O my Jesus, i believe, i adore, i hope, and i love you i beg You pardon for those who do not believe, who do not adore, who do not hope, and who do not love You! Amen.
@andreasm1 thank you...here is a quote from the great man."Very few people believe in the devil these days, which suits the devil very well. He is always helping to circulate the news of his own death. The essence of God is existence, and He defines Himself as: 'I am Who am.' The essence of the devil is the lie, and he defines himself as: 'I am who am not.' Satan has very little trouble with those who do not believe in him; they are already on his side." Fulton J Sheen
@@Pinkpanther100x I couldn’t agree more. The true Roman Catholic Church is in the catacombs and sadly too many of our Catholic brothers and sisters are still supporting this Novus Ordo neo Protestant sect instead of remaining stay at home Catholics and praying for Almighty God to restore is Holy Church.
@@christinescheiner5194 exactly. This is very similar to the Arian heresy, which lasted for decades and had even bishops and priests confused. But that heresy passed, just as this one shall.
@@Wgaither1 : if you knew anything about this Godly man and the process of canonization, you would seriously take that back as one of the most stupid questions anyone could have asked
His prayers was very powerful when he was alive! I truly believe with all my heart that he's praying for us today...and his prayers are even more powerful now that he is with Our Lord and His Mother! I can't help myself but cry listening to this talk...this is incredible! 🙏❤🙏
There are two types of demonic among the priests, Venerable Sheen says. One who leaves the priesthood for the world 🌎. The other who invades the Church from within. What a truly prophetic statement for our times.
@@albertstonewall3839 you might read "bored again catholic" I saw that book and I knew I could have written it myself. I myself found renewal through studying the prayers and readings of the Mass.
The priest who invade the Church from within are the "wolves" or the Cardinal, Bishops and priest who are infected with Clericalism as Pope Benedict had seen them inside Vatican. Pope Francis exposes all this wolves by introducing a controversial teachings and removed them from their position. Now this "wolves" are very noisy persecuting Pope Francis to scandalize the Church but no worries said PF, why? "Sanctity is stronger than scandal."
Jong ricofart. The pope is not the pope. Per pope Paul 4 dogmatic teaching that can never change.” Cum ex apostolatus officio” read it and weep. This was later reconfirmed by the wonderful pope Pius 5. You are the only person still trying to promote this false antipope. It won’t work but keep trying.
I believe we are in living in the most demonic time the earth has ever experienced; an era that is the most evil: in body, spirit, mind, and soul. Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen was a dear friend of my wife's father. It is no wonder that this great saint has not been beatified and canonized. While others, like John Paul ll (who was instrumental in Vatican ll, and who revealed his ambitions), were fast tracked. He was as fiery as a seraph. And as terrifying. For he LOVED God. And HATED evil.
PJoseph: Bishop Sheen do not need to be canonized on Earth to Shine high on heaven like he does. It will be fear for that to be done to honor his divine incomprehensible wisdom. He was endowed with an extraordinary grace. He talked about homosexuals of course they will do the impossible not to canonized him. There are running the Vatican.
This future saint is so eloquent and so insightful that he never fails to amaze me with his words. He speaks the words we need to hear. Thank you, Good God, for Bishop Sheen!
Venerable Bishop Sheen is a Christ-like or trust worthy Pastor we desperately need in our Catholic Church today to lead us out of Egypt to the promise land. May our dear Lord Jesus Christ grant us true and genuine Shepherds like Venerable Bishop Sheen in our Catholic Church throughout the world today. Amen!
Not being creative on the inside is being destructive on the outside Wow this is so true. Think about this explains so much of what is going on today. This for me is an epiphany. It has opened my eyes to the bhaviours actions, and outcomes of many people today
If I may i share a quote from the man... "The mark of man is initiative, but the mark of woman is cooperation. Man talks about freedom; woman about sympathy, love, sacrifice. Man cooperates with nature; woman cooperates with God. Man was called to till the earth, to "rule over the earth"; woman to be the bearer of a life that comes from God." Fulton J. Sheen
@@juliettezea9507 The talk or the quote? Anyway here is another..."In all human love it must be realized that every man promises a woman, and every woman promises a man that which only God alone can give, namely, perfect happiness. One of the reasons why so many marriages are shipwrecked is because as the young couple leave the altar, they fail to realize that human feelings tire and the enthusiasm of the honeymoon is not the same as the more solid happiness of enduring human love. One of the greatest trials of marriage is the absence of solitude. In the first moments of human love, one does not see the little hidden deformities which later on appear." Fulton J. Sheen AHH but 'sex' is no longer seen with a Spiritual side. God Bless you
@@juliettezea9507 it is a very important statement of life. It is a vast statement And it can be applied in many aspects of life. The meaning of creativity is to create and this creativity is a part of what God is, God created the heaven and the earth, and after He said that it is good. Creativity comes from the inside of a man, so man in his creativity man strives to do good, as God does good. We strive to do the work of our father. So we strive to do good we must create inviroments in which good things can happen, for example someone gets sick or hurt we work to creat an inviroment of help and healing, in this we create hospitals medicine etc.. in every aspect of life your work, your family you must use creative measure's to try to improve things or life will get stagnant, and we understand that stagnant water is dangerous, and towic it must be purified before it can be used. Creativity is movement, is new beginnings, is refreshing. A relationship with the creator our heavenly Father. Just as Jesus Christ died on the cross, in it He created a new covenant, without this we would all die in our sins. Creativity brings life to the lost to the dying. Without it we can not move foward. Hope this helps you to understand a little of what this means. On the otherside look at not being creative. Again Like looking at stagnant water yes there's is a type of creativity happening there but it is dangerous, it smells, and is filled with vile and evil things and the only way out is through death. Again like stagnant water, it can only purify itself through death. Like a swamp, if you understand how it purifies water, by being so toxic it destroys everthing in it.
@@SmithsnMoz David was standing when he slay the Giant, moses was standing when he stretched out his shephards staff and parted the red sea..? so when you have a real battle, tell me if you will be standing? just saying...
