept it) China's view that Taiwan is part of China. It's a statement about maintaining status quo, in order to maintain stability and economic growth in the region, not a statement that Taiwan is/isn't a country or is/isn't part of China. USA has a strategy of "strategic ambiguity" to allow USA and China to have relations without USA fully recognizing China's claim over Taiwan. Can Taiwan decide to be a sovereign state? They don't need to, they already ARE. All they need to do is continue to maintain status quo, and perhaps continue with their baby steps towards distancing themselves from the "ROC" name and strengthening international diplomatic relations. Both USA and Estonia has now made steps to strengthen diplomatic ties with Taiwan as an independent entity.

    • @elmohead
      @elmohead 3 года назад +11

      @@auspiciouslywild Relax, CIA shill. Just petition in front of the white house for USA to recognize Taiwan as a country, then we can go from there.

    • @papachen5828
      @papachen5828 3 года назад +2

      @@elmohead They don't dare. even after drinking a case of best quality whiskey or vodka or....

  • @chinahamyku6583
    @chinahamyku6583 2 года назад +16

    I found an interesting phenomenon. In Western countries, when talking about China, it seems that everyone is a "Chinese expert", and Western audiences who have been brainwashed
    by Western media since their birth still feel that it makes sense. But most Chinese people’s feelings are both ridiculous and naive. I believe Mr. Eric Hyer has never been to China. The education
    he received in the United States and the teaching in American universities can write several books about China. His cognition of China is entirely subjective imagination with the ideology of the
    Cold War, which is at least 30-40 years away from the reality of China in the 21st century.
    Especially in today's rapid rise of China, not only American companies...Intellectuals in the United States and the West are also more willing to make money by publishing books on Chinese topics, but this kind of people can have such a bottom line in order to make money. I am really convinced.

  • @unifieddynasty
    @unifieddynasty 2 года назад +8

    Overall, I think this is a relatively fair lecture that displays China in a net positive light. I commend Dr. Hyer for his assessment and his call for greater understanding between China and the west.
    A few points:
    1. On 'Debt Traps,' please refer to Dr. Brautigam and Dr. Rithmire's article in The Atlantic: "The Chinese ‘Debt Trap’ Is a Myth.
    The narrative wrongfully portrays both Beijing and the developing countries it deals with."
    2. On Xinjiang, yes, China has done tremendously authoritarian measures that should be accurately characterized as human rights violations, though less severe than genocide. At the same time, let us reemphasize that Xinjiang is directly adjacent to the colossal mess in the Middle East left behind by a century of western coups and invasions and meddling in the region. The latest figures from Brown University attribute to the American sphere well over a million deaths of the people of the Middle East from just the War on Terror alone. And we must also remember the millions more people displaced, maimed, starved, impoverished, assaulted, and even enslaved on an ongoing basis. This is not a 'whataboutism' insofar that China does commit significant human rights violations in Xinjiang. This is a statement of factual context that puts into perspective China's actions compared to that of the American sphere so that both can be examined holistically.
    3. On Hong Kong, yes the 'Two Systems' approach failed and China hasn't given Hong Kong the freedoms that Britain also never gave to their erstwhile colony. At the same time, let us reemphasize that Hong Kong was a hotbed of foreign meddling, where high-ranking foreign agents were so brazen as to step foot into Hong Kong, provide funding and gear to violent rioters, and even give orders to said rioters during violent riots that went as far as breaking into and trashing Hong Kong's Legislative building. This level of foreign manipulation and mob criminality would never be tolerated in western countries, and we have seen firsthand how America has dealt with their January 6th rioters. Let us also be aware that a significant aspect of the protests was anti-Chinese racism, with numerous violent assaults against mainland Chinese or even those simply speaking Mandarin, and the mainland Chinese being dehumanized as "locusts". Further, let us be aware of the fact that the Chinese military was never deployed against the protests, and that the Hong Kong police were remarkably restrained as evidenced by the fact that not a single protestor died from police violence. And finally, let us be aware of the fact that this entire incident started because a Hong Kong man murdered his girlfriend but couldn't be extradited for murder. The murderer still hasn't been charged for murder because the protests directly caused the withdrawal of the extradition bill. The extradition bill was a reasonable request made by the Hong Kong government. The protests against the bill are also reasonable in that they feared encroachment from mainland China. But the subsequent riots, even after the withdrawal of the bill, is wholly the fault of the anti-China rioters backed by their foreign agents, and they are responsible for destroying Hong Kong's prior autonomy.

