Rock Layers and Fossils Prove a Worldwide Flood!

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 3,9 тыс.

  • @conduit68
    @conduit68 Год назад +9

    For a single cell organism to "evolve" into a multi- cell organism, then that organism into male and female is so ludicrous, it baffles the imagination on how no one talks about these massive facts.

    • @anthonyb27
      @anthonyb27 Год назад +5

      For that single cell to form itself in the first place is the real miracle.

    • @globalcoupledances
      @globalcoupledances Год назад +1

      Single cell to multi has been reconstructed. male-female is the biggest problem for creationists: 1 why did it survive 2 what is the essential new feature

    • @towrjon
      @towrjon 14 дней назад

      The real difficulty is that scientists use materials already here, and they cannot "create" any new creature. They can change things, but not create them. Only God is the Creator and the evidence is in His Creation. Praise His Holy Name!

  • @Stephan74
    @Stephan74 Год назад +4

    Everything you see is designed. Where did all the materials in the universe come from?

  • @dencollins7801
    @dencollins7801 Год назад +5

    Wouldn't there be a layer of Earth discovered that contained the remains of millions and millions of animals and humans, both extinct and modern, mingled together since they all died in the same event?

    • @letstacobout
      @letstacobout Год назад

      There are more videos that explain that

    • @freddiefreihofer7716
      @freddiefreihofer7716 5 месяцев назад

      @@letstacobout Really? Where?

    • @robertramsey653
      @robertramsey653 3 месяца назад

      There have been 3 to 4000 humans found from the flood, but you have to remember that humans are smarter than animals and would would avoid drowning a lot longer than they would. They would most likely end up drowned and fliating on the top of the water where they would decay and when the waters receded they would be pulled out into the ocean and be picked apart. Plus there was way way more animals than there was humans. There were probably billions of animals and less than a billion people. Do the math. Answers in Genesis has a lot of good videos on this and other subjects.

  • @moirarussell1950
    @moirarussell1950 Год назад +16

    I come back to this video once a year at least. Good for apologist witness and its just plain great! Thanks guys

  • @petervrabcak5597
    @petervrabcak5597 2 года назад +3

    I had to click on this just to say the word ”bunk”!

  • @nialllambert3194
    @nialllambert3194 2 года назад +12

    As long as ignorance and downright stupidity are bolted onto Bronze Age superstition we’ll always be held back in the quest for a good and useful and sustainable society.

    • @user-pf3zw5sl8o
      @user-pf3zw5sl8o 2 года назад +1

      Wait until Jesus come back. Then evolution will be bronze age.

    • @holysmokes3723
      @holysmokes3723 2 года назад +2

      Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful - Seneca

    • @dickersoncharlie4961
      @dickersoncharlie4961 10 месяцев назад

      Christianity is one of the base core values that shaped the world to what we have today, it always lead to the first scientists of modern science.
      Also there's evidence for God
      useing mathematics (it's one of the 4 branches of science) there is a good argument with evidence I can use to prove God exist. There are Physicist that have done math to show the likely hood of our universe happening "by chance" and they counted every variable for it. One stated that for life to come from nothing (which violates the biological law that life can only come from other life), nothing being molecules accidently arranged them selves to make the first DNA to mindless form into the first living cell is comparable to a tornado going into a scrap metal yard and building a passenger airplane by chance.
      The math showed there is a 10^40,000 in 1 Chance of that happening though natural process.
      To put that into perspective, if you could speak 32 Zeros in 6 seconds it would take you 4 hours to say that whole number. And it would take about 38 pieces of paper to write out the full number as well.
      I can't believe something that has that small of a number behind it.
      It would be illogical for me to believe that the universe "accidentally" was created from a huge unorganized explosion (Big bang theory, nothing created everything) made laws of physics that line up for life to exist in the first place. (Protons neutrons and electrons having the ability to even combine together to make Anything in the universe including life forms, and there's no logic or thought behind something so complect and complicated happended by a mere 10^40'000 in one chance.
      So by the creation of the universe it's self, and seeing how wonderful and good it was created, It would be more illogical to Believe nothing caused it. In a way, believing something like that is it own fairy tail. It's just more intellectual.

