6:53 VVIP 가입하고 더 핫한 영상 보기: bit.ly/3TJo2PI if you can't join membership, you can subscribe LIKEY and watch more contents 👉youngjays.fans.link/ 멤버십 미지원 국가에서는, 라이키 가입하셔서 VVIP 컨텐츠를 즐겨보세요👉youngjays.fans.link/
Wasn't it....thoroughly enjoyed listening..I'm new to these guys and some of the vids ive seen I haven't stopped laughing..my hubby and I got married we had 3 dogs and were together for a lot of years until he died..have never got over it..I live on my own in the forest now with 1 dog...
Today's conversation was really interesiting. It's nice to hear about the overall perception of this topics from people that actually live there and can give their honest and personal opinions.
Your conversations are fascinating YJ. Each of you different & unique, with interesting personalities & perspectives on life, it would be great to be able to spend time together & learn more.
I hope things change for the better in Korea in your lifetime, YJ. Even if they don't, please make the most of life and enjoy the things that bring you happiness. ❤
Life is really hard if your gay especially when no one knows that your gay, sometimes I think about if Im free, or my parents knows about it or even my friends, what would be my life feels like?. Its very tiring to be independent sometimes, like theres no one to lean on about my thing. I wish I won’t be alone when I get older and I still hope someday ill be brave enough to tell my families, friends, show who really am.
26살에 만나서 어느덧 12년이 지나 38살이 되었는데요.. 제가 경험하고 주변분들에게서도 느끼는건 일반적일 일상(일반인들과의 일상)이 주가 되고 이반생활에 많이 치우쳐져 있지 않을수록 보통 오래 연애하는 것 같습니다. 주변이 대부분 게이이고 그쪽 생활을 자주 즐기는 경우가 더 잘 헤어지는 것 같아요. 이게 맞다 라는 얘기는 아니고 적어도 제 경혐이나 주변 커플들의 경우엔 보통 그런 것 같아요.
I follow MangoTV and they are a gay couple in Korea. They have been together for a very very long time. They talked about marriage and spouse medical responsibilities etc. It said that they can’t be recognized by law but to them and the rest of us who witness them. They are and have been married. So I think even in the toughest climate or environment two people who love each enough will always find away. It’s not easy but it probably proves just how much they love each other.
Marriage equality is more of a political issue than a sociological one. In every country where the marriage equality law has been passed, it has often been due to strong lobbying efforts by the LGBTQ+ community. I’m not saying it’s easy, but the undeniable influence of money in shaping legislation is clear. Organizations that fund political candidates can significantly impact change by persuading and pressuring legislators to support marriage equality. Additionally, awareness activities conducted by non-governmental organizations can further bolster support for this cause. Ultimately, everything depends on volunteers' efforts and the power of financial resources. Love you guys 💚
I think it is possible for equal marriage to be legalised in your lifetime. I remember growing up hearing about hate crimes against sexual minorities, I would've never imagines that my country would legalize marrige equality and when it happened (2022) it was hard to belive. What I mean is that change is possible and, sometimes, it is faster than what we can imagine.
I hope Korea becomes more modernized to accepting LGBT rights; however, I think it is true that jumping into a marriage shouldn’t be taken lightly. I also think LGBT people are more independent, which allows them to freely decide if something is right or wrong for them, despite the time spent with one individual.
I am not part of LGBTQ community( iam straight )but i don't know why i can feel your struggles😢 i believe and wish soon you guys gets all rights what you deserve ❤i really wish all the happiness.❤
Your conversation makes it look fun. But we asian guys well in most of the countries doesn't get to be legal. It's hurting but also there are changes made everyday . ... ❤❤❤
사람을 만나볼수록 그냥 점점 더 기대를 안하게 되어가는 사람입니다 저는 항상 연애를 할때 어떤 실수든 다 책임지고 내가 사랑하니까 라고 안고 가려는 사람인데 상대가 항상 이별을 얘기하더라고요 그래서 그냥 연애를 하면서도 이별을 들을때 슬퍼도 기대감이 없어져버려서 예전처럼 슬프지가 않아요…
- 동물 입양 이야기 나와서 댓 써요. 우리나라 한해에 유기동물이 무려 14만마리가 생겨나고 그중 80% 이상이 죽는답니다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 저희집 12마리 아이들 모두 길과 시보호소에서 데려온 애들이에요. 지금껏 200마리 정도 개인적으로 구조해 사비로 치료하고 임보보냈다가 입양 보냈습니다. 제가 살면서 가장 잘한 일 중 하나라 생각하는 게 길에서 고통받는 아이들 구조하고 가족 찾아준 거에요. 부디 돈주고 사지 않고 입양하면 유기되는 동물 수도 줄어 들고 새삶을 찾는 아이들도 늘어납니다~!!