  • @علي-ش7ث8ب
    @علي-ش7ث8ب 3 года назад +39

    These longs talks and emty philosphies are making people unable to understand US-China relation so let me explain it simply:
    US-China relations are a typical master-slave relationship,the Chinese people have been supporting the American economy for decades now and when they decided to go their own way Americans didn't like that because it would make their economy goes back at least 50 years.
    Now,Americans can make a contract with them where China promises America to keep supporting their economy until Americans rebuild their own economy.
    But if they try to "beat them to behave" that will be very dangerous because Chinese people WILL resist.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      replied above for your education and widest dissemination.

  • @Zerpentsa6598
    @Zerpentsa6598 3 года назад +53

    Amazing to even get that question asked when it's the US has been causing chaos during the last 5 decades! People seemed to be ignoring the USA.

  • @yong4265
    @yong4265 3 года назад +38

    seriously doubt his credential as a China expert or scholar.

  • @yolandemartin2072
    @yolandemartin2072 2 года назад +5

    My deep respects for Sim S Chiu's comments here below:
    "Sim S Chiu--This professor used a definition of Communism I learnt as a child almost 60 year ago. China has changed so much during my life time, how can Americans still understand China with such an old definition of an ideology?? I grew up under the British colony and was taught to dislike communism, but during my life time, I saw how that one party managed to work consistently through faults and trials. It finally brought out the fruit of stability, development and so many miracles within my life time to this 1.4 billions of people. As a Chinese not born in China, I cheer them on and finally understand a country need a government which work consistency with the people's welfare as a goal. If it had been this every 4 years swinging back to the opposite and undo every effort, with all powerful capitalists lobbying for their own benefits like in America, China will be a hell with its 4.5 times of population.
    In Hong Kong I saw how western "democracy" and those uncontrolled "freedom" turned my home into hell. I am glad MY country CHINA intervene, that is the job of a responsible government. I don't believe in the spoon-fed ideology of "democracy" any more because after I lived in the US, I see the mockery of this democracy. Whatever you do, it is always the rich and powerful that wins! Most Americans are being turned into slaves of those capitalists without even realizing it, I was shocked people many people had to work 4 to 5 jobs to make ends meet and still have no money in their banks.....
    Don't be sad for Hong Kong, just leave us alone and don't pour billions of dollar to bribe our young people to subvert our government, keep those money to fix your own infrastructure which are crumbling. If it is so good and it works for you, congratulations. Can America be democratic enough to let another country with another culture choose a path of their own?? Why everyone has to use your system?? Why you always want to become heroes when there was no war, so you have to create war? The acts of bombing and sanctioning are acts of terrorism and dictators, if you don't realize it.
    And the professor have no clue how Asians thinks, we are all cultures that yearns for stability, no one will jump up to bomb and send their children to the graves because they "don't like a communist country taking a democratic country". Except a few western trained young people, they don't care about ideologies to"

  • @leslieloong1842
    @leslieloong1842 3 года назад +91

    How can there be cooperation if American n it’s think tank keep labelling separatism, extremism n terrorism as “fight for democracy”?

    • @lawrenceng2271
      @lawrenceng2271 3 года назад +11

      Friend, this is the American grand strategy for dismantling China so that USA will continue to rule the world with impunity and without challenger.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      replied above.

