제가 프랑스에서 와인과 음식을 즐기는 영상들을 좋아해 주시는 분들이 특별히 많으십니다. 그래서 이번에 와인킹과 함께 그 경험을 그대로 누리실 수 있는 기회를 마련해 봤습니다. 남프랑스 마르세유에 전세기 직항으로 들어가서 남프랑스에서 꼭 들러야 할 와인생산지역들을 방문하고, 마르세유와 아비뇽 및 니스, 남프랑스의 소도시들까지 저와 함께 관광하는 스케줄입니다. 11개월 전에 올렸는데 벌써 114만회의 조회수를 보이는 '프랑스식당에서 거짓말 당할 때 대처법' 영상의 배경이 바로 우리가 함께 방문할 예정인 남프랑스의 마르세유의 식당이랍니다. 해당 영상의 링크는 다음과 같으니 참고하세요~ ruclips.net/video/BJsRKdEmIkg/видео.htmlfeature=shared 관광 및 식사, 와인을 즐기는 전 일정에 저, 와인킹이 항상 동행합니다. 지역이 지역인지라 상품의 가격대가 저렴하지는 않겠지만, 와인킹과 프랑스에서 무려 일주일간 꼬박 식도락을 함께 즐기며 와이너리를 방문하실 수 있는 아주 값진 경험이 되실 겁니다. 와이너리 방문시 설명 또한 와인킹이 전부 직접 해드립니다. 항차별 일정은 다음과 같이 두 편으로 진행될 예정입니다. * 1기: 10월 2일(수)-10월 10일(목), 7박 9일 * 2기: 10월 9일(수)-10월 17일(목), 7박 9일 구체적인 일정과 상품가는 8월 중순에 나올 예정입니다만, 관심 있는 분들께서는 일정을 미리 잡아놓으실 수 있도록 미리 알려드립니다. 이번 여행을 많은 분들과 함께 할 수 있으면 정말 좋겠네요. 감사합니다.
Vous devriez visiter Aix en provence (soupe au pistou) Marseille (bouillabaisse) et le village de Sisteron (veal). Pour cette partie la ! Si vous avez besoin de conseils n'hésitez pas je suis de la région (vers sainte-maxime). Je vous souhaite du soleil ainsi que du bon rosé.
전 그냥 웨이터분이 최선을 다해 자기 일에 열정을 갖고 하려는 것 같네요. 우리나라에서도 외국인이 정도(正度)에 맞지 않게 먹으려고 하면 "그렇게 먹는게 아니에요. 이건 이거랑 같이 먹어야 해요"라고 할 수가 있거든요. (예시를 들자면 "비빔밥을 고추장 없이 먹는 경우"같이 섞어 먹거나 소스랑 같이 먹는건데 맨 음식만 먹고 있을 때) 막걸리, 소주, 맥주를 다 같이 섞어 먹을 때, 그 사람의 자유지만 우리는 "이러면 안된다" 하고 외국인한테 충분히 말려 볼 수 있을 것 같거든요. 또한 커피나 우유를 김치찌개랑 먹으려고 하면 그건 디저트/빵류랑 먹으라고 나중에 갖다줄 것 같기도 하고 말이죠. (애초에 디저트 먹을 때 시켰다고 생각하고 나중에 갖다줄 듯) 오히려 웨이터분이 딱히 무례하다고 느낀 점은 전혀 없고 그냥 최선을 다해 일을 좋아하시고 열심히 일하시는 분 같습니다. 이 일로 레스토랑하고 웨이터분께 별 일 없었으면 좋겠네요.
18:32 😂😂😂🤣 As an Armenian from Yerevan I appreciate that you reacted to the situation positively. I think that most of the friction would not have occurred in the first place if there were no language barriers, I think both of you interpreted each other’s comments as slightly worse than what was actually intended. That is of course no excuse for the unsmooth manner in which the head waiter acted, I think your comment saying it comes from pride/stubbornness was very accurate. With that said, I hope you enjoyed Armenia and the foods as well. I promise you that Armenia is by far a country of warm hospitality and hope that you got to enjoy friendly interactions as well. Not every restaurant and person can be a shining example of the country’s long list of positive qualities
You make me laugh somuch with these rude waiters and your reaction to it. You and your entourage took the piss on him dearly in a most sophisticated way, absolutely fantastic.
These guys are being a bit silly , you are all a nice bunch , enjoying yourselves,not being rude and spending lots on money , I really love your energy
@@shortcake772 if the hosts could understand it would be for sure, but here he was just playing with the fact that they didn't understand a word of what he was telling his colleagues. He would never have talked like that if everyone involved had spoken the same language.
@@sammyblaze4234 He was taking friendly jabs at everyone, including himself! It may seem rude out of context but he really does have a playful tone when speaking in Korean.
댓글 보니까 외국인들 의견이 반반으로 갈리네요 누군가에겐 식당에서 웃고 떠드는게 우리가 혐오하는 중국 관광객처럼 비춰지나 봅니다 와인킹님의 의견은 '돈을 지불하는 고객이 요구하는걸 맞춰주는게 당연한거다'지만 그게 매너가 없다고 받아들이는 사람도 제법 있네요. 그 사람들 댓글을 보면 일견 공감되기도 합니다. 우리도 식당이나 공공장소에서 난동피우는 중국인들보면 불쾌감만 들거든요. 댓글을 보고있자니 어디까지가 고객의 권리인가에 대해 생각해볼수 있었네요. 우리에겐 사소한 문제일수 있지만 그들에겐 모욕적인 문제로 받아들여질수도 있겠죠 문화를 떠나 개인으로서의 지식과 관점의 차이일수도 있는 문제라 명확한 정답은 내릴 수 없겠지만 결국 중요한건 서로 한발 물러서서 상대를 존중할 수 있다면 큰 문제로 번지지 않고 해결될 수 있다는 것이겠죠 이 좁은 땅덩어리에 사는 같은 국가의 국민들끼리도 이념과 상식의 갈등이 이렇게 많은데 외국은 더 심하겠죠. 서로 존중하고 배려하는 문화가 더 널리 퍼졌으면 좋겠습니다
솔직히... 영상을 끝까지 봤는데 웨이터들이 무슨 거슬리는 행동을 했는지 모르겠네요 와인킹일행이 외국인, 웨이터들을 한국인이라고 생각하면 오히려 웨이터들을 편들어주고 싶을 정도인데요. 웨이터랑 얘기하다가 자기들이 모르는 언어(한국어)로 자길 쳐다보며 박장대소하니 오히려 웨이터가 무안하지 않았을까요. 끝까지 웃는 얼굴로 서빙하시는 노신사 웨이터분이 멋지네요
유럽에가면 느긋하게 기다려라....뭐 문화에 맞춰라.. 것보다는 단체와 함께 멀리 가서 여러가지 맛보고... 돈내고 먹는만큼 요구사항도 하고... 젠틀하게 진행하시는 와인킹님 멋지십니다. 와인잔 따로주고 서빙끝까지 해주시고 웨이터분의 서비스도 굿굿 이에용... 음식도 푸짐한거 같네요~ 마지막부분에 와인과 안주 이야기는 귀에 쏘옥 들어왔습니다... 기회가 되면 와이너리 여행 함께해보고 싶네용~~ 화이팅입니다!!!