@@yellowrosesanewspringtyme2469 I think you missed the point my friend because I'm sure the guys you referenced all PRAYED BEFORE THE TEST, INCLUDING JESUS
Many thanks. I am interested in human nature and I like to think I am understanding. I have had some very intense confusing experiences as a vulnerable woman earlier years in my life. I take comfort in prayer to stay safe and to reassure myself when reading bible related liturgy and prayer. I find faith is very reassuring when taking an interest in deeper issues of mental illness and what is more profound thought. I also know we are all loved by God.
@@krdiaz8026 In a way we do see him everyday in all worldly things, like Archbishop Fulton J Sheen says in his talk " The devil has been given a long rope" Trust in God and you will not despair.
The temptation with the stones that could be turned to bread, reminded me of our current Pope, when he says that he “doesn’t care who educates children, that he is concerned of who feeds their stomach” wow, impressive
Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is "timing" it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way. Fulton J. Sheen
What prophetic messages this soon to be Saint had especially of our current situation today. Frequent visits to the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation and also the Blessed Sacrament will solve the mess we are in today. Venerable Fulton Sheen "Pray for Us".
"The mark of man is initiative, but the mark of woman is cooperation. Man talks about freedom; woman about sympathy, love, sacrifice. Man cooperates with nature; woman cooperates with God. Man was called to till the earth, to "rule over the earth"; woman to be the bearer of a life that comes from God." Fulton J. Sheen
And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. - Matthew 16:18 Do not despair.
The USCCB in its entirety embodies what Bishop Sheen says about politics taking over the Church. Its greed and its unwillingness to stand firm on theology was perfectly predicted by the Bishop.
The Venerable Sheen mentioned my country Philippines "We are not Philippine priests". It is good to know my country was in his mind and must be in his prayers then too. Thank you, Archbishop Sheen.
Love the Bishop Sheen Series. 🙏🙏❤️❤️. In thanksgiving for these Beautiful Words of Love and Wisdom from Bishop Fulton Sheen. The Truth of Jesus Christ has set us Free. Thank you Blessed Mother Mary for your Fiat and all your Holy Priests who speak through the Holy Spirit who teach us the Truth. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
I like how he talks about poets being unwitting prophets because of their clarity of vision, completely oblivious to the fact he was talking about himself too. Look at how many of the claims he made were vindicated by society today...
W. B. Yeats, who bl. Fulton Sheen quotes here, is starting to seem very prophetic. Especially the "The Second Coming" could be read as a profecy about the course of modernity and its ideology. Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
@@herptek Blessen Sheen greatest prophecy is satan will establish a "counterfeit catholic church" that will accomodate all the prideful & disobedient souls rebelling against the Church united to Vicar of Christ. Do you know the counterfeit catholic church? "Ubi Petrus,Ibi Ecclesia, Ibi Deus"
@@jongricafort4 is trying to tell you here that if the Pope starts worshipping nature with Hindoos and Protestants, then that is the Church united to Vicar of Christ. And if some don't go along with that, like those nasty bunch of nobody knows what some call Traditionalists, then they are the prideful and disobedient counterfeit church. This is the first time that the great confused worldly lukewarm majority is the true Church and the small remnant holding on to what was once believed is the fallen away counterfeit. Must worship the Pope, must worship the Pope, must worship the Pope... you, keep going... repeat after me...
be it known Fulton Sheen died in 1979... so how very prophetic are his messages... allowed by God almighty ! for our salvation ! …. yet we either reject it or remain asleep to it.
He did and said everything for The Glory of God and salvation of souls not human respect or to gain popularity. Meatless Fridays in remembrance of Our Lord Jesus's infinity love for us. Any little sacrifice for love of Christ and Our Sorrowful Mother for souls. Almighty God we thank You Praise You Adore You Thank You for Your Most Perfect Creation of The Most Blessed Ever Virgin Most Powerful
at 3:09 he says the dissent of the spirit upon the council led to the spread of the demonic in the world. This is an ambiguous phrase. Is he saying that it was the lack of acceptance of the council that led to the spread of evil, or was it the Holy Ghost that dissented with the Council? I would argue that it was the latter. The V II council put many heresies into print, which were approved by bishops who reasoned that it was only a "pastoral" council, whatever that means. the Council enshrined the masonic ideals of the French Revolution into Catholic teaching: Liberte (freedom of religion); Egalite (modern "ecurmanism", or the equality of all religions); Fraternite (councils of bishops). With the aid of 40+ years I think we can all agree now that the second Vatican Council was an evil tree that bore bad fruit. Can anyone seriously argue that it was a lack of acceptance of the the council that caused the destruction of the Church? V II was a grave mistake that needs to be undone. The documents need to be burned and tradition should be restored.
Oh, you are smart. I never thought about the council of bishops as an implementation of the revolutionary ideal. The whole point in it is to commit a patricide. He talked about 'descent', not 'dissent', referring to the famous "spirit of Vatican II", not to the Holy Spirit.
hankochai Today in New Orleans faithful Catholics such as Mike Church of the Crusade Channel.com ("Last live radio station standing"), prayed with others for Mary's protection against the demonic, which was staging some evil.
It's no wonder why the modern prelates are against his canonization. The diabolic within the church do not want the faithful praying for his intercession. He will intercede anyway.
Bella Dodd: Former Communist said, “In the 1930’s, we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within” Bella Dodd said in the early 50s: “In the 1930s we put eleven-hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within.” Twelve years before Vatican II, she said, “Right now they are in the highest places in the Church.” She predicted that the changes they would implement would be so drastic that “you will not recognize the Catholic Church.” Dodd explained that of all the world’s religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by communists. Her work as a communist was to give the Church a complex about its heritage by labeling “the Church of the past as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries.” The focal point of attack would be the Holy Eucharist, as we read in the memoirs of communist agent AA 1025, whose briefcase was discovered after being killed in an auto accident in the mid-sixties. “To weaken more the notion of ‘Real presence’ of Christ, all decorum will have to be set aside. No more costly embroidered vestments, no more music called sacred, especially no more Gregorian Chant, but a music in jazz style, no more sign of the Cross, no more genuflections, but only dignified stern attitudes. Moreover, the faithful will have to break themselves from the habit of kneeling, and this will be absolutely forbidden when receiving Communion…. Very soon, the Host will be laid in the hand in order that all notion of the Sacred be erased.” Again AA 1025 says, “In the Mass, the words ‘Real Presence’ and ‘Transubstantiation’ must be deleted. We shall speak of ‘Meal’ and ‘Eucharist’ instead. We shall destroy the Offertory and play down the Consecration and, at the same time, we shall stress the part played by the people. In the Mass, as it is today, the priest turns his back to the people and fills a sacrificial function which is intolerable. He appears to offer his Mass to the great Crucifix hanging over the ornate altar. We shall pull down the Crucifix, substitute a table for the altar, and turn it around so that the priest may assume a presidential function. The priest will speak to the people much more than before. In this manner the Mass will gradually cease to be regarded as an act of adoration to God, and will become a gathering and an act of human brotherhood.”
