Where Was the Enterprise in the Dominion War?

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Today we Take a look at the Enterprise E and the Sovereign Class as a Whole During the Dominion War. With Films such as "Insurrection" and various beta canon implying that the Sovereign class was kept out of the War, instead undertaking diplomatic duties. many have been confused why a ship designed for combat, was delibrately kept out of the War. in this Video i look into why Starfleet took this seemingly strange Decision....
    STO screenshots by the 4th Combined fleet and my Own Community

Комментарии • 507

  • @Covester-i3l
    @Covester-i3l 7 месяцев назад +117

    I love Femboys (no one will see this comment)

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  7 месяцев назад +50

      but which species?

    • @Covester-i3l
      @Covester-i3l 7 месяцев назад +10

      homo sapiens

    • @bittern4464
      @bittern4464 7 месяцев назад +21

      Gul Ve'Nom is more into Tzenkethi Femboys

    • @kemster99
      @kemster99 7 месяцев назад +4

      Just saw it

    • @Covester-i3l
      @Covester-i3l 7 месяцев назад +11

      Klingon Femboys though…🗣️

  • @merafirewing6591
    @merafirewing6591 7 месяцев назад +212

    It would've been cool to see the Enterprise E take on a Jem'Hadar Dreadnought.

    • @foresta-2684
      @foresta-2684 7 месяцев назад +13

      Leave that to admiral Paris

    • @hudsonball4702
      @hudsonball4702 7 месяцев назад +26

      It does in one of the novels when they free Batazed.

    • @scpguy1381
      @scpguy1381 7 месяцев назад +8

      I can only see it winning if it uses Quantum Torpedoes

    • @technologic21
      @technologic21 7 месяцев назад +10

      That would have been a tough battle. The Reman Scimitar used Jem'Hadar Dreadnought tech and nearly destroyed the E.

    • @danielsuarez3198
      @danielsuarez3198 7 месяцев назад +28

      ​@@technologic21Actually it was more that it could fire under cloak that did the most damage.

  • @maybetoby
    @maybetoby 5 месяцев назад +3

    Real world answer, it was a movie-exclusive at the time. In-story, Enterprises almost always sit out major conflicts because it's the flagship. And losing it would be a serious blow to morale.
    Still my favorite class of ship. Was happy to see so many in Picard season 2 and 3.

  • @timbert4672
    @timbert4672 7 месяцев назад +1

    Makes sense, such a conspicuous vessel on the front lines probably would come under focus fire a lot. There’s also the speed part you mentioned which could be why we did not see the Intrepid class on the front lines either, the fastest ships were used on deep space missions carrying VIP’s, diplomats, ambassadors and such, like we saw in the DS9 episode with Sloan and the Romulans. It is what I would do in a war situation like that, you want your most important on a well armed but fast ship which can get away if need be.

  • @crownprincesebastianjohano7069
    @crownprincesebastianjohano7069 7 месяцев назад +3

    I will add a few things from a historical and strategic point of view: 1) The relatively few numbers of the Sovereign Class is a valid reason to not employ them unless the Dominion revealed a new capital ship that the current line-up of Alliance capital ships couldn't handle. For the first part of the War this was the case. The Jem Hadar Battlecruiser was a formidable vessel, but nothing a Galaxy, Neghvar or D'Deridex couldn't handle. However, once the Jem Hadar Dreadnaught's existence was revealed, it could require the presence of the Sovereign. That said, so few Dreadnoughts, and Hutets, were built that again, deployment of the Sovereign wasn't necessary, especially since the Alliance already had a pronounced advantage in the number of capital ships thanks to the Romulan entry to the War.
    2) It is possible, and credible, to say that the Sovereigns were so advanced, and resource intensive, that they took too long to build and that ceasing to build them in numbers saved shipyard space for other useful, and faster to build, ships. This is the reasoning the Germans had in building small numbers of Tigers and Tiger IIs so they could build more Panzer IVs and StuG III-IVs. And due to the small numbers, Starfleet preferred to use them in Home Fleets.
    3) Beyond those reasons, it really doesn't actually make sense to keep them off the line. Sparing newest, best ships is something nations on the defense with smaller fleets do because they can't spare them tactically nor for reasons of prestige. The Japanese kept the Yamatos safe until they had no choice. The Germans kept Tirpitz safe because it was the last operational battleship they had left and it was valuable as a Fleet In Being. The Austro-Hungarians kept all their dreadnoughts in harbor because they were so outnumbered. Etc. *This is not the case for Starfleet.* Like the US and the UK, with their Iowas and King George Vs, the Sovereign should have been on the front-line because lost ships could easily be replaced.
    4) My Conclusion: I believe that all three of the above could be true. And I think that the Sovereign would have absolutely been deployed on the line if the Romulans had not entered the War, and bringing with them large numbers of capital ships. Without the Romulans, the Alliance Fleet has a large deficit of true capital ships thanks to the small numbers of Neghvar and Galaxy Class ships compared to the 100s of Jem Hadar battlecruisers. Entry of the Romulans flips this.

  • @Kirmz
    @Kirmz 7 месяцев назад +2

    In Eve Online there's a battleship that moves like a cruiser - a Machariel. When you properly know how to utilize it's strengths, you can take on 10 opponents and hold your own. Basically, it can out punch most everything, and out-fly anything that can outpunch it.

  • @seekertwo1
    @seekertwo1 7 месяцев назад +1

    Great video! Another consideration is that a Sovereign-class ship is powerful enough to defend itself and fast enough to outrun any ambush without the need for an escort. This frees up the escort ships for combat missions.

  • @3vilSuperman
    @3vilSuperman 7 месяцев назад +1

    I hate that the Internet "experts" labeled the Galaxy class as some kind of weakling. There's a reason that Galaxy class ships were in every battle of the Dominion War. They were very capable fighters when they was properly equipped for the role.

  • @Psych1_-
    @Psych1_- 6 месяцев назад

    To answer your question about "What do you do with Sovereign class ships?". I'd say they would be reserved for high risk, high reward targets. For example taking out a Dominion space station, ship yard, or a planetary assault. They would hang back, directing the assault, and if the opportunity presented itself, they would unload the big guns on the target. I'm also considering that they would be modified for a purely combat role which means a lot of their resources that are used for exploration would be removed, and replaced to suit it's role as a pure war ship.

  • @enterprise-h312
    @enterprise-h312 7 месяцев назад

    My biggest issue with the Sovereign-class is that over the course of several movies its specifications kept changing. This in turn means that the best explanation is that the flagship kept getting refitted. That is a perfectly valid answer yet it also means that everything feels like it is written to fit the plot and not make it feel like a "real" ship which the writers must take into account while writing combat scenes.

  • @toadofsteel
    @toadofsteel 7 месяцев назад

    My theory is that the Sovereign class and the Defiant class, both coming out of Starfleet's anti-Borg research, were designed as specialist ships, which Starfleet can't produce in great numbers quickly, which ties into the video's remarks that they'd be juicy targets. Indeed, the original Defiant, which was only on the front lines because Sisko wanted it as his command ship, got murked at Chin'Toka, and the Valiant was on a special mission, was effectively renegade from Starfleet Command, and also got taken out.
    The reason we see a crapton of Galaxies, Nebulas, Akiras, and even the older Mirandas and Excelsiors in the Dominion War is because those are the "generalist" builds put out by Starfleet. The Excelsior itself is basically Starfleet's B-52, able to be adapted to use weapons created a century after the class first rolled off the assembly lines (the Lakota, for example, was stated to have quantum torpedoes in its magazine, able to put up a good fight against the Defiant, and this was well before the outbreak of total war). Beta canon sources mention that the Akira's "pod" between its nacelles was repurposed to make the craft an escort carrier of sorts, while the Galaxy's immense hull size allowed the ship to transport thousands of ground troops (albeit with much more spartan accomodations than you see on the Ent-D) while still providing the backbone of Starfleet's firepower.
    In such a scenario, the only reason the Ent-E was even a Sovereign class to begin with was because the D got taken out at Veridian III. Had the D been around for the Dominion War, it may have done some logistical operations, but Starfleet rightly recognized Picard's prowess as a diplomat, which is why the E was doing diplomacy missions on the side. As for the military perspective, from what I can tell, the Sovvies were kept in reserve against a 3rd party (such as the Borg, or the Romulans before they entered the war on the Federation's side). When the Borg came in 2373, the Enterprise was left out all on her lonesome on the Romulan Neutral Zone, which Picard and all the senior staff recognize right away as a mistake from the brass that still mistrusted Picard because of Wolf 359, and end up violating their orders. The TNG relaunch novel "Ship of the Line" actually had Captain Bateson getting command of a Sovvie (and it being retitled Bozeman-A), the implication Starfleet DID commit at least one other Sovvie to the battle of Sector 001, though it wasn't seen on screen.

