Please read the whole message, even if you’ve been saved. First accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; confess that He suffered and died for your sins on the cross. Then start repenting of your sins because we all have sinned and transgressed God's laws. God loves us so much that He sacrificed His only begotten Son (John 3:16), Jesus Christ, and if we love Him then we shall keep His Commandments (John 14:15). Those that know God and love Him will keep His Commandments; those that still refuse to keep them while saying they love Him and Know Him, they are liars, and the truth is not in them (1John 2:4-5). Read the received texts like KJV and keep God's 10 Laws which includes Sabbath (resting from Friday Sunset until Saturday Sunset[7th day{Genesis 2:2-3}]). The Bible teaches that thee antichrist is the Papacy: The Bible clearly states what character traits the antichrist has and only the Papacy fits the mark; all the reformers including Martin Luther agree with this because they saw the character traits of the Papal Rome and it fit what the books of Daniel and Revelation were stating and this includes the whore of Babylon being the Vatican, and the whole world is drinking the wine [wine {grape juice}means doctrine in the Bible, but her wine is fermented wine like Sunday worship to cause spiritual confusion] of her fornication putting themselves in Babylon as well. The mark of the beast is Forced Sunday rest [The Papacy says that the mark of its authority is Sunday] & the banning of Sabbath [7th day] Rest. It takes courage to be in the army of Christ. The battle lines are drawn: you either choose God by keeping Sabbath or Satan by keeping Sunday. We will go through persecution and tribulation and Satan isn’t stupid, don’t underestimate Him; he can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14): he won’t be coming in like some angel of darkness and his ministers of darkness will portray themselves as ministers of righteousness. Satan is showing all this evil to then come in as the good guy for you to join in unity in error-but you’ll think you’ll be worshipping God. Satan uses a lot of truth and mixes a little bit of error for your destruction. People will think they’re doing God’s work when they persecute God’s Sabbath keeping people (John 16:2). My brothers and sisters in Christ in the Catholic Church, those in Sunday keeping churches and for people that don’t know Jesus but are looking for the way, the life and truth-please come out of Babylon and repent of your sins before it's too late! But don't trust what I say; read and study the Bible to find out. I know what I said sounds harsh, I’m not trying to be, and I mean this with the upmost respect and kindness towards you and all of God’s beautiful creation of mankind-both in the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ. God bless! Sabbath day was not created for Israel: As God's people they needed to keep His Law's because God chose them. It was created before Israel and it's for all mankind who choose the True Living God, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Us Christians call Jesus King, which He is: A King has laws for His kingdom; 10 Perfect Laws our God created, which includes Sabbath (A day He sanctified, so you can’t say there’s any day of the week to rest with God: The day He set is the seventh day), and are part of His character. So if you choose Sunday rest when it's enforced (Mark of the beast) by the Antichrist (Roman Catholic Papacy-read Daniel 2&7&8 and Revelation 13 for information on the antichrist and the core of Bible Prophecy to understand):you are then breaking our Kings’ Laws. Keeping and resting on Sabbath along with, if you can congregate, always will mean you are choosing God and His authority in your life. Choosing Sunday now, since it hasn't been enforced, means you're knowingly or unknowingly choosing Satan's authority. But many will say, well Paul and the others broke bread on the first day of the week... Yeah you should worship God everyday and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ every once in a while, but Sabbath is the day of rest, hallowed and sanctified by God: The Seal to His Laws. The whole Bible says basically if you love God then keep his Commandments. Jesus died on the cross (Grace and Pardon) because we have sinned (transgressed His Law's[1 John 3:4]). So it's all about God's laws and Jesus saving us from our sin (His Sacrifice to pardon us and to save us for the Transgression of Gods’ Laws). Oh and yes, we are free from the Mosaic & Ceremonial laws when He died on the cross, but not God's Laws (Ten Commandments are in Exodus Chapter 20): we still keep them. We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ: We keep Gods’ Laws as a consequence of being saved. Love you, God bless. The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is the key to truly understanding the Book of Revelation; make sure to remember that every day in prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34). Book of Revelation is a chiasmus {[Looks like this(\/)](\Historical&Eschatological/)}also; this information will help you to understand the makeup of the way Revelation is written, along with The Book of Daniel. God bless with your search for truth (The word of God, Ten Commandments, and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life) my brothers and sisters in Christ-ask God in prayer what truth is and to ask for the spirit of prophecy, and for help to understand His Word. People that say it’s okay to break Sabbath and to keep Sunday or other days is an enemy of God; however, many have been deceived and God understands, please ask God for spiritual discernment. Don’t trust me, only Trust Jesus Christ, His Word and His Commandments. God bless! P.S. Please Subscribe to It Is Written on RUclips and watch their life changing videos about Jesus Christ and His Word. Please look up and watch the Total Onslaught Series with Walter Veith and Discover Prophecy with David Asscherick: Two lecture series for those who don’t have any understanding of Biblical Prophecy and those that do have some knowledge of prophecy and the war that’s going on; other great lectures for you to watch are Rekindling the Reformation, Darkness before Dawn, and In the stream of Time-all by Walter Veith, also watch this wonderful series called What’s up Prof with Walter Veith and Martin Smith as they use the Word of God and apply it to modern things going on for the times we live in now. If you really want to learn lots about the Bible and true doctrinal teachings about it and the war going on, these videos and lecture series will be a blessing to you and those you share them with. Also please read these wonderful books called The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan and The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White. It’s okay to hate me and I know I repeat myself a lot, that’s how important God wants you to know about keeping His Ten Laws including Sabbath, but please don’t hate the Truth- if it’s Truth, then it’s worth buying. I’m not better or wiser, I’m most pathetic, but because God cares about you and He is wanting seeds of truth to be in your heart for when you see the blatant truth of what really is going on, God shall be your growth and His Word a Lantern unto your feet in the spiritually dark world we live in. Please love your enemies that do great evil towards you, we are no better, we are all sinners. Please share this message if you want to. Revelation 14:6-12 6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. 8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. 12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Solas Scriptura!-The Bible and The Bible alone! Solas Christus!-Christ and Christ alone! Solas Fide!-Justified by Faith and faith alone! Solas Gratia!-By Grace and Grace alone! Solas Deo Gloria!-Glory to God alone! “Christ is with us until the world's end. Let his little flock be bold therefore.” -William Tyndale “The church of Christ is the multitude of all those who believe in Christ for the remission of sins, and who are thankful for that mercy and who love the law of God purely, and who hate the sin in this world an long for the life to come.” -William Tyndale “The Law and the Gospel are two keys. The Law is the key that shutteth up all men under condemnation, and the Gospel is the key which opens the door and lets them out.” -William Tyndale //
@@livingadamman7994 The news story directly said that the sheriff's office believed mental health was the motivating factor. You don't even have to read it, it is directly spoon fed to you in a 2 minute video. I weep at the thought that you have likely voted in several elections.
@@bronwyn3896 Hello distant cousin. I have always enjoyed the serenity of nature. As a kid, I spent many years walking alone in the Arkansas woods. As an adult, I spent many years camping. I love waking up in a tent near a lake, a campfire going, and breakfast on an old iron skillet. Paradise.
It's what I'm doing. SOCIETY SUCKS!!! The train of human mind chaos is gonna crash, I don't want to crash with ya'll. Nature is kind, and its healing to undo the riddles of society that are weaved into the mind. You can work and consume products till the day you die. You WONT find happiness there. You wont thrive, and you certainly don't inspire a younger generation to improve upon what society has given. Corruption, misinformation, false narratives, riots, protests, hunger, homelessness, apathy, drugs, medical experimental drug therapies, biological warfare, forced technological advancements, wireless devices causing cancer in our bodies, gmo foods.... i could do this all day..... list the reasons why someone would opt out of society..... mental health services are even inhumane these days. You get greeted by phone robots when you schedule appointments, covid tests big Q Tip poked into your brain soft tissues ... i am not under an illusion to why humans behave so stupid. Ya'll are lining up and letting the society controllers literally dumb down your brains. Makes PERFECT sense to opt out and just go be with Nature. If our ancestors could survive 4 seasons around the world to get to here today, then by golly... going back to the land should be EASY for us. Sadly, not everyone can adjust.... the mind control is strong.
INdeed; and I do believe you're right that she made the 'decision to live apart from humanity' and I don't think she was actually lost. Likely had lots of food with her too...and I'd like to know how cold the winters actually get in that part of the country, besides the fact there's clearly a fire pit in the background and some kind of structure.
I can sort of see where you're coming from but I gotta say If her practically starving herself just to 'get away' doesn't make you question her mental health perhaps the mental health you should be questioning is your own my guy just sayin...
@ That's because they wanted to twist things up and shove a narrative down our throats. Anyone with even half a brain knows that if that were actually the case, she would not have survived nor would she have been able to be so strategic.
@@GospelOfTimothy exactly. She was getting food and gas. She clearly wanted to be where she was. She probably survived the winter by staying in the car with the heat on.
@@GospelOfTimothyBattery would have died at some point, but if she was nearby she could have indeed just waited there for people to come by. She had a somewhat visible tent from the looks of it, not a camo colored one or anything. Should be ways of telling people you want some alone time without making them worry you've gone missing for some reason. I think there are long hiking trails people take for weeks and such, out and away from any civilization, but so long as you let someone know you're there they won't bother you, not like they could out there generally.
So evidently she was within walking distance of her car in a parking lot. And they still couldn't find her. Carried a tent with her and maybe some food. I'd say she had no desire to be found.
I lived in a tent for 18 months, had my tent on a hill and a big spring that split around it into the river, was definitely rough but I willingly done it, I had some major soul searching and addiction issues to face and isolating myself from pretty much the whole world seemed like the answer, and I can say I learned a lot about myself out there,
very impressive. I think that might be a better method for some then rehab. But I emphasize some, it's not for everyone and then there is the safety issue. But even getting away for a long weekend and living in the wild can definitely be beneficial. It's amazing how good the small things are when you get back, especially a hot shower, nice meal and comfortable bed.
