I recently bought lv 30 iron account, but it seems A lot of kids are iron and are lv 600+ or they extremely pay to lose games. Talk about Matchmaking is so fucked up right now.
I came from dota2 a year ago, i was low divine (around low diamond % of player base wise). I'd say i'm around mid plat/emerald now in league A few things I noticed * Initiation ranges are way higher in dota because of blink dagger, so you need to learn more about champions ability ranges to space rather than the one blink dagger spacing * Bushes are the equivalent of uphill in dota, you dont walk blind uphill in dota * There are very few non targeted line skill shots in dota like mirana arrow * Fights are way way more bursty and the cd of spells are alot lower, so your mechanical skill and cycling spell rotations matters a lot more than a pre planned thing. * You CANNOT deaggro minion aggro, so if you get aggro the trade needs to be great. * You CANNOT deny minions, so if you're behind, the enemy can't completely zone you out of exp range AS EASILY. You also need to manage your wave better because YOU can't deny minions * There is no TP scroll, so timing you backs matters more * Because there is easy access to ability haste, the CD's change much more over time
I used to play dota before lol came out but: - blink dagger is a flash that costs 2100g and not everyone buys it - i dont know if dota2 has the same mechanics but in dota1 you had like a 25% chance to miss if enemy is on high ground so you never fight uphill in addition to never walking uphill - junglers were rare because of the strength of creeps, only a few champs like lycan, ursa, malfurion, chen could jungle from lvl 1 - gank paths in league are more static because the forest isnt destructible unlike in dota - you also cannot deny allied champions!!!!!!!!! in LoL - wards could be placed in unreachable places in dota 1 making them indestructible
@@666Kaca lvl 1 jungle is dead. It's pretty much forced 2-1-2 now and the supports should be stacking jungle for cores to fall back on when lanes break down/they get their farming item. Uphill miss is absolutely a thing still, and I like this bush = uphill mentality, I think of them like trees and facechecking in trees is fine cause of how pathing works, and it defo gets me killed lol.
Hope everything is going well on your end and you're feeling better, take care and thank you for uploading even in hard times, means a lot, you got this king.
7.5k MMR(ELO/LP) in DOTA, rank ~500 in North America. After about 100 games, I can say the games aren't even close in macro gameplay (climbed from bronze 4 to bronze 1 so far). But stuff like this is greatly helpful NEACE, so thank you! By FAR hardest concepts to grasp after the switch, have been RECALL TIMINGS (DOTA has a magical flying donkey that brings out items to us), followed by (WHAT IS MY JOB/PURPOSE) after splitting a side lane and getting 1 to 3 enemies to rotate (we have an 80 sec cooldown teleport, and over three times as many neutral camps on map), and map rotations for DRAGONS. Thank you for the videos NEACE, these help way more than you'd believe!
@@JuanchoPanza-ty4ih I used to play dota on EU as well. At the time I was around 4.5k in Dota when the highest was 5.5k. When I started LoL, I calibrated in gold5 ( this was Season 5), climbed all the way to Diamond 5 in the same season. It wasn't that hard, all I did was play Jax and Vladimir in the top lane, scale for free coz people didn't know how to shut me down and win mid game. Imho Dota players who find LoL hard are mostly Pos 1 players/spectre spammers who have snail reflexes but are carried by their Hero taking no effort to play. My friends who mained mid were able to get into LoL with relative ease but the Pos1 carry mains would go play ADC, go 1-10 every game and say "LoL is stupid/imba/hard" and quit without realizing that the two roles are so radically different (like you said, watching this guy 'kite' was so painful) that it's impossible to compare.
@@Pmon200I found the switch grueling because I was an Old Naga/Meepo player that just got by on farming the entire map at once and pushing 3 towers at once and not actually being good at the pvp mechanics or laning. Granted, that strategy helped me transition into playing a split pushing top like trundle and tryndamere, but it's not as effective as it was in dota
@@marinmarinhola I know lots of farming pos 1 players who found success by playing top lane split pushers like fiora/tryndamere and/or greedy junglers like Kayn/Graves. The principle is the same imho, except instead of trying to maximize your farm every 1 min, you need to maximize your farm across 2 mins and 30 seconds, which is the jungle camp respawn timer.While you can't push 3 towers at once, you can apply so much pressure and get giga farmed much faster than the enemy if you know what you're doing. And also, there's characters like Yorick who technically CAN push 3 lanes at once with his ult/rift herald, so that's another easy win condition to prioritize. When it comes to macro, LoL was easy to get into coz the game literally tells you " Hey, take this objective to win the game/ Hey, get baron and push high ground easily" as opposed to dota where sometimes a 15k gold lead with aegis isn't enough to breach HG. The simplicity of LoL both makes it easier and harder than dota at the same time. Coz LoL is a win lane win game concept, if you roflstomp lane you're almost guaranteed to win game, but the players are so skilled at their champion sometimes that the act of winning lane is hard to accomplish.
