Dr. Mheret betam yigermal yehulum sew chgr mehonu. Ene be mind zuriya bzu ideas semechalewm anbebeyalewm. Beeley gn lene yetekemegn ye anten temehertoch ena ye Sadhguru betam adamechalew ena betam yigermal our mind endet kebad science endehone.
Dr mihret ke 2011 jemro arif arif tmhrtochn kante simar noreyalew(fana tv)..lele sew milewn metsihafhnm 3 gize degagme ambibeyalew ...yezarew tyake demo yenem tyake neber..amesegnalew
All Dr Mercy ssid is great. Just I want to add a point from my experience. 1st thing is if you do to much thinking its because you are low in activities of your interest. Do activities that interest you and try to make a path to a fruitful thinking, like trying to write some kind of novel or what ever kind of writing. You might be creative at it. Study some kind of topic, history or what ever is important to you. 2nd. Reduce the personal esteem to normal or as you can't do some things, like predicting ideas or other person's intention or being a judge or a jury of every bad and good things in the world. You are just a woman who lives with other fellow individuals. 3rd. Don't be afraid. Sometimes I used to think creating scenarios what if this happen? What if he did that? What if ... just leave it to God you can't be responsible for any one even yourself more than God. God thinks and protects you and everything around you more than you can. 4th. Do one think that you think you are not capable of doing or afraid of doing. Just once in a while so that you can develop acting than thinking about it. I did those in addition to Doc Mercy's core suggestions. It helps really.
This is not a problem but you have to sleep well for all first. Then what you have to know is ur beast and different so you have to feed yourself it can be reading consuming from social media what ur interested in spending time with kids it can be anything but build your mind and shape it be confident. what you need is whatever it is go far and wild. Be positive for people. spend time which make you feel happy. And do things in ur way but it must be right. Meet new positive and like minded people. As I listen to your female i suggest you roap jumping watch movies. Be strict and go away from negativity people and even from negative thoughts 🤔 if ur struggling to sleep drink 1 or 2 beer before u go to bed. Lastly to escape ur mind do something everyday within a month u will see change. So ur awakened there is no going back u have to face it. otherwise nobody will come and save u be strong. Ur not alone We love you 🦾🦾
እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር
የተሰጠው አስተያየት ለብዙዎችቻን እንድንሰራበት የሚረዳ ሆኖ አግኝቼዋለሁ:: የዘመኑ የሶሻል ሜዲያ ተግዳሮት ቀላል አይደለም በቀላሉ ተገብቶበት እንደገባነው የማንወጣበት መጥፎ ወጥመድ ነው:: ካልተመረጠ በስተቀር መጥፎ መርዝ የእእምሮ ማበላሺያ መሳሪያ ነው:: መልካም መልካሙን ገንቢ አስተማሪ የሆኑ ምግቦችን አእምሮአችንን መመገብ መልካም ይሆናል::
Thank you
Fetari rejem edme yesteh .....thank you betam
ዶክተር እግዚአቢሄር እንተን ስለስጠን እግዚእቢሄር ይባርክ ባአንተ ውስጥ ሆኖ መንፈስ ቅድ ስ እያደስ ነው ተባረክ
በጣም ብዙ የተማርከበት እኔ እስከማውቀው በሀገራችን በማይንድሴት ዙሪያ ቀዳሚ ቻናል ነው። ዶ/ር ምህረት በጣም አመሰግናለ
ከዚ ትምህርት እኔ የተረዳሁት አይምሮአችንን ካላሰለጠነው እኛ ላይ ተቀምጦ እንዳሻው ይሰለጥንብናል እንጂ ለኛ አይሰራም ደሞ ከሌሎች አካሎቻችን በላይ አይምሮን ማሳደግ ለስብእናችን ዋና ነገር ነው። ዶር እንደሁሌው ምስጋናዬ ላቅ ያለ ነው።
እግአዚብሔር ምስክሬ ነው ይሄ አንድ ባንድ የኔም ችግር ነው ? ዶከተርየ ስለምትሠጠን ምከር ፈጣሬ ያከብርህ❤❤❤🙏
ይሄ የእንም ችግር ነው እራሴ እጠይቃለው እራሴው እመልሣለው በጣም የተቸገርኩበት ጉዳይ ነበር አመሠግናለው
Btam enamesegnaln doctor
Thank you for your contribution to our community 🙏 ❤️ 🙌 😊
በጣም ገንቢ ሀሳብ ነው: እናመሰግናለን ዶ/ር ምህረት:
አመሰግናለው ዶ/ር የኔም ችግር ነው እና ብዙ ጠቃሚ ሀሳቦችን ወስጄበታለው
ሁላችንንም የሚጠቅም ምክር ነው ።
Bless you Dr
Dr Mihret You mentioned the core point of our life. Thank You .
Thank you Dr.
You are going to 100k 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Oh, yeah, I'm watching that closely, too, 🎉
አንዳንዴ በአእምሮ ከሌላ አካል መነጋገር ጥሩ ሊሆን የሚችለው ከሰዎች ጋር ሳይሆን ከፈጣሪ ከመላእክቶች ጋር ቢሆን ለምትፈልጊው ነገር መልስ ሊገኝ ይችላል ።
እኔ ከምወደው ከገብርኤል ጋር ከትንሽ እስከ ትልቅ ጉዳዮች አወራለሁ እጠይቃለሁ መልስም አገኛለሁ ። በተመስጦ ውስጥ ከሆንኩ በትክክል ይሰራል ። እንደ ወዳጄነህ አይነት ሰው ጋር ማውራት አእምሮን በማይገባ ነገር ጫና ከመፍጠር በስተቀረ ጠቃሚ አይደለም ።
የትውልድ በረከት በእራሷ ምክንያት አምላኬን አመሰግናለሁ ተ❤❤
Enamesegnalen egzabher edma ena tena ystln
Thank you so much DR ,have a nice weekend too
የኔም ችግር ነው ብቻየን ለረጅም ሰአት አወራለው
Lol, I'm included in that category, too! It's not funny at all!!😮
Wow thanks doctor❤
😊 ተባረኹ 🙏🏾
Dr ejg klb enamesegnalen
I recommend u to read power of now it helps for sure
Betam amasagenalew 🙏
Doctor ❤❤❤❤
Dr. Mheret betam yigermal yehulum sew chgr mehonu. Ene be mind zuriya bzu ideas semechalewm anbebeyalewm. Beeley gn lene yetekemegn ye anten temehertoch ena ye Sadhguru betam adamechalew ena betam yigermal our mind endet kebad science endehone.
