Di luar cara penyampaiannya dan aksennya yang sangat baik, isi pidatonya bener2 bagus, dia seperti tidak datang untuk bertanding, tapi datang dgn tulus untuk berbagi. Sukses selalu.
@@user-fy4bl6ss1j apa dia tinggal di negara yang bahasa utamanya adalah bahasa inggris? jika tidak, maka dia bukan native speaker. Her english is very good and so fluent, but still she is not an english native speaker.
Wah wajar ini juara 1 coz accentnya American bgt, susah dicerna buat telinga orang indo. Pembawaannya gaya2 bule bgt santai gitu gak disetting dan gugup, luwes, keren!!
Hi everyone! This is Parahita :) I don't know how many people will find my comment, but thank you for all your kind words and criticism 😊🙏 I have worked hard in trying to improve my public speaking skills since Erlangga 2018. I understand that I may not be the best speaker; I deliver my speeches a little too quickly and I sound a bit monotone when I speak. That's just the way I speak normally, and I didn't want to act out of character and wanted to talk to the audience as if we were discussing and in conversation :) Though I understand why some people may dislike it. I will still try to learn and improve. Thank you!
Materi speech kamu sangat bagus dan lebih rich, that’s why kamu juara 1. Selain itu, penyampaian km pas, dan bikin juri bener2 ngikutin cerita kamu, Akupun tertarik sama ceritamu. Untuk masalah speed, kalau bagi orang native, speed km sangat normal. Dan menurutku dengan cerita sekaya itu, kalau ceritanya pelan malah bikin ngantuk. Walaupun km ngomong cepet, tapi clear kok jd you deserve to be the champion, keep it up!!
Iya, intonasinya bgus dia trdengar lbih melankoli, crtanya jga mmbuat kt brpkir bhwa pmikiran ni ank lebih dewasa dri umurnya krna dia mrsakan perasaan dri kisah si tkoh utama (sadako)
@@jeykkai169 hey! Don't you understand? the substance of criticism isn't about self introspection or make some fuckin solution.. so do not fuckin suffocate my speech liberty!
@@OppolpgOppolpg Oh yes I see. fortunatelly I saw my Mistake. and You see my Mistake. everyone know my Mistake. Alhamdulillah, Allah shows me my mistake clearly. I'll be more motivated to learn English.
@@bagusmadeAW yeah. this is our country bro. where netizen sometimes are acting like a God. but I Still love Indonesia. thanks for your support, I Won't be devastated for That unlucky guy comment. Insya Allah I'll learn more. so None will call me LO B***😊
Yap, inilah speech. Less gesture yg seperti yg runner up, lebih natural, dia seperti menyampaikan pesan, berbagi emosi dan nggak terlalu berlebihan, ngalir seperti berbicara, dan Inggrisnya bagus banget, dan lagi.... Dia nggak memakai pakem firstly I want to say thanks to...... Good job gurlll
I don't care with the accent, grammar, or any other english technical details. But this speech is so touching, mesmerising, and inspiring. Probably that's the reasons why she deserved to be the winner. Thankyou so much
Ini bukan dari sekolah international kaya anak2 artis, tapi dia cerdas dan englishmya native speaker banget.. dan gk kalah sama anak2 artis yg sekolah pakai bahasa inggris. Bahkan ini anak grammer nya bagus dan accent nya bener2 american english. GOD job parahita.... love the way your speech. 👍
it's not about her grammar nor her accent. it's about when you close your eyes and hear this, you can feel the message going through your body. the message she wanted to deliver was smoothly received by us. tbh, I got goosebumps when I got twisted, it was Sadako Sasaki. she truly knows and understands how to share feeling and message through her empathy, not words.
Belajar dimana sih, bisa selancar gitu ngomong inggris, dah kayak native speaker, aku yg dh smster 4 ambil bhs inggris aja msh kayak SMP.kuliah materi mulu bikin mumet.