  • @terrencejones9817
    @terrencejones9817 7 месяцев назад

    I think the answer is that firstly there wasn't very many Sovereigns built by the time the war broke out. Secondly it makes more sense to build 2-3 Akiras to every Sovereign.
    Also I think the Sovereign had vastly more firepower than a Galaxy. It had Starbase grade phasers and double the Galaxies Torpedoes before the Quatunum launcher.
    Also to note. There was some great fan writing a few years ago that stated. The largest Fleet in starfleet never saw combat, until maybe the final push towards cardassia. In Cannon the Alpha Centuri system has the largest population of any in the Federation. The 1st fleet was stationed there. The Dominion never got there. It was the First fleet arriving at earth to relieve 3rd fleet that beat the breen back. The first fleet was massive and likely had a few Sovereigns.

  • @tophercaesar5375
    @tophercaesar5375 6 месяцев назад

    I personally think people underestimate how powerful the Galaxy war refit is. As you said they have pretty comparable firepower. The maneuverability aspect isn’t all that beneficial in a line battle. In a 1v1 then yes maneuvering is important, in a fleet battle fighting in your battleship squadron the extra speed isn’t that important the galaxy is well fast enough for fleet formation maneuvers. Further more the battleship wings are there to anchor a fleet, smash what it can and absorb fire…being hard to hit dosen’t helps absorb fire.
    When I consider the two, the galaxy class, in numbers, makes a far better battle line. Of course I mean when all the useless civilian crap is stripped off and converted to military modules. The galaxies made a good, relatively quick build and easily salvaged/maintained and are powerful in their own right. I doubt there is much difference between 3 galaxies stomping you vs 3 sovereigns stomping you.

  • @roguerifter9724
    @roguerifter9724 7 месяцев назад

    It kind of reminds me of the civil war arc in season 4 of Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda where despite the Andromeda Ascendant is only shown participating in one or two major engagements, one being the first engagement, despite being one of the most powerful ships in the setting. Mostly she was running from pursuers, intelligence gathering, or performing covert ops. I honestly think the Sovereigns were active in the war we just didn't see them because of the RL conflicts.

  • @invictus2578
    @invictus2578 7 месяцев назад +1

    Real world explanation is DS nine did not have the rights to the sovereign class. That’s why it wasn’t in any of the episodes.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  7 месяцев назад

      It's not that they didn't have the rights. It's more they didn't want to distract/confuse the audience.

  • @BronzeAgeBryon
    @BronzeAgeBryon 7 месяцев назад

    The easy answer is this was a Deep Space Nine series and NOT an Enterprise centric show. To play a trope they should have filmed a cutaway scene dispatching Picard to the Briar Patch (or where ever) and state that the Enterprise is only ship in interception range for "insert emergency here." We get a chuckle and some cheeky justification. Then sort it out in novel canon or something.

  • @Leto2ndAtreides
    @Leto2ndAtreides 7 месяцев назад

    I'd expect it to take a while for the Dominion to realize that a specific ship was more than a tactical weapon - it's also not sufficiently more powerful that it would especially deserve to be killed.
    And if you're going to sacrifice Jem'hadar, you may as well do more suicide runs on the regular galaxy class as well.
    (I also refuse to believe that the writers put very much thought into it)

  • @pathutchison7688
    @pathutchison7688 7 месяцев назад

    During the Dominion war, Starfleet should have been pumping out Defiant class ships. Def the most bang for your buck, low casualties if they are destroyed and they require the least materials to make.

  • @corvus8000
    @corvus8000 7 месяцев назад +1

    I have had this conversation sooooo many times with friends... if you *must* make a large capital ship available for diplomacy it made no sense to any of us to send a Sovereign over a Galaxy class.

  • @corbin_4738
    @corbin_4738 7 месяцев назад

    The Sovereign Class would have made an excellent flanking ship considering they're not in large number. Wait til the battle is engaged then attack from the side making swift hit and run attacks, and given how much damage it can deal, they would be devastating attacks.

  • @WhyteLis21
    @WhyteLis21 5 месяцев назад

    If the Dominion war was so important in the Star Trek lore, imagine the show runners and writers create multiple tv shows, movies connecting and focus on the war itself. Sort of like Marvel studio did with their MCU.
    I know some of the novels and Deep Space Nine show had more in depth for the Dominion war that I know of.
    It would've been a massive undertake from a creative side, though. Still, I would've love to see it. Lol.

  • @jackleg2007
    @jackleg2007 7 месяцев назад

    Good video. I thought it was like the IJN Yamamoto. Just kept away and waiting for the decisive battle.

  • @U5mR
    @U5mR 4 месяца назад

    Sovereign allowed the federation to fully engage the dominion. They were essentially single headedly securing entire sectors by themselves and where deployed as a "if you come for us now we are going to fuck you up" this is mentioned in various places including first contact. It's like you said, too early in the cycle for fleets and too high profile as a lead ship. If the dominion had invaded a few years later the war wouldn't have lasted even half as long because after the Borg attack Starfleet would have gone back to doubling down on the previously planned approach to the borg, sovies and the defiant fleets.

    • @Pedgo1986
      @Pedgo1986 4 месяца назад

      Well if federation was good in something it was put aside any defense or warship project the matter always become less pressing and then they are caught with pants down. For example the had defiant complete albeit with design flaw but completed and obviously that flaw was easily fixed when one engineer on DS9 managed do it. They should know better and had whole fleet constructed and in storage for time of need because if not dominion Borgs are still out there and could open trans warp conduit into alpha quadrant anytime. Same with Scimitar again federation get lucky but that ship could alone devastated whole sectors. I understand they want to be peacekeepers but who want peace prepare for war and that's the reality. End even if we remove all external enemies still is only matter of time when one of alpha quadrant powers start the war.

    • @U5mR
      @U5mR 4 месяца назад

      @@Pedgo1986 mate that’s what the federation are. The defiant programme wasn’t finished because they had survived the Borg and the sovvie was coming. Gotta remember the defiant was also a test bed for the sovereign and the defiant programme was also based on the fact that at the time swarming the Borg with smaller powerful ships was the better option because you couldn’t go toe to toe with a cube sovereign changed that and this is also seen with how well voyager manages for a light cruiser science vessel but with all the goodies that came out of the Borg programes like weapons and shields. Federation doesn’t want wars but if you start one you better end it quick.