Arcade-y is the word i was thinking off when describing the difference from dota and lol. There's just so many characters in lol that are have fast and jumpy kits compared to dota.
As a dota player I found this session very interesting and insightful. A lot of things student was saying resonated with me. This helps understand the difference and greatness of both games. Also "Every game in winnable until ancient falls" - spoken like a true dota player xD
He has some good coaching tips, however, when coaching, try to at least be able to direct someone somewhere and not make mistakes yourself. In the end we apparently all are just humans (I am referring to for example 37:15 no vision or 56:39 knowing Poppy would be there to smack).
Same. It has really helped me understand the flow of how a lane plays better. I used to die a lot getting baited by the enemy letting me hit skills when they had a big wave and would commit to hard trades at the wrong time.
flabbergasted by his comments on ezreal inn general and seraphinne as well. It's good that guy didnt get coaching with serraphine from neace, esp on bot. Since he couldnt help with fundamentals he was looking for especially with seraphine since it's way harder than ezreal wm and other related fundementals. And neace wouldnt be able to deliever even %1+ of thatw seraphine. At least w ezreal he delivered %10, with some critique misinfo which made all other infos useless. Really enjoyed this coaching session i usually open one of ur coaching and watch it as a comedy show when i have my meal. Love it keep it up.
37.5 ish minute mark of video there was a fight dude had two wards and was blind to incoming gank & died. needs to use vision. Great in-depth explanation of push speeds.
Been playing mostly aram with a buddy and I'm also coming from dota (similar to this guy, just wanna play both). There are similar concepts in dota with the slow and fast push, but freezing lane with denies is usually what most people try to do (whether it's optimal or not). Shoving that extra wave would be death in dota, so I get why he thinks that, but it's the twin gates and TP scrolls that make it more dangerous for us. Also jungling as a core seems way more normal in dota, so you have options that aren't the wave to fall back on. There is also totally an "I'm headed to x" ping in dota... it's been there for years... It's even the same controls...
The offense defense was such a good part of this video, if ypure clipping anything, clip that part, I guarantee bot laners will be able to make their games smoother and mlre fun by understanding that
It hurt me so much to watch, the amount of times he could just put a ward in a bush where he KNOWS an enemy is. So he can hit them and see what they're doing, but Neace says nothing.
It is racist if you say another race is worse than or superior to another...saying Koreans are generally good at arcade games is NOT racist whatsoever.
I feel like you would be better served explaining waves by just hopping in practice tool and demoing both for them. Like fast push the first few waves and then showing how it can be slow pushed back to you or something like that. It made things easier to understanding more quickly for me anyways.
I know it makes me nauseous, if he is a Dota player he shouldn’t have any issues picking up League. The dude learned very little. He was polite. But just kept saying yeah, yeah, he knows what he is doing. I can’t imagine paying that much for some dude to bark in my ear and watch me play. 300 bucks down the drain. I’m in the wrong motherfn profession for sure. 300 dollars an hour to have fun watching a video game, not to mention donations, other payouts from the platforms. He didn’t even tell him important stuff, the coach seemed more obsessed about stacking tear and telling him to ult minion waves. It made me physically sick watching this.
I'd like to add to the Doran's blade comment with this: Take blade if the enemy bot lane is a very all-in style (Thresh, Leona, etc). The added HP might save your life if they engage on you. Take longsword in any other scenario because longsword is going to help you get your item quicker. If you are low rank, just go longsword every time. You don't need to waste gold on doran's blade, and if you get caught and die at low ranks, you are just playing bad. The blade vs sword debate is specifically for higher ranks. Although if you want to get in the habit, just remember, if they have an all-in bot lane, take blade. If not, go longsword
I am honestly so happy league dosn't have ingame voice chat because I hated call of duty lobbies where it is just screaming 10year olds saying the n-word and I know for a fact it would be every yasuo player and draven enjoyer
its better for new ezreal players to stay away from conq; if they struggle with passive its just another ball to jugle conq stacks. PTA is training wheels for ezreal
Hey neace was wondering if you could do Pyke mid coaching. Davemon keeps recommending that the champ is great for climbing and I know you have played with him alicopter before. Dave has been spamming Pyke and he is almost to rank 1. But unfortunately he doesn’t do any live coaching. I’d love to get ur help with it because the current state of Pyke mid looks great and awesome. Is there anyway you can do coaching on it please?