Dari telinga ku yg subs ke vlogger western ppl, cara dia ngomong kalo aku ga liat orangnya, dia bener2 native, intonasi, cara ngomong, dan kecepatan ngomongnya, bener2 ga asing 😃 bener2 panutan sih
after doing some comparizon, I figured out why she deserved to be no 1. The story that she brought really gives me goosebumps. I can feel her emotion, the writer's emotion
Sangat inspiratif! dan bahasa Inggrisnya begitu fluent. Akan tetapi, sebagai orang yang juga berkecimpung di dunia public speaking, adek ini sebenarnya bukan berpidato, tetap berbaga informasi. karena pidato harusnya kita menginformasikan sebuah isu, memberikan pendapat kita yang didukung dengan data-data pendukung lainnya. Jadi pidato harusnya bersifat ARGUMENTATIF. Saran saya, gak usah dibilang speech contest tetapi "public speaking contest" sehingga para peserta dapat menunjukkan kemampuan mereka dalam bentuk presentasi, berbagi informasi, dan memberikan pidato.
Damn, I must say that she has the whole package to be the winner, and she is. her accent just like a native speaker and the way she delivers her speech is natural
I know why she deserves, her speech full of emotion. Speechnya bener bener bikin aku flashback sama novel pertama aku. Talking about a girl who is suffer. I cry.
Aku aja yg udah belajar bahasa inggris dari umur 8 tahun pun merasa bahwa dia sangat keren dan lebih santai dalam berbicara di depan umum.Her Enghlish is so perfect and like a native speaker.
Jujur, dengerin mbaknya ini berasa baca bukunya juga. Rasanya sedih bahkan aku nangis huhuhu makasih youtube tau-tau ini video muncul aja di rekomendasi, makasih mbaknya sampe akhirnya aku nyari bukunya juga :)))
she deserved the first place, what with the fuss? she delivered it well n smooth, less grammatical errors, on point diction and though less entertaining but she's a natural speaker.
this isn't sounds like a speech but just like she told us a lullaby story. I love the way she speaks, everything was perfect, her accent, her speed, and the way she delivered this speech is really touching, it feels like she courageous us to keep our attention on her only by her voice, she's really inspired me, seems like she didn't memorized the speech but every single words is already in her mind. excellent sist, i've learn a lot from you, praying to God that one day i will be better just like you👍
Indeed it's a great speech. I guess she delivered her speech by heart to heart, through feelings. Her speech was great. I've never heard anyone with a speech like her. ♡
holy shiiit im an indo born american girl and this girl is talking better english than me 😭😂 i cant and refuse to believe that english isn’t her first language
Hi, Parahita, you're amazing and such a good storyteller. The way you spoke is exactly why you won imo. It sounded natural, not mechanical. It wasn't distracting. We could connect better to the story because you remained genuine in your delivery. The other contestants were also really good and I saw the second runner-up first actually and I was thinking to myself, "Wow, so good. Who beat this girl?" Turns out you did and I can see why. Your speech didn't sound rehearsed. You didn't distract the listeners from your story with generic gestures. Yours felt genuine. That's why you're my favorite and I'm certain that's why you won.
The last part of her speech was so emotional, I was listening to it while I closed my eyes, so that you can feel the feeling of how Sadako went through her last journey of life 😭
She spoke smoothly and didn't seem like memorizing ,as if she was telling a story to her friend in a conversation ,her pronunciation is so good that i can hear everyword she says clearly🤩,no wonder she could win the first place ,good job parahita!!
kata-katanya enak banget,"speech ini aku dedikasikan untuk sadako sasaki,seorang gadis yang ingin berlari seperti angin." dan nyeritainnya bisa ga kerasa gitu😭
Niat nya pen belajar speak ,tros nyari ehh ketemu nih video,dari awal pokus nyatet apa yang dia bicarain,pas Cerita tentang temennya sadako meninggal mulai pokus ama nih video,ehh malah kebawa emotional tros g sadar matanya dh membendung(emot nangis),btw kak aku juga dri bantul
I don’t get it how people said that the runner up should be the winner. This one is more natural, this doesn’t sounds like she was memorizing the speech. This doesn’t sounds like a story-telling session. She delivered the emotion of her speech better. Well, maybe it’s just my taste
Gw ngerti yg dia omongin,gw bisa baca nya doang lancar,bahkan pronouncation gw jg lumayan,tapi giliran gw ngom LANGSUNG sama bule,malah blepotan njir malu gw...wkwkwkwk,,
The whole time I was waiting for Sadako to crawl out of a well with her long dark hair covering her face. Oh perfect English and outstanding story telling btw.