  • @keithrees4755
    @keithrees4755 7 месяцев назад

    its a very well known established fact that most *NOT EVERYONE* startrek fans loves to deny that the length of the vessel dictates the weight class or weight role how ever you want to word it here is a small table of general rule of thumb for each weight class determined by length
    fighters 1m - 99m
    destroyers 100m - 199m
    super heavy destroyers 200m - 299m
    light cruisers 300m - 399m
    heavy cruisers 400m - 499m
    battle cruisers 500m - 599m
    battle ships 600m - 699m
    super heavy battle ships 700m - 999m
    light dreadnoughts 1000m - 2999m
    medium dreadnoughts 3000m - 5999m
    heavy dreadnoughts 6000m - 9999m
    super heavy dreadnoughts 10,000m - ?
    here is a sub category table with in each weight class bracket
    0m - 32m light
    33m - 65m medium
    66m - 99m heavy
    to give some examples romulan mogai class light battle ship / galaxy class medium battle ship / sovereign class heavy battle ship
    forgot to make mention how i base this table off of it would be in the 24th century

  • @razgriz545
    @razgriz545 7 месяцев назад

    In alpha cannon and even beta cannon. Federation and starfleet expassion has bugged me since learning economics. Starfleet has always given the impression it grows at a liner rate when the federation grows at a cubic rate.

  • @lukedogwalker
    @lukedogwalker 4 месяца назад

    I thought you would go with the logistics angle, but the Standard battleship doctrine is an interesting take...
    Logistics: for a marginal gain in individual combat effectiveness, the logistical burden might have been deemed too great, as it would mean supporting X number fewer other ships, and one Sovereign can only be in one place at a time.
    Standards: as the USN concluded in the early 20th Century, having vessels with similar performance characteristics operate together simplifies life and avoids wasting Gucci assets. For example, the Grand Fleet had the Queen Elizabeths bit these ships were faster than every other 21 knot battleship in the line, so they were sent to operate with the battlecruisers, but the BCs were still faster than the QEs, so even without Beatty's incompetence at Jutland, handling them effectively and getting value out of their superior performance was difficult.
    So Starfleet prefers a standard battle line.
    I don't think a Sovereign would be a "conspicuous target", however. The enemy would have to have the opportunity and leisure to target a Sovereign while ignoring everything else? Does the Dominion therefore ignore the Mirandas, Excelsiors, Akiras and Galaxys giving all these other ships a free day at the shooting range without suffering any return fire because nope! Today they are Sovereign hunting! It wouldn't work like that.

    • @Pedgo1986
      @Pedgo1986 4 месяца назад

      Personally i think it was more tactical move Dominion have numbers and used small ships wo overwhelm enemies so you need more smaller guns rather then one big one. Iam not completely convinced that Dominion would be obsessed with hunting lone Sovereign because individually it does not pose much more threat then old Galaxy. Also i must say that in that time and technology and computers and targeting the speed should be almost irrelevant attribute because yes there were evasive manoeuvre and weapons missed but realistically that should not happen and targeting should be perfect even today we have better targeting then in 24 century :D

    • @lukedogwalker
      @lukedogwalker 4 месяца назад

      @@Pedgo1986 sublight speed wouldn't be as important tactically, no. I was thinking about warp speeds. It's hard to move around a fleet whose vessels each have a different efficient cruise speed and maximum speed. Some ships will be running out of fuel earlier than others. Some will be stressing their engines to keep up while others will not be exploiting their speed advantage. And when in contact or moving to engage, five minutes at warp 9.3 verses 9.7 could mean your force arrives strung out and straggling, and the first ships to arrive might be focused down by the enemy fleet (which means all the enemy have time and leisure to target one or two of your ships and destroy them before the rest of your ships arrive).

    • @Pedgo1986
      @Pedgo1986 4 месяца назад

      @@lukedogwalker But SF is mixing all kind of ships. Obviously supply lines are not problem at least it was never mentioned, ships don't run out of fuel and for rest they have replicators. So comparing it with our naval fleet isn't accurate. Also if you need move whole fleet to active battle then you are already late the battles in ST are fast few hours top not days or weeks of planetary siege. So it more like old-school land battle with muskets you offer battle and armies meet on battlefield not chase each other. So im not sure if warp speed is that important.

  • @vaevictis6990
    @vaevictis6990 7 месяцев назад

    Sovereign was new and shiny. But if it's not massively better at the fight, all you do by fielding it is make it a target. Imagine the PR victory for the Dominion if they took out a Sovereign? If using it won't make a tactical impact, all you're doing is risking a PR and morale nightmare for no tactical gain

  • @Hierachy
    @Hierachy 7 месяцев назад

    would be great if you could do an analysis of the fleet composition seen in Picard season 3. whilst i think they state that its nearly the whole star-fleet, i which i doubt, i would consider it the 'Home fleet' to bed more likely.
    or even better yet the newer designs that were taken from sto would be great aswell!
    thanks for the vid!

  • @valandil988
    @valandil988 Месяц назад

    Its the Battleship Yamato syndrome. Powerful ship but too valuable to loose. The feds made the mistake in forgetting that best ships need to be cheap.

  • @tarn1135
    @tarn1135 7 месяцев назад

    The idea of the most advanced ship class hiding from combat is a joke. Just because we didn’t see it on screen in the few fleet actions in DS9 with Sisko doesn’t mean it wasn’t on other fronts of the war. I did a rewrite of ST:Insurrection were we saw a fleet action with the Big E and would’ve included DS9 and a plausible reason for Worf being there. Maybe I’ll post here or on my own channel (when I get around to making one, lol)

  • @peterq1978
    @peterq1978 7 месяцев назад

    so, you keep it at the back, about 10 mins warp away, so it can change the course of a battle, with less enemies to fight. it can be a game changer.

  • @toddfraser3353
    @toddfraser3353 7 месяцев назад

    The USS Enterprise, has been the Hero Ship. In SNW or was it Discovery? The 1701 was intentionally left out of the Klingon War, so if the war was lost there would still be a powerful ship with the Federation Flag, available and possibly as the last punch and hopefully a big enough one near the end of a war. The TOS era the 1701 explored the federation borders with enough power to deter most Riff Raff and put out fires before they become big. Like the Balance of Terror or Organia. The Enterprise C responded to a Klingon distress call to fight Romulans, which means they were doing a similar mission, while there is probably the Cardasasisn War going on. The Enterprise D too tended to play the Solo Hero Ship. Being ordered to delay the Borg while they build a fleet at Wolf359. The Enterprise E, was ordered to stay away from the Borg in First Contact, they say it was because Picard was a liability, but I think they realized how hopeless it was and needed a Hero Ship to save the day when the Borg has been weakend. The Flagship tends to ve either a Cannery for a long term issue (such as the destruction of the Odacy), a way to stop problems before they escalate, such as with the Romulans, or as the Powerhouse after the enemy has been warned down.

  • @KEVMAN7987
    @KEVMAN7987 7 месяцев назад

    With so few of them, you wouldn't be able to spread them out amongst the fleet. They would become too tempting targets for the Dominion if placed on the front lines, and losing any would be a morale blow to the alliance. Therefore, it would make sense to keep them all as part of the home fleets protecting the core worlds (Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, Tellar, Centauri).

  • @charleskinsley2590
    @charleskinsley2590 2 месяца назад

    This was a huge missed opportunity from the show runners. It would have been epic to have the enterprise in a late ds9 episode just like in the pilot ds9 episode

  • @Cauin450
    @Cauin450 7 месяцев назад

    @VenomGeekMedia. There is also the fact that Picard was one of their finest tacticians. Someone the Klingons, the Romulans, even the effling Borg respected. He should have had a fleet assigned to the Enterprise with him as Commodore-Captain.
    The Dominion would take one look at that battle wagon coming at them with Picard smiling in the centre seat and they would send over a Vorta to negotiate their leaving without having their ar*e handed to them!

  • @Momo-tc7sc
    @Momo-tc7sc 7 месяцев назад

    The Enterprise-E. Because you usually get farther with a kind word, 16 phaser arrays, and 9 torpedo launchers than with just a kind word.

  • @Intriguing1998
    @Intriguing1998 7 месяцев назад

    i also see the sovereign class as a fast trouble shooter. they may be at war but other stuff still happens.

  • @codedlogic
    @codedlogic 7 месяцев назад

    Why don’t they carry more torpedoes? These ships are bigger than an aircraft carrier. If you told me a Galaxy Class was carrying 50,000 torpedoes - I wouldn’t even blink an eye. They have the internal volume and the Federation definitely has the wealth. It doesn’t make sense they only carry a few dozen.