  • @joestki
    @joestki 3 года назад +15

    Your last answer on the situation in Hong Kong and Xin Jiang goes to show you only read from the western media which repeatedly tell you the same thing (which become the "truth") instead of reading arguments to the contrary or stand back and use common sense to analyse the basis of the accusations and make your own judgment. This is sad.

  • @jguanpx1
    @jguanpx1 2 года назад +5

    It's sad that we are in the this country facing numerous fatality and sufferings from the pandemic, gun violence, crimes and racial injustice in addition to the fact that US has spent trillions of taxpayer's money and caused huge casualties to the Muslim people in the Iraq, Syria, Libya,, Afghanistan and Africa. Yet there are still people having the audacity to preach human right violations in China. At least people can walk on the street and feel safe in Xinjiang.

  • @cmonman4858
    @cmonman4858 3 года назад +87

    The professor talked too many fake news “stories” and misconceptions. And I actually find he was one of the less aggressive ones among his profession. This is consistent with my observation in many top colleges, particularly the Ivy Leaguers - and you can imagine what kind of information educators in mediocre universities are offering... I have to say that the young generation is f-ked, very deeply.

  • @lamwindwinner9119
    @lamwindwinner9119 3 года назад +41

    About Taiwan, actually, people in the mainland do not care the people in Taiwan too much, at least that's not the main reason. The reason the mainland want to take back Taiwan is because it was a part of China(as it states), and besides, when KMT lost the mainland and moved to Taiwan in 1949, they had stolen many treasures, such as the National Treasures of the Forbidden City, go to Taiwan, all these belong to the Chinese. These treasures and money have helped Taiwan's construction in the past few decades but left the mainland's empty treasury. If Taiwan does not recognize its Chinese attributes, everything must be returned, in mainland's view, including the land of Taiwan (just think about it, if Taiwan does not belongs to China, how KMT could retreat to Taiwan and took over it for decades?). This is the Chinese people's will, not the governing party.Same as the HK...for the western capital, they feel it is a regress since they worry about their interests. But for the Chinese people in mainland, it is a great progress. There is a difference here, whether a country wants to satisfy the interests of its own citizens or satisfy the interests of foreign capital and government, China has chosen the former.

    • @jadeliu6973
      @jadeliu6973 3 года назад +5

      Well said

    • @juangotti9348
      @juangotti9348 2 года назад

      Taiwan wants the mainland back

    • @vvkkhe
      @vvkkhe 2 года назад +1

      @@juangotti9348 KMT and current governing party in Taiwan cannot win the respect from mainlanders. News and policys from Taiwan is absurd to mainlanders.

    • @Banmuyuan
      @Banmuyuan 2 года назад

      People in mainland China used to regard people in Taiwan as brothers and sisters. Not sure about it now due to the anti-China attitude of the government and people in Taiwan now.

    • @cungcung5042
      @cungcung5042 2 года назад

      @@vvkkhe ROC under KMT was nothing but a plutocracy (and to some extent, a kleptocracy too). It was virtually ruled by three families, the Chiangs, the Kungs and the Soongs. Chiang Jr. did try to fix China's economic problem by eradicating corruption, hoarding and embezzlement, but eventually stopped by his oldman because of he was blackmailed by mafia and other families for his own wrongdoing.

  • @MrGuit12
    @MrGuit12 3 года назад +30

    The US, UK and that fella down under should have their colonial mentality erased.

  • @陈陳-t5c
    @陈陳-t5c 2 года назад +4

    The standards of the "international order" that the United States refers to are always changing.
    The 19th century did not surpass Europe and the United Kingdom did not abide by patent laws before. Copy European technology without paying corresponding fees.
    After surpassing Britain in the 20th century, patent laws continued to be promoted around the world. And impose technical blockades and arms embargoes on countries that do not comply.
    The Soviet Union collapsed, and the United States implemented an economic globalization policy. Advocate the implementation of a free economy in the world.
    The current United States, imposing an abnormal punitive tariff policy on other countries, violates its own "trade principle."
    The United States dismembered Alstom in France. Kill Japanese semiconductor manufacturer Toshiba Corporation. The US Department of Justice sniped Germany's Siemens.
    Arrested Meng Wanzhou, CFO of China's Huawei. Arrest the Russian Novatek CFO.
    The Secretary of Commerce of the United States has spoken out to South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan, requiring them to hand over the core data of high-tech companies.
    So I am wondering, what exactly are the international rules that the United States is talking about?

