Qatar pays zero income tax. They tax gas. Australia exports a lot more gas than Qatar, but Qatar government collects 20 times more tax on gas than ours do. There is no reason for Australian citizens to be struggling. Our government are just a bunch of prickls.
Vote smart - know where your preferences go ,politicians and political parties like to dodge the question of where preferences go if you vote for them.
Look what happened in Canada. Exact same thing is happening in Australia. Hopefully our PM resigns or is voted out. We are paying for these pigs and their lavish lifestyles.
@shanemitchell5807 spot on mate. Same shit show. It says a lot about some sort of design to the shit show too. It's like the "whomever" are trying to fkn piss us off thinking we won't do anything about it. But that just ain't how this is going to go down.
Australia is a lost cause. I'm 32 and completely bloody lost here these days. Life in suburbia is killing me. It's so dull, so lonely, can't even connect with neighbours anymore and I spend every day inside my own head just wandering the streets feeling like a ghost. I am just living the same day over and over. Work feels pointless so I am just doing the bare minimum, which thankfully I can as I am self employed. I need community and connection with people and nature, but until more break free from the shackles of this so called 'society' and start exploring new ways of living, I don't know how I will find that.
Its sterile, that is the word, sterile. Boring people, confused faces, brainwashed, scared, cannot hold conversations so just glare into the phone and block your ears with the biggest headphones ever.
I feel exactly like you word for word mate. I live in Melbourne outer suburbs and i too feel its the same day over and over again. You have to break the cycle, im thinking of renting out my house and just get out. Its just so demoralising......
I’m a tradie in new home build construction for 30 years and I can’t afford a house and they want to bring in migrants that are not skilled in Australia don’t make any sense to me
Absolute lie. Tradies charge an arm and a leg for services. They make a killing. If you been working for 30 years, based on simple math, you are classified as a millionaire. 30 years x $100,000 yer year = $3million sitting in your bank account.
Things aren't easy for the current younger generation. But I think you should have bought a house 10 or 20 years ago , especially when you've been in a trade for 30 years.
People have laughed at me, but ive said the before the only we can get back to a normal level economically is the world needs a global financial depression and hit a big reset button. The problem being is they'll just print more money and kick the can down the road. Back onto housing here in Australia .. it amazes me how the younger generations we will get out in the streets to protest against Australia day or free Palestine. But when its comes to cost of housing nothing. Voice an opinion on TikTok etc but thats it. 45% of Australians are aged 20 to 49 They have the numbers to move the needle and cause change for the better. But no one does.
Yep bang on. Better yet...skip the protest and go ahead to what our friend Luigi did in that other large country. The 'she'll be right' attitude means they can do what they like and know we'll just take it.
Australia suffers from wage stagnation. All these 100 000 to 130 000 incomes sound great but when you take in all the costs of living you're underpaid. It's all relative.
That's funny because you can move rural. Buy 20 acres. Build a tiny home and live a great life on 65k if you can get over wasting 5 years on a degree which won't get you anywhere now.
Early 90s was a shit show but at least the government back then had the back bone to raise interest rates through the roof to stop inflation. These resulted in the best years from 1995 up to 2020.
Peter, we started to slide down hill here from 1996, so Thanks to Honest John for that. The 1950s to the end of 1980s were wonderful years in Australia, then the slide down hill.. 😠 nsw
I listen to all these comments but never hear young people mention cash All they know is plastic money, you are not properly informed Ask your parents about cash, if they are not old enough ask your grandparents Before it's too late This is happening because society is losing an understanding of the value of cash.
First mistake is thinking Politicians are making mistakes. The status quo is a consequence of agenda they won't be retracting. They don't give toot hoots about you and I.
@@dusansojak3457 because they are students. They work here for a a couple of years, leave the country (if they don’t swindle their way to stay) and never pay taxes on their earnings.
You are 100% right Chris don't doubt yourself. The Government is meant to have "social responsibility" meaning they provide a public service for its citizens, a basic level of opportunities to be able to live as human beings. But what have they done? They've gotten into bed with private corporations, which they should not be allowed to do. They change laws to suit private insurance companies to minimise their risk, and thus the high policies get charged and minimal claims. For example, instead of allowing people to have fun as they used to in the past, live music, nightclubs, dance clubs till morning, pubs overflowing with people, allowing smoking in particular areas, they just ban the lot of it or restrict it enough to deter people. This means less people out and about, less claims for whatever type of insurance. Paying with Visa and Mastercard is another big one, people like fools give away what they spend their money on, what time, how often, where, all electronic payments are collected and go to the credit reporting agency. They know how much money you have in savings thus, they raise charges, fees, prices, taxes. Also you go for a loan? Sorry, you are spending too much time in rsl clubs and pubs, sorry too high of a risk, no loan for you. Sorry you cannot travel anymore this year, too much carbon emissions from your current travels already. People just dont understand the importance of right to privacy. Banks and private corporations have no right knowing where you are or what you spend your money on!
To provide a public service costs money which governments gain through taxes. As Australians generally don't like paying tax, then we don't get the services because the money isn't there. So Governments have to get the money from private enterprise instead, but we suffer as private enterprise want profits and charge fees (think of extra cost for privately run airport train lines into Sydney and Brisbane airports, or the toll roads we have). Unless people are prepared to pay more tax to fund the services we want, then governments are going to have to collaborate with private enterprise.
As long as govt is giving free money to Ukraine and Israel to help fund continual warfare the rest doesn't matter, your struggle means very little to the banksters
@@davidrose2382definitely not or never green they want my car gone and living in the 17th century without electricity that is affordable. Let alone selling no products dug up out of the ground the main payment that this shit country has any money .
I used to be right into hard work. Ive done a trade, I have a degree. Ive been invested in Australian politics. I earn a decent wage but Ive always been chasing to keep up. Im done with it all. I pay bills, I pay a mortgage and I stay home. I live 1.5hrs from my job. My family have not had a decent holiday in 5 years. Im one of the lucky ones. I attend volunteer events to help the homeless. So many families living in tents. These people work, they did the right things and their support network has been destroyed. Its proof that the Government does not care past a headline. This country is a money bag for corporate welfare. Our Government and the system they created is to blame and this is all by design. They lock up whistleblowers for telling the truth, they pay their MSM mates "subsidies" and they prop up a false coal, gas and lumber industry. Individualism has tsken hold of the populace. Community has been eroded. Im paying off this house to give to my kids. Im encouraging travel and living abroad when Im gone.
Left on a economy class ticket to SE Asia with nothing but a backpack in 2022, turned my life around. My mistake was waiting and getting stuck in Melbourne and fired over 'the thing' losing everything in the process. It is NOT going to get better in Australia, you will only get poorer, grind more hours just to survive, be unable to afford a quality life and essential services like universal Healthcare or public education be dissolved in front of your eyes. Things will be 10x worse raising a family. Leave the sinking ship and find a new country that actually values you before it is to late.
I feel like the whole world is a mess. Life in Australia has become a depressing misery, but I honeslty don't think I will be any better off anywhere else in the world. This is just life today, and it sucks.
I got a notice to vacate over christmas. The only other place I could get is smaller and an extra 70 a week. So far my move outs costs have cost 5k. That was my entire emergancy fund. Now instead of continuing to save a deposit I have to save for the next emergency. It's fucked
Problem is these cashed up foreigners go-to these countries and start pushing up the prices and push out locals who can't compete with the money we would be bringing over... Look at Spain ATM. Protests going on to push out foreigners.
As a 42 year old I have almost no hope of living in a home. I live in a warehouse with my business, I used to think I was homeless but having only 4 walls with no insulation or luxury's seems to be better than many others. Yes its total BS, I want to leave this country but theres no where really to go, every other english speaking countries are having the same problems. Not only that our dollar is so piss weak even if we could move good luck saving for enough. We really are trapped on this island with no where to go.
The only way I managed to own a home was to get a regular job, take a loan for a cheap home, put a tenant in the property, live in super poverty conditions myself while using both the rent and job income to pay the mortgage. It shouldn't be that hard though. And it sucks. But, it can be done.
You should stay here and people like us should start making changes to this country together. There are no good options in the government but millennials and zoomers can fix this if we become more politically aware and active, we need to get the parasites out of there.
Please hang in there till after the Olympics. My investments are dependent on your sacrifice. I love you....unfortunately rent must go up again. Good one good on ya mate.
Politicians need to be reminded once and for all that they work for us. If they don’t get better outcomes for all of us, we should be able to demand that they step down immediately. We are fools if we put up with this nonsense much longer. We need to rise up together💪
Good luck getting everyone to vote on a minor party to reset the system. Everyone I know treats voting like football they will vote labor or lib no matter how crap they are and celebrate when they win
The core logic is: Economy for the Nation, or the Nation for the Economy. Since most politicians are internationalists, they give little to no concern to the Australian People, especially not the Settlers. We are the fodder for the economy.
