Modesty is a heart issue. As I’ve grown in my faith over the past 23 years since I was saved, I’ve tended to cover up more and more- not because anyone told me to, but because I felt the Holy Spirit convicting me. I would look in the mirror and ask myself “What is my eye first drawn to?” “Is what I’m wearing distracting others... am I being a stumbling block?” The Lord in His grace has so worked in life and I am in a contented spot now. I still struggle as all of us do, but it’s gotten easier. Thanks for focusing on the heart.
Just wanted to share how much I'm loving you and your mama getting to sit down and unpack the Word together about common questions we may have. It's so refreshing and y'all have brought so much wisdom to these topics!
Even as a guy, this was awesome to listen to. Gave me a new way to look at the topic. I remember on my senior trip to Disney, some of the guys in my hotel room were talking about who has the "best rack", and I thought its was so strange they were talking about deer. Then learned what they were talking about and immediately left the room. I don't under why people look at the outside. Character stays the same through good and bad. You can change your look everyday to get what you want but the bait you catch them with is the bait you keep them with. I would prefer catching a trophy with my character not with how much I show my muscles or body.
(Talking about deer🤣) You’re awesome!🫶 but I totally agree with what you said. God has shown me that Who he says I am and What he says I am is the truth, and that truth is my fulfillment! That I’m fearfully and wonderfully made, that I’m More than a Conqueror, that he Knit me together in my mothers womb. After getting that revelation of Gods love for me, there’s no more room for trying to get approval from anyone else! (Also you should continue gaming videos!🤣) God bless!!
@@valerie6641 lol, gaming videos. I sold all my gaming stuff about 6 months ago😂. I want no distractions for following God and running my small business
Sadie I just want to thank you for this Podcast tonight. I'm leading a Bible study at my assisted living facility in Slidell and this week's topic is actually Christian standards. Your explanation of so many of the verses that are actually in this week study helped me to be able to explain it to my group tomorrow morning. I just want to thank you for being such a blessing in our lives and For all that you do to share the word of God. Thank you and God Bless!
Coming from an area and background where outward appearance is often highly emphasized, I thought this was a brilliant conversation. It reminded me to check my own heart and to not be judgmental of those around me.
How we dress does matter regardless of how it makes us feel or the reason. If you are exposing too much skin don't you think the Lord cares about that? Just because it's an expression of " who you are" does not mean it is pleasing to the Lord or not a temptation to our brothers in Christ. Modesty is about the heart AND about how we dress.
No....... because that would shame them. And shaming is the ultimate sin. It's whatever you feel like i... because it's about feeling convicted in the heart or something.
So who decides how much skin is “too much”? You? God? Your definition of “modest” will always be someone else’s definition of “whore”. If youre jealous of women living happy lives being themselves just say that. And then be yourself and be happy too. You dont need to feel shame for existing inside a sack of meat
thank u Sadie for being an inspiration as a mom of 3 daughters in their early 20s I find comfort in knowing someone like u is out there spreading the word in such a positive and godly way
Thank you for sharing your dyslexia and being transparent. My daughter and I watched this together and my daughter is also Dyslexic. I love how you confidently read and you have never let Dyslexia hold you back in anyway its just so inspiring to my daughter and to myself as a mama to a child that has Dyslexia. God Bless you and your beautiful family!
Wowwowow! I love how you highlighted what Jesus said about plucking your own eye out, NOT making the woman cover up. This feels like a really balanced conversation. This is so good and definitely not talked about enough. It is also really powerful coming from a young woman who is beautiful/trendy and also chooses to live modestly. Thank you!
Women dressing immodestly should never be an excuse for men to sin! Not to live in Lust! But women should be mindful of dressing modestly, because we are the temple of God! We are beautifully and fearfully made, bought by the precious blood of Jesus Christ! If we don't want men looking at us with Lust, we should of course cover up! It's like walking on the streets with gold in your hand! Would you show it to everyone, or would you be mindful about it, keep it to yourself that no one would try to take from you! Dress up in anything pretty and sexy for your husband, but when your out and about be careful,!
Hey… fellow sister in Christ here :) I recommend reading the book “The great sex rescue” by Sheila Wray Gregoire if you wanted an even more in-depth perspective on modesty. It changed my life on the way I view so so much, but definitely modesty as well. Very well-rounded, truthful, Christ-centered book. I hope that helps
I mostly agree with this video but honestly I’m just feeling like we as women in the body of Christ have been horrible at really being honest with our own appearance and admitting when maybe we chased after vanity too much or about trying to look trendy too much. To me it’s less about modesty and more about asking Holy Spirit to tell us if we have allowed our image or appearance in clothing hair makeup shoes accessories whatever if it’s become an idol where we think about our appearance more then his face and his purposes in each day. When what we wear or trying to look young or trendy becomes our first thought when we wake or our only thought thru out the day, that is a per strong sign of an idol in those things and we just need to repent and truly start confessing and admitting when maybe we have sought other things and allowed our mind to be consumed with our earthly image more then His. Lord please help us be better at admitting when we did make an idol of our image and cared more about our youthfulness and trendiness and welcome other godly sincere women to shed light on whether we are being distracted. Even if someone is judging maybe we take those comments to you and truly seek your heart that we may be more like you! as godly women help ustruly be submitted to your will in the area of our clothing and our image of hair makeup accessories youthful appearance etc please lead us to a place of humbleness where where willing to receive your conviction and repent to actually mature in you and be a better witness for you. Take away every distraction from us that keeps us closer to you and knowing you. We truly want to be mature godly women in our heart and mind. Thank you God that you alone are fully capable to change us from the inside out. Have your way in Jesus name. Amen
Biblically modesty is defined in scripture as well as how we are to dress and wear your hair to show obedience to God’s word and prove you love to others and protect from sin and desire. Acts 17 says no gold it’s graven/dead art and an idol. We are supposed to be living examples of Christ making living sacrifices for the benefit of others that shows Christs example. There is no one harder to convince to give up everything literally everything than the rich. They just don’t get it. They can’t imagine living without their comforts and the things that comfort them. They literally sit there reading scripture that says don’t do this while doing it and make worldly excuses to be able to continue instead of just reading and following scripture having faith Jesus is a good shepherd and he commands things for our benefit and the benefit of others not our destruction. Faith is living by hope and following Jesus’s voice not saying oh let them pluck their eyes out so they can’t see sin.
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
What is shared @ minute 27:40, about if your eye causes you to stumble--kindly shared. I never bash “modesty culture”; but we can definitely have convos abt modesty & being in control of one’s urges.
I had a lot of questions regarding modesty and Christianity and I finally have the answers,,,I no longer have to carry the weight of other people's convictions.Thank you.
Wow. This was good. I am a youth leader and this is always an interesting minefield for both my boy and girl students. I’ve always had a desire to dress in a way that is modest and isn’t provocative, mostly due to a discomfort that I have found in clothing that I considered questionable. My husband encourages me to dress in a way that I feel pretty, but one of the most amazing things I’ve learned since marrying him is that the way I dress in public is an act of love to him. The fact that I don’t dress provocatively in public has shown him the confidence that I have in our marriage because I don’t need the attention elsewhere. It’s a form of respect I have for myself that has also become a form of respect for my husband. I love how God showed his faithfulness to me in seeking His guidance on my attire to transfer to an act of love for my husband. God is so cool that way! Wonderful job ladies, I was encouraged and can’t wait to share this with my students at church!
Thank you speaking on the tough stuff, the stuff being compromised on in many churches today. The way we live should bring us and others closer to God. Him being glorified in our life should be our focus. ❤
This is a great conversation. My church has a guide for decision making on topics like this. I love this quote from the book, “As you make decisions about your clothing, hairstyle, and appearance, ask yourself, “Am I honoring my body as a sacred gift from God?” Heavenly Father wants us to see each other for who we really are: not just physical bodies but His beloved children with a divine destiny. Avoid styles that emphasize or draw inappropriate attention to your physical body instead of who you are as a child of God with an eternal future. Let moral cleanliness and love for God guide your choices.” This was put together taking guidance from scripture. I think you did a great job.
Biblical moderation is to not show skin. This is how we honor God. If you live humbly out of necessity not lavishly coveting. Acts 17:24-31 says no gold jewelry it’s idolatry and we are judged for it.
My Spirit says to me it’s not essentially the “jewelry” or the “clothing” but sharing the gospel. Being modest in appearance to not take the attention off the gospel coming from your mouth or your character. Thanks for obeying the Spirit and sharing this topic!
Scripture is clear you are go sacrifice your will to cover up and help others overcome desires and sin. Jewelry is idolatry and sin and we will be judged for it. Jesus said 1st remove your sin THEN teach others to do so also. James 1 says be careful not to be a hearer of the word and not a doer deceiving yourself. Read acts 17:24-31.