It's sad the he says gay relations would last longer if they're more intertwined legally by marriage. This is the reason why many western het couples don't want to marry anymore as separation is a pain and expensive. I however understand the implications on health cover, legal rights such as medical decisions if incapacitated and inheritance rights for gay couples.
YJ, You should try moving to Thailand to continue working as a content creator since they already have a visa for that. Who knows, you might find your one true love there and Thailand has legalised gay marriages there as well. ❤
wait they have what? i just watched a video last week about one china chinese- taiwan chinese gay couple they couldn't get married even tho its said to be legal for 5 years in taiwan. things are different tho i guess they have beef kinda politics and world doesnt really recognise taiwan as a country soo... how about thailand?
We don't yet have a gay president in the US, but we do currently have a married gay US Secretary of Transportation. Pete Buttigieg and his husband also are dads to two kids. The current governor of my state, Oregon, is a married lesbian (lol, lots of Koreans don't know where Oregon is. It's the state right above California). Jaebom 🐶is too cute! I work for a Korean/NYC dog rescue. Adoption rate is still too low in Korea, so we bring them to the US to get adopted because most people here adopt. We are slowly banning pet shops from selling animals. #AdoptDontShop
결혼은 또 다른 현실인듯 시집간 장가간 주변 사람들 다 행복한데 또 다른 힘든게 있다 그랬음. 장기연애랑 결혼, 동거랑 결혼도 또 다른듯. 결혼은 현실이여~~ 이혼 못해서 오래 사는 경우도 있고, 결혼해서 주변 사람 때문에 힘든 경우도 있고. 왜 일찍 같이 안 살았나 하고 천생연분 도 있고.
Cant wait Korea evolve on the question of gay marriage, I m already married in France to my korean men but if we move korea we will dont get any rights 😢
I live in the Netherlands, a small country in Europe that has legalized same sex marriage in the year 2001🎉Gay men can adopt children as well. It is hard to hear that Korea hasn’t come this far (yet). I hope it will soon😊. Much greetings and love for all viewers❤❤❤
As the main reasons (religion/social ideals) are why it's taking so long for other Asian nations to legalise same-sex marriage, it is frustrating that countries base their rules off of Christianity, Catholicism or Muslim religion... some of the most murderous religions🤦
It’s interesting hearing the view that heterosexual couples have stronger relationships because of the legal ties and children from marriage - but in the USA divorce is so common that theory doesn’t really apply. I worry that makes it sound like heterosexual couples in Korea only stay together due to the social stigma of divorce rather than anything else. My mother and her male cousin both got boyfriends in 1986. My parents got married in 1990. Her cousin lived in Massachusetts, the first state in the US to legalize gay marriage, and got married in 2004. (Though it wasn’t legal in all the states until 2015.) Both couples have been in loving and committed relationships for the same amount of time. My mom’s cousin didn’t think he’d ever get married because of prejudice in the USA but he and his partner were always devoted to each other. My brother and I called them husbands when we were very young in the 90’s because we had no concept that wasn’t allowed at the time. Now they really are husbands! My point is, don’t give up hope! Don’t let the current legal limits limit your current relationships. Fight for your future happiness! ❤ 🌈
OK, so how would you react if the person you love was hospitalized, but you do not have explicit right to visit or make medical decisions on their behalf? How about if you and the person you love worked hard and own property/share money together, but you have no right to his money/property if he dies? Marriage generally conveys decision-making and property ownership priority even above your partner's family.🤔
YoongHe considers himself 'married' already? Thats a good sign that he'll be his bf for a long time, and be able to marry if he chooses. Gay guys in my experience, are far more stable in a 'together' / 'married' scenario that the women are. And I know several guy couples who've been together years and years and years. Marriage doesn't change the relationship (hopefully), but gives you both legal protections. Which is why str8s get married. And why we want to too.