I'm 22, I haven't been doing "all the right things" but it sure is alot easier to justify chasing a passion for a livelihood when the "safe" route offers less and less.
It's the same in many countries. I used to work with a guy from Oz - nice fellah. But he often said how much his house price was rocketing back home in Sydney like a badge of pride. As a Brit we've been there, seen it, done it, and it is basically a total disaster for the next generation and wealth distribution. It is one of many issues screwing much of the word at the moment.
That's it it allows stupid people to get rich. And most people are stupid. Very hard to combat that. It's like trying to ban people from pop music or maccas.
No surprises here. I worked it out in 1993 where we're headed and I certainly wasn't the first person to do so. Once we decided to move lower down the value chain, focusing on resource extraction and low value services, the rest became inevitable. Resource extraction and low value services such as tourism - exactly what every Third World country does and we copied them. That was never going to end well for the middle class.
We need a libertarian leader in Australia. We need to gut the bureaucracy and bring accountability into government. Currently we are giving away our resources to foreign cooperations while claiming to be a green utopia. Corruption is rife here we have politicians doing deals with cooperations for a cushy salary after there time in government. This needs to be called what it is “corruption!” And it needs to stop. Our resources belong to us. This should be the wealthiest country on the planet.
Mate I work with a few guys from India. they cannot believe how lucky we are in Australia, like being able to afford a car , rent, basic health, fresh food, clean wate,r , air,. heating cooling, all the things we take for granted.
@@steveb9270 a lot of people are struggling to meet the costs of all the things youve mentioned . India has a vicious caste system which is rife with every form of corruption and apathy, very little civic duty, a completely different culture to western christian based democracies. Comparing either cultures is apples and oranges. Importing droves of cultures into an existing one has proven to be more problematic than usefull I would argue. Anyhoo, Im just a useless eater/tax battery. Im property of Ausgov not a constituent.
Long doco, about 3.5 hours - 'The Money Masters' by Bill Still. It's from about 1995, but still more relevant than ever. The most fundamental questions are not being asked, such as "Why do we have a debt-based economy?"
'money as debt' documentary, also. Catchy unique tunes tie in with it nicely as well :) Edit: It's by Paul Grignon, available on youtube. There's also Money as Debt II and Money as Debt III.
You change how you are governed. Either by skirting laws, elections, or moving. That's it. I don't want to do the first, the second one isn't going to happen in my State (Vic) - maybe it can happen federally, but I don't trust my fellow Australiand to vote strategically enough to get something out of the political class. So I want to move. There are better countries with better governments and/or smarter people. And by smarter, I mean they are smart enough to not let their government screw them like ours have.😊
Punters politics posted a video the other day of the housing minister saying they (Labor) want house prices to continue to rise. LNP is no better either. It's scary because they don't even hide the fact they're not on the people's side. Unfortunately there's still too many people who already own property so until the majority are renters I don't think they will care. In saying that I don't think the current prices are sustainable as the only people I seem to see buying are foreigners and the number of them moving here is dropping. People say property never goes down but I also think nobody saw prices going crazy post covid so it's entirely possible that at some point the market will be forced to correct itself.
This is why people are angry and feel that system is stacked against you. No matter how hard to you try to improve the situation you just end up in the same place as you started off or worse off. I think a word to describe the situation that everyone is in at the moment is debilitating.
Our government looks after our health and wellbeing magnificently with l0ck-d0wns, free j@bs, vvoke oozing out of every department/policy, innnnigration and stud3nts flooding the joint, klimat3 change netting zero - what could be better?
This has been happening for decades... We're being kept poor on purpose. I despair for my son, he's not going to be able to go to uni because of cost of accommodation, food, study etc. I'm not sure what he's going to do and keep brain storming ideas, it's getting harder and harder and those that can fix it won't. It's so depressing. I'm trying to just be present day to day and be thankful for what I do or have or eat because it's just going to get worse. I've got 16 years teaching experience, four year degree at uni, yet loop holes galore. I'll never own my own home, have never had a permanent job in teaching always on temporary contracts that has prevented me being able to even get a car loan. I have no long service leave because of those loop holes and had to move away from Sydney where my family is from because of the cost of renting and living. I am now in the best school I've ever experienced but I'm still not permanent, however most teachers at this school are, so I can be hopeful.
It's just math. Look at the share of the economy, the trend since the 70's has been going down for the middle and working class. Unfortunately it's a hard pickle, most people have no idea how the system works, so even though they feel things aren't right, they will be sheep dogged into more of the same. I'd recommend everyone learns how money is created by double entry book keeping, least you'll know the bars of your cage. And the hope is maybe enough people knowing how it's done coalesce to work out how to get private money creation away from the elites, somehow make it democratically allocated. Until you do that, history will just repeat and an other being will come along and throw the money leaders out of the temple only to be strung up over and over again.
the aussie dream died around 30 years ago dude. the first time house prices increased by 80% in a year and its been insane since. the answer is to do like the foreigners do, have 10 people living in a 2 bedroom house. everyone contributing to the household expenses and paying the mortgage. I dont think a house to yourself is possible anymore
Value of the dollar is not what it was. Our money literally buys Less. Basic living costs keep growing, but our income isn’t. Our government is a disgrace.
I am 40 and bought my first house at 26. It took me 4 years and a lot of sacrifice to save a deposit. I bought a run down fixer upper that no one wanted. Do what you can to get onto the property ladder. It's never going to get any cheaper. If I were you, I would go for a townhouse as houses are out of reach for the average person now. The hardest part is saving the deposit. Good luck!
Aussies want their own piece of land and want to do it on their own. Asian cultures buy one house at a time and the whole family pays that off. They live intergenerationally. Then another house and again, even after one couple in that family moves into the first house, they still pay their share of the mortgage on the second property. This is repeated until every family member has their own home. I've even heard of Chinese friends pooling their cash together and buying a property they can all live in. Aussies are stubborn and selfish and it holds us back when it comes to the housing market. Plus the divorce rate is contributing to the housing shortage with more and more couples splitting up and splitting assets and buying another property to satisfy the courts for custody and visitation rights. We've got to stop treating each other like crap, stop stabbing each other in the back and start working together to get into the market. The days of leaving the nest in your early 20s and buying a 3 bedder on a quarter acre block are over.
We really don't need to live like this. We didn't even come close to needing to do this in the 1970's or 1980's. We shouldn't aspire to live like Chinese!
@williamcrossan9333 who said anything about aspiring? It's just the reality. Adapt or go without completely. We can whinge about losing the ideal til the cows come home but it won't change anything. This is the new world order, the old days are gone forever. Covid showed how weak and divided our society really is.
ill be honest i own my own apartment, but im still screwed as the BODY CORPORATE bills are a joke, they go up 10% every year and there is not even a pool or lift or gym, there are like 2 hedges and there is a gardner, its a joke, in about 20 yrs the BC fees will be like $5,000/qtr and they will keep increasing, i worked out one day my PENSION wont even be enough to cover the BC fees when im old, and none of the other owners want to change the BC from company managed to resident managed there are only 6 units in the complex, food in australia isnt the problem, we can always just buy rice and pasta and canned tuna and baked beans, they will always be cheap but ACCOMODATION is the big killer, thats why my plan in the next 5 years is to see up and move to the philippines or thailand or even mexico or paraguay Unless you have a HOUSING COMMISSION property where the rent is capped at like $100/wk your screwed, if you own, you have rates and BC fees that go up every yr with no good justification
You're absolutely correct about body corporate fees. I own my own apartment - fully paid off - but like you, continue to incur BC fees. Before retiring, I had invested heavily in the financial markets and super. As a result, I now live off a portfolio with an asset allocation that will allow me to pay my BC fees and other outgoings until I pass on which I estimate to be somewhere between 90 and 100. I am a FIRE adherent and have sacrificed a lot for about 20 years in order to get to where I am. I have been through the struggle so understand how hard it can be. Cheers.
@@user-Aa310 my only choice in about 10 year when my BC fees will be about $12,000 a yr is either SELL UP and live in a van or buy a cabin in the bush, or renovate my place and have a tenant move in with me , which i dont think id be able to do, i just couldnt trust someone to live with me, even if it was done officially, id be worried they would steal something or they wouldnt wanna move out
@petejames1326 Totally understand. If you are thinking of going overseas, I have heard Malaysia, Bali/Indonesia, Thailand, Spain and Portugal are very affordable.
this is an endless battle my friend. too many laws, too much regulation, and then barely any money left after bills to keep the car on the road. cant even own a modern car so stuck on 20+ year old ones to keep some form of transport.