excellent english speech and way above average Indonesian people even for native speaker, her english is on the point, clear, fluent and mesmerizing...awesome
dari dengerin dia ngomong tanpa baca bukunya, aku jadi ikut terinspirasi. bener2 tersentuh, kenapa dia yg sakit aja selalu berusaha, aku yg masih sehat tapi bisanya cuma ngeluh dan berharap ada keberuntungan. anyway, suka banget cara kamu menyampaikan ceritanya👍
It's like you were giving a TED TALK. I really hope that you'll do something remarkable or inventing something in the future so you can talk in the real TED TALK. Tbh, this is probably gonna be your milestone for another chapter of your life. Just keep go girl!
I guess she used to lived in the US judging by her accent, her gestures and voice sounds natural though her nervousness seems too obvious (in my opinion)
Hi! This is Parahita! :) Thank you. I have never lived abroad before and though I've been learning English for a long time, Indonesian is still my first language! Also haha yes, I was incredibly nervous. I'm working on it! 😊🙏
Setelah gw liat ini, ternyata bahwa inggris gw gk ada apa2nya.. tapi gw bersyukur, walau gw hanya belajar otodidak tapi gw sudah bisa survive especially for my own life dari org2 yg sering membully temen sendiri pake bhs inggris, krna saya bkrja sbg TKi di malaysia
Di luar cara penyampaiannya dan aksennya yang sangat baik, isi pidatonya bener2 bagus, dia seperti tidak datang untuk bertanding, tapi datang dgn tulus untuk berbagi. Sukses selalu.
Aksennya gk bagus aja, dia mah native speaker :v
@@user-fy4bl6ss1j apa dia tinggal di negara yang bahasa utamanya adalah bahasa inggris? jika tidak, maka dia bukan native speaker. Her english is very good and so fluent, but still she is not an english native speaker.
@@hijaulover Ronal Febrianda nah I'm just joking. But we don't really know the truth right?
Iyaa dia kayak enjoy.. nyampein isi cerita
Berasa dengerin Dongeng Motivasi
Wah wajar ini juara 1 coz accentnya American bgt, susah dicerna buat telinga orang indo. Pembawaannya gaya2 bule bgt santai gitu gak disetting dan gugup, luwes, keren!!
YAH WAJAR kan dia dulunya sekolah di bilingual_-
Angelina Crystal MIP makanya itu dia bilang wajar ini yang juara satu
malahan gua lebih ngerti orang yg gaya berbicara bahasa nya seperti itu bro?.
@@faizhamdi9312 kalo accent nya udah native gitu, keterlaluan banget kalo dia gak dpt posisi yg bagus
Her pronounciation is good, she speaks as a native speaker,
that's totally good 👍
Hmm mosok? 🤭🤭
@@haidaralghifary9698 yes
@@merrysi you mean she speaks like a native speaker.
@@hijaulover idk what were i thinking dude cuma iseng aja ngereply yg ngemosok2kan itu wkwk
Ngomongnya juga nyaman gak kecepatan
Hi everyone! This is Parahita :) I don't know how many people will find my comment, but thank you for all your kind words and criticism 😊🙏 I have worked hard in trying to improve my public speaking skills since Erlangga 2018. I understand that I may not be the best speaker; I deliver my speeches a little too quickly and I sound a bit monotone when I speak. That's just the way I speak normally, and I didn't want to act out of character and wanted to talk to the audience as if we were discussing and in conversation :) Though I understand why some people may dislike it. I will still try to learn and improve. Thank you!
You nailed it girl.
Pertama dengar suaramu mengucapkan kalimat, saya pikir kamu adalah Hannah Baker dari 13 Reasons Why. It's cool⚡
You nailed it gurl✨💜 keep improving your english good luck
You did a great job, Parahita! Wish you all the best! Jangan berhenti dan teruslah menginspirasi ya! ✨
Materi speech kamu sangat bagus dan lebih rich, that’s why kamu juara 1.