    • @robertramsey653
      @robertramsey653 3 месяца назад

      And even if Christianity weren't true, look at society when most were either Christian, or atleast respected it as opposed to now. Drug addiction is out of control, suicide is rampant, violence is off the charts, children born out of wedlock is sky high. Yeah this age of enlightenment from science has done wonders for us hasn't it. I wonder if people even know why they don't like Christianity or is it because they just heard someone else say they don't like it and they just follow instead of finding out for themselves. Only a fool doesn't find out about their eternity on their own.

  • @charlesdarwin5185
    @charlesdarwin5185 2 года назад +5

    Evolution is a process.
    Gods evolve according to the whims of society.
    Your God is still young but older that the Muslim God.
    He has a lot to learn. Just one of the 33 million out there.

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 2 года назад

      "Gods evolve according to the whims of society." In fact, there is no evidence for that.

    • @jayess9752
      @jayess9752 2 года назад

      @@jounisuninen really? Look a societies and look at their gods.

    • @shannadaul6438
      @shannadaul6438 2 года назад

      @@jounisuninen I'm guessing you're a Christian...have you ever thought of the evolution of your own Abrahamic God? With the Judaism to Catholicism to branching off into the many sects of Christianity and evolves with the different prophets speaking in their *time.* It's still evolving, just like language and culture.

    • @shannadaul6438
      @shannadaul6438 2 года назад

      @@jayess9752 I know. Just look at the development of the Greek Gods pantheon changing into the Roman Gods.....blatant.

  • @truthgiver8286
    @truthgiver8286 2 года назад +5

    The ghost of Christmas past proves there is a Santa Claus.

  • @lindseyspooler904
    @lindseyspooler904 Год назад +67

    I go to a Christian school and my science teacher showed us part of this video and I thought it was so interesting enough to get the link from him

    • @MrBugPop
      @MrBugPop Год назад +11

      Your “Science” teacher may be “slightly” biased if he/she showed you parts of this video as factual information. This speaker was more theologian than scientist as well.

    • @Flagrum3
      @Flagrum3 Год назад +8

      @@MrBugPop So it's not bias just to teach the secular assertion only? What a hypocrite.

    • @MrBugPop
      @MrBugPop Год назад +7

      @@Flagrum3 No you can believe what you want, but teaching something as science when it is religious mythology is a little sketchy wouldn’t you say? Science is not secular by the way. That is a weird way to describe the process.

    • @Flagrum3
      @Flagrum3 Год назад

      @@MrBugPop Really? Well what if I told you your secular evolution is also a religious mythology? Everything mentioned in this video can be backed with science. Problem is you have been indoctrinated so bad you won't even investigate any opposition to your precious evolutionary stories. And yes science is run by secularists right now, the establishment I mean, who give grants and dismiss those who will speak against their dogma.

    • @MrBugPop
      @MrBugPop Год назад +1

      @@Flagrum3 🤣🤣

  • @ostelo84
    @ostelo84 2 года назад +6

    Just a note. Put a high-pass filter on his microphone at about 230hz with an 18db roll-off. It will make him far easier to understand.

    • @eldjr1104
      @eldjr1104 Год назад

      Yep. Better to cut than boost.👍

    • @jimcricket1
      @jimcricket1 6 месяцев назад

      Why at the mic? Doesn't the sound board have crossover frequency adjustments?

  • @jmrstrong
    @jmrstrong Год назад +8

    Today there are an estimated 6.5 million species (or kind) of animals. If 8,000 kind of animals were on the ark that would mean that over 800 new species (kind) of animals would have appeared each and every day from the time of the flood until now. Help me understand this.

    • @jr8260
      @jr8260 Год назад +6

      It can't be understood because it doesn't make any sense.

