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The children and progeny of the families who are having 10+ children in this current environment are going to eventually replace the people who don't breed and population levels will go back up again.
Okay Cole. Why should we work for someone else? Why should we live for someone else? Birth and Procreation is an individual matter, not a collective matter
Absolutely ridiculous that you did not address any of women's concerns, when you need them to breed. 1. Access to reproductive healthcare 2. Loss of jobs/income/opportunities 3. Males who leave all the work to the women....
Look on the bright side, if you go to college and graduate with a good degree in STEM or Economics, you can probably get a job that pays 35$ an hour like me! ...Because it hires me for one day a week, because the company is liquidating itself thanks to Bidenomics.
@@Viperness While this might solve the issue for singular persons it doesn't solve it on a systematic level. Not everyone can get into a good paying career, because that would require all careers to be good payed by default.
If I had a kid right now I would be financially ruined. I would never have the possibility of giving them a good life. So why would I bring them into the hell hole I already live in.
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
That's an excuse. Stop using it/repeating it just because it sounds good and you jive with the general edgy/sentiment of it. Same with, usually girls, saying they're too worried about climate change and its affects on their theoretical kids. All it does it social mine
Why is it always "Get the slaves to breed more slaves to prop up the economy!" and never "treat workers better so they actually want to live and have children" or even "allow as many people as possible to get an education without going into debt, so they can earn more money per hour, thus becoming more able to afford higher taxes to support more retirees!"
Higher taxes won't mean anything since a 98% increase on income tax will still be less than $2 if people are only making $2 income. If people are not making enough money, tax increases will not give the government the money it needs. It will have no choice but to tax corporations and then companies get mad. Also, people need money to buy stuff or else those corporations do not make profit. It's funny, by not paying good wages, they ensure their customer base will shrink in the future.
@TADA00X12 Sheep and wolves is not about class but mentality. Wolves exploit sheep. No sheep, nobody to be exploited and the wolves need to work themselves which they don't want to.
Good thing all these old heads grew up “picking themselves by there bootstraps” and know how to “get a job” because it sounds like they are going to need exactly that.
What gets me is that "picking themselves up by their bootstraps" used to be code for we are abandoning you because it's too dangerous/there's nothing that could be done. Now people use the phrase like it's something that can be done when the whole point is that you can't pick yourself up by your bootstraps.
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
here's 10 dollars, now you can have kids right? 500,000 yen for babies. 2 million us dollars later per child without college, graduate school, or trade school. Yup. 10 dollars will go along way. Ok, its like 3k US dollars. That's doesn't even cover the medical checkups before the baby is born.
Fr, the boomers act like we're entitled for just wanting to be able to afford a place to live yet also act like we're entitled for delaying/opting out of starting a family because we can't afford anything. We can never satisfy them lol
Have a house but most the 'affordable' ones such as mine need about $100k-$250k worth of work just to make it functional. Mine needs approximately $120k-$175k worth of work. I live out of 2 rooms in the house and it'll likely take me 10-16 years to renovate it completely. The house only cost me $1 and its a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house. Just 90% uninhabitable in exchange without a lot of work.
The average age of first time homebuyers has dropped significantly over the last century. Yeah houses are expensive but that doesn’t stop people from buying them
All the developed countries freaking about about the declining birth rate are finally reaping what they've sown lol. Literally what did they expect would happen?
Nobody wants to be poor and work harder just to make another future tax payer. The government doesn’t help pay for the upbringing of these taxpayers so why should one sacrifice a lot for the state?
Why should one sacrifice a lot for the state? Like men going into the military, ensuring short term national survival. Whilst women, their body their choice, doesn't hold up their end of the bargain for long term survival through birthrates. In fact women's mating preferences is the one causing promiscous society. >If< 80% of women go for the top 5% of men, those 5% men have less incentive to be monogamous. So average joe is left with a poor outlook on marraige and children, even if he does land a woman, womens commitment is so fleeting nowadays pumping up the divorce rates. [[[To add to your argument, it's not only an economic hardship there is also an increasing partner/mate challenge, and men generally want a family, than shareable children]]]
You still have many people in their 30s living with their parents, I've seen husbands and wife's move into parents' homes. This country always makes it hard on the average taxpayer
It's not the government lamenting the lack of children, it's people like Elon Musk. He needs slaves. But the slaves are homeless people now are unrewarded, which is normal.
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
If you went to an ivy League school you were guaranteed a job at a high-profile company, or working a government job... I think it's all the bureaucracy that's been put in place and people retaining some position they can only be forced out of by a group... It's all really complicated stuff.
The thing about economics is... it's man made. Man made money, made the systems to use money, made the rules to enforce it. It's not like gravity or the rotation of the cosmos. Economic systems can change, so whenever anyone talks about the birth rate and goes off on how it's going to impact economics... I'm very meh about it. Its almost as if the decline in birth rate is a soft rebellion against the system that is choking us to death.
That's not true at all. Nature creates systems and stores of energy. Money is a lubricant for value of items and economics a system for that value. Chimps have been to shown to understand the concept. You're not rebels, your cavemen in the Feudal era.
Forget about money. Just think labor. Labor needs to be done all the time. When you’re retired you don’t provide labor, but you want to consume labor. That’s a problem.
Honestly, I'm not sure how much of this is really true. I live in the suburbs of Chicago, and you can find a very nice one-bedroom apartment here for around $1500. Assuming you and your partner have at least undergraduate degrees and are employed with those degrees, it's completely doable for a couple to live like that. Over time, as you both gain equity in your jobs, you'll make more money and be able to expand your household and eventually introduce kids into the picture. Starting a family right off the cuff is definitely not feasible today, but if you play your cards right and have a five-year plan with your partner-and you two are not in huge debt-I think it's very possible. It just has to be the number one priority in your life
I don't think a lot of people want children. It's because we have infinite entertainment options now. We have so much information, games, and movies at our fingertips. Why would anyone want to breed and have some rugrat running around that can only cause you financial hardship? No, it's the internet and cell phones which saved us from incessant baby-making.
A lot of females in their 30s and late 20s want to have kids. Anytime I talk to one of them all they care about is my job and bring up kids into the conversation more often than a girl in early 20s. I couldn’t care about it at this point, those ladies didn’t find me soon enough so I’ll add myself to the not having kids category unless child support and divorce is abolished and I don’t lose everything I’ve worked for.
@rl7329 But I think the issue is even deeper than that. I honestly think people in the past had kids out of boredom. With all the entertainment now, why would you do that? You're telling me you are so bored that you need to have a kid to make life interesting? It boggles my mind.
I come from a dysfunctional divorced broken home. I believe that is another huge reason why people aren't interested in having kids. Some people just want to break the cycle and just enjoy their lives.
@@devilsadvocacywouldn't it be hilarious if after all his efforts and expenditures of raising an army of mini-Elon, all of his kids refuse to procreate even at the threat of losinf their billion dollars inheritance? They just flat out refuse and that is the end of the line for Elon's line. How I gleefully hope for this. 😂
Cats and dogs of people who cared for them and fed them delicious food would miss them. Or they just would miss being served like a king... The cats quickly forget that they had brothers and sisters when one of them die, but i think they wouldn't forget so quickly the big ape that fed them everyday for just being cute. No one does this for them other than humans.
I'm getting tired of having to repeat stuff like this, but I'd still like to make my point. The modern world is not in fit condition for raising more kids.
People could have said that at any time throughout history. Everything always feels like it's going to shit in an unprecedented way. Focus on your own life, not the state of the entire world... human minds weren't meant for that scale of information and concern overload. Easier said than done in a high-information world, but if you focus on yourself as much as you can, you'll be happier and you'll be able to make it work.
No the children movements doesn’t scare billionaires at all lol.. They will just grin at them and then import very eager and hungry immigrants that will work harder for lesser pay ..
The system's control depends on you having children, because it is dependent on abuse and the threat of abuse to keep you controlled, and nothing makes you more vulnerable than knowing your children will be targetted if you rebel. If you don't have children, the situation gets reversed: it is better to die than to live in endless suffering, so really, the more things devolve, the more childless people become vastly empowered. IMO, they don't 'need' more workers (they can always bring more from the 3rd world) - it's rather that they can't afford to have a large mass of uncontrollable slaves...
Same. Who looks at the holocaust and these children starving to death nuclear war the planet on fire our last invention AI and what's going on in this country where "Americans" are now being outright farmed as the livestock of the filthy rich psychopaths criminals "trickle down" billionaire oligarchs and think "gee I want to bring innocent children into this hellscape and the last days of humanity? My MORON parents did this under the nuclear Armageddon over our heads and subsequently kept destroying our lives voting for the "trickle down" mafia Reagan-Trump and keep willingly participating in helping the filthy rich psychopaths manufacturing national delusion for their own no limits at-all-costs self-serving narcissism sociopath "pull up the ladder behind me" the "trickle down" mafia endless emotional manipulation total bs. "Idiocracy" is real. And yet the rational people who actually understand what this crap show mankind actually is and where this is all going and do the right thing not to bring more suffering in this planet 8 BILLION people and the rich consuming three planets, anyone with even a grain of actual sense reality or intelligence is always treated like total crap "second class" with no representation whatsoever because everything in this world is run by bandwagons of morons willingly emotionally manipulated by the absolute worst of the worst of humanity psychopaths. Imagine being Einstein and watching the rise of Hitler and humanity forever cursed by this level of stupidity
You know the way. As someone who almost died a few years ago in my forties with no wife and no kids... I'm grateful they don't exist now. I still have to stick around for a little while longer since there are still other people in my life, but I don't have to feel responsible for abandoning people I've made commitments with.
The problem isn't that there will be fewer people, but that there will be many more older people than young ones. If you think taking care of children is expensive, just wait until you have to take care of old retired people, be it directly or indirectly through taxes. And with the current birth rates in europe and north america, in the future young people will have to take care of 3-7 old people per 1 young person. That is catastrophic.
I wonder if this would even or if the young generation doesn’t have a huge population when they are old if they have kids there wouldn’t be too many old people to care for, maybe in 150 years or so?
@@Peter-mj6lz can you rephrase yourself, not sure what you said exactly. But if you are asking how long it would take for this to happen? It's already happening and it will get as bad as I'm describing it in about 80-200 years depending on the birth rate of the country. The lower, the faster.
@@Peter-mj6lz again the problem is not weather we have 1 billion or 100 billion people, the problem is that we will have 70-80%+ of the population be old retired people of 65-100 years old.
I think that preexisting family norms might also have had an impact. You can only listen to your dad complain about the old ball and chain, your mom constantly being overstressed, and your siblings acting like they want to murder each-other before you just decide that any attempt a starting a family will just lead to constant strife and emotional devastation.
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
My husband and I, both university graduates with purportedly saleable skills (IT and statistics), have our first stable jobs at the age of 34. We can just about pay our tiny mortgage and keep a secondhand car. We are very frugal. Retirement is never happening. It what universe can we afford a child?
@MrWizardGG No problem. I'm a retired academic; there are very few questions and criticisms that can offend me. And it follows, from the timeline presented, that BB and I did not make optimal career decisions in following our hearts, rather than heading off into banking, law, or programming.
As a 21 yo dude with a gf. No way I'm having kids. I want the system that keeps me poor to collapse. Why would I want anything else. Money means nothing to us. We don't care.
@@30kendel Just because someone else has it worse does not magically erase my problems, and certainly doesn't obligate me to welcome artificial obstacles made by the elites
@@Saltasaur Allow me to paraphrase a comment on this video: "Less people, less pollution, less idiots, less traffic, more food for everyone, less competition for that one job or house." If I'm being honest, I don't see any negative effects.
I have an engineering degree. I would love to move into the big city, meet a girl, and have a child, but between rent, car payments insurance, student loans, and just general life shit, I feel more compelled to stay at home with my parents in preparation of something bad happening and more cost of living increases. We are sooooo fucked.
@@30kendel Roundabout the two previous generations were the most prosperous generations ever in human existence. It's only natural that things have to spiral downwards eventually. Ironically it's spiralling downwards because we have been in peace for so long and the previous generations still hold all the wealth. I know a lot of people from older generations that own multiple cars and houses. All the while due to this there is no cheap living space for people just coming into the workforce. That's why there are fewer relationships and that's why the relationships that form after all only get 0, 1 or 2 children. Everything is so very expensive.
@ I agree with you! For me even if I have 1/2 a million dollars now, to me I feel that its a useful as toilet paper, most younger generations see that money is not worth grinding our asses off, for so little gain, were voting with our wallets, let the economy collapse, If AI, mass migration, or the purge of the aging population, you are correct this may need to happen, so that everything corrects itself.