@@jaxjohnson5372 Sadly I can't say yes to this, I still faced many battles even after my experience out there, I wouldn't even say I'm cured today, I don't believe I'll ever view myself as cured, I have to always admit to myself I'm an addict because the moment I let that go then I no longer have that guard up, (if that makes sense) I view myself as an addict who no longer uses, but if I don't tell myself this it would be easy to fall back into old ways, I can say though that I definitely liked the soul who came out of those woods much more than the soul who walked into them. I from that point on realized to take responsibility for the choices I made and in what direction I took my next step was up to me and no one else . Hope that kind helps your question . 🥰
@@sanansa4567 I couldn't have said it any better myself , it's for sure not for everyone and I even questioned myself many times out there, there was many times I thought I would not walk out of the woods, but I eventually realized that no one was going to 'save' me except I myself. I realized I was doing this to myself for a reason and I had to face those reasons. I spent many days crying, I spent many days screaming out to the sky " where are all those friends I thought I had" and " where is this God I've read about" and in the silent replies is where I found the loudest answers. I truly believe it did give me what I was searching for when I decided to isolate myself. Many people didn't understand how or why I was doing it but in the end that was ok because the journey and soul searching wasn't meant for them, it was a journey I had to face alone. And absolutely after sleeping, bathing, and eating some very questionable things out there those 3 things were greatly appreciated with my return. Bathing in a spring fed river in the middle of winter was not ideal at the time but I truly believe it to was one of the things that made me into the person I was looking for. I believe each and every single experience had an affect on who I was in the end of it all . And even to this day I absolutely love my blanket and pillows lol 🥰🥰
Another 5 months and she just might've have mastered her survival instincts. Impressive. A lesson to all. Never give up. I don't think she wanted to be found.
@Domer Yes, I totally agree. I think if I knew I was going to be homeless soon, I'd take my camping gear deep into a national park and just live there.
@@itcshifter8114 Reports I've read disagree with your statement. They did know she was missing which is why they came across her car. She was ultimately found when rescue crews were hunting for the drone they lost while using it to try to find her. They stumbled upon what they thought was an abandoned tent but found her alive inside.
@@mizera_mykle Very good point. It also calls into question the SAR procedures from late 2020. I'm not saying they did a bad job months ago, but what I am saying is that there are disturbingly numerous cases where a thorough search of an area yields nothing, and later the person is found in the middle of the area previously searched.
I think she got lost in the woods and couldn't find her way out is why she was there so long. They said she had little food and she stretched it as far as she could and that she ate grass and moss. That doesn't sound like someone who wanted to stay in the woods. That sounds like someone who went in to full survival mode.
It adds up perfectly: THE UFO's helped her survive for 5 months, and now that she has been discovered, they are keeping her on the psych ward---to see if the UFO's try to make contact... AGAIN
Lol. Theres no context on why shes in the woods. Im guessing she wanted to get away from it all; parked car; made a long walk next to a stream for water; was like "ima camp here"; sees a drone; pops her head out "shit they found me"; goes back in tent; then rangers arrive
@@trentbrownstone1481 There's no way she stretched the food she carried into the Canyon originally. They said she ate grass and moss. Grass has negative nutritional value and humans can't digest cellulose. So, she would have terrible stomach aches, along with dysentery, which would result in dehydration, further worsening her condition.
@@whybutwhy4137 - Yes, she was sane enough to provide for herself, but her paranoia got to her. She told us she was only going to return after our uncle's passing.
Lmao. All jokes aside, it's really cool that we can now use drones to look for missing people. She would have never been found if this was a century ago...
You're telling me that she had a tent set up next to a stream and they both stand out like a sore thumb but yet no one found her. Who was doing your search and rescue the local nursing home.
Our local nursing home (I’m in Alabama) handles the majority of the search and rescue operations in my county, and although they hardly ever find anyone, I don’t think they deserve to be the punchline of random you tube comments. They save us a lot of money and it’s one of the reasons our taxes are low (we also refuse to fund education, and the nursing homes step up).
She's social distanced. The world is ending right? Societies crumbling? People no longer care... she could probably help save a lot of people seeking to escape oppressive city situations. I hope she does inspire people to get out to nature. She is living proof that nature can't be THAT bad if she's survived with such minimal stuff. We all can't comprehend not being jacked into the wifi.... this lady prolly found true peace in her heart in her time spent alone in nature like this. Mental health issues are a result of human traumas, the natural world didn't hurt her mind. People did.
@@missymoonwillow6545 Wow you made so many assumptions about this women its kinda unbelievable. hahahaha from the sounds of it seems like she wouldn't have lasted much longer if she wasn't found. They definitely didn't say... She was fat and happy as a pig! hahaha
Imagine you just want to escape society and live in the wilderness and reality walks up and takes you back saying, "no, you can't do that. You have bills to pay"
With mountain lions, wolves, cayotes, bears, (snakes, scorpions and ants in spring as well). For 5 months thru winter? She has some survival skills alright.
Same thing happened to a kid19 in nebraska today they kid got on a private plane and was found sleeping and they people that found him took his gun they got him out and found out he tried breaking into the local college before he tried the airport
@@gorrillawarfair stress is a thing bro. There are people who exist who want the world to be better but are powerless to do so. Then people who aid into this world's bs by taking. If modern day businesses arnt a big enough example.
@@TimeTurnerTarotAndArtStudio remember the lost man that was found in a bear cave near death. The bear was nibbling on him for months, but he was alive.
Maybe, just maybe she sat down one day, took a good hard look at her life and made a really tough decision. Maybe that was her 'Dark Night of the Soul.' You can't run away from yourself, where ever you go; there you'll be. I would love to hear her story. As a woman who has had it all and lost it all, I can say this: It was in the silence that I found answers. I isolated myself, (not to her degree), however it was isolation and the silence that I came to know who I am and what I'm made of. "I am loved as I am, not as I should be." It is only my opinion that I believe she had a very good reason for being there. If she was lost when she got there, I sincerely pray she was found before they rescued her. Much love and prayers for this woman! I hope she kept a journal. I have a feeling we'll be hearing from her when she's ready. God Bless you all and much love! 🕇❤
@@SteamvilleQuintet for me not like this. It reminds me of Mcandless who went to Alaska and ended up needing help in the end but because he fleed from everyone he regretted it
@@Chichilovee Doesn't anyone think she would be traumatized after this ordeal? I certainly do. I hope she can receive the support she needs, but left to incompetent law enforcement, they'll probably treat her like some kind of perpetrator. She's going to need a good attorney. I wish her all the best.
Blows my mind how people these days think that a year where we got multiple thousand dollar checks and free slate on rent during an age where we all have movies, games, tv, and the internet is somehow just the worst thing that could happen cuz "gotta stay inside and wear a mask or a risk a 1-3% chance of death." I'd love to see some people who actually lived during the black plague be around and see how they react to that. Maybe some Jews or Siberans who's families got systematically (ACTUALLY systematically) exterminated by fascists and communists perhaps. Or heck, maybe even people living in North Korea or working the concentration camps in modern day China. But yea, boohoo we had to (kind of) sit in our horrible air conditioned houses for a year; poor us.
well, that was winter when they went look for her which is harder. This is a prime example, when looking something you lost in your house, won’t find it until looking for something else.
She saw the state of the world and said "fuck it. I'll take my chances in the wild for 5 months." If you ask me she's the sane one and WE need a mental health check.
I couldn't agree with you more! The rest of the world is crazy. She's just marching to a different drummer & survived to tell the story. I do want to hear more though.
It's very hard to keep any tent looking that good after that long, especially in extreme weather. The fly was nice and taunt. No tears. The towel looked clean. Something doesn't add up.
@@iWillProbablyDieOnTwoWheels That joke is older than hell. I met Jesus and many have too. Tell me why Muslims, Hindu and people form various religions ask their God to come and Jesus comes only... why dont atheists who die and come back to life talk about Allah or other deities being seen? Why is there no testimony about any other so called deity being witnessed these days but Jesus? Ill tell you why, the reason is this: Once you develop enough courage to ask your creator to come to you to know him Jesus comes if you ask with all your heart. You can tell me the universe started out of nothing but to me that is plain stupid. And if you believe that then you are both plain and stupid too... as I said I have met Jesus many times and so can you but if you do not want to read a mere 200 pages while asking him to come thats your folly not mine.
@@s.p.baughman7885 I don't know about laughing, but I'm in agreement that there's more to this story than what's being told to us. Especially being found living "in a tent"...
@@Hal_Beep-Boop I have a speech impediment and I do not talk like him. My dad is slowly declining mentally and him and Biden sound like carbon copies so idk what you're on about bud. Also that's completely false about Trump the dudes a mentally fit narcissist, though I'm not surprised to be hearing lies coming from a democrat.
Ya like all other comments said, there is something missing from this story. She isn't that far from society to not find her way back and we don't hear her side of this. She was probably just testing out living wild and seeing how long she could last and these guys ruined it.
For sure. The whole state of Utah and it's true history is missing from the story as well. Melted cities of long long ago.... hidden doors into mountainsides on the freeway, metal doors leading underground on the side of the freeways.... Zion national park.... no one bothers to study the ancestors, no body cares to understand the place they live or visit, just living here now... better off not knowing what is past, who cares how we navigate the future. This woman is a highly intuitive empath, and couldn't handle being in society as it crumbles. Plain and simple. Now that the authorities have a hold of her, they are going to "see she has proper care".... meaning, off to a mental hospital she goes. Cause in America, if you are not a sad homeless person on a curb, you're not welcome to exist outside of society.
Not to make light of a serious situation but I find it amazing how when they kept looking for her, they couldn't find her. But when they were actually looking for the drone and not her, they actually finally found her trying to find the drone.
You know there’s something to what you said. I’ve been on lost hiker searches and after days of searching found the person who told us that we went right by them several times? We never saw them and they never made any noise for us to locate them? On another note, I have told hunters who shot deer that ran away and couldn’t find it to take a young kid 4 or 5 years old out to look with them and they found the deer relatively fast right we’re they’ve searched previously. The kid didn’t find the deer but it keeps you preoccupied watching out for there safety and you stumble upon the deer somehow.