Hi You said you have over 10 years in insurance industry I would like to ask for some advice please My car was parked legally and a share e bike was in the footpath got push by the wind and damage my car I have contact the bicycle share company but not reply from them What can I do ? The bicycle have damaged causing two deep big scratches to my car I wasn’t doing deliveries
There is nothing we can do. The government has to change the rules around loans and put pressure on prices to drop or stay the same. Millennials are being told no by the banks even with the deposit as we are getting too old to serve a 30 year loan. Boomers might want to reflect on who will buy their investment houses because their kids and grandchildren cannot. The bubble is bigger than the old that caused the GFC so the economy will go belly up soon enough.
Smashed avocado is a metaphor for all the stupid crap people spend their money on. I earn under 80k a year. When i went for a home loan they said "is that all you want to borrow?
Government is bringing far too many immigrants here. Once upon a time was less than 200k a year now pushing 1million each year. Single biggest factor affecting the cost of living and wage growth. Another factor is government spending directly or by subsidy on renewables and EVs. Government demand for money is keeping the cost of money high i.e interest rates. Unfortunately we have lazy governments that keep the country ticking over by importing more people and insane spending.
If you're in his position, your only real option is to emigrate-assuming you have a remote-friendly skill set. Things won't improve, not for at least a decade. Australia is on track to becoming a dystopian nightmare, and by 2030, this will be a widespread trend among young Australians. Emigrating for a better life will only exacerbate the problem, but it's the outcome older generations have effectively voted for.
Australia reminds me of Leonardo di Caprio's movie The Beach... where you have a paradise and the moment word gets out about this isolated idyllic island paradise, everyone flocks there and eventually this "secret", this paradise is destroyed ...
The difference is Maya Bay was closed for 2 years (2020-2022) to recover and now measures are taken to stop the destruction of the area including closing it for months at a time.
Also what happens to the business selling smashed avocados if everyone stops buying? What ripple affect does that have on their staff and the local economy?
In QLD your not allowed legally to live in a VAN, ive thought about buying a VAN and fitting it out with a BED and fridge and stove etc... but in QLD you cant live in a VAN unless its at an approved caravan park which makes you pay like $30 site fees a day, yet in NSW and VIC your ARE allowed to live in a VAN or car and park it where you want too as long as your not in someones driveway etc... why does the QLD govt make it so hard for people especially during the housing crisis?
You could consider purchasing in a location that may not be ideal, but gets you in the door. This way you're investing in yourself and you can then later flip the property, which will have gone up in value by the time you're ready to sell, then purchase in a area that better suits you. If you're in QLD, I believe new legislation also went into place recently that allows you to rent a room legally after making your first home purchase. This could be a good side hussel, if you're chasing a little extra cash once you secure a property. I wish you the best of luck and yes, it's extremely brutal trying to get into the market. One other tip for when you're ready to buy is to do a online search to see what the cost to insure the property your interested is, as this will help to raise red flags. For example if the annual home insurance cost comes in at an excessive $24k, it indicates there is a high risk to the property that may be related to factors such as flooding or subsidence.
Our government are grossly incompetent. Its not possible for hard working educated folk to get ahead because we are taxed to poverty and our financial system is setup to benefit the wealthy few at the expense of the hardworking many. I want a new government.
You are correct. The Government are not worried about Australian people. They are more worried about " look at me aren't I great, I have the power to do what I want".
I feel for you mate. The problem here is we must change the way we look at life. What we need materialistically what we must be amd what we do need to be reshaped. There is a great story called the Mexican fisherman and the American businessman.
I generally agree with the sentiment but it’s not just investors that the govt has sided with its also existing home owners. Existing home owners are the majority so there’s more votes in it. Renters have been left behind. Govt has said on triple j that they don’t want to bring down house prices. Tough luck for renters and young people trying to get into the market
No. Many home owners do want house prices to go down. There are already enough voting victims to vote out the perpetrators. But most victims keep revoting the big bad perpetrator parties.
that’s a silly question , no , it’s not enough and we will make you work till your dead on your feet . and you will have no family time , three jobs , will never get ahead and you will have nothing .. goodbye hope your happy 🙄They want you to work till you drop
The most obvious case of artificially tilting the playing field towards capital and away from labour is the unprecedented levels of immigration. This specifically increases the supply of labour, suppressing the price, while increasing the demand for rental accommodation, pushing up the price. It is also the lazy way for companies to increase profits, by increasing GDP in aggregate, while reducing GDP per person. You get more customers and workers, without the need to improve services or conditions.
We need to start building smaller cheaper houses like we used to. This generation expects 4 bedrooms a cinema room 2 living rooms butlers pantry 2 bathrooms 2 cars and a double garage close to the city. Let’s go back to a simple 3x1 with 1 cheap car in the outer suburbs or in a country town. That’s what the older generations did because that’s what they could afford. I know it’s still harder now than it was then but there’s ways to make it possible without spending tens of thousands on stupid tattoos😂
🤣🎯exactly most are still stuck thinking it will change by partaking in their next rigged selection want change start rattling the past and present politicians cages tell them thanks for doing a crap job your not welcome please leave
The chart we really need to see that tells the story is how many applicants per available dwelling and how many viewing, if only a 100 rental properties available in one location and 200 applicants viewing each property availability is zero, correct ? This is the case behind driving house prices, why ? Immigration, defund The National broadcaster, we need change of government. Cheers
I'm in the same boat bud. Saved up a decent amount before the pandemic, and boom, demand was out of control. Now I can't get approved for a loan, the repayments are too high. Now I await my rental lease to be declined, and then I don't know what will happen.
Chris, whilst our government is hopeless, one should not focus on their actions. They should not be the focus of your life. Like the Great Depression, times will change, just put your head down and keep working hard.
I do anything from 38 hour minimum weeks up to 70+ and am still struggling. We are not going to be homeless but we are having trouble saving to start a family.
I was struggling in Melbourne on a 100k a year so i got a better paying job. Had to move to a shithole town in nw WA. The company paid for my move, my rent and my bills. Stayed there 9 years quality of life sacrifice but it paid off. Ended up in a role getting 250k and my misses was getting about 150k still with no bills. Ended up buying a house in north Queensland and paid it off in 3 years. Retired at 52 and 50. It is possible but you have to sacrifice now for future gains.
Due to how quickly the house prices have increased in WA 50% or more in most suburbs since 2021, a 400,000 home is now 800,000. So the the deposit needed has gone from 80,000 to 160,000. Not to mention how much the stamp duty etc has increased. It's has fast become close to impossible for people who have not bought a home yet to be able to get into the market unless they buy an apartment, which isn't what a family would want. So they would need to buy an investment apartment.
I have told my kids that their only option is to start saving their after school part time income for a deposit on something small. I have told them that they don't have to move into it as a first option but treat it as a rental in the beginning to assist in getting loan approval and making payments. Also buying income producing shares could be a good option at any point with spare savings as long as you plan to sit on it and periodically add to it, at some point you may be able to cash them in for a deposit or use them as equity for a home loan. I bought a home as a renter at 24 on the minimum casual wage with no responsibilities at the time and living at home. I worked six and seven days a week for a few years to make it happen and pay it down some. I can't imagine how hard it would be renting while raising kids. It was hard enough when we moved in to that renter a few years later to do just that. If I was young and starting now and had to house myself I would probably live in a caravan park or live in a van living extremely scrupulously for a few years working as much as possible to make it happen. I really feel for those that find themselves circumstances that do not afford them even so much as the hard road (of living like a vagrant) to home ownership. Australia has most definitely changed for the worse over the last two decades.
Totally right about currency devaluation ...that's exactly what it is. Tho I wouldn't put that on the government so much as the mortgage banks. When governments overspend , the newly created money ends up in the deposit accounts of the people it's spent all. A deposit is a banks liability To offset those liabilities the banks will seek to increase their assets And the asset of a signed mortgage agreement. Yes , the government is responsible for the money printing But so to are the mortgage banks. Those newly created mortgage dollars are much more responsible for the weakening of the dollar than the government's efforts.... Best solution would be root reform and ban the banks from lending money they create themselves or else severely restrict the flow by banning joint mortgages , by limiting loans to a max of 5 times income. A few years of that will see the flow of mortgage dollars shrink to nothing and asking prices will drop everywhere.....assuming of course.....that non resident would be buyers are banned from buying property
Governments around the world fix incomes at a certain level. You struggle by design. Houses are a finite supply. I lived with inlaws and got deposit on a 2 bed apartment. That’s it I got lucky ish. I would recommend people give up on houses and buy apartments. You have finite time.