To be honest, waiters were nice to you all the time. They were just trying to understand you. You guys just misunderstood them and kept confusing them meaningless jokes..
I agree with you. There were cultural and language barriers and the waiters were just trying to understand. There was needless sarcasm and hostility by the guests.
@@Jim-no3oy I don't think you understand Korean humour. This was an issue of language and cultural barriers. Btw when you serve guests at a restaurant you do not get to decide which wine goes with which meal. I have worked in many restaurants and would NEVER do that. Btw a MANY GUESTS from other countries would have sent back a piece of fruit with a worm in it.
@@adumbsnail1999 like i said, he was the rude one, people who don't "give af" about that like you are simply inconsiderate assholes who need to compensate their insecurities with some weird kind of "i don't care about anyone"-mentality🤷♂️
Just started watching you yesterday and I absolutely love your videos! You, your wife, and your employees are so nice, humble, and open-minded. In the US, I feel like we lack a lot of these characteristics sometimes. It's very enjoyable to watch your videos cause of that and hear all the interesting conversations you have with others. This video was also making me really crave wine despite never trying it before lol. Maybe I will here soon. Much love from the USA!
Everytime watching your video, I learned something new in many positive ways. You are really a peace maker that bring joyfulness to even challenging situation. When Wine King had the final high-five or handshake with the restaurant boss, such a great feeling and an amazing ending. Thanks for sharing your happiness with people around in the world. Cheers from Vancouver, Canada 🍁
You make me want to learn Korean because of how fun and casual the conversation appears...why is it so hard to learn! I will have my hands full for ten years if I commit to this.
I’ve learned so much about wine from you in this one video and I’m not even drinking it. Thank you for these. And your outlook on life and how to treat people even when rude is so nice to see. Thank you
So there’s this part where the waiter goes, 'merci is French,' and then teaches how to say 'thank you' in Armenian. And then wineking starts saying 'delicious' in Korean. At that point, I was like, yeah, I’m out. Honestly, the title, thumbnail, and some parts of the video felt kinda extra this time.
I love your channel. I see and hear much passive aggressive racism towards us Asians both online and in person, and it brings me great optimism when I see you navigate this world with humor and kindness.
I wonder if the waiters sensed they were being talked about...certainly nothing rude was said, only observational. I think it really upsets the more nationalistic people to see, because they will always see an outsider rather than a potential repeat customer. That is a darn shame to me. This was lovely tableside conversation.
말을 물가에 대려갈 순 있지만 물을 마시게 할 수는 없지요. 손님에게 추천을 해줄 수 있지만 손님의 선택을 무시해서는 안됩니다. 와인이 특히 그렇습니다. 오래된 전통은 존중받아야 하지만 그 전통으로 인해 소비자의 다양한 선택과 경험의 기회 그리고 개인의 기호를 전통이라는 이유에 맞추어 무시하고 조롱받는다면 와인이라는 술은 다가가기 어렵다는 인식이 박힐 것입니다. 와인 시장은 무너지고 있으며 술을 마시지 않은 소비자들이 늘어나는 추세에 와인의 전통성만을 강요하면서 소비의 다양성을 놓친다면 그저 틀에 박힌채 썩어버릴 것입니다.
Watching more of this I can tell you why they kept changing the glasses. It was a combination of culture and the fact that Armenia is not that wealthy. They probably ran out of cups Like you said at the beginning it's uncommon to drink different types of wine during a meal which means they don't expect a single person to use more than one glass at a time Same with liquor as well. If you're drinking vodka your cup is for vodka now Don't put anything else in it otherwise you'll be looked at like a weirdo. Hell drinking the same drink all night is more common That all goes out the window when drunk though 😂
Apologizing beforehand but blatantly making fun of the waiting staff seems quite rude?? It’s not because they cannot understand korean, that they’re not able to figure out that your laughter is directed at their expense… Particularly since the reason for the laughter was primarily caused by linguistic difficulties and/or cultural customs/differences. 🤷🏻♂️🧘🏼♂️
The waiters taking a hard to come by job seriously are not being rude, they are trained to serve a certain way AND there is also a communication barrier. Probably not use to selling such costly wine at once.
That is what I supposed, it is a learning experience and I think the party was very affable and non-aggressive towards the waiters, which was ideal. They were not too loud and did nothing overly uncouth other than Auntie taking a big bone and pouring petrol on the fire lol. Sort of amazing when only one person is too drunk in that big of a party...I guess it's unfortunate in their minds she probably proved their adage of not mixing wines, lol.