I know one thing. When the plague hit europe. Its aftermath opened a huge path for former peasants to advance in society. When the price of labour shot up, they got a choice of jobs and got the resources to get educated and increase their standard of living. Should the population decline over time, we should see the price of labour increase for our kids but at the same time, this is why the technocracy is trying to push automation so hard.
Capitalism is always pushing efficiency. Automation makes things more efficient. It's gonna keep going irrespective of anything else as long as we are in this system. Even dictatorships like russia and north korea use automation where applicable. The labor market is still too stable. It will probably take about 20 years like the higher ups are telling us until things are so bad that the companies will fight for emplyees and thus increase the wages. That generation will then be able to rebuild.
Exactly this. The whole point of mass immigration is to prevent the business class having to pay more in wages, and so polticans can claim "i caused economic growth". Because economic growth measured by GDP is a poltical scam that gives exactly zero measure of how we as citizens are going financially, and can often be a negative thing. And it is almost impossible for meaningless GDP to not grow when the population grows.
Yep. All these fools who the filthy rich have taken in recent years to emotionally manipulate with "anti immigrant" the rich people's old tricks to distract from themselves, the people buying into the oligarchs scapegoating the people who work the hardest for the least nonsense ought to realize something: if the rich don't need immigrants anymore that actually means they don't need "natives" anymore either. The rich have backup plans to STATE-FORCE fake "pregnancy" to make our children their slaves and farm us as their livestock or the billionaires have their AI robots nearly ready to automate 99 percent of humanity into starvation out of existence. The bandwagon of fools need to realize things aren't what they seem and why "no immigrants" is actually a very bad development.
Karma is unavoidable: bad people have unhappy children and good people have happy children. Having more unhappy children is a curse. I pity all the fools I see selling out and raising miserable children.
@@Namelbmertyep, it's the thicko naive unimaginative types who buy into the dogma of breeding. Those who are more intelligent and rational have looked around them and come to the rational and ecoresponsible decision that adding more human beings into this massively overpopulated world is completely irresponsible. Livin' n' lovin' the childfree life.
Besides the whole money thing, as a woman, I'm just not willing to risk my body to bring another life (against their will) into this world. I have a genetic disorder and chronic pain which would absolutely be made worse by pregnancy. And then what? I get to struggle through the American health system, trying to find relief for my incurable health issues, all while trying to take care of a child who may or may not have the same genetic disorder I have? No thanks. Not to mention, there's not really any maternal leave in America. Pretty ironic for a country that's begging people to have more kids, no?
Considering that they are leaving women who wanted to have kids to bleed out and die, it's basic self defense to avoid pregnancy. It's historically been the #1 killer of women. And that's made worse now when they've declared they do not care about you. Especially the US, it doesn't even provide women with pelvic floor therapy after birth, which other countries do. They'll leave you a ruined mess just to save a buck.
Except that a vast majority of women are more than willing to take that risk with some chad on a dating app for 20 min on a wednesday and just oopsie abort after the fact or try and baby trap. That is also a reality not just the idea that some women are not able to because of health issues.
And they know third world countries have higher fertility rates, so there’s an abundance of people to help replace the native population that are suffering the economic crisis
Lets people, less pollution, less idiots, less traffic, more food to go around(sort of), less people to compete with for that 1 job or that house and apartment. Sounds like a win to me.
"less idiots" Sadly, no. The dumb people will outbreed the smart people, and the human race will become less intelligent over time (because intelligence is partly hereditary). That's the premise of the movie "Idiocracy," and we're seeing it happen today.
How are we supposed to truly colonize new worlds without more people? It'll take a few generations of building up, but the major terrestrial bodies combined (sans Venus) can easily hold a few billion people if we only populate them as densely as the Sahara, which is reasonable for ecologically dead worlds, I'd say.
@@keterpatrol7527 In my opinion colonizing is futile in space because the balance value / cost is not worth it, on Earth it's useful to acquire resources. but more than that why colonizing ? Happiness isn't defined by how much territory I conquered.
If people didn't need to work 16 hours a day then maybe there would have been some time to mate. Either that or just increase the hours in a day I suppose 😂
Millenials were born at the worst possible time. We came of age in 2008, no jobs no houses no future. Weve had to compete with our parents in the job market or serve them in retail, now none of us can afford a home, and when they unfortunately pass they will leave nothing bc everything will be taken by the healthcare system. If we paid out our eyeballs for a house the prices will collapse without all the boomers hoarding all the wealth, and by the time we are old there will no longer be enough people to support Healthcare, medicare, social security etc. Global warming will have really started to wreak havoc, and since we had no kids we will be almost completely alone. Fun times!
I think I’ll adopt. I get to give someone a better chance at life while experiencing the joy of caring for a child while also not adding to the overall population count. It’s a win-win
I think that is a great idea - unfortunately the adoption system is kind of broken and crazy expensive. It's way cheaper to pop out your own child if you and your partner are able to.
@HailAzathoth - Nothing is going to happen to the Earth. It has been here over 4 billion years without us and will continue at least another 4 billion years with or without us.
When was the last time you sat in a traffic jam and said, "You know what this world needs? MORE people"? Our world is going to shit precisely because there are too many of us.
@@gardenjoy5223 Yes, which goes hand in hand with cramming people into smaller and smaller spaces so they can all access said public transportation. That makes everyone happy.
@@DoctorFixMaster What are you talking about? The US I guess? Or some major city? Where I live we had a townhouse with a square footage of about 1500 square feet on 1,5 normal salary. It was big. Not crammed at all. There were houses of 1100 and 2000 square feet in my neighborhood as well. Where I live public transportation is Everywhere. You can live just about everywhere and not need a car. Or in remote places you can drive to a carpool place and join someone else there. Sometimes buses stop at carpool places too. Really, you need better public transportation. And it doesn't go hand in hand with smaller spaces. The houses in the remote areas are rather smaller, than bigger on average, since they were often build some generations ago and people did live smaller then. Still fine though.
@@gardenjoy5223 The real issues are much more complicated than just "can I be happy in a 1500 square foot house?" Anyone who wants a deep understanding of the balances and tradeoffs involved should read "The Wizard and the Prophet" by Charles C Mann.
I disagree. When a species overshoots its carrying capacity of its environment, degradation occurs. So we will be dealing with worse conditions than when we showed up. Climate change has been a thing since the beginning of the earth. However it is known to cause mass extinctions. Me personally? I'm fine with the population going down sharply (on paper) because people aren't having kids. It's bad, but still much better than the population going down because water depletion has made food production unfeasible (leading to a crash due to famine). I didn't even know until a couple of months ago that all our water comes from some underground aquifers that are rapidly getting depleted. Exponential growth is wild y'all.
@@jaytb2005 We wouldn't. Tech level has increased drastically. By the time we would be back to 2 billion people, we would have a greatly improved quality of life, both compared to back then and also to now.
@@SimuLord Rome lost its democracy and switched to a toxic monotheistic religion by then. Among all the other cultural problems. Has nothing to do with population decline.
We’re acting like there’s no limit to what the earth can give, but there is - and if we don’t change, we’re going to run out of things we depend on to survive.
Feminism did this. As I agree with a lot of what it provided for women it doesn't change the fact it doubled the work force in just a couple years. Then feminism has exploded into the "hate all men" side so now there is also , for the most part, no dual income but with the double in workforce the cost of living has within itself doubled as well now requiring 2 incomes not single incomes but most people are single and with the risk men face when she is "unhappy" and takes all his things on the way out a lot men are finding happiness and solitude living alone and avoiding those risks. As that spreads and men speak about it the more and more men are also content with work video games rinse repeat death.
@@Vivi_9 Interesting you say that because stats would prove you wrong. Cost of living doubled and more people are single and unmarried then ever. the cost of EVERYTHING SKYROCKETED when the ENTIRE workforce doubled. The idea was to give women options now not even WOMEN HAVE OPTIONS. It is work work work work work work. You are coping if you think that after feminism and the costs doubled that was just because of the greedy corporate guy. no we made up positions to place them in "cough cough HR" example given No, "HR" as we know it today, with a dedicated department focused on managing employee relations and welfare, did not exist before the rise of feminism; the concept of "human resources" developed later, with early roots in the late 19th century through "welfare secretaries" who were often women managing issues related to working conditions for female employees, which was a key concern for early feminist movements. But keep coping my blue hair simp!
First step: Raise taxes significantly on millionaires and billionaires to provide better public services, universal health care, and opportunities for the middle classes. Income inequality is a major driver of young people not being able to afford to have kids.
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
Housing is a "problem" in your country because it's probably an amazing country with a lot of job opportunities and fun stuff to do. If houses would be cheap half the planet would try to immigrate there... and that would rise the cost of houses.
They make the same claim here in Canada. It's bullshit. It's not about housing, it's about money. And neoliberalism. There are 1.3 million empty homes in this country. Private equity is buying up everything it can. Homeowners don't want their homes to devaluate. Governments won't help because they are owned. And the owners like it the way it is. Lots of profit. Just not for everyone.
Median Income in USA is $37,500, that means 50% of Americans make less than $37.5k a year. Median Home Price in USA is $400,000, that means for 50% of Americans, buying a first time Home is almost out of the question in this Life. Cost of living including Insurance (Medical/Auto/Car), Utilities, Groceries, and basic needs has shot through the roof, inflation is killing the average Person. And then, y'all wonder why People aren't getting married, why People are quiet quitting, why People aren't having children, why more and more People suffer with mental health issues, and why Population is collapsing. It always comes down to a simple phrase, it's the economy stupid. If you're someone who makes a decent to good living, you won't really feel the impact of this Economy, but vast majority of Americans are feeling the impact of this Economy, and they are not happy with it. And if this continuous, you will need immigrants to replace your population and workforce because American are just checking out and giving up on any hopes of a good life.
@@dakotadak100 Even if it was triple, you still can't afford a $400k house and live below your means. The cost of housing and rent is just insane. It is not the only factor in the low birth rate but certainly is a big one.
@joegrazulis2810 I disagree because I support a wife and 2 kids soon to be 3 kids on $85k. I bought a $380k house two years ago making a lot less than that.
Working in healthcare, the aging population might just collapse the system entirely. Already there's bed blocks in geriatric wards in my hospital, so much so they're taking away a surgical ward to make a THIRD geriatric ward in my relatively small hospital. Patients are staying for MONTHS waiting for nursing homes or increased home services or they're just really unwell yet the pt and/or family want to pull out all stops for their demented 98 year old grandpa who should've been palliated long ago. Not to mention the staffing crisis. Most nurses DON'T want to work in geriatrics, and the short staffing is extremely dangerous for both staff and patients. I've worked 1:15 with just an aid with acutely unwell patients. I predict the issue will be so dire in years to come that the focus on care will shift from longevity to quality of life and assisted dying will be far more common.
I'm a firm believer that life means more when there's less of it. It's wild how we can view wars on our phones watching casualties go up as a number on a screen, or how people in mega cities can walk around someone in distress who's dying or in danger. I recently visited a few towns that had 100-800 people, it was refreshing how friendly everyone was and how they all seemed to know each other. There were really strong senses of community. The trade off being less career opportunities
@@josiemchannel maybe it could in the right geographical region. But many things you take for granted require resource that 90 people together (and trust me all 90 would NEED to be together) would simply not be able to do. A factory alone requires way more than 90 people. they would need to be spread out and somehow communicate with eachother. all of this is impossible with that low of population. I think 100 million would be feasible if all humans lived in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
Earth has resourced that rasy can stand x5 times the actual global population. Problem is, right now tehera are quite more elder people than young one (And the youngs are the labor force that pays pensions)
@@Quian34 Wrong. Earth is overpopulated. If everyone has a decent living standard, we shouldn't be more than 2 to 3 billion people with current technology standard to be ecologically sustainable. Currently we can't even produce sufficient biofuel to get rid of mineral oil because then people would starve on masse.
Capitalism became dystopian. Fools like Musk don't even know what's going on in the street. That's the scary part because his ilk are in control now thanks to duped Trump voters.
Why are people in capitalist countries slaves? You have to go to work in every country, even in communist countries. And you earn less there and have less freedom.
@@MikJames-d1g What kind of a senseless comment is that, Mik? There were different times. When things looked well. Where schools weren't grooming your children behind your back to think they are of the opposite sex. Where buying a house was a viable option for starters on the market. Etc.
Why is everyone concerned about the workforce being smaller due to low population while at the same time being worried about the possibility of ai taking so many jobs? Like those two problems are solutions to each other aren’t they?