  • @thanniss
    @thanniss 7 месяцев назад

    The sovereigns were protecting earth and other primary targets in Star fleet. They were also for the borg they considered that a bigger.

  • @braddl9442
    @braddl9442 7 месяцев назад

    Its not uncommon that navies and armies keep their latest stuff away from the front lines in a war. Sometimes they dont want the PR loss of losing a new ship to conflict without fully knowing its full capabilities.

    • @braddl9442
      @braddl9442 7 месяцев назад

      yup you nail it in the second half very well.

  • @sbkeel5639
    @sbkeel5639 7 месяцев назад

    What benefits did gaining the diplomatic support of the whole Alpha Quadrant give the Federation towards the end of the Dominion War? Were they getting trade deals or even free relief supplies? It's not like the Tholians, Shelliak, Zencathi, or anyone else were actually fighting alongside the Federation Alliance with ships or personal to stop the Dominion from taking over so why focus so much on diplomacy? If you don't do a video on it then a short answer is fine but now I want to know what they gained thru diplomacy.

  • @Xpektahdeth
    @Xpektahdeth 7 месяцев назад

    As I understand it, starfleet thought that it was best to keep the federation flagship off the front lines because it's destruction at the hands of the jem Hadar would have served to be the single most demoralizing event of the war.

  • @kevsha6797
    @kevsha6797 7 месяцев назад

    If we are comparing to ww1/ww2 naval ships, then i feel like it's most more equivalent to the Iowa class. A fast battleship that was as heavily or more heavily armed than contemporary battle ships... more refined and iterated version of an existing concept rather than a revolution in design that the Dreadnought brought on.

  • @thehillbillygamer2183
    @thehillbillygamer2183 7 месяцев назад

    If I was Starfleet I would have stopped all production on Sovereign class and any other type of ships and focused it all on making as many different class ships as I could

    • @drewjohnson-85
      @drewjohnson-85 7 месяцев назад

      But historically that’s not what happens in wartime, you don’t just stop production of your heavy units, you continue to build them but you allocate resources according to the situation on the frontline at any given time, if States that stop building Capital ships while fighting against an enemy who has Capital ships they die it’s that simple, and for the purpose of this discussion Capital grade warships would be the modern term, that’s Battleships, Carriers, and Battlecruisers , so for the Federation-Klingon-Romulan alliance that would be the Galaxy, the Sovereign, the Vor'cha, Negh'Var, D'deridex, and the Valdore-type, that’s it they need more of these.

  • @jayb0g
    @jayb0g 7 месяцев назад

    Wouldn't alpha strikes be more important against the Borg? Borg adaptation means you never know if your next shot will have any effect.

  • @Kreachie
    @Kreachie 7 месяцев назад

    Nice, Although In beta canon the USS Destiny is also said to be a Sovereign aswell, would that mean there were 8 Sovereigns throughout the Dominion War if she was made a Sovereign in Canon?

  • @gabrielgabriel9779
    @gabrielgabriel9779 7 месяцев назад

    I guess they would install the defense systems next Tuesday.. after the war ended.

  • @mobeasley8577
    @mobeasley8577 7 месяцев назад

    This makes me wonder if there is a Dominion War chronicles novel?

  • @aurorajones8481
    @aurorajones8481 5 месяцев назад +1

    What is it good at? Well id argue SF should have used them in the D war. Pair them up with cloaked D'deredex wings to lure fat juicy targets coming in for a fat juicy strike only to get the tables turned with a few more ships than they had anticipated. Id burn em down w/ that tactic. I call it SelaPicard Alpha STRIKE! With a twist of Tomolock!

    • @aurorajones8481
      @aurorajones8481 5 месяцев назад +1

      Seriously tho, your logic is flawed.

  • @SuperSnakePlissken
    @SuperSnakePlissken 7 месяцев назад

    Enterprise E was in moff balls because of Deep Space Nine’s lack of budget by series 7.

  • @Lafiel-gc8fn
    @Lafiel-gc8fn 7 месяцев назад

    Wait what was the real reason E couldnt be in last seasons of DS9? They already had the model no? I heard it was something to do with rights split between cbs and paramount but i cant be sure

    • @mattb6369
      @mattb6369 7 месяцев назад

      It's hard to say how the rights issues were working. The movie First Contact was allowed to have the DS9 show's Defiant as long as it wasn't destroyed. Then DS9 (and eventually the Alpha Quadrant side of Starfleet on Voyager) got the First Contact uniforms.

  • @Analog_Mind47
    @Analog_Mind47 7 месяцев назад +119

    I would've preferred a film about crew of the Enterprise E liberating Betazed from Dominion occupation than what we got with Star Trek 9. It makes sense too since Betazed was within Federation lines so it's an intense battle space where the Sovereign class can test itself without all the dangers front line combat entails. Also it would be a great backdrop for a subplot about Riker & Troi getting back together instead of "they went to the planet that gave them puberty"

    • @0utc4st1985
      @0utc4st1985 7 месяцев назад +17

      There were better things that could have been done with all the TNG movies unfortunately.

    • @josephsearles1111
      @josephsearles1111 7 месяцев назад +3

      I totally agree.

    • @apotheases
      @apotheases 7 месяцев назад +18

      Star Trek Insurrection was such a waste of a TNG movie. Felt more like a 2 part TV episode than a cinematic adventure.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  7 месяцев назад +2

      I don't have insurrection like some but it could use improvements

    • @Titere05
      @Titere05 7 месяцев назад +6

      My one gripe with all TNG movies is that the ship seems to always be overpowered (as in easily overrun by threats, not that it seems too powerful) and underutilized. Maybe Generations could be an exception, barring the Klingon's lucky strike to the warp core

  • @ghfdt368
    @ghfdt368 7 месяцев назад +42

    This may be a unpopular opinion but I think what the Enterprise-E was doing around this time makes a lot of sense. Yes the Dominion war is going on and its a major war but that doesn't mean that there are not other issues that needed dealing with before, during or even at the near the end of the war that needed to be addressed and resolved. There was still smaller threats. issues, and powers the Federation had to keep its eye on such as the Tzenkethi for instance that had very cold relations with the Federation at the time. Makes sense to have the Enterprise-E handle many of these important tasks because 1.Using the flagship for diplomacy shows the might and firepower the Federation has at its arsenal and that even during wartime the Federation has the might to respond to a situation and flex its muscles when needed 2. It is a very capable ship able to handle many crises on its own without little to no support 3. It is fast enough to respond to a situation where and when it is needed 4. Like most Federation vessels its versatile and able to counduct science and research missions well enough if needed.

  • @occultatumquaestio5226
    @occultatumquaestio5226 7 месяцев назад +60

    An interstellar war is a very big field of strategic operation. Indeed, the main reason (in-universe) for the lack of Sovereigns was just that there wasn't yet enough of them at the time.
    Best to use them only at the most opportune moments, be that in shows of strength to other powers, or in tactical strikes.
    Though it would be cool to eventually see a conventional fleet battle consisting of a large number of Sovereigns.

    • @danscholl9972
      @danscholl9972 7 месяцев назад +10

      The Soverign was like a Queen in a game of chess: usually reserved, but can deliver lightning fast strikes, blowing-up grand strategies and plans.

    • @davfree9732
      @davfree9732 7 месяцев назад +5

      Not to mention the Sovereign was so new that she was pushed into active service during what should have been her shakedown cruise. A Starship on paper can have all the features but it takes a crew operating her for a year to get to know what kind of bugs need fixing and what needs to be re-engineered on the fly to get her into fighting shape.
      Case in point... The Galaxy class. Sure the D was taken out by one BOP, but the Odyssey was battered by Jem Hadar fighters and was still in good enough shape to commit to a fighting retreat... By the time of the fleets clashing, the Galaxy's had been fine tuned, parred down of what they didn't need and made to fight a war...
      ... That means no science bays, enough crew to man ships for combat and no more... No capability other than fighting. That's where the E came in. She was fully manned and staffed, possessed scientists and maintained her mission profile capability. A factory line galaxy for the war effort couldn't meet the variable mission profiles a fully stocked and manned ship could do.