Selain itu, penyampaian km pas, dan bikin juri bener2 ngikutin cerita kamu, Akupun tertarik sama ceritamu. Untuk masalah speed, kalau bagi orang native, speed km sangat normal. Dan menurutku dengan cerita sekaya itu, kalau ceritanya pelan malah bikin ngantuk. Walaupun km ngomong cepet, tapi clear kok jd you deserve to be the champion, keep it up!!
Wajar ini yg juara 1.. di pandangan saya, cara dia deliver her speech lebih nunjukin kalau dia lg pidato bukan story telling 👍🏻👍🏻 u know what I mean
NasaBee6991 iya dia lbg tenang ya ngomongnya dari yg juara 2, yg juara bagus juga sih tapi kayak gak tenang bawaannya
Iyo pisan seh
Dia berbahasa inggris mantab beda yg juara 2.. juara 1 ini.. bisa dikatain International english.
Iya, intonasinya bgus dia trdengar lbih melankoli, crtanya jga mmbuat kt brpkir bhwa pmikiran ni ank lebih dewasa dri umurnya krna dia mrsakan perasaan dri kisah si tkoh utama (sadako)
she spoke naturally. no like memorizing. becouse everything is on her mind.
@@bagusmadeAW report aja org kek gitu
@@OppolpgOppolpg just shut up, at least she brave enough to show her abilities and surely she's Better than yourself!!
@@jeykkai169 hey! Don't you understand? the substance of criticism isn't about self introspection or make some fuckin solution.. so do not fuckin suffocate my speech liberty!
@@OppolpgOppolpg Oh yes I see. fortunatelly I saw my Mistake. and You see my Mistake. everyone know my Mistake. Alhamdulillah, Allah shows me my mistake clearly. I'll be more motivated to learn English.
@@bagusmadeAW yeah. this is our country bro. where netizen sometimes are acting like a God. but I Still love Indonesia. thanks for your support, I Won't be devastated for That unlucky guy comment. Insya Allah I'll learn more. so None will call me LO B***😊
Yap, inilah speech. Less gesture yg seperti yg runner up, lebih natural, dia seperti menyampaikan pesan, berbagi emosi dan nggak terlalu berlebihan, ngalir seperti berbicara, dan Inggrisnya bagus banget, dan lagi.... Dia nggak memakai pakem firstly I want to say thanks to...... Good job gurlll
Yaelah banding2in mulu.
@@negerisyam3363 namanya juga kompetisi
kurang sependapat, gapapa kan?
@@negerisyam3363 namanya juga kejuaraan, ya dibandingin lah hahaha lalu kalo ga dibandingin jurinya nilai apa
Bukan islam kali gk pake firstly jadi langsung ke sapaan
If you close your eyes while watch the video, you wont relize dat she is indonesian.
Exactly omg
"Realize that" cmiiw
@@pashafn3171 dat is some kind of slang
@@beamboleo i was talking abt the "relize" part...
I don't care with the accent, grammar, or any other english technical details. But this speech is so touching, mesmerising, and inspiring. Probably that's the reasons why she deserved to be the winner. Thankyou so much
Iyoo ya setuju
Ya bnar, krna crta ini memicu empati kt untk mrsakan apa yg d alami oleh si sadako
" Mesmerizing" cmiiw
The meanings was so deep
she deserve it . i love the way she talk . if you close ur eyes she sound just like a native ! wow !
Ini bukan dari sekolah international kaya anak2 artis, tapi dia cerdas dan englishmya native speaker banget.. dan gk kalah sama anak2 artis yg sekolah pakai bahasa inggris. Bahkan ini anak grammer nya bagus dan accent nya bener2 american english. GOD job parahita.... love the way your speech. 👍
it's not about her grammar nor her accent. it's about when you close your eyes and hear this, you can feel the message going through your body. the message she wanted to deliver was smoothly received by us. tbh, I got goosebumps when I got twisted, it was Sadako Sasaki. she truly knows and understands how to share feeling and message through her empathy, not words.