I mean you guys are absolutely right when it comes to the sparkling wine(personally I like prosecco), usually it's something you take in the beginning of a meal, you can also serve it with apetizers (amuse bouche) before you move on to the entrées. But I did not get nor have I discerned any rude behaviour on the part of the waiters, granted there seems to have been some language barriers or maybe some cultural ones at times (they are absolutely right with the glasses, you dont serve different type of wines in the same glass) but rudeness I dont know, maybe off camera ? I honestly found them rather friendly, they matched your energy, I thought it was great ! "YOU ARE THE BOSS ! I AM A BOSS TOO" :DDD I may be some dumb european but could someone explain to me in what manner was the waiter rude ?
저는 한국인이고, 제 관점에서 웨이터는 무례하지 않았다고 생각합니다. 다만, 화이트와인과 레드와인을 한꺼번에 주문하는 것을 두고, '와인에 대해 지식이 부족한 손님'으로 인식한 것이 아닐까? 하는 생각이 듭니다. 그래서 웨이터는 와인의 기본적인 룰에 대해 말해준 것이고, 그 과정에서 언어장벽이나 인식의 차이가 발생한 것이겠죠.
If anyone was rude, it was him and his group. They laughed at the waiters and made some rather condescending comments. Of course they said it in korean so the staff didn't understand but it shows that they didn't have respect for them.
@@mobod6822 yes you right there is lots of video where he is kind of rude like that where when waiters kind of lack knowledge or poor communication he start to talking bad about them in korean and laughing at them
서로간의 소통이 잘 되지 않았던 것은 있지만 무례함이 있었다고는 생각되지 않습니다. 웨이터는 자신의 일을 하였고 손님도 손님으로서 저정도의 요구가 무례하다고 생각되지 않는군요. 그리고 웨이터에 대해 그들이 모욕을 주지 않았으며 식당에서 일행끼리 자신의 언어로 소통하는 것이 무례하다고 여긴다면 타국으로의 여행 자체가 성립될 수 없을 겁니다.
@@mobod6822table was happy , polite , not demanding and enjoying themselves .. also spent a lot of money 💰.. do you expect them to be silent , speak Armenian 🤔😄😄😄😄😄😄. you’re too sensitive and seeing problems where they don’t exist ..
My favorite video was when your friend grilled lamp chops at your house, it was nice and quiet, yet informative and entertaining. I really liked the couple who enjoyed all the delicious raw meat you served them, and I liked that they both had only praise for the fish soup, or shall I say fish egg soup. I was a bit jealous because I would have loved that, too. ❤😂
@@user-yr7oo4hy2e 결국 이 영상의 주된 내용이 차별과 무시에 대한것도 아니었거니와 저렇게 웃으면서 넘길만한 상황이었다면 영상 자막에 작게 꼬집듯이 돌려까는 피식 포인트만 만들었어도 상관 없었을거임 ㅋㅋㅋ 굳이 대문짝만하게 썸네일 제목을 저렇게 지었다? 글쎄 ㅋㅋㅋ
난 오히려 웨이터들이 무안을 느꼈을것 같은데요? 본인이 설명하면 와인킹님이 한국어로 말하고 자리에 앉은 모든사람들이 웃으며 웨이터 쳐다보고.. 이런 상황들에서 저는 서빙하시는 분들이 오히려 대단히 친절하시다고 느껴졌어요. 예전에 어쩌다 프랑스 영상 알고리즘으류 보게 되어서 그땐 좋았는데, 자꾸 선넘는 제목으로 어그로 끄는게 좀 보기 안좋아지는 것 같아요ㅜ
Is this Armenian culture? Are there any other precautions? In fact, it is not easy for everyone to study about the manners of the country while traveling to the country. It is a culture that is natural for someone but never known for someone. The important thing is not to end with criticism for the act, but to let others know and understand that this is the culture and manners of the country. I liked your point. Thanks to you, I learned the information that wearing a hat inside an Armenian restaurant is not good manners.
@@eclipse-c3x It's not just Armenian culture, it's European and even American traditional culture in general. Nowadays it's less strict depending on the country and venue (it's fine at McD, not in a fine dining restaurant) but in general it's not good manners to wear hats indoors and especially at the dinner table.
The last thing you want to do in Armenia is to pay any attention to the labels on their wines, as they all come from the same tank and differ only in names, price and the font types.
Your video from France somehow popped up in my recommended to watch list today. I'm not really into the habit of drinking wine, but I enjoy eating food from other cultures. I've now watched 4 of your videos in a row and I am really enjoying your style. I'm very impressed by your composure and how well you handle difficult situations.
lol why don't you explain to the guy that eating the fruit will remove all sweetness from the wine? he will insist the next customer eat the fruit then drink the now sour tasting wine XD even better, ask him to eat the fruit, then drink the wine himself to see his reaction? :D
For them, that sour taste may be the right one. In Korea, many people also consume red wine and fruit together. Changing it is not easy. Also, such an attempt itself can be seen as rude to someone. Knowledge and degree are irrelevant. They will not respect professionalism. Many people do not attempt such an act because it can be a sensitive issue. There is also the problem of language. Their communication is very limited. It will be hard to accept unless he communicates in Armenian. Waiters have pride in their jobs. It is more difficult than you think to let the other person know that his knowledge is wrong without hurting his feelings.
@@eclipse-c3x You might be right, Koreans absolutely are not fond of very sour taste from what I have observed, but other cultures are in love with the sour taste that make your face pucker. Like you said they are professionals in their own country and take pride in what they do and without fluent communication between the two it can definitely go wrong, just like when he mentioned Georgia, head waiter definitely took it the wrong way as both of them can't express and communicate what they want properly. Like what they say, when in Rome, do as Romans do.
The point about cultural norms and differences is absolutely true, they view mixing red and white similarly to how a Korean may view mixing makgeolli and whiskey or an American may view mixing wine and vodka. But I also think this is a testament to how often Wine King is able to navigate past these differences thanks to his polyglot abilities in several languages. He's able to avoid these situations in other places thanks to his knowledge of French, Italian, etc. Unfortunately, Armenian is not one of those languages. 😆
I really think you were the rude one here, if you would treqt them with respect you would help them understand what you are talking about when they are right next to you. If you had some proper empathy you would understand that they don't know if you're making fun of them, they're wine or their culture, you are way nicer if you're just with your wife.