@@akey1203akak I think that's a bit of a leap of logic. It's more likely that they knew roughly where the drone had come down so were able to narrow down their search right away to that area. On the other hand, the missing woman could have been anywhere. It was just good luck - or good karma/magic/whatever you want to believe in - that the drone happened to land nearby and so led the searchers to her.
Just the other day in New Zealand a 3 year old wandered off from his house dressed only in a diaper, T shirt and gum boots. Spent 22 hours lost in the forest with a night time low temperature of 7 degrees Celsius, and much to the delight of the entire country was found alive and well.
Really? That exact same story happened here in the US somewhere in the Midwest. The kid was found in the middle of a thick thorn bush with minimal scratches or bruises. He said he made friends with a bear who stayed with him and protected him until they could hear people calling his name. It was about a year ago
@@jasonk2518 I remember that! That was an amazing story! It left several people wondering 💭 Could it have been a real bear, 🐻 or a homeless person? Maybe even Bigfoot? Could’ve been an Angel or was it his imagination? So many questions. Just thank the good lord he was found and was fine.
Congratulations on your survival! For more than 5 months you had been sought after. That means that there are people who care about you. If you do have mental problems, you deserve to get help with that. You are strong enough & smart enough to have made it for 5 months. Wow. Much respect to you for your remaining alive during such difficulties. For one thing, you knew what to eat that would help you stay alive. Take care. Stay safe.
You're talking to her in the first person. Direct. This is a news report. Now on RUclips. Talking in the 3rd person. Distant. I think everyone needs a psychologist!
I'm not seeing the likelihood of her surviving through the temperatures for an entire winter without some level of preparation. I think she chose to be.
@Hoyt Christian didn't say she had food left, just that she stretched her out then ate grass and moss. But if she was able to stretch it even half that time she must've taken a good bit with her and planned on being gone a while
Exactly what I would say And why is this so spectacular? This woman has great survival skills She didn't learn those in any high School junior college or university
When the snow packs around the tent it turns the tent into an igloo. All she needed was a sleeping bag, water and food. She had a small vacation. She didn't want to be found. I feel her.
I feel her! Lolz. There was a woman I read about in Bangladesh. She bribed her maid to spread the ‘news’ that she drowned while she just went off to be alone.
Additional news sources stated the woman has said "she sought solitude and isolation" the Sheriff department stressed she broke no laws and if she wishes to return to the area they will not dedicate any resources towards her.
It's good that her family and friends know she's okay. If she had been in a good place spiritually or mentally for this, she'd have told her family and friends, or atleast someone.. I can only imagine the heart ache she's caused those that love her
Something sounded funny about this. Why would she just hunker down in a tent all winter, and not try and hike out. Tents are portable, so even if it's many miles in she could have walked out. She hiked to where she laid camp from her car.
Okay a lot of you don't realize this we are all different we all have different coping skills this woman may have been through something she could not cope with and thought the only way to deal with it was to get away from it and everything else I felt that way myself before there's no shame on it if I hadn't left myself no one knows what would have happened my situation I would have killed somebody hers only she knows stop speculating people get a life let her live hers
@@BettyWhite2171 because someone has anxiety adhd or a dissociative disorder means they can’t possess the capability to thrive in a survival situation? That’s very narrow minded
I’m pretty sure it’s the rest of us out here in “normal” society that have the mental health issues. She survives 5 months alone in the winter and the average Joe can’t last 20 min in traffic before road rage sets in. Props to her for not needing the Koolaide to survive.
Escaping is one thing, if you are well equipped for it. It appears she was not. Mental illness is not something to take lightly. She may need assistance and protection.
IS that a good job? Dogs--and equipment and "trained" professionals, not a clue where she was--could not track her--with dogs, what have you--took this long and you say "good job"?????
To which she replied upon being found “Are you kidding me?! How far into the Forrest do I need to go before my boss sends someone out to hunt me down?!”
You would be surprised if you had to something like this survival mode would kick in. It's like fight or flight. Most would flight.. But a strong minded person would be able to survive.
Lol.. it’s already off the charts and you can’t drag your ill adult friend or child to help unless the cops can give him a criminal record in the process.
@@stevenrogers5338 No, but she most certainly was buying food at the nearest GAS STATION with the car right next to her tent. You can't stay alive for five months on grass and moss unless you have ~50+ lb of body fat weight to lose before hand (like a bear hybernating)
Reminds me of the guy who lived in the woods0 many years in Maine. He broke into cabins for food. He'd had enough of the modern world. His camp site was very well hidden, but not far from the cabins.
Pretty sure she found peace until strangers intervened. How did she eat grass in the worst winter with more snow than in a long time? Think about it. She was going to get food but "they" don't want people knowing this can be done so they made up a story that no one can confirm due to hidden identity. This land is your land, this land is my land, and she found her land. It wasn't all junked up looking like a homeless camp or anything. So if she's "mental" then her "mental" issues helped her survive where most others would have perished.
Yes but they wore animal furs to keep warm... the story is incomplete. Someone must’ve kidnapped her, abused her and then returned her to the same area. They said they found her tent abandoned by the car, yet she was in a brandnew looking tent somewhere else when she was found... she just happened to have another tent on her??
@@michaelflinn2791 no not really. Saying hey I don't want to be bothered for awhile but everything is okay! So that people aren't wasting time and resources looking for you
5 winter months in Utah. I could do that standing on my head coming from Boston lol. But seriously, it can be rough camping out in the summer, let alone the winter
And the floor of the tent was immaculate I don't believe the story one bit no way that tent and that towel and everything for 5 months would look like that
@@thebat7505 You obviously have never been camping every time you go in and out of the tent especially if you don’t have a mat you track dirt in and if you don’t have a broom or a small dustpan a tent becomes very dirty very fast
@@r3vmixman I looked up the snow levels in the area she was at and they are in sane you’re not collecting Moss or grass at that point I think it was staged that tent did not look like it had been erected outside for five months The snow level alone would have collapsed that tent
How did she survive in a tent for the entire winter? I have SO many questions. Things just aren’t adding up or connecting for me, but then there’s also so much this story isn’t telling yet. Hopefully one day we can get a follow up story if she decides to talk.
@@tjmusiker407 absolutley not, i prefer not to waste compassion on mostly ingrates and mostly undeserving. I used to be homeless, i was homeless cause of my own actions and became not-homeless on my own actions as well. Its people like you that enable people to never make anything of themselves because you make excuses for them rather than hold them accountable.
Glad she was found! Amazing to think how she survived the winter. Crazy! How is she now? An update would be nice including how she survived so long. Hope she is doing good.
Moss, grass, and water. What a dining pleasure. If this woman is beside herself, she still has enough sense to survive. 20 weeks through a Utah winter? Girl Scout extraordinaire.
And also unbelievable. What moss and grass did she eat through the winter? Utah winters are notoriously harsh. I agree with other commenters. Something doesn’t add up. If she were really some sort of super survivalist, there would be no downside to revealing her identity. At the very least, she’d rule social media.
There has got to be more to this story. How could this woman have survived for 5 months, alone in the mountains, during the winter time? Did she have survival skills? Did she make any attempts to be found? What made her go up there in the first place? What has she been doing all this time?
2:01 I wanna know who thought “hey Brian go stand on those rocks over there in the creek, it’ll look cool for the shot”. Glad they found her alive though.
Im glad she's ok and when we all have to learn to live without our creature comforts, maybe people like her will help us out. But if they're truly smart, they won't.
Winter in the West is very different from winter in the East coast and Midwest. And even the cold is different. I lived in the West, South, Midwest and East coast. Though it snows more in the West but the cold is dry and doesn't penetrate your body as much to cause chills. So you can be outside even on a tank top and not feel any chills. However, l learned very harshly that though it snows less in the East coast, Midwest and some part of the south, however the cold is wet and will penetrate your body fast to cause chills or even pneumonia if out for long. There is reason why people in the Est coat wear trench coats in the winter but rarely the case in the West.
When she sees what's been going on in the US for the past 6 months, she's probably going to run back to the forest. She might well be the only sane person left in the US. Perhaps it's the rest of us who are nutz.
Her mental capacity is probably better than than most. She was able to SURVIVE an entire winter in a tent. Come on- She may be fed up with people & wants to be alone . There’s nothing crazy about that! God Bless & Protect from those that think they know best 🙏❤️
most people dont decide to starve themselves in a tent over winter. she picked that spot and did that to herself. at no point was she lost, just missing, do you get it now?
Got to hand it to her, the whole area around her tent was clean and organized. Her tent wasn't falling apart and it didn't look like she was destroying the surrounding habitat. Wish I could say the same for all the tents I see here in Seattle.
She is either a Hide and seek champ or just tired of everyone's BS.
Osama Bin Laden is still the champ of hide n seek
Please read the whole message, even if you’ve been saved.
First accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; confess that He suffered and died for your sins on the cross. Then start repenting of your sins because we all have sinned and transgressed God's laws. God loves us so much that He sacrificed His only begotten Son (John 3:16), Jesus Christ, and if we love Him then we shall keep His Commandments (John 14:15). Those that know God and love Him will keep His Commandments; those that still refuse to keep them while saying they love Him and Know Him, they are liars, and the truth is not in them (1John 2:4-5). Read the received texts like KJV and keep God's 10 Laws which includes Sabbath (resting from Friday Sunset until Saturday Sunset[7th day{Genesis 2:2-3}]). The Bible teaches that thee antichrist is the Papacy: The Bible clearly states what character traits the antichrist has and only the Papacy fits the mark; all the reformers including Martin Luther agree with this because they saw the character traits of the Papal Rome and it fit what the books of Daniel and Revelation were stating and this includes the whore of Babylon being the Vatican, and the whole world is drinking the wine [wine {grape juice}means doctrine in the Bible, but her wine is fermented wine like Sunday worship to cause spiritual confusion] of her fornication putting themselves in Babylon as well. The mark of the beast is Forced Sunday rest [The Papacy says that the mark of its authority is Sunday] & the banning of Sabbath [7th day] Rest. It takes courage to be in the army of Christ. The battle lines are drawn: you either choose God by keeping Sabbath or Satan by keeping Sunday. We will go through persecution and tribulation and Satan isn’t stupid, don’t underestimate Him; he can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14): he won’t be coming in like some angel of darkness and his ministers of darkness will portray themselves as ministers of righteousness. Satan is showing all this evil to then come in as the good guy for you to join in unity in error-but you’ll think you’ll be worshipping God. Satan uses a lot of truth and mixes a little bit of error for your destruction. People will think they’re doing God’s work when they persecute God’s Sabbath keeping people (John 16:2). My brothers and sisters in Christ in the Catholic Church, those in Sunday keeping churches and for people that don’t know Jesus but are looking for the way, the life and truth-please come out of Babylon and repent of your sins before it's too late! But don't trust what I say; read and study the Bible to find out. I know what I said sounds harsh, I’m not trying to be, and I mean this with the upmost respect and kindness towards you and all of God’s beautiful creation of mankind-both in the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ. God bless!