    • @dickersoncharlie4961
      @dickersoncharlie4961 10 месяцев назад +6

      Your talking about every species on earth, like insects, bacteria, fish Viruses... Ect. The ark is only land animals. So your 6.5 million species number is wrong and does not make since to use, leading to it making no since

    • @dickersoncharlie4961
      @dickersoncharlie4961 10 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@jr8260he used 6.5 million different kinds including insects, viruses, bacteria, fish... Ect. Because he used the wrong measurement here his comment made no since interpreting the ark

    • @skueky
      @skueky 9 месяцев назад +4

      I hope this helps…
      There are roughly 8.7 million species of life in the world. The ocean alone contains an estimated 2.2 million of that, and this is just in Ocean plants and animals. This doesn't count for bacteria species that live in the Ocean and on land.
      The ocean’s species count during the flood, except for the animals who did not survive because of the extreme conditions, was largely untouched. So, a lot of the big number of species you see were in the ocean, which did not come from the original roughly 8,000 on the ark. The 8.7 million is reduced.
      Bacteria, viruses, and other microbes make up a whole lot of that 8.7 million also, and since there are trillions of microbes living in the gut of a single animal, we know that lots of microbes survived the flood.
      Plants are also a huge amount too, so they subtract more from the 8.7.
      After all the subtraction, we are left with the number 2 million for species of land animals. Only 2 million compared the 8.7 million. And it's actually thought of to be just a little less than 2 million.
      Insects take up a lot of that 2 million, and since they reproduce at rapid rates, they speciate quicker.
      The other land animals have adapted to their varying environments which creates more species. God created animals with the ability to adapt and change to different environments, anticipating the sin of man and the following curse in creation. This is why we see so much diversity in animals, microbes, and even plants.

    • @kirkpatrick7475
      @kirkpatrick7475 9 месяцев назад +3

      Who said only 8,000 kind were on the ark ?
      How is it even possible that one living organsim with a known set of DNA can produce 6.2 million different living organisms, many with DNA that aren't even close to each other, which of the two is more plausible ?

  • @dencollins7801
    @dencollins7801 Год назад +3

    Wouldn't there be a layer of Earth discovered that contained the remains of millions and millions of animals and humans, (both extincted and modern), mingled together since they all died in the same event?

    • @dencollins7801
      @dencollins7801 Год назад

      I mean both extinct and modern.

    • @skueky
      @skueky 9 месяцев назад

      @@dencollins7801trilobites still exist today and we see them in the fossil record. There are plenty of animals that we still have, like squids and crustaceans who are also found in the rock layers.

    • @skueky
      @skueky 9 месяцев назад +1

      The lower layers, like the crustaceans on the bottom of the ocean, were covered by sediment first. Then came along the upper layers with land-dwelling animals who were covered in different sediments.

    • @freddiefreihofer7716
      @freddiefreihofer7716 5 месяцев назад

      @@skueky How about some fossils of dogs, cats, lions, sheep, goats, ducks, crows, sparrows, robins, cows, and horses?

  • @jetskiwillywilly7970
    @jetskiwillywilly7970 2 года назад +3

    How can a flood cover the whole earth if there is a finite amount of water?

    • @jetskiwillywilly7970
      @jetskiwillywilly7970 2 года назад

      @Joe dirty71 Someone told me to create Human by the same chance of a foot ball stadium filled with penny's dropped from a helicopter and all land on heads.

    • @jetskiwillywilly7970
      @jetskiwillywilly7970 2 года назад

      @Joe dirty71 can water cover the earth? who knows. But the amount of things that have to happen to design/make..end up with a human......there may be less stars in the sky than things that have to go right to create life. And I think that penny actually only to build the human eye, not even a whole person.

    • @jetskiwillywilly7970
      @jetskiwillywilly7970 2 года назад

      @Joe dirty71 lol I bet you didn't even watch the whole video. I may be picking the wrong animal...but humans have the same vertebrae as a whale...did we evolve from whales? Or did whales come from us? lol theres no half whale half human...theres no mid transition fossil. If whale bones /fossil can get to the top of andies mountain....we can flood a mountain...but somehow we can't flood the whole earth? Im probably think theres multiple

    • @justinyounger4936
      @justinyounger4936 2 часа назад +1

      The water is trapped under earths mantle. Could be three times as much as all the oceans on earth.