    • @MrShadow-qz9xj
      @MrShadow-qz9xj 7 месяцев назад +2

      exactly why risk your biggest strongest new ship, not only that but the most likely high experienced crew that probably are manning those ships. It would take attacks of oppertunaty, but nothing that would risk the loose of ship and/or crew. The soverign is your ace in the whole, used in a last stand battle, or when you have the enemy on the back foot and you want a ship you know can push them back. Cause now it is the enemy that is beaten down many of their big guns have been taken out, and in comes the soverign class with its seasoned crews and big guns.

    • @The_Conspiracy_Analyst
      @The_Conspiracy_Analyst 7 месяцев назад +1

      yeah that's why the Defiant class was created

  • @ShannonCarter55
    @ShannonCarter55 7 месяцев назад +49

    My headcanon:
    Sovereigns were limited in numbers. Maybe only four or five being active -- Sovereign, Enterprise-E, Saratoga, Destiny and Musashi -- and were largely assigned to key planets like Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, Tellar and Alpha Centauri.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  7 месяцев назад +9

      Certainly when those worlds were under direct threat. But that's only during the early war.

    • @ShannonCarter55
      @ShannonCarter55 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@venomgeekmedia9886 I still headcanon that Enterprise was at Betazed and Earth (maybe at Ricktor Prime) and Destiny at Kalandra. Not sure what Sovereign, Musashi and Saratoga would be up to.

    • @corrinestenman5683
      @corrinestenman5683 7 месяцев назад +2

      ​@ShannonCarter55 pretty sure the Musashi was a flagship for some of those massive fleet actions, as it's mentioned at least occasionally in DS9.

    • @ShannonCarter55
      @ShannonCarter55 7 месяцев назад

      @@corrinestenman5683 which is why it's part of my headcanon stuff.

    • @gernblansten684
      @gernblansten684 7 месяцев назад +2

      You know, maybe you .have to. protect the core worlds with the best, otherwise the citizens get mad (and scared) “hey why does starfleet protect us with reactivated reserve pieces of trash?”. The Dominion might have been right to send the Breen to Earth. Instowed😊 fear in the core worlds, took pressure off the front.

  • @casbot71
    @casbot71 7 месяцев назад +40

    The Sovereign class with its combination of extremely high speed and 'enough' firepower, is ideal for plugging gaps in territory and patrolling against incursions.
    It's a fast response ship to cover enemy breakthroughs behind the lines.
    And with its speed, each individual ship can protect far more territory than other ships, freeing up those ships.
    You can have this sector covered by three Galaxy classes (and some Nebulas) or just one Sovereign, well three Galaxy classes are more useful in the slugging match that a front line _fleet battle_ will be.
    Meanwhile the Sovereign is far more suited to chasing down enemy raiders that get through.
    It can kill anything it can catch, and it can't be caught by anything that can kill it.
    It's what is used for example to intercept a Breen fleet making an attack on Earth.... what if it was a Sovereign (or two) that finally destroyed that fleet?
    It could move to intercept and with its speed advantage choose the best attack vector, not just _the only one available_ to a slower ship that manages to get in the path of the enemy ships.
    So it pulls in behind and does hit and run attacks on the enemy ships, whittling the enemy down as they redline it towards their target star system.
    And if they stop to stand and fight, well they've just lost the initiative inside enemy territory.
    The Sovereign was faster than any ship the Dominion had, that's a huge advantage that shouldn't be squandered by tying it to slower ships in a fleet.

    • @crewband1701
      @crewband1701 7 месяцев назад +7

      Finally someone that can think about more than 1 demetonly. Yes I know but that is what everyone is saying by putting all of these ships that could provide a small increase in ship firepower on the front line. They are much better at being used for other missions and specific tasks then as a heavy hitter for the duration of the war. It also allows them to build more of them and do it correctly then in a rush. Even with them not being on the front lines they are a threatening by the simple fact that they could be

    • @daveaglasgow
      @daveaglasgow 6 месяцев назад

      Wouldn't the jem hadar just ram it and destroy it as it would have been the most advanced ship which could do the most damage?

  • @crownprincesebastianjohano7069
    @crownprincesebastianjohano7069 7 месяцев назад +25

    [The real world explanation the E was away being general Rick Berman reasons]

    • @MrShadow-qz9xj
      @MrShadow-qz9xj 7 месяцев назад +3

      even the in universe reason makes sense as to why you don't see the soverign in dog fights as part of the fleet (as cool as it would have been). You have alot of technology, and in the cause of Enterprise E you're most seasoned crew, under the command of arguably the best diplomat in the fleet. Only an idiot would risk your biggest and best ship, with one of your most experienced crews, on dog fights.

    • @pakese30
      @pakese30 6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, he didn’t want the new movie series hero ship a TNG hero ship being seen regularly in DS9. Tho she did make an appearance in Voyager if only the wall in Trois cabin behind her while talking to Barclay as one of the movies was being filmed at the same time.

    • @andrewnlarsen
      @andrewnlarsen 4 месяца назад

      @@pakese30 and of course he like several others were not happy with the Dominion War plot considering that it would betray Roddenberry's ideas about the Federation (with Section 31 most certainly be the prime suspect).

    • @pakese30
      @pakese30 4 месяца назад

      @@andrewnlarsen personally I mostly enjoyed the dominion war storyline. While I’m sure Roddenberry was turning in his grave I think that the Federation once more being at war is entirely understandable. While within the Federation itself I complete understand that how he envisioned life could be easily as “perfect” as he envisioned (even though it made writing interesting and captivating stories much more arduous) this was an outside force and though we’d like for there to always be a diplomatic solution, war is always a possibility/probability. Section 31 though is probably one of the biggest slaps in the face to Roddenberry’s ideals though.

  • @angellight495
    @angellight495 7 месяцев назад +14

    My theory was the Sovereign Class was either conducting raids or defending key territories but Starfleet didn’t want to risk the Enterprise doing that. She was the flagship with a legendary crew. Losing her in battle, possibly with all hands, would have been a tremendous blow to Federation morale. So having the -E doing diplomatic missions would be considered a great show of strength but also great morale booster if the Federation announced a new member.

    • @lunatickoala
      @lunatickoala 7 месяцев назад +5

      There's precedent for that: Pike's Enterprise was kept out of the fighting when Starfleet was losing to the Klingons as badly as they were losing to the Dominion early in the war. Like the T-14 or Su-57, they're more valuable as morale boosting propaganda than as combatants.
      But there's another reason: as a brand new class significantly different from previous ones, tactics or doctrine hadn't yet been created for it. The crews of Enterprise and Sovereign probably spent at least a year characterizing the ship, testing its true capabilities, running combat simulations, and most importantly writing manuals and procedures on how to operate and maintain the ship.

    • @Burningrobes
      @Burningrobes 7 месяцев назад

      @@lunatickoala There's also precedence for your statement. In First Contact when the Enterprise is kept out of the battle with the Borg, before the crew were made aware of the real reason Geordie piped up by saying that the Enterprise had been in space for nearly a year and was ready for combat. So if that is to be assumed to be true for all ships then every sovereign class ship had a year of shakedown trials before being allowed to go into combat, so its probable that no sovereign class ship saw any action at all during the Dominion war.

    • @briancole2467
      @briancole2467 23 дня назад

      The Admiralty was probably concentrated on the Dominion War. Where Picard was one of their senior captains that had already been offered a promotion was taking care of the other diplomatic/skirmishes. Probably gave him a lot of freedom to make major decisions on behalf of the Federation. Probably more than usual.