@ that’s ok a smaller population doesn’t need as much tax money to support itself right? and jobs in elder care are jobs that are safe. I guess they’ll just need to scale down the production of goods to match that of the smaller population
@@geekgirl616 the size of the population is not the problem. The structure is. When the elderly are a dominating part of the society, the younger ones will have to work harder and pay more to support them. With proportions 6 pensioners per 1 worker it doesnt look good.
My father ruined the family finances raising 4 kids on a single income. It wasn't just low income, but also stupid choices he made, which created a lot of stress in our lives. My father died early and my mother is now falling behind on retirement. That stress tricked down to his 4 kids, and now we are facing an economy worse than before, and both my parents still believed raising kids is a good thing. What a sick joke! .
There's an ideology plagued being passed from generations to generations in my country that people thought having more children = grants more fortune. Now my country will face economy collapse and low birth rates eventually and i can see the sign clearly. Its always the lower class who got fed up by this propaganda, if only they realized... As the matter of fact its suppost to be a choice, but its unfortunately lots of people born that way similar case as you I hope things turn well in the future
@兽Arufisu things will certainly not turn well for the future. Economies will collaspe. I love capitalism but the very worse of capitalism is destroying the human race. It needs people grow. Fewer people means less growth and eventual decline. Mass migration is only a band ate over a hole in a dam. Solves no problems because the migrants barely have kids themselves when they move. The only people who will survive comfortably are the people who already live in remote villages that barely live off anything anyway. Places that it's hard for survival
While you mentioned it, you didn’t give enough attention to the state of women. Globally I don’t think women want to have children anymore because men put the raising of children and the sacrifices on women so that we need to work and take care of the home. It is too much work so women are saying no to the unpaid labor of motherhood. Until things get more equal in the home, I don’t think things will change.
Yeah it’s ironically almost always men making these videos and never really mention women’s specific reasons. The real reasons women mention in their own spaces. A lot of women are single and not looking to date men ever. And now there is a rise of women dumping their trump voting male partners too. Funny how men never seem to ask the ones who can actually give birth.
This is kind of a myth these days. Dads spend 3x more time with their children than their fathers and the household chores are nowhere near where they used to be, because we have technology that makes the hard labour. În my circle of friends, coworkers and family, i don't have a single case of a husband or boyfriend who is not helping their partener to various degrees. Even the old generation of men, like my father and grandfather, all of them are very helpfull and interested to make things work.
@@Que.Miras_Bobo-d2j Did you read your reply? Why did you say “helping their partner?” Because these things are still left primarily to women. The word “equal” does not appear in your response. You are just unaware of what is really happening. Do some real research and you will find that it is a myth that today’s dads do more.
I think your misunderstanding the real issue. Employment for women use to be an optional boon for the family. Now due to "gender equality" women are economically REQUIRED to work in order to keep the family unit financially viable. This means that no one can take care of the kids, so familys aren't having them. The burden of childcare has always been on women since the beginning of time, that's biological. And men's burden was providing providing resources.
Yeah. And what are governments planning? Punishing childless people. As the lack of spending power wasn't the main problem already. But they will never admit it. According to them, the economy is GREAT! If you're a multimilionaire, that is.
That's a policy too scary for the oligarchs in Moscow, the Mullahs in Tehran, and the technocrats of Singapore. There's no chance it comes to Western liberal states.
I just don’t like reality in its entirety and don’t want to subject someone else to it, and that isn’t selfish at all-in fact it’s quite the opposite. Just tryna stay humble, healthy, and live my best life
@ Are you actually telling me to kms? Sheesh clearly you didn’t understand my comment. Even though i myself never asked to be here, I’m still going to treasure my own life and live it out the best I can. And I can do that without foisting existence on another person.
@@onionfarmer3044 because people arent sandwiches??? and suicide isnt like throwing away trash??? and sanwiches dont have families and huge consequences when thrown out??? ridiculous to compare them bro
I'll be honest, even if I DID have the money to have a child, I would still hesitate to do it. The state of public education in my country is beyond horrible, the job environment is messed up (for example hearing about a young doctor or nurse k1lling themselves is not unusual), employers don't even BOTHER to properly follow labour laws (the amount of fraud, unpaid overtime, and unpaid wages I've seen with my own eyes is insane), owning a home is unbelievably difficult, and the cost of rent is absolutely CRIMINAL... I can't even begin to describe how lucky I feel to have inherited a humble apartment in a comfortable spot in my city. Can't imagine growing up in such a world and feeling so little hope for your future.
People today don't think their kids will be better off than them because most of us feel like we are worse than our parents. If you want your kid to have a chance at a better life you need to have very few kids. This is why we need better wages, less requirements of degrees that mean nothing, and cheaper housing.
Because everyone learned the fact that not all couple need kids to be fullfilled actually you dont even need a relationship boyfriend / girlfriend if your satisfied with your self then just live alone.
So you just need a Silicon Valley angel investor and maybe a reverse SPAC to raise more capital, then you will have babies on Mars! ...we're all screwed
When it comes to life changing decisions like buying a house, getting married, going to college, having kids, etc you have to way the pros and the cons. During the baby boom here in the US there was innovation and economic prosperity. People could afford children, homes and college. The pros outweighed the cons. Today however, it's the polar opposite for MANY reasons.
I make $35k above median household income in my area, own an affordable house, and have no other debt. If I had to pay for childcare, food and necessities for two kids I would need to stop contributing to my 401k and Roth. Additionally I would really need to scale back on "luxuries" like eating healthy, maintaining my vehicle, and having good homeowners/auto insurance. I grew up in a single income household, mom stayed at home, we had vacations every year, and a reasonable amount of toys and luxuries. After playing with an inflation calculator, I'd need to make $175k a year to provide the same lifestyle. I have no path towards making that kind of money despite following in my Dad's footsteps and being in a similar career. Jobs dont pay as much as they used to. The payscale for that career path is nowhere close to how it paid in the 90s. The only reason I was able to buy a house is due to relocating accross the country to a place where housing costs are reasonable and the only reason I was able to pay off my student loans was aggressive budgeting, skipping meals, and living in very substandard housing for a few years. And I'm in a better spot that a lot of my peers. Let that sink in...
@furiousdestroyah9999 lol, ridiculous I know. I track my spending pretty religiously and one of the grocery stores I go to weekly serves as the grocery store where I pick up my staples. I've been going to that same store since 2014 on a weekly basis and have been buying the exact same things. In 2014 my grocery bill was $75/week. Now I spend $200/week on the same stuff. Between 2014-2020 it crept from $75 to $90-ish. But between 2021 to current day it's more than doubled. Even the bare necessities are getting pretty expensive nowadays.
If you had kids, none of what you mentioned would be anywhere near as meaningful to you, than ur kid. When u see that little person that's of ur blood, smile whenever u return, who even looks like you, a part of you. Only then you'll realize "oh man I was wrong in thinking there was something more valuable than my kid"
@@finalboss7956 I don't disagree with that. Some of my friends that have had kids who were previously dinks (dual income no kids) and were previously trying to fire (financial independence retire early) have said the same thing. I probably wouldn't regret it until I retire and social security is defunct and I need to work a couple years past retirement age to make up for the 2-5 lost years of income. I just don't like that I would need to stop what I'm supposed to be doing (contributing to retirement) to start what I'm supposed to be doing (having kids). It shouldn't be one or the other when 20 years ago it wasn't a one or the other choice due to wage stagnation.
imagine finding a significant other that made even half or a quarter what you make. that's straight cash in the bag therefore nothing changes and you can afford a child. Now when she divorces you in 5-10 years and you lose everything because she is "unhappy" is a different story entirely.
I can only speak for myself but what's the point if we all are born without our consent just to suffer and die ? Also, this world is unjust and rewards evil so why have kids.
I'm not trying to cause an argument, I'm just trying to bring my points to this. Here are some questions I have about this statement (in general); How would you guarantee that your kid would 100% suffer if they were born? If the world was super evil enough to not have kids, why did our parents even bring us into the world in the first place? If the world rewards evil, what can we do (at least in our community and cultures) to change it into rewarding good? What morals can we teach kids to prevent this evil corporate trap and thrive on the planet? Etc. I feel like this way of thinking does have a lot of merit, but it's pretty pessimistic and doesn't cover every situation about the topic.
@@cerealORRH radicallygreen is overall right i always see subhuman peaces of sh** progress in life and the more you dig the more you find ouy this one is just got lucky or this one just knows certain people that's why he's where he is , a lot of nepotism , luck and injustice everywhere , luck is so important in all of this that it just becomes comically unfair and your kid will probably suffer if it's a boy unless he gets the lucky chad genetics ( tall , good looking face , i don't even think that iq matters at all it's only looks ).
@@cerealORRH I'm not the person you initially replied to, but I'd like to answer your questions all the same. It's not that one can know for sure that a kid would suffer if they were born (even though virtually everyone suffers to some extent at some point, some more than others), rather, it's that it's absolutely certain they won't suffer if they are NOT born. I think most of our parents just had kids because it was the "next step" and most just didn't even question whether they want kids in the first place. I'm also sure that a great many had kids without wanting them due to family and societal pressure; with the amount of awful parents there are, it seems obvious to me that they shouldn't have had kids in the first place and probably didn't even consider that was an option. I find it great that an increasing number of people follow through on their wish not to have children and not just succomb to their parents' wish to have grandchildren. Unfortunately though, as long as humans will be humans, it will never be even remotely close to remove suffering or to actually objectively instill "good values".
How did this happen? The people making babies for the last 50 years also made life so unaffordable that it's now impossible to afford raising one. Is this rocket science to anyone?
It's the cost of living. Most of the factors you mentioned have a low impact on the fertility rate. The cost of living has risen, pay increase has stagnated, and people work more than ever. The reason why simply giving citizens money hasn't worked in Korea and Japan is that it didn't address the toxic work culture those countries have which has contributed to their abysmal fertility rates. Polymatter did a great video on this, and the evidence suggest that most people do want to have kids, but they just can't afford to have them.
I don't see why this is a problem. So what if we aren't getting an exponentially increasing population, this planet can only fit so many people. It's reasonable for it to slow down a bit.
@@Mar.Sanford This whole thing won't be an instantaneous change. It will be gradual. Things are just slowing down, as expected. Plus we got more than enough workers anyways to the point they are disposable so I don't see the problem.
The fact is we don’t feel supported. The world, the country, the structures, the people around us are often things we have to fight against to have kids instead of working with us. You have to REALLY want a kid to have one nowadays or be in a much better than average financial situation. You barely get help in individualistic societies specifically with raising children, maternity/paternity leave is sometimes not enough or nonexistent (US 🙄), literally everything you need to raise a child down to just having enough space is expensive, there are so many divorces and single parents and unhealthy relationships…etc., etc. Raising a child has more hurdles than ever now, you have to be willing to fight through every day.
The solution is not through more collectivism, that destroys economies and leaves people poor. As someone who lives in Argentina, a massive statist model and social welfare only ended with 50% of the country poor, brutal inflation rates, children eating from trash and politicians and everyone around them with multi-millionaire lifestyles. The only solution to poverty is through economic growth.
@@amandabisby3546 All the countries with the best child care, maternity and paternity leave, welfare of any kind, like north european countries, are in a demographic decline. The country with the lowest number of hours worked per year in the world, Germany, has a ridiculously low fertility rate. It's seem counterintuitive, but if give more free time to people, they simply use it to advance their career or hobbies, if we give them more money they use it on vacations or consumption.
@@MaxP_88Economic growth won't matter if only the owning class gets to benefit from it. Production keeps increasing while wages keep going down. Somebody is stealing the money that workers should be receiving
This video didn’t convince me why less people is a bad thing. We are consuming so many natural resources and making many animals extinct. Convince me why having less people won’t help with that.
@@MaxP_88 My guy we aren't gonna die out if our population stagnates. There will always be people having kids. It's just that there's a limit on that due to the current economy.
@@MaxP_88Why care about something that's going to happen no matter what we do? 99% of life in Earth's history has gone extinct and so will we. We'll probably be around for another 50 million years if a meteorite doesn't strike.
Let's be honest the modern world is not for more responsibilities like married or having kids ..the living by yourself is already hard why do i need to bring more hell to myself?
I have decided that I'll only have kids if i reach the upper middle class or lower-rich status. Basically a state where I wont ever have to worry about money for the bare minimum stuff (food, power, housing, healthcare, transport, clothes). And have like a good amount if savings. I dont ever want another human being to go through abject poverty like I did.