Mate, I totally agree with what you said. I've been in Australia for 21 yrs now. I had come from a country called Zambia Central Africa. I'm a sole trader and I've worked for myself virtually all my adult life. I'm now 66 and forget going onto a pension it's not near enough to sustain you in your later yrs so basically I'll still be working easily into my late it's atleast. My wife is Australian and midwife for 45 yrs and still going. She's fed up with the nonesense coming out the medical arena so she can't wait to retire but that's only going to happen in another 3 yrs! We are renters and it seems that we'll be renters until we die unfortunately. There's no way in hell that we can afford even a small house as the price of housing has gone ballistic! I see tent cities in our town and I say to my wife, " this shouldn't be happening in this country " I 'm so disappointed with our current politicians whom I think are in there for their own good. It's the same in Africa mate. I have joined the Nationals as I have had enough of the current political situation and I have a stand at our meeting you voice my concerns and hopefully it gets through to higher authorities but I'm not holding my breath! This a beautiful country and infact, if there was a war imminent, I'd be showing both my hands to serve this country !! I love this country even though I was born in Africa being of Italian decent, there's no better country than Australia and it's really sad that there are the "real Australians " out there who want to destroy it!! Shame on them!! Is what I say!! My allegiance to this country is absolutely steadfast!!!
Hey Chris, Focus on you mate … Yes the system is broken and will never change… us in the west get so damn distracted from what’s important.. Most of the world’s population would beg for what we take for granted on a daily basis like clean drinking water. Something I live by after my divorce. Did I eat today yes Do I have shelter yes Do I have a job yes Can I save a little yes Then we are doing better than most in the world.
I am like you in many ways. Except i have a wife and 2 kids. Things are hard, and it seems endless. With property. Land is an issue in Aus. As it's still under control of the crown. 23% The privatisation of natural resources while a good thing has not yielded results as it's not taxed heavily enough for the people of those communities to benefit. Timber and lumber costs to build homes could be a lot less if there were not as many restrictions and laws. The regulations in of themselves cost too much to define and create while stifling economies potential. I have come to the realisarion that i might never own a home in Australia and put savings to work to try and get a return that i can pay my bills with. Ultimately. The system in place needs a big change. A huge restructure. Deregulation. Anything (commodities/exports) sold overseas needs huge tax while things sold in Aus need minimal. Open up the mines. Get out of the 2050 net zero nonsense. Back Aud$ with actual gold reserves(we have so much naturally dig it up and stash it) and have a standard that's stable. Use blockchain to track any government transactions.
All i can say is move if your in poverty. Your career isnt working for you now but people wont change. Come farm rural. But yas wont because you need your huge shopping malls and restaurants.
That bush your walking thru you could easily move in.i have done 3 times while fully employed. I saved 40 thousand in 6 months boss said I stink I said I know. He said you know you stink I said day was get out of tent walk to work .do ten hours get thr train to southbank swim shower and return to bike locker at station. I had two bags hanging of the Handel bars on for clean clothes one for dirty. Then up to west end for a fine meal and get the last train back to camp.its still possible....have a go and exit the system.
Budget deficit/printing money is the number 1 reason for this crisis. Interest rate should never been less than 3 to 3.5%. They reduced it to 0% in COVID and these are consequences of such low rate.
In order to get ahead financially today, you need to be single, no bills, make a min of $180k, while renting your homes spare rooms out. This is by far the most expensive time to ever be alive.
5:40: They do indeed favour the investment class over the rest. I'm amazed at the negative comments around Victoria, yet what they are doing tax wise, is making housing more affordable. The results are clear to see, yet they are getting demonized big time. No wonder every other government just pushes house prices.
The middle class expanded beyond what is allowed, the rich ain't so rich anymore, to keep being wealthy an exclusive deal, you have to have a decent gap between the poor and the wealthy, otherwise we become a balanced class structure which is a fault in the machine, sure they've been going all money printer go brrrr, many think that we were set free of the serfdom ha ha ha ha nah bud, we are still in the feudal system just with streamers and balloons, love ya channel mate, don't stress that pretty little head too much mate ❤
I could walk outside n talk to my neighbours it was friendly n people were helpful ! Streets, footpath n neighbourhood was presentable ,those days r gone,n so r the neighbours! There's not much left anymore, except rubbish everywhere, don't know my neighbours anymore ,strangers everywhere, houses r broken into,police r fewer about and manned police stations r fewer about as well ! There was a time one went from rags to riches,the aboriginals know it best ,they just employ DREAMTIME ,unfortunately even they r stuck in the RUT ! 🥵😡
I see your frustration mate, the government certainly does have us all over a barrel. Everywhere we turn there's more regulation, more taxes on taxes and control over our freedom. The last tax reform was clearly too little too late we're now so far past the Australian dream we can't even imagine it anymore, the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off due to cost cutting!
What we’re experiencing is what I believe just a small taste of things to come. Look at the globalisation of companies and the different rules they get to play by. Look at how more than ever these companies are weighting in on what historically are considered to be social or moral issues. Unless something changes soon I think society is headed for a Black Mirror dystopian where everything is geared towards these massive powerful corporations and we’re all just the product. There needs to be a balance.
Qatar pays zero income tax. They tax gas.
Australia exports a lot more gas than Qatar, but Qatar government collects 20 times more tax on gas than ours do. There is no reason for Australian citizens to be struggling. Our government are just a bunch of prickls.
Our voters are negligent.
Australian citizens are kept ignorant by our government, controlled and trained to be sheep.
Kept in the dark.
@@davidvanderklauw They aren't dumb gov is just pure evil.
@@davidvanderklauw Voting haha
you can vote for any party you want, but you cant vote away the system, the global order is self reinforcing
Thank you and this is sadly completely correct, doing the same thing over and over isn't going to fix this.
Bad advice, immediate perfection is not on the menu - never is, a vote for change get you closer than stupid comments like this
What is frustrating is that we (the people) collectively have the power to create change but we can’t coordinate it to focus on common issues.
Vote smart - know where your preferences go ,politicians and political parties like to dodge the question of where preferences go if you vote for them.
Why are people wanting to vote for others to rule over them?? That’s absurd!!!
Look what happened in Canada. Exact same thing is happening in Australia. Hopefully our PM resigns or is voted out. We are paying for these pigs and their lavish lifestyles.
TIP: Dutton won't save us... just remember they are all in it together
What? It’s all albos fault is it? Really….
@@thewatcherofawesomecontent Dutton Net worth is $300 Million. The best thing all Australians can do is vote for NO ONE
@shanemitchell5807 spot on mate. Same shit show. It says a lot about some sort of design to the shit show too. It's like the "whomever" are trying to fkn piss us off thinking we won't do anything about it. But that just ain't how this is going to go down.
They're ALL one and the same. Politics and democracy is a total farce.
Australia is a lost cause. I'm 32 and completely bloody lost here these days. Life in suburbia is killing me. It's so dull, so lonely, can't even connect with neighbours anymore and I spend every day inside my own head just wandering the streets feeling like a ghost. I am just living the same day over and over. Work feels pointless so I am just doing the bare minimum, which thankfully I can as I am self employed. I need community and connection with people and nature, but until more break free from the shackles of this so called 'society' and start exploring new ways of living, I don't know how I will find that.
Don’t wait get out of your comfort zone do something different! Break free
Its sterile, that is the word, sterile. Boring people, confused faces, brainwashed, scared, cannot hold conversations so just glare into the phone and block your ears with the biggest headphones ever.
I feel exactly like you word for word mate. I live in Melbourne outer suburbs and i too feel its the same day over and over again. You have to break the cycle, im thinking of renting out my house and just get out. Its just so demoralising......
Come to Russia, we left before covid , won’t be back
You are not alone in how you feel. I hope you find support somewhere.
I’m a tradie in new home build construction for 30 years and I can’t afford a house and they want to bring in migrants that are not skilled in Australia don’t make any sense to me
Absolute lie. Tradies charge an arm and a leg for services. They make a killing. If you been working for 30 years, based on simple math, you are classified as a millionaire. 30 years x $100,000 yer year = $3million sitting in your bank account.
It makes a lot of sense, if you think about it in warfare terms.
And why do we have foreign billionaires on our soil not paying tax, Murdoch owns most of our media and he pays NO TAX.
@@JimmyCall bingo
Things aren't easy for the current younger generation. But I think you should have bought a house 10 or 20 years ago , especially when you've been in a trade for 30 years.
Yup Australia is fucked I can’t wait to get out of here. Too hard to expensive to woke
I’ve already made the move, IE Thailand
How do I start moving. I'm utterly dependant on this shit ass government
Yep exact reasons I'm leaving family farm in fiji here I come
Im in the same boat here in Melbourne. Too much woketards in town. Phillipines here i come.
trouble is where to go to?as all the migrants are deserting their countries plus TOURISTs in all the BEST places
People have laughed at me, but ive said the before the only we can get back to a normal level economically is the world needs a global financial depression and hit a big reset button. The problem being is they'll just print more money and kick the can down the road.