He was there with his employees and was trying his best to be the “head of the table”. In every French video he tries to cooperate with the restaurant but in this he behaved like a cocky egomaniac. I would say the service was impeccable given the way the group was behaving
I disagree, cheese with apple and cracked black pepper is superb with wine. Also dried fruits (raisin/dates etc) or jams are great with cheeses and wines
15:49 Damn, I definitely thought it was racism at first.. but I guess its just the personality/culture? You guys all handled it appropriately, well done! Cheers.
우연히 와인에 대해선 문외한이지만, 와인 킹 동영상이 유쾌하고 내용이 재미있어 보게되었는데, 엊그제 하나로마트에서 그냥 픽해서 가지고 온 화이트와인을 마시려 하다가,깜놀... "전 세계 1위 와인 유튜버 와인킹 추천... 로스바시코스 샤도네이 2022" 와인을 어떻게 표현해야 하는지 모르지만 , 식사 반주로 괜찮습니다..
제가 프랑스에서 와인과 음식을 즐기는 영상들을 좋아해 주시는 분들이 특별히 많으십니다.
그래서 이번에 와인킹과 함께 그 경험을 그대로 누리실 수 있는 기회를 마련해 봤습니다.
남프랑스 마르세유에 전세기 직항으로 들어가서 남프랑스에서 꼭 들러야 할 와인생산지역들을 방문하고, 마르세유와 아비뇽 및 니스, 남프랑스의 소도시들까지 저와 함께 관광하는 스케줄입니다.
11개월 전에 올렸는데 벌써 114만회의 조회수를 보이는 '프랑스식당에서 거짓말 당할 때 대처법' 영상의 배경이 바로 우리가 함께 방문할 예정인 남프랑스의 마르세유의 식당이랍니다. 해당 영상의 링크는 다음과 같으니 참고하세요~
관광 및 식사, 와인을 즐기는 전 일정에 저, 와인킹이 항상 동행합니다.
지역이 지역인지라 상품의 가격대가 저렴하지는 않겠지만, 와인킹과 프랑스에서 무려 일주일간 꼬박 식도락을 함께 즐기며 와이너리를 방문하실 수 있는 아주 값진 경험이 되실 겁니다. 와이너리 방문시 설명 또한 와인킹이 전부 직접 해드립니다.
항차별 일정은 다음과 같이 두 편으로 진행될 예정입니다.
* 1기: 10월 2일(수)-10월 10일(목), 7박 9일
* 2기: 10월 9일(수)-10월 17일(목), 7박 9일
구체적인 일정과 상품가는 8월 중순에 나올 예정입니다만, 관심 있는 분들께서는 일정을 미리 잡아놓으실 수 있도록 미리 알려드립니다.
이번 여행을 많은 분들과 함께 할 수 있으면 정말 좋겠네요.
나중에 샴페인 하우스 투어도 생기면 좋겠네요 ㅎㅎ
술 드실줄 아는분들은 좋겠다ㅠㅠ
Vous devriez visiter Aix en provence (soupe au pistou) Marseille (bouillabaisse) et le village de Sisteron (veal).
Pour cette partie la ! Si vous avez besoin de conseils n'hésitez pas je suis de la région (vers sainte-maxime). Je vous souhaite du soleil ainsi que du bon rosé.
아 가고싶다
Have you been down to Occitanie? Come over to Narbonne and experience the wines of La Clape and Minervois. Keep up the great content!
전 그냥 웨이터분이 최선을 다해 자기 일에 열정을 갖고 하려는 것 같네요.
우리나라에서도 외국인이 정도(正度)에 맞지 않게 먹으려고 하면
"그렇게 먹는게 아니에요. 이건 이거랑 같이 먹어야 해요"라고 할 수가 있거든요.
(예시를 들자면 "비빔밥을 고추장 없이 먹는 경우"같이 섞어 먹거나 소스랑 같이 먹는건데 맨 음식만 먹고 있을 때)
막걸리, 소주, 맥주를 다 같이 섞어 먹을 때, 그 사람의 자유지만 우리는 "이러면 안된다" 하고 외국인한테 충분히 말려 볼 수 있을 것 같거든요.
또한 커피나 우유를 김치찌개랑 먹으려고 하면 그건 디저트/빵류랑 먹으라고 나중에 갖다줄 것 같기도 하고 말이죠. (애초에 디저트 먹을 때 시켰다고 생각하고 나중에 갖다줄 듯)
오히려 웨이터분이 딱히 무례하다고 느낀 점은 전혀 없고 그냥 최선을 다해 일을 좋아하시고 열심히 일하시는 분 같습니다.
이 일로 레스토랑하고 웨이터분께 별 일 없었으면 좋겠네요.
와인킹님도 그냥 농담으로 하시는거 같아요 ㅎ살짝 투정 정도? ㅎ
맞아요 그냥 친절하다고 느껴짐
말투가 싸가지 없잖아요. 서버가 손님을 아예 존중 안함.
Not passionate it was rude, He has to prove he is more dominant ( big ego ).
18:32 😂😂😂🤣 As an Armenian from Yerevan I appreciate that you reacted to the situation positively. I think that most of the friction would not have occurred in the first place if there were no language barriers, I think both of you interpreted each other’s comments as slightly worse than what was actually intended. That is of course no excuse for the unsmooth manner in which the head waiter acted, I think your comment saying it comes from pride/stubbornness was very accurate. With that said, I hope you enjoyed Armenia and the foods as well. I promise you that Armenia is by far a country of warm hospitality and hope that you got to enjoy friendly interactions as well. Not every restaurant and person can be a shining example of the country’s long list of positive qualities
I am Korean and worked for an Armenian boss. He was stubborn indeed but had a biggest caring heart!❤
I love this moment too.
"If I get angry here, we won't be able to enjoy anything properly", much respect to you sir.
The Wine King never Whines 👑
You make me laugh somuch with these rude waiters and your reaction to it. You and your entourage took the piss on him dearly in a most sophisticated way, absolutely fantastic.