I think it does but we just can"t see it because it comes in small sparks. There are many dying around the world for the Lord Jesus Christ and the church. That"s how I see it. Peace of Christ to all.
@@martasoto5941 true! How the Chinese and the Lebanese and the Syrians have shown us up in the west. Europe was once God's missionary garrison, His house of angelic armies on earth, His avenging sword. But now ut is a broken ash heap by its hubris and rebellion. America was an endless missionary frontier, a new horizon to evangelize and save so many, and for awhile the Church here did well in that. But somewhere alomg the way we wanted to be liked. To fit in. To not be alien. To not rock the boat. We went from nuns holding off Klansmen from burning our schools with a polite demeanor and rifle in hand, to sniveling cowards to embarrsed to wear a veil, pray a rosary outdide our own room and wear a scapular or a medal. We cringe at talking about Mary in fromt of protestants, and want to not alienate them with that bothersome old liturgy as if anything besides the fall of the Church always and everywhere would satisfy those not of good will. The Baptists show more zeal and a willingness to siffer humiliations than us. They who have a false history and incomplete gospel are more courageous than those whom God has blessed with the fullness of truth. All I can do is ask God's mercy, and the blessed mother's intercession. Most especially to any of my potential contributions to this. I am a convert to Catholicism but even I have flinched in the face of protestant family.
I love that he was never afraid to say the "d" word. I don't know how you could talk about the current crisis in the church or, even just the day in which we live, without mentioning the devil or the diabolical. Not if you are being honest.
So powerful. I love how Venerable Bishop Sheen weaves his story using the various authors, psychiatrists and philosophers. Does anyone know when this talk was recorded? And to think that Cardinal Dolan actually said Bishop Barron reminds him of Venerable Sheen. Hah! Barron. You’re no Sheen!
Bishop Barron is a good and obedient servant of God that is fully humble and obedient to the Pope..Bishop Barron is a good example in our times where even the Cardinals and Bishops are showing bad examples to the flock thru pride & disobedience to the Vicar of Christ.
@@jongricafort4, Bp. Barron is a Modernist who is desperate to please everyone and not take a stand for anything. He isn't 1 % the man that Abp. Sheen was.
@@jongricafort4, why are you so full of yourself? I was not being rash. You are just being intellectually rude. And what authority do you think you have to order anyone to read or ponder anything?
I truly believe that God will send us a leader that will speak in Truth and Spirit of our Living God. If we read the Bible its all pre-figured when it seems all hope are gone God always rise up someone lowly to bring justice to God will on earth. So many examples in the Bible David, Esther, Judith, Daniel, Moses, Joseph etc. etc. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley, of the shadow of death I fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff--they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever Psalm 23. I think God is testing His people, are we really faithful to Him. I think its time make a choice Joshua 24:15 " As for me and house we will serve the Lord". Trust in Lord divine providence. Amen
(with ecclesiastical approval) Act of Consecration -To the Immaculate Heart of Mary - For Religious & Laity Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Refuge of Sinners, we who belong to the Marian Movement of Priests consecrate ourselves in a very special way to your Immaculate Heart. By this act of consecration, we intend to live, with you and through you, all the obligations assumed by our baptismal consecration. We further pledge to bring about in ourselves that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the Gospel, a conversion that will free us of every attachment to ourselves and to easy compromises with the world so that, like you, we may be available only to do always the Will of the Father. And as we resolve to entrust to you, O Mother most sweet and merciful, our life and vocation as Christians, that you may dispose of it according to your designs of salvation in this hour of decision that weighs upon the world, we pledge to live it according to your desires, especially as it pertains to a renewed spirit of prayer and penance, the fervent participation in the celebration of the Eucharist and in the works of the apostolate, the daily recitation of the holy rosary, and an austere manner of life in keeping with the Gospel, that shall be to all a good example of the observance of the Law of God and the practice of the Christian virtues, especially that of purity. We further promise you to be united with the Holy Father, with the hierarchy and with our priests, in order thus to set up a barrier to the growing confrontation directed against the Magisterium, that threatens the very foundation of the Church. Under your protection, we want moreover to be apostles of this sorely needed unity of prayer and love for the Pope, on whom we invoke your special protection. And lastly, insofar as is possible, we promise to lead those souls with whom we come in contact with a renewed devotion to you. Mindful that atheism has caused shipwreck in the faith to a great number of the faithful, that desecration has entered into the holy temple of God, and that evil and sin are spreading more and more throughout the world, we make so bold as to lift our eyes trustingly to you, O Mother of Jesus and our merciful and powerful Mother, and we invoke again today and await from you the salvation of all your children, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Amen
i was brought 2 easters ago, on easter weekend, to the place where Jesus was tempted. the devil looked at me and said i will give you all of this if yu will worship me. After all i been through, I said 'are you friggin kidding me? yet now i hear of fulton explanation..and it stuck out...3 ways to keep Jesus from the cross, what does that mean for me? does anyone know a margarite, around here, i spoke with her once on here, and i never saw her again..does anyone know, she helped me with this. God bless..persevere sin no more...and await in reverence...For Jesus is coming in all his Glory. Amen
Coleen Posadas Bishop Barron is a good and obedient bishop whom had the gift of wisdom. Can you tell us his error or lies committed? If not read Leviticus19:16 and Matthew12:37
Sorry I’m answering you a year later! But just in case someone reads these comments... I am on this site because of Bishop Barron. I grew up listening to Bishop Sheen. His videos now are SO needed and prescient for our time, 2021. Remember, Bishop Sheen had to eat dirt at the end of his life. It was his cross to be sent up to Rochester New York by his boss - He was the First Catholic TV star! He made it still, & if we can stop fighting over where his bones will rest, I will be so glad to know that I met a saint! (1977 in Kaua’i HI). I pray for Bishop Barron, because he will be tested as well. He is our star for this time.