This ❤️
wait you right 😢
Well done, she's talking by her heart not by mind
Well sort of. I think she memorized a script (well duh). As you can see her eye movements and stops every few seconds or so.
feels like watching one of the TED speaker
her content and the way she delivering is amazing ✨
OMG sumpah awalnya gue kira cuma gue doang yang ngerasa gituu
Gua juga mikir gitu
i know right! her speech sounds like a ted talk~
Suka liatnya tapi ga ngerti artinya apa
Sedih bener ya ampun
Gw ga sendiei
Belajar dimana sih, bisa selancar gitu ngomong inggris, dah kayak native speaker, aku yg dh smster 4 ambil bhs inggris aja msh kayak SMP.kuliah materi mulu bikin mumet.
Ke english first aja kak
@@muhammadrahman8943 dmn itu ya
@@ahmadyoung1732 cari aja EF
rajin praktek om. Kurangi teori.
Yup, that's i mean, just practice it and you will be able to speak in english.
I'm pretty sure english is her first language, her english skills are Extraordinary the way she talks was really captivating. You deserve the best.
Dari telinga ku yg subs ke vlogger western ppl, cara dia ngomong kalo aku ga liat orangnya, dia bener2 native, intonasi, cara ngomong, dan kecepatan ngomongnya, bener2 ga asing 😃 bener2 panutan sih
Wahhhhh ngomongnya natural bgt dan ngk berbelit. You deserve as the winner!!! ❤️
Wajar banget dia yang menang, yang juara dua juga bagus banget, tapi memang ini bagus, dia paham materinya dan bahasanya kaya.
She speak totally like a native 😭 i'm cry, KEREN BANGET 😭😭❤️
after doing some comparizon, I figured out why she deserved to be no 1. The story that she brought really gives me goosebumps. I can feel her emotion, the writer's emotion
Baru bilang "good afternoon everybody" gua langsung "anjir cakep aksenya" 😂
Why everybody complaining bout' her ?? For me she well deserve to be a champ cuz the way she deliver the speech is savage 😂😂
And he got the 1 spot 4L
Usman Insav what do you mean by savage? I know the meaning... but the context seems a bit...
@@maysarah1613 off?? I know right lol
Sangat inspiratif! dan bahasa Inggrisnya begitu fluent. Akan tetapi, sebagai orang yang juga berkecimpung di dunia public speaking, adek ini sebenarnya bukan berpidato, tetap berbaga informasi. karena pidato harusnya kita menginformasikan sebuah isu, memberikan pendapat kita yang didukung dengan data-data pendukung lainnya. Jadi pidato harusnya bersifat ARGUMENTATIF. Saran saya, gak usah dibilang speech contest tetapi "public speaking contest" sehingga para peserta dapat menunjukkan kemampuan mereka dalam bentuk presentasi, berbagi informasi, dan memberikan pidato.
Damn, I must say that she has the whole package to be the winner, and she is. her accent just like a native speaker and the way she delivers her speech is natural
Keren natural ngk textual ngk kaya hafalan. Memang bener2 pidato dan bercerita secara natural pokok e she's the best lah
I know why she deserves, her speech full of emotion. Speechnya bener bener bikin aku flashback sama novel pertama aku. Talking about a girl who is suffer. I cry.
Aku aja yg udah belajar bahasa inggris dari umur 8 tahun pun merasa bahwa dia sangat keren dan lebih santai dalam berbicara di depan umum.Her Enghlish is so perfect and like a native speaker.
Persis Native Speaker.
Pantas jadi juara 1. Enak banget didenger.
Jujur, dengerin mbaknya ini berasa baca bukunya juga. Rasanya sedih bahkan aku nangis huhuhu makasih youtube tau-tau ini video muncul aja di rekomendasi, makasih mbaknya sampe akhirnya aku nyari bukunya juga :)))
Maaf kalau boleh tau,buku apa ya?
That was incredible, beyond my words. She is super cool with her accent.
Pengen bisa ngomong inggris selancar ini 😭😭
she deserved the first place, what with the fuss? she delivered it well n smooth, less grammatical errors, on point diction and though less entertaining but she's a natural speaker.