@@lowserver2 Theres nothing intrinsically honourable about being a father. i. e Not all fathers/mothers are saints. One could theoretically go to get the milk and never come back( like your dad did). Or, jokes aside, you could be a born into a poor house like I was. Where I was malnourished and basically didnt have clothes. (I still remember i had only two shirts and my uniform in highschool, and even they were from the mission). I was the working 'asian child' you guys memed about. But regardless forcing a person to 'do something just because their parents did it' is squarely against the idea of liberty.
I don’t understand why no one puts the finger at airlines for the decline in birth rates. It is obvious to me, though, that allowing them to travel along with the other passengers, instead of containing them in spaces especially dedicated to families, has done tremendous damage to the reputation of children.
6:56 I get the feeling that everytime we change nature we end up having to fix what we changed. The internet and our mental health and brain health. Lights and sleep. Cars and pollution. Plastic and microplastics etc.
When we were trying to reduce population people drew a clear correlation with women’s education, birth control, and secularism. Once we started worrying about declining populations and fertility suddenly all the “experts” forgot about them.
@@zs9652the problem is that those heavy handed approaches only work on people who have anything to lose. However the modern doomer with a nihilistic worldview, which is an ever increasing percentage of the young population, just don't have or feel that have anything left to lose or even hope to have in the future so they might as well just choose self deletion and go into the endless night flipping the bird to the elites who would just further increase the speed of the depopulation.
Don’t get me wrong, I want kids. I’m not having them cause the world sucks, the economy sucks and the future is dark and full of horror. I’m NOT bringing kids to that. We know now how important the first 25 years on human development are. If we want to raise a healthy society, it ain’t happening unless we solve all the problems. I know it ain’t happening so, I’m not birthing any children I’m not 100% sure they will have everything they need for their correct development.
We're still headed for 10b people. And the agribusiness is headed for collapse. And climate-driven famine is also affected by humans. Feeding our population is decimating our environmental capital, for instance using more water than is supplied by rainfall, with ground water bores going from 10m a couple of decades ago to 2km to now, just to keep growing enough food. Population HAS to fall. It's an economic challenge to manage economic reduction, but maybe, maybe AI will offer a solution. Although probably an awful solution
Logan’s Run. People live longer and longer, but not healthier, puts a huge strain on society. We need to be focusing on better health and wellbeing in younger people, otherwise when people are old they are sick, dependent on others and putting a huge strain on the younger generation.
Strictly an opinion but it feels like it’s occurring. The movie idiocracy is becoming a documentary. People are getting dumber due to overeliance on technology and those people are populating not knowing the real costs of having kids. While those who are weary of the costs, reality and circumstances of having a kid are not, leading to population collapse. Anyone else feel this way?
Communist delusion. There has never been a time in history with so much wealth and confort spread out to most people around the world. An average person in a developing country today has a better and more comfortable life than kings and queens in most of human history.
Modern parenting is extremely child-centered and it seems like it is miserable work. Many of us who are child free are simply not interested in the job. Money is not really the issue.
NO ONE CAN AFFORD KIDS. My cousin has a 23 plate 911 turbo s and even he complains at the cost of taking the kids to McDonalds. £50 for a family of 4 to eat, it should be half that at the most. Fkin ridiculous
Why is he taking them to McDonalds when he could cook the same food for half the cost? The issue is people are lazy and don't want to cook at home. Food is cheap when you prepare your meals for yourself. That has always been the case. You're paying for the convenience when you go to a restaurant of any kind.
@@lukeraymond6927I mean, yeah, that’s the point. we don’t know what he does to afford that Porsche- maybe he has insane working hours. y’all will always blame people when they got no business charging as much as they do for their food anyway. how’s it feel to be a boot licker?
@@lukeraymond6927 Bingo! If people actually stayed together and worked towards goals rather than the vast amount of people glued to cell phones the next trend the fastest car and being fed this illusion of money on tik tok. 2 incomes of 45k is a decent house and still have money if done right to feed a family and more. but oh no shiny object syndrome spend spend spend is really what a big issue is.
@@lukeraymond6927 Unless you eat instant noodles or low quality food I don't think eating at home is any cheaper than eating out anymore. I would know, I cook around the clock and whenever I cook it's *only* marginally cheaper than eating out (when you look at the costs and how many dishes you get from cooking).
i don't want kids bc they're expensive but even if money weren't an issue i'd likely not be a good parent. i would pay for a nanny, and just buy them things to keep them happy. i'm not sure i'd be a present dad especially bc today's society isn't supportive of families. food, rent, schooling, all of it just costs too much
Why bring a child into a world that is this messed up? Not only is it largely unaffordable, it just feels like a bad idea since the world is basically doomed and the powers that be don't want to save it. What would the kid have to live for?
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Do you have children yourself?
The children and progeny of the families who are having 10+ children in this current environment are going to eventually replace the people who don't breed and population levels will go back up again.
Okay Cole.
Why should we work for someone else?
Why should we live for someone else?
Birth and Procreation is an individual matter, not a collective matter
Absolutely ridiculous that you did not address any of women's concerns, when you need them to breed. 1. Access to reproductive healthcare 2. Loss of jobs/income/opportunities 3. Males who leave all the work to the women....
You mean the collapse of money?Since money is useless anymore
Rent is $1,500 and jobs pay $12 an hour…
Most money goes to shareholders, so people are tired of being slaves.
Get into a better paying career.
Look on the bright side, if you go to college and graduate with a good degree in STEM or Economics, you can probably get a job that pays 35$ an hour like me!
...Because it hires me for one day a week, because the company is liquidating itself thanks to Bidenomics.
@@Viperness While this might solve the issue for singular persons it doesn't solve it on a systematic level. Not everyone can get into a good paying career, because that would require all careers to be good payed by default.
@@Vipernessyou say that like it’s easy goofy
If I had a kid right now I would be financially ruined. I would never have the possibility of giving them a good life. So why would I bring them into the hell hole I already live in.
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
Correct, but survival is not only hardwork but changing your environment also.
that's kinda hard to do since they can't do that... when everything is owned by the rich and powerful..
That's an excuse. Stop using it/repeating it just because it sounds good and you jive with the general edgy/sentiment of it. Same with, usually girls, saying they're too worried about climate change and its affects on their theoretical kids. All it does it social mine
Don't have kids, pls ❤
Why is it always "Get the slaves to breed more slaves to prop up the economy!" and never "treat workers better so they actually want to live and have children" or even "allow as many people as possible to get an education without going into debt, so they can earn more money per hour, thus becoming more able to afford higher taxes to support more retirees!"
It's definitely my strategy for minecraft tbh
Higher taxes won't mean anything since a 98% increase on income tax will still be less than $2 if people are only making $2 income. If people are not making enough money, tax increases will not give the government the money it needs. It will have no choice but to tax corporations and then companies get mad. Also, people need money to buy stuff or else those corporations do not make profit. It's funny, by not paying good wages, they ensure their customer base will shrink in the future.
@@evilds3261 I think the key here is ultimately productivity and we see how that's shaping up to be lol.
@evilds3261 youre missing some big things here. Right now poors pay much higher % of taxes compared to rich, which creates inflation. Nip it in bud
U are brainwashed not to have kids
The sheep aren't breeding and the wolves are getting angry
Lol, rich aren't wolves . They were once sheep aswell.
@@TADA00X12considering most of them are born into wealth, nuh uh
They could be Born in Millionaire family but most became Billionaires themselves @@cloudwyrms9752
Could be from well of family but still became Billionaires themselves @@cloudwyrms9752
@TADA00X12 Sheep and wolves is not about class but mentality. Wolves exploit sheep. No sheep, nobody to be exploited and the wolves need to work themselves which they don't want to.
Good thing all these old heads grew up “picking themselves by there bootstraps” and know how to “get a job” because it sounds like they are going to need exactly that.
What gets me is that "picking themselves up by their bootstraps" used to be code for we are abandoning you because it's too dangerous/there's nothing that could be done. Now people use the phrase like it's something that can be done when the whole point is that you can't pick yourself up by your bootstraps.
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
😂😂😂 it will be fun to see
They will get the govt to put it on the credit card and make us pay for it anyways.
Let me afford a fucking house and I will think about having kids
here's 10 dollars, now you can have kids right? 500,000 yen for babies. 2 million us dollars later per child without college, graduate school, or trade school. Yup. 10 dollars will go along way. Ok, its like 3k US dollars. That's doesn't even cover the medical checkups before the baby is born.
Fr, the boomers act like we're entitled for just wanting to be able to afford a place to live yet also act like we're entitled for delaying/opting out of starting a family because we can't afford anything. We can never satisfy them lol
Have a house but most the 'affordable' ones such as mine need about $100k-$250k worth of work just to make it functional. Mine needs approximately $120k-$175k worth of work. I live out of 2 rooms in the house and it'll likely take me 10-16 years to renovate it completely. The house only cost me $1 and its a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house. Just 90% uninhabitable in exchange without a lot of work.
The average age of first time homebuyers has dropped significantly over the last century. Yeah houses are expensive but that doesn’t stop people from buying them
Honesty, I just like getting 8 hours of sleep every single night, having one job and enough free time to do whatever tf I want.
Stop being selfish.
@@Viperness It's not selfishness, it's called not wanting children
@@Viperness why? You should be selfish.
@@Vipernessnice bait
@@Spectral_Waves wouldn't bother reasoning with someone like that, no critical thinking in the slightest
I'm loving all the "the wolves are angry the sheep aren't breeding" comments.
I come to these videos specifically for them.
It's being said because it's true.
All the developed countries freaking about about the declining birth rate are finally reaping what they've sown lol. Literally what did they expect would happen?
Kanohi kraahkan noticed
@@JasonKeyes-f2n 👏👏👏
Nobody wants to be poor and work harder just to make another future tax payer. The government doesn’t help pay for the upbringing of these taxpayers so why should one sacrifice a lot for the state?
Why should one sacrifice a lot for the state? Like men going into the military, ensuring short term national survival. Whilst women, their body their choice, doesn't hold up their end of the bargain for long term survival through birthrates. In fact women's mating preferences is the one causing promiscous society. >If< 80% of women go for the top 5% of men, those 5% men have less incentive to be monogamous. So average joe is left with a poor outlook on marraige and children, even if he does land a woman, womens commitment is so fleeting nowadays pumping up the divorce rates. [[[To add to your argument, it's not only an economic hardship there is also an increasing partner/mate challenge, and men generally want a family, than shareable children]]]
The government punishes people who work and have kids in fact and they wonder why no one wants them 😅
You still have many people in their 30s living with their parents, I've seen husbands and wife's move into parents' homes. This country always makes it hard on the average taxpayer
It's not the government lamenting the lack of children, it's people like Elon Musk. He needs slaves. But the slaves are homeless people now are unrewarded, which is normal.
@@MarcusTheJR I will never understand why it was wrong/weird to still live with your parents in adult ages.
I'm an Ivy League grad who hasn't had a stable job 5 years into the job market... This trend does not surprise me.
Did you go to Darthmouth college
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
Ivy league isn't what it used to be.
What’s your major in?
If you went to an ivy League school you were guaranteed a job at a high-profile company, or working a government job... I think it's all the bureaucracy that's been put in place and people retaining some position they can only be forced out of by a group... It's all really complicated stuff.
The thing about economics is... it's man made. Man made money, made the systems to use money, made the rules to enforce it. It's not like gravity or the rotation of the cosmos. Economic systems can change, so whenever anyone talks about the birth rate and goes off on how it's going to impact economics... I'm very meh about it. Its almost as if the decline in birth rate is a soft rebellion against the system that is choking us to death.
Well said!
On point 💯
That's not true at all. Nature creates systems and stores of energy. Money is a lubricant for value of items and economics a system for that value. Chimps have been to shown to understand the concept. You're not rebels, your cavemen in the Feudal era.
I agree the economic system will find a way to adjust. More jobs will be given to machines.
Forget about money. Just think labor. Labor needs to be done all the time. When you’re retired you don’t provide labor, but you want to consume labor. That’s a problem.
It's a choice, not a requirement. Think for yourself and do what's right for you. Not having kids was the best choice we ever made.
as long as your country does not take in people from somalia, congo, afghanistan , pakistan , india, indonesia, your good
Its not the best choice for society
@@ericantone8709 Whose society? Most people are not interested in struggling for the sake of "society."
A lot of people actually want to have children. They just don't have them because they're unable to sustain them.
Honestly, I'm not sure how much of this is really true. I live in the suburbs of Chicago, and you can find a very nice one-bedroom apartment here for around $1500. Assuming you and your partner have at least undergraduate degrees and are employed with those degrees, it's completely doable for a couple to live like that. Over time, as you both gain equity in your jobs, you'll make more money and be able to expand your household and eventually introduce kids into the picture.