I was looking for some old EWTN, or Bishop (title not first name) Baron clips. Do you incoporate those too? Some Salt and Light clip are educational and faith forming too. Many of those used to be available for religious formation at the Houston-Galveston office (archdiocese)
this speech/homily was perhaps in the 50's (?). and it still is relevant today. this only shows that the demons aren't new in the Church (nor does it happen only after the 2nd Vatican Council). the infiltration of demons in the Church has been there ever since the beginning. for somebody to say that Ven Sheen is prophetic isn't really because since the time of Christ, his Church had been battling demons all over the world every minute, every hour. the presence of demons only indicates which is the true Church because demons will never infest fake churches. he owns it's body, so why would it auto-infest? if your church profess that it doesn't have demons, you must rethink about it. the demons were placed in the Catholic Church to allow the people to become holier (with our free will), and to glorify God even more!
It is time to take our Holy Faith with ALL our heart! The world needs our Light and Truth to point to Jesus! Do not let anything get in the way of evangelism to people in your life! Eternity is forever...!!! J.M.J.
@Óglach Rory The fact that's he's a sinner is, by itself, not the issue because all men are sinners. The issue is that a man who is charged by Christ with leading, protecting and advancing the faith keeps promoting sacrilege after sacrilege, blasphemy after blasphemy. My pastor, a holy man, used the word "diabolical" to describe him. Pretty accurate summation. Francis is a product of Communist infiltration, McCarrick and the homo-lobby. Taylor Marshall has a pretty good summation of it in his recent book. Heck, the entire Jesuit order that educated me has turned into a big gay club, with heterosexuals priests in it persecuted. Vigano is still in hiding a year after his courageous disclosures, in fear of his life - with good reason.
We are all sinner's and we have been told that if we judge we will be judged with the same degree of severity as we judge. So we should not judge, and if we notice error, we pray and pray and pray. Prayer can move mountains and change heart's. If we are serious about wanting God's will to be done, then we must pray without ceasing.
Yeah MAGA. Worship the antipope. Turn off your brain from all logic and discernment of any kind. Worship the antipope and don’t think about anything. Certainly don’t pray. Just worship sheen too.
@@magaman6353 Dr.Marshall book is an "Idiot guide to Church Crisis" according to Dr.Mirus for lack of citation and it just a product of unproven conspiracy and hearsay. Dr.Marshall book is attacking the dignity of Pope Francis, thereby he is directly attacking the Blue Mantle of Our Lady who is protecting Pope Francis not to mention an attack on PF is a direct attack on Jesus Himself (Acts9:4) Therefore, it is not the Holy Spirit who inspired Dr.Marshall book but the devils whom he believe even the demons testimonies cited in his book.
The intellect of this man was amazing.
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell...
Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of your mercy. Amen
and lead all souls to heaven , especially those in most need of your Mercy. Amen
O my Jesus, i believe, i adore, i hope, and i love you
i beg You pardon for those
who do not believe,
who do not adore,
who do not hope, and
who do not love You!
Amen 🙏🏻
Wgaither1 we never pray to her, we ask her to pray for us. Thanks tho ❤️
Incredible vision this man had. God Bless all who truly appreciate and understand him.
@andreasm1 thank you...here is a quote from the great man."Very few people believe in the devil these days, which suits the devil very well. He is always helping to circulate the news of his own death. The essence of God is existence, and He defines Himself as: 'I am Who am.' The essence of the devil is the lie, and he defines himself as: 'I am who am not.' Satan has very little trouble with those who do not believe in him; they are already on his side." Fulton J Sheen
@andreasm1 the best view of this is reading up on Fatima and Marcel Lefebre. God Bless
60 years later and his words are still relevant
He will become more relevant when hes ultimately a Canonized Saint! But many, even within the church place obstacles so he wont be saint.
The Church is under diabolical attack. St Michael defend us
bitterclinger100 amen
Who is attacking the catholic church i will say it the Jews why we cannot see the enemy Catholics have to wake up before it's to late
I couldn’t agree more.
The true Roman Catholic Church is in the catacombs and sadly too many of our Catholic brothers and sisters are still supporting this Novus Ordo neo Protestant sect instead of remaining stay at home Catholics and praying for Almighty God to restore is Holy Church.
@@Pinkpanther100x "to see who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize"
God talks to us through people like Bishop Sheen. The time could not be better to post this. God bless you.
Yes... and his humour was also very appealing.... he had many facets to his character by the Grace of God✝
I remember Bishop Sheen from when I was a boy in the early 1950s. Everyone listened to him.
How sad what happened to the country and the church..
@@markbecker71 God has another plan. This is temporary.
Hopefully he will become a saint soon. I am hoping there will be someone like him for our generation, but alas, no one has stepped up 😔
@@christinescheiner5194 exactly. This is very similar to the Arian heresy, which lasted for decades and had even bishops and priests confused. But that heresy passed, just as this one shall.
@@ShaloneCason The gates of hell will not prevail over the church.
Blessed Fr Fulton Sheen please pray for us
Not quite blessed yet, but perhaps next year, please God.
@@Wgaither1 : if you knew anything about this Godly man and the process of canonization, you would seriously take that back as one of the most stupid questions anyone could have asked
His prayers was very powerful when he was alive! I truly believe with all my heart that he's praying for us today...and his prayers are even more powerful now that he is with Our Lord and His Mother! I can't help myself but cry listening to this talk...this is incredible!
Totally agree.
God bless you I feel the same.
Jesus won for us
They even more powerful now!
Fulton Sheen’s sermons we’re the greatest aid to my conversion. What a gift!
There are two types of demonic among the priests, Venerable Sheen says. One who leaves the priesthood for the world 🌎. The other who invades the Church from within. What a truly prophetic statement for our times.
And the third who is just so borng he puts you to sleep, like sheen.
@@albertstonewall3839 you might read "bored again catholic" I saw that book and I knew I could have written it myself. I myself found renewal through studying the prayers and readings of the Mass.