Ce qui est complètement paradoxal , c’est que la Corée fait beaucoup de bromance et de BL dans les séries ou les films 🧐👍🏻Je pense que c’est à cause des anciens car il y a beaucoup de personnes âgées chez eux . Pour moi c’est comme en Chine il faut absolument que les garçons transmettent le nom de famille , mais ça au 21 e siècle ce n’est plus important. L’important c’est d’être heureux ❤️
@@pizzahut-b3r 아니... 동성애자들이 동성혼 안된다고 이성이랑 결혼해서 애 낳고 사냐구요.. 논리적으로 말이 되는 소리를 하세요 ㅋㅋㅋ 동성애자들은 그리고 애 키우고 싶으면 입양을 해야만 하니까요. 외국 사례만 봐도 입양하는 사람 많습니다. 선생님이야 말로 말도 안되는 논리 전개하지마세요.
아직 한국에서 동성커플의 결혼이 허용되지 않는다는 사실이 너무나 슬프고 이해할 수 없습니다. 벨기에에서는 다른 부부와 동일한 권리가 있고, 자녀를 입양할 수 있으며, 이에 대해 전혀 개의치 않습니다. 아시아 국가들은 데이트 쇼로 유명하지만 그게 전부입니다. 구글 번역을 사용해서 한국어로 어떻게 번역되는지 모르겠습니다.
Our LGBT community did a fantastic job of lobbying here in Ireland and our citizens were the first in the world to vote in same sex equality and marriage rights by referendum. Our Taoiseach (president), recently retired, is gay and it was the least important thing about him. Most people didn't care and just evaluated him on his job performance. He did a brilliant job of leading our country through the pandemic. Who you marry is nobody's business and everyone should have the legal protections of a spouse. Straight 52 year old ajumma here 😂. Taking love out of marriage, it is primarily a legal contract which protects rights and property of both parties. It's a terrible argument from religious people to ban gay marriage 'for the sake of the family'. 2 men or 2 women make a family. I hope it becomes a right for you before long, Youngjay. You might meet a nice Irish man on your travels and experience an Irish wedding. And you'd be welcomed and celebrated I'm sure.
기술이 발전해도 인간의 인식은 그보다 훠얼씬 늦게 진보한다고 하더군요. 법적인 제도 개선도 중요하지만 일단 동성애에 대한 일반인들의 인식 개선이 시급한 거 같아요. 모 가수의 동성애 컨셉 뮤비가 화제가 되는 세상이라지만 그건 어디까지나 흔히 망붕하는 사람들 즐기는 컨텐츠이고, 실상은 퀴퍼하는데 보수 단체나 극성 종교인들이 게거품 물고 난리 치니….
I recently asked this question at a gentlemen's club in HCMC and the thing whole thing exploded. The club actually got closed down because this topic. It revealed people's true colours and the reality most people don't want to talk about. "I asked why gay dating doesn't seem to be as successful as straight dating?" People on Grindr seem to be only looking for one time sex encounters. They forget that they will not be dandies forever. I'm glad you are seeing and questioning things the same way I've been questioning them. The reality most people tend to sweep under the carpet. I also asked at the club whether it's worth it to keep pushing for same sex rights bills in various countries knowing that in reality it's something seemingly dysfunctional.
Il vous reste encore un long chemin à parcourir pour vous marier et adopter, mais cela pourrait arriver plus tôt que prévu. 당신은 아직 결혼과 입양을 위해 갈 길이 멀지만, 예상보다 빨리 일어날 수 있습니다.
Whoaaa the man in the backseat reminds me so much of kye... They don't really look alike but the Facial structure and skin tone immediately reminded me of him😮... It actually could be him but I havnt been on YT for almost a year so if it is pls forgive me😆
I think gay breakup easily because they competing with each other and not building each other during relationships, they don’t have concept of what relationship is, but I think that’s everyone thesedays. They just want to find someone who is a perfect mould to their personality and lifestyle but that’s not what relationship is, it’s to learn and build from each other to be a better person for each other, and this is not just for gay. Also in gay relationships they don’t trust each other in the first place and both believe the other one will eventually cheat even if it’s out for sex because it’s so easy to meet someone for a quick sex, kind a like a sociopath. ‘A sociopath is someone who sacrifices long term relationship for a short excitement’
안타깝게도 평범한 동성애자들과 달리 소아성애와 동성애를 (그 이상으로 이상한것도.) 같이하는 사람들이 정말 많습니다. 왜 그런진 모르겠지만 욕구와 사랑을 구분 못하는 사람들이 할수있는건 다 하는 판이라 😅 그런것 같기도 하네요.. 미래엔 합법화 하되 대리모를 자연스럽게 하는쪽이 나을거같네요.