Back onto housing here in Australia .. it amazes me how the younger generations we will get out in the streets to protest against Australia day or free Palestine. But when its comes to cost of housing nothing. Voice an opinion on TikTok etc but thats it. 45% of Australians are aged 20 to 49 They have the numbers to move the needle and cause change for the better. But no one does.
100% you're spot on mate.
Why are you amazed, they fight over toilet paper and leave food on the shelves during lockdown
They value tattoos more than their future.
Nothing should be a shock these days
I agree 100%.
Yep bang on. Better yet...skip the protest and go ahead to what our friend Luigi did in that other large country. The 'she'll be right' attitude means they can do what they like and know we'll just take it.
Australia suffers from wage stagnation. All these 100 000 to 130 000 incomes sound great but when you take in all the costs of living you're underpaid. It's all relative.
Working for a wage is a mugs game, simple as that, and you will always struggle. Happiest people in the world often have little to nothing.
Those high wages are why everything is so expensive.
Don't forget the TAX!
That's funny because you can move rural. Buy 20 acres. Build a tiny home and live a great life on 65k if you can get over wasting 5 years on a degree which won't get you anywhere now.
Don’t forget to take 30-40% of the amount for tax!
I’m 69 I’ve seen the best years , for living in Australia, that was 30 years ago
The moment Australia became famous, everyone wanted to be part of it.
Early 90s was a shit show but at least the government back then had the back bone to raise interest rates through the roof to stop inflation. These resulted in the best years from 1995 up to 2020.
More like 40+ to 50+ years ago.
Peter, we started to slide down hill here from 1996, so Thanks to Honest John for that. The 1950s to the end of 1980s were wonderful years in Australia, then the slide down hill.. 😠 nsw
I listen to all these comments but never hear young people mention cash
All they know is plastic money, you are not properly informed
Ask your parents about cash, if they are not old enough ask your grandparents
Before it's too late
This is happening because society is losing an understanding of the value of cash.
Stop students from overseas being allowed to work.
First mistake is thinking Politicians are making mistakes. The status quo is a consequence of agenda they won't be retracting. They don't give toot hoots about you and I.
Mr Singh won’t be happy
@@dusansojak3457 because they are students. They work here for a a couple of years, leave the country (if they don’t swindle their way to stay) and never pay taxes on their earnings.
@@Hilton_P you know how much they pay for to be here and study???Tax is for First nation people...they live for free!!!
You are 100% right Chris don't doubt yourself. The Government is meant to have "social responsibility" meaning they provide a public service for its citizens, a basic level of opportunities to be able to live as human beings. But what have they done? They've gotten into bed with private corporations, which they should not be allowed to do. They change laws to suit private insurance companies to minimise their risk, and thus the high policies get charged and minimal claims. For example, instead of allowing people to have fun as they used to in the past, live music, nightclubs, dance clubs till morning, pubs overflowing with people, allowing smoking in particular areas, they just ban the lot of it or restrict it enough to deter people. This means less people out and about, less claims for whatever type of insurance. Paying with Visa and Mastercard is another big one, people like fools give away what they spend their money on, what time, how often, where, all electronic payments are collected and go to the credit reporting agency. They know how much money you have in savings thus, they raise charges, fees, prices, taxes. Also you go for a loan? Sorry, you are spending too much time in rsl clubs and pubs, sorry too high of a risk, no loan for you. Sorry you cannot travel anymore this year, too much carbon emissions from your current travels already. People just dont understand the importance of right to privacy. Banks and private corporations have no right knowing where you are or what you spend your money on!
I've made a heap more off banks than they ever made off me. Stubborn.
To provide a public service costs money which governments gain through taxes. As Australians generally don't like paying tax, then we don't get the services because the money isn't there. So Governments have to get the money from private enterprise instead, but we suffer as private enterprise want profits and charge fees (think of extra cost for privately run airport train lines into Sydney and Brisbane airports, or the toll roads we have). Unless people are prepared to pay more tax to fund the services we want, then governments are going to have to collaborate with private enterprise.
WEF, political beauracrate class, wokery and corruption, preditory equity companies, the list goes on.
As long as govt is giving free money to Ukraine and Israel to help fund continual warfare the rest doesn't matter, your struggle means very little to the banksters
You forget to mention First nation people!!!
@@davidrose2382definitely not or never green they want my car gone and living in the 17th century without electricity that is affordable. Let alone selling no products dug up out of the ground the main payment that this shit country has any money .
Vote green it will get worse @@davidrose2382
I never agreed to my taxes going into war or voice referendum or laws for Digital ID.
I used to be right into hard work. Ive done a trade, I have a degree. Ive been invested in Australian politics. I earn a decent wage but Ive always been chasing to keep up.
Im done with it all. I pay bills, I pay a mortgage and I stay home. I live 1.5hrs from my job. My family have not had a decent holiday in 5 years. Im one of the lucky ones.
I attend volunteer events to help the homeless. So many families living in tents. These people work, they did the right things and their support network has been destroyed. Its proof that the Government does not care past a headline.
This country is a money bag for corporate welfare. Our Government and the system they created is to blame and this is all by design. They lock up whistleblowers for telling the truth, they pay their MSM mates "subsidies" and they prop up a false coal, gas and lumber industry.
Individualism has tsken hold of the populace. Community has been eroded.
Im paying off this house to give to my kids. Im encouraging travel and living abroad when Im gone.
Left on a economy class ticket to SE Asia with nothing but a backpack in 2022, turned my life around. My mistake was waiting and getting stuck in Melbourne and fired over 'the thing' losing everything in the process.
It is NOT going to get better in Australia, you will only get poorer, grind more hours just to survive, be unable to afford a quality life and essential services like universal Healthcare or public education be dissolved in front of your eyes. Things will be 10x worse raising a family.
Leave the sinking ship and find a new country that actually values you before it is to late.
But where though?
I feel like the whole world is a mess. Life in Australia has become a depressing misery, but I honeslty don't think I will be any better off anywhere else in the world. This is just life today, and it sucks.
@@bigchief2331that’s because we are in the Last Days.
So how you making money? Calling cap on this comment or mummy and daddy are financing him.
I got a notice to vacate over christmas. The only other place I could get is smaller and an extra 70 a week. So far my move outs costs have cost 5k. That was my entire emergancy fund. Now instead of continuing to save a deposit I have to save for the next emergency. It's fucked
It's an absolute disgrace the state of this country at the moment. Feels like the only option now is to go overseas.
Yep leave while you can before they make it too expensive to leave
Why do you think the passport now costs $412
Problem is these cashed up foreigners go-to these countries and start pushing up the prices and push out locals who can't compete with the money we would be bringing over... Look at Spain ATM. Protests going on to push out foreigners.
As a 42 year old I have almost no hope of living in a home. I live in a warehouse with my business, I used to think I was homeless but having only 4 walls with no insulation or luxury's seems to be better than many others. Yes its total BS, I want to leave this country but theres no where really to go, every other english speaking countries are having the same problems. Not only that our dollar is so piss weak even if we could move good luck saving for enough. We really are trapped on this island with no where to go.
The only way I managed to own a home was to get a regular job, take a loan for a cheap home, put a tenant in the property, live in super poverty conditions myself while using both the rent and job income to pay the mortgage. It shouldn't be that hard though. And it sucks. But, it can be done.
Phillipinos speak pretty good english and its close to australia.....
You should stay here and people like us should start making changes to this country together. There are no good options in the government but millennials and zoomers can fix this if we become more politically aware and active, we need to get the parasites out of there.
Please hang in there till after the Olympics.
My investments are dependent on your sacrifice.
I love you....unfortunately rent must go up again.
Good one good on ya mate.
Politicians need to be reminded once and for all that they work for us. If they don’t get better outcomes for all of us, we should be able to demand that they step down immediately. We are fools if we put up with this nonsense much longer. We need to rise up together💪
Good luck getting everyone to vote on a minor party to reset the system. Everyone I know treats voting like football they will vote labor or lib no matter how crap they are and celebrate when they win
The core logic is: Economy for the Nation, or the Nation for the Economy. Since most politicians are internationalists, they give little to no concern to the Australian People, especially not the Settlers. We are the fodder for the economy.
I'm 22, I haven't been doing "all the right things" but it sure is alot easier to justify chasing a passion for a livelihood when the "safe" route offers less and less.
It's the same in many countries. I used to work with a guy from Oz - nice fellah. But he often said how much his house price was rocketing back home in Sydney like a badge of pride. As a Brit we've been there, seen it, done it, and it is basically a total disaster for the next generation and wealth distribution. It is one of many issues screwing much of the word at the moment.