  • @casbot71
    @casbot71 7 месяцев назад +85

    *Picard and Weyoun in negotiations with the Tamarians,* who are represented by the former first officer at El-Adrel
    *Weyoun* [in frustration]: What about Shaka's walls?
    *Picard* [to Weyoun]: The river Temarc in Winter.
    [Indicating Weyoun to the Tamarians] Kiazi's children, their faces wet.
    [Indicating Weyoun and the Tamarians]
    The beast at Tanagra.
    Uzani, his army with fists closed.
    *Tamarians* [to Weyoun]: Temba, at rest.
    *Picard:* Sokath, his eyes open.
    *Tamarians* [to Picard]: Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
    [They smile and both say in unison ] Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel.
    Weyoun wonders if he should just activate his suicide implant then and there.

    • @caribbeanpharoah9269
      @caribbeanpharoah9269 7 месяцев назад +1

      Nah, the Jem hadar would destroy them all. Bye bye Tamarians

    • @Vandelberger
      @Vandelberger 7 месяцев назад +1

      Lmao, this made me laugh more than and more.

    • @mbpaintballa
      @mbpaintballa 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@caribbeanpharoah9269 the Tamarians had equal firepower to the Enterprise. the Jem Hadar would need alot of ships for that.

    • @marckrieger3277
      @marckrieger3277 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@mbpaintballa Well they needed 3 Attack Ships to kill a Galaxy i would say the dominion has enough ships.

    • @merafirewing6591
      @merafirewing6591 7 месяцев назад

      @@mbpaintballa they're going to need more than a alot of ships.

  • @dajona7860
    @dajona7860 7 месяцев назад +9

    There is one more reason to hold the Sovereigns off the front lines, and that is as a strategic reserve force. The Federation had recently had a Borg cube get within striking range of Earth, and now most of the ships they would have used to fend off such an attack were busy on the front lines. A strike wing of Sovereigns would allow for a quick reaction force to counter another Borg attack or any kind of Dominion breakthrough force that might take a crack at the Federation core worlds. The Breen attack on Earth did remarkably little damage, considering the kind of destruction we have seen from orbital bombardments in Trek, and most of the Breen fleet was destroyed. My head-canon for that was they ran afoul of Spacedock and it went full DS9 on them (note that both Borg attacks on Earth approached the side of the planet Spacedock was *not* on, and the carnage Sol Station exacted in Picard S3), but a wing of Sovereigns would be a brutally effective means of breaking up an attack formation. We know from the Second Battle of Chintoka that four quantum torpedoes will rip a Breen cruiser in half, and each Sovereign can lob a volley of four torpedoes from its quantum launcher. Depending how quickly the launcher reloads, multiple Sovereigns would eat through a Breen formation very quickly, and that is just via that one weapon system, much less all their other anti-Borg grade armaments.

  • @crownprincesebastianjohano7069
    @crownprincesebastianjohano7069 7 месяцев назад +7

    I think the Sovereign would have absolutely been deployed on the front-line in the second half of the War had the Romulans not entered the War. The Federation-Klingon Fleets had a dearth of Capital Ships compared to the Dominion. The Dominion built 100s, if not a 1000, Jem Hadar battlecruisers whereas the Klingons only had a handful of Neghvars and the Federation a couple dozen Galaxy Class ships at best. Sure, the Feds-Klings had large numbers of heavy cruisers like the Vorcha and Nebula/Akiras, but none of those are 1-to-1 peers of the Battlecruiser, and their numbers off-set by the large numbers of Cardassian Galor Type IV Heavy Cruisers and Keldon IIIs. The Capital Ship imbalance was a problem and the grinding advance of the Dominion forces in Fall 2374 would have forced Starfleet to commit the Sovereigns. But, the script is flipped once the Romulans enter the War bringing with them 100s, if not over a 1000 D'Deridex Warbirds with them.

  • @technologic21
    @technologic21 7 месяцев назад +11

    There weren't enough Sovereign-class vessels around. Those that were around (like the E) were reserved for special assignments, like stopping the Borg from assimilating Earth in the past and obliterating the timeline.

    • @danscholl9972
      @danscholl9972 7 месяцев назад +4

      Yes. The Soverigns were very much like a Queen in chess... the most powerful peice, usually kept back, but could deliver fast, deadly attacks, crippling enemy formations & grand battle plans!

    • @roydowling2542
      @roydowling2542 7 месяцев назад +2

      Yet when the Borg incursion happened the Enterprise E was ordered to Neutral zone instead of Taking part in the battle.

  • @hmsverdun
    @hmsverdun 7 месяцев назад +10

    In tems of use I also think that a lot of it was that they were needed as part of the Home Fleet to protect Earth, Vulcan, Andor and Telar until more numbers were available. I think that works well with your Battle of Benzar piece where they are able to dispatch the Enterprise and a fair propartion of the fleet to work with the Romulans as the tide is turning. Although I wont discount Picard being sent to meet Tomalok as a diplomatic move to say we can still throw down even if you are our allies for now. Also helps explain how they are involved in the liberation of Betazed in the BEta canon.
    You said you thought of them as Dradnoughts I would say they are more like Queen Elizabeths if the Galaxies are Dreadnoughts then the Soeveigns are your apex of seapower true super dreadnoughts with bigger guns armour and speed(although they equally could be King George V's and the Queen Elizabeths Galaxies given the speed is higher and armour/shield better but not necessarily arnament just different . At Jutland as per your example Jellicoe isnt on a QE he is on the last generation of ships so that makes sense Good enough whilst the QE's are with the battlecruisers to back them up. I can see the Sovereigns doing that following up the attacks of a Parliament class wingif you have to use them move them around but not quite have them involved in the peak of a battle unless you have to commit them to get out of trouble or exploit a breakthrough whilst destroying anything fast enough to keep up with them.

  • @TheGameGetterKuzuri
    @TheGameGetterKuzuri 7 месяцев назад +5

    The Sovereign being a diplomatic ship makes sense (to me at least) because of its overall tactical power. A single ship sent on its own to talk or negotiate might be a problem if things go south, so the regenerative shields, sharp teeth and high mobility are excellent.

  • @dougc190
    @dougc190 7 месяцев назад +3

    I love the video. We all know the real reason why we never saw Sovereigns in Deep Space9. they didn't want TNG stuff in there anymore. Hell were lucky we got the Defiant in First Contact. In real life we should have seen everything in that war. As we all know the US Navy sent the newest battleships/carriers from Iowa's/Essex to the tired old girls like the Texas and Saratoga.

  • @apotheases
    @apotheases 7 месяцев назад +4

    Worf did say he preferred the weapon systems of the E more than the D.

  • @matthewbardos4424
    @matthewbardos4424 7 месяцев назад +9

    Interesting take. In my head cannon I thought maybe they were holding them back and hoarding them as a form of last ditch, strategic reserve if things got really desperate. I base this on 1) How we see the Enterprise used at the beginning of First Contact, patrolling the Neutral Zone even during a borg attack, 2) a reference made in “Strange New Worlds” (or was it one of the crossover Discovery Episodes?) about how the original Enterprise was deliberately kept out of the war with the Klingons because it represented “Starfleet’s best,” and 3) the fact that, despite having the energy dampeners, most of the Breen fleet that attacked Earth was somehow wiped out, maybe by Sovereigns being used to defend the capital, instead of the front line. It is a bit paradoxical to hold back your best, but we have seen similar naval strategies at times even in real life during the two world wars for example.

    • @scarling9367
      @scarling9367 7 месяцев назад +2

      Yes. I was stationed out in Guam and upon arrival they were not shy about describing the military presence on the island as a speed bump. As a result, Big Navy had 3 of its oldest boats out there (SSN 705, 711, & 713). It's pretty reasonable that even a future naval force would put older or more conventional forces on the front lines and use newer models in a more manner.

  • @josephsearles1111
    @josephsearles1111 7 месяцев назад +7

    In the season six premier episode of Deep Space 9 the Defiant bridge crew are discussing the Seventh fleet. I always assumed that the Enterprise E was the command ship of the Seventh fleet. That is if Picard could put up with an Admiral on board his ship.