  • @paulhsieh2623
    @paulhsieh2623 3 года назад +104

    Historically speaking, the island of Taiwan is unequivocally a territory of China. The Kuomintang retreated to the island when they eventually lost the civil war. The PRC is the internationally recognized government of China hence Taiwan by default is a province of China. If only the Kuomintang had the foresight then to govern itself and to subsequently gain international recognition as the Republic of Taiwan. I believe the PRC government shall leave Taiwan alone if the latter do not promote independence.

    • @seafong
      @seafong 3 года назад +3

      Maybe kmt had had vision of one day conquering all of China back then. But now seeing how the ccp has basically upped the living conditions of the hundreds of millions of Chinese, kmt now knows there's no way China will ever be theirs and hence need to safeguard its own territory?

    • @tanzine91
      @tanzine91 3 года назад


    • @jennyhuang2761
      @jennyhuang2761 3 года назад

      Your brain washed by the fake history and communist propaganda. So 😢

  • @beesplaining1882
    @beesplaining1882 3 года назад +17

    "International order"?....a soft way to say "US domination".

  • @rufusmccoy7896
    @rufusmccoy7896 3 года назад +24

    Interesting (and generally accurate) view on China-US relationship ; usually academics don't bs like the mainstream media do.
    I think the speaker missed a few points...1. he erroneously referred to Taiwan as a country; it is not a country, it is part of China. 2. he did not mention that HK was a push by the US to destabilise China ; he should have known that if he's worth his weight in gold. One mistake that China made was that (when they took back HK in 1997) they neglected the "internal security" laws, that every countries in the world has. 3. he did not say what China does in XinJiang was a response to terrorism; and he wondered why the Talibans did not support their Muslim brothers in XinJiang. The Talibans must have understood that China was responding to terrorism; and that it is the US that kills Muslims around the world, but are (somehow) very concerned with the human rights of the Uyghurs.

  • @syncmaster915n
    @syncmaster915n 2 года назад +3

    Another thing, the professor corrected a student that Taiwan is not recognized by the US and a vast majority of the countries in the world as a country. But in the later part of his answer, he referred Taiwan no fewer than 4 or 5 times as a country. I don't think he truly believes in what he's teaching or preaching.

  • @justinteh1148
    @justinteh1148 3 года назад +69

    For him to call Russia a kleptocracy when the biggest kleptocracy is right in his own backyard is really laughable. I almost fell off my chair when he said that !

    • @mizzypoo4827
      @mizzypoo4827 3 года назад +4

      Rose tinted glasses, blood is thicker.... & West (USA) is GOOD & East (Asia/China) BAD.

    • @winsonhan2187
      @winsonhan2187 3 года назад +6

      If I am in the audience I would have thrown a shoe at him. 😀

    • @JC-sl7bs
      @JC-sl7bs 2 года назад

      @@winsonhan2187 😂

    • @Orwellian-Purple-Grapes-1984
      @Orwellian-Purple-Grapes-1984 2 года назад

      Not in his backyard, but in his own house.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      those communist were ruled by corrupt leaders and no one is checking them mind you.

  • @xelkim9666
    @xelkim9666 3 года назад +15

    UN and US agrees to the one China policy, some prof somewhere talks about how China could invade Taiwan🤣 Don't talk on a high horse prof, your country invaded other country militarily and economically. So much for the beacon of democracy.

  • @denises2834
    @denises2834 2 года назад +3

    Enjoy your speech. However, I can't agree with your closing comment regarding the condition in Hong Kong and Xinjiang when there is no evidence to support that. This final comment would definitely pleases the US and his allies.