Starting a family right off the cuff is definitely not feasible today, but if you play your cards right and have a five-year plan with your partner-and you two are not in huge debt-I think it's very possible. It just has to be the number one priority in your life
I don't think a lot of people want children. It's because we have infinite entertainment options now. We have so much information, games, and movies at our fingertips. Why would anyone want to breed and have some rugrat running around that can only cause you financial hardship? No, it's the internet and cell phones which saved us from incessant baby-making.
A lot of females in their 30s and late 20s want to have kids. Anytime I talk to one of them all they care about is my job and bring up kids into the conversation more often than a girl in early 20s. I couldn’t care about it at this point, those ladies didn’t find me soon enough so I’ll add myself to the not having kids category unless child support and divorce is abolished and I don’t lose everything I’ve worked for.
@@prod5headthis all sounds good on paper but truly isn’t realistic lmao
@rl7329 But I think the issue is even deeper than that. I honestly think people in the past had kids out of boredom. With all the entertainment now, why would you do that? You're telling me you are so bored that you need to have a kid to make life interesting? It boggles my mind.
I come from a dysfunctional divorced broken home. I believe that is another huge reason why people aren't interested in having kids. Some people just want to break the cycle and just enjoy their lives.
@@windell1857 Especially galling was the clip of parenting expert Little Lord Elon exhorting us to repeat his mistakes
LOL! Yes, “ father of the year” Elon!!!
Same here
My life has been enjoyed enough. I'm ready to be a father.
@@devilsadvocacywouldn't it be hilarious if after all his efforts and expenditures of raising an army of mini-Elon, all of his kids refuse to procreate even at the threat of losinf their billion dollars inheritance? They just flat out refuse and that is the end of the line for Elon's line. How I gleefully hope for this. 😂
No one will miss humanity when it’s gone except humanity, and the universe won’t be missing out on anything.
This comment should be the most liked. As terrible as it may sound, it says nothing but the truth.
I dislike this comment, but only because I want dogs to care if humans disappeared.
Well said
Yeah humans destroyed everything that is good in this planet. As a misanthrope I'm glad with whats happening in our society.
Cats and dogs of people who cared for them and fed them delicious food would miss them. Or they just would miss being served like a king...
The cats quickly forget that they had brothers and sisters when one of them die, but i think they wouldn't forget so quickly the big ape that fed them everyday for just being cute. No one does this for them other than humans.
I'm getting tired of having to repeat stuff like this, but I'd still like to make my point. The modern world is not in fit condition for raising more kids.
Apparently Egypt, Somalia, Gambia and Afghanistan are great places to rise kids since they have so many.
The modern world wasn't made with normal human beings in mind. Only billionaires and eventually robots
@furiousdestroyah9999 We're slowly approaching the breaking point. What we're witnessing now is just the beginning.
You should look into the Mouse Utopia experiment
People could have said that at any time throughout history. Everything always feels like it's going to shit in an unprecedented way. Focus on your own life, not the state of the entire world... human minds weren't meant for that scale of information and concern overload. Easier said than done in a high-information world, but if you focus on yourself as much as you can, you'll be happier and you'll be able to make it work.
'Child free' movement scares the 1% billionaires.
- Less cheap, poor, desperate, exploitable labor
- Less cannon fodder.
No the children movements doesn’t scare billionaires at all lol.. They will just grin at them and then import very eager and hungry immigrants that will work harder for lesser pay ..
The system's control depends on you having children, because it is dependent on abuse and the threat of abuse to keep you controlled, and nothing makes you more vulnerable than knowing your children will be targetted if you rebel. If you don't have children, the situation gets reversed: it is better to die than to live in endless suffering, so really, the more things devolve, the more childless people become vastly empowered.
IMO, they don't 'need' more workers (they can always bring more from the 3rd world) - it's rather that they can't afford to have a large mass of uncontrollable slaves...
And RUclipsrs who need more mindless viewers
It's just want they want: fewer people to oppose their tyrrany.
No, they don't. When they feel threatened for a second they donate another million to the automated systems/machines research
I love my kids so much, that i wouldn’t bring them to this world.
If only your mother loved you as much.
@ i forgive her lol accidents happen lol
Same. Who looks at the holocaust and these children starving to death nuclear war the planet on fire our last invention AI and what's going on in this country where "Americans" are now being outright farmed as the livestock of the filthy rich psychopaths criminals "trickle down" billionaire oligarchs and think "gee I want to bring innocent children into this hellscape and the last days of humanity? My MORON parents did this under the nuclear Armageddon over our heads and subsequently kept destroying our lives voting for the "trickle down" mafia Reagan-Trump and keep willingly participating in helping the filthy rich psychopaths manufacturing national delusion for their own no limits at-all-costs self-serving narcissism sociopath "pull up the ladder behind me" the "trickle down" mafia endless emotional manipulation total bs. "Idiocracy" is real. And yet the rational people who actually understand what this crap show mankind actually is and where this is all going and do the right thing not to bring more suffering in this planet 8 BILLION people and the rich consuming three planets, anyone with even a grain of actual sense reality or intelligence is always treated like total crap "second class" with no representation whatsoever because everything in this world is run by bandwagons of morons willingly emotionally manipulated by the absolute worst of the worst of humanity psychopaths. Imagine being Einstein and watching the rise of Hitler and humanity forever cursed by this level of stupidity
You know the way. As someone who almost died a few years ago in my forties with no wife and no kids... I'm grateful they don't exist now. I still have to stick around for a little while longer since there are still other people in my life, but I don't have to feel responsible for abandoning people I've made commitments with.
@@ccrozz99 exactly
The problem isn't that there will be fewer people, but that there will be many more older people than young ones. If you think taking care of children is expensive, just wait until you have to take care of old retired people, be it directly or indirectly through taxes.
And with the current birth rates in europe and north america, in the future young people will have to take care of 3-7 old people per 1 young person. That is catastrophic.
Big time.
I wonder if this would even or if the young generation doesn’t have a huge population when they are old if they have kids there wouldn’t be too many old people to care for, maybe in 150 years or so?
@@Peter-mj6lz can you rephrase yourself, not sure what you said exactly.
But if you are asking how long it would take for this to happen?
It's already happening and it will get as bad as I'm describing it in about 80-200 years depending on the birth rate of the country. The lower, the faster.
@ I’m saying that it might stabilise as we use to have a much lower population.
I think 10-20 years ago it was more common to fear overpopulation.
@@Peter-mj6lz again the problem is not weather we have 1 billion or 100 billion people, the problem is that we will have 70-80%+ of the population be old retired people of 65-100 years old.
I think that preexisting family norms might also have had an impact. You can only listen to your dad complain about the old ball and chain, your mom constantly being overstressed, and your siblings acting like they want to murder each-other before you just decide that any attempt a starting a family will just lead to constant strife and emotional devastation.
Be gone bot
@@guardsenjoyerif it is a bot they nailed exactly how I feel about the topic 😭
100th like
@@amandabisby3546 They are spawning in YT comments everywhere. Especially self improvement. Pretty annoying
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
My husband and I, both university graduates with purportedly saleable skills (IT and statistics), have our first stable jobs at the age of 34. We can just about pay our tiny mortgage and keep a secondhand car. We are very frugal. Retirement is never happening. It what universe can we afford a child?
What did you do for 14 years??? Lol
@MrWizardGG Academia, mostly. That idea we were sold as children that we could succeed in any field if we tried hard enough.
@@lucycooper9149 that makes sense. Sorry for saying lol
@MrWizardGG No problem. I'm a retired academic; there are very few questions and criticisms that can offend me. And it follows, from the timeline presented, that BB and I did not make optimal career decisions in following our hearts, rather than heading off into banking, law, or programming.
Exactly, maybe affordable in some other galaxy.
It’s unethical to bring children into poverty.
And to broken homes like half of all kids are born into already
India added 1 billion people in 70 years.
@@rimiserk8277 And how's that working out for them?
Then the unethical will take over the world lmao
@@churblefurblesI guess they will
As a 21 yo dude with a gf. No way I'm having kids. I want the system that keeps me poor to collapse. Why would I want anything else. Money means nothing to us. We don't care.
Based. Let the house of cards fall so we can build something that's actually solid and not utter dogshit like this modern era
You are not poor. If the system that makes you poor collapses, then you will find out what poor looks like.
@@erickottke9673 most people from developed countries don’t know what poor is
If they traveled half way across the globe western people will know what poor really means,
@@30kendel Just because someone else has it worse does not magically erase my problems, and certainly doesn't obligate me to welcome artificial obstacles made by the elites
I wouldn't complain if we became less on this planet.
exactly like who cares
"We"😂 not all Cultures are the Same look out for this - ☪️ancer(this your Replacement 😇)
Neither would the planet!
You say that now until it negatively affects you.
Allow me to paraphrase a comment on this video:
"Less people, less pollution, less idiots, less traffic, more food for everyone, less competition for that one job or house."
If I'm being honest, I don't see any negative effects.
I have an engineering degree. I would love to move into the big city, meet a girl, and have a child, but between rent, car payments insurance, student loans, and just general life shit, I feel more compelled to stay at home with my parents in preparation of something bad happening and more cost of living increases. We are sooooo fucked.
City girls make bad wives
Its weird that more and more younger people are well educated but no high earning jobs. Students have more debt than their parents.
@@30kendel Roundabout the two previous generations were the most prosperous generations ever in human existence.
It's only natural that things have to spiral downwards eventually.
Ironically it's spiralling downwards because we have been in peace for so long and the previous generations still hold all the wealth.
I know a lot of people from older generations that own multiple cars and houses.
All the while due to this there is no cheap living space for people just coming into the workforce.
That's why there are fewer relationships and that's why the relationships that form after all only get 0, 1 or 2 children.
Everything is so very expensive.
@ I agree with you! For me even if I have 1/2 a million dollars now, to me I feel that its a useful as toilet paper, most younger generations see that money is not worth grinding our asses off, for so little gain, were voting with our wallets, let the economy collapse, If AI, mass migration, or the purge of the aging population, you are correct this may need to happen, so that everything corrects itself.
It sucks
I know one thing. When the plague hit europe. Its aftermath opened a huge path for former peasants to advance in society. When the price of labour shot up, they got a choice of jobs and got the resources to get educated and increase their standard of living. Should the population decline over time, we should see the price of labour increase for our kids but at the same time, this is why the technocracy is trying to push automation so hard.
Capitalism is always pushing efficiency. Automation makes things more efficient. It's gonna keep going irrespective of anything else as long as we are in this system.
Even dictatorships like russia and north korea use automation where applicable.
The labor market is still too stable.
It will probably take about 20 years like the higher ups are telling us until things are so bad that the companies will fight for emplyees and thus increase the wages.
That generation will then be able to rebuild.
Exactly this. The whole point of mass immigration is to prevent the business class having to pay more in wages, and so polticans can claim "i caused economic growth".
Because economic growth measured by GDP is a poltical scam that gives exactly zero measure of how we as citizens are going financially, and can often be a negative thing.
And it is almost impossible for meaningless GDP to not grow when the population grows.
That’s the only reason the same thing won’t happen like last time. Automation is here and that’ll be the counteracting agent here.
Yep. All these fools who the filthy rich have taken in recent years to emotionally manipulate with "anti immigrant" the rich people's old tricks to distract from themselves, the people buying into the oligarchs scapegoating the people who work the hardest for the least nonsense ought to realize something: if the rich don't need immigrants anymore that actually means they don't need "natives" anymore either. The rich have backup plans to STATE-FORCE fake "pregnancy" to make our children their slaves and farm us as their livestock or the billionaires have their AI robots nearly ready to automate 99 percent of humanity into starvation out of existence. The bandwagon of fools need to realize things aren't what they seem and why "no immigrants" is actually a very bad development.
That still doesn’t solve all their issues, though…robots only _produce…_
They can’t *consume.*
The bad people breed much more and the good people don't breed as much
Karma is unavoidable: bad people have unhappy children and good people have happy children.
Having more unhappy children is a curse. I pity all the fools I see selling out and raising miserable children.
@@Namelbmertyep, it's the thicko naive unimaginative types who buy into the dogma of breeding. Those who are more intelligent and rational have looked around them and come to the rational and ecoresponsible decision that adding more human beings into this massively overpopulated world is completely irresponsible. Livin' n' lovin' the childfree life.