대장 웨이터분이 가게에 대한 애착과 가게에 있는 와인들에 대한 자부심이 있으시군요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 영상에서 말씀하신 것처럼 우리나라 식당에서 파전에 막걸리, 소주 그리고 위스키를 같이 시키는 외국인을 보는 기분인가봅니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
불친절한 대우에 웃으며 대응하는 한국인도 처음 볼 뿐더러 현지어에 미숙해하지 않고 대화하는 모습이 좋아서
현지 나라 사람들이랑 먹고 마시고 대화하는걸 자주 보게 되는것 같아요
These guys are being a bit silly , you are all a nice bunch , enjoying yourselves,not being rude and spending lots on money , I really love your energy
They were rude, just not directly
@@sammyblaze4234hes kinda passive aggressive right?
@@shortcake772 if the hosts could understand it would be for sure, but here he was just playing with the fact that they didn't understand a word of what he was telling his colleagues. He would never have talked like that if everyone involved had spoken the same language.
@@sammyblaze4234 He was taking friendly jabs at everyone, including himself! It may seem rude out of context but he really does have a playful tone when speaking in Korean.
댓글 보니까 외국인들 의견이 반반으로 갈리네요
누군가에겐 식당에서 웃고 떠드는게 우리가 혐오하는 중국 관광객처럼 비춰지나 봅니다
와인킹님의 의견은 '돈을 지불하는 고객이 요구하는걸 맞춰주는게 당연한거다'지만 그게 매너가 없다고 받아들이는 사람도 제법 있네요. 그 사람들 댓글을 보면 일견 공감되기도 합니다. 우리도 식당이나 공공장소에서 난동피우는 중국인들보면 불쾌감만 들거든요. 댓글을 보고있자니 어디까지가 고객의 권리인가에 대해 생각해볼수 있었네요. 우리에겐 사소한 문제일수 있지만 그들에겐 모욕적인 문제로 받아들여질수도 있겠죠
문화를 떠나 개인으로서의 지식과 관점의 차이일수도 있는 문제라 명확한 정답은 내릴 수 없겠지만 결국 중요한건 서로 한발 물러서서 상대를 존중할 수 있다면 큰 문제로 번지지 않고 해결될 수 있다는 것이겠죠
이 좁은 땅덩어리에 사는 같은 국가의 국민들끼리도 이념과 상식의 갈등이 이렇게 많은데 외국은 더 심하겠죠. 서로 존중하고 배려하는 문화가 더 널리 퍼졌으면 좋겠습니다
아무튼 중국이 문재구나
Your sense of humour and patience with the waiter is very entertaining. 😊
솔직히... 영상을 끝까지 봤는데 웨이터들이 무슨 거슬리는 행동을 했는지 모르겠네요
와인킹일행이 외국인, 웨이터들을 한국인이라고 생각하면 오히려 웨이터들을 편들어주고 싶을 정도인데요.
웨이터랑 얘기하다가 자기들이 모르는 언어(한국어)로 자길 쳐다보며 박장대소하니 오히려 웨이터가 무안하지 않았을까요. 끝까지 웃는 얼굴로 서빙하시는 노신사 웨이터분이 멋지네요
유럽에가면 느긋하게 기다려라....뭐 문화에 맞춰라.. 것보다는 단체와 함께 멀리 가서 여러가지 맛보고... 돈내고 먹는만큼 요구사항도 하고... 젠틀하게 진행하시는 와인킹님 멋지십니다. 와인잔 따로주고 서빙끝까지 해주시고 웨이터분의 서비스도 굿굿 이에용... 음식도 푸짐한거 같네요~ 마지막부분에 와인과 안주 이야기는 귀에 쏘옥 들어왔습니다... 기회가 되면 와이너리 여행 함께해보고 싶네용~~ 화이팅입니다!!!
You are the perfect customer. So happy even in trial times. I wish more people would learn from your example. Aloha from Hawaii🌺
To be honest, waiters were nice to you all the time. They were just trying to understand you. You guys just misunderstood them and kept confusing them meaningless jokes..
Yeah I thought they were trying to impress them a lot, and got the feeling they were a bit intimidated and definitely confused. Culture clash.
I agree with you. There were cultural and language barriers and the waiters were just trying to understand. There was needless sarcasm and hostility by the guests.
@@Jim-no3oy I don't think you understand Korean humour. This was an issue of language and cultural barriers. Btw when you serve guests at a restaurant you do not get to decide which wine goes with which meal. I have worked in many restaurants and would NEVER do that. Btw a MANY GUESTS from other countries would have sent back a piece of fruit with a worm in it.
Man! Youre my hero! Love and respect from South Africa
프랑스식당 영상보고 구독했습니다. 영상 하나하나 너무 재밌고 저도 모르게 웃음지으면서 보고 있네요👍🏻
which part in the video was the waiters being rude? im genuinely curious.
They were simply irritated because they didn't know if he made fund of them in his native language, he was the rude one by not noticing that
@@sammyblaze4234he doesn’t have to give af how other people feel when he speaks his native language. your insecurity is not my responsibility
@@adumbsnail1999 like i said, he was the rude one, people who don't "give af" about that like you are simply inconsiderate assholes who need to compensate their insecurities with some weird kind of "i don't care about anyone"-mentality🤷♂️
He was strongheaded and acted as he knew everything. After all, the customer should be respected and given what they ask for.
15:13 뒤에서 손 흔드시는거 ㄱㅇㅇ
이거지요🎉 ㄱㅇㅇ
Seemed like a lovely evening with the company.
I could be wrong, but taking the fruit with the worm in it was needlessly considerate.
It shows that the fruit was not drenched in pesticide poison.
I have a very important exam tomorrow and I am here watching your videos to relax and declutter my mind. Love them.
Amen to that 🙏 Have the F.E. coming up soon
How did it go?