The priest who invade the Church from within are the "wolves" or the Cardinal, Bishops and priest who are infected with Clericalism as Pope Benedict had seen them inside Vatican. Pope Francis exposes all this wolves by introducing a controversial teachings and removed them from their position. Now this "wolves" are very noisy persecuting Pope Francis to scandalize the Church but no worries said PF, why?
"Sanctity is stronger than scandal."
Jong ricofart. The pope is not the pope. Per pope Paul 4 dogmatic teaching that can never change.” Cum ex apostolatus officio” read it and weep. This was later reconfirmed by the wonderful pope Pius 5. You are the only person still trying to promote this false antipope. It won’t work but keep trying.
I’m not bored. I said false bishop sheen is boring. You may need to pray to God instead of worshiping sheen. Not worthy of respect much less worship.
Godspeed to Sainthood the venerable Bishop Sheen...we need him now....we need a 2019 Bishop Sheen
I believe that father Corapi is on the right track.
I believe we are in living in the most demonic time the earth has ever experienced; an era that is the most evil: in body, spirit, mind, and soul. Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen was a dear friend of my wife's father. It is no wonder that this great saint has not been beatified and canonized. While others, like John Paul ll (who was instrumental in Vatican ll, and who revealed his ambitions), were fast tracked. He was as fiery as a seraph. And as terrifying. For he LOVED God. And HATED evil.
I believe that Fulton sheen is now a saint. His body was exhumed to move. I will look into it. I agree with you. He brought many souls to truth.
Nope. It will get MUCH WORSE.
JPII was a holy man. May God have mercy on you. Heart of stone brother.
PJoseph: Bishop Sheen do not need to be canonized on Earth to Shine high on heaven like he does. It will be fear for that to be done to honor his divine incomprehensible wisdom.
He was endowed with an extraordinary grace. He talked about homosexuals of course they will do the impossible not to canonized him. There are running the Vatican.
@@lukasandisaaktime9147 how so?
Bishop Sheen was what all Catholic clerics should try to emulate.
Love love love Ven. Sheen
Jordan B Peterson would truly appreciate this talk.
@@Zoomo2697 .. who's JORDAN Peterson?
Luke Sandison Jordan Peterson has good life advice but is TERRIBLE for religious insight.
@@erravi correct. I agree
@@SmithsnMoz who is Pope Francis?
This future saint is so eloquent and so insightful that he never fails to amaze me with his words. He speaks the words we need to hear. Thank you, Good God, for Bishop Sheen!
Venerable Bishop Sheen is a Christ-like or trust worthy Pastor we desperately need in our Catholic Church today to lead us out of Egypt to the promise land. May our dear Lord Jesus Christ grant us true and genuine Shepherds like Venerable Bishop Sheen in our Catholic Church throughout the world today. Amen!
A true visionary who pointed us to Christ Jesus in His Sacramental Presence, His Holy Church, his Blessed Mother, and to these End Times.
Not being creative on the inside is being destructive on the outside
Wow this is so true. Think about this explains so much of what is going on today.
This for me is an epiphany. It has opened my eyes to the bhaviours actions, and outcomes of many people today
If I may i share a quote from the man...
"The mark of man is initiative, but the mark of woman is cooperation. Man talks about freedom; woman about sympathy, love, sacrifice. Man cooperates with nature; woman cooperates with God. Man was called to till the earth, to "rule over the earth"; woman to be the bearer of a life that comes from God."
Fulton J. Sheen
I don’t get it
@@juliettezea9507 The talk or the quote? Anyway here is another..."In all human love it must be realized that every man promises a woman, and every woman promises a man that which only God alone can give, namely, perfect happiness. One of the reasons why so many marriages are shipwrecked is because as the young couple leave the altar, they fail to realize that human feelings tire and the enthusiasm of the honeymoon is not the same as the more solid happiness of enduring human love. One of the greatest trials of marriage is the absence of solitude. In the first moments of human love, one does not see the little hidden deformities which later on appear."
Fulton J. Sheen
AHH but 'sex' is no longer seen with a Spiritual side.
God Bless you
Luke Sandison Not being creative on the inside is destructive on the outside. I don’t understand that quote
@@juliettezea9507 it is a very important statement of life. It is a vast statement And it can be applied in many aspects of life. The meaning of creativity is to create and this creativity is a part of what God is, God created the heaven and the earth, and after He said that it is good. Creativity comes from the inside of a man, so man in his creativity man strives to do good, as God does good. We strive to do the work of our father. So we strive to do good we must create inviroments in which good things can happen, for example someone gets sick or hurt we work to creat an inviroment of help and healing, in this we create hospitals medicine etc.. in every aspect of life your work, your family you must use creative measure's to try to improve things or life will get stagnant, and we understand that stagnant water is dangerous, and towic it must be purified before it can be used. Creativity is movement, is new beginnings, is refreshing. A relationship with the creator our heavenly Father. Just as Jesus Christ died on the cross, in it He created a new covenant, without this we would all die in our sins. Creativity brings life to the lost to the dying. Without it we can not move foward. Hope this helps you to understand a little of what this means. On the otherside look at not being creative. Again Like looking at stagnant water yes there's is a type of creativity happening there but it is dangerous, it smells, and is filled with vile and evil things and the only way out is through death. Again like stagnant water, it can only purify itself through death. Like a swamp, if you understand how it purifies water, by being so toxic it destroys everthing in it.
I sooo needed this for my own battlegrounds. Thank you.
Me too.
Me Three...
Our real BATTLES are Won on our knees not STANDING!!
@@SmithsnMoz David was standing when he slay the Giant, moses was standing when he stretched out his shephards staff and parted the red sea..? so when you have a real battle, tell me if you will be standing? just saying...
I think you missed the point my friend because I'm sure the guys you referenced all PRAYED BEFORE THE TEST, INCLUDING JESUS
Ven. Fulton Sheen pray for us...
Many thanks. I am interested in human nature and I like to think I am understanding. I have had some very intense confusing experiences as a vulnerable woman earlier years in my life. I take comfort in prayer to stay safe and to reassure myself when reading bible related liturgy and prayer. I find faith is very reassuring when taking an interest in deeper issues of mental illness and what is more profound thought. I also know we are all loved by God.
Venerable Bishop Sheen truly was filled with the Holy Spirit. Oh how we long for a voice like his in these evil days.
