Delightful! I recently thought of making a ruff for one of my cats, and now I decided to look up how to do it just in general. This just happened to be the top result.
I have to set the record straight here and sorry to disappoint but cats hate collars around their necks. The fact they have no choice and you do is even worse. Just to note they then have to wait for the owner to remove it which could be days or even weeks. Imagine the stress you create by doing it.
Delightful! I recently thought of making a ruff for one of my cats, and now I decided to look up how to do it just in general. This just happened to be the top result.
thank you so much for helping me figure this out!! didn't realise it would be so easy. my cat will be rocking his ruff soon!
Tfs. so cute!
Só the kenvin cat from Vanessa paintings was making a cosplay from this cat?
I have several questions...
What a distinguished gentleman...
I have to set the record straight here and sorry to disappoint but cats hate collars around their necks. The fact they have no choice and you do is even worse. Just to note they then have to wait for the owner to remove it which could be days or even weeks. Imagine the stress you create by doing it.