@@bobicus7765 passed it bro
@@bobicus7765 i passed it 🙏
Just started watching you yesterday and I absolutely love your videos! You, your wife, and your employees are so nice, humble, and open-minded. In the US, I feel like we lack a lot of these characteristics sometimes. It's very enjoyable to watch your videos cause of that and hear all the interesting conversations you have with others. This video was also making me really crave wine despite never trying it before lol. Maybe I will here soon.
Much love from the USA!
Everytime watching your video, I learned something new in many positive ways. You are really a peace maker that bring joyfulness to even challenging situation. When Wine King had the final high-five or handshake with the restaurant boss, such a great feeling and an amazing ending. Thanks for sharing your happiness with people around in the world. Cheers from Vancouver, Canada 🍁
You make me want to learn Korean because of how fun and casual the conversation appears...why is it so hard to learn! I will have my hands full for ten years if I commit to this.
There's a bonus if you do. Korean grammar and Japanese grammar are 1:1 identical. You could branch into 2 languages lol
눈물나게 웃기네요. 잘봤습니다.
Please come to South Africa, Wineking - we'll treat you well and we have some good wines!
He knows SA well
15:13 the frozen heart remains no more through a warm Armenian wave in the background... how far we've come... 🥰🥰🥰
I’ve learned so much about wine from you in this one video and I’m not even drinking it. Thank you for these. And your outlook on life and how to treat people even when rude is so nice to see. Thank you
This is so FUNNY!!! I love those waiters. They are making me smile so much! And your group is HILARIOUS!
알메니안들은 고집이 세고 자기만의 방식만이 맞다라고 생각하는 경향이 있습니다. 그 배경을 알고 보면 이 영상이 이해될겁니다. 그래도 손님이 진상이 아닌이상 웬만해서 맞춰주는게 좋죠.
15:13 the head waiter waves at the camera 😆 he must have been unfrozen
So there’s this part where the waiter goes, 'merci is French,' and then teaches how to say 'thank you' in Armenian. And then wineking starts saying 'delicious' in Korean. At that point, I was like, yeah, I’m out. Honestly, the title, thumbnail, and some parts of the video felt kinda extra this time.
근데 가게주인입장에서 보면 와인좀 안다고 유난떤다고 생각할 수 있음.
마치 중국인들이 우리나라 중국집와서 이음식은 이리 내와라 이 차는 이리 내와라 매사 참견하면, 한국에서는 그렇게 안하는데 라고 생각할수 있지 않을까.
To World PEACE! LOL I love all of your videos. Thank you for the hard work..... hahaha
흠 이번 영상은 너무 좀 가신듯..
Passive aggressive side form the Koreans is disappointing
I think they come across as quite arrogant and disrespectful to the waiters here.
They were just teasing like they would their friends.
Funny video 😂 i feel the started out a bit hostile but warmed up to you all. Different cultures i guess
I love your channel. I see and hear much passive aggressive racism towards us Asians both online and in person, and it brings me great optimism when I see you navigate this world with humor and kindness.
I wonder if the waiters sensed they were being talked about...certainly nothing rude was said, only observational. I think it really upsets the more nationalistic people to see, because they will always see an outsider rather than a potential repeat customer. That is a darn shame to me. This was lovely tableside conversation.
man they've been served professionally, there is some language barrier but rudeness and maybe racism is what i've seen in marseille video...
영상으로만 봐도 정말 즐거워보이네요~~ 같이 가신 모든 분들이 행복한 추억 남기셧을듯 🥰
말을 물가에 대려갈 순 있지만 물을 마시게 할 수는 없지요.
손님에게 추천을 해줄 수 있지만 손님의 선택을 무시해서는 안됩니다.
와인이 특히 그렇습니다. 오래된 전통은 존중받아야 하지만 그 전통으로 인해 소비자의 다양한 선택과 경험의 기회 그리고 개인의 기호를 전통이라는 이유에 맞추어 무시하고 조롱받는다면 와인이라는 술은 다가가기 어렵다는 인식이 박힐 것입니다.
와인 시장은 무너지고 있으며 술을 마시지 않은 소비자들이 늘어나는 추세에 와인의 전통성만을 강요하면서 소비의 다양성을 놓친다면 그저 틀에 박힌채 썩어버릴 것입니다.
Waiter-“why do you want to drink Takar?”
WK-“it’s your wine list” 😭😭😭😭😭
Roasted TF outta the waiter here
와~ 부럽네요~😢😮
This man isn't just a boss, he's a leader.
The amount of positive energy and intelligence you exude is amazing.
This was the best and funniest video of yours so far!
There's something dodgy about Jay and his incessant laughing noises.
The meeting of the bosses. Absolutely hilarious.
으어... 10월까지 바뻐서.... 그 이후 일정있으면 참여하고 싶네요 ㅎㅎ
Watching more of this I can tell you why they kept changing the glasses. It was a combination of culture and the fact that Armenia is not that wealthy. They probably ran out of cups
Like you said at the beginning it's uncommon to drink different types of wine during a meal which means they don't expect a single person to use more than one glass at a time
Same with liquor as well. If you're drinking vodka your cup is for vodka now
Don't put anything else in it otherwise you'll be looked at like a weirdo. Hell drinking the same drink all night is more common
That all goes out the window when drunk though 😂
WineKing, please go to Romania
뭐하러 식당에서 저렇게까지 해야하지... 공짜로 먹는것도 아니고
여러사람 모아서 간 대표자의 책임감이지요. 항의해봤자 나쁜경험만 쌓이고 이렇게 넘어가야 좋다 이걸 알려준거죠.
@@GooNbzz 저런 식당 가기 너무 피곤할듯... 음식이랑 상관없이
Apologizing beforehand but blatantly making fun of the waiting staff seems quite rude?? It’s not because they cannot understand korean, that they’re not able to figure out that your laughter is directed at their expense… Particularly since the reason for the laughter was primarily caused by linguistic difficulties and/or cultural customs/differences. 🤷🏻♂️🧘🏼♂️
It was gentle teasing.
The waiters taking a hard to come by job seriously are not being rude, they are trained to serve a certain way AND there is also a communication barrier. Probably not use to selling such costly wine at once.
