Personal development it helped me a lot, but to apply to someone, it is very difficult like you said we need to show or demonstrate in our life first 🎉🎉🎉🎉
For some it is to equip ourselves in order to achieve our life goal. In special circumstances, thought, some will pass on the wisdom for others because that is their calling. The question we need to ask ourselves is, 'is it my calling, purpose or responsibility to do so?' I hope it is useful 🤗
ዶክተር ምህረት እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቅልን አንተን አለ ማመስገን አይቻልም
ዶክተር ፈገግታ ያምርብሀል እረጂም እዲሜና ጤና ይስጥህ
ዶክተር ምሕረት ደበበ በጣም አድናቂሕ ነኝ ከምገልጸው በላይ ስነስርአትሕ ፈገግታሕ ለሰወች ያለሕ አክብሮት..... እረጂም እድሜ ከ ጤና ጋር እመኝልሐልሑ ከነባተሰብሕ❤ ። ሰላም ብያለሑ ትርሲት 😂❤
This the most important key. Thank You Dr Mihret.
"ከንባቡ ቀንሰው ኑሮ ላይ መስራት ነው" : ጥሩ አባባል ነው ብዙውን ግዜ የምናየው የሚያወራ የሚሰብኩ እናያለን ነገር ግን ህይወት ሲጠየቅ ሲታይ ግን ዜሮ ናቸው:: ስለዚህ ይህን የመሰል መረጃ ተጠቅመው ራሶ ላይ ይስሩ::
Thank you our elder brother!
በጣም ትክክል መልስ በህይወት ያላሰዩትን ማስተማር አይቻልም
ዶክተር ለባለቤቶት ያሎት ክብር በጣም ደስ የሚል ነዉ በመልሶ በጣም ተስማምቼአለሁ ሰዉ የሚቀየረዉ በተግባር በሚያየዉ ነገር ነዉ።
Personal development it helped me a lot, but to apply to someone, it is very difficult like you said we need to show or demonstrate in our life first 🎉🎉🎉🎉
For some it is to equip ourselves in order to achieve our life goal. In special circumstances, thought, some will pass on the wisdom for others because that is their calling. The question we need to ask ourselves is, 'is it my calling, purpose or responsibility to do so?'
I hope it is useful 🤗
❤ ተባረኹ 🙌🏾
Thanks Dr &trisit ebakshn bk blesh selam beyn trsit plic🙄🙏🥰?
ልክ በሀይማኖቱ ጎበዝ የሆነ ሠው በ ሥነምግባሩ እንደሚሥበን ማለት ነው
A must to watch 🙏
በጣም እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር
ትርሲትን መች ነው የምናያት? ሁሌ ከካሜራ ጀርባ ሆና መልእክት ታስተላልፋለች 😂 ሰላም በልልኝ ዶ/ር ምህረት
Lol, that was my question too? Hope one day she'll say hi in person, when their baby girl can handle to take care of the camera for the show!! 🙏
This is a wonderful question and answer. Learned a lot just by listening to your advice. ❤
This is also my question ❓
በደንብከሰማነው ድንቅ መልስ ነው ለእኔ
Thanks a lot
tnxs aton dr mehert as always keep it up
Thanks Dr& Tirsit 🥰🥰
Dr betam enameseginalen
Thanks yene tyaqeye new
Lol, you too!!
ስራ ፈት ይሄ መማሪያ እንጂ አፍ መክፈቻ ቦታ አይደለም ለአንተ የሚመጥን ቦታ ስላልሆነ ወደሌላ ቦታ ሄደህ እዛው እንደለመድክ
Ke Werobelantek mewecha mengedu teftobhk nw ergitegna ngn.
የዛሬው መልሥ sweet 🎂 ነው
Lol, yes & very good information for most of us to be aware of the basics of personal development & how to apply to ourselves first!!
ጥርሲት ሁሉ የተጠቀሰችበት ድንቅ ምላሽ ነው የዛሬው😂😂😂
ትርሲት የስራ ባልደረባ ነች
ትርሲት ትጠየቃለች? 🤣
Thank You