Besides the whole money thing, as a woman, I'm just not willing to risk my body to bring another life (against their will) into this world. I have a genetic disorder and chronic pain which would absolutely be made worse by pregnancy. And then what? I get to struggle through the American health system, trying to find relief for my incurable health issues, all while trying to take care of a child who may or may not have the same genetic disorder I have? No thanks. Not to mention, there's not really any maternal leave in America. Pretty ironic for a country that's begging people to have more kids, no?
Yes, put you first ❤❤
Considering that they are leaving women who wanted to have kids to bleed out and die, it's basic self defense to avoid pregnancy. It's historically been the #1 killer of women. And that's made worse now when they've declared they do not care about you. Especially the US, it doesn't even provide women with pelvic floor therapy after birth, which other countries do. They'll leave you a ruined mess just to save a buck.
Except that a vast majority of women are more than willing to take that risk with some chad on a dating app for 20 min on a wednesday and just oopsie abort after the fact or try and baby trap. That is also a reality not just the idea that some women are not able to because of health issues.
Very reasonable thing to do i applaud you for it and wish you luck in your healing
greedy rich people.don’t want to pay us good wages.
Their yachts are more important than the continued survival of the human race.
And they know third world countries have higher fertility rates, so there’s an abundance of people to help replace the native population that are suffering the economic crisis
@@MSaleh-vy8rrwhy pay us more when they can just give it all away to immigrants? I’m sure they’d get a tax cut on it, too.
And greedy rich people are asking too much money on rent and greedy rich people found loopholes to not pay fair taxes.
Lets people, less pollution, less idiots, less traffic, more food to go around(sort of), less people to compete with for that 1 job or that house and apartment. Sounds like a win to me.
"less idiots"
Sadly, no. The dumb people will outbreed the smart people, and the human race will become less intelligent over time (because intelligence is partly hereditary). That's the premise of the movie "Idiocracy," and we're seeing it happen today.
And yet, the people like in this video is screaming like it's a huge issue.
@@lcc6149 because it doesn't work if you keep the borders open.
How are we supposed to truly colonize new worlds without more people?
It'll take a few generations of building up, but the major terrestrial bodies combined (sans Venus) can easily hold a few billion people if we only populate them as densely as the Sahara, which is reasonable for ecologically dead worlds, I'd say.
@@keterpatrol7527 In my opinion colonizing is futile in space because the balance value / cost is not worth it, on Earth it's useful to acquire resources. but more than that why colonizing ? Happiness isn't defined by how much territory I conquered.
dont blame the internet. the internet just helped us notice the truth. If we made more money we would all go out more
“You’re lazy”
“You’re entitled”
“Nobody wants to work anymore”
No, it’s just we live in different times! This ain’t the ‘70s and ‘80s!
If people didn't need to work 16 hours a day then maybe there would have been some time to mate. Either that or just increase the hours in a day I suppose 😂
@@aronfranksYup, it's not that nobody wants to work anymore, it's just that nobody wants to give fair compensation for working anymore
It wouldnt do anything, it would make women even more hypergamous.
We will be fine. Don't listen to wolves that complain that the sheep aren't breeding.
we will be fine, but no one having kids will piss off conservatives
Millenials were born at the worst possible time. We came of age in 2008, no jobs no houses no future. Weve had to compete with our parents in the job market or serve them in retail, now none of us can afford a home, and when they unfortunately pass they will leave nothing bc everything will be taken by the healthcare system. If we paid out our eyeballs for a house the prices will collapse without all the boomers hoarding all the wealth, and by the time we are old there will no longer be enough people to support Healthcare, medicare, social security etc. Global warming will have really started to wreak havoc, and since we had no kids we will be almost completely alone. Fun times!
We gotta be there for each other. I'm focusing on trying to make good friends.
Unfortunately that's what the central banks do, pick winning and losing generations.
I think I’ll adopt. I get to give someone a better chance at life while experiencing the joy of caring for a child while also not adding to the overall population count. It’s a win-win
You're one of the first comments I've seen that isn't self-absorbed and nobel. Good for you.
I think that is a great idea - unfortunately the adoption system is kind of broken and crazy expensive. It's way cheaper to pop out your own child if you and your partner are able to.
Adoption, the ultimate solution for anti-natalism
Crotch goblins are free to produce 🤷♀️
In the future there won't be enough kids to adopt
More retirees than workers? bold statement assuming there will actually be work.
Bold assumption that anyone will be able to retire. Nothing in the coffers for social assistance
Bold assumption to make that there will still be human beings
Bold to assume the earth will still exist
Robots and AI will take over everything. People wont need to work in 30 years.
@HailAzathoth - Nothing is going to happen to the Earth. It has been here over 4 billion years without us and will continue at least another 4 billion years with or without us.
When was the last time you sat in a traffic jam and said, "You know what this world needs? MORE people"? Our world is going to shit precisely because there are too many of us.
Guess you didn't even watch the video.
By the way, what you need: better public transportation.
@@gardenjoy5223 Yes, which goes hand in hand with cramming people into smaller and smaller spaces so they can all access said public transportation. That makes everyone happy.
@@DoctorFixMaster What are you talking about? The US I guess? Or some major city? Where I live we had a townhouse with a square footage of about 1500 square feet on 1,5 normal salary. It was big. Not crammed at all. There were houses of 1100 and 2000 square feet in my neighborhood as well.
Where I live public transportation is Everywhere. You can live just about everywhere and not need a car. Or in remote places you can drive to a carpool place and join someone else there. Sometimes buses stop at carpool places too.
Really, you need better public transportation. And it doesn't go hand in hand with smaller spaces. The houses in the remote areas are rather smaller, than bigger on average, since they were often build some generations ago and people did live smaller then. Still fine though.
@@gardenjoy5223 The real issues are much more complicated than just "can I be happy in a 1500 square foot house?" Anyone who wants a deep understanding of the balances and tradeoffs involved should read "The Wizard and the Prophet" by Charles C Mann.
@@gardenjoy5223 In SF, using pubic(sic) transpoortation(sic) is even more dangerous to one's well-being than driving.
The world was just fine at 2 billion people. It'll be fine when it comes back down to 2 billion people.
I disagree. When a species overshoots its carrying capacity of its environment, degradation occurs. So we will be dealing with worse conditions than when we showed up. Climate change has been a thing since the beginning of the earth. However it is known to cause mass extinctions. Me personally? I'm fine with the population going down sharply (on paper) because people aren't having kids. It's bad, but still much better than the population going down because water depletion has made food production unfeasible (leading to a crash due to famine). I didn't even know until a couple of months ago that all our water comes from some underground aquifers that are rapidly getting depleted. Exponential growth is wild y'all.
@@jaytb2005 Then human lives become more important than profit when the supply of people decreases and demand for them increases.
@@jaytb2005 We wouldn't. Tech level has increased drastically.
By the time we would be back to 2 billion people, we would have a greatly improved quality of life, both compared to back then and also to now.
Rome was just fine when it was confined to Italy in the 5th century BC.
Rome wasn't quite so fine when it got reduced to Italy in the 5th century AD.
@@SimuLord Rome lost its democracy and switched to a toxic monotheistic religion by then. Among all the other cultural problems. Has nothing to do with population decline.
The wolves are wondering why the sheep aren't breeding.
We're waiting for the Good Shepherd to deliver us
@@stevecooper7883 You'll be waiting a long time. But I suppose that doesn't bother you. That's what the "having faith" bit is for, I guess.
where is the damn wolf purger?
@@macbobXDLuigi just got arrested
@@MrWizardGG He did a good deed
Wages have stagnated for everyone but the top 5 precent. Productivity increased.. we are being robbed and we don’t care if it collapses
We’re acting like there’s no limit to what the earth can give, but there is - and if we don’t change, we’re going to run out of things we depend on to survive.
it's only a matter of time before we have to start mining our land fills for materials.
People can't afford children and the rich designed it this way. Stop playing dumb
Feminism did this. As I agree with a lot of what it provided for women it doesn't change the fact it doubled the work force in just a couple years. Then feminism has exploded into the "hate all men" side so now there is also , for the most part, no dual income but with the double in workforce the cost of living has within itself doubled as well now requiring 2 incomes not single incomes but most people are single and with the risk men face when she is "unhappy" and takes all his things on the way out a lot men are finding happiness and solitude living alone and avoiding those risks. As that spreads and men speak about it the more and more men are also content with work video games rinse repeat death.
@@nonyabiziness absolute tripe
@@Vivi_9 Interesting you say that because stats would prove you wrong. Cost of living doubled and more people are single and unmarried then ever. the cost of EVERYTHING SKYROCKETED when the ENTIRE workforce doubled. The idea was to give women options now not even WOMEN HAVE OPTIONS. It is work work work work work work. You are coping if you think that after feminism and the costs doubled that was just because of the greedy corporate guy. no we made up positions to place them in "cough cough HR" example given No, "HR" as we know it today, with a dedicated department focused on managing employee relations and welfare, did not exist before the rise of feminism; the concept of "human resources" developed later, with early roots in the late 19th century through "welfare secretaries" who were often women managing issues related to working conditions for female employees, which was a key concern for early feminist movements. But keep coping my blue hair simp!
@@nonyabiziness guess the notion of "correlation doesn't indicate causation" is new to you huh, keep coping lil incel lmao
@@nonyabiziness guess the notion of "correlation doesn't indicate causation" is new to you huh, keep coping in c3l lmao
First step: Raise taxes significantly on millionaires and billionaires to provide better public services, universal health care, and opportunities for the middle classes. Income inequality is a major driver of young people not being able to afford to have kids.
Housing is an issue in my country. If more people could afford housing, more would start families.
greedy rich people don’t want to pay us a good wage.
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
Housing is a "problem" in your country because it's probably an amazing country with a lot of job opportunities and fun stuff to do. If houses would be cheap half the planet would try to immigrate there... and that would rise the cost of houses.
Holland perhaps?
They make the same claim here in Canada. It's bullshit. It's not about housing, it's about money. And neoliberalism. There are 1.3 million empty homes in this country. Private equity is buying up everything it can. Homeowners don't want their homes to devaluate. Governments won't help because they are owned. And the owners like it the way it is. Lots of profit. Just not for everyone.
Median Income in USA is $37,500, that means 50% of Americans make less than $37.5k a year.
Median Home Price in USA is $400,000, that means for 50% of Americans, buying a first time Home is almost out of the question in this Life.
Cost of living including Insurance (Medical/Auto/Car), Utilities, Groceries, and basic needs has shot through the roof, inflation is killing the average Person.
And then, y'all wonder why People aren't getting married, why People are quiet quitting, why People aren't having children, why more and more People suffer with mental health issues, and why Population is collapsing.
It always comes down to a simple phrase, it's the economy stupid. If you're someone who makes a decent to good living, you won't really feel the impact of this Economy, but vast majority of Americans are feeling the impact of this Economy, and they are not happy with it. And if this continuous, you will need immigrants to replace your population and workforce because American are just checking out and giving up on any hopes of a good life.
Your median income claim is low by like 110% it's laughably low. 😂
@@dakotadak100 Even if it was triple, you still can't afford a $400k house and live below your means. The cost of housing and rent is just insane. It is not the only factor in the low birth rate but certainly is a big one.
@joegrazulis2810 I disagree because I support a wife and 2 kids soon to be 3 kids on $85k. I bought a $380k house two years ago making a lot less than that.
@@dakotadak100 most of make less then 40k.
@@dakotadak100Good for you
Working in healthcare, the aging population might just collapse the system entirely. Already there's bed blocks in geriatric wards in my hospital, so much so they're taking away a surgical ward to make a THIRD geriatric ward in my relatively small hospital. Patients are staying for MONTHS waiting for nursing homes or increased home services or they're just really unwell yet the pt and/or family want to pull out all stops for their demented 98 year old grandpa who should've been palliated long ago. Not to mention the staffing crisis. Most nurses DON'T want to work in geriatrics, and the short staffing is extremely dangerous for both staff and patients. I've worked 1:15 with just an aid with acutely unwell patients.
I predict the issue will be so dire in years to come that the focus on care will shift from longevity to quality of life and assisted dying will be far more common.
Spot on.
I'm a firm believer that life means more when there's less of it. It's wild how we can view wars on our phones watching casualties go up as a number on a screen, or how people in mega cities can walk around someone in distress who's dying or in danger.
I recently visited a few towns that had 100-800 people, it was refreshing how friendly everyone was and how they all seemed to know each other. There were really strong senses of community. The trade off being less career opportunities
I’m beginning to think humans secretly hate each other, and misanthropes are just more outward with it.