With dodging you fix your MMR but it is rlly not that important couse you fix your MMR with wins too. Dodge is good if you know this combo lose 100% but in lol ist nothing 100% :)
I'm glad that he got to see how melee supports play in low elo. It feels like whenever they see a cannon, they just see a big punching bag and start whacking it from full health with no benefits but the shared gold. It makes it hard to learn the fundamentals of wave management when each game is a coinflip for whether you get to practice or not. Speaking as an eternal normal game adc :P
@doernhunt9601 yeah, if I'm playing thresh support and the cannon gets to execute range it is getting executed asap, I'm not about to be 2 items down while my MF refuses to auto anything but minions.
@@doernhunt9601 Ping the minion or spam ping your item when you can take it. Ngl, when I play with my friend, I sometimes forget about Targon because he plays mostly Morgana and Senna, so I just last hit on auto pilot. There's also the fact that I'm not aware of the cd Targon's stacks has, so if you attack a minion without the bubble, of course I'll snatch it. This is not a hard problem to fix, I play both supp and adc, if people understood that we can't read each other's mind, it'd be easier and probably more enjoyable to play this game.
Last season, I reached platinum IV by primarily playing Diana in the mid lane. I really enjoy the champion because it allows me to concentrate on other aspects of the game. Occasionally, I also pick Malz when facing tanky opponents, based on the advice from Neace. I heard Neace mention in a video that around platinum elo, it might be a good idea to diversify the champion pool, perhaps by adding champs like Irelia. I'm considering this suggestion, thinking that taking on a more challenging champion could be rewarding with dedicated practice. I have two questions: "Is it advisable to incorporate a difficult champion into my pool?" And if so, among "Irelia, Yone, Zed," or any other recommendations you might have, which one would you suggest? I briefly experimented with Ekko mid but decided to focus exclusively on Diana since I lack AD champs. Your insights are greatly appreciated
I do wish Neace would tell this dude to use his "4" key. 10min into the game and he has dropped 0 wards when he had ample opportunities to drop a ward for great benefit.
Hé doesn’t because beginners waste too much time placing wards and place them at the worse timings. Therefore they lose a whole level of xp or more over time.
@@tylerdavisson355 he's the coach. WHEN you master wave management, trades, level, denying, split pushing then yeah its worth placing them because now you understand the game and will not go place a ward while your wave is pushing and you just lose 3 melees worth of xp 180 thats almost half of level 6 and you can lose a game on that. but not placing a ward? Dont think so.
@@aleks-lj9yq You people make the dumbest excuses for not placing a ward that I've ever seen in my life. I have never in my life seen someone lose ANY XP because they placed a ward. It also doesn't even have to be lane phase I'm talking about with warding. He doesn't tell the people to place wards into bushes they're walking into in enemy jungle when they'll have TWO charges and no enemies visible on map. There is literally NO REASON to not place a ward as opposed to face checking. IDK, Maybe you're all just hardstuck Iron 4 and think that placing a ward automatically loses you the game or something. But news flash, placing wards leads to a higher winrate.
Thank you for this great video. I have really liked the concept of choosing an adc self-sufficient for low elo soloQ. I'm there too, and i would like to find some character as support self-sufficient, because when i find passive ADCs fells like hell.
big fan of these vids, finally hit masters for the first time :) id like to say it was thanks to binge watching a ton of these videos over a long period of time
This was some great advice, everything you said about Ezreal is exactly what I've been doing after like 500 games with the champ. P.S. Watching you coach makes my heartrate spike up, fun to see your passion for the game 🙌
I’m unclear about this vid. Did this Dota player buy a decaying silver 1 account? He’s 2/16 in his last 18 games, currently. If true, he needs to start an account and level to lvl 30.