Out of all of his homilies, this is one of Sheen's BEST ones in my opinion! Very applicable then, and today, until the end of time.
What a blessing to hear AB Sheen on RUclips! I have listened to about 10 sermons. I've needed every one.
Thank you for posting this. It's incredibly powerful.
Unbelievably prophetic. Venerable Fulton Sheen, pray for America and the World. Pray for the Church.
Thank you Father- May God bless us
If these words do not set the hair on the back of your neck on end, I don't know what would.
Ter Sanctus Absolute Prophetic words from this holy bishop
@@maureenrebello5373 I know! What a gift to us he was.
So true
Seeing Satan face to face would.
@@krdiaz8026 In a way we do see him everyday in all worldly things, like Archbishop Fulton J Sheen says in his talk " The devil has been given a long rope" Trust in God and you will not despair.
The temptation with the stones that could be turned to bread, reminded me of our current Pope, when he says that he “doesn’t care who educates children, that he is concerned of who feeds their stomach” wow, impressive
Venerable Sheen was really the living prophet of his time who had seen the things in the future. Venerable Fulton Sheen pray for us🙏
This must be THE best sermon I've ever heard!
Patience is power.
Patience is not an absence of action;
rather it is "timing"
it waits on the right time to act,
for the right principles
and in the right way.
Fulton J. Sheen
What prophetic messages this soon to be Saint had especially of our current situation today. Frequent visits to the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation and also the Blessed Sacrament will solve the mess we are in today. Venerable Fulton Sheen "Pray for Us".
The demonic today INDEED!
"The mark of man is initiative, but the mark of woman is cooperation. Man talks about freedom; woman about sympathy, love, sacrifice. Man cooperates with nature; woman cooperates with God. Man was called to till the earth, to "rule over the earth"; woman to be the bearer of a life that comes from God."
Fulton J. Sheen
And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. - Matthew 16:18
Do not despair.
Powerful as always. Thank you!
Awesome talk wow
Viva Christo Rey
Soon-to-be-St. Fulton Sheen, pray for us.
The USCCB in its entirety embodies what Bishop Sheen says about politics taking over the Church. Its greed and its unwillingness to stand firm on theology was perfectly predicted by the Bishop.
The Venerable Sheen mentioned my country Philippines "We are not Philippine priests". It is good to know my country was in his mind and must be in his prayers then too. Thank you, Archbishop Sheen.
Love the Bishop Sheen Series. 🙏🙏❤️❤️. In thanksgiving for these Beautiful Words of Love and Wisdom from Bishop Fulton Sheen. The Truth of Jesus Christ has set us Free. Thank you Blessed Mother Mary for your Fiat and all your Holy Priests who speak through the Holy Spirit who teach us the Truth. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Thank you JESUS that we still have Bishop Sheen's teachings
We will need them along with the Holy Bible
I like how he talks about poets being unwitting prophets because of their clarity of vision, completely oblivious to the fact he was talking about himself too. Look at how many of the claims he made were vindicated by society today...
W. B. Yeats, who bl. Fulton Sheen quotes here, is starting to seem very prophetic. Especially the "The Second Coming" could be read as a profecy about the course of modernity and its ideology.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
@J D I know not for Yeats, but this holds absolutely true for Descarte´s dreams.
Blessen Sheen greatest prophecy is satan will establish a "counterfeit catholic church" that will accomodate all the prideful & disobedient souls rebelling against the Church united to Vicar of Christ.
Do you know the counterfeit catholic church?
"Ubi Petrus,Ibi Ecclesia, Ibi Deus"
@@jongricafort4 is trying to tell you here that if the Pope starts worshipping nature with Hindoos and Protestants, then that is the Church united to Vicar of Christ. And if some don't go along with that, like those nasty bunch of nobody knows what some call Traditionalists, then they are the prideful and disobedient counterfeit church.
This is the first time that the great confused worldly lukewarm majority is the true Church and the small remnant holding on to what was once believed is the fallen away counterfeit. Must worship the Pope, must worship the Pope, must worship the Pope... you, keep going... repeat after me...
be it known Fulton Sheen died in 1979... so how very prophetic are his messages... allowed by God almighty ! for our salvation ! …. yet we either reject it or remain asleep to it.
Amen! Amen!
If it was bad in those days, it is beyond the pale now.
"evil is a parasite on goodness"
Wow!!! I miss him so much!!! Scott Hahn needs to hear this!!!!
He did and said everything for The Glory of God and salvation of souls not human respect or to gain popularity.
Meatless Fridays in remembrance of Our Lord Jesus's infinity love for us.
Any little sacrifice for love of Christ and Our Sorrowful Mother for souls.
Almighty God we thank You
Praise You
Adore You
Thank You for Your Most Perfect Creation of The Most Blessed Ever Virgin Most Powerful
at 3:09 he says the dissent of the spirit upon the council led to the spread of the demonic in the world. This is an ambiguous phrase. Is he saying that it was the lack of acceptance of the council that led to the spread of evil, or was it the Holy Ghost that dissented with the Council?
I would argue that it was the latter. The V II council put many heresies into print, which were approved by bishops who reasoned that it was only a "pastoral" council, whatever that means. the Council enshrined the masonic ideals of the French Revolution into Catholic teaching: Liberte (freedom of religion); Egalite (modern "ecurmanism", or the equality of all religions); Fraternite (councils of bishops).
With the aid of 40+ years I think we can all agree now that the second Vatican Council was an evil tree that bore bad fruit. Can anyone seriously argue that it was a lack of acceptance of the the council that caused the destruction of the Church? V II was a grave mistake that needs to be undone. The documents need to be burned and tradition should be restored.
Oh, you are smart. I never thought about the council of bishops as an implementation of the revolutionary ideal. The whole point in it is to commit a patricide. He talked about 'descent', not 'dissent', referring to the famous "spirit of Vatican II", not to the Holy Spirit.
More Sheen Please!!!
Noteworthy that Bishop Sheen said “when” priests do the black mass, not “if.” He knew. God help us.
hankochai Today in New Orleans faithful Catholics such as Mike Church of the Crusade Channel.com ("Last live radio station standing"), prayed with others for Mary's protection against the demonic, which was staging some evil.
A black mass is offering a Holy Mass not united to the Vicar of Christ, meaning the priest is offering the mass to anti-pope or the anti-christ.