That's it it allows stupid people to get rich. And most people are stupid. Very hard to combat that. It's like trying to ban people from pop music or maccas.
The way you get ahead is to do what the government does (lie and cheat)
No surprises here. I worked it out in 1993 where we're headed and I certainly wasn't the first person to do so. Once we decided to move lower down the value chain, focusing on resource extraction and low value services, the rest became inevitable.
Resource extraction and low value services such as tourism - exactly what every Third World country does and we copied them. That was never going to end well for the middle class.
Indeed that's a good point. And we have to divide the spoils into smaller and smaller pieces, as the population expands at breakneck speed.
I went out with a mate to a bowling club for lunch. 2 lunches and 2 beers. $74.
did the same today 3 lunches, one $9 drink... around $100
We need a libertarian leader in Australia. We need to gut the bureaucracy and bring accountability into government. Currently we are giving away our resources to foreign cooperations while claiming to be a green utopia. Corruption is rife here we have politicians doing deals with cooperations for a cushy salary after there time in government. This needs to be called what it is “corruption!” And it needs to stop. Our resources belong to us. This should be the wealthiest country on the planet.
Mate I work with a few guys from India. they cannot believe how lucky we are in Australia, like being able to afford a car , rent, basic health, fresh food, clean wate,r , air,. heating cooling, all the things we take for granted.
India is rising out of poverty, but what I've seen of India in the past, was hundreds of millions living in unimaginable extreme poverty and trash.
You might be lucky. There are 100,000 homeless people, on the subject of Indians many have returned to India, and lots are planing do so. Mate!
@@steveb9270 a lot of people are struggling to meet the costs of all the things youve mentioned .
India has a vicious caste system which is rife with every form of corruption and apathy, very little civic duty, a completely different culture to western christian based democracies.
Comparing either cultures is apples and oranges. Importing droves of cultures into an existing one has proven to be more problematic than usefull I would argue. Anyhoo, Im just a useless eater/tax battery. Im property of Ausgov not a constituent.
you know things are going downhill when we're comparing our country to India as a way to cope..
@ agenda 2030 steams ahead. Cheers soros open societies👍🏻
It's all on purpose
Long doco, about 3.5 hours - 'The Money Masters' by Bill Still. It's from about 1995, but still more relevant than ever. The most fundamental questions are not being asked, such as "Why do we have a debt-based economy?"
Thank you for the suggestion I’ll go look that one up ☺️
its above the intellectual level of most aussies. the shortened version of it is "the creature of jekyll island"
'money as debt' documentary, also. Catchy unique tunes tie in with it nicely as well :) Edit: It's by Paul Grignon, available on youtube. There's also Money as Debt II and Money as Debt III.
@@sigourneywilliamson2050 It's about the USA, but mirrors us of course.
True money masters by Bill Still and his other documentaries Secret of Oz an Jeckle island
You change how you are governed. Either by skirting laws, elections, or moving. That's it.
I don't want to do the first, the second one isn't going to happen in my State (Vic) - maybe it can happen federally, but I don't trust my fellow Australiand to vote strategically enough to get something out of the political class.
So I want to move. There are better countries with better governments and/or smarter people. And by smarter, I mean they are smart enough to not let their government screw them like ours have.😊
Punters politics posted a video the other day of the housing minister saying they (Labor) want house prices to continue to rise. LNP is no better either. It's scary because they don't even hide the fact they're not on the people's side. Unfortunately there's still too many people who already own property so until the majority are renters I don't think they will care. In saying that I don't think the current prices are sustainable as the only people I seem to see buying are foreigners and the number of them moving here is dropping. People say property never goes down but I also think nobody saw prices going crazy post covid so it's entirely possible that at some point the market will be forced to correct itself.
The tipping point for property will be a rise in unemployment, anyone who says property will never drop is kidding themselves.
This is why people are angry and feel that system is stacked against you. No matter how hard to you try to improve the situation you just end up in the same place as you started off or worse off. I think a word to describe the situation that everyone is in at the moment is debilitating.
Our government looks after our health and wellbeing magnificently with l0ck-d0wns, free j@bs, vvoke oozing out of every department/policy, innnnigration and stud3nts flooding the joint, klimat3 change netting zero - what could be better?
Albo can’t sleep at night , worrying about the Plebs , NOT ,
TIP: Dutton and Albo are the same thing, they just will use different paths to same destination
The poor bastard we all better give him another taxpayer funded holiday
This has been happening for decades... We're being kept poor on purpose. I despair for my son, he's not going to be able to go to uni because of cost of accommodation, food, study etc. I'm not sure what he's going to do and keep brain storming ideas, it's getting harder and harder and those that can fix it won't. It's so depressing. I'm trying to just be present day to day and be thankful for what I do or have or eat because it's just going to get worse. I've got 16 years teaching experience, four year degree at uni, yet loop holes galore. I'll never own my own home, have never had a permanent job in teaching always on temporary contracts that has prevented me being able to even get a car loan. I have no long service leave because of those loop holes and had to move away from Sydney where my family is from because of the cost of renting and living. I am now in the best school I've ever experienced but I'm still not permanent, however most teachers at this school are, so I can be hopeful.
What would happen if everyone who can't afford enough, just stopped working in protest? Maybe that's what we should be doing
Mmm that's called a revolution not enough have nots yet yet!
@letsgetreal-df7pu Na just not enough people realise what's been stolen from them..its time to educate our young brothers and sisters.
It's just math. Look at the share of the economy, the trend since the 70's has been going down for the middle and working class. Unfortunately it's a hard pickle, most people have no idea how the system works, so even though they feel things aren't right, they will be sheep dogged into more of the same. I'd recommend everyone learns how money is created by double entry book keeping, least you'll know the bars of your cage. And the hope is maybe enough people knowing how it's done coalesce to work out how to get private money creation away from the elites, somehow make it democratically allocated. Until you do that, history will just repeat and an other being will come along and throw the money leaders out of the temple only to be strung up over and over again.
Have a look at Yarram south Gippsland, a few houses there $320-400k, nice town, full services, 10 minutes to coast, 3 hours to Melbourne.
Which track is that Chris? Somewhere on the Sunshine Coast?
the aussie dream died around 30 years ago dude. the first time house prices increased by 80% in a year and its been insane since. the answer is to do like the foreigners do, have 10 people living in a 2 bedroom house. everyone contributing to the household expenses and paying the mortgage. I dont think a house to yourself is possible anymore
Value of the dollar is not what it was. Our money literally buys Less. Basic living costs keep growing, but our income isn’t. Our government is a disgrace.
I am 40 and bought my first house at 26. It took me 4 years and a lot of sacrifice to save a deposit. I bought a run down fixer upper that no one wanted. Do what you can to get onto the property ladder. It's never going to get any cheaper. If I were you, I would go for a townhouse as houses are out of reach for the average person now. The hardest part is saving the deposit. Good luck!
There are many avenues for a better life but you all want it given to you. None of you want to sacrifice
Aussies want their own piece of land and want to do it on their own. Asian cultures buy one house at a time and the whole family pays that off. They live intergenerationally. Then another house and again, even after one couple in that family moves into the first house, they still pay their share of the mortgage on the second property. This is repeated until every family member has their own home. I've even heard of Chinese friends pooling their cash together and buying a property they can all live in.
Aussies are stubborn and selfish and it holds us back when it comes to the housing market. Plus the divorce rate is contributing to the housing shortage with more and more couples splitting up and splitting assets and buying another property to satisfy the courts for custody and visitation rights. We've got to stop treating each other like crap, stop stabbing each other in the back and start working together to get into the market. The days of leaving the nest in your early 20s and buying a 3 bedder on a quarter acre block are over.
Indeed 👍
We really don't need to live like this. We didn't even come close to needing to do this in the 1970's or 1980's.
We shouldn't aspire to live like Chinese!
@williamcrossan9333 who said anything about aspiring? It's just the reality. Adapt or go without completely. We can whinge about losing the ideal til the cows come home but it won't change anything. This is the new world order, the old days are gone forever. Covid showed how weak and divided our society really is.
Houses are a terrible investment at the moment
Couldn't have been said any better mate, I think so many of us feel this way.