And you think such horrors don't occur in hets? Just remember LGBT make up less than 10% of population and homosexuality (the L and G in the acronym) only account for about 3% . So hets who are even more into fetishes that hurt others account for over 90% of people. Now tell me please what area would have more paedophiles? Please use common sense! Being LGBT does not increase the percentage of perverts it's just more emphasised and highlighted by the homophobic agenda.
You should too! AIDS is a disease anyone can get if you don’t use protection. You are Korean and you just proved how homophobic you are. A Swede like myself would never say something like that, judging gays only. 50 years ago yes, but not 2024!
6:53 VVIP 가입하고 더 핫한 영상 보기: bit.ly/3TJo2PI
if you can't join membership, you can subscribe LIKEY and watch more contents 👉youngjays.fans.link/
멤버십 미지원 국가에서는, 라이키 가입하셔서 VVIP 컨텐츠를 즐겨보세요👉youngjays.fans.link/
What a great conversation…I really gave insight on how law and gay relationships are very much intertwined and affecting everyday couple.
Wasn't it....thoroughly enjoyed listening..I'm new to these guys and some of the vids ive seen I haven't stopped laughing..my hubby and I got married we had 3 dogs and were together for a lot of years until he died..have never got over it..I live on my own in the forest now with 1 dog...
@@paulrobertson7650 wow. I’m so so sorry for you lost. And thank you reading my comment and thank you for the reply.
Today's conversation was really interesiting. It's nice to hear about the overall perception of this topics from people that actually live there and can give their honest and personal opinions.
Your conversations are fascinating YJ. Each of you different & unique, with interesting personalities & perspectives on life, it would be great to be able to spend time together & learn more.
융히씨도 문석씨도 말하시는게 멋지다~
내가 먼저 멋진사람이되야지 라는 말은 가슴에 와다았어~
융희씨도 어리지만 어른스럽고 멋지다^^
I hope things change for the better in Korea in your lifetime, YJ. Even if they don't, please make the most of life and enjoy the things that bring you happiness. ❤
Life is really hard if your gay especially when no one knows that your gay, sometimes I think about if Im free, or my parents knows about it or even my friends, what would be my life feels like?. Its very tiring to be independent sometimes, like theres no one to lean on about my thing. I wish I won’t be alone when I get older and I still hope someday ill be brave enough to tell my families, friends, show who really am.
26살에 만나서 어느덧 12년이 지나 38살이 되었는데요.. 제가 경험하고 주변분들에게서도 느끼는건 일반적일 일상(일반인들과의 일상)이 주가 되고 이반생활에 많이 치우쳐져 있지 않을수록 보통 오래 연애하는 것 같습니다. 주변이 대부분 게이이고 그쪽 생활을 자주 즐기는 경우가 더 잘 헤어지는 것 같아요.
이게 맞다 라는 얘기는 아니고 적어도 제 경혐이나 주변 커플들의 경우엔 보통 그런 것 같아요.
i really like these small talks ❤❤❤
The longest trip to the airport i have ever seen lol.
I follow MangoTV and they are a gay couple in Korea. They have been together for a very very long time. They talked about marriage and spouse medical responsibilities etc. It said that they can’t be recognized by law but to them and the rest of us who witness them. They are and have been married. So I think even in the toughest climate or environment two people who love each enough will always find away. It’s not easy but it probably proves just how much they love each other.
I don't think it will take as long as you think. Everything can change in just a few years.
Young Jay for president lol
The Life of a Gay Returning to Nature Kye always makes me laugh. This was great insight to what Korean men talk about when they are together LOL
융희 정말 멋있는 것 같음 그냥 다..
Marriage equality is more of a political issue than a sociological one. In every country where the marriage equality law has been passed, it has often been due to strong lobbying efforts by the LGBTQ+ community. I’m not saying it’s easy, but the undeniable influence of money in shaping legislation is clear. Organizations that fund political candidates can significantly impact change by persuading and pressuring legislators to support marriage equality. Additionally, awareness activities conducted by non-governmental organizations can further bolster support for this cause. Ultimately, everything depends on volunteers' efforts and the power of financial resources. Love you guys 💚
I think it is possible for equal marriage to be legalised in your lifetime.