Thank You
Dr mihret ke 2011 jemro arif arif tmhrtochn kante simar noreyalew(fana tv)..lele sew milewn metsihafhnm 3 gize degagme ambibeyalew ...yezarew tyake demo yenem tyake neber..amesegnalew
Ejig betam melkam timirt new yabizalilh melikamun.betikikil yezarew timirrt ahul lalehubet wesagn hasab new ameseginalehu.
What an explanation, yeberalet (enlighted) malet ante neh,ye ante aynetun egziabhere yaberkitelin,Amen
በስመአብ እኔ የጠየኩ እስኪመስለኝ እኔጋ ያለ ችግር ነው በጣም የሚገርመኝ ከራሴጋር በጣም ከማውራቴ የተነሳ ማክስ ካላደረኩ በስተቀር ከቤት አልወጣም በተለይ ትንሽ ከሰዎች ጋር ከተቀያየምኩ በቃ ቀንም ሌትም እሱን ነው ማስበው ከሰዎቹ ጋር ስገናኝ ደሞ አላወራም ካወራሁም ሃይል ቃል ይቀናኛል በቅርብ የማብድ እየመሰለኝ ነው እያበድሽ ነው እያሉ ሚያሳብዱኝም አይጠፉም በዛሬው መልስ በጣም ደስ ብሎኛል ተግብሬ አይምሮዬን አድናለሁ ብዬ አስባለሁ
እኔም ነኝ
Thanks So Much
Very nice to have a conversation so I appreciate your help with your team, Doctor,❤❤❤
ሰላም ዶክተር ካለህ ጊዜ ላይ ቀንሰይ ስለምትሰጠን በጎ ስራ ከልብ አመሰግናለሁ
በአጭሩ ጥያቄየን እንደሚከተለው አቅርባለሁ የመኖረው ውጭ ሀገር ስሆን ከመጣሁ ጊዜ ጀምሮ ጓደኞች አፍርቼ እኖር ነበር ከተወሰኑ አመታት በኃላ ግን የቀረብኳቸው ሰዎች ለኔ ቦታ እንደማይሰጡኝ ወይም እኔ ለነሱ ያለኝን ቦታ ያክል ስለላቸው ከጊዜ በኃላ ልርቃቸው ችያለሁ አሁን የትዳር አጋር ያለኝ ሲሆን ምንም አይነት የወንድ ጓዳኛ የለኝም ማናገርም አልፈልግም ይሄ የሆነው ከሁለትበአመት በፊት ጀምሮ ነው ይደውላሉ ለማውራታም ፈቃደኛ ኣይደለሁም በርግጥ ያለሁበት ሁኔታ ተመችቶኛል ግን በዚሁ መቀጠል ጤነኛ የሆነ ሂዎት ነው ወይ?
Ameseginalew ehe mulu bemul ynem tiyake nw badenb erasen ayhubet❤
Tx Dr.
All Dr Mercy ssid is great. Just I want to add a point from my experience.
1st thing is if you do to much thinking its because you are low in activities of your interest. Do activities that interest you and try to make a path to a fruitful thinking, like trying to write some kind of novel or what ever kind of writing. You might be creative at it. Study some kind of topic, history or what ever is important to you.
2nd. Reduce the personal esteem to normal or as you can't do some things, like predicting ideas or other person's intention or being a judge or a jury of every bad and good things in the world. You are just a woman who lives with other fellow individuals.
3rd. Don't be afraid. Sometimes I used to think creating scenarios what if this happen? What if he did that? What if ... just leave it to God you can't be responsible for any one even yourself more than God. God thinks and protects you and everything around you more than you can.
4th. Do one think that you think you are not capable of doing or afraid of doing. Just once in a while so that you can develop acting than thinking about it.
I did those in addition to Doc Mercy's core suggestions. It helps really.
ይሄ ችግር የኔም ችግር ነው እንዳውም የኔ ከሷ ለየት የሚያደርገው ነገር አለ።
Enamesegnalen Dr.
This is not a problem but you have to sleep well for all first. Then what you have to know is ur beast and different so you have to feed yourself it can be reading consuming from social media what ur interested in spending time with kids it can be anything but build your mind and shape it be confident. what you need is whatever it is go far and wild. Be positive for people. spend time which make you feel happy. And do things in ur way but it must be right. Meet new positive and like minded people. As I listen to your female i suggest you roap jumping watch movies. Be strict and go away from negativity people and even from negative thoughts 🤔 if ur struggling to sleep drink 1 or 2 beer before u go to bed. Lastly to escape ur mind do something everyday within a month u will see change. So ur awakened there is no going back u have to face it. otherwise nobody will come and save u be strong. Ur not alone We love you 🦾🦾
Betam tekami mikir
እቺ ልጅ እኔ ናት እንዴ ብዙ ሰዎችን ሳሰተናግድ ነው የምውለው ሰዎቹ ምንም በማያውቁኝ ጉዳይ
Thank you