For the Low Elo environment, I honestly hate bot lane taking ezreal. His Q doesn't go thru minions, he gets poked over the wave repeatedly, and his main damage output requires skill shots and an open window. I never see an ezreal coming out of bot lane functionally useful. As opposed to the standard MF Jinx Ashe Tristana. And I see hard carry potential coming out of bot lane thru Samira and or supp senna
idk if you'll see this neace but i hope things are alright man, you've helped many people in the community with all of your educational content and been one of the more positive creators for sure. things will get better
Dodging is good only because riot cant make a system to auto dodge grief games. If someone locks in nunu mid with smite cleanse that game shouldnt go through but even if all 4 people use the champ select report function they wont be banned. Its either no dodging at all or people abusing it to skip bad matchups / drafts.
@@joshuamonroy2779 or i can be a sane person who uses capitalism and put no moral weight on my economic system and aim to have the best outcomes for my society.
Bro please never say data mining again. Data mining is code digging, it rarely relates to multiplayer games. You dont have to mine for league data, they just give it to you. Just say fucking data, you don't need to use the modern terms if you don't know what the fuck they actually mean.
He might be a good enough player, but a bad coach. He should be ashamed charging people that much for 45 min to an hour, the coach was more obsessed about stacking tear and using ult on minions. Dude plays Dota 2? He knows wtf is going on in League. This was depressing to watch. He can pay me 300 dollars to watch me play and bark in my ear for an hour, that’s a deal.
Would love for Neace to have a heart rate monitor on screen during low elo coaching
Great shout 😂 just any difficult student haha
yeah, that would be fun.
I recently bought lv 30 iron account, but it seems A lot of kids are iron and are lv 600+ or they extremely pay to lose games. Talk about Matchmaking is so fucked up right now.
The fact this guy hired Neace on a whim from the Bronze conspiracy nut coaching is hilarious.
58:47 bro ultied 2 waves like you told him, he was aiming for bot wave, secret genius
good comment
I came from dota2 a year ago, i was low divine (around low diamond % of player base wise). I'd say i'm around mid plat/emerald now in league
A few things I noticed
* Initiation ranges are way higher in dota because of blink dagger, so you need to learn more about champions ability ranges to space rather than the one blink dagger spacing
* Bushes are the equivalent of uphill in dota, you dont walk blind uphill in dota
* There are very few non targeted line skill shots in dota like mirana arrow
* Fights are way way more bursty and the cd of spells are alot lower, so your mechanical skill and cycling spell rotations matters a lot more than a pre planned thing.
* You CANNOT deaggro minion aggro, so if you get aggro the trade needs to be great.
* You CANNOT deny minions, so if you're behind, the enemy can't completely zone you out of exp range AS EASILY. You also need to manage your wave better because YOU can't deny minions
* There is no TP scroll, so timing you backs matters more
* Because there is easy access to ability haste, the CD's change much more over time
I used to play dota before lol came out but:
- blink dagger is a flash that costs 2100g and not everyone buys it
- i dont know if dota2 has the same mechanics but in dota1 you had like a 25% chance to miss if enemy is on high ground so you never fight uphill in addition to never walking uphill
- junglers were rare because of the strength of creeps, only a few champs like lycan, ursa, malfurion, chen could jungle from lvl 1
- gank paths in league are more static because the forest isnt destructible unlike in dota
- you also cannot deny allied champions!!!!!!!!! in LoL
- wards could be placed in unreachable places in dota 1 making them indestructible
@@666Kaca lvl 1 jungle is dead. It's pretty much forced 2-1-2 now and the supports should be stacking jungle for cores to fall back on when lanes break down/they get their farming item.
Uphill miss is absolutely a thing still, and I like this bush = uphill mentality, I think of them like trees and facechecking in trees is fine cause of how pathing works, and it defo gets me killed lol.
„I don’t even know who you are“ BASED
Hope everything is going well on your end and you're feeling better, take care and thank you for uploading even in hard times, means a lot, you got this king.
@@alexu176 Neace is getting divorced. Posted on community tab
@@ConyeOSRS oh shit, wasn’t brother in Korea only because of his wife’s deployment? That’s gonna be some weird times
Oh man that's rough. I hope he's doing OK 🙏
Time to go black pill Mr. Neace.
7.5k MMR(ELO/LP) in DOTA, rank ~500 in North America. After about 100 games, I can say the games aren't even close in macro gameplay (climbed from bronze 4 to bronze 1 so far). But stuff like this is greatly helpful NEACE, so thank you!