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
Hearing you speak about high school around the 35 minute mark was so, so good and honest! I loved it and definitely related. I loved this whole episode, hearing about modesty and respecting different opinions on the topic. You and your mom go about it in such a kind, judgment-free way, it's so refreshing to hear.
11:30 the rules based modesty discussion is really only applicable for a good hearted woman who is honestly just naive about how much of common female dress gets lustful attention from men. I think it’s still important to say that no matter the heart condition, exposing a naked body to others that are not your spouse is clearly immodest, and while the motives wouldn’t be evil in this case it would still be sinfully negligent of others around you.
Modesty is different in every culture, every time period. Unless youre dressed in full robes everyday, you would be considered “immodest” in Jesus time
I’m not a nudist by any means, but I was pretty darn exposed when I gave birth and if my male doctor would have been lusting, that still would have been his problem not mine. I don’t think you should walk around naked just cause but a person’s lust is ALWAYS their problem. Paramedics, doctors, surgeons, and others see naked people all the time without a problem.
I love that point- that if you buy it for yourself you are also willing to give it to someone who would need it. Such a great thought & way to guard yourself against selfishness
Did Jesus buy nice things for himself? He is our perfect example. What Jesus said was give away everything and live humbly. If you are buying designer anything you are living lavishly not humbly out of necessity. Scripture says no gold it is an idol and idolatry is a sin. Read acts 17. we are to be examples of Christ needing nothing especially not riches and gold.
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
The tricky thing is that our actions, or how we choose to cover or not cover ourselves, etc, is an expression of the heart. The inner heart and outward appearance have a relationship but aren't always direct or as plain as we all think. I also think modesty is not only related to appearance and is interesting to think about. Sadie, I am sorry you felt that enormous pressure and judgement as a youth. For me, I felt like my mom was pretty strict about clothes and I resented it sometimes...but when I got older, I actually was glad. It may not have come across well at all, but I began to understand certain things more when I was older and for me it was more about my self-worth and honoring God, and not so much whether I was right or wrong or righteous or not, if that makes sense. I appreciated that my mom said something, even if it didn't come off in a way I thought was good and did not appreciate at the time. I do think the Lord has a line when it comes to the cost and expression of clothing, but obviously that might matter based on our own circumstances. Thank you for this needful discussion.
I had just got out of the shower & started braiding my wet hair & heard the beginning of modesty is not braiding hair & paused thinking I was not being modest 😂 I love that you are explaining this worldly problem with your momma & not being judgment 💛
I recommend checking the history of braids...I'm not sure that a braid is inherantly immodest (other then possibly exposing the neck?) but they may have adorned their braids with jewelry, flowers and other elements to ornament their hair that may have led to the assertion that it's their practice of adorning their hair wasn't modest....just food for thought.
If any were modest they would hear and help apostles, instead they only babble to themselves drenched in dark makeup $$ while the good die, and they support demons. Good job, Selfish. Such do-nothings never welcome in Heaven. Only care about themselves narcissism and vanity and call it God, absolutely selfish and damned Eternal, totally closed off solipsists unloving, judging, careless, and 100% vain, selfish, condescending filth, Damned.
Something I'd like to hear about is what is considered sinful or not sinful within the marriage, also I hardly ever hear anyone say anything about angels I think that would be cool. Thanks for all the awesome educational videos.
As a new young mom would love to hear from your mama about parenting, marriage, how to maintain a relationship with Jesus with the constant needs of small children!
Absolutely! That would be a great one I'm a mom for the first time with a toddler and I have to wing it every day because I don't know what I'm doing half of the time.
I adore this explanation of modesty. Finally not someone judging and shaming people for what they wear and trying to act better than others. Sadie hit it right on the target today. ❤️
@€urofighter 038 November Lima唵 he didn't say not to address what is wrong. (He actually addressed it). He said don't kill people (you know throw the first stone)..
This was a great podcast! I have been battling for weeks on what to do concerning how I dress, but I didn’t know where to go in the Word to gain clarity. Thank you both for this teaching and understanding. Sadie you speak so well and I can truly see the Holy Spirit working within you. You are beautiful inside and out, both you and your mother🥰Continue being a light and sharing Gods love. Thank you again and God bless you all 🙏🏽💗💗💗
Enjoyed this conversation so much! 🙌🏼 My modesty journey didn’t happen overnight by any means but God has been so patient with me 🙂 I no longer have a desire to show everything off but to cover my body instead. I don’t NEED or want that type of attention for men. I want to dress in a way that honors and glorifies God 🕊️🙏🏼❤️ I want to represent Christ in the best way possible. It’s not about me, it’s about Him!
Also in the Bible it says men don’t wear what women wear, and women don’t wear what men wear; and nowadays in the church culture they think that women have to only wear skirts and cover literally everything.but back then when it was said, men and women wore the same thing, even Jesus. It never says women don’t wear pants, it says to show the fruit of the spirit. And the Bible says that God doesn’t look on the outside, he looks on the inside ,while humanity looks on the outside. And you aren’t supposed to judge based on looks, you are supposed to judge based on their attitude and spirit. Modestly means to be simple and not attract attention to yourself. And jewelry is fine too like Jesus literally told the parable of the father and two sons and in it he says the father gave the son a ring, like Jesus wouldn’t say that if it was a sin. And with wine, Jesus literally drank wine and his first miracle was turning water into wine. And you also got to says to yourself, like who are we to judge or who are they to judge, nobody is perfect everyone has flaws everday that we all need to fix before we try fixing others.
Good conversation ladies. I agree, the first thing is not to judge. The next thing is to go with the word, to build others up. Its hard because one can Never please everyone else, so to walk in relationship with Christ so that the holy spirit is leading even what we eat or drink is the biblical way that pleases the Lord. Above all Love one another, is the most important thing. That does not mean that you agree with everyone, but you can Love them. May the Lord heal everyone who has been hurt by judgement . The Lord wants us to be whole in our soul! Very good discussion!
This was great! Thank you for opening the WORD!! Bringing truth and going into context! It was right on. (Only thing that was missed was a word to younger viewers… that when you’re under your parents’ roof, it is always God’s Will for you to obey them-unless it goes against Scripture-that parents guidelines are a helpful guide. But my hope is this impacts their heart to honor God even past the time under their parents’ roof. )
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
My father took me aside one day when my boyfriend came to see me. I had worn a pair of “hot pants” shorts. He told me that when I dressed immodestly it made men undress me in their minds. That was embarrassing to say the least! I’m thankful he was so honest with me. I think if a girl has a father figure in her life to help her know what kinds of dress are triggering to men it would be helpful. Mothers USED to do this. Unfortunately I think many women have lost their way on this. The culture of Bible times was very different from ours today.
@@kinskins100 it's always just women, when blaming women for men's lust issue isn't correct biblically. Everyone is responsible for their own sin. Men are responsible for their own thoughts and actions, some people need to stop putting that on women. Its toxic.
Maybe those men that are “undressing” you with their minds should read their bibles and find Jesus so they can be less depraved. Sure, you can be more modest (and you should if the Lord convicts you of something wrong in your heart) but there’s also something called self-control that men can exercise and it is a fruit of the spirit.
@@marlenecress929 Good morning! If you study how men and women are different you will find that men are stimulated sexually by sight and women are stimulated by cuddling, touch, etc. I am not saying that men can’t control their reactions AT ALL. I was just relating that a man I trusted was protecting me from predatory males and I was grateful for his insight.
Honestly in a nutshell if we want to please the heart of God in our dress or appearance we need to be more willing to receive correction if we’re offending someone and not just be quick to brush it off as judgment. I’ve had a friend come and tell me all my cleavage was showing when I bent down and I may want to put a tank top on underneath. I wasn’t hurt or offended I was so thankful bc I knew her and she knew me and my heart for modesty and I quickly put an undershirt on. I was so thankful to be enlightened and even if I didn’t agree I could go to the father and ask his heart in the matter and he could still show me the truth and the best thing to do and I can still love her for the fact of caring for me and if I still felt judgment I’d pray for her and talk to her if I felt led . I just think we need to take every correction to the father and ask him to speak into the situation and make sure we’re not just living by our feelings .
Scripture is clear cover up to deter desire and protect yourself from corrupt men AND fallen angels! We are to make living sacrifices for others benefit so we can all overcome sin and desire. If you want to know if you should wear gold the answer is no. read acts 17.
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
@@roberttramontana9875 Acts 17 has nothing to do with what you wear, it is about making idols/false Gods, as the Greeks (pagens) oft did. Also can you quote where you get the first part of your statement...or are you reading your own thoughts into scripture.. pulling things out of context for your point.