There was a study done that said a world wide human population of just 90 people could be self sustaining. 90. We're pushing 10 billion
@@josiemchannel maybe it could in the right geographical region. But many things you take for granted require resource that 90 people together (and trust me all 90 would NEED to be together) would simply not be able to do. A factory alone requires way more than 90 people. they would need to be spread out and somehow communicate with eachother. all of this is impossible with that low of population. I think 100 million would be feasible if all humans lived in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
blame feminism for conditioning women that they think they deserve a better tall handsome rich men as if most men are like that - so a lot of women are getting old and childless
And those people in those towns do the same damn thing
There’s really no reason for there to be 8 billion people
There's no reason for 0.1% of the world population to own 90% of the wealth.
Earth has resourced that rasy can stand x5 times the actual global population. Problem is, right now tehera are quite more elder people than young one (And the youngs are the labor force that pays pensions)
@@Quian34I’d like to live in a world with more semidomesticated plants and animals than 5x more freakin’ people, thank you very much. 😂
@@Quian34 Wrong. Earth is overpopulated. If everyone has a decent living standard, we shouldn't be more than 2 to 3 billion people with current technology standard to be ecologically sustainable.
Currently we can't even produce sufficient biofuel to get rid of mineral oil because then people would starve on masse.
To conquer space
I love my children dearly but at the same time I regret birthing slaves to capitalism in the United States.
Capitalism became dystopian. Fools like Musk don't even know what's going on in the street. That's the scary part because his ilk are in control now thanks to duped Trump voters.
So why'd you do it?
Why are people in capitalist countries slaves? You have to go to work in every country, even in communist countries. And you earn less there and have less freedom.
@@MikJames-d1g What kind of a senseless comment is that, Mik? There were different times. When things looked well. Where schools weren't grooming your children behind your back to think they are of the opposite sex. Where buying a house was a viable option for starters on the market. Etc.
Why not move to north Korea and give them the true communist experience then?
Why is everyone concerned about the workforce being smaller due to low population while at the same time being worried about the possibility of ai taking so many jobs? Like those two problems are solutions to each other aren’t they?
AI will take your job, but will not pay taxes, buy goods and look after the elderly at the nursing home.
@ that’s ok a smaller population doesn’t need as much tax money to support itself right? and jobs in elder care are jobs that are safe. I guess they’ll just need to scale down the production of goods to match that of the smaller population
@@geekgirl616 the size of the population is not the problem. The structure is. When the elderly are a dominating part of the society, the younger ones will have to work harder and pay more to support them. With proportions 6 pensioners per 1 worker it doesnt look good.
@@Mar.Sanfordyou can easily tax ai, please don't say stupid stuff anymore and just not comment instead of spread false information.
@MrWizardGG are you always that rude and condescending? Or maybe you think that it makes you sound smarter? ( Spoiler alert - it doesnt)
My father ruined the family finances raising 4 kids on a single income. It wasn't just low income, but also stupid choices he made, which created a lot of stress in our lives. My father died early and my mother is now falling behind on retirement. That stress tricked down to his 4 kids, and now we are facing an economy worse than before, and both my parents still believed raising kids is a good thing. What a sick joke! .
I hope you and your 3 siblings live together. Since you said you guys struggle so much as kids. As well as house your mother.
This is similar to my family, my dad was disabled in a work accident, so growing up we lived off of my mom's call center wage 😢
There's an ideology plagued being passed from generations to generations in my country that people thought having more children = grants more fortune. Now my country will face economy collapse and low birth rates eventually and i can see the sign clearly. Its always the lower class who got fed up by this propaganda, if only they realized...
As the matter of fact its suppost to be a choice, but its unfortunately lots of people born that way similar case as you
I hope things turn well in the future
@兽Arufisu things will certainly not turn well for the future. Economies will collaspe. I love capitalism but the very worse of capitalism is destroying the human race. It needs people grow. Fewer people means less growth and eventual decline. Mass migration is only a band ate over a hole in a dam. Solves no problems because the migrants barely have kids themselves when they move. The only people who will survive comfortably are the people who already live in remote villages that barely live off anything anyway. Places that it's hard for survival
My apologies. Such a terrible situation. Selfish parents are the worst
It's just not my cup of tea. Knew since I was 10 years old that I never wanted children.
We decided that it is immoral beyond words to inflict a life sentence on another human being on this cesspool of a planet.
While you mentioned it, you didn’t give enough attention to the state of women. Globally I don’t think women want to have children anymore because men put the raising of children and the sacrifices on women so that we need to work and take care of the home. It is too much work so women are saying no to the unpaid labor of motherhood. Until things get more equal in the home, I don’t think things will change.
Yeah it’s ironically almost always men making these videos and never really mention women’s specific reasons. The real reasons women mention in their own spaces. A lot of women are single and not looking to date men ever. And now there is a rise of women dumping their trump voting male partners too. Funny how men never seem to ask the ones who can actually give birth.
crazy how quickly we forget about all of human history
This is kind of a myth these days. Dads spend 3x more time with their children than their fathers and the household chores are nowhere near where they used to be, because we have technology that makes the hard labour. În my circle of friends, coworkers and family, i don't have a single case of a husband or boyfriend who is not helping their partener to various degrees. Even the old generation of men, like my father and grandfather, all of them are very helpfull and interested to make things work.
@@Que.Miras_Bobo-d2j Did you read your reply? Why did you say “helping their partner?” Because these things are still left primarily to women. The word “equal” does not appear in your response. You are just unaware of what is really happening. Do some real research and you will find that it is a myth that today’s dads do more.
I think your misunderstanding the real issue. Employment for women use to be an optional boon for the family. Now due to "gender equality" women are economically REQUIRED to work in order to keep the family unit financially viable. This means that no one can take care of the kids, so familys aren't having them. The burden of childcare has always been on women since the beginning of time, that's biological. And men's burden was providing providing resources.
Society has made my life miserable so I'm going make the society miserable. Sorry(not sorry)
Yeah. And what are governments planning? Punishing childless people. As the lack of spending power wasn't the main problem already. But they will never admit it. According to them, the economy is GREAT! If you're a multimilionaire, that is.
That's a policy too scary for the oligarchs in Moscow, the Mullahs in Tehran, and the technocrats of Singapore. There's no chance it comes to Western liberal states.
I just don’t like reality in its entirety and don’t want to subject someone else to it, and that isn’t selfish at all-in fact it’s quite the opposite. Just tryna stay humble, healthy, and live my best life
Then why are you still here? If I didn't like a sandwich, I would stop eating it and throw it away.
@ Are you actually telling me to kms? Sheesh clearly you didn’t understand my comment. Even though i myself never asked to be here, I’m still going to treasure my own life and live it out the best I can. And I can do that without foisting existence on another person.
@@onionfarmer3044 she like life just not government live.
@@onionfarmer3044 because people arent sandwiches??? and suicide isnt like throwing away trash??? and sanwiches dont have families and huge consequences when thrown out??? ridiculous to compare them bro
@@onionfarmer3044 what a messed up thing to say 🙄
I'll be honest, even if I DID have the money to have a child, I would still hesitate to do it. The state of public education in my country is beyond horrible, the job environment is messed up (for example hearing about a young doctor or nurse k1lling themselves is not unusual), employers don't even BOTHER to properly follow labour laws (the amount of fraud, unpaid overtime, and unpaid wages I've seen with my own eyes is insane), owning a home is unbelievably difficult, and the cost of rent is absolutely CRIMINAL... I can't even begin to describe how lucky I feel to have inherited a humble apartment in a comfortable spot in my city. Can't imagine growing up in such a world and feeling so little hope for your future.
I am suffering every day already. Why would I want to bring one more soul into the hell.
Every single ancestor you have, back to single cell organsims, struggled in life for you to exist and make this comment.
I'm waiting to die. I'm not sure it's ethical to bring a kid into a world where I'm waiting to die.
Life is a good thing, but you’re not the only one…
Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. :)
You aren’t the only one. And it’s not like having depression makes that any better for me 🥲
Same here. I'm 49. The sooner the better. Life is not worth living. It's better never to have been.
Honestly I never wanted them. Even if my life was perfect, I still wouldn't have them.
People today don't think their kids will be better off than them because most of us feel like we are worse than our parents. If you want your kid to have a chance at a better life you need to have very few kids. This is why we need better wages, less requirements of degrees that mean nothing, and cheaper housing.
Because everyone learned the fact that not all couple need kids to be fullfilled actually you dont even need a relationship boyfriend / girlfriend if your satisfied with your self then just live alone.
I can't even attract a girl to like me. Having kids is as realistic for me as is flying to Mars and become it's emperor =(
So you just need a Silicon Valley angel investor and maybe a reverse SPAC to raise more capital, then you will have babies on Mars! ...we're all screwed
Why have you given up all hope. You give up so easily why? What kind of mindset is that. Things can change you know depending on the steps you take
It’s over for most men and they don’t even know it.
@@ELgeneral-pl9yg you’re a joke
true af
When it comes to life changing decisions like buying a house, getting married, going to college, having kids, etc you have to way the pros and the cons. During the baby boom here in the US there was innovation and economic prosperity. People could afford children, homes and college. The pros outweighed the cons. Today however, it's the polar opposite for MANY reasons.
Time is a more valuable (and nonrenewable) resource to me at this point than money, and children are a huge time sink
I make $35k above median household income in my area, own an affordable house, and have no other debt. If I had to pay for childcare, food and necessities for two kids I would need to stop contributing to my 401k and Roth. Additionally I would really need to scale back on "luxuries" like eating healthy, maintaining my vehicle, and having good homeowners/auto insurance.
I grew up in a single income household, mom stayed at home, we had vacations every year, and a reasonable amount of toys and luxuries. After playing with an inflation calculator, I'd need to make $175k a year to provide the same lifestyle. I have no path towards making that kind of money despite following in my Dad's footsteps and being in a similar career. Jobs dont pay as much as they used to. The payscale for that career path is nowhere close to how it paid in the 90s.
The only reason I was able to buy a house is due to relocating accross the country to a place where housing costs are reasonable and the only reason I was able to pay off my student loans was aggressive budgeting, skipping meals, and living in very substandard housing for a few years.
And I'm in a better spot that a lot of my peers. Let that sink in...
We just need to cut down on our luxuries like:
*checks list* Food? Shelter? Healthcare?
@furiousdestroyah9999 lol, ridiculous I know. I track my spending pretty religiously and one of the grocery stores I go to weekly serves as the grocery store where I pick up my staples.
I've been going to that same store since 2014 on a weekly basis and have been buying the exact same things. In 2014 my grocery bill was $75/week. Now I spend $200/week on the same stuff. Between 2014-2020 it crept from $75 to $90-ish. But between 2021 to current day it's more than doubled.
Even the bare necessities are getting pretty expensive nowadays.
If you had kids, none of what you mentioned would be anywhere near as meaningful to you, than ur kid.
When u see that little person that's of ur blood, smile whenever u return, who even looks like you, a part of you.
Only then you'll realize "oh man I was wrong in thinking there was something more valuable than my kid"
@@finalboss7956 I don't disagree with that. Some of my friends that have had kids who were previously dinks (dual income no kids) and were previously trying to fire (financial independence retire early) have said the same thing.
I probably wouldn't regret it until I retire and social security is defunct and I need to work a couple years past retirement age to make up for the 2-5 lost years of income.
I just don't like that I would need to stop what I'm supposed to be doing (contributing to retirement) to start what I'm supposed to be doing (having kids). It shouldn't be one or the other when 20 years ago it wasn't a one or the other choice due to wage stagnation.
imagine finding a significant other that made even half or a quarter what you make. that's straight cash in the bag therefore nothing changes and you can afford a child. Now when she divorces you in 5-10 years and you lose everything because she is "unhappy" is a different story entirely.
Rich wants servant to serve them and corporate want customers buy cheap products.
Yaa we are not going to create wage slave and consumers for the rich
Or ⚒Communist redistributionists 🚩
I can't afford kids. And i work too much to have the energy for the one i have.
I can only speak for myself but what's the point if we all are born without our consent just to suffer and die ?
Also, this world is unjust and rewards evil so why have kids.
I'm not trying to cause an argument, I'm just trying to bring my points to this. Here are some questions I have about this statement (in general); How would you guarantee that your kid would 100% suffer if they were born? If the world was super evil enough to not have kids, why did our parents even bring us into the world in the first place? If the world rewards evil, what can we do (at least in our community and cultures) to change it into rewarding good? What morals can we teach kids to prevent this evil corporate trap and thrive on the planet? Etc. I feel like this way of thinking does have a lot of merit, but it's pretty pessimistic and doesn't cover every situation about the topic.