Sabbath day was not created for Israel: As God's people they needed to keep His Law's because God chose them. It was created before Israel and it's for all mankind who choose the True Living God, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Us Christians call Jesus King, which He is: A King has laws for His kingdom; 10 Perfect Laws our God created, which includes Sabbath (A day He sanctified, so you can’t say there’s any day of the week to rest with God: The day He set is the seventh day), and are part of His character. So if you choose Sunday rest when it's enforced (Mark of the beast) by the Antichrist (Roman Catholic Papacy-read Daniel 2&7&8 and Revelation 13 for information on the antichrist and the core of Bible Prophecy to understand):you are then breaking our Kings’ Laws. Keeping and resting on Sabbath along with, if you can congregate, always will mean you are choosing God and His authority in your life. Choosing Sunday now, since it hasn't been enforced, means you're knowingly or unknowingly choosing Satan's authority. But many will say, well Paul and the others broke bread on the first day of the week... Yeah you should worship God everyday and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ every once in a while, but Sabbath is the day of rest, hallowed and sanctified by God: The Seal to His Laws. The whole Bible says basically if you love God then keep his Commandments. Jesus died on the cross (Grace and Pardon) because we have sinned (transgressed His Law's[1 John 3:4]). So it's all about God's laws and Jesus saving us from our sin (His Sacrifice to pardon us and to save us for the Transgression of Gods’ Laws). Oh and yes, we are free from the Mosaic & Ceremonial laws when He died on the cross, but not God's Laws (Ten Commandments are in Exodus Chapter 20): we still keep them. We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ: We keep Gods’ Laws as a consequence of being saved. Love you, God bless.
The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is the key to truly understanding the Book of Revelation; make sure to remember that every day in prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34). Book of Revelation is a chiasmus {[Looks like this(\/)](\Historical&Eschatological/)}also; this information will help you to understand the makeup of the way Revelation is written, along with The Book of Daniel. God bless with your search for truth (The word of God, Ten Commandments, and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life) my brothers and sisters in Christ-ask God in prayer what truth is and to ask for the spirit of prophecy, and for help to understand His Word. People that say it’s okay to break Sabbath and to keep Sunday or other days is an enemy of God; however, many have been deceived and God understands, please ask God for spiritual discernment. Don’t trust me, only Trust Jesus Christ, His Word and His Commandments. God bless!
P.S. Please Subscribe to It Is Written on RUclips and watch their life changing videos about Jesus Christ and His Word. Please look up and watch the Total Onslaught Series with Walter Veith and Discover Prophecy with David Asscherick: Two lecture series for those who don’t have any understanding of Biblical Prophecy and those that do have some knowledge of prophecy and the war that’s going on; other great lectures for you to watch are Rekindling the Reformation, Darkness before Dawn, and In the stream of Time-all by Walter Veith, also watch this wonderful series called What’s up Prof with Walter Veith and Martin Smith as they use the Word of God and apply it to modern things going on for the times we live in now. If you really want to learn lots about the Bible and true doctrinal teachings about it and the war going on, these videos and lecture series will be a blessing to you and those you share them with. Also please read these wonderful books called The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan and The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White.
It’s okay to hate me and I know I repeat myself a lot, that’s how important God wants you to know about keeping His Ten Laws including Sabbath, but please don’t hate the Truth- if it’s Truth, then it’s worth buying. I’m not better or wiser, I’m most pathetic, but because God cares about you and He is wanting seeds of truth to be in your heart for when you see the blatant truth of what really is going on, God shall be your growth and His Word a Lantern unto your feet in the spiritually dark world we live in. Please love your enemies that do great evil towards you, we are no better, we are all sinners. Please share this message if you want to.
Revelation 14:6-12
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Solas Scriptura!-The Bible and The Bible alone!
Solas Christus!-Christ and Christ alone!
Solas Fide!-Justified by Faith and faith alone!
Solas Gratia!-By Grace and Grace alone!
Solas Deo Gloria!-Glory to God alone!
“Christ is with us until the world's end. Let his little flock be bold therefore.”
-William Tyndale
“The church of Christ is the multitude of all those who believe in Christ for the remission of sins, and who are thankful for that mercy and who love the law of God purely, and who hate the sin in this world an long for the life to come.”
-William Tyndale
“The Law and the Gospel are two keys. The Law is the key that shutteth up all men under condemnation, and the Gospel is the key which opens the door and lets them out.”
-William Tyndale
@@brotherzacharyjongejan Bwahahahaha get a life
@@cr7_madrid540 Bog Off! They found him working in a fish & chip shop years ago!
Covid getaway
There's no way she would be able to stretch out a backpack of food for 5 months. This lady wanted to be out there, she wasn't lost.
Thats my guess. Probably still thankful to be found if her physical health is bad enough. Hopefully they will elaborate further as they learn more.
Yeah. There’s no way she was lost.
@@DavidHeffron78 exactly it's propaganda or trying to explain away irresponsibility, either way BS on part of the story
@@livingadamman7994 The news story directly said that the sheriff's office believed mental health was the motivating factor. You don't even have to read it, it is directly spoon fed to you in a 2 minute video. I weep at the thought that you have likely voted in several elections.
@@matthew92604 I guess it doesn't take much to make you weep. Do you keep a good supply of Kleenex?
In today's insane world, her decision to live apart from humanity seems natural and rational.
Absolutely. I'd love nothing more.
@@bronwyn3896 Hello distant cousin. I have always enjoyed the serenity of nature. As a kid, I spent many years walking alone in the Arkansas woods. As an adult, I spent many years camping. I love waking up in a tent near a lake, a campfire going, and breakfast on an old iron skillet. Paradise.
It's what I'm doing. SOCIETY SUCKS!!! The train of human mind chaos is gonna crash, I don't want to crash with ya'll. Nature is kind, and its healing to undo the riddles of society that are weaved into the mind. You can work and consume products till the day you die. You WONT find happiness there. You wont thrive, and you certainly don't inspire a younger generation to improve upon what society has given. Corruption, misinformation, false narratives, riots, protests, hunger, homelessness, apathy, drugs, medical experimental drug therapies, biological warfare, forced technological advancements, wireless devices causing cancer in our bodies, gmo foods.... i could do this all day..... list the reasons why someone would opt out of society..... mental health services are even inhumane these days. You get greeted by phone robots when you schedule appointments, covid tests big Q Tip poked into your brain soft tissues ... i am not under an illusion to why humans behave so stupid. Ya'll are lining up and letting the society controllers literally dumb down your brains. Makes PERFECT sense to opt out and just go be with Nature. If our ancestors could survive 4 seasons around the world to get to here today, then by golly... going back to the land should be EASY for us. Sadly, not everyone can adjust.... the mind control is strong.
INdeed; and I do believe you're right that she made the 'decision to live apart from humanity' and I don't think she was actually lost. Likely had lots of food with her too...and I'd like to know how cold the winters actually get in that part of the country, besides the fact there's clearly a fire pit in the background and some kind of structure.
Yeeeee agree
Her mental health isn't questionable for me. I just returned home from camping and would stay living that way forever if I could.
I can sort of see where you're coming from but I gotta say If her practically starving herself just to 'get away' doesn't make you question her mental health perhaps the mental health you should be questioning is your own my guy just sayin...
so your a big grass eater like cattle and moss eater your grocery bill must be minimal
You can just pack your shit and go lol that easy it's complicated because of emotion man
Laura M Sadclown yeah, you have a point.
Sadly, people who want to get away from civilization are seen as the crazy ones!
Seems like they found someone who didn't want to be found...
Thats what i think too.
@ 😬 power hungry...
@@rikkupikku._ Spot On
@ That's because they wanted to twist things up and shove a narrative down our throats. Anyone with even half a brain knows that if that were actually the case, she would not have survived nor would she have been able to be so strategic.
Obviously she knew where the road was and could have started walking and flagged down a car. She did not want to be found.
She had a car
@@GospelOfTimothy exactly. She was getting food and gas. She clearly wanted to be where she was. She probably survived the winter by staying in the car with the heat on.
REALLY good point!
@@GospelOfTimothyBattery would have died at some point, but if she was nearby she could have indeed just waited there for people to come by. She had a somewhat visible tent from the looks of it, not a camo colored one or anything.
Should be ways of telling people you want some alone time without making them worry you've gone missing for some reason. I think there are long hiking trails people take for weeks and such, out and away from any civilization, but so long as you let someone know you're there they won't bother you, not like they could out there generally.
Witpro - go camping for 1/3 year
So evidently she was within walking distance of her car in a parking lot. And they still couldn't find her. Carried a tent with her and maybe some food. I'd say she had no desire to be found.
Agreed.... she wasn't really lost or missing. She just LEFT and needed to get away!
@@anniedarkhorse6791 Yes, but only if she made that perfectly clear when she was found.
She wasn't within walking distance of her car when they found her though Right?......
@@mitchweber7868 Well, she got there from her car somehow. If not within walking distance how else did she get there?
I lived in a tent for 18 months, had my tent on a hill and a big spring that split around it into the river, was definitely rough but I willingly done it, I had some major soul searching and addiction issues to face and isolating myself from pretty much the whole world seemed like the answer, and I can say I learned a lot about myself out there,
Did it cure the addiction issues?
very impressive. I think that might be a better method for some then rehab. But I emphasize some, it's not for everyone and then there is the safety issue. But even getting away for a long weekend and living in the wild can definitely be beneficial. It's amazing how good the small things are when you get back, especially a hot shower, nice meal and comfortable bed.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I bet in some ways you missed the location you called home for that long?