Gold jewelry, especially religious jewelry for any religion is a graven art and an idol/idolatry. Read Deuteronomy 4. 1 Corinthians 11 ► King James Bible Roles in Worship 1Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 2Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. 3But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. 4Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. 5But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. 7For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. 9Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. ****10For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. 11Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. 12For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God. 13Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? 14Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? 15But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
1 Timothy 2 9In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; ****not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. 11Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. ******15Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, ********if they *****continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. King James Bible
My pastor explained to me that the apostles we’re referring to the strings of gold that sometimes woman braided into their hair in that period of time but not necessarily the simple braid itself.
Great video! I went into this video with an open mind, but honestly didn't think we'd agree so much. I really love how y'all dive deep into this topic and show all the sides. Great advice, and thank you!
As we grow in understanding we are also to grow in obedience to God and become living examples of Christ needing nothing and giving everything. Biblical modesty does not change depending on circumstances and as far as a womans appearance goes you are supposed to cover your naked skin to deter desires and protect from corrupt men and corrupt angels. If you show skin you attract evil and evil desires. We are supposed to be examples of Christ making sacrifices for the benefit of others bringing peace. If you braid your hair it doesn’t cover as God intended but I believe scripture is saying don’t braid/weave gold into your hair as the Egyptians to show riches and social status. Should we wear gold? NO Read acts 17:24-31 Jewelry is graven/dead art: an idol/idolatry and acts 17:31 says why not bc we will be judged on this. Read James 1 also! It says be sure to be a doer of the word and not just a hearer deceiving yourself. God gives commandments for our benefit and to bring love and peace.
Wow! Thank you for stepping up to discuss this topic, I was so excited when I saw this video! I am very into modesty. I'm trying to not judge people recently for what they wear and do, but even more now seeing this video. 🙂 I always wanted to give people questions and answers about what God says about modesty and how should we wear to be more like Him. 😄
I really appreciate what you do!!! My 16 year old listens to you all the time and you have really impacted her life. I’m so sorry that there are some many people that leave comments criticizing you. You are letting Jesus work through you!!! Keep at it!!!!!
Modesty is honoring your body and reputation as a self-respecting human. There are ways to express yourself while holding yourself sacred. Your body, your energy, your space. A woman gives herself to others visually when she exposes too much skin.
Loved this so much in sooo many ways. Spoke to my heart and really helped me to have a positive mindset on my own body and I’m praying the Lord redeems that! 🤍
Thank you for addressing this topic and the hurtfulness of the church and of the judging spirit. Moderation in every way and every thing I believe is key 🥰❤️ Heart posture is awesome☺️
Shame comes from inside. God uses shame to convict you of sin when he desires change. READ your KJV BIBLE for truth and understanding of your Creator and his will.
@@roberttramontana9875 Jesus loves you brother and died for you and me so that we can be righteous in Gods eyes by His grace alone and our faith to trust in Him and His goodness 😊 all is well and all will be well, I trust in His grace to cover us in the areas He knows we all need grace. May God bless you In Jesus name Amen!
Jude 1 3Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. 4For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. 5I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. 6And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. 7Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
John 3 19And this is the **condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their ******deeds were evil. ***20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Love this conversation. It would have been interesting to dive deeper into the scripture to look up the word modesty in the Greek for the biblical meaning. I've found as I study that English words do not always mean the same as the English words we see in the Bible (due to translations etc). Still a fabulous conversation. I loved that you ladies touched on this.
Biblical modesty as far as appearance goes is cover up your skin to avoid desires and attracting evil spirits. We are living examples of Christ and make living sacrifices by doing good so others can avoid sin and overcome it. A woman’s hair is her covering, to cover your flesh. You braid you are no longer covered. Christian’s are not supposed to wear jewelry or gold. Bc it’s displaying riches and lavishness and it is a idol/idolatry and sin. Read acts 17:24-31
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
I think being “authentic to yourself” can also be immodest. Because a girl can be wearing practically nothing and still say she’s being her authentic self!
Who cares? Theyre just bodies. Everybody is born with one! The “self” lies within. “Modesty” is a cultural concept which changes over time and varies depending on setting. In some cultures, having bare breasts out doesn’t get a second glance, but to show the legs in church would be a “sin”. Do you cover your hair in church like the bible says you should? People in the middle east have always worn long flowing garments on the body and head, both men and women, to prevent exposure to the sun. The bible is a collection of middle eastern writings from a while ago. You can find no shortage of sexist, racist, and awful things in it. A few nuggets of wisdom, sure, but nothing too profound. You, born a female, are not a “subspecies” of human. You have the exact same potential for intelligence, understanding, and self awareness as men. You are not worth less. You have no obligation to worry over whether your tank top straps are 1 inch or 2 inches thick. Life is over in the blink of an eye. Show love and patience for all, enjoy yourself, follow your highest passion. What is modest to you, is disgusting and immoral to someone else.
Absolutely! Because gods and goddesses and ghosts and spirits arent real. My focus is helping people love themselves and love others. You dont need to feel shame just for existing❤
@@szs2785 yes, I agree, they aren't real. But God is. And as you could have seen above, this video is about God and Christianity. So it's absolutely of no use for you to comment on something you clearly do not believe in.
For me modesty is self-respect, worth and value. Attention seeking through immodesty is a huge flag of low self-esteem to me and violates the second great commandment - to love our brother and sisters as ourselves - helping others to have pure thoughts.
Nate is back!!! Amazing video. I saw the change since you started the channel, until now. I'm glad your back. When you bought that house, I couldn't wrap my brain around living with so much more than you need, when people are homeless out there. You figured it out at a young age. I've always said if I was very wealthy I wouldn't live over what I needed. Because of my marriage of 35 yrs and how my husband never got it! He was never happy or content, missed so much time away from home working to make more money. He passed away 18 month's ago, and couldn't take a thing with him.I saw so much of him in Nate, I came down hard on you many times. You're gonna make it! You figured it out. I have a 1600 sq ft house, let go of the 2600 one.
I’m grateful for the discussion. I wish I could have heard some of Sadie’s mom ideas and thoughts. How she raised her children in modesty ??? What are her thoughts about modesty in childhood, teenage years, young adult life, married life and empty nester life.
Thank you so much for coming at this from a non-shaming perspective. I want to have a heart that pleases God but I deal with a lot of shame because of environmental influences and my past pornography addiction. I used to be really afraid of wearing tops that I thought brought attention to my chest. But I don't think this was coming from a healthy, Godly conviction. I think this was coming from shame around my body because of what I have experienced in the past.
@@roberttramontana9875 stop trying to convince women... it's all about their feelings. And you trying to argue with them is only going to cause the opposite effect.
This video was so helpful! It definitely helped me have a new perspective on modesty. Thank you both for sharing your wise words. Also, I love the relationship you have with your mother
Great conversation! The heart of the matter really is the matter of the heart. Jesus perfectly reflected modesty. The focus is really on having a simple, humble spirit. Making decisions which honor God in everything we do & say not just how we dress. Our convictions are our own.. not a standard meant for us to judge others on. Many Christians are hyper focused on the outward or even making certain sins bigger than others. But really what we need to be doing is cleaning out our own “closets”.. metaphorically speaking (or maybe literal too).
love this! there is a channel i watch and when they talk about modesty, they specifically say that it is a woman's job to not be a stumbling block to your brothers in christ but they've never talked about or said that that's not entirely what that verse is talking about. They've also said things like if a man is stumbling or is lusting after a woman then it is their fault. I'm not going to lie modesty usually gets me pretty heated because of how it is talked about, but i love how you both talked about it in such a graceful way and also shed light on how the verses can be misinterpreted
Very well said about it being a heart issue Sadie! When we are secure in Christ we are not dressing for the wrong reasons, we are dressing as an expression of who we are. Really enjoyed the bible study style of this video and your mom is delightful. I could be her friend if we lived in the same country! God bless you both! 😊
@@roberttramontana9875 Bruh, Robert, chill my guy😂 get a hobby. Go outside! Make a friend! Quit worrying about these women and deal with your porn addiction🤪
@sms I’m not your guy. I work for God and you for Satan spreading your satanic propaganda and religion and philosophy. You are exposed. We see right through your lies.
I read a great book about modesty called "Image Concious: Praising God with your body" By Tony Robinson. It's a bit of a more in depth read bc it's really packed with good info...but it's worth it.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I needed this. So incredibly good. So incredibly grateful to Jesus for speaking through the both of you. This was amazing.
I am a Christian. How we dress does matter. God says we are light in the world. How can the world differentiate us from them? If we follow christ we are to be different from the world. Our bodies is God temple and it should be respected and not meant to show alot of skin. Plus it makes the men fall into temptation just because they see skin. Bathing suits are definitely a no! But that's just me.