By FAR hardest concepts to grasp after the switch, have been RECALL TIMINGS (DOTA has a magical flying donkey that brings out items to us), followed by (WHAT IS MY JOB/PURPOSE) after splitting a side lane and getting 1 to 3 enemies to rotate (we have an 80 sec cooldown teleport, and over three times as many neutral camps on map), and map rotations for DRAGONS. Thank you for the videos NEACE, these help way more than you'd believe!
just for reference guys 500 rank in NA is the equivalent of silver in eu west for anyone that is confused about it.
NA mate kekw. when i transitioned to lol from dota i just got to gold in like 30 games using raw skill. watching this guy "kite" was so painful
@@JuanchoPanza-ty4ih I used to play dota on EU as well. At the time I was around 4.5k in Dota when the highest was 5.5k. When I started LoL, I calibrated in gold5 ( this was Season 5), climbed all the way to Diamond 5 in the same season. It wasn't that hard, all I did was play Jax and Vladimir in the top lane, scale for free coz people didn't know how to shut me down and win mid game.
Imho Dota players who find LoL hard are mostly Pos 1 players/spectre spammers who have snail reflexes but are carried by their Hero taking no effort to play. My friends who mained mid were able to get into LoL with relative ease but the Pos1 carry mains would go play ADC, go 1-10 every game and say "LoL is stupid/imba/hard" and quit without realizing that the two roles are so radically different (like you said, watching this guy 'kite' was so painful) that it's impossible to compare.
@@Pmon200I found the switch grueling because I was an Old Naga/Meepo player that just got by on farming the entire map at once and pushing 3 towers at once and not actually being good at the pvp mechanics or laning. Granted, that strategy helped me transition into playing a split pushing top like trundle and tryndamere, but it's not as effective as it was in dota
@@marinmarinhola I know lots of farming pos 1 players who found success by playing top lane split pushers like fiora/tryndamere and/or greedy junglers like Kayn/Graves. The principle is the same imho, except instead of trying to maximize your farm every 1 min, you need to maximize your farm across 2 mins and 30 seconds, which is the jungle camp respawn timer.While you can't push 3 towers at once, you can apply so much pressure and get giga farmed much faster than the enemy if you know what you're doing. And also, there's characters like Yorick who technically CAN push 3 lanes at once with his ult/rift herald, so that's another easy win condition to prioritize. When it comes to macro, LoL was easy to get into coz the game literally tells you " Hey, take this objective to win the game/ Hey, get baron and push high ground easily" as opposed to dota where sometimes a 15k gold lead with aegis isn't enough to breach HG. The simplicity of LoL both makes it easier and harder than dota at the same time. Coz LoL is a win lane win game concept, if you roflstomp lane you're almost guaranteed to win game, but the players are so skilled at their champion sometimes that the act of winning lane is hard to accomplish.
bro said dota equiv of plat is high elo 💀
Yo Neace, what is your songs playlist? :D
Arcade-y is the word i was thinking off when describing the difference from dota and lol. There's just so many characters in lol that are have fast and jumpy kits compared to dota.
As a dota player I found this session very interesting and insightful. A lot of things student was saying resonated with me. This helps understand the difference and greatness of both games.
Also "Every game in winnable until ancient falls" - spoken like a true dota player xD
- I'm about platinum in dota.
camera drag is goated, dota player ontosomthin
14:22 The Slaw push
Wow EZ looks fun! Very informative for the character and in general. Thanks for the content!
Boss we need more vids, my weekly to daily dose of neace is being offput 😂 i hope all is well though
I play both both are fun
Welcome back big dawg
The amount of information in this vid is insane...❤❤❤
This was such a crazy good coaching, and a crazy good vod to learn ADC Basics
He has some good coaching tips, however, when coaching, try to at least be able to direct someone somewhere and not make mistakes yourself. In the end we apparently all are just humans (I am referring to for example 37:15 no vision or 56:39 knowing Poppy would be there to smack).
It's a constant concept in your vids but I love your explanation of the off/def with the slow pushing, and your goals on either side. Great stuff.
Same. It has really helped me understand the flow of how a lane plays better. I used to die a lot getting baited by the enemy letting me hit skills when they had a big wave and would commit to hard trades at the wrong time.
flabbergasted by his comments on ezreal inn general and seraphinne as well. It's good that guy didnt get coaching with serraphine from neace, esp on bot. Since he couldnt help with fundamentals he was looking for especially with seraphine since it's way harder than ezreal wm and other related fundementals. And neace wouldnt be able to deliever even %1+ of thatw seraphine. At least w ezreal he delivered %10, with some critique misinfo which made all other infos useless. Really enjoyed this coaching session i usually open one of ur coaching and watch it as a comedy show when i have my meal. Love it keep it up.