That is what I supposed, it is a learning experience and I think the party was very affable and non-aggressive towards the waiters, which was ideal. They were not too loud and did nothing overly uncouth other than Auntie taking a big bone and pouring petrol on the fire lol. Sort of amazing when only one person is too drunk in that big of a party...I guess it's unfortunate in their minds she probably proved their adage of not mixing wines, lol.
언제나 럭키비키한 마인드로 대처하시는 모습에 감탄합니다!
그놈의 럭키비키 ㅅㅂ
무시당하는게 일상이노 ㅋㅋㄱㅋ
I mean you guys are absolutely right when it comes to the sparkling wine(personally I like prosecco), usually it's something you take in the beginning of a meal, you can also serve it with apetizers (amuse bouche) before you move on to the entrées.
But I did not get nor have I discerned any rude behaviour on the part of the waiters, granted there seems to have been some language barriers or maybe some cultural ones at times (they are absolutely right with the glasses, you dont serve different type of wines in the same glass) but rudeness I dont know, maybe off camera ? I honestly found them rather friendly, they matched your energy, I thought it was great ! "YOU ARE THE BOSS ! I AM A BOSS TOO" :DDD
I may be some dumb european but could someone explain to me in what manner was the waiter rude ?
저는 한국인이고, 제 관점에서 웨이터는 무례하지 않았다고 생각합니다.
다만, 화이트와인과 레드와인을 한꺼번에 주문하는 것을 두고, '와인에 대해 지식이 부족한 손님'으로 인식한 것이 아닐까? 하는 생각이 듭니다. 그래서 웨이터는 와인의 기본적인 룰에 대해 말해준 것이고, 그 과정에서 언어장벽이나 인식의 차이가 발생한 것이겠죠.
If anyone was rude, it was him and his group. They laughed at the waiters and made some rather condescending comments. Of course they said it in korean so the staff didn't understand but it shows that they didn't have respect for them.
@@mobod6822 yes you right there is lots of video where he is kind of rude like that where when waiters kind of lack knowledge or poor communication he start to talking bad about them in korean and laughing at them
서로간의 소통이 잘 되지 않았던 것은 있지만 무례함이 있었다고는 생각되지 않습니다.
웨이터는 자신의 일을 하였고 손님도 손님으로서 저정도의 요구가 무례하다고 생각되지 않는군요.
그리고 웨이터에 대해 그들이 모욕을 주지 않았으며 식당에서 일행끼리 자신의 언어로 소통하는 것이 무례하다고 여긴다면 타국으로의 여행 자체가 성립될 수 없을 겁니다.
@@mobod6822table was happy , polite , not demanding and enjoying themselves .. also spent a lot of money 💰.. do you expect them to be silent , speak Armenian 🤔😄😄😄😄😄😄. you’re too sensitive and seeing problems where they don’t exist ..
could you not just explain your a wine expert or did that not seem possible?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ스파클링을 늦게주면서 과일안주를 준것은 맥이는건가여???ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Too much Wineking will turn you blind
My favorite video was when your friend grilled lamp chops at your house, it was nice and quiet, yet informative and entertaining. I really liked the couple who enjoyed all the delicious raw meat you served them, and I liked that they both had only praise for the fish soup, or shall I say fish egg soup. I was a bit jealous because I would have loved that, too. ❤😂
왜 저렇게 고집을 부리는지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그럼에도 웃으면서 대하는 게 참 보기 좋네요
와인킹님과 함께가는 식도락 투어 있으면 가보고 싶네요 ㅋㅋ
Me too!
very solid suggestion, id second that, his videos in france were amazing ! especially with the rare mushroom omelette !
싱글벙글 웃으며 봤습니다 감사합니다
제목 어그로 안 끄셔도 충분히 매력적인 영상이예요
딱히 어그로아닌데? 진짜 무시당하는건 맞자너 그에 대한 대처도 알려주면서 식사하고 있고
@@user-yr7oo4hy2e 결국 이 영상의 주된 내용이 차별과 무시에 대한것도 아니었거니와 저렇게 웃으면서 넘길만한 상황이었다면 영상 자막에 작게 꼬집듯이 돌려까는 피식 포인트만 만들었어도 상관 없었을거임 ㅋㅋㅋ
굳이 대문짝만하게 썸네일 제목을 저렇게 지었다? 글쎄 ㅋㅋㅋ
전혀 무시하는게 아닌것같은데
난 오히려 웨이터들이 무안을 느꼈을것 같은데요?
본인이 설명하면 와인킹님이 한국어로 말하고 자리에 앉은 모든사람들이 웃으며 웨이터 쳐다보고..
이런 상황들에서 저는 서빙하시는 분들이 오히려 대단히 친절하시다고 느껴졌어요.
예전에 어쩌다 프랑스 영상 알고리즘으류 보게 되어서 그땐 좋았는데, 자꾸 선넘는 제목으로 어그로 끄는게 좀 보기 안좋아지는 것 같아요ㅜ
3:50 환장파티 시작 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
10월에는 중국 출장이라 못가는데..매번 저 일정 있을때만 이러시는 이유가 있으실거 아니에요ㅠㅡㅠ
Ok. Poor manners. No hat indoor especially dining
totally. a bunch of very loud and unmannered people complaining about others.
Is this Armenian culture? Are there any other precautions? In fact, it is not easy for everyone to study about the manners of the country while traveling to the country. It is a culture that is natural for someone but never known for someone. The important thing is not to end with criticism for the act, but to let others know and understand that this is the culture and manners of the country. I liked your point. Thanks to you, I learned the information that wearing a hat inside an Armenian restaurant is not good manners.
aren't you chinese? they have the worst manners every where they go. that place wasnt a fancy fine dining, a hat or two doesnt do anything
@@eclipse-c3x It's not just Armenian culture, it's European and even American traditional culture in general. Nowadays it's less strict depending on the country and venue (it's fine at McD, not in a fine dining restaurant) but in general it's not good manners to wear hats indoors and especially at the dinner table.
They were generally polite. No one was complaining, just making observations.
yes, best way to challenge negativity is through positivity.