I agree with you. I once when on a Multi-Church outing with a bunch of other teens to witness, and I literally couldn't tell which side was which because all the Christian girls were wearing short shorts, crop tops, etc. How we dress really does make an impact on people, whether we know it or not.
It is for us, we are to be separate to help stay calm in heart. It is defensive weapon. It protects our heart and could be included in the shield of faith. It defers the fiery darts of lust (meaning worldly ways and thoughts) that can come against us,
I love this, thank you so much for giving me a clearer perspective on this!! I am also genuinely wondering about women preaching in the church or women leading worship. I have had some experiences where I am not allowed to do those things and there have been some arguments on my behalf. I would love to hear y’all’s thoughts about it!!
The way you choose to dress reflects your heart. And part of being a Christian is considering the thoughts of others. As women, we must consider the thoughts of men and also the thoughts of other women. Modesty goes back to love for the brethren, to not be a stumblingblock to sin. Walking in humility is important to honour biblical modesty and it's not easy... I suggest if you want to go deeper into this topic to watch a video recently uploaded by "followers of the way" where 4 women share their testimony around modesty... It is a journey but God's Word is final and the culture around us should not influence our motives. Culture changes but His Word does not. His Word was for then, is for now and the future... We're not to change with the times no matter how strange we appear to the world. Don't dress to compete, nor show off wealth. Don't dress to draw attention or to seek out a husband. Don't dress to be noticed or praised. Don't dress to cause others to sin. Dress to honour God and glory Him... In doing so, you will not be praised or acknowledged by the world but your father in heaven will see your good works and He will be glorified. Modesty begins inward but it is also outward as intructed by Paul & Peter through the Holy Spirit. Don't try to explain away what is written or use culture to diminish God's holy Word.
TOPIC IDEA: Honoring thy father and mother. What does it mean and what does it not mean? People who have challenging relationships with their parents for valid reasons like physical or mental abuse either as an adult or as a child. Things people may struggle to forgive even if it has been a long time. Maybe a parent lies often about things that don't matter. Or the parent doesn't want to acknowledge wrongdoings that hurt their child and still affect them as adults. Perhaps a parent doesn't respect their "child's" beliefs or opinions and it turns into an argument whenever they are around each other. How does one honor their parent when they can't stand to be around them so they choose to not see them at all?
@@t-rachel19 great idea. however, i don’t think sadie should be the one primarily speaking on this as she has a wonderful relationship with her mother and seems to haven’t experienced this type of issue with her family. i would love if they would have someone who has some experience and insight on the topic on the podcast and they could all talk about it together! that would be awesome
I guess it comes down to people should dress according to their own convictions of modesty. 🙂 I wear jean skirts or athletic skirts, and dresses to church. Some people feel modest in jeans, and there are modest jeans out there. Some skirts/dresses can be immodest, so that’s something to consider when it comes to choosing your clothes! So, I feel like people should dress according to their convictions. God loves people the same, regardless of dress.
They could have explained this better. They are trying to not hurt peoples feelings. Ultimately what the Bible says is yes the Godly will feel conviction, if someone doesn’t feel convicted and wear trashy clothes and call themselves Christian then they are not truly seeking what the lord wants . There is only one Holy Spirit he is not going to say one rule for this and not for another
I’m not religious, and this conversation was so refreshing. I love how much critical thinking you bring to the topic. I think the world would be a better place if more people thought with love and critical thought, instead of blindly following what they think/heard the Bible says.
God is going to destroy the wickedness out of the world soon. Only Jesus can bring love and peace bc people are corrupt without his spirit. Get saved and find out what love really is.
Thank you for this podcast. Churches in Maine ate VERY legalistic. If you dress nice you are considering "wanting to stand out" .... this podcast is refreshing. Wish the Robertsons would bring Church to New England. I try so hard to be the light, but folks think people like me are "trying to be seen"
Thank you for this video! It was really helpful! I'd love for you to cover the subject on pop music/movies and just the content that they put in our media culture nowadays, and if it's ok to listen or watch these things while trying to pursue christ. Thanks!
I think out of the heart will flow everything. It is from inside out. Whatever is inside will reflect on the outside. So if you are focused on jewellry and hair braids or anything external is a reflection of where the heart is and what’s the focus. If you heart is focused on the LORD one will not care about jewellery or making themselves stand out as they are fulfilled within. When I got saved I could not bear to have jewelry etc., and got rid not because I chose to l but it just happened, I saw no use for it.
Your actions prove your heart’s desire and your obedience to God. Acts 17:24-31 says no gold jewelry it is idolatry and sin and you will be judged for it. If you are focused on God you should be focused on doing his will and not sinning.
Modesty is a heart issue. As I’ve grown in my faith over the past 23 years since I was saved, I’ve tended to cover up more and more- not because anyone told me to, but because I felt the Holy Spirit convicting me. I would look in the mirror and ask myself “What is my eye first drawn to?” “Is what I’m wearing distracting others... am I being a stumbling block?” The Lord in His grace has so worked in life and I am in a contented spot now. I still struggle as all of us do, but it’s gotten easier. Thanks for focusing on the heart.видео.html
Yes well put
Yeah, I’m trying to get better with this myself. I wanted to attract girls but I’m trying to turn away from these ways…
Just wanted to share how much I'm loving you and your mama getting to sit down and unpack the Word together about common questions we may have. It's so refreshing and y'all have brought so much wisdom to these topics!
Even as a guy, this was awesome to listen to. Gave me a new way to look at the topic.
I remember on my senior trip to Disney, some of the guys in my hotel room were talking about who has the "best rack", and I thought its was so strange they were talking about deer. Then learned what they were talking about and immediately left the room. I don't under why people look at the outside. Character stays the same through good and bad. You can change your look everyday to get what you want but the bait you catch them with is the bait you keep them with. I would prefer catching a trophy with my character not with how much I show my muscles or body.
(Talking about deer🤣) You’re awesome!🫶 but I totally agree with what you said. God has shown me that Who he says I am and What he says I am is the truth, and that truth is my fulfillment! That I’m fearfully and wonderfully made, that I’m More than a Conqueror, that he Knit me together in my mothers womb. After getting that revelation of Gods love for me, there’s no more room for trying to get approval from anyone else! (Also you should continue gaming videos!🤣) God bless!!
That was beautifully stated. Thank you for sharing friend. 😊
@@valerie6641 lol, gaming videos. I sold all my gaming stuff about 6 months ago😂. I want no distractions for following God and running my small business
What is inside your heart comes out it how you dress
Sadie I just want to thank you for this Podcast tonight. I'm leading a Bible study at my assisted living facility in Slidell and this week's topic is actually Christian standards. Your explanation of so many of the verses that are actually in this week study helped me to be able to explain it to my group tomorrow morning. I just want to thank you for being such a blessing in our lives and For all that you do to share the word of God. Thank you and God Bless!
Coming from an area and background where outward appearance is often highly emphasized, I thought this was a brilliant conversation. It reminded me to check my own heart and to not be judgmental of those around me.
Beautiful Conversation Between 2 Women Of The Most High GOD 🙌🏾
How we dress does matter regardless of how it makes us feel or the reason. If you are exposing too much skin don't you think the Lord cares about that? Just because it's an expression of " who you are" does not mean it is pleasing to the Lord or not a temptation to our brothers in Christ. Modesty is about the heart AND about how we dress.
No....... because that would shame them. And shaming is the ultimate sin.
It's whatever you feel like i... because it's about feeling convicted in the heart or something.
So who decides how much skin is “too much”? You? God? Your definition of “modest” will always be someone else’s definition of “whore”. If youre jealous of women living happy lives being themselves just say that. And then be yourself and be happy too. You dont need to feel shame for existing inside a sack of meat
@@MattStephenson523 right...... it's the new modern religion. What's your point
thank u Sadie for being an inspiration as a mom of 3 daughters in their early 20s I find comfort in knowing someone like u is out there spreading the word in such a positive and godly way
Thank you for sharing your dyslexia and being transparent. My daughter and I watched this together and my daughter is also Dyslexic. I love how you confidently read and you have never let Dyslexia hold you back in anyway its just so inspiring to my daughter and to myself as a mama to a child that has Dyslexia. God Bless you and your beautiful family!
I too am neurodiverse & I think we should celebrate 🎉 as Christ followers the uniqueness of one’s created brain 🧠
I also want to say I know a girl who graduated valedictorian and she had a pretty severe case of dyslexia but she worked extremely hard!
“The gift of dyslexia” is a great book maybe you can check out for your daughter. The author is Ronald D Davis.