    • @Tayace1
      @Tayace1 7 месяцев назад

      Picard is both a Fleet Commander and Captain of the flag ship. No Admiral is required if he is assigned to the fleet. This is why he was allowed to command the fleet blockade during the TNG Klingon Civil War. No Admiral needed to be assigned then either.

  • @joe9739
    @joe9739 7 месяцев назад +3

    What do you do with a Sovereign class? Slap the name 'Enterprise' on it, give it to Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and tell him to NOT let Deanna Troi drive.....

  • @ccoder4953
    @ccoder4953 7 месяцев назад +4

    Seems like one of the federation's big issues is they can't stick with one type for long periods of time. There's alot of benefits to having many ships of the same type, perhaps with incremental upgrades. After all, being able to setup an assembly line and build them mass production style has huge benefits for being able to get quality, quantity, and speed all at the same time since you can use jigs and setups you built from one to help build others. You can also justify building custom rigs and automation to speed production and you can use information learned from building one to build future copies. It also makes training so much easier when crew members can easily move from one ship to the other. That's how we do this in the real world. Places where you build everything bespoke, yeah, you have to make alot more tradeoffs. It's part of why we like mass manufacturing so much - we can get economies of scale.
    Now, the reason the federation has this issue is simply that nobody wants to see 50 of the same ship on screen at one time - it's just boring and looks copy pasted. But that's what they'd do in the real world. They'd periodically produce prototypes to address various concerns, then settle into building mass copies of the prototypes that worked well. Though one thing I've long wondered is why the Federation doesn't basically replicate the vast majority of their ships. We know they can replicate many engineering components and basic stuff like hulls and we know they have industrial replicators. Seems like they ought to be able to build replicators capable of building entire ships or at least large sections nearly fully fitted out. Once that's done, do some fit out with the few components that can't be replicated, maybe some final assembly, and they should be able to churn out ships incredibly fast. Especially if they focused their ship designs on being able to replicate as many components as possible.

    • @Kref3
      @Kref3 6 месяцев назад +1

      That‘s what they did for a century.
      The TOS Enterprise was already around 10 years old, when Kirk took command and served for another 20 or 30 years, before she was destroyed and replaced by the Enterprise A - formerly probably Yorktown. The Conny Enterprise era lasted another 10 years or so. During this period they also had the Miranda, which was a simplified Conny design and the Oberth, which really was only an Exploration ship without any further function.
      Two frontline ships.
      Then came the Excelsior class towards the end of the Conny production time. A highly successful design which remained in active service for over 100 years; they still were around during the Dominion war - see USS Lakota, a freshly upgraded Excelsior.
      About 40 years after the first Excelsior they also produced the Ambassador class; tougher, bigger, but not built in large numbers.
      And that‘s it untill TNG brings the new Galaxy. Just like they did with the former Miranda - the heavily modified, cheaper Conny design, the released the Nebula as a hevily modified, cheaper Galaxy.
      All this makes sense.
      Then enter the Borg and they develop ships with better fighting capabilities rather quickly. And they realize that their ships damage the space time warp subspace whatever, so they reduce speed to Warp 5 for them and have to develop new drive systems - enter Sovereign and Intrepid classes, which are better fighters and equipped with new drive systems.
      Also making sense.
      And then? Looking at Picard now every ship ever seen in the TNG era is an obsolete piece of junk, Star Fleet, that 40 years ago used ships for decades now replaces everything. The Enterprise E gone, the Enterprise F already so worn out that she has to decommission, a dozen new models. Why?

  • @Audioholics
    @Audioholics 7 месяцев назад

    The Soverign class has far more firepower than a Galaxy class. Type XII vs. Type X phasers, quantum torpedoes, regenitive shielding, and ablative armor.

  • @hobblestv1442
    @hobblestv1442 7 месяцев назад +3

    Another factor you didn't mention is probably the warp speed of the Sovereign. It and the Intrepid were both significantly faster than most of the ships we see in canon fleet engagements during the war. Fleets can't keep up with them, so I'm vetting they were used more away from the front lines because they were powerful ships alone, with the speed to disengage from anything they can't beat. If they had to travel with excelsiors and Miranda's they wouldn't be able to respond as fast or escape without leaving slower ships to die.

  • @barrybend7189
    @barrybend7189 7 месяцев назад +8

    At Earth as in STO we hear the Enterprise defend Earth from a Breen attack. We end up in the Dominion war due to time travel.

  • @AndrewByrne-d9j
    @AndrewByrne-d9j 7 месяцев назад +4

    It was kind of explored in Discovery too the Admiral said to Pike that the federation doctrine is to have their best and brightest and most advanced continuing Starfleets primary mission no matter the situation. A fast battleship is not a bad name for the sovereign I think too because of the armour it pushes it out of the battle cruiser segment which you would assume perhaps with the high manoeuvre ability😅

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  7 месяцев назад +4

      Although it's still silly there since the federation was literally about to fall. FASA has a little better explanation although still not great.

    • @AndrewByrne-d9j
      @AndrewByrne-d9j 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@venomgeekmedia9886 Yeah I see where your coming from. I think it was there way of thinking no matter if we lose the dream will survive as Guinan said even if there is only a handful of them they would survive. Even if it takes a millennium or two' and with the Dominions grand plan sadly the eradication of earths population would have been their first step to quell any rebellion. I doubt after the victory Dukat would have had the influence for himself or Cardasia he would have hoped for.

  • @TheRezro
    @TheRezro 7 месяцев назад +5

    Ok, so in my opinion Sovereign was a Command Cruiser. It was a ship specifically designed to command anti-Borg strike groups. So it was not strictly a battleship, as Federation was not exactly making those. But more a fast Battlecruiser. Which was not really meant to participate in direct combat, but still was capable to defend itself.
    During Dominion War Federation was doing mostly static defense and as such didn't need such ship, what was mostly doing patrols on the frontier, in case if something would show up. At the same time Galaxy was basically designed as mobile base. But due to they size they could and were turned into makeshift Battleships. What could be refitted and reused as regular Explorers after the war. Sovereign was though more specialized design. Intended for more specific tasks, then direct combat.

  • @KMCA779
    @KMCA779 7 месяцев назад +2

    There's historical precedent for keeping your best assets out of the war. Tons of it, it's actually rare to have your best ships on the front line.

  • @mr.e8566
    @mr.e8566 7 месяцев назад +2

    do remember in some novels, the Cardassians-Dominion put a bounty on the Enterprise-E, so I can see why many Sovereigns weren't in most of the battles

  • @sfs2040
    @sfs2040 7 месяцев назад +4

    I love the idea that the Sovereigns were kept back to defend the core worlds and only committed when the situation called for it. Unlike the Excelsior, Miranda, and to a lesser extent the Galaxy was available in more numbers and were better deployed on the front line.

  • @Knight121198
    @Knight121198 7 месяцев назад +4

    Don't remember where I read this but it was said one of the reasons for so few Sovereign class ships was because the warp nacelles were lined with Victrium, a hard to find and mine material that was used to either absorb, diffuse or contain the warp radiation that travel at warp creates which damages space.

  • @charlottegerken4477
    @charlottegerken4477 7 месяцев назад +2

    Smart video, like the analysis!

  • @thehillbillygamer2183
    @thehillbillygamer2183 Месяц назад +1

    I didn't have many sovereign classes the ones they had was going to defend the core of the Federation like the Earth Vulcan and Doria teller Prime that's where they were they were defending the founding worlds of the Federation they went orbit of these founding worlds

  • @followerofjulian1652
    @followerofjulian1652 7 месяцев назад +4

    Brilliant, especially your IR analysis. Thank you! 👍
    13:27 Reminds me of the Ambassador-Class Enterprise-C: "One more ship will make no difference in the here and now. But 22 years ago, one ship could have stopped this war before it started."