I remember growing up hearing about hate crimes against sexual minorities, I would've never imagines that my country would legalize marrige equality and when it happened (2022) it was hard to belive.
What I mean is that change is possible and, sometimes, it is faster than what we can imagine.
We want the "Gay Friendly YJ's Bed & Breakfast" in the country side...!!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I like this new series👍🏾
Tsk tsk.. I saw what you did with the opening "Gay, and marriage" w/ Kye's image 👀😏
“YoungJay’s Bed & Breakfast” will be the Korean version of “The Boyfriend” 🫶🏼
I hope Korea becomes more modernized to accepting LGBT rights; however, I think it is true that jumping into a marriage shouldn’t be taken lightly. I also think LGBT people are more independent, which allows them to freely decide if something is right or wrong for them, despite the time spent with one individual.
I am not part of LGBTQ community( iam straight )but i don't know why i can feel your struggles😢 i believe and wish soon you guys gets all rights what you deserve ❤i really wish all the happiness.❤
The person in the back (key) looks like (dai) from the boyfriend show.!!
Thought d same way too😅
Every episode of Taxi in the company of Yoonghee Jaebom is very fun.
You and him form a very interesting concept.thanks for sharing.
Your conversation makes it look fun. But we asian guys well in most of the countries doesn't get to be legal. It's hurting but also there are changes made everyday . ... ❤❤❤
0:46 진짜 너무 공감이다
ㄹㅇ 젊은 세대들은 이렇게 신중하게 하는건데 윗세대는 왜케 강압적인건지 ..
사람을 만나볼수록 그냥 점점 더 기대를 안하게 되어가는 사람입니다 저는 항상 연애를 할때 어떤 실수든 다 책임지고 내가 사랑하니까 라고 안고 가려는 사람인데 상대가 항상 이별을 얘기하더라고요 그래서 그냥 연애를 하면서도 이별을 들을때 슬퍼도 기대감이 없어져버려서 예전처럼 슬프지가 않아요…
- 동물 입양 이야기 나와서 댓 써요.
우리나라 한해에 유기동물이 무려 14만마리가 생겨나고 그중 80% 이상이 죽는답니다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 저희집 12마리 아이들 모두 길과 시보호소에서 데려온 애들이에요.
지금껏 200마리 정도 개인적으로 구조해 사비로 치료하고 임보보냈다가 입양 보냈습니다. 제가 살면서 가장 잘한 일 중 하나라 생각하는 게 길에서 고통받는 아이들 구조하고 가족 찾아준 거에요. 부디 돈주고 사지 않고 입양하면 유기되는 동물 수도 줄어 들고 새삶을 찾는 아이들도 늘어납니다~!!
It's sad the he says gay relations would last longer if they're more intertwined legally by marriage. This is the reason why many western het couples don't want to marry anymore as separation is a pain and expensive.
I however understand the implications on health cover, legal rights such as medical decisions if incapacitated and inheritance rights for gay couples.
WOW! So cute!
내 주변뿐 아니라 우리나라에 게이가 흔하지않고 눈에 잘 띄지않아 그들에 대해 별다른 생각이 없었는데 이 영상후 뭔가 그들이 국민으로서 권리나 사람으로서 누려야할 당연한 부분을 제대로 못누리고 사는 것 같아 좀 안타까움을 느꼈네요.
Taiwan🇹🇼🙋 Welcome to Taiwan❤❤❤
YJ, You should try moving to Thailand to continue working as a content creator since they already have a visa for that. Who knows, you might find your one true love there and Thailand has legalised gay marriages there as well. ❤
wait they have what? i just watched a video last week about one china chinese- taiwan chinese gay couple they couldn't get married even tho its said to be legal for 5 years in taiwan. things are different tho i guess they have beef kinda politics and world doesnt really recognise taiwan as a country soo... how about thailand?
This must have been filmed before the recent events in Korea. Marriage might be closer to a reality than you think.
Also that dog is so cute!
