The whole deck can float into itself once the level 6s are on board, Dorbick is just for ending the game if your opponent can wipe your board, ragna is an ender if your able to get that far, 8 lv 4s is pretty standard and they can all be played if needed be, the decks pretty versatile but it does need a little more for consistency
Only 8 lv4s, and 10 lv6+? Seems like a wonky ratio... I'd cut some of the defensive Black options to play a few more 4s. Love the list otherwise!
The whole deck can float into itself once the level 6s are on board, Dorbick is just for ending the game if your opponent can wipe your board, ragna is an ender if your able to get that far, 8 lv 4s is pretty standard and they can all be played if needed be, the decks pretty versatile but it does need a little more for consistency