@@jaxjohnson5372 Sadly I can't say yes to this, I still faced many battles even after my experience out there, I wouldn't even say I'm cured today, I don't believe I'll ever view myself as cured, I have to always admit to myself I'm an addict because the moment I let that go then I no longer have that guard up, (if that makes sense) I view myself as an addict who no longer uses, but if I don't tell myself this it would be easy to fall back into old ways, I can say though that I definitely liked the soul who came out of those woods much more than the soul who walked into them. I from that point on realized to take responsibility for the choices I made and in what direction I took my next step was up to me and no one else . Hope that kind helps your question . 🥰
@@sanansa4567 I couldn't have said it any better myself , it's for sure not for everyone and I even questioned myself many times out there, there was many times I thought I would not walk out of the woods, but I eventually realized that no one was going to 'save' me except I myself. I realized I was doing this to myself for a reason and I had to face those reasons. I spent many days crying, I spent many days screaming out to the sky " where are all those friends I thought I had" and " where is this God I've read about" and in the silent replies is where I found the loudest answers. I truly believe it did give me what I was searching for when I decided to isolate myself. Many people didn't understand how or why I was doing it but in the end that was ok because the journey and soul searching wasn't meant for them, it was a journey I had to face alone. And absolutely after sleeping, bathing, and eating some very questionable things out there those 3 things were greatly appreciated with my return. Bathing in a spring fed river in the middle of winter was not ideal at the time but I truly believe it to was one of the things that made me into the person I was looking for. I believe each and every single experience had an affect on who I was in the end of it all . And even to this day I absolutely love my blanket and pillows lol 🥰🥰
Some people take social distancing to a whole new level.
Best comment I've read all day
everyone's like "oh she didnt want to be found" but bro what if she was just tired of the pandemic and decided to wait it out
@@someidiot420 she left b4 the pandemic
@@notsure4237 No, 5 months ago, pandemic has been going on since March last year....
Another 5 months and she just might've have mastered her survival instincts. Impressive. A lesson to all. Never give up. I don't think she wanted to be found.
She definitely did not want to be found. She could have just walked down to leave, if they just walked up to find the drone.
Im actually planning on learning to live off the land someday and what she did is insane
@@asstroeongdong-min1709 I hope you like grass and moss ;-)
Yeah obviously she just needed a life reset and miraculously got it. No bills, job, stress, just living life back to basics.
Some abused people would rather live in the woods in peace. You never know what kind of physical or mental stress someone is going through.
Right. Just needed a 'safe space'. ...That's sarcastic, in case you don't realize.
Waiting for a baked potato to be out office. Not a bad idea.🤔
@Domer Yes, I totally agree. I think if I knew I was going to be homeless soon, I'd take my camping gear deep into a national park and just live there.
@Jay Sherier me too!
@Jay Sherier just make sure you have 2 sticks and something dry to ignite
That way this world is now, it’s not the crazy who take themselves out of society and off the grid. Those are the sane ones.
thats a strange way to determine ones mental well being. i bet youre a great judge of character
So your calling yourself and the rest of the internet crazy?
@@soaringpuppy4042 I’m only here to pray for all the trolls.
She could've left any time. She wasn't missing, she chose to stay there.
They didn't just find her car in the parking lot locked up with her other gear but TOOK IT!
Rescue folks removed her ability to leave🤦Morons...
Ya, but they didn’t realize that she wasn’t missing until she was found.
@@itcshifter8114 Reports I've read disagree with your statement. They did know she was missing which is why they came across her car. She was ultimately found when rescue crews were hunting for the drone they lost while using it to try to find her. They stumbled upon what they thought was an abandoned tent but found her alive inside.
@@mizera_mykle Very good point. It also calls into question the SAR procedures from late 2020. I'm not saying they did a bad job months ago, but what I am saying is that there are disturbingly numerous cases where a thorough search of an area yields nothing, and later the person is found in the middle of the area previously searched.
I think she got lost in the woods and couldn't find her way out is why she was there so long. They said she had little food and she stretched it as far as she could and that she ate grass and moss. That doesn't sound like someone who wanted to stay in the woods. That sounds like someone who went in to full survival mode.
Something doesn't add up. We need more story on this one.
For sure!
@Andres Arroyo (Student) 5 months is not a fail in my book. Pretty fantastic.
It adds up perfectly: THE UFO's helped her survive for 5 months, and now that she has been discovered, they are keeping her on the psych ward---to see if the UFO's try to make contact... AGAIN
I call b*******
Lol. Theres no context on why shes in the woods. Im guessing she wanted to get away from it all; parked car; made a long walk next to a stream for water; was like "ima camp here"; sees a drone; pops her head out "shit they found me"; goes back in tent; then rangers arrive
I can almost guarantee you they impounded her car and are charging thousands for her to get it back.
What's that hospital bill going to cost too?
Maybe in some dystopian slum lord mega-city, but not rural Utah.
@@cheddar2648 lol. Absolutely not only in big cities. The slum is all around now in case you had your eyes closed for 40 years
@@nicholasdunn7258 sadly I agree with ya on that
@@cheddar2648 Idk. I lived in Utah for a number of years and can say it's true.
Mental health challenges ?? This woman did what most men couldn’t do! She’s a cut above the rest if you ask me. She’s got one hell of a story now.
Especially Liberal He , Hims , lol !
She was within walking distance from her car, she wasn't roughing it miles out in the wild. They found food stores with her as well.
@@trentbrownstone1481 There's no way she stretched the food she carried into the Canyon originally. They said she ate grass and moss. Grass has negative nutritional value and humans can't digest cellulose. So, she would have terrible stomach aches, along with dysentery, which would result in dehydration, further worsening her condition.
Maybe she was tired of the life she had and she went there to be alone.
She’s alive and that’s all that matters.
My aunt Sammy is struggling with mental issues - Paranoia. She's okay now.
@@Newtrail100 this woman was sane enough to feed, house, and stay alive for five months.
yeah but she was starving and malnourished
@@whybutwhy4137 - Yes, she was sane enough to provide for herself, but her paranoia got to her. She told us she was only going to return after our uncle's passing.
Sure have felt that way,,, wish I could just run away.
She thought their drone was her Amazon delivery.
Lmao. And it wasn't. Wrong address.
"Hey where's my Nutter Butters ??"
Lmao. All jokes aside, it's really cool that we can now use drones to look for missing people. She would have never been found if this was a century ago...
You're telling me that she had a tent set up next to a stream and they both stand out like a sore thumb but yet no one found her. Who was doing your search and rescue the local nursing home.
Our local nursing home (I’m in Alabama) handles the majority of the search and rescue operations in my county, and although they hardly ever find anyone, I don’t think they deserve to be the punchline of random you tube comments. They save us a lot of money and it’s one of the reasons our taxes are low (we also refuse to fund education, and the nursing homes step up).
@@mattwalter5184 bro needs to chill hahaha
She's social distanced. The world is ending right? Societies crumbling? People no longer care... she could probably help save a lot of people seeking to escape oppressive city situations. I hope she does inspire people to get out to nature. She is living proof that nature can't be THAT bad if she's survived with such minimal stuff. We all can't comprehend not being jacked into the wifi.... this lady prolly found true peace in her heart in her time spent alone in nature like this. Mental health issues are a result of human traumas, the natural world didn't hurt her mind. People did.
@@missymoonwillow6545 Wow you made so many assumptions about this women its kinda unbelievable. hahahaha from the sounds of it seems like she wouldn't have lasted much longer if she wasn't found.
They definitely didn't say... She was fat and happy as a pig! hahaha
If someone doesn't want to be found, they are not going to be found.
Unless her sleeping bag was a -20 degree bag and she had multiple layers of clothes there's more to this story
@@moonhunter9993 alien abduction
Im thinking the same thing.
Expensive wool clothing. Every imaginable equipment.
Impressive as heck that she made it through the *winter*, let alone 5 months. Kudos to her!
HEY! What are you doing with my name? (close, anyway) 😉
She is a very lucky and blessed woman 4 months alone in the woods staying in a tent what did she eat for 4 months
Very impressive that she managed to stay lost that long in utah. I want to know more about this.
@@nonnayerbiz4550 9
or, she was abducted by "something". I know it sounds out of whack.
If she ever asks you do you want to go camping, make sure to ask her for how long?
😂😂😂😂. You are sooo right!
THAT'S funny!✌
Tell her you’ll meet her, there...
Imagine you just want to escape society and live in the wilderness and reality walks up and takes you back saying, "no, you can't do that. You have bills to pay"
When she finds out who's in the white house, she'll go back.
@@sheilagravely5621 about five months ago was when he won the election. seems like he's the reason she left.
@@APerson-tz2qp Of course. Contemporaneous events always prove causality. Just posting this for the occasional genius who stumbles along.
Even if she didn't have any bills now she will have a hospital bill.
@@sheilagravely5621 why does fucking eeeeeeverything have to turn into a political/race/gender issue these days? shut up.
I know how she feels. Sometimes you just have to disappear into the woods for a while.
There is nothing wrong with that. As long as you are not hurting anybody.
Just hope the woods you disappear into doesn't have portals like all national parks
@@indigenousaquarian3112 oh yes please, I'd love to find a portal. I'd walk straight in, no questions asked.
Hear ya!
With mountain lions, wolves, cayotes, bears, (snakes, scorpions and ants in spring as well). For 5 months thru winter? She has some survival skills alright.
This is so confusing. I have so many questions. Someone needs to make a documentary about this. The news barely scratched the surface.
Get this story to Dave Paulides.
Same thing happened to a kid19 in nebraska today they kid got on a private plane and was found sleeping and they people that found him took his gun they got him out and found out he tried breaking into the local college before he tried the airport
@@releventhurt Can I get a translator?