  • @davidgardner863
    @davidgardner863 2 года назад +3

    Oops. Looks like someone forgot to turn off the comments switch.

    • @jameshale6401
      @jameshale6401 9 месяцев назад

      Yous really believe in alot of purpose considering you preach chance and natural detection

  • @m6een224
    @m6een224 Год назад +2

    What about dinosaur fossils which had soft tissue blood and cells in them proving that they couldn't have been millions n millions of years old? And they found lots of them and no they were not found in areas conducive for preservation

    • @Jewonastick
      @Jewonastick Год назад

      What happens is that agnotological campaigns purposely misrepresented the findings in a way that would fool the science-challenged.
      In this case, the term “soft tissue” in real life, refers to tissues that are not bone.
      Your liver, or marrow, or brain, or tendon, etc… are soft tissue.
      Misinformation sources, pretend that it meant the tissues found were STILL SOFT, as in, like meat you could chew, etc… instead of what the real articles and papers referenced.
      In the case of the recent Misinformation examples, the parts in question were rock hard, and preserved due to the involved chemistry.
      That made it possible to resolibulize the crystals, etc, and analyze the remaining proteins, etc.
      So, yes, some ancient remains from around 66 or so million years ago or more, were able to be analyzed in this way.
      No, there was no soft flesh, etc, involved, and no rational thought about why it was still soft and moist after millions of years… as it was as hard as a rock and luckily preserved in that state.
      You should ALWAYS ask yourself the following;
      If such a find would really turn the entire scientific world upside down .... Why didn't it?
      Science isn'one big conspiracy as it's open for anyone who wants to be a part of it.

    • @m6een224
      @m6een224 Год назад +1

      It was elastic you can see it being stretched under the microscope there's blood the samples had cells still on it there's no misinformation about it bro

    • @freddiefreihofer7716
      @freddiefreihofer7716 5 месяцев назад

      Tissues preserved in clay last a long time.

  • @michaelbarger3665
    @michaelbarger3665 2 года назад +8

    the dinosaur deception is much bigger than people realize

    • @flysoup3607
      @flysoup3607 Год назад

      Are you willing to talk to me about it?

    • @michaelbarger3665
      @michaelbarger3665 Год назад

      @@flysoup3607 one verse disproves the entire dinosaur theory. God told Noah to bring 2 of EACH KIND onto the ark. when you see every living animal that made in onto the ark still alive today besides "the most ferocious beast to walk the earth", then you have a problem.

    • @markford4127
      @markford4127 Год назад +1

      Says a grown man who plays fantasy video games 😊 nice one Einstein

    • @michaelbarger3665
      @michaelbarger3665 Год назад +2

      @@markford4127 Pro 14:6 A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it, But knowledge is easy to him who understands.
      Pro 24:9 The devising of foolishness is sin, And the scoffer is an abomination to men.
      making fun of people you’ve never met does no good. I live for Christ, not the things of this world.

    • @MrBugPop
      @MrBugPop Год назад +1

      The deception is Ken Hamms invention. He has them on his Ark roadside attraction and some how believes they boarded two by two along with the rest of the animals prior to the “flood” 🤣🤣

  • @thomasdillon7761
    @thomasdillon7761 2 года назад +3

    The dog as we know it today is the results of human husbandry in the breeding process

    • @johnc.8298
      @johnc.8298 2 года назад

      Mostly a result of the British Kennel Club during the past 300 years. All the dogs of today trace back to an archetypical wolf of some kind.

  • @barbaracarol485
    @barbaracarol485 2 года назад +20

    NASA scientist Walter Brown did a documentary on the flood years ago. He said the Earth was one solid land mass and when it broke into the 7 continents there was definitely a global flood. He also said the Grand Canyon was carved in a matter of weeks.