Wajar lah kalau yg ini juara 1
Emang bagus bgt penyampaianx tidak dibuat2
Good job 👍
this isn't sounds like a speech but just like she told us a lullaby story. I love the way she speaks, everything was perfect, her accent, her speed, and the way she delivered this speech is really touching, it feels like she courageous us to keep our attention on her only by her voice, she's really inspired me, seems like she didn't memorized the speech but every single words is already in her mind. excellent sist, i've learn a lot from you, praying to God that one day i will be better just like you👍
Indeed it's a great speech. I guess she delivered her speech by heart to heart, through feelings. Her speech was great. I've never heard anyone with a speech like her. ♡
holy shiiit im an indo born american girl and this girl is talking better english than me 😭😂 i cant and refuse to believe that english isn’t her first language
its little too fast. But surely i can tell she's native speaker.
hehe, I'm not actually! I was born and raised in Indonesia and Indonesian is my first language :)
@@parahitaharianja8471 is that you. Woww
Hi, Parahita, you're amazing and such a good storyteller. The way you spoke is exactly why you won imo. It sounded natural, not mechanical. It wasn't distracting. We could connect better to the story because you remained genuine in your delivery.
The other contestants were also really good and I saw the second runner-up first actually and I was thinking to myself, "Wow, so good. Who beat this girl?" Turns out you did and I can see why. Your speech didn't sound rehearsed. You didn't distract the listeners from your story with generic gestures. Yours felt genuine. That's why you're my favorite and I'm certain that's why you won.
The last part of her speech was so emotional, I was listening to it while I closed my eyes, so that you can feel the feeling of how Sadako went through her last journey of life 😭
She spoke smoothly and didn't seem like memorizing ,as if she was telling a story to her friend in a conversation ,her pronunciation is so good that i can hear everyword she says clearly🤩,no wonder she could win the first place ,good job parahita!!
ayo tanyain sacha stevenson biar di juriin sacha
sacha would agree she is 100% native
Ekspresinya sangat santai tapi apa yg dia sampaikan sangat sampai ke audience..
Wow! No wonder this girl got the 1st place. Her speech is so smooth and natural...
She captured my heart.
She deserves be number 1. She also almost perfect, kalau saya dengar ini dipodcast saya mngkin akan mengira kalau yg ngomong native speaker.
I just wanna say to all of you guys, this is one of the best speech i've ever seen ..
Accentnya bagus + speednya bener² terasa seperti native. Luar biasa
kata-katanya enak banget,"speech ini aku dedikasikan untuk sadako sasaki,seorang gadis yang ingin berlari seperti angin."
dan nyeritainnya bisa ga kerasa gitu😭
I love her moreeeee. Looks smart and spontaneous. Yes this is speech, not story tellin. Looks professional,she deserves that! Sounds so good.
It feels like she delivers the content, sincerely. Giving the advice and lesson sincerely ❤
the accent aughhh I think im in love -
Is she even real? Kayak mimpi liat anak smk inggrinya gini.. Gudlak nak.. Proud. Nangiss
Enak banget cara ngomongnya.. I can listening to whatever she said over and over again
How she did her speech just like "Actually Happened" or "My Story Animated" 's videos. ❣️❣️
Her accent sound really beautiful; 💕💕
wowwww dari kasihan bantul!! ga keliatan bgt lidah jawanya no medok medok👌🏻 sending love from Jogja~
Preach! You deserves a better career in the future. You slay gurl. Pemilihan vocab nya apik
I hear the Sadako sasaki for the first time from your speech thank you... it's so touching....