37.5 ish minute mark of video there was a fight dude had two wards and was blind to incoming gank & died. needs to use vision.
Great in-depth explanation of push speeds.
Man, the shop recommending essence reaver when he has trinity force is such a noob trap... Spellblade passives don't stack
you making me think i can solo q ezreal to challenger just rq
i would hate voice chat in league
Oh gawd, that conspiracy vid was so epic
great student good questions
Hey Neace love the videos. Just hit emerald 4 again since reset. Thanks for your free knowledge! Offense defense helped me tons.
Platinum Plus here is an adult entertainment club 😂 zinnng
Been playing mostly aram with a buddy and I'm also coming from dota (similar to this guy, just wanna play both). There are similar concepts in dota with the slow and fast push, but freezing lane with denies is usually what most people try to do (whether it's optimal or not). Shoving that extra wave would be death in dota, so I get why he thinks that, but it's the twin gates and TP scrolls that make it more dangerous for us. Also jungling as a core seems way more normal in dota, so you have options that aren't the wave to fall back on. There is also totally an "I'm headed to x" ping in dota... it's been there for years... It's even the same controls...
high elo plat equivalent im d3d
The offense defense was such a good part of this video, if ypure clipping anything, clip that part, I guarantee bot laners will be able to make their games smoother and mlre fun by understanding that
i have missed you
This was not NEACE, this was Bill Jhonson the fish biologyst!
- You paid a lot of money for this...
- By your standards...
*awkward silence*
client was bronze 1 in the coaching, now 1 month after the coaching hes bronze 2 xDDD best 350 $ he spent
He mainly plays dota dude. Dota 2 players can easily outsmart league players. I dont think you can stand him head on
forgetting the wards ? :D
It hurt me so much to watch, the amount of times he could just put a ward in a bush where he KNOWS an enemy is. So he can hit them and see what they're doing, but Neace says nothing.
It is racist if you say another race is worse than or superior to another...saying Koreans are generally good at arcade games is NOT racist whatsoever.
Curious is the symbol on your hat is that what platoon or division you were apart of in the military?
This guys already left bot and moved to mid lane, don't blame him, bot lane is a terrible lane.
Is platinum considered high elo?
I feel like you would be better served explaining waves by just hopping in practice tool and demoing both for them. Like fast push the first few waves and then showing how it can be slow pushed back to you or something like that. It made things easier to understanding more quickly for me anyways.
imagine paying 300 bucks for coaching when u can just watch his youtube channel lmfao
I know it makes me nauseous, if he is a Dota player he shouldn’t have any issues picking up League. The dude learned very little. He was polite. But just kept saying yeah, yeah, he knows what he is doing. I can’t imagine paying that much for some dude to bark in my ear and watch me play. 300 bucks down the drain. I’m in the wrong motherfn profession for sure. 300 dollars an hour to have fun watching a video game, not to mention donations, other payouts from the platforms. He didn’t even tell him important stuff, the coach seemed more obsessed about stacking tear and telling him to ult minion waves. It made me physically sick watching this.
Amazing session, GJ Neace
I'd like to add to the Doran's blade comment with this: Take blade if the enemy bot lane is a very all-in style (Thresh, Leona, etc). The added HP might save your life if they engage on you. Take longsword in any other scenario because longsword is going to help you get your item quicker. If you are low rank, just go longsword every time. You don't need to waste gold on doran's blade, and if you get caught and die at low ranks, you are just playing bad. The blade vs sword debate is specifically for higher ranks. Although if you want to get in the habit, just remember, if they have an all-in bot lane, take blade. If not, go longsword
I am honestly so happy league dosn't have ingame voice chat because I hated call of duty lobbies where it is just screaming 10year olds saying the n-word and I know for a fact it would be every yasuo player and draven enjoyer
its better for new ezreal players to stay away from conq; if they struggle with passive its just another ball to jugle conq stacks. PTA is training wheels for ezreal
What a good student! He seems so eager to learn anything, that's what every teacher wants to vibe off of.