I hope things change 😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨
We don't yet have a gay president in the US, but we do currently have a married gay US Secretary of Transportation. Pete Buttigieg and his husband also are dads to two kids. The current governor of my state, Oregon, is a married lesbian (lol, lots of Koreans don't know where Oregon is. It's the state right above California). Jaebom 🐶is too cute! I work for a Korean/NYC dog rescue. Adoption rate is still too low in Korea, so we bring them to the US to get adopted because most people here adopt. We are slowly banning pet shops from selling animals. #AdoptDontShop
JAEBOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daddy became a daddy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The three of you together is the BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
결혼은 또 다른 현실인듯 시집간 장가간 주변 사람들 다 행복한데 또 다른 힘든게 있다 그랬음. 장기연애랑 결혼, 동거랑 결혼도 또 다른듯. 결혼은 현실이여~~ 이혼 못해서 오래 사는 경우도 있고, 결혼해서 주변 사람 때문에 힘든 경우도 있고. 왜 일찍 같이 안 살았나 하고 천생연분 도 있고.
문석이형 영상만 보러옵니다...
죄송합니다... 영재형이 싫은건 아니예요 ㅎ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ문석이 여행유튜브채널도 많이 사랑해주세요!!
@@youngjay1108미안해 난 문석이가 더 좋아
융희띠 진짜 멋있는듯...❤
Cant wait Korea evolve on the question of gay marriage, I m already married in France to my korean men but if we move korea we will dont get any rights 😢
대화 수준이 높다...
5:12 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 융희 뭐냐고
어 대곰님이당
Great video. Maybe Korea's first gay president is Yung-hee?
I live in the Netherlands, a small country in Europe that has legalized same sex marriage in the year 2001🎉Gay men can adopt children as well. It is hard to hear that Korea hasn’t come this far (yet). I hope it will soon😊. Much greetings and love for all viewers❤❤❤
Sadly, not only in Korea but the rest of Asia too. I think only 3 countries in Asia allows for gay marriage.
@@louishuang5271only Taiwan and Thailand
please invite me often 🥺
As the main reasons (religion/social ideals) are why it's taking so long for other Asian nations to legalise same-sex marriage, it is frustrating that countries base their rules off of Christianity, Catholicism or Muslim religion... some of the most murderous religions🤦
Omg is that Kim Yung Hee !!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍😍
너무 궁금한 주제네요 ㅋㅋ..
존잘분들이 얘기해주는 이유라 더 궁금;
근데 애초에 연애 시작부터 너무 어렵네요
사진면접부터 통과하고
대화로 성격 면접..
통과하고 나니까 목소리까지 들어보자하더니 컷 당했어요 ㅜㅡㅋㅋ
목소리 통과했어도
사진사기아니냐 하면서 실물까지 보려했겠지만
너무 험난합니다..
저는 나이들면서 하나둘씩 포기했는데 ㅜ
대만은 다양한 포용적인 사회입니다. 당신들은 대만에서 매우 인기 있는 유튜버가 될 것이고 더 많은 조회수를 받을 것입니다.
What ur thought about daishun? bc they have different among the gay variety show.
They are standard.
It’s interesting hearing the view that heterosexual couples have stronger relationships because of the legal ties and children from marriage - but in the USA divorce is so common that theory doesn’t really apply. I worry that makes it sound like heterosexual couples in Korea only stay together due to the social stigma of divorce rather than anything else.
My mother and her male cousin both got boyfriends in 1986. My parents got married in 1990. Her cousin lived in Massachusetts, the first state in the US to legalize gay marriage, and got married in 2004. (Though it wasn’t legal in all the states until 2015.) Both couples have been in loving and committed relationships for the same amount of time. My mom’s cousin didn’t think he’d ever get married because of prejudice in the USA but he and his partner were always devoted to each other. My brother and I called them husbands when we were very young in the 90’s because we had no concept that wasn’t allowed at the time. Now they really are husbands! My point is, don’t give up hope! Don’t let the current legal limits limit your current relationships. Fight for your future happiness! ❤ 🌈
I don't believe in marriage, if you have love someone, trust them and stay loyal that's all you need.
Marriage is not about believe, it's about legal rights
Marriage is about right too. It’s not just about believing it or not. It’s also about protecting yourself
OK, so how would you react if the person you love was hospitalized, but you do not have explicit right to visit or make medical decisions on their behalf?
How about if you and the person you love worked hard and own property/share money together, but you have no right to his money/property if he dies?
Marriage generally conveys decision-making and property ownership priority even above your partner's family.🤔
@@italiangm1 those people never think that far ahead unfortunately.