She speaks effortlessly and her story is the best
Niat nya pen belajar speak ,tros nyari ehh ketemu nih video,dari awal pokus nyatet apa yang dia bicarain,pas Cerita tentang temennya sadako meninggal mulai pokus ama nih video,ehh malah kebawa emotional tros g sadar matanya dh membendung(emot nangis),btw kak aku juga dri bantul
Kenapa yang juara 1 ini viewers nya dikit??😭 why?? Apdahal bagus banget loh ngomongnya
I don’t get it how people said that the runner up should be the winner. This one is more natural, this doesn’t sounds like she was memorizing the speech. This doesn’t sounds like a story-telling session. She delivered the emotion of her speech better. Well, maybe it’s just my taste
Gilak!! Accent bgs bngt dan cara penyampaian nya btl² speech...sukaa😭💖
Gw ngerti yg dia omongin,gw bisa baca nya doang lancar,bahkan pronouncation gw jg lumayan,tapi giliran gw ngom LANGSUNG sama bule,malah blepotan njir malu gw...wkwkwkwk,,
@@gabykith soalny gw jarang ketemu bule 😅
The whole time I was waiting for Sadako to crawl out of a well with her long dark hair covering her face. Oh perfect English and outstanding story telling btw.
I was thinking the same... lol
Yes! Less gesture, dan enak pembawaannya. Gaada accent yang dipaksakan, such a talented girl.
Ga bosen aslii nonton ini
I'm sure from beginning at home they are family members speak English so she was soo Confident speak out.... American accent, well done young girl 🙏🙏
omg aku suka bgt ini. ngedengerinnya bikin kerasa adem hati
Ya Allah Smoga ketularan pintarnyaa😭🙏
excellent english speech and way above average Indonesian people even for native speaker, her english is on the point, clear, fluent and mesmerizing...awesome
Pantes ini menang.. cara dia speech memang penuh penghayatan. Aku sampe nangis denger cerita yang dia sampein.
Her voice and her pronounciation is reallu like native!! I'm your first fans Sis❤
What a fluent speaking ...😍😍😍
dari dengerin dia ngomong tanpa baca bukunya, aku jadi ikut terinspirasi. bener2 tersentuh, kenapa dia yg sakit aja selalu berusaha, aku yg masih sehat tapi bisanya cuma ngeluh dan berharap ada keberuntungan. anyway, suka banget cara kamu menyampaikan ceritanya👍
Btw buku yang dia maksud judulnya apa ya jadi kepo.. Share dong. Aq ngerti cuma dikit dari speech ya
Asli, kalo nutup mata malah ga kebayang sama sekali kalau yg ngomong orang Indo :D
Harus banget nih masuk di content SelebInggris nya Sacha Stevenson
It's like you were giving a TED TALK. I really hope that you'll do something remarkable or inventing something in the future so you can talk in the real TED TALK.
Tbh, this is probably gonna be your milestone for another chapter of your life. Just keep go girl!
Bagus speech nya. Ada intonasi, feelnya, kestabilan, dan kejelasan speech nya
Dia seperti ngmong langsung ga keliatan hafalan..kalo yg juara 2 emg keliatan bgt hafalanya
Tapi emg sama sama bagus sih
you are my inspiration, thanks ✨🙏
i love how you deliver the speech 😍
She was like a native speaker. Great job!
Sedih banget jadi gua, accent nya itu loh :'( kapan gua bisa gini ya :')
u really deserve the 1st place girl!
abis liat video ini jadi ngerti kenapa dia dapet juara 1.... bagus bgt!
Bener semua di auto-generated subtitle nya kereeen
I guess she used to lived in the US judging by her accent, her gestures and voice sounds natural though her nervousness seems too obvious (in my opinion)
Hi! This is Parahita! :) Thank you. I have never lived abroad before and though I've been learning English for a long time, Indonesian is still my first language! Also haha yes, I was incredibly nervous. I'm working on it! 😊🙏
Setelah gw liat ini, ternyata bahwa inggris gw gk ada apa2nya..
tapi gw bersyukur, walau gw hanya belajar otodidak tapi gw sudah bisa survive especially for my own life dari org2 yg sering membully temen sendiri pake bhs inggris, krna saya bkrja sbg TKi di malaysia
It cant be .... Like damnn !!!! I can not believe she's indonesian ....
Ini baru Bahasa Inggris.. She nailed it
She’s so genuine
Terharu banget denger speech nya
i cried hearing the story, thank you so much for the beautiful speech Parahita
I feel like I'm watching Tedx Talks right now
I like the way you speech parahita 😍😍
Gk bosen2 denger dedek gemes satu ini ngomong english🤭....kasihan bantul yogyakarta😊