His words mirror that of Fr. Malachi Martin years later. He was a watchman on the wall.
This gave me chills!
Greatest speaker in the history of humanity.
It's no wonder why the modern prelates are against his canonization. The diabolic within the church do not want the faithful praying for his intercession. He will intercede anyway.
Bella Dodd: Former Communist said, “In the 1930’s, we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within”
Bella Dodd said in the early 50s: “In the 1930s we put eleven-hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within.” Twelve years before Vatican II, she said, “Right now they are in the highest places in the Church.” She predicted that the changes they would implement would be so drastic that “you will not recognize the Catholic Church.”
Dodd explained that of all the world’s religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by communists. Her work as a communist was to give the Church a complex about its heritage by labeling “the Church of the past as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries.”
The focal point of attack would be the Holy Eucharist, as we read in the memoirs of communist agent AA 1025, whose briefcase was discovered after being killed in an auto accident in the mid-sixties. “To weaken more the notion of ‘Real presence’ of Christ, all decorum will have to be set aside. No more costly embroidered vestments, no more music called sacred, especially no more Gregorian Chant, but a music in jazz style, no more sign of the Cross, no more genuflections, but only dignified stern attitudes. Moreover, the faithful will have to break themselves from the habit of kneeling, and this will be absolutely forbidden when receiving Communion…. Very soon, the Host will be laid in the hand in order that all notion of the Sacred be erased.”
Again AA 1025 says, “In the Mass, the words ‘Real Presence’ and ‘Transubstantiation’ must be deleted. We shall speak of ‘Meal’ and ‘Eucharist’ instead. We shall destroy the Offertory and play down the Consecration and, at the same time, we shall stress the part played by the people. In the Mass, as it is today, the priest turns his back to the people and fills a sacrificial function which is intolerable. He appears to offer his Mass to the great Crucifix hanging over the ornate altar. We shall pull down the Crucifix, substitute a table for the altar, and turn it around so that the priest may assume a presidential function. The priest will speak to the people much more than before. In this manner the Mass will gradually cease to be regarded as an act of adoration to God, and will become a gathering and an act of human brotherhood.”
How I wish Christendom would have it's vigor like that of the Vendee and the Christeros return.
I think it does but we just can"t see it because it comes in small sparks. There are many dying around the world for the Lord Jesus Christ and the church. That"s how I see it. Peace of Christ to all.
@@martasoto5941 true! How the Chinese and the Lebanese and the Syrians have shown us up in the west. Europe was once God's missionary garrison, His house of angelic armies on earth, His avenging sword. But now ut is a broken ash heap by its hubris and rebellion. America was an endless missionary frontier, a new horizon to evangelize and save so many, and for awhile the Church here did well in that. But somewhere alomg the way we wanted to be liked. To fit in. To not be alien. To not rock the boat. We went from nuns holding off Klansmen from burning our schools with a polite demeanor and rifle in hand, to sniveling cowards to embarrsed to wear a veil, pray a rosary outdide our own room and wear a scapular or a medal. We cringe at talking about Mary in fromt of protestants, and want to not alienate them with that bothersome old liturgy as if anything besides the fall of the Church always and everywhere would satisfy those not of good will. The Baptists show more zeal and a willingness to siffer humiliations than us. They who have a false history and incomplete gospel are more courageous than those whom God has blessed with the fullness of truth.
All I can do is ask God's mercy, and the blessed mother's intercession. Most especially to any of my potential contributions to this. I am a convert to Catholicism but even I have flinched in the face of protestant family.
I love that he was never afraid to say the "d" word. I don't know how you could talk about the current crisis in the church or, even just the day in which we live, without mentioning the devil or the diabolical. Not if you are being honest.
So powerful. I love how Venerable Bishop Sheen weaves his story using the various authors, psychiatrists and philosophers. Does anyone know when this talk was recorded? And to think that Cardinal Dolan actually said Bishop Barron reminds him of Venerable Sheen. Hah! Barron. You’re no Sheen!
Ulana Campbell Baron is not even close..
Bishop Barron is a good and obedient servant of God that is fully humble and obedient to the Pope..Bishop Barron is a good example in our times where even the Cardinals and Bishops are showing bad examples to the flock thru pride & disobedience to the Vicar of Christ.
@@jongricafort4, Bp. Barron is a Modernist who is desperate to please everyone and not take a stand for anything. He isn't 1 % the man that Abp. Sheen was.
Rash Judgement is a mortal sin against 8th commandment. Read CCC2479
and ponder Matthew12:36-37
@@jongricafort4, why are you so full of yourself? I was not being rash. You are just being intellectually rude. And what authority do you think you have to order anyone to read or ponder anything?
Wow. You would think this was from yesterday. He surely was prophetic.
This was very good.
What a brilliant man!
Every Sunday when we profess our faith we say "I believe in the invisible "
Wow, what is that incredible painting at 18:54?
OMG 😯 Lord have mercy on us all
This man truly was a visionary!
Can anyone tell me what the last thing he said was split? It's hard to make out. 13:40
The laity
How can anyone listen to Archbishop Sheen and not believe he was a modern day prophet? He saw all of this coming a long time ago.
We need you back. Venerable fulton. God is with you. Come back in another form to us.
Prophetic words!
I truly believe that God will send us a leader that will speak in Truth and Spirit of our Living God. If we read the Bible its all pre-figured when it seems all hope are gone God always rise up someone lowly to bring justice to God will on earth. So many examples in the Bible David, Esther, Judith, Daniel, Moses, Joseph etc. etc.
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in right paths for His name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley,
of the shadow of death
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff--they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
forever Psalm 23.
I think God is testing His people, are we really faithful to Him. I think its time make a choice Joshua 24:15 " As for me and house we will serve the Lord". Trust in Lord divine providence. Amen
(with ecclesiastical approval)
Act of Consecration -To the Immaculate Heart of Mary - For Religious & Laity
Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Refuge of Sinners, we who belong to the Marian Movement of Priests consecrate ourselves in a very special way to your Immaculate Heart.
By this act of consecration, we intend to live, with you and through you, all the obligations assumed by our baptismal consecration. We further pledge to bring about in ourselves that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the Gospel, a conversion that will free us of every attachment to ourselves and to easy compromises with the world so that, like you, we may be available only to do always the Will of the Father.