I’m also dyslexic :)
Actually praying that my relationship with my mom can be as healthy and beautiful as this
Wowwowow! I love how you highlighted what Jesus said about plucking your own eye out, NOT making the woman cover up. This feels like a really balanced conversation. This is so good and definitely not talked about enough. It is also really powerful coming from a young woman who is beautiful/trendy and also chooses to live modestly. Thank you!
Women dressing immodestly should never be an excuse for men to sin! Not to live in Lust! But women should be mindful of dressing modestly, because we are the temple of God! We are beautifully and fearfully made, bought by the precious blood of Jesus Christ! If we don't want men looking at us with Lust, we should of course cover up! It's like walking on the streets with gold in your hand! Would you show it to everyone, or would you be mindful about it, keep it to yourself that no one would try to take from you! Dress up in anything pretty and sexy for your husband, but when your out and about be careful,!
Hey… fellow sister in Christ here :) I recommend reading the book “The great sex rescue” by Sheila Wray Gregoire if you wanted an even more in-depth perspective on modesty. It changed my life on the way I view so so much, but definitely modesty as well. Very well-rounded, truthful, Christ-centered book. I hope that helps
Thank you for this piece. And thank you for being reminded for taking my own responsibility if I am distracted by someone not modest. Blessings.
I mostly agree with this video but honestly I’m just feeling like we as women in the body of Christ have been horrible at really being honest with our own appearance and admitting when maybe we chased after vanity too much or about trying to look trendy too much. To me it’s less about modesty and more about asking Holy Spirit to tell us if we have allowed our image or appearance in clothing hair makeup shoes accessories whatever if it’s become an idol where we think about our appearance more then his face and his purposes in each day. When what we wear or trying to look young or trendy becomes our first thought when we wake or our only thought thru out the day, that is a per strong sign of an idol in those things and we just need to repent and truly start confessing and admitting when maybe we have sought other things and allowed our mind to be consumed with our earthly image more then His. Lord please help us be better at admitting when we did make an idol of our image and cared more about our youthfulness and trendiness and welcome other godly sincere women to shed light on whether we are being distracted. Even if someone is judging maybe we take those comments to you and truly seek your heart that we may be more like you! as godly women help ustruly be submitted to your will in the area of our clothing and our image of hair makeup accessories youthful appearance etc please lead us to a place of humbleness where where willing to receive your conviction and repent to actually mature in you and be a better witness for you. Take away every distraction from us that keeps us closer to you and knowing you. We truly want to be mature godly women in our heart and mind. Thank you God that you alone are fully capable to change us from the inside out. Have your way in Jesus name. Amen
Wow, great comment!
Women are not inferior. Women are not animals to be treated like property. This middle eastern religion is evil
I like how you articulated this💕
This right here is exactly what I’m struggling with.
lust goes hand in hand with modesty. also we got to be careful not to base modesty on our feelings alone!
Absolutely.... Christian women look just like the world...
Biblically modesty is defined in scripture as well as how we are to dress and wear your hair to show obedience to God’s word and prove you love to others and protect from sin and desire.
Acts 17 says no gold it’s graven/dead art and an idol.
We are supposed to be living examples of Christ making living sacrifices for the benefit of others that shows Christs example.
There is no one harder to convince to give up everything literally everything than the rich. They just don’t get it. They can’t imagine living without their comforts and the things that comfort them.
They literally sit there reading scripture that says don’t do this while doing it and make worldly excuses to be able to continue instead of just reading and following scripture having faith Jesus is a good shepherd and he commands things for our benefit and the benefit of others not our destruction. Faith is living by hope and following Jesus’s voice not saying oh let them pluck their eyes out so they can’t see sin.
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
What is shared @ minute 27:40, about if your eye causes you to stumble--kindly shared. I never bash “modesty culture”; but we can definitely have convos abt modesty & being in control of one’s urges.
I had a lot of questions regarding modesty and Christianity and I finally have the answers,,,I no longer have to carry the weight of other people's convictions.Thank you.
Wow. This was good. I am a youth leader and this is always an interesting minefield for both my boy and girl students. I’ve always had a desire to dress in a way that is modest and isn’t provocative, mostly due to a discomfort that I have found in clothing that I considered questionable. My husband encourages me to dress in a way that I feel pretty, but one of the most amazing things I’ve learned since marrying him is that the way I dress in public is an act of love to him. The fact that I don’t dress provocatively in public has shown him the confidence that I have in our marriage because I don’t need the attention elsewhere. It’s a form of respect I have for myself that has also become a form of respect for my husband. I love how God showed his faithfulness to me in seeking His guidance on my attire to transfer to an act of love for my husband. God is so cool that way! Wonderful job ladies, I was encouraged and can’t wait to share this with my students at church!
I feel the same way!
Thank you speaking on the tough stuff, the stuff being compromised on in many churches today. The way we live should bring us and others closer to God. Him being glorified in our life should be our focus. ❤
This is a great conversation. My church has a guide for decision making on topics like this. I love this quote from the book, “As you make decisions about your clothing, hairstyle, and appearance, ask yourself, “Am I honoring my body as a sacred gift from God?” Heavenly Father wants us to see each other for who we really are: not just physical bodies but His beloved children with a divine destiny. Avoid styles that emphasize or draw inappropriate attention to your physical body instead of who you are as a child of God with an eternal future. Let moral cleanliness and love for God guide your choices.”
This was put together taking guidance from scripture. I think you did a great job.
Love this 🥰🙏🏽
Biblical moderation is to not show skin. This is how we honor God.
If you live humbly out of necessity not lavishly coveting.
Acts 17:24-31 says no gold jewelry it’s idolatry and we are judged for it.
"If God's convicted you on that, you have to trust that God is going to come through for you on that" 🙌🙌🙌 such a good quote. Loved this episode 💖видео.html
My Spirit says to me it’s not essentially the “jewelry” or the “clothing” but sharing the gospel. Being modest in appearance to not take the attention off the gospel coming from your mouth or your character. Thanks for obeying the Spirit and sharing this topic!
Scripture is clear you are go sacrifice your will to cover up and help others overcome desires and sin.
Jewelry is idolatry and sin and we will be judged for it.
Jesus said 1st remove your sin THEN teach others to do so also.
James 1 says be careful not to be a hearer of the word and not a doer deceiving yourself.
Read acts 17:24-31.
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
Hearing you speak about high school around the 35 minute mark was so, so good and honest! I loved it and definitely related. I loved this whole episode, hearing about modesty and respecting different opinions on the topic. You and your mom go about it in such a kind, judgment-free way, it's so refreshing to hear.
11:30 the rules based modesty discussion is really only applicable for a good hearted woman who is honestly just naive about how much of common female dress gets lustful attention from men. I think it’s still important to say that no matter the heart condition, exposing a naked body to others that are not your spouse is clearly immodest, and while the motives wouldn’t be evil in this case it would still be sinfully negligent of others around you.
Yes 👍🏻 amen
Yes we sacrifice to protect others and be an example.
Modesty is different in every culture, every time period. Unless youre dressed in full robes everyday, you would be considered “immodest” in Jesus time
Biblical modesty does not change.
@sms is a satanic propagandist.
I’m not a nudist by any means, but I was pretty darn exposed when I gave birth and if my male doctor would have been lusting, that still would have been his problem not mine. I don’t think you should walk around naked just cause but a person’s lust is ALWAYS their problem. Paramedics, doctors, surgeons, and others see naked people all the time without a problem.
How does anyone not love this family?? All of them are such great people.
People be so rude no reason!!!!!! Sadie you are a light of God! Great example for others! Remember God looks at your beautiful heart!!!!!
Let the Holy Spirit do His job... I'm so happy for this condemnation but love pouring from it!!
I love that point- that if you buy it for yourself you are also willing to give it to someone who would need it. Such a great thought & way to guard yourself against selfishness
Did Jesus buy nice things for himself? He is our perfect example. What Jesus said was give away everything and live humbly. If you are buying designer anything you are living lavishly not humbly out of necessity.
Scripture says no gold it is an idol and idolatry is a sin. Read acts 17.
we are to be examples of Christ needing nothing especially not riches and gold.
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
The tricky thing is that our actions, or how we choose to cover or not cover ourselves, etc, is an expression of the heart. The inner heart and outward appearance have a relationship but aren't always direct or as plain as we all think. I also think modesty is not only related to appearance and is interesting to think about. Sadie, I am sorry you felt that enormous pressure and judgement as a youth. For me, I felt like my mom was pretty strict about clothes and I resented it sometimes...but when I got older, I actually was glad. It may not have come across well at all, but I began to understand certain things more when I was older and for me it was more about my self-worth and honoring God, and not so much whether I was right or wrong or righteous or not, if that makes sense. I appreciated that my mom said something, even if it didn't come off in a way I thought was good and did not appreciate at the time. I do think the Lord has a line when it comes to the cost and expression of clothing, but obviously that might matter based on our own circumstances. Thank you for this needful discussion.