  • @yongwoo1020
    @yongwoo1020 3 года назад +18

    It is terribly hypocritical of us to insist that other nations abide by some standard of “human rights”.

  • @edwardho5911
    @edwardho5911 3 года назад +44

    But the good point is that the speaker acknowledged the fact that China does not send its army invading countries for the past 40 years whereas USA had invaded into other countries during the past 40 years. So when he talked about international order, what is his definition of international order? An international order of interfering into other countries affairs under the hypocritical name of freedom and human rights? Did he give the statistics of how many innocent peoples that had been killed by USA under the slogans of human rights?

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      it's the ultimate goal of that china's expansionism mind you. and the world should all beware of it.

  • @dryeoh2023
    @dryeoh2023 2 года назад +5

    Regarding Hambantotta port in Sri Lanka, I want to correct your statement: Sri Lankan government requested China for a loan to pay their debts to IMF and World bank loans which became due and Sri Lanka proposed to pay back the loan from China by giving the operations of the port to China for 99 years lease. Please check the facts from Sri Lankan government which is well published.

  • @masseysubra6814
    @masseysubra6814 3 года назад +12

    Eric Hyer, I can see your hidden support of USA and European hegemony. Sir we Asians have advanced far ahead of Americans and Europeans and WE KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF OUR PROBLEMS, you should go to USA and UK and help them develop their countries.

  • @sikkigoh
    @sikkigoh 3 года назад +79

    Your take on human rights shows much of misunderstanding of the actual situation.

  • @YYat99
    @YYat99 2 года назад +12

    Sad to see the Eric's answer of the last questions. Double standard indeed, at the earlier speech, Eric mentioned about US suppressed past leaders in the counties like Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and color revolution in various places, but conveniently stated that the separatist movement (causing riots and destroying the city) in Hongkong as "cause of democracy movement". Go figure!

  • @douglaswong6975
    @douglaswong6975 3 года назад +18

    Dis - "Order"
    Iraq war by American invasion would be a good example
    Where was the "United Nation"? Hello, are you still exist? Or you are just an American entity?

  • @edwardho5911
    @edwardho5911 3 года назад +19

    I like the question by the student. Where could USA get the money to fund the proposed new Marshall plan in the Africa. So the speaker's answer was as good as telling the student to milk Japan and the allies as USA used to do.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      there is always money for everything worthwhile ha..

  • @christineyuen6636
    @christineyuen6636 3 года назад +11

    I, a HK citizen, strongly disagree your claim that HK "1 country 2 system" policy is a "disaster" and failure The system facilitated smooth political transition without issues in 1997.
    For years now, the West claims HK lacks democracy, freedom of speech .... etc....which HK always has plenty. HK has prosper and doing fine . until Western funding came in to disrupt its social order. The rebels (freedom fighters, the West named them) almost destroy the livelihood of HK ..... is now rescued by the appropriate measures.
    Your claim of SinKiang also needs reexamination.... how a Western story of forced labor, human right violations in its cotton growing..... versus the Chinese govt economic help to give its people better growth opportunity .... then less terrorism..... and no Western press/brain bank addresses.
    Look into your US government..... 2 political parties fighting.... no one responsible to solve the pandemic except to wait for the vaccine until thousands died.....never ending conflicts between 2 races - black n white.. China has 56 races living in harmony.

  • @citytianyu
    @citytianyu 2 года назад +5

    HK issue is not about human right: it's a pure political fight, just as the capital hill riot in the U.S. I think that's part of the reason why Professor Hyer answered the question by starting with Xinjiang.

  • @wcdirect9217
    @wcdirect9217 3 года назад +16

    Charlie Munger C.E.O. of Berkshire Hathaway Inc said China did the world a favour with the one child policy. If they had not done that then there would have been 3 billion Chinese and the world would have depleted its resources even more. Yet we only say negative things about that.