@@sarahkoho7794 Or the real reason is they don't care deeply.
Can i request vlog spa ? ❤
Welcome to Taiwan❤🏳️🌈
what did kye meant by flexible? like not loyal to each other?
YoongHe considers himself 'married' already? Thats a good sign that he'll be his bf for a long time, and be able to marry if he chooses. Gay guys in my experience, are far more stable in a 'together' / 'married' scenario that the women are. And I know several guy couples who've been together years and years and years. Marriage doesn't change the relationship (hopefully), but gives you both legal protections. Which is why str8s get married. And why we want to too.
FYI foreigners, including gay people, can register for marriage in Australia
Plz come to Taiwan
융희는 보면 볼수록 젊었을때 감우성 닮은거 같아
Kye became a wise person in a short time
대만에 잠시 머물러도 돼요. 많은 한국인들이 대만에 살고 있어요.
Ce qui est complètement paradoxal , c’est que la Corée fait beaucoup de bromance et de BL dans les séries ou les films 🧐👍🏻Je pense que c’est à cause des anciens car il y a beaucoup de personnes âgées chez eux . Pour moi c’est comme en Chine il faut absolument que les garçons transmettent le nom de famille , mais ça au 21 e siècle ce n’est plus important. L’important c’est d’être heureux ❤️
최근에 동성 배우자에게 건강보험 피부양자 자격을 인정한 대법원 판결을 보셨나요? 세상은 빠르게 변화하고 있습니다. 일본도 동성결혼 법제화가 아주 짧은 시일 안에 곧 될 상황이고, 우리나라도 머지 않은 시기에 가능해질거에요. 확신합니다.
저도 동성애잔데 저랑 결혼하실래요?
인구 소멸 시기에 동성부부라...
@@pizzahut-b3r 동성애자랑 인구소멸이랑 무슨 상관인가요. 동성애자들은 애초에 이성결혼을 안하는데 동성결혼을 하나 안하나 인구감소에 무슨 영향이 있는지요. 오히려 동성결혼이 법제화되어서 입양이 활성화되면 인구증가에 도움이 되겠네요.
@@겟럽 퍽이나 확설화 이성애자 입양도 많지 않은데
@@pizzahut-b3r 아니... 동성애자들이 동성혼 안된다고 이성이랑 결혼해서 애 낳고 사냐구요.. 논리적으로 말이 되는 소리를 하세요 ㅋㅋㅋ 동성애자들은 그리고 애 키우고 싶으면 입양을 해야만 하니까요. 외국 사례만 봐도 입양하는 사람 많습니다. 선생님이야 말로 말도 안되는 논리 전개하지마세요.
아직 한국에서 동성커플의 결혼이 허용되지 않는다는 사실이 너무나 슬프고 이해할 수 없습니다. 벨기에에서는 다른 부부와 동일한 권리가 있고, 자녀를 입양할 수 있으며, 이에 대해 전혀 개의치 않습니다. 아시아 국가들은 데이트 쇼로 유명하지만 그게 전부입니다.
구글 번역을 사용해서 한국어로 어떻게 번역되는지 모르겠습니다.
yunghee from his man2????
Our LGBT community did a fantastic job of lobbying here in Ireland and our citizens were the first in the world to vote in same sex equality and marriage rights by referendum. Our Taoiseach (president), recently retired, is gay and it was the least important thing about him. Most people didn't care and just evaluated him on his job performance. He did a brilliant job of leading our country through the pandemic. Who you marry is nobody's business and everyone should have the legal protections of a spouse. Straight 52 year old ajumma here 😂. Taking love out of marriage, it is primarily a legal contract which protects rights and property of both parties. It's a terrible argument from religious people to ban gay marriage 'for the sake of the family'. 2 men or 2 women make a family. I hope it becomes a right for you before long, Youngjay. You might meet a nice Irish man on your travels and experience an Irish wedding. And you'd be welcomed and celebrated I'm sure.