Homeless and mentally ill but not in the city. Simple
@@Kell_Antari edited
She probably just wanted to get away from everyone... Lord knows that idea has crossed many of our minds. She actually did it.
So lucky she didn't have to wear a mask everyday
@@Sagha4 She took Social distancing seriously.
She was eating grass dude.
Then maybe just say you need to get away for awhile instead of making everyone search for your corpse all winter
@@gorrillawarfair stress is a thing bro. There are people who exist who want the world to be better but are powerless to do so.
Then people who aid into this world's bs by taking. If modern day businesses arnt a big enough example.
Many who disappear don’t want to be found.
Exactly what I thought 🙏
I would say that the percentage of people who don't want to be found is much higher than what the average person thinks.💯
She is one of" many"..
Starving and freezing in a tent in Utah wilderness for last half of 2020 and early 21 versus COVID, Biden selection, and wokeism.....
Get my tent.
Living in the wild seems pretty inviting right about now. Wishing her and all the world peace and love. 💗
Aww right back at ya sweetie
She's been watching " Alone " ... she beat all of those contestants. 150 days! What a beast
That's what I said when I watched this! lol Missing 411 has cases like this where people just go into the forest and some vanish. Some are found.
Exactly, so amazing!
@@TimeTurnerTarotAndArtStudio remember the lost man that was found in a bear cave near death. The bear was nibbling on him for months, but he was alive.
@@moniquejones6482 hood I hadn't heard of that.
I want this woman on my team if a zombie apocalypse every arises..but in all seriousness I'm glad that they found her and that she's okay
@breathingsunshine moron
You do realize the doctors have been using facemasks for years right?
@breathingsunshine please don’t produce any children, I will definitely feel bad for them.
You're Hilarious 💞🙏
@breathingsunshine please never go around people❤️ especially children
This lady couldn’t find her way out of the woods but yet she could survive for five months doesn’t necessarily add up
They never said we was lost or wanted to leave the woods.. maybe she wanted solitude and free rent for a winter
She never tried to "find her way out of the woods". She didn't want to leave or be found.
She wants to be there she wants to go back.
And the tent is on the road... so she was not necessarily lost.
She went off grid now considered crazy . id guess . i dont know them
Maybe, just maybe she sat down one day, took a good hard look at her life and made a really tough decision. Maybe that was her 'Dark Night of the Soul.' You can't run away from yourself, where ever you go; there you'll be. I would love to hear her story. As a woman who has had it all and lost it all, I can say this: It was in the silence that I found answers. I isolated myself, (not to her degree), however it was isolation and the silence that I came to know who I am and what I'm made of. "I am loved as I am, not as I should be." It is only my opinion that I believe she had a very good reason for being there. If she was lost when she got there, I sincerely pray she was found before they rescued her. Much love and prayers for this woman! I hope she kept a journal. I have a feeling we'll be hearing from her when she's ready. God Bless you all and much love! 🕇❤
Because she didn't want to be found now she's stigmatized.....what next?
@@jeanettewills7109 Let's hope worrying about what others think is an anxiety she has overcome.
Beautifully said~❤~
the older i get, the more i want to be alone! people these days are too damn exhausting.
And boring! My cat is a much better companion.
@Alisa Ushakova someone's depressed huh 👀
I know but come on at least let your loved ones know that you are okay.
@@SteamvilleQuintet for me not like this. It reminds me of Mcandless who went to Alaska and ended up needing help in the end but because he fleed from everyone he regretted it
You don't have to be depressed to see that there is alot of shit people in the world
Interesting how the woman’s side of the story isn’t included in this expose.
Well if the woman is having mental health issues we shouldn't be privy to that information.
@@Chichilovee No, that just makes me want to hear her side even more
@@Chichilovee that's what they say. Doesn't mean its true. Story doesn't make sense. Especially to wilderness experts.
@@Chichilovee Doesn't anyone think she would be traumatized after this ordeal? I certainly do. I hope she can receive the support she needs, but left to incompetent law enforcement, they'll probably treat her like some kind of perpetrator. She's going to need a good attorney. I wish her all the best.
@@ceilconstante7813 Wilderness "experts" who couldn't find her RED TENT for five months? LOL LOL!
2020 was a terrible year for some, I wouldn't be surprised if she purposefully went off the grid to escape the nightmare.
2020 WAS a terrible year ~ but still better than my last marriage.
@@tme9384 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏
That's what I'm thinking too.
@@tme9384 how many marriages you've had
Blows my mind how people these days think that a year where we got multiple thousand dollar checks and free slate on rent during an age where we all have movies, games, tv, and the internet is somehow just the worst thing that could happen cuz "gotta stay inside and wear a mask or a risk a 1-3% chance of death."
I'd love to see some people who actually lived during the black plague be around and see how they react to that. Maybe some Jews or Siberans who's families got systematically (ACTUALLY systematically) exterminated by fascists and communists perhaps. Or heck, maybe even people living in North Korea or working the concentration camps in modern day China.
But yea, boohoo we had to (kind of) sit in our horrible air conditioned houses for a year; poor us.
She's the winner of this year's survivor!
She wasn't lost! She was hiding.. Utah is beautiful and I wouldn't want to go back to society either.
She got tired of the bull shit that’s going on in this country I don’t blame her
utah ain’t beautiful lol
@@Person-lk1vs you don't know how wrong you are
Time to go back to NYC.
@@Person-lk1vs idk if you were trolling but I seriously recommend you visit or at least watch a video of Zion national park
She's a tough woman
Good story..=)
She's stupid eating grass and moss like it does much
Heck yeah. I’m 47 and I’d be ☠️ I hate the cold 🥶
@@stevenwood433 she’s obviously alive so yeah grass and moss must help - ?
Plot twist: It is all of us that are lost but not this woman, she actually managed to find herself in the wilderness.
maybe she got caught up in doing her own version of "Naked & Afraid", ??
I agree Jane😊
😆 ahhhahaha good one
I didn’t say that
yeyeah hahah
When she started to say if any of you are experiencing any mental challenges, I thought she was gonna say, don’t go camping
Basically they looked harder for the drone then they did looking for her. Haha.
Priorities you know
They sure did. The irony 😂
well, that was winter when they went look for her which is harder. This is a prime example, when looking something you lost in your house, won’t find it until looking for something else.
Try being the officer that has to report up the chain of command that you lost the drone. Bet he spend his lunch searching for that thing.
Here Miss, this is your government bill from the Bureau of Land Managment for 160 nights of camping
Probably not far from the truth, as well as a big fine to go with it. They probably impounded her car and sold it at auction as well.
She will get a bill for the search costs even though search not needed.
@@edgarlongenecker6730 probably harvesting her organs for the elite!!!!
I mean, if we are being stupid and cynical
@@Jessica-to8um I've been searched for unbeknown by myself because a search was not needed. Yeah, she will get a bill.
She saw the state of the world and said "fuck it. I'll take my chances in the wild for 5 months." If you ask me she's the sane one and WE need a mental health check.
Lol right! Damn, they blew her cover!
I couldn't agree with you more! The rest of the world is crazy. She's just marching to a different drummer & survived to tell the story. I do want to hear more though.
So it was a covid isolation? LOL
It's very hard to keep any tent looking that good after that long, especially in extreme weather. The fly was nice and taunt. No tears. The towel looked clean. Something doesn't add up.
She wasn't missing, I believe; she just wanted to live out there. And she'll almost certainly return after she's discharged from the hospital.
I agree with you. It's not a bad idea. Getting away from it all.
I did that for 21 days and Jesus came to me in dreams for long stretches talking to me kindly. God loves 1 on 1 tent people.
@@JesusGaveMeNewSoul hm, it was the spaghetti monster that came and spoke to me. I guess we get the god we want?
@@iWillProbablyDieOnTwoWheelsor you get the God you deserve...😏
@@iWillProbablyDieOnTwoWheels That joke is older than hell. I met Jesus and many have too. Tell me why Muslims, Hindu and people form various religions ask their God to come and Jesus comes only... why dont atheists who die and come back to life talk about Allah or other deities being seen? Why is there no testimony about any other so called deity being witnessed these days but Jesus? Ill tell you why, the reason is this: Once you develop enough courage to ask your creator to come to you to know him Jesus comes if you ask with all your heart. You can tell me the universe started out of nothing but to me that is plain stupid. And if you believe that then you are both plain and stupid too... as I said I have met Jesus many times and so can you but if you do not want to read a mere 200 pages while asking him to come thats your folly not mine.
To survive the wilderness for five winter months is incredible enough; to do that without all your faculties is legend.
if you look into intermittent fasting , it is surprising on how little we can actually live
omg I needed this laugh..this board is funny . There is more to this story...
The winter season is 3 months and there is 4 seasons in a year.
I don't know about laughing, but I'm in agreement that there's more to this story than what's being told to us.
Especially being found living "in a tent"...
They could make a movie about it and help her, not that she needs help. Legend indeed
This woman just wanted to surive the zombie apocalypse, she proved it can be done. Bravo to her!
To be fair, there weren't zombie bears looking for her to eat. :)
She was waiting out the baked potato in office. She's probably going to go hide again until it's over. Soon hopefully his dementia is getting worse.
They need to question the local motel owners too.
Elle Rose? Athens GA? LOLZ
@@Hal_Beep-Boop I have a speech impediment and I do not talk like him. My dad is slowly declining mentally and him and Biden sound like carbon copies so idk what you're on about bud. Also that's completely false about Trump the dudes a mentally fit narcissist, though I'm not surprised to be hearing lies coming from a democrat.
Ya like all other comments said, there is something missing from this story. She isn't that far from society to not find her way back and we don't hear her side of this. She was probably just testing out living wild and seeing how long she could last and these guys ruined it.
For sure. The whole state of Utah and it's true history is missing from the story as well. Melted cities of long long ago.... hidden doors into mountainsides on the freeway, metal doors leading underground on the side of the freeways.... Zion national park.... no one bothers to study the ancestors, no body cares to understand the place they live or visit, just living here now... better off not knowing what is past, who cares how we navigate the future. This woman is a highly intuitive empath, and couldn't handle being in society as it crumbles. Plain and simple. Now that the authorities have a hold of her, they are going to "see she has proper care".... meaning, off to a mental hospital she goes. Cause in America, if you are not a sad homeless person on a curb, you're not welcome to exist outside of society.