If the tax system favours business, then why don’t you start one!!!!! No brainer
One step forwards, 2 steps back.
ill be honest i own my own apartment, but im still screwed as the BODY CORPORATE bills are a joke, they go up 10% every year and there is not even a pool or lift or gym, there are like 2 hedges and there is a gardner, its a joke, in about 20 yrs the BC fees will be like $5,000/qtr and they will keep increasing, i worked out one day my PENSION wont even be enough to cover the BC fees when im old, and none of the other owners want to change the BC from company managed to resident managed there are only 6 units in the complex, food in australia isnt the problem, we can always just buy rice and pasta and canned tuna and baked beans, they will always be cheap but ACCOMODATION is the big killer, thats why my plan in the next 5 years is to see up and move to the philippines or thailand or even mexico or paraguay
Unless you have a HOUSING COMMISSION property where the rent is capped at like $100/wk your screwed, if you own, you have rates and BC fees that go up every yr with no good justification
You're absolutely correct about body corporate fees. I own my own apartment - fully paid off - but like you, continue to incur BC fees. Before retiring, I had invested heavily in the financial markets and super. As a result, I now live off a portfolio with an asset allocation that will allow me to pay my BC fees and other outgoings until I pass on which I estimate to be somewhere between 90 and 100. I am a FIRE adherent and have sacrificed a lot for about 20 years in order to get to where I am. I have been through the struggle so understand how hard it can be. Cheers.
@@user-Aa310 my only choice in about 10 year when my BC fees will be about $12,000 a yr is either SELL UP and live in a van or buy a cabin in the bush, or renovate my place and have a tenant move in with me , which i dont think id be able to do, i just couldnt trust someone to live with me, even if it was done officially, id be worried they would steal something or they wouldnt wanna move out
@petejames1326 Totally understand. If you are thinking of going overseas, I have heard Malaysia, Bali/Indonesia, Thailand, Spain and Portugal are very affordable.
this is an endless battle my friend. too many laws, too much regulation, and then barely any money left after bills to keep the car on the road. cant even own a modern car so stuck on 20+ year old ones to keep some form of transport.
You said you have over 10 years in insurance industry
I would like to ask for some advice please
My car was parked legally and a share e bike was in the footpath got push by the wind and damage my car
I have contact the bicycle share company but not reply from them
What can I do ?
The bicycle have damaged causing two deep big scratches to my car
I wasn’t doing deliveries
Act of god, look it up.
Also, good luck chasing a company for a few hundred $, it will cost you more in lawyers
Cheaper to get it buffed out by a professional at your cost. Life sucks sometimes
Now, if you sell your home, the government ATO will take 12 to 15 percent of the sale price. Is this even legal?
Australia is within itself highly competitive. No free lunches here.
4 important things in life - Health, family, freedom and integrity.
A lot of people are moving to Paraguay, Uruguay, Russia and SE Asia.
There is nothing we can do. The government has to change the rules around loans and put pressure on prices to drop or stay the same. Millennials are being told no by the banks even with the deposit as we are getting too old to serve a 30 year loan. Boomers might want to reflect on who will buy their investment houses because their kids and grandchildren cannot. The bubble is bigger than the old that caused the GFC so the economy will go belly up soon enough.
Smashed avocado is a metaphor for all the stupid crap people spend their money on.
I earn under 80k a year. When i went for a home loan they said "is that all you want to borrow?
Government is bringing far too many immigrants here. Once upon a time was less than 200k a year now pushing 1million each year. Single biggest factor affecting the cost of living and wage growth. Another factor is government spending directly or by subsidy on renewables and EVs. Government demand for money is keeping the cost of money high i.e interest rates. Unfortunately we have lazy governments that keep the country ticking over by importing more people and insane spending.
I agree. The government only has one tool in their economic toolbox, and that is mass migration.
If you're in his position, your only real option is to emigrate-assuming you have a remote-friendly skill set. Things won't improve, not for at least a decade. Australia is on track to becoming a dystopian nightmare, and by 2030, this will be a widespread trend among young Australians. Emigrating for a better life will only exacerbate the problem, but it's the outcome older generations have effectively voted for.
@@sikinside1838 amen
Australia reminds me of Leonardo di Caprio's movie The Beach... where you have a paradise and the moment word gets out about this isolated idyllic island paradise, everyone flocks there and eventually this "secret", this paradise is destroyed ...
The difference is Maya Bay was closed for 2 years (2020-2022) to recover and now measures are taken to stop the destruction of the area including closing it for months at a time.
Also what happens to the business selling smashed avocados if everyone stops buying? What ripple affect does that have on their staff and the local economy?
In QLD your not allowed legally to live in a VAN, ive thought about buying a VAN and fitting it out with a BED and fridge and stove etc... but in QLD you cant live in a VAN unless its at an approved caravan park which makes you pay like $30 site fees a day, yet in NSW and VIC your ARE allowed to live in a VAN or car and park it where you want too as long as your not in someones driveway etc... why does the QLD govt make it so hard for people especially during the housing crisis?
Have you tried to identify as indigenous (non white)? Seems to be the get out of jail card!
You could consider purchasing in a location that may not be ideal, but gets you in the door. This way you're investing in yourself and you can then later flip the property, which will have gone up in value by the time you're ready to sell, then purchase in a area that better suits you. If you're in QLD, I believe new legislation also went into place recently that allows you to rent a room legally after making your first home purchase. This could be a good side hussel, if you're chasing a little extra cash once you secure a property. I wish you the best of luck and yes, it's extremely brutal trying to get into the market. One other tip for when you're ready to buy is to do a online search to see what the cost to insure the property your interested is, as this will help to raise red flags. For example if the annual home insurance cost comes in at an excessive $24k, it indicates there is a high risk to the property that may be related to factors such as flooding or subsidence.
Our government are grossly incompetent. Its not possible for hard working educated folk to get ahead because we are taxed to poverty and our financial system is setup to benefit the wealthy few at the expense of the hardworking many.
I want a new government.
You are correct. The Government are not worried about Australian people. They are more worried about " look at me aren't I great, I have the power to do what I want".
I feel for you mate. The problem here is we must change the way we look at life. What we need materialistically what we must be amd what we do need to be reshaped. There is a great story called the Mexican fisherman and the American businessman.
I generally agree with the sentiment but it’s not just investors that the govt has sided with its also existing home owners. Existing home owners are the majority so there’s more votes in it. Renters have been left behind. Govt has said on triple j that they don’t want to bring down house prices. Tough luck for renters and young people trying to get into the market
No. Many home owners do want house prices to go down. There are already enough voting victims to vote out the perpetrators. But most victims keep revoting the big bad perpetrator parties.
@@davidvanderklauwwhat home owner wants the prices to go down? That’s fucking one of the dumbest things I’ve heard.🤦♂️😂
that’s a silly question , no , it’s not enough and we will make you work till your dead on your feet . and you will have no family time , three jobs , will never get ahead and you will have nothing .. goodbye hope your happy 🙄They want you to work till you drop
The most obvious case of artificially tilting the playing field towards capital and away from labour is the unprecedented levels of immigration. This specifically increases the supply of labour, suppressing the price, while increasing the demand for rental accommodation, pushing up the price. It is also the lazy way for companies to increase profits, by increasing GDP in aggregate, while reducing GDP per person. You get more customers and workers, without the need to improve services or conditions.
We need to start building smaller cheaper houses like we used to. This generation expects 4 bedrooms a cinema room 2 living rooms butlers pantry 2 bathrooms 2 cars and a double garage close to the city. Let’s go back to a simple 3x1 with 1 cheap car in the outer suburbs or in a country town. That’s what the older generations did because that’s what they could afford. I know it’s still harder now than it was then but there’s ways to make it possible without spending tens of thousands on stupid tattoos😂
I know, let's try voting ourselves into freedom and prosperity!
TIP: Dutton isn't the answer, same 2 sides, on the same 1 coin... remember this
🤣🎯exactly most are still stuck thinking it will change by partaking in their next rigged selection want change start rattling the past and present politicians cages tell them thanks for doing a crap job your not welcome please leave
The chart we really need to see that tells the story is how many applicants per available dwelling and how many viewing, if only a 100 rental properties available in one location and 200 applicants viewing each property availability is zero, correct ? This is the case behind driving house prices, why ? Immigration, defund The National broadcaster, we need change of government. Cheers
I'm in the same boat bud. Saved up a decent amount before the pandemic, and boom, demand was out of control. Now I can't get approved for a loan, the repayments are too high. Now I await my rental lease to be declined, and then I don't know what will happen.
Chris, whilst our government is hopeless, one should not focus on their actions. They should not be the focus of your life. Like the Great Depression, times will change, just put your head down and keep working hard.
I do anything from 38 hour minimum weeks up to 70+ and am still struggling. We are not going to be homeless but we are having trouble saving to start a family.
Do you plan for the future or live for the moment?
@@kasmstamps1897 future unfortunately I am numb and no longer feel alive. It is bad here in Sydney.