Things I now ask myself when I get dressed: is this an accurate representation of who I am? Am I comfortable? Who/what am I dressing for?
Love this.
I was told growing up “if Jesus showed up would you be okay with what you chose to wear” and “ask the Holy Spirit to get dressed with you “
@@heyitssammij yes!
@@heyitssammij so good
Thank you for this ladies! I’m the father of two daughters, one is 26 and the other is 12! This was very informative!
I had just got out of the shower & started braiding my wet hair & heard the beginning of modesty is not braiding hair & paused thinking I was not being modest 😂 I love that you are explaining this worldly problem with your momma & not being judgment 💛
I recommend checking the history of braids...I'm not sure that a braid is inherantly immodest (other then possibly exposing the neck?) but they may have adorned their braids with jewelry, flowers and other elements to ornament their hair that may have led to the assertion that it's their practice of adorning their hair wasn't modest....just food for thought.
Wonderful women of the Lord! God bless you both for allowing us to have someone to look up too!! Love the Robertson family!!
Noticing modesty in today's culture is like discovering a parrot at the arctic say the least.
Where do you live? Downtown los angeles?🤣
If any were modest they would hear and help apostles, instead they only babble to themselves drenched in dark makeup $$ while the good die, and they support demons. Good job, Selfish. Such do-nothings never welcome in Heaven. Only care about themselves narcissism and vanity and call it God, absolutely selfish and damned Eternal, totally closed off solipsists unloving, judging, careless, and 100% vain, selfish, condescending filth, Damned.
Come to the Midwest, you'll find it everywhere ;)
@@kristimaslan1825 God is clearly punishing people in this country and elsewhere...but He will protect His people. Thankfully...
@@Ottorockz bruh…you dont need jesus you need a psychiatrist
Something I'd like to hear about is what is considered sinful or not sinful within the marriage, also I hardly ever hear anyone say anything about angels I think that would be cool. Thanks for all the awesome educational videos.
As a new young mom would love to hear from your mama about parenting, marriage, how to maintain a relationship with Jesus with the constant needs of small children!
same here! that would be a great conversation
Absolutely! That would be a great one I'm a mom for the first time with a toddler and I have to wing it every day because I don't know what I'm doing half of the time.
Be thankful and work hard to prove it to Hod and your husband.
So glad you are talking about the lack of modesty in the CHURCH.
I adore this explanation of modesty. Finally not someone judging and shaming people for what they wear and trying to act better than others. Sadie hit it right on the target today. ❤️
Why because she sugar coated it for ya 😞
@@stephaniebaldwin39 Thank you!!!!! I believe every comment you said! Amen!
@@stephaniebaldwin39 she didn't sugar coat anything. She said things in a way that didn't pass judgement. We are not supposed to judge.
@@alie_smith ummm actually the Bible tells us to judge... Just not everyone
@€urofighter 038 November Lima唵 he didn't say not to address what is wrong. (He actually addressed it). He said don't kill people (you know throw the first stone)..
This was a great podcast! I have been battling for weeks on what to do concerning how I dress, but I didn’t know where to go in the Word to gain clarity. Thank you both for this teaching and understanding. Sadie you speak so well and I can truly see the Holy Spirit working within you. You are beautiful inside and out, both you and your mother🥰Continue being a light and sharing Gods love. Thank you again and God bless you all 🙏🏽💗💗💗
Enjoyed this conversation so much! 🙌🏼 My modesty journey didn’t happen overnight by any means but God has been so patient with me 🙂 I no longer have a desire to show everything off but to cover my body instead. I don’t NEED or want that type of attention for men. I want to dress in a way that honors and glorifies God 🕊️🙏🏼❤️ I want to represent Christ in the best way possible. It’s not about me, it’s about Him!
Also in the Bible it says men don’t wear what women wear, and women don’t wear what men wear; and nowadays in the church culture they think that women have to only wear skirts and cover literally everything.but back then when it was said, men and women wore the same thing, even Jesus. It never says women don’t wear pants, it says to show the fruit of the spirit. And the Bible says that God doesn’t look on the outside, he looks on the inside ,while humanity looks on the outside. And you aren’t supposed to judge based on looks, you are supposed to judge based on their attitude and spirit. Modestly means to be simple and not attract attention to yourself. And jewelry is fine too like Jesus literally told the parable of the father and two sons and in it he says the father gave the son a ring, like Jesus wouldn’t say that if it was a sin. And with wine, Jesus literally drank wine and his first miracle was turning water into wine.
And you also got to says to yourself, like who are we to judge or who are they to judge, nobody is perfect everyone has flaws everday that we all need to fix before we try fixing others.
Who else instantly smiles when Sadie posts a video 💖
Good conversation ladies. I agree, the first thing is not to judge. The next thing is to go with the word, to build others up. Its hard because one can Never please everyone else, so to walk in relationship with Christ so that the holy spirit is leading even what we eat or drink is the biblical way that pleases the Lord. Above all Love one another, is the most important thing. That does not mean that you agree with everyone, but you can Love them. May the Lord heal everyone who has been hurt by judgement . The Lord wants us to be whole in our soul! Very good discussion!
God is more worried about you doing right than if your feelings are offended.
Sweet joyfilled conversation in Go's Word about His heart to us. I never want to grieve Him
Thank you for this conversation! It was so helpful and thought provoking. Another topic I’d love to hear yall talk about is alcohol.
alcohol is good
Such a great conversation! Thank you both for this. 🤍
This was great! Thank you for opening the WORD!! Bringing truth and going into context! It was right on. (Only thing that was missed was a word to younger viewers… that when you’re under your parents’ roof, it is always God’s Will for you to obey them-unless it goes against Scripture-that parents guidelines are a helpful guide. But my hope is this impacts their heart to honor God even past the time under their parents’ roof. )
Omg Sadie, I literally have been praying about this and what the actual right way is
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
My father took me aside one day when my boyfriend came to see me. I had worn a pair of “hot pants” shorts. He told me that when I dressed immodestly it made men undress me in their minds. That was embarrassing to say the least! I’m thankful he was so honest with me. I think if a girl has a father figure in her life to help her know what kinds of dress are triggering to men it would be helpful. Mothers USED to do this. Unfortunately I think many women have lost their way on this. The culture of Bible times was very different from ours today.
Men will see a hole in the ground and get horny. Men will see a little girl in overalls and get horny. NOT your problem, not your responsibility.
Okay but why don't they say that to men?? Why is it only to women?
@@kinskins100 it's always just women, when blaming women for men's lust issue isn't correct biblically. Everyone is responsible for their own sin. Men are responsible for their own thoughts and actions, some people need to stop putting that on women. Its toxic.
Maybe those men that are “undressing” you with their minds should read their bibles and find Jesus so they can be less depraved. Sure, you can be more modest (and you should if the Lord convicts you of something wrong in your heart) but there’s also something called self-control that men can exercise and it is a fruit of the spirit.
@@marlenecress929 Good morning! If you study how men and women are different you will find that men are stimulated sexually by sight and women are stimulated by cuddling, touch, etc. I am not saying that men can’t control their reactions AT ALL. I was just relating that
a man I trusted was protecting me from predatory males and I was grateful for his insight.
Honestly in a nutshell if we want to please the heart of God in our dress or appearance we need to be more willing to receive correction if we’re offending someone and not just be quick to brush it off as judgment. I’ve had a friend come and tell me all my cleavage was showing when I bent down and I may want to put a tank top on underneath. I wasn’t hurt or offended I was so thankful bc I knew her and she knew me and my heart for modesty and I quickly put an undershirt on. I was so thankful to be enlightened and even if I didn’t agree I could go to the father and ask his heart in the matter and he could still show me the truth and the best thing to do and I can still love her for the fact of caring for me and if I still felt judgment I’d pray for her and talk to her if I felt led . I just think we need to take every correction to the father and ask him to speak into the situation and make sure we’re not just living by our feelings .
Scripture is clear cover up to deter desire and protect yourself from corrupt men AND fallen angels!
We are to make living sacrifices for others benefit so we can all overcome sin and desire.
If you want to know if you should wear gold the answer is no.
read acts 17.
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
@@roberttramontana9875 Acts 17 has nothing to do with what you wear, it is about making idols/false Gods, as the Greeks (pagens) oft did. Also can you quote where you get the first part of your statement...or are you reading your own thoughts into scripture.. pulling things out of context for your point.
