LG전자 LG Elec. Caught in Gallery K Fraud Scandal? / 갤러리K, 아트테크, 아트펀드, 아트리빙, 다단계 금융사기, 아트리빙, 미술품투자

  • Опубликовано: 24 сен 2024
  • #LG전자 #갤러리K #아트리빙 #아트테크 #미술품투자 #사기의혹 #갤러리케이 #다단계 금융사기 #갤러리K사기 #LG Electronics #Gallery K #Art Living #Art Tech #Art Investment #Fraud Allegations #GalleryK Fraud #Multi-level Marketing Scam #Art Living Victims #Financial Product Responsibility
    ▶아이타임즈M [기획특집] 뉴스 바로가기
    LG Elec. Linked to Gallery K's Art-Living Bundle Amid Fraud Allegations
    - Art Investment Scandal Spreads
    - LG Electronics: "It's Just a B2B Deal"
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    Gallery K, currently under investigation for an alleged Ponzi scheme, has reportedly been selling a bundled product called "Art-Living," which combines their art investment offerings with LG Electronics' home appliances.
    (Gallery K & LG Electronics’ "Art-Living" bundle on sale)
    The Art-Living package offers long-term financing for LG appliances when customers invest in artwork, and Gallery K has been heavily promoting this product.
    (Art investment + appliance benefits to attract customers)
    However, problems are now emerging as some customers, who were drawn to the deal for the LG appliances, claim they've fallen victim to Gallery K’s fraudulent activities.
    (Art-Living customers report being scammed)
    Some of the victims even say they never received a contract after being introduced to the Art-Living package by dealers.
    (Some investors claim, "We didn’t even get a contract.")
    A representative from LG Electronics clarified, "We simply sold our products to Gallery K as part of a B2B transaction. We have no involvement in their investment product, and we weren’t part of any promotional efforts. It seems Gallery K used our products without our consent as part of their business expansion."
    (LG Electronics denies involvement, says it was "just a B2B product supply")
    Financial experts warn that some investors might have been influenced by the association with the LG brand. They argue that if any harm has occurred, LG Electronics should take moral responsibility.
    (Finance experts call for LG Electronics to accept moral responsibility)
    They also stress that large corporations should thoroughly assess consumer protection measures when partnering with financial investment products.
    (Importance of consumer protection in financial product partnerships emphasized)
    With more victims coming forward, Gallery K’s fraud scandal could ripple through both the art and finance sectors, leaving a wider impact.
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