I'm coming from dota as well, the change has been brutal. Dota is hard to handle & easier to master. Lol is easy to handle and harder to master
oh neace, I think you should take a quick look into how the health rune outscales the other 2 as early as Lv 3 or 4 for nearly all the champs
not a single heal either. also, lmao at dota habits. therr is no courrier in this game. gotta stay in the fountain to buy. SHOP GAP’D
Hey neace was wondering if you could do Pyke mid coaching. Davemon keeps recommending that the champ is great for climbing and I know you have played with him alicopter before. Dave has been spamming Pyke and he is almost to rank 1. But unfortunately he doesn’t do any live coaching. I’d love to get ur help with it because the current state of Pyke mid looks great and awesome. Is there anyway you can do coaching on it please?
With dodging you fix your MMR but it is rlly not that important couse you fix your MMR with wins too. Dodge is good if you know this combo lose 100% but in lol ist nothing 100% :)
I'm glad that he got to see how melee supports play in low elo. It feels like whenever they see a cannon, they just see a big punching bag and start whacking it from full health with no benefits but the shared gold. It makes it hard to learn the fundamentals of wave management when each game is a coinflip for whether you get to practice or not. Speaking as an eternal normal game adc :P
The reason that most of us do this is because adcs don't share the cannon with us unless we take it, it ends up becoming very difficult to get gold
@doernhunt9601 yeah, if I'm playing thresh support and the cannon gets to execute range it is getting executed asap, I'm not about to be 2 items down while my MF refuses to auto anything but minions.
@@doernhunt9601 Ping the minion or spam ping your item when you can take it. Ngl, when I play with my friend, I sometimes forget about Targon because he plays mostly Morgana and Senna, so I just last hit on auto pilot. There's also the fact that I'm not aware of the cd Targon's stacks has, so if you attack a minion without the bubble, of course I'll snatch it.
This is not a hard problem to fix, I play both supp and adc, if people understood that we can't read each other's mind, it'd be easier and probably more enjoyable to play this game.
imagine if Neace was on character ai
I have 5k hours in dota and I like playing ezreal so this video feels like it was made for me 😅
First strike poppy. Interesting...
I think this kid just needs to learn to A move auto attacks to help with his Q aa speed/accuracy
Last season, I reached platinum IV by primarily playing Diana in the mid lane. I really enjoy the champion because it allows me to concentrate on other aspects of the game. Occasionally, I also pick Malz when facing tanky opponents, based on the advice from Neace. I heard Neace mention in a video that around platinum elo, it might be a good idea to diversify the champion pool, perhaps by adding champs like Irelia. I'm considering this suggestion, thinking that taking on a more challenging champion could be rewarding with dedicated practice. I have two questions: "Is it advisable to incorporate a difficult champion into my pool?" And if so, among "Irelia, Yone, Zed," or any other recommendations you might have, which one would you suggest? I briefly experimented with Ekko mid but decided to focus exclusively on Diana since I lack AD champs. Your insights are greatly appreciated
If you want to climb one trick. If you want to learn the game better or player competitively diversify your champ pool.
I do wish Neace would tell this dude to use his "4" key. 10min into the game and he has dropped 0 wards when he had ample opportunities to drop a ward for great benefit.
Hé doesn’t because beginners waste too much time placing wards and place them at the worse timings. Therefore they lose a whole level of xp or more over time.
@@aleks-lj9yq Sounds like a real bad excuse to not place wards. You can place wards without missing XP and gold
@@tylerdavisson355 he's the coach. WHEN you master wave management, trades, level, denying, split pushing then yeah its worth placing them because now you understand the game and will not go place a ward while your wave is pushing and you just lose 3 melees worth of xp 180 thats almost half of level 6 and you can lose a game on that. but not placing a ward? Dont think so.
@@tylerdavisson355 And i place wards because i understand the game better now. been playing for only ten days and am carrying low silvers.
@@aleks-lj9yq You people make the dumbest excuses for not placing a ward that I've ever seen in my life.
I have never in my life seen someone lose ANY XP because they placed a ward.
It also doesn't even have to be lane phase I'm talking about with warding. He doesn't tell the people to place wards into bushes they're walking into in enemy jungle when they'll have TWO charges and no enemies visible on map. There is literally NO REASON to not place a ward as opposed to face checking.
IDK, Maybe you're all just hardstuck Iron 4 and think that placing a ward automatically loses you the game or something. But news flash, placing wards leads to a higher winrate.
there is voice in league tho...
@neace the website bugs out when I wanna make a appointment to have one of your coachings. Is this a bug?