    • @xenuburger7924
      @xenuburger7924 3 года назад +1

      Actually a lot of Americans have said that. Of course China has the opposite problem now. Most Asian countries are now struggling with low fertility. Seeing how hard Singapore has been trying to increase the birth rate with disappointing results, it seems like an intractable problem.

    • @tinatang1
      @tinatang1 3 года назад +1

      The one child policy was imposed on the han Chinese who comprise 90% of the population. All the other 56 ethnic groups (including the Uyghurs) were exempted from the policy. That is why the Uyghur population grew from 5+ million in the 1950s to 12+ million today.

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      replied above..

  • @genec390
    @genec390 3 года назад +44

    These so called China experts, including the former Australian China diplomat Kevin Rudd, although they've spent years studying China, really doesn't understand China. I think the major issue for these so called experts is they study China through their biased western lens. The fact of the matter is China has 5000 years of documented history. China's culture is shaped by it's long history and learnings. In order to understand, one must spent a lot of time studying it's history with an objective mind. If possible, this person should also a decade or two living the Chinese life and speak it's language. This professor and Kevin Rudd's understanding is biased with the western perspective. They don't truly understand the real China.

    • @DineshTwanabasu
      @DineshTwanabasu 3 года назад

      And that is the reason why the west is failing to compete with china because their understanding is poor.
      If you donot know your competitor its obvious for u to lag behind in competition.

    • @dheera8889
      @dheera8889 3 года назад +3

      Post industrialization societies and modern nation states has nothing to with ancient civilizations. Modern Iraq is not Mesopotamia, Republic of India is not Indus Valley Civilization. Modern nation States has modern geopolitical issues, modern requirements, and modern societies. Neither CCP, nor Communism are 5000 years old. Anyone who talks about 5k year old civilization when talking about modern geopolitics is either a propagandist or under influence of some kind of propaganda.

    • @pietrohyl8746
      @pietrohyl8746 3 года назад

      @@dheera8889 good point.

    • @behonestkid1456
      @behonestkid1456 2 года назад +1

      @@dheera8889 you are kid

    • @dheera8889
      @dheera8889 2 года назад

      @@behonestkid1456 yes. But you are too old to understand modern world.

  • @fanghaoqing
    @fanghaoqing 2 года назад +7

    U.S used to be the greatest nation since WW2, not only because of its dominating military capabilities, more importantly its value, high standard of living, economic model, technology advances and many things. It was a country everyone looked up to, including Chinese. But things change. U.S system appears having difficulty to deal with many problems in recent years and by contrast, Chinese ppl have a growing confidence on their own system cuz it has been proven working marvellously. Probably it is the time for our western friends to abandon the democracy vs commie ideology and admit there is a different way of success. If you looked back in Chinese history, you would realise unlike westerners, Chinese were never fans of wars, unless they were forced to have.

  • @jinmingsun3026
    @jinmingsun3026 2 года назад +4

    Most of the talk part is sober minded and objective from American point of view. But during the Q& A, it is clear that he is still digesting some MSM without analyzing it, especially regarding Xingjiang and Hongkong. Did he see any video how violent the Hongkong street has become during the riot?

  • @sikkigoh
    @sikkigoh 2 года назад +5

    The speaker needs to update himself on the the Sri Lanka debt issue. What he said is a western narrative and not correct. His understanding of Xinchiang is also a western narrative and it's not correct.

  • @zhengqianyu7913
    @zhengqianyu7913 3 года назад +39

    Although I don’t agree with some statements in the speech, I do agree learning Chinese history is a good start for foreigners to understand China

    • @李灵毅-h5l
      @李灵毅-h5l 3 года назад +4

      on the condition that its not biased, or to say not just from the westerner's viewer

    • @nancytay648
      @nancytay648 2 года назад +3


    • @phenixwutao
      @phenixwutao 2 года назад +1

      Unfortunately, US is living in its own world. they even couldn't name some capitals in Europe.