  • @saladinbob
    @saladinbob 7 месяцев назад +1

    You have this completely wrong because you're focusing on a ship's class but that's not how naval warfare works. What you should be focusing on is a ship's role and the Sovereign class, due to its limited numbers, is best deployed in a Command and Control role, i.e. the flagship of a fleet, using its advanced tactical systems to co-ordinate and augment the older classes.

  • @roho10011
    @roho10011 7 месяцев назад +1

    I normally find your logic very sound, but you are a bit shaky here.
    Militaries don’t build ships just to worry about losing them (unless employing only a fleet in being strategy). Ships are built to add their capabilities to the fleet’s and thus increase your overall strength.
    Now i could see that during the Doninion war diplomatic missions would require stronger ships to assure the mission could survive potential interception by the enemy (and without committing numerous ships to do so).
    In the end, we all know the reasons are almost entirely real world issues rather than in universe.

  • @charlesw6199
    @charlesw6199 7 месяцев назад +1

    Let's talk about where it REALLY was. They did not have the budget to bring the TNG crew into this. That is the real bottom line. There's no sufficient LORE excuse for this because it isn't real. It's fiction. That's the sane answer from someone who lives in the real universe and not in fantasy.

  • @Ruffy611
    @Ruffy611 7 месяцев назад +3

    Dont forget, the Sovereign Class is the answer to the Borg together with the Akira Class, also its still had the science capabilities and was used for diplomacy missions as well as protecting the Neutral Zone to keep it far away from problems until really needed, like you said the Sovereign would be attacked pretty quickly, also they had improved Phaser and the hull was designed to minimize the damage to the space time while going warp, thats mostly everything I could find out about it

  • @GodOfWar109
    @GodOfWar109 7 месяцев назад +1

    The Sovergien would be more like the Iowas than HMS Dreadnought.

  • @zetamk266
    @zetamk266 7 месяцев назад +1

    To me a sovereign class is a galaxy on steroids. Does all the same things but as an equal emphasis on battle as diplomacy

  • @deenchaumun8120
    @deenchaumun8120 7 месяцев назад +14

    The assumption that the Sovereign has minor firepower improvements over the Galaxy seems pretty wide of the mark to me.
    Most of info on these ships state type 12 phaser arrays compared to a Galaxy’s type 10’s. Also I remember reading something from the ship designer stating that the dual torp launchers on the engineering hull are burst fire. If so that’s an obscene amount of firepower.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  7 месяцев назад +2

      Trouble is they are constantly increasing the Mk of the phaser with no visual differences. If it is burst fire its linear since those tubes are only wide enough for one torpedo

    • @deenchaumun8120
      @deenchaumun8120 7 месяцев назад +4

      Sadly, in Picard S3 Ep 9 when Worf was explaining just how the weapons of the Sovereign were preferable/superior Troi shut him down. It is implied in this scene though that the weapons are notably superior@@venomgeekmedia9886 . Shame there is no Technical manual to refer to unlike the Galaxy class. Still have a dusty copy from 1991.

    • @jasonwestwood7092
      @jasonwestwood7092 7 месяцев назад +4

      The Enterprise E in Nemesis had 16 Type XII Phaser arrays and 5 single mounted 3 swing mounted Mk 95 torpedoe launchers and 1 Quantum torpedo Turrent 12 tubes each can fire 12 torpedoes at ounce.

  • @djjeeveslarue3499
    @djjeeveslarue3499 7 месяцев назад +1

    I liken a Sovereign Class to a Super Carrier, like The Gerald R Ford. Not many are in service. It also functions as a command and control ship which the Ford does

  • @Tayace1
    @Tayace1 7 месяцев назад +1

    Insurrection was just after the Dominion War. This is implied right in the movie. There is a scene where Riker and Troi are conducting research on the Son'a. Riker uses the past tense saying that the Son'a had sided with the Dominion during the war. Troi then replies asking why the Federation is doing business with the Son'a. The events of First Contact however took place during the Dominion War so the question remains where was the Enterprise and other Sovereign class ships during the war.

    • @Svevsky
      @Svevsky 3 месяца назад

      In first contact, its implied that the reason the E specifically is kept in reserve is because the admirality doesnt trust picard bc of his ptsd. So its not actually tactical reasoning but admirality being idiots, which is pretty realistic imo

  • @GenesisAria
    @GenesisAria 4 месяца назад +1

    The sentiment at the end about "we're advancing, we're evolving" with them being combative diplomatic ships and a show of technology is probably the most important point in this entire video.

  • @yellingaboutstartrek1532
    @yellingaboutstartrek1532 7 месяцев назад +1

    This is such a great breakdown! I’ve always wonder that, but never considered the issue of them being a target. Instant subscribe!

  • @Aleiza_49
    @Aleiza_49 2 часа назад

    Oh Klingons love the Sovereign Class, just ask Worf!!!! ❤😂

  • @jeremyfee
    @jeremyfee 7 месяцев назад +1

    It's great to hear your analysis of the ships, but the premise behind this video has never been an issue in my head canon because Sisko and his buddy Admiral Ross were the ones planning the Federation side of the war, and we all know Sisko hated Picard so it makes sense Sisko didn't want Picard around. It can be that simple.

    • @brentnakamura2488
      @brentnakamura2488 7 месяцев назад +1

      Hated Locutous of Borg. Of which Picard was a part of. Face of the enemy that killed the woman he loved, much of his crew. Marked the end/detour of a fast track command career, threatened the Federation he protected. A focus of a vengeance that manifested in Sisko's work on the Defiant design at Utopia Planitia, which was later refocused on the Dominion. Bringing that hated face into the fight could disrupt and distort that new focus. I doubt that it was ONLY Sisko who carried that pain. Picard's own report of "First" (self) or "Second"(including Locutous) first talk with Sisko could have advised Admiral Ross of this.

    • @sigiligus
      @sigiligus 6 месяцев назад

      Literally the first episode of DS9 is about Sisko learning to move on from the Borg incident. Including letting go of his unwarranted grudge against Picard.

  • @jeffery7281
    @jeffery7281 2 дня назад

    I would like to said the Sov is a "perfect battlecruiser" (stilll could be called fast battleship anyway). The fact that she's obviously smaller and more compact than Galaxy but longer than later always make me think of the Renown-Class - not the largest capital ship in terms of tonnages, but in the geometry, and also being the fastest capital ship overall.
    Sovereign is a perfect reflection of Royal Navy's battlecruiser in space - she looks like one, acts like one, and even named like one.

  • @brentbartley6838
    @brentbartley6838 7 месяцев назад +1

    Though IRL it comes down to the TNG cast being commited to the films and Paramount not having the money to have the Enterprise E and crew appear on DS9 during the war, also not wanting them to overshadow the DS9 cast and being too cheap to build and use Sovereign models on DS9 but in canon their absence from the war can be explained as the Federation not wanting to risk the loss of the Flagship and their most advanced ship. The blow to morale could be catastrophic. We see parallels IRL during WWII with Germany especially keeping Tirpitz anchored in Norway after the loss of Bismarck. And the lengths they went to trying to get Bismarck into the Atlantic safely, knowing the Royal Navy would throw everything at it. The Dominion would send waves of suicide attack ships at the Enterprise if they got the chance.

  • @gabrielalarcon5462
    @gabrielalarcon5462 7 месяцев назад +2

    Another quality video, always enjoyable

  • @The_Lucent_Archangel
    @The_Lucent_Archangel 7 месяцев назад

    Funny to say the Klingons would be keen on a Sovereign. If memory serves, the Klingon Captain in charge of Omega Force commands a Sovereign called the U.S.S. Houston in STO during some of the Task Force Operations going back years.

  • @shanehudson3995
    @shanehudson3995 7 месяцев назад +1

    I'd be more interested in how the bloody Dominion managed to make it out of the wormhole without being turned into debris.
    A good reason, that is.