@@cerealORRH radicallygreen is overall right i always see subhuman peaces of sh** progress in life and the more you dig the more you find ouy this one is just got lucky or this one just knows certain people that's why he's where he is , a lot of nepotism , luck and injustice everywhere , luck is so important in all of this that it just becomes comically unfair and your kid will probably suffer if it's a boy unless he gets the lucky chad genetics ( tall , good looking face , i don't even think that iq matters at all it's only looks ).
@@cerealORRH I'm not the person you initially replied to, but I'd like to answer your questions all the same. It's not that one can know for sure that a kid would suffer if they were born (even though virtually everyone suffers to some extent at some point, some more than others), rather, it's that it's absolutely certain they won't suffer if they are NOT born. I think most of our parents just had kids because it was the "next step" and most just didn't even question whether they want kids in the first place. I'm also sure that a great many had kids without wanting them due to family and societal pressure; with the amount of awful parents there are, it seems obvious to me that they shouldn't have had kids in the first place and probably didn't even consider that was an option. I find it great that an increasing number of people follow through on their wish not to have children and not just succomb to their parents' wish to have grandchildren. Unfortunately though, as long as humans will be humans, it will never be even remotely close to remove suffering or to actually objectively instill "good values".
I will be honest with you. I think life is great. Good is rewarded even if a lot of cancerous evil is taking a hold of the world.
rich people are not in survival mode they are comfortable in their mansions in expensive cars.
Who the hell wants to get caught in child support in this economy
Childcare is too expensive in the UK and the US so women often have to choose between having kids and advancing in their careers.
Most are career driven, because the income is certain. Children are not!
So it makes sense.
Also google the single mother rate women everywhere are waking up and protecting our wombs from womb raiders aka potential deadbeat fathers.
@ womb raiders = tall popular handsome men?
How did this happen? The people making babies for the last 50 years also made life so unaffordable that it's now impossible to afford raising one. Is this rocket science to anyone?
It's the cost of living. Most of the factors you mentioned have a low impact on the fertility rate. The cost of living has risen, pay increase has stagnated, and people work more than ever. The reason why simply giving citizens money hasn't worked in Korea and Japan is that it didn't address the toxic work culture those countries have which has contributed to their abysmal fertility rates. Polymatter did a great video on this, and the evidence suggest that most people do want to have kids, but they just can't afford to have them.
As it is so often the case, mankind falls from one extreme into the other. At least it's the best time to be alive as an introvert.
It depends. No one wants to make genuine connections anymore. It's extremely sad and lonely.
@@MaxP_88 most aren't worth it more trouble than good they bring me.
@@MaxP_88anymore? no they just realize the nature in them that existed for eternity
Worst time to be alive as an introvert* lol
I’m an introvert and it’s not healthy to be this way as much as I enjoy my alone time
Will not be so good when an introvert gets old, and there will be no one to look after them. Neither own family, nor social workers or nurses.
I’m doing my part to fight the population crisis and what do I get for it? I get called a deadbeat dad by everyone 🙄
I’m infertile 😢
Why do you get called that? And by who? God bless you
Bruh lol
someone didn't get the joke
@@Brookigetit Get well soon
Oh I didn't know it was not fixable sorry. Enjoy the moment?
People can’t take care of themselves let alone any children.
I don't see why this is a problem. So what if we aren't getting an exponentially increasing population, this planet can only fit so many people. It's reasonable for it to slow down a bit.
Sheer numbers are not a problem, but the structure of the population is. The economy will collapse when there are more pensioners than workers.
@@Mar.Sanford This whole thing won't be an instantaneous change. It will be gradual. Things are just slowing down, as expected. Plus we got more than enough workers anyways to the point they are disposable so I don't see the problem.
The fact is we don’t feel supported. The world, the country, the structures, the people around us are often things we have to fight against to have kids instead of working with us. You have to REALLY want a kid to have one nowadays or be in a much better than average financial situation.
You barely get help in individualistic societies specifically with raising children, maternity/paternity leave is sometimes not enough or nonexistent (US 🙄), literally everything you need to raise a child down to just having enough space is expensive, there are so many divorces and single parents and unhealthy relationships…etc., etc.
Raising a child has more hurdles than ever now, you have to be willing to fight through every day.
The solution is not through more collectivism, that destroys economies and leaves people poor. As someone who lives in Argentina, a massive statist model and social welfare only ended with 50% of the country poor, brutal inflation rates, children eating from trash and politicians and everyone around them with multi-millionaire lifestyles. The only solution to poverty is through economic growth.
@@amandabisby3546 All the countries with the best child care, maternity and paternity leave, welfare of any kind, like north european countries, are in a demographic decline. The country with the lowest number of hours worked per year in the world, Germany, has a ridiculously low fertility rate. It's seem counterintuitive, but if give more free time to people, they simply use it to advance their career or hobbies, if we give them more money they use it on vacations or consumption.
@@MaxP_88Economic growth won't matter if only the owning class gets to benefit from it. Production keeps increasing while wages keep going down. Somebody is stealing the money that workers should be receiving
Am I the only one who just doesn't find joy when being around children? 🤷🏼♂️
children being pleasant in any way is a cope and gaslight that has run it's course for far too long.
You're not alone. They're simply small annoying humans. I never had a desire to have children.
Babies and small children are fucking boring
No, mental illness is very common nowadays.
It's the thing most feel but are afraid to even think, much less say.
This video didn’t convince me why less people is a bad thing. We are consuming so many natural resources and making many animals extinct. Convince me why having less people won’t help with that.
If you don't care about the survival of our species then it's not a problem I guess
the world is set for high population low population will not be a match for the modern world it will not function well.
Idk why people are so hung up on this. Nothing lasts forever.
@@MaxP_88 My guy we aren't gonna die out if our population stagnates. There will always be people having kids. It's just that there's a limit on that due to the current economy.
@@MaxP_88Why care about something that's going to happen no matter what we do? 99% of life in Earth's history has gone extinct and so will we. We'll probably be around for another 50 million years if a meteorite doesn't strike.
Let's be honest the modern world is not for more responsibilities like married or having kids ..the living by yourself is already hard why do i need to bring more hell to myself?
I have decided that I'll only have kids if i reach the upper middle class or lower-rich status. Basically a state where I wont ever have to worry about money for the bare minimum stuff (food, power, housing, healthcare, transport, clothes). And have like a good amount if savings. I dont ever want another human being to go through abject poverty like I did.
it has less to do with money, and more with you being an absolute coward
@@lowserver2 Theres nothing intrinsically honourable about being a father. i. e Not all fathers/mothers are saints. One could theoretically go to get the milk and never come back( like your dad did). Or, jokes aside, you could be a born into a poor house like I was. Where I was malnourished and basically didnt have clothes. (I still remember i had only two shirts and my uniform in highschool, and even they were from the mission). I was the working 'asian child' you guys memed about. But regardless forcing a person to 'do something just because their parents did it' is squarely against the idea of liberty.
I don’t understand why no one puts the finger at airlines for the decline in birth rates. It is obvious to me, though, that allowing them to travel along with the other passengers, instead of containing them in spaces especially dedicated to families, has done tremendous damage to the reputation of children.
hell is 1 plane 4 screaming babies.
Same with busses...
@@MikJames-d1g ah, well. In my country buses are for proles, so I never realised that.
6:56 I get the feeling that everytime we change nature we end up having to fix what we changed. The internet and our mental health and brain health. Lights and sleep. Cars and pollution. Plastic and microplastics etc.
If i have 20 kids, each working Doordash, and then I take a 20% cut of their take-home... KA-CHING!
When we were trying to reduce population people drew a clear correlation with women’s education, birth control, and secularism. Once we started worrying about declining populations and fertility suddenly all the “experts” forgot about them.
This is the main reason why the future is going to see a lot of rights stripped away. It is a real danger I think.
@@zs9652the problem is that those heavy handed approaches only work on people who have anything to lose.
However the modern doomer with a nihilistic worldview, which is an ever increasing percentage of the young population, just don't have or feel that have anything left to lose or even hope to have in the future so they might as well just choose self deletion and go into the endless night flipping the bird to the elites who would just further increase the speed of the depopulation.
@@AndrewClunn so more ignorants more babies......ironic
Are you willing to give them up?
@@noradlark167Absolutely not.
Don’t get me wrong, I want kids. I’m not having them cause the world sucks, the economy sucks and the future is dark and full of horror. I’m NOT bringing kids to that. We know now how important the first 25 years on human development are. If we want to raise a healthy society, it ain’t happening unless we solve all the problems. I know it ain’t happening so, I’m not birthing any children I’m not 100% sure they will have everything they need for their correct development.
If you think your life sucks now, imagine your adult children living like Kyle Reese in The Terminator. Yeah, no, the cycle of suffering ends with me.
"Your clothes...give them to me now."
-The Terminator
We're still headed for 10b people. And the agribusiness is headed for collapse. And climate-driven famine is also affected by humans. Feeding our population is decimating our environmental capital, for instance using more water than is supplied by rainfall, with ground water bores going from 10m a couple of decades ago to 2km to now, just to keep growing enough food.
Population HAS to fall. It's an economic challenge to manage economic reduction, but maybe, maybe AI will offer a solution. Although probably an awful solution
AI consumes entire rivers worth of fresh water. Humans already have brains, we just need to use them.
Logan’s Run. People live longer and longer, but not healthier, puts a huge strain on society. We need to be focusing on better health and wellbeing in younger people, otherwise when people are old they are sick, dependent on others and putting a huge strain on the younger generation.
30 and childfree. Best decision ever ❤
Strictly an opinion but it feels like it’s occurring. The movie idiocracy is becoming a documentary. People are getting dumber due to overeliance on technology and those people are populating not knowing the real costs of having kids. While those who are weary of the costs, reality and circumstances of having a kid are not, leading to population collapse. Anyone else feel this way?
Who cares, i'm not gonna be alive to see it play out, and neither will my non existant kids.
That's the non educated approach... Just repeating what the guys on reddit say
@@viktorkolaric4156 lol true
Welcome to Costco, I love you.
Businessmen have hired these youtubers to keep population high so that people can keep suffering and businessmen can keep earning by exploiting them.
Communist delusion. There has never been a time in history with so much wealth and confort spread out to most people around the world. An average person in a developing country today has a better and more comfortable life than kings and queens in most of human history.
Lol this is my conspiracy. You can't be so obtuse about why people in developed countries are slowing down on having kids.
@@kharikhy-ree2242 ya cause ya know... feminism and HATE ALL MEN has had absolutely nothing to do with it. It's all the businessmen.
People are having less kids because the cost of living is way too high.
In what moment in time in the past 4 billion years procreation was not associated with struggle?
Modern parenting is extremely child-centered and it seems like it is miserable work. Many of us who are child free are simply not interested in the job. Money is not really the issue.
Ask my student loan debt why I don't have kids.
Mother Earth thinking, why did I have kids?
NO ONE CAN AFFORD KIDS. My cousin has a 23 plate 911 turbo s and even he complains at the cost of taking the kids to McDonalds. £50 for a family of 4 to eat, it should be half that at the most. Fkin ridiculous
And the ones who are having kids are the ones who should have them least...
Why is he taking them to McDonalds when he could cook the same food for half the cost? The issue is people are lazy and don't want to cook at home. Food is cheap when you prepare your meals for yourself. That has always been the case. You're paying for the convenience when you go to a restaurant of any kind.
@@lukeraymond6927I mean, yeah, that’s the point. we don’t know what he does to afford that Porsche- maybe he has insane working hours. y’all will always blame people when they got no business charging as much as they do for their food anyway. how’s it feel to be a boot licker?
@@lukeraymond6927 Bingo! If people actually stayed together and worked towards goals rather than the vast amount of people glued to cell phones the next trend the fastest car and being fed this illusion of money on tik tok. 2 incomes of 45k is a decent house and still have money if done right to feed a family and more. but oh no shiny object syndrome spend spend spend is really what a big issue is.
@@lukeraymond6927 Unless you eat instant noodles or low quality food I don't think eating at home is any cheaper than eating out anymore. I would know, I cook around the clock and whenever I cook it's *only* marginally cheaper than eating out (when you look at the costs and how many dishes you get from cooking).
i don't want kids bc they're expensive but even if money weren't an issue i'd likely not be a good parent. i would pay for a nanny, and just buy them things to keep them happy. i'm not sure i'd be a present dad especially bc today's society isn't supportive of families. food, rent, schooling, all of it just costs too much
I'm literally on the same page!
Why bring a child into a world that is this messed up?
Not only is it largely unaffordable, it just feels like a bad idea since the world is basically doomed and the powers that be don't want to save it. What would the kid have to live for?