    • @unkelfukkenskot7447
      @unkelfukkenskot7447 2 года назад +2


    • @spamm0145
      @spamm0145 2 года назад

      NASA are only qualified to pump out cartoons and entertain people who love CGI

    • @denvan3143
      @denvan3143 2 года назад +1

      As a consequence of the floods caused by the eruption of Mount Saint Helens a solid rock canyon was carved in less than a year. Geologist at the time said we would have assumed it took hundreds if not thousands of years for this rock can you do for him if we didn’t have eyewitnesses to the contrary. This indeed calls the idea of the Grand Canyon checking eons to form into question. But the sheep of evolution don’t ask questions.

    • @denvan3143
      @denvan3143 2 года назад

      @@unkelfukkenskot7447 your response is appropriate: in articulate and without reasoning. You have added nothing to the conversation.

    • @unkelfukkenskot7447
      @unkelfukkenskot7447 2 года назад +3

      @@denvan3143 I wasn't trying to add anything to the conversation. I just wanted a reaction. Thank you.

  • @MagnumOpus333
    @MagnumOpus333 2 года назад +9

    Evolution theory led to turning away from God, Turning away from God led to having no morals, no morals will lead to death and destruction. I choose to follow God and his teachings, I choose everlasting life.

    • @jacobbetzer5147
      @jacobbetzer5147 2 года назад

      Lol yeah that’s what broke the camel’s back

    • @knowme4iam326
      @knowme4iam326 2 года назад +4

      Are you nutz....Turning away from whose God? . Krishna? Zeus?.. Mohammed?....PS Catholics....Protestants, Anglican...Baptist?....Whose right? ...Jewish people are the chosen ones....Right?.....When was this country moral by biblical reasoning?....Are you a Calvinist?...

    • @icewytevo
      @icewytevo 2 года назад +5

      Calm down mate there are alot of beautiful people in this world with good morals who don't believe in your god...

    • @blakey9089
      @blakey9089 2 года назад +2

      Your God or your teachings are an absorption of various older cultures, mythologies and religions congregated into one book.
      You talk about morals yet early Christians treated their women like trash and it wasn't until they absorbed teachings from other parts of the world they started to give them some respect and equality. Hell half the pagan cultures the Christians destroyed and wiped from history worshipped Women (in some cases only their women) due to the fact that as in nature it's the women birthing life.
      It's rather ironic that y'all are on here trying to cry about how science and evolution is taking people away from God or trying to erase the teachings when both Christian and catholic based religions built their religion on doing just that to earlier religions and once again ironically that led to humanity straying from old teachings that worshipped the natural world to a christian/catholic industrial nature killing and war mongering society for centuries afterwards.
      Although this isn't isolated as Islam did the same dirties as did many African and Asian based religions.
      All took part in mass scale "cleansings" to try avoid any one questioning their religious origins.
      People tend to have forgotten large parts of religious teachings and texts are metaphorically based but would rather take those metaphors and pretend they are real life events and facts.
      Although extremely imaginative the old norse creation myths have parts that make more sense than the Christian creator tales due to them being more based around the universe and the planet in which adds up with modern science, doesn't mean you believe the whole damned thing.
      The churches and your faith in particular can't really preach morals to anyone without being hypocrites, even in the modern day many of you don't want women to have a choice of abortion when one of your priests rapes a 12 year old or one of you Christian based cults kidnaps and forces young women to live a life of spewing out babies for someone in forced circumstances. All whilst throughout history your priests and religious leaders literally beat unborn children in the womb because they were "unholy" or some crap similar.
      Massive organisation of hypocrites.
      You can follow the faith and be a good person but don't sit their and say it's the ones not following your religion responsible for the wrong doings in the world when your faith is directly linked to terrible treatment and poor and lack of morals in many aspects..