Thank you for this great video. I have really liked the concept of choosing an adc self-sufficient for low elo soloQ. I'm there too, and i would like to find some character as support self-sufficient, because when i find passive ADCs fells like hell.
big fan of these vids, finally hit masters for the first time :) id like to say it was thanks to binge watching a ton of these videos over a long period of time
100% in champ selection, I'm going to start saying I'm a drag person
Thank you for all the informative content Neace! Climbed from S4 to G4 in a week!!
Awesome coaching session
"if botlanes gets ahead botlane wins" yeaaah tell that to some 20/0 aatrox bullshit that comes out from top that kills your whole team lmao
This was some great advice, everything you said about Ezreal is exactly what I've been doing after like 500 games with the champ.
P.S. Watching you coach makes my heartrate spike up, fun to see your passion for the game 🙌
so much fun to learn all from scratch ;) keep it up u are gr8 Neace
if someone can share the music title from 54:06 i would be thankful..
and if someone explain to me why dodging is actually bad? ty.
its absolutely abused in higher elo, people wont play against counter picks or good team comps. But in lower elo it is used to dodge trolls so ...
Is platinum "High elo" tho?
Bro you absolutely could have convinced this guy on karthus adc pick lmao. I also just started watching so let's see where this goes! 😘
I hope he'll figure out that you shouldn't buy two sheen items
05:10 yeah it kinda does hjap-pen i get 10 kills as master yi support in high elo nearly every game
Review solarbacca climb in korea plllsslslslslslslslss
I’m unclear about this vid. Did this Dota player buy a decaying silver 1 account?
He’s 2/16 in his last 18 games, currently. If true, he needs to start an account and level to lvl 30.
I dont get it why people pay for a STREAMED coaching, and then they say they dont really know who you are.
private coaching is more expensive, so its more like people dont pay extra to be coached privately.
300 dollars down the drain.
For the Low Elo environment, I honestly hate bot lane taking ezreal.
His Q doesn't go thru minions, he gets poked over the wave repeatedly, and his main damage output requires skill shots and an open window.
I never see an ezreal coming out of bot lane functionally useful.
As opposed to the standard MF Jinx Ashe Tristana.
And I see hard carry potential coming out of bot lane thru Samira and or supp senna
since when does ravenous work on ranged lol.
Hey man, not a huge fan but i hope you're doing alright. Stay strong brother.
did you mean: neace
Brooooo but why the photoshop😅😅😅😅
plat is not high elo 💀
Lo-ping lmao
idk if you'll see this neace but i hope things are alright man, you've helped many people in the community with all of your educational content and been one of the more positive creators for sure. things will get better
What happened to NEACE?
naturally just 1v9 i guess
platinum equivalent of dota 2 = high elo AHHAHAHAHAAHAHAH
Dodging is good for one tricks lol
This was so frustrating to watch, I love playing Ezreal myself and he had so many opportunities to 1v9 them.
the player (although new) was better than the value of the coaching he received
He prob knew that, but as he said “I make alot of money” so I guess money is not that big of a deal to him, this knowledge is worth it to him
Dodging is good only because riot cant make a system to auto dodge grief games. If someone locks in nunu mid with smite cleanse that game shouldnt go through but even if all 4 people use the champ select report function they wont be banned.
Its either no dodging at all or people abusing it to skip bad matchups / drafts.
Pings are not as good as VC, that is just copium.
This guy the definition why people hate capitalists
Because he has expendable income?
Because it has created a larger middle class and lifted more people out of poverty than any other system ever has in the history of humanity?
As the student in the vid.. stay mad lets go capitalism
@@OverTheBoarder98 well you should be quite embarrassed by identifying yourself as such
@@joshuamonroy2779 or i can be a sane person who uses capitalism and put no moral weight on my economic system and aim to have the best outcomes for my society.
Bro please never say data mining again. Data mining is code digging, it rarely relates to multiplayer games. You dont have to mine for league data, they just give it to you. Just say fucking data, you don't need to use the modern terms if you don't know what the fuck they actually mean.
This fraud is still going??
I mean this fraud hit masters in korea, hardly any other coach can do that besides their full time job as Coaches..
He might be a good enough player, but a bad coach. He should be ashamed charging people that much for 45 min to an hour, the coach was more obsessed about stacking tear and using ult on minions. Dude plays Dota 2? He knows wtf is going on in League. This was depressing to watch. He can pay me 300 dollars to watch me play and bark in my ear for an hour, that’s a deal.
neace. for the people.