Thanks so much! The wave is done with two MP40's. It's the "short pulse" setting at 450ms alternating intervals. You'll have to adjust the timing based on your tank size/shape.
No issues with the rimmed tank. It just sits on top of the rim. Makes it easy to slide forward and back if you need to access the tank. Thanks for watching!
Thanks for the review nicely done! You answered some questions I definitely had about the mounting. 👍
Glad I could help! Thanks for watching!
Wow! Well done. Your standing wave is mesmerizing. What setting and frequency are you using?
Thanks so much! The wave is done with two MP40's. It's the "short pulse" setting at 450ms alternating intervals. You'll have to adjust the timing based on your tank size/shape.
Thanks for the review. I see your tank is rimmed and you are using the rms track. Any issues with mounting?
No issues with the rimmed tank. It just sits on top of the rim. Makes it easy to slide forward and back if you need to access the tank. Thanks for watching!
Would 2 work for 75g sps reef tank?
Depending on the depth, I think you'd be fine with 2.