재밌어 보인다요,, ❤😊
The last thing you want to do in Armenia is to pay any attention to the labels on their wines, as they all come from the same tank and differ only in names, price and the font types.
15:13 아저씨 뒤에서 인사 ㅋㅋㅋ
always learning a thing or two from watching your content ... much love and respect ❤
Hi wineking! how many languages can you and your wife speak? you guys are amazing haha
hello Wineking... is this for Oct 2025? Really enjoy your videos and would love the opportunity to go on a guided tour by Wineking.
Your video from France somehow popped up in my recommended to watch list today. I'm not really into the habit of drinking wine, but I enjoy eating food from other cultures.
I've now watched 4 of your videos in a row and I am really enjoying your style. I'm very impressed by your composure and how well you handle difficult situations.
Same. Algorithm W
I don't drink but he's making me want a glass with good food lol
lol why don't you explain to the guy that eating the fruit will remove all sweetness from the wine? he will insist the next customer eat the fruit then drink the now sour tasting wine XD
even better, ask him to eat the fruit, then drink the wine himself to see his reaction? :D
For them, that sour taste may be the right one. In Korea, many people also consume red wine and fruit together. Changing it is not easy. Also, such an attempt itself can be seen as rude to someone. Knowledge and degree are irrelevant. They will not respect professionalism. Many people do not attempt such an act because it can be a sensitive issue. There is also the problem of language. Their communication is very limited. It will be hard to accept unless he communicates in Armenian. Waiters have pride in their jobs. It is more difficult than you think to let the other person know that his knowledge is wrong without hurting his feelings.
@@eclipse-c3x i think communication is all that is needed and these issues are all easily enough worked through :)
@@eclipse-c3x You might be right, Koreans absolutely are not fond of very sour taste from what I have observed, but other cultures are in love with the sour taste that make your face pucker. Like you said they are professionals in their own country and take pride in what they do and without fluent communication between the two it can definitely go wrong, just like when he mentioned Georgia, head waiter definitely took it the wrong way as both of them can't express and communicate what they want properly. Like what they say, when in Rome, do as Romans do.
무시당하는게 일상인 사람 브이로그 ㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋ
매번 유익한 내용 잘 보고 갑니다 :) 대리만족하고 갑니다!
Troppo divertente!
그냥 인종을 떠나서 개인의 고집인거죠.
한국에도 그런아저씨들 많잖아요 ㅋㅋ
고집 ㅋㅋㅋ
One day, when you come to Europe, you could explore Bulgaria and drink some of the best wines :)
Saperavi isn't Armenian... that's what Armenians always do, take Georgian food/culture etc and then claim it as "Armenian"
Aha, explains why the Georgian comment caused feathers to ruffle.
"why you hate them?"
I started laughing like crazy at 2AM while everyone was sleeping
The point about cultural norms and differences is absolutely true, they view mixing red and white similarly to how a Korean may view mixing makgeolli and whiskey or an American may view mixing wine and vodka.
But I also think this is a testament to how often Wine King is able to navigate past these differences thanks to his polyglot abilities in several languages. He's able to avoid these situations in other places thanks to his knowledge of French, Italian, etc. Unfortunately, Armenian is not one of those languages. 😆
I really think you were the rude one here, if you would treqt them with respect you would help them understand what you are talking about when they are right next to you. If you had some proper empathy you would understand that they don't know if you're making fun of them, they're wine or their culture, you are way nicer if you're just with your wife.
He was there with his employees and was trying his best to be the “head of the table”.
In every French video he tries to cooperate with the restaurant but in this he behaved like a cocky egomaniac.
I would say the service was impeccable given the way the group was behaving
@@mohaksrivastava8541 exactly! he was really polite in france to waiters and other guests
인킹이 형님! 공식계정 딱지 안받으시나요?
Making me thirsty. Thank you, for helping with World Peace.
이런 영상 너무 좋아~🎉 멀리서 대충 보면 논란이고 가까이서 자세히 보면 즐거운 희극이 되는 착시 영상 🎉🎉 원영적 사고력 측정기~🎉🎉🎉 이 맛에 와인킹 봅니다~~~❤ 이맛와~~
I disagree, cheese with apple and cracked black pepper is superb with wine. Also dried fruits (raisin/dates etc) or jams are great with cheeses and wines
처음에는 느끼하게 봤는데 은근 매력 넘치세요
정말 유쾌하시네요..너무 재미있게 봤습니다.
탄산이 위를 자극해서 알콜 흡수를 촉진 시킵니다. 그래서 소주 먹고 맥주 먹으면 훅 가는 원리~~~^^
정숙한 분위기의 한정식집에 와서 위스키와 소주와 동동주 섞어서 떠들썩하게 마시는 외국인들 행태와 똑걑구만. 비싼 와인 몇병씩 먹으면 VIP라 착각하는군. 내가봐도 짜증난다. 웨이터가 무시하긴 커녕 최대한 참는게 눈에 보이네.
18:31 captured the perfect moment of mutual respect
결국 끝에가서 메르시인것도 킬포네요 ㅋㅋ
아저씨 열심히 아르메니아어 가르쳐줬지만 딥러닝 실패! ㅋㅋㅋ
"You are boss, and I am boss" *shake hands* "This ladies and gentlemen is how world peace is achieved" What a dime 😂
15:49 Damn, I definitely thought it was racism at first.. but I guess its just the personality/culture? You guys all handled it appropriately, well done! Cheers.
우연히 와인에 대해선 문외한이지만, 와인 킹 동영상이 유쾌하고 내용이 재미있어 보게되었는데,
엊그제 하나로마트에서 그냥 픽해서 가지고 온 화이트와인을 마시려 하다가,깜놀...
"전 세계 1위 와인 유튜버 와인킹 추천... 로스바시코스 샤도네이 2022"
와인을 어떻게 표현해야 하는지 모르지만 , 식사 반주로 괜찮습니다..
Did the waiter learn/realize you were wineking at all during the dinner??
That is a big table with lots of service. Other than pretentious wine knowledge from the server, everything else seemed adequate.