  • @dechaariyaratana2340
    @dechaariyaratana2340 2 года назад +27

    Just for extra info, when the US withdrew its military operations in Vietnam, it also left considerable amount of military hardwares which included many tanks of which the Vietcong used to roll over Cambodia border toward Thailand. The Thai government informed president Deng of China and requested military assistance. Chinese military as requested began to bombard the Vietnamese border villages as a result, the Vietcong tanks regiment were called back in to Vietnam territory toward its northern border. That’s how Thailand security has been preserved

    • @baldogtondo7017
      @baldogtondo7017 2 года назад

      were that a fact and truthful story?

    • @nghiemduonghung9750
      @nghiemduonghung9750 2 года назад

      @@baldogtondo7017 it's all fabricated, after 1975, Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot leadership - a close ally of China, raid Vietnam, Southern border multiple times, leading to Vietnam invasion of Cambodia to remove them from power in 1978. You might need to read more about Sino Soviet split to understand the full picture here, basically China is no longer Soviet ally and they have a friendly relationship with US for a while now. With US and China support, Khmer Rouge went hiding in Thailand border, received military and financial support from US and China and their allies to fight a proctrated war to bleed Vietnam, basically the whole world against Vietnam except the Soviet bloc.
      That's why Vietnam did multiple raid to Thailand border to eliminated Khmer Rouge remnants. Of course Thailand government don't want to teach their current generation about this shameful past so they fabricated stories to save their faces.
      That's why Deng Xiaoping and his henchmen started a war with Vietnam in 1979 hoping it would make Vietnam bring our troops back to save Khmer Rouge. Which they mostly failed, as Vietnam only withdraw their troops in 1989, but gave enough time to save Khmer Rouge from extinction for another 10 years. Khmer Rouge leaders got convicted of crimes against humanity in 2014, quite late for their crimes.
      You can easily found video about how Margaret Thatcher talk about Khmer Rouge, and document of Henry Kissinger talk with Thailand foreign minister during that time to verify what I said.

    • @seowkhoontan9534
      @seowkhoontan9534 Год назад

      ​@@baldogtondo7017goggle search it!

    • @marklee8512
      @marklee8512 Год назад +1

      Correct! Initially Vietcong asked for help from China during war with the US who supported the Saigon regime. Ho Chi Minh personally went to China to negotiate for the help. Despite the help from China in chasing out the US, the Vietcong turned to invade other Indochina countries including Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. It's when China army advanced across the border into northern Vietnam to force Vietcong to revert it's forces back to defend.

  • @wangsahoney4683
    @wangsahoney4683 3 года назад +45

    Speaker lost its credibility so does country he represents and their followers.

  • @jameswhaling7493
    @jameswhaling7493 2 года назад +7

    I agree that the right way to compete with China is not through military but economically. Positive and healthy competition contributes positively is good for the globe. It is welcomed even in the midst of geopolitical conflicts.
    If the US had a competent and strong leadership, trusted and supported by the majority of the people, it can of course put policies, laws, resources, talents, and capitals... in place to elevate America's global standing and eventually win the global competition with China thus regaining the position as the shining house on the hill.
    The big question is can America actually do it? Will private companies be willing to build a railroad across a burning desert that won't show a profit for decades? Who is to maintain the tracks to ensure proper operation for 50 years? Can the Fed do it with taxpayer money? Can American workers out-work and out-produce the Chinese workers? Can the allied countries produce enough steel and concrete to meet the demand? Do the US and all its allies have the financial muscle to pull off such a mega feat? What track record, skills, and experience the US has to show other countries that it can do better than China? (A million questions follow...)
    Personally, I see the chance of beating China at its own game as pretty slim. And I suspect I am not the only one. So, what is the alternative?
    How about change strategy and embracing multilateralism? But do it quickly before being pushed into it. In a multilateral world, the US can still remain a powerful and consequential country, but just not the world's sole dominant power.