Not to make light of a serious situation but I find it amazing how when they kept looking for her, they couldn't find her. But when they were actually looking for the drone and not her, they actually finally found her trying to find the drone.
You know there’s something to what you said. I’ve been on lost hiker searches and after days of searching found the person who told us that we went right by them several times? We never saw them and they never made any noise for us to locate them? On another note, I have told hunters who shot deer that ran away and couldn’t find it to take a young kid 4 or 5 years old out to look with them and they found the deer relatively fast right we’re they’ve searched previously. The kid didn’t find the deer but it keeps you preoccupied watching out for there safety and you stumble upon the deer somehow.
There is some magic life dynamic behind what you both are saying here :)
Yeah, it almost sounds as tho the drone was a little more of a priority & involved a more thorough search.......just sayin'
@@akey1203akak I think that's a bit of a leap of logic. It's more likely that they knew roughly where the drone had come down so were able to narrow down their search right away to that area.
On the other hand, the missing woman could have been anywhere.
It was just good luck - or good karma/magic/whatever you want to believe in - that the drone happened to land nearby and so led the searchers to her.
Yeah, when i look for my car keys i find my charger that's been missing for five months..
Just the other day in New Zealand a 3 year old wandered off from his house dressed only in a diaper, T shirt and gum boots. Spent 22 hours lost in the forest with a night time low temperature of 7 degrees Celsius, and much to the delight of the entire country was found alive and well.
Missing 411?
Really? That exact same story happened here in the US somewhere in the Midwest. The kid was found in the middle of a thick thorn bush with minimal scratches or bruises. He said he made friends with a bear who stayed with him and protected him until they could hear people calling his name. It was about a year ago
I remember that! That was an amazing story! It left several people wondering 💭 Could it have been a real bear, 🐻 or a homeless person? Maybe even Bigfoot? Could’ve been an Angel or was it his imagination? So many questions. Just thank the good lord he was found and was fine.
A 3year old wearing a diaper?........
@@sociallyretarded4550 Yes. That's within the normal age range.
No wonder no one found Bigfoot yet, they can't even find her.
She was just trying to survive unemployment and covid. She had everything she needed. She didn't ask to be rescued.
@@bonniehall3428 agree with you. If she wanted to be found she would have.
No doubt
Omygosh. Yaaaaaaaaa lol. Can't even get a clear pic or video of him her she,they are real
Congratulations on your survival! For more than 5 months you had been sought after. That means that there are people who care about you. If you do have mental problems, you deserve to get help with that. You are strong enough & smart enough to have made it for 5 months. Wow. Much respect to you for your remaining alive during such difficulties. For one thing, you knew what to eat that would help you stay alive. Take care. Stay safe.
You're talking to her in the first person. Direct.
This is a news report. Now on RUclips. Talking in the 3rd person. Distant.
I think everyone needs a psychologist!
Got better survival skills than most of the hunting influencers in Utah.
I'm not seeing the likelihood of her surviving through the temperatures for an entire winter without some level of preparation. I think she chose to be.
@Hoyt Christian didn't say she had food left, just that she stretched her out then ate grass and moss. But if she was able to stretch it even half that time she must've taken a good bit with her and planned on being gone a while
@Hoyt Christianagreed and well said!
Exactly what I would say
And why is this so spectacular?
This woman has great survival skills
She didn't learn those in any high School junior college or university
@Hoyt Christian It does sound far fetched but she was found in a horrible condition so its not like she was found healthy and well
She didn't stay live for five months only eating grass and moss. She had to have had other food sources.
Maybe she was obese and had enough storage to make it with just water and grass.
They said that she has a small source of food she brought with her, that she stretched out. Apparently, she really knows how to be frugal!
They said she brought food. There's no telling how much canned shit she packed. Dummy.
Squatch shared some of his.
you don’t listen very well i see...
Somebody needs to get her on a season of ALONE ... she's definitely got what it takes and could win like a million bucks
I will defenetly see it. 😇 I love camping and csn learn from her experience.
Everyone isn’t money-hungry.
@@NunayoBisnez Money Hungry? You do know only one person gets the money..So don't think they do it for the money..
Yes Your Totally Right There 110%.
I don't know. But that tent and towel looks pretty unworn and clean for five months in the wild.
I was thinking the same..
@@djwille88 Rain washes everything and it is 'situated'
Women know how to prepare! She was near water to wash things. We don’t know her back ground.
When the snow packs around the tent it turns the tent into an igloo. All she needed was a sleeping bag, water and food. She had a small vacation. She didn't want to be found. I feel her.
I feel her! Lolz. There was a woman I read about in Bangladesh. She bribed her maid to spread the ‘news’ that she drowned while she just went off to be alone.
@@wowk7140 what a champ lol
How would someone relieve themselves in the igloo?
Go outside the igloo
@@HaloHighlightz They wouldn't.
Additional news sources stated the woman has said "she sought solitude and isolation" the Sheriff department stressed she broke no laws and if she wishes to return to the area they will not dedicate any resources towards her.
Of she broke no laws that means they kidnapped her.
It's good that her family and friends know she's okay. If she had been in a good place spiritually or mentally for this, she'd have told her family and friends, or atleast someone.. I can only imagine the heart ache she's caused those that love her
Something sounded funny about this. Why would she just hunker down in a tent all winter, and not try and hike out. Tents are portable, so even if it's many miles in she could have walked out. She hiked to where she laid camp from her car.
Okay a lot of you don't realize this we are all different we all have different coping skills this woman may have been through something she could not cope with and thought the only way to deal with it was to get away from it and everything else I felt that way myself before there's no shame on it if I hadn't left myself no one knows what would have happened my situation I would have killed somebody hers only she knows stop speculating people get a life let her live hers
@@TwoBitTony maybe she wanted to get away from her loved ones,
5 months👀? She needs to go on one of those survival shows. She’s a shoo-in to win.
They're saying she has mental issues, but I don't think a crazy person could survive this. She gets cool points from me no matter what lol!
@@BettyWhite2171 😂exactly!
@@BettyWhite2171 , they said possibly. She may be more sane than the rest of us. May have lost a job, home, or just wanted to avoid the virus.
@@BettyWhite2171 because someone has anxiety adhd or a dissociative disorder means they can’t possess the capability to thrive in a survival situation? That’s very narrow minded
@@happyholidays9071 What's more narrow-minded is assuming that a person who wants to live out in nature is mentally ill in some way.
I’m pretty sure it’s the rest of us out here in “normal” society that have the mental health issues. She survives 5 months alone in the winter and the average Joe can’t last 20 min in traffic before road rage sets in. Props to her for not needing the Koolaide to survive.
Concerning how anyone escaping society is deemed mentally unstable. Think it's more the other way around.
Your Absolutely Right All The Best 110%.
Yes, and especially during COVID-19.
💯👏 Yeah...this lady is more sane than a lot of the zombies I see walking around!!
Escaping is one thing, if you are well equipped for it. It appears she was not. Mental illness is not something to take lightly. She may need assistance and protection.
What makes you think she intentionally tried to leave society? And what makes you think anyone thinks she's unstable because of that?
Wow she was really social distancing She is a true survivor.
They'll test her, and she'll have covid anyway.
@@betsybarnicle8016 But not really because no such thing exists at least not as most think.
@@betsybarnicle8016 stop lying were is the proof
@@betsybarnicle8016 you just making shit up you attention seeker..LMAO
Why are people still pretending it doesn't exist
They didn't even find HER.. they found the drone and she popped her head out like "wtf is all that noise!" 😑 but good job guys...
yeah, that's what that equates to.
Well, without them having and operating the drone, she wouldn’t have been found, so yeah, they found her.
IS that a good job? Dogs--and equipment and "trained" professionals, not a clue where she was--could not track her--with dogs, what have you--took this long and you say "good job"?????
@Timm Toolman "/sarcasm" is your friend.
@@jp-a1a729 they found the drone... she found them outside of her house 🤣 but ok 👌
To which she replied upon being found “Are you kidding me?! How far into the Forrest do I need to go before my boss sends someone out to hunt me down?!”
She probably got fed up with all the garbage going on in our country today. Honestly, I've thought about doing that myself.
I agree..Like to get away from all the Trump people
And the first two comments perfectly illustrate what she was probably trying to get away from... TDS
I just moved to a different country 😅 will go back when things clears up a bit. 😂
@Tony Stern ya maybe CNN has the answer u tard
@Tony Stern Yes Biden has the answer he just forgot it though.
I would not want to have to spend the coldest part of the year, in a nylon tent. I'm amazed she was able to survive.
You do realize she did that on purpose
You would be surprised if you had to something like this survival mode would kick in. It's like fight or flight. Most would flight.. But a strong minded person would be able to survive.
@@spartanpatriot3163 why does it matter if it's on purpose ?
@@LCx829 it doesn't, people keep saying how lucky she was to be found and she was lost. You can't be lost when you don't want to be found
She was like damn it they found me!!!
You can't be lost when you don't want to be found.
So all criminals on the lam aren’t at all lost by police
If she had been selected for the show “Alone” she’d be 500k richer today.
Mental health is going to go off the chart when they want $20 a night camping fee or a search and rescue bill.
All of which will seem small compared to the ambulance ride and ER bill.
Are you serious
Lol.. it’s already off the charts and you can’t drag your ill adult friend or child to help unless the cops can give him a criminal record in the process.
@@williamhenfree01 yeah the bills would likely be similar .... America is fucked up with health care.
@@williamhenfree01 if she had to get air lifted that ride is about 10,000
She clearly wasn't looking to be found
Doesn't sound like they looked very hard.
Don't think u realize how big the area is
Or very good.
A dedicated search would have limited their time at the doughnut shop.
@@cementer7665 because all resources should be spent on one person ?
@@stevenrogers5338 No, but she most certainly was buying food at the nearest GAS STATION with the car right next to her tent. You can't stay alive for five months on grass and moss unless you have ~50+ lb of body fat weight to lose before hand (like a bear hybernating)
Reminds me of the guy who lived in the woods0 many years in Maine. He broke into cabins for food. He'd had enough of the modern world. His camp site was very well hidden, but not far from the cabins.