Gold jewelry, especially religious jewelry for any religion is a graven art and an idol/idolatry.
Read Deuteronomy 4.
1 Corinthians 11 ►
King James Bible
Roles in Worship
1Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
2Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. 3But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. 4Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. 5But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. 7For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. 9Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
****10For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. 11Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. 12For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God. 13Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? 14Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? 15But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
1 Timothy 2
9In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety;
****not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
10But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
11Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
******15Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, ********if they *****continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
King James Bible
My pastor explained to me that the apostles we’re referring to the strings of gold that sometimes woman braided into their hair in that period of time but not necessarily the simple braid itself.
Great video! I went into this video with an open mind, but honestly didn't think we'd agree so much. I really love how y'all dive deep into this topic and show all the sides. Great advice, and thank you!
As we grow in understanding we are also to grow in obedience to God and become living examples of Christ needing nothing and giving everything.
Biblical modesty does not change depending on circumstances and as far as a womans appearance goes you are supposed to cover your naked skin to deter desires and protect from corrupt men and corrupt angels. If you show skin you attract evil and evil desires.
We are supposed to be examples of Christ making sacrifices for the benefit of others bringing peace.
If you braid your hair it doesn’t cover as God intended but I believe scripture is saying don’t braid/weave gold into your hair as the Egyptians to show riches and social status.
Should we wear gold? NO
Read acts 17:24-31
Jewelry is graven/dead art: an idol/idolatry and acts 17:31 says why not bc we will be judged on this.
Read James 1 also! It says be sure to be a doer of the word and not just a hearer deceiving yourself.
God gives commandments for our benefit and to bring love and peace.
Wow! Thank you for stepping up to discuss this topic, I was so excited when I saw this video! I am very into modesty. I'm trying to not judge people recently for what they wear and do, but even more now seeing this video. 🙂
I always wanted to give people questions and answers about what God says about modesty and how should we wear to be more like Him. 😄
I really appreciated this! I love these videos. Thank you for talking about the hard stuff that people don't want to talk about!
I really appreciate what you do!!! My 16 year old listens to you all the time and you have really impacted her life. I’m so sorry that there are some many people that leave comments criticizing you. You are letting Jesus work through you!!! Keep at it!!!!!
Modesty is honoring your body and reputation as a self-respecting human. There are ways to express yourself while holding yourself sacred. Your body, your energy, your space. A woman gives herself to others visually when she exposes too much skin.
Loved this so much in sooo many ways. Spoke to my heart and really helped me to have a positive mindset on my own body and I’m praying the Lord redeems that! 🤍
Absolutely enjoy listening to you two! Would you do a podcast on Biblical parenting/discipline?
Thank you for addressing this topic and the hurtfulness of the church and of the judging spirit. Moderation in every way and every thing I believe is key 🥰❤️ Heart posture is awesome☺️
Shame comes from inside. God uses shame to convict you of sin when he desires change.
READ your KJV BIBLE for truth and understanding of your Creator and his will.
@@roberttramontana9875 Jesus loves you brother and died for you and me so that we can be righteous in Gods eyes by His grace alone and our faith to trust in Him and His goodness 😊 all is well and all will be well, I trust in His grace to cover us in the areas He knows we all need grace. May God bless you In Jesus name Amen!
Jude 1
3Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. 4For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
5I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. 6And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. 7Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
John 3
19And this is the **condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their ******deeds were evil.
***20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
"Hurtfulness of the church"?
Are you.....judging?
Love this conversation. It would have been interesting to dive deeper into the scripture to look up the word modesty in the Greek for the biblical meaning. I've found as I study that English words do not always mean the same as the English words we see in the Bible (due to translations etc). Still a fabulous conversation. I loved that you ladies touched on this.
how do you find greek meanings and stuff??
I agree!
@@harleighstringer Use a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance! Game changer for more in depth Bible study!
Biblical modesty as far as appearance goes is cover up your skin to avoid desires and attracting evil spirits.
We are living examples of Christ and make living sacrifices by doing good so others can avoid sin and overcome it.
A woman’s hair is her covering, to cover your flesh. You braid you are no longer covered.
Christian’s are not supposed to wear jewelry or gold. Bc it’s displaying riches and lavishness and it is a idol/idolatry and sin.
Read acts 17:24-31
This is a distraction from what is happening NOW. The oppression of women and children MUST END. When little girls are taught to dress modestly, we are teaching them that the men in their life, at their church, and at their homes have pedophilic tendencies and that is just something to accept. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sisters, the collective power of our natural creativity, our compassion, and our love for our babies is what will carry the world into an age of peace and love. Mothers, women, children around the world must be on the SAME TEAM. The patriarchy has built a world of greed, fear, war and violence, and abuse of women. Break free of the shackles of middle eastern teachings and help save the world. No mother will send her babies to die and lose limbs in wars. We must put aside our differences and be as one. Spread love, spread education. Teach your children that boys and girls are equal. You, born a woman, have the same capacity for intelligence, goodness, awareness as someone whose chromosomes happened to switch to “xy” (male). Time goes on, and it will keep going on for thousands and millions of years. The concept of gender will become obsolete in time. We have the tools and technology for a peaceful world NOW, the last step is a transition from a patriarchal world mindset to a matriarchal one. ALL HUMANS DESERVE A LIFE OF JOY, HOPE, WONDER AND LOVE
I think being “authentic to yourself” can also be immodest. Because a girl can be wearing practically nothing and still say she’s being her authentic self!
Exactly. This talk is going nowhere...I knew it would
Who cares? Theyre just bodies. Everybody is born with one! The “self” lies within. “Modesty” is a cultural concept which changes over time and varies depending on setting. In some cultures, having bare breasts out doesn’t get a second glance, but to show the legs in church would be a “sin”. Do you cover your hair in church like the bible says you should? People in the middle east have always worn long flowing garments on the body and head, both men and women, to prevent exposure to the sun. The bible is a collection of middle eastern writings from a while ago. You can find no shortage of sexist, racist, and awful things in it. A few nuggets of wisdom, sure, but nothing too profound. You, born a female, are not a “subspecies” of human. You have the exact same potential for intelligence, understanding, and self awareness as men. You are not worth less. You have no obligation to worry over whether your tank top straps are 1 inch or 2 inches thick. Life is over in the blink of an eye. Show love and patience for all, enjoy yourself, follow your highest passion. What is modest to you, is disgusting and immoral to someone else.
@@szs2785 see your focus is on culture and self expression rather than God.
Absolutely! Because gods and goddesses and ghosts and spirits arent real. My focus is helping people love themselves and love others. You dont need to feel shame just for existing❤
@@szs2785 yes, I agree, they aren't real. But God is. And as you could have seen above, this video is about God and Christianity. So it's absolutely of no use for you to comment on something you clearly do not believe in.
For me modesty is self-respect, worth and value. Attention seeking through immodesty is a huge flag of low self-esteem to me and violates the second great commandment - to love our brother and sisters as ourselves - helping others to have pure thoughts.
So true!
Nate is back!!! Amazing video. I saw the change since you started the channel, until now. I'm glad your back. When you bought that house, I couldn't wrap my brain around living with so much more than you need, when people are homeless out there. You figured it out at a young age. I've always said if I was very wealthy I wouldn't live over what I needed.
Because of my marriage of 35 yrs and how my husband never got it! He was never happy or content, missed so much time away from home working to make more money. He passed away 18 month's ago, and couldn't take a thing with him.I saw so much of him in Nate, I came down hard on you many times. You're gonna make it! You figured it out. I have a 1600 sq ft house, let go of the 2600 one.
I am so glad you covered this topic!!! Love your conversations!!
I’m grateful for the discussion. I wish I could have heard some of Sadie’s mom ideas and thoughts. How she raised her children in modesty ??? What are her thoughts about modesty in childhood, teenage years, young adult life, married life and empty nester life.
Sadie is so speedy in
Conversation!!! I can't
Relax and enjoy her shoe!
I really enjoyed her Mom on this show! 🤗
Yes sisters! Love y’all so much and pray the Lord continues to use y’all to impact such a society as this.
Thank you so much for coming at this from a non-shaming perspective. I want to have a heart that pleases God but I deal with a lot of shame because of environmental influences and my past pornography addiction. I used to be really afraid of wearing tops that I thought brought attention to my chest. But I don't think this was coming from a healthy, Godly conviction. I think this was coming from shame around my body because of what I have experienced in the past.
Shame comes from you not words. God is convicting your heart. Shame is good used correctly.
@@roberttramontana9875 stop trying to convince women... it's all about their feelings.
And you trying to argue with them is only going to cause the opposite effect.
@@AndresPrez I’ll follow God not you and provide loving instruction where needed.