I was struggling in Melbourne on a 100k a year so i got a better paying job. Had to move to a shithole town in nw WA. The company paid for my move, my rent and my bills. Stayed there 9 years quality of life sacrifice but it paid off. Ended up in a role getting 250k and my misses was getting about 150k still with no bills. Ended up buying a house in north Queensland and paid it off in 3 years. Retired at 52 and 50. It is possible but you have to sacrifice now for future gains.
Struggling on 100k? Your fault.
Due to how quickly the house prices have increased in WA 50% or more in most suburbs since 2021, a 400,000 home is now 800,000. So the the deposit needed has gone from 80,000 to 160,000. Not to mention how much the stamp duty etc has increased. It's has fast become close to impossible for people who have not bought a home yet to be able to get into the market unless they buy an apartment, which isn't what a family would want. So they would need to buy an investment apartment.
I have told my kids that their only option is to start saving their after school part time income for a deposit on something small.
I have told them that they don't have to move into it as a first option but treat it as a rental in the beginning to assist in getting loan approval and making payments.
Also buying income producing shares could be a good option at any point with spare savings as long as you plan to sit on it and periodically add to it, at some point you may be able to cash them in for a deposit or use them as equity for a home loan.
I bought a home as a renter at 24 on the minimum casual wage with no responsibilities at the time and living at home.
I worked six and seven days a week for a few years to make it happen and pay it down some.
I can't imagine how hard it would be renting while raising kids. It was hard enough when we moved in to that renter a few years later to do just that.
If I was young and starting now and had to house myself I would probably live in a caravan park or live in a van living extremely scrupulously for a few years working as much as possible to make it happen.
I really feel for those that find themselves circumstances that do not afford them even so much as the hard road (of living like a vagrant) to home ownership.
Australia has most definitely changed for the worse over the last two decades.
Totally right about currency devaluation ...that's exactly what it is.
Tho I wouldn't put that on the government so much as the mortgage banks.
When governments overspend , the newly created money ends up in the deposit accounts of the people it's spent all.
A deposit is a banks liability
To offset those liabilities the banks will seek to increase their assets
And the asset of a signed mortgage agreement.
Yes , the government is responsible for the money printing
But so to are the mortgage banks.
Those newly created mortgage dollars are much more responsible for the weakening of the dollar than the government's efforts....
Best solution would be root reform and ban the banks from lending money they create themselves or else severely restrict the flow by banning joint mortgages , by limiting loans to a max of 5 times income.
A few years of that will see the flow of mortgage dollars shrink to nothing and asking prices will drop everywhere.....assuming of course.....that non resident would be buyers are banned from buying property
Governments around the world fix incomes at a certain level. You struggle by design. Houses are a finite supply. I lived with inlaws and got deposit on a 2 bed apartment. That’s it I got lucky ish. I would recommend people give up on houses and buy apartments. You have finite time.
Mate, I totally agree with what you said. I've been in Australia for 21 yrs now. I had come from a country called Zambia Central Africa. I'm a sole trader and I've worked for myself virtually all my adult life. I'm now 66 and forget going onto a pension it's not near enough to sustain you in your later yrs so basically I'll still be working easily into my late it's atleast. My wife is Australian and midwife for 45 yrs and still going. She's fed up with the nonesense coming out the medical arena so she can't wait to retire but that's only going to happen in another 3 yrs! We are renters and it seems that we'll be renters until we die unfortunately. There's no way in hell that we can afford even a small house as the price of housing has gone ballistic!
I see tent cities in our town and I say to my wife, " this shouldn't be happening in this country " I 'm so disappointed with our current politicians whom I think are in there for their own good. It's the same in Africa mate. I have joined the Nationals as I have had enough of the current political situation and I have a stand at our meeting you voice my concerns and hopefully it gets through to higher authorities but I'm not holding my breath! This a beautiful country and infact, if there was a war imminent, I'd be showing both my hands to serve this country !!
I love this country even though I was born in Africa being of Italian decent, there's no better country than Australia and it's really sad that there are the "real Australians " out there who want to destroy it!! Shame on them!! Is what I say!! My allegiance to this country is absolutely steadfast!!!
Lets build tent cities everywhere and save the money, make australia look like a third world country to the rest of the world!
Hey Chris,
Focus on you mate …
Yes the system is broken and will never change… us in the west get so damn distracted from what’s important..
Most of the world’s population would beg for what we take for granted on a daily basis like clean drinking water.
Something I live by after my divorce.
Did I eat today yes
Do I have shelter yes
Do I have a job yes
Can I save a little yes
Then we are doing better than most in the world.
I am like you in many ways. Except i have a wife and 2 kids. Things are hard, and it seems endless.
With property.
Land is an issue in Aus.
As it's still under control of the crown. 23%
The privatisation of natural resources while a good thing has not yielded results as it's not taxed heavily enough for the people of those communities to benefit.
Timber and lumber costs to build homes could be a lot less if there were not as many restrictions and laws.
The regulations in of themselves cost too much to define and create while stifling economies potential.
I have come to the realisarion that i might never own a home in Australia and put savings to work to try and get a return that i can pay my bills with.
Ultimately. The system in place needs a big change. A huge restructure.
Anything (commodities/exports) sold overseas needs huge tax while things sold in Aus need minimal.
Open up the mines. Get out of the 2050 net zero nonsense.
Back Aud$ with actual gold reserves(we have so much naturally dig it up and stash it) and have a standard that's stable.
Use blockchain to track any government transactions.
All i can say is move if your in poverty. Your career isnt working for you now but people wont change. Come farm rural. But yas wont because you need your huge shopping malls and restaurants.
Bought a unit last yr and will probably need to sell it. IT jobless for a yr now.
It's because of the mass immigration.
That bush your walking thru you could easily move in.i have done 3 times while fully employed. I saved 40 thousand in 6 months boss said I stink I said I know. He said you know you stink I said day was get out of tent walk to work .do ten hours get thr train to southbank swim shower and return to bike locker at station. I had two bags hanging of the Handel bars on for clean clothes one for dirty. Then up to west end for a fine meal and get the last train back to camp.its still possible....have a go and exit the system.
Lol really you were homeless while working full time?😂
@@Benno828282go watch videos from America there are plenty that work full time and live in old cars etc. It's sad.
5:00 Yeah never known our Govt to be for the people. We were fked a LONG time ago.
True. Same story in New Zealand too
Budget deficit/printing money is the number 1 reason for this crisis.
Interest rate should never been less than 3 to 3.5%. They reduced it to 0% in COVID and these are consequences of such low rate.
In order to get ahead financially today, you need to be single, no bills, make a min of $180k, while renting your homes spare rooms out.
This is by far the most expensive time to ever be alive.
5:40: They do indeed favour the investment class over the rest. I'm amazed at the negative comments around Victoria, yet what they are doing tax wise, is making housing more affordable.
The results are clear to see, yet they are getting demonized big time. No wonder every other government just pushes house prices.
Atm, anyone without a house is basically joining a game of monopoly half way through. We are never going to catch up and have anything.
The middle class expanded beyond what is allowed, the rich ain't so rich anymore, to keep being wealthy an exclusive deal, you have to have a decent gap between the poor and the wealthy, otherwise we become a balanced class structure which is a fault in the machine, sure they've been going all money printer go brrrr, many think that we were set free of the serfdom ha ha ha ha nah bud, we are still in the feudal system just with streamers and balloons, love ya channel mate, don't stress that pretty little head too much mate ❤
& now homes have to be 7 star rated, that ad's $50k to the price on average
I could walk outside n talk to my neighbours it was friendly n people were helpful ! Streets, footpath n neighbourhood was presentable ,those days r gone,n so r the neighbours!
There's not much left anymore, except rubbish everywhere, don't know my neighbours anymore ,strangers everywhere, houses r broken into,police r fewer about and manned police stations r fewer about as well !
There was a time one went from rags to riches,the aboriginals know it best ,they just employ DREAMTIME ,unfortunately even they r stuck in the RUT ! 🥵😡
I see your frustration mate, the government certainly does have us all over a barrel.
Everywhere we turn there's more regulation, more taxes on taxes and control over our freedom. The last tax reform was clearly too little too late we're now so far past the Australian dream we can't even imagine it anymore, the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off due to cost cutting!
The elites are loving this chaos. For them it’s going all as planned. Dare I say flawlessly
A $600 million dollar carrot to PNG over the next ten years for an NRL team 😂😂😂you cant make this shit up🤬
It's the politicians not doing the right things.
What we’re experiencing is what I believe just a small taste of things to come. Look at the globalisation of companies and the different rules they get to play by. Look at how more than ever these companies are weighting in on what historically are considered to be social or moral issues. Unless something changes soon I think society is headed for a Black Mirror dystopian where everything is geared towards these massive powerful corporations and we’re all just the product. There needs to be a balance.