I just listened to that story last night on mrballen.
I’m glad she was found alive, I hope she finds peace.
She's probably going back. She wanted to be out there. Nothing wrong with that.
You must be a real smart feller.....derp.
She had found peace now she is back in chaos..
She was out there for peace. For real. If don't have a child that's where I'd be.
Pretty sure she found peace until strangers intervened. How did she eat grass in the worst winter with more snow than in a long time? Think about it. She was going to get food but "they" don't want people knowing this can be done so they made up a story that no one can confirm due to hidden identity. This land is your land, this land is my land, and she found her land. It wasn't all junked up looking like a homeless camp or anything. So if she's "mental" then her "mental" issues helped her survive where most others would have perished.
People forget humans used to do this without tents and sleeping bags.
Yes but they wore animal furs to keep warm... the story is incomplete. Someone must’ve kidnapped her, abused her and then returned her to the same area. They said they found her tent abandoned by the car, yet she was in a brandnew looking tent somewhere else when she was found... she just happened to have another tent on her??
True Story. Our Ancestors lived in harsher conditions and thrived. We who are logical know it CAN be done. I wonder what tools she had with her.
@@rabbitroyale1315 Riiiiiight. Got milk? Got your tin-foil hat?
@@rabbitroyale1315 they didn't say they found a tent by her car.
Heck she's smart. Who wants to be putting up with a baked potato in office. She has a Damm good idea.
This woman could win the History channels“Alone” contest no doubt.
Yep. The producers say 100 days, some folks call it quits almost immediately and this gal says "hold me beer..." 🤣
@laskin riubn Amazing PERSON. This feat is remarkable regardless of gender.
Dan Wowac won with 51 days.
Exactly what I was thinking as I just finished Season 2!!
We are at the point where you can't even get away for a little peace and quiet any more without people looking for you.
Just tell someone if that's your plan?
@@Inputdonutz yeah I agree. And tell them to if you dont want to be seek out.
@@Inputdonutz Doesnt that sort of diminish the entire point of wanting to be left alone?
@@michaelflinn2791 no not really. Saying hey I don't want to be bothered for awhile but everything is okay! So that people aren't wasting time and resources looking for you
She went missing on purpose because the world is so screwed up
Amein she did. I'm right there with her, mostly. This darn hot spot signal in the woods really dims the vibes though, definitely lets demons in.
@@missymoonwillow6545 nice if you do not mind me asking what State.? Or type of environment.?
That wouldn't be hard to believe.
There is nothing wrong with the mind of a person who survives 5 winter months inside a camping tent.
yep. quite the opposite actually
That's an idiotic assumption.
Check her rap sheet. Have they found the boots of the boyfriend yet?
5 winter months in Utah. I could do that standing on my head coming from Boston lol. But seriously, it can be rough camping out in the summer, let alone the winter
Ehhhh she was eating moss & grass. She wasn’t exactly thriving. She could’ve lived in her car and been a lot warmer.
That tent looks really clean for five months out in the woods mines filthy after three days
Its the camera. You just can’t pick up dirt on fabric with a camera. Its the same reason you need really heavy makeup to show up in a picture.
What do you think she did all day? She definitely kept it tidy
And the floor of the tent was immaculate I don't believe the story one bit no way that tent and that towel and everything for 5 months would look like that
@@thebat7505 You obviously have never been camping every time you go in and out of the tent especially if you don’t have a mat you track dirt in and if you don’t have a broom or a small dustpan a tent becomes very dirty very fast
@@r3vmixman I looked up the snow levels in the area she was at and they are in sane you’re not collecting Moss or grass at that point I think it was staged that tent did not look like it had been erected outside for five months The snow level alone would have collapsed that tent
How did she survive in a tent for the entire winter? I have SO many questions. Things just aren’t adding up or connecting for me, but then there’s also so much this story isn’t telling yet. Hopefully one day we can get a follow up story if she decides to talk.
2:20...millions of people who are homeless do this every year and most of us don’t even feel an ounce of sympathy for them 🥴
Youre right. I dont.
@@legionIAMBELIAL You must be a Christian.
@@tjmusiker407 Yes, I would think the very same!
It’s the isolation that’s remarkable
@@tjmusiker407 absolutley not, i prefer not to waste compassion on mostly ingrates and mostly undeserving. I used to be homeless, i was homeless cause of my own actions and became not-homeless on my own actions as well. Its people like you that enable people to never make anything of themselves because you make excuses for them rather than hold them accountable.
This woman is far more kick ass that any survivor story! Wow eating moss.
Or. . .some one fed her and helped her.
There’s something very fishy about this story.-I.E. that towel was super clean. There’s more to this than she let on.
That’s what I saw. That towel....2 boys in a house here...ya never see a towel like that 🤣😂🤣
That towel was set out to dry meaning she more than likely washed it in the creek
They're was a stream right there lol
She cheated on her husband ?
The towel could be washed in the creek she has skills to keep clean the river and fish for food
Glad she was found! Amazing to think how she survived the winter. Crazy!
How is she now? An update would be nice including how she survived so long.
Hope she is doing good.
Moss, grass, and water. What a dining pleasure. If this woman is beside herself, she still has enough sense to survive. 20 weeks through a Utah winter? Girl Scout extraordinaire.
And also unbelievable. What moss and grass did she eat through the winter? Utah winters are notoriously harsh.
I agree with other commenters. Something doesn’t add up. If she were really some sort of super survivalist, there would be no downside to revealing her identity. At the very least, she’d rule social media.
That gourmet moss she made though 🥦
how cold in winter does it get there in celsius ???
They mentioned that she did have some food in which she rationed throughout the winter.
@@ms.chuisin7727 is winter in a tent really that tough?? i live in the tropics so i have no idea!
All who wander are not lost💜
She was.. 😝
"Not all who wander are lost." Little bit different.
@@sanv3275 Oh look, we have the type that always feels the need to correct everyone.
More of us will be doing this to escape our present dystopian reality
I feel it coming.
She needs to write a book for the rest of us.
@@somatate9864 Definitely feel the same. Listening to the Lord as much as I can remember to slow down and rely completely on Him.
@Journey into Darkness which kings?
She must have been hiding everytime they came to look for her and thought the search was finally over when she got "caught".
That tent was WAY too clean. That has NOT been out there for five months.
Maybe she's a neat freak.
you sound like you might go out into the woods and not return for a few months yourself….
She has nothing to do except wash her tent every hour with stream water.
@@kingpin22s or wants media attention?
There has got to be more to this story. How could this woman have survived for 5 months, alone in the mountains, during the winter time? Did she have survival skills? Did she make any attempts to be found? What made her go up there in the first place? What has she been doing all this time?
They did say there are likely some mental health issues involved, so that would explain some of that.
Ikr sounds like a david paulides missing 411 case or something
Maybe she wasn't lost after all.
She was quarantined big time
Seems she was camping in the first place; she’s an extreme camper 🏕
2:01 I wanna know who thought “hey Brian go stand on those rocks over there in the creek, it’ll look cool for the shot”. Glad they found her alive though.
Riiight!? 😂
Im glad she's ok and when we all have to learn to live without our creature comforts, maybe people like her will help us out. But if they're truly smart, they won't.
She knew what she was doing and she could have easily found her car.
If she could put up a tent
She most likely was getting away from everyone
Yeah but I think the police took her car after they found it
we all need a vacation from hearing about covid-19.
Brutal winters up there though. That’s pretty impressive.
I doubt the car was left there, it was proly towed away quickly after it was found
Winter in the West is very different from winter in the East coast and Midwest. And even the cold is different. I lived in the West, South, Midwest and East coast. Though it snows more in the West but the cold is dry and doesn't penetrate your body as much to cause chills. So you can be outside even on a tank top and not feel any chills. However, l learned very harshly that though it snows less in the East coast, Midwest and some part of the south, however the cold is wet and will penetrate your body fast to cause chills or even pneumonia if out for long. There is reason why people in the Est coat wear trench coats in the winter but rarely the case in the West.
When she sees what's been going on in the US for the past 6 months, she's probably going to run back to the forest. She might well be the only sane person left in the US. Perhaps it's the rest of us who are nutz.
The most intelligent comment here.
Great comment
Yes 😳🤣
Her mental capacity is probably better than than most. She was able to SURVIVE an entire winter in a tent. Come on- She may be fed up with people & wants to be alone . There’s nothing crazy about that! God Bless & Protect from those that think they know best 🙏❤️
uhh it sounds like she already lost her mind? she was eating grass and moss lmfao. the whole situation is off.
@@codyskyrimvolen What the hell was she suppose to eat then if she doesn’t have any food, it’s not like she has any survival experiences...
@@patrick9969 so to their point no sane woman thinks they can survive a winter alone without survival experience.
most people dont decide to starve themselves in a tent over winter. she picked that spot and did that to herself. at no point was she lost, just missing, do you get it now?
@@codyskyrimvolen yeah you got a point
Ultimate “Alone” Challenge winner.
Now will we ever find Brian? If SHE can do it....
Got to hand it to her, the whole area around her tent was clean and organized. Her tent wasn't falling apart and it didn't look like she was destroying the surrounding habitat. Wish I could say the same for all the tents I see here in Seattle.
She was not a meth head or strung out on heroin.....thats why Seattle and Portland look the way they do.
@@JohnGalt1960 I am well aware
@@JohnGalt1960 AGREED.
Or here in Philly.
This is the best ad campaign for that brand of tent.
No joke! 😂😂😂
Sometimes people find other people exhausting, and they just want to stay away from them.
Just become a hermit why resort to eating grass because you are sick of people hahah do you hear yourself
@@13LAIR-R , Sometimes young children should think before they speak.
@@MissMarinaCapri you're a fud
@@13LAIR-R , Once again you’ve proven your behavior is childish.
Time to grow up kid.
@@MissMarinaCapri read your original comment its something a fud would say.
Sooo, who's tent and camping gear did they find at the campsite belong to then? Strange.