Ireland is truly amazing. I hope to visit and never leave
Did I missed something? Who is Yunghee BF ????!!!
yoonghee look so handsome though
오늘도 잘생긴 문석짱
Welcome to Taiwan ❤~~
So lovely❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😮😮😮😮
기술이 발전해도 인간의 인식은 그보다 훠얼씬 늦게 진보한다고 하더군요. 법적인 제도 개선도 중요하지만 일단 동성애에 대한 일반인들의 인식 개선이 시급한 거 같아요. 모 가수의 동성애 컨셉 뮤비가 화제가 되는 세상이라지만 그건 어디까지나 흔히 망붕하는 사람들 즐기는 컨텐츠이고, 실상은 퀴퍼하는데 보수 단체나 극성 종교인들이 게거품 물고 난리 치니….
빨리 대만와요
나 기다릴게요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Im from england where same sex marraige is legal...
I sincerley hope that it one day happen not only in sk but other countries too...❤🌈
🥰♥ love you all
Does Korea recognize gay marriage done in others countries ?
İ want new video 😭😭
최근 눈이 맞아 원나잇 하고 연애하기로 했는데 동성 간 연애라는 것이 쉽지 않네요.
Korea is very backward in this sense😢😔😘😘😘
I recently asked this question at a gentlemen's club in HCMC and the thing whole thing exploded. The club actually got closed down because this topic. It revealed people's true colours and the reality most people don't want to talk about. "I asked why gay dating doesn't seem to be as successful as straight dating?" People on Grindr seem to be only looking for one time sex encounters. They forget that they will not be dandies forever. I'm glad you are seeing and questioning things the same way I've been questioning them. The reality most people tend to sweep under the carpet. I also asked at the club whether it's worth it to keep pushing for same sex rights bills in various countries knowing that in reality it's something seemingly dysfunctional.
제가 봤을 땐 동성혼 법제화는 선거 잘하면 굉장히 앞당겨질 거에요. 그러니 현명하게 투표합시다. 최소 성소수자 극혐하는 정당 뽑지만 않아도 됩니다~~!!!
Il vous reste encore un long chemin à parcourir pour vous marier et adopter, mais cela pourrait arriver plus tôt que prévu.
당신은 아직 결혼과 입양을 위해 갈 길이 멀지만, 예상보다 빨리 일어날 수 있습니다.
Whoaaa the man in the backseat reminds me so much of kye... They don't really look alike but the Facial structure and skin tone immediately reminded me of him😮... It actually could be him but I havnt been on YT for almost a year so if it is pls forgive me😆
문석씨 저랑 결혼해요
gampang putus dan gampang punya pacar 😂
ay ne alakaaaa korea ne küçük ülkesin ya hsbehdnkfmfldklw
운전하시는분 게이세요..?
What's the name of the guy at the back seat please?
Can I get phone no one of you 😄
Jangan di klosup muka nya jay
I think gay breakup easily because they competing with each other and not building each other during relationships, they don’t have concept of what relationship is, but I think that’s everyone thesedays. They just want to find someone who is a perfect mould to their personality and lifestyle but that’s not what relationship is, it’s to learn and build from each other to be a better person for each other, and this is not just for gay. Also in gay relationships they don’t trust each other in the first place and both believe the other one will eventually cheat even if it’s out for sex because it’s so easy to meet someone for a quick sex, kind a like a sociopath. ‘A sociopath is someone who sacrifices long term relationship for a short excitement’
근데 솔직히 원나잇은 이성애자들이 훨씬 심한듯. 하루에도 남자 서너명은 만나는 여자를 알게되니 진짜 게이는 새발의피야....
둘다 똑같
06:00 영재네 민bar
안타깝게도 평범한 동성애자들과 달리 소아성애와 동성애를 (그 이상으로 이상한것도.) 같이하는 사람들이 정말 많습니다. 왜 그런진 모르겠지만 욕구와 사랑을 구분 못하는 사람들이 할수있는건 다 하는 판이라 😅 그런것 같기도 하네요..
미래엔 합법화 하되 대리모를 자연스럽게 하는쪽이 나을거같네요.
And you think such horrors don't occur in hets? Just remember LGBT make up less than 10% of population and homosexuality (the L and G in the acronym) only account for about 3% . So hets who are even more into fetishes that hurt others account for over 90% of people. Now tell me please what area would have more paedophiles?
Please use common sense! Being LGBT does not increase the percentage of perverts it's just more emphasised and highlighted by the homophobic agenda.
에이즈 조심...
You should too! AIDS is a disease anyone can get if you don’t use protection. You are Korean and you just proved how homophobic you are. A Swede like myself would never say something like that, judging gays only. 50 years ago yes, but not 2024!