And as we resolve to entrust to you, O Mother most sweet and merciful, our life and vocation as Christians, that you may dispose of it according to your designs of salvation in this hour of decision that weighs upon the world, we pledge to live it according to your desires, especially as it pertains to a renewed spirit of prayer and penance, the fervent participation in the celebration of the Eucharist and in the works of the apostolate, the daily recitation of the holy rosary, and an austere manner of life in keeping with the Gospel, that shall be to all a good example of the observance of the Law of God and the practice of the Christian virtues, especially that of purity.
We further promise you to be united with the Holy Father, with the hierarchy and with our priests, in order thus to set up a barrier to the growing confrontation directed against the Magisterium, that threatens the very foundation of the Church.
Under your protection, we want moreover to be apostles of this sorely needed unity of prayer and love for the Pope, on whom we invoke your special protection. And lastly, insofar as is possible, we promise to lead those souls with whom we come in contact with a renewed devotion to you.
Mindful that atheism has caused shipwreck in the faith to a great number of the faithful, that desecration has entered into the holy temple of God, and that evil and sin are spreading more and more throughout the world, we make so bold as to lift our eyes trustingly to you, O Mother of Jesus and our merciful and powerful Mother, and we invoke again today and await from you the salvation of all your children, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Amen
Karin Judd yes the last hope
This is so powerful, and amazingly prophetic. Can you tell us when and where this talk was given?
Does anyone know when this talk was delivered? Fulton Sheen is a wonderful saint.
i was brought 2 easters ago, on easter weekend, to the place where Jesus was tempted. the devil looked at me and said i will give you all of this if yu will worship me. After all i been through, I said 'are you friggin kidding me? yet now i hear of fulton explanation..and it stuck out...3 ways to keep Jesus from the cross, what does that mean for me? does anyone know a margarite, around here, i spoke with her once on here, and i never saw her again..does anyone know, she helped me with this. God bless..persevere sin no more...and await in reverence...For Jesus is coming in all his Glory. Amen
Someone please forward this to Bishop Barron and the other one spreading lies.
Coleen Posadas
Bishop Barron is a good and obedient bishop whom had the gift of wisdom.
Can you tell us his error or lies committed?
If not read Leviticus19:16 and Matthew12:37
@@jongricafort4 Jong. Take a long walk off a short pier.
Sorry I’m answering you a year later! But just in case someone reads these comments... I am on this site because of Bishop Barron.
I grew up listening to Bishop Sheen. His videos now are SO needed and prescient for our time, 2021. Remember, Bishop Sheen had to eat dirt at the end of his life. It was his cross to be sent up to Rochester New York by his boss - He was the First Catholic TV star! He made it still, & if we can stop fighting over where his bones will rest, I will be so glad to know that I met a saint! (1977 in Kaua’i HI).
I pray for Bishop Barron, because he will be tested as well. He is our star for this time.
Had we only listened......
I hope Bishop Sheen is canonized soon. Many in the church have fought for him not to be canonized.
I was looking for some old EWTN, or Bishop (title not first name) Baron clips. Do you incoporate those too? Some Salt and Light clip are educational and faith forming too. Many of those used to be available for religious formation at the Houston-Galveston office (archdiocese)
When was this recorded?
Who is the artist of the paintings?
Do you know when this was recorded or where
this speech/homily was perhaps in the 50's (?). and it still is relevant today.
this only shows that the demons aren't new in the Church (nor does it happen only after the 2nd Vatican Council). the infiltration of demons in the Church has been there ever since the beginning. for somebody to say that Ven Sheen is prophetic isn't really because since the time of Christ, his Church had been battling demons all over the world every minute, every hour.
the presence of demons only indicates which is the true Church because demons will never infest fake churches. he owns it's body, so why would it auto-infest? if your church profess that it doesn't have demons, you must rethink about it.
the demons were placed in the Catholic Church to allow the people to become holier (with our free will), and to glorify God even more!
I think more 1970's. He sounds considerably older.
Fulton Sheen is thee prophet for the last 60 years
Where are the priests of today who are enlightened, inspired, and dynamic speakers?
the man is basically prophetic!
When was this talk given?
Not even 8 hours after re-reading The Grand Inquisitor and hoping for a Roman Catholic commentary.
It is time to take our Holy Faith with ALL our heart! The world needs our Light and Truth to point to Jesus! Do not let anything get in the way of evangelism to people in your life! Eternity is forever...!!! J.M.J.
What would he say about this demonic Pope?
22:10 whoa that is coming true!
How prescient. Frightening
Now we know where Pope Francis is coming from and heading toward.
@Óglach Rory get real please.
@Óglach Rory The fact that's he's a sinner is, by itself, not the issue because all men are sinners. The issue is that a man who is charged by Christ with leading, protecting and advancing the faith keeps promoting sacrilege after sacrilege, blasphemy after blasphemy. My pastor, a holy man, used the word "diabolical" to describe him. Pretty accurate summation. Francis is a product of Communist infiltration, McCarrick and the homo-lobby. Taylor Marshall has a pretty good summation of it in his recent book. Heck, the entire Jesuit order that educated me has turned into a big gay club, with heterosexuals priests in it persecuted.
Vigano is still in hiding a year after his courageous disclosures, in fear of his life - with good reason.
We are all sinner's and we have been told that if we judge we will be judged with the same degree of severity as we judge. So we should not judge, and if we notice error, we pray and pray and pray. Prayer can move mountains and change heart's. If we are serious about wanting God's will to be done, then we must pray without ceasing.
Yeah MAGA. Worship the antipope. Turn off your brain from all logic and discernment of any kind. Worship the antipope and don’t think about anything. Certainly don’t pray. Just worship sheen too.
Dr.Marshall book is an "Idiot guide to Church Crisis" according to Dr.Mirus for lack of citation and it just a product of unproven conspiracy and hearsay.
Dr.Marshall book is attacking the dignity of Pope Francis, thereby he is directly attacking the Blue Mantle of Our Lady who is protecting Pope Francis not to mention an attack on PF is a direct attack on Jesus Himself (Acts9:4)
Therefore, it is not the Holy Spirit who inspired Dr.Marshall book but the devils whom he believe even the demons testimonies cited in his book.