@@roberttramontana9875 nobody is listening to you the way you approach them. You are just satisfying your own ego.
how do you know that?
You don’t.
I’ll follow God if you are wise you will also.
This video was so helpful! It definitely helped me have a new perspective on modesty. Thank you both for sharing your wise words. Also, I love the relationship you have with your mother
Great conversation! The heart of the matter really is the matter of the heart. Jesus perfectly reflected modesty. The focus is really on having a simple, humble spirit. Making decisions which honor God in everything we do & say not just how we dress. Our convictions are our own.. not a standard meant for us to judge others on. Many Christians are hyper focused on the outward or even making certain sins bigger than others. But really what we need to be doing is cleaning out our own “closets”.. metaphorically speaking (or maybe literal too).
love these conversations with mom & daughter!! This is so good y'all!!
love this! there is a channel i watch and when they talk about modesty, they specifically say that it is a woman's job to not be a stumbling block to your brothers in christ but they've never talked about or said that that's not entirely what that verse is talking about. They've also said things like if a man is stumbling or is lusting after a woman then it is their fault. I'm not going to lie modesty usually gets me pretty heated because of how it is talked about, but i love how you both talked about it in such a graceful way and also shed light on how the verses can be misinterpreted
I love how you guys approach this conversation! ❤️
Very well said about it being a heart issue Sadie! When we are secure in Christ we are not dressing for the wrong reasons, we are dressing as an expression of who we are. Really enjoyed the bible study style of this video and your mom is delightful. I could be her friend if we lived in the same country! God bless you both! 😊
James 1. Be careful to be a doer of the word and not just a hearer deceiving yourself.
READ acts 17:24-31 if you think it is ok to wear gold.
@@roberttramontana9875 Bruh, Robert, chill my guy😂 get a hobby. Go outside! Make a friend! Quit worrying about these women and deal with your porn addiction🤪
@sms I’m not your guy. I work for God and you for Satan spreading your satanic propaganda and religion and philosophy. You are exposed. We see right through your lies.
Such a good showing of the understanding of modesty.
I’ve been listening to you preach for a couple hours.
This was so good! I appreciate y”all covering a really hard topic.
I read a great book about modesty called "Image Concious: Praising God with your body" By Tony Robinson. It's a bit of a more in depth read bc it's really packed with good info...but it's worth it.
“I love you because I love you” is in a sermon by Tim Keller!❤
Great conversation, thank you for sharing God’s Words and your Holy Spirt lead thoughts. You are a blessing!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I needed this. So incredibly good. So incredibly grateful to Jesus for speaking through the both of you. This was amazing.
Also adore your mom!!! Need more mama content !
yesss!🙌🏻 more of these please. I need more mom talk episodes. I learn so much🥰🙏🏻💜💜💜
This was so good!! Thanks for tackling this!
I am a Christian. How we dress does matter. God says we are light in the world. How can the world differentiate us from them? If we follow christ we are to be different from the world. Our bodies is God temple and it should be respected and not meant to show alot of skin. Plus it makes the men fall into temptation just because they see skin. Bathing suits are definitely a no! But that's just me.
I agree with you. I once when on a Multi-Church outing with a bunch of other teens to witness, and I literally couldn't tell which side was which because all the Christian girls were wearing short shorts, crop tops, etc. How we dress really does make an impact on people, whether we know it or not.
It is for us, we are to be separate to help stay calm in heart. It is defensive weapon. It protects our heart and could be included in the shield of faith. It defers the fiery darts of lust (meaning worldly ways and thoughts) that can come against us,
LOVE this convo. Thank you both.
Part 2 pls! This is so helpful.
I love this, thank you so much for giving me a clearer perspective on this!! I am also genuinely wondering about women preaching in the church or women leading worship. I have had some experiences where I am not allowed to do those things and there have been some arguments on my behalf. I would love to hear y’all’s thoughts about it!!
Finding fashionable age appropriate clothing that is modest, is next to impossible.
Can you do an episode on “Keeping the sabbath sacred”
Jesus is the God of the sabbath and he go do my work every day.
The way you choose to dress reflects your heart. And part of being a Christian is considering the thoughts of others. As women, we must consider the thoughts of men and also the thoughts of other women. Modesty goes back to love for the brethren, to not be a stumblingblock to sin. Walking in humility is important to honour biblical modesty and it's not easy... I suggest if you want to go deeper into this topic to watch a video recently uploaded by "followers of the way" where 4 women share their testimony around modesty... It is a journey but God's Word is final and the culture around us should not influence our motives. Culture changes but His Word does not. His Word was for then, is for now and the future... We're not to change with the times no matter how strange we appear to the world. Don't dress to compete, nor show off wealth. Don't dress to draw attention or to seek out a husband. Don't dress to be noticed or praised. Don't dress to cause others to sin. Dress to honour God and glory Him... In doing so, you will not be praised or acknowledged by the world but your father in heaven will see your good works and He will be glorified. Modesty begins inward but it is also outward as intructed by Paul & Peter through the Holy Spirit. Don't try to explain away what is written or use culture to diminish God's holy Word.
TOPIC IDEA: Honoring thy father and mother. What does it mean and what does it not mean? People who have challenging relationships with their parents for valid reasons like physical or mental abuse either as an adult or as a child. Things people may struggle to forgive even if it has been a long time. Maybe a parent lies often about things that don't matter. Or the parent doesn't want to acknowledge wrongdoings that hurt their child and still affect them as adults. Perhaps a parent doesn't respect their "child's" beliefs or opinions and it turns into an argument whenever they are around each other. How does one honor their parent when they can't stand to be around them so they choose to not see them at all?
I would love to see Sadie and her mom take on this topic as well. I too struggle in this area.
@@t-rachel19 great idea. however, i don’t think sadie should be the one primarily speaking on this as she has a wonderful relationship with her mother and seems to haven’t experienced this type of issue with her family. i would love if they would have someone who has some experience and insight on the topic on the podcast and they could all talk about it together! that would be awesome
I guess it comes down to people should dress according to their own convictions of modesty. 🙂 I wear jean skirts or athletic skirts, and dresses to church. Some people feel modest in jeans, and there are modest jeans out there. Some skirts/dresses can be immodest, so that’s something to consider when it comes to choosing your clothes! So, I feel like people should dress according to their convictions. God loves people the same, regardless of dress.
They could have explained this better. They are trying to not hurt peoples feelings. Ultimately what the Bible says is yes the Godly will feel conviction, if someone doesn’t feel convicted and wear trashy clothes and call themselves Christian then they are not truly seeking what the lord wants . There is only one Holy Spirit he is not going to say one rule for this and not for another
@@stephaniebaldwin39 agree
So basically..... . it doesn't matter.
Do what you feel to do.
I’m not religious, and this conversation was so refreshing. I love how much critical thinking you bring to the topic. I think the world would be a better place if more people thought with love and critical thought, instead of blindly following what they think/heard the Bible says.
God is going to destroy the wickedness out of the world soon.
Only Jesus can bring love and peace bc people are corrupt without his spirit.
Get saved and find out what love really is.
@@roberttramontana9875 lol k
@@roberttramontana9875 so….we need to worship this deity…so that he doesnt torture us for millions of years…? Honey, youre in a cult! You can get out!
Who cares about you think?
Sadie represents Jesus’s messages so well. I love how Christ like she truly is
I like the saying... I can't control what he thinks, but I can control what I do.
Wonderful conversation. It needed to be heard.
So it’s not so much what you’re wearing, it’s your intentions & how you represent yourself. 💗
Thank you for this podcast. Churches in Maine ate VERY legalistic. If you dress nice you are considering "wanting to stand out" .... this podcast is refreshing. Wish the Robertsons would bring Church to New England. I try so hard to be the light, but folks think people like me are "trying to be seen"
Thank you for this video! It was really helpful! I'd love for you to cover the subject on pop music/movies and just the content that they put in our media culture nowadays, and if it's ok to listen or watch these things while trying to pursue christ. Thanks!
I think out of the heart will flow everything. It is from inside out. Whatever is inside will reflect on the outside. So if you are focused on jewellry and hair braids or anything external is a reflection of where the heart is and what’s the focus.
If you heart is focused on the LORD one will not care about jewellery or making themselves stand out as they are fulfilled within. When I got saved I could not bear to have jewelry etc., and got rid not because I chose to l but it just happened, I saw no use for it.
Your actions prove your heart’s desire and your obedience to God.
Acts 17:24-31 says no gold jewelry it is idolatry and sin and you will be judged for it.
If you are focused on God you should be focused on doing his will and not sinning.
You thought you didn’t need it, Gods spirit moved you to get rid of it to avoid sin and judgement.