    • @jacobbetzer5147
      @jacobbetzer5147 2 года назад +1

      Who the hell has the time to read any of that ^

  • @paul8093
    @paul8093 2 года назад +7

    Evil I see is irritated on this video
    Guess Evil don't like The Light shining on their lies
    Good video ty for sharing

    • @frankd2392
      @frankd2392 2 года назад +1

      More like taking us back to the dark ages before the enlightenment.

    • @MrBugPop
      @MrBugPop Год назад


    • @andrewsandeen8109
      @andrewsandeen8109 Год назад

      First, let's look at what evening and morning are not. They are not actual evening and mornings, as this requires a sunrise and sunset. According to young earth theory, the Sun was not created until Day Four, thus there could be no sunrise or sunset for the first three days of creation. However, God uses the terms evening and morning for those first three days. Therefore, they cannot be actual evenings and mornings. We are left with only one option. The words for Evening and Morning can only represent the beginning and ending of the creative period, and not actual sunrise and sunsets. Scripture itself sets this pattern for us.

  • @adelinomorte7421
    @adelinomorte7421 10 месяцев назад +2


  • @amark350
    @amark350 2 года назад +4

    So there’s a big conspiracy among scientists to pretend the earth is older than it really is?

    • @ForumLight
      @ForumLight 2 года назад

      If any scientists dares question any aspect of common descent evolution as being wrong, including the age of things, their reputation is smeared, their funding attacked, and sometimes they are even fired. That's the behavior of cultists, not scientists. That's fact, not a conspiracy. I would search on it.

    • @amark350
      @amark350 2 года назад

      @@ForumLight I actually agree with you regarding how they treat the topic of evolution (evolution dealing with life) .... it is VERY "cult-like".
      However, when it comes to the age of the Earth, that is a different story. People believe the Earth is old because there is real evidence for this.
      In any case, it's only small groups of "fundamentalist Christians" that believe the Earth is only 6000-10,000 years old. Most Christians are fine with the Earth being old... most are fine with the Big Bang theory (seems in line with Scripture anyway).

    • @ForumLight
      @ForumLight 2 года назад

      @@amark350 Their "dating" methods of various kinds have been exposed to be an outright farce. Fossils 'dated' up to 100 MILLION years old are now more often being exposed as having the remains of soft tissue and red blood cells on them, which proves they can only be in the thousands of years old.
      Rocks created under 100 years ago were sent to secular labs to be 'dated' as to when it was created - they come back with 'dates' up to a MILLION years old.
      It shows their 'dates' are not just wrong, but an absolute farce.

    • @ForumLight
      @ForumLight 2 года назад

      ​@@amark350 Here's more proof the Earth cannot possibly be as old as evolutionists need it to be.
      #1 Very Little Sediment on the Seafloor
      #2 Bent Rock Layers
      #3 Soft Tissue in Fossils
      #4 Faint Sun Paradox
      #5 Rapidly Decaying Magnetic Field
      #6 Helium in Radioactive Rocks
      #7 Carbon-14 in Fossils, Coal, and Diamonds
      #8 Short-Lived Comets
      #9 Very Little Salt in the Sea
      #10 DNA in “Ancient” Bacteria
      1) Net gain of 19 billion tons of sediment per year. At this rate, 1,300 feet of sediment would only need a few million years, not billions of years.
      2) Rock doesn't bend, it cracks and breaks. Yet rock layers of the same thickness, thousands of feet thick, that evolutionists claim each layer took millions of years to be deposited are BENT, not cracked or broken.
      3) It's scientific fact that red blood cells cannot survive more than a few thousand years. Yet they find them in bones mistakenly claimed to be up to a hundred million years old, proving those bones are merely thousands of years old.
      4) The sun is getting hotter, meaning it was much cooler in the past, too cool at the ages evolutionists claim for life to have been possible on earth.
      5) The strength of the magnetic field has been decaying overall - the earliest records are only 1820's or so. As some put it "Such a rapid decay could not have been going on continuously for millions of years, because the field would have to have been impossibly strong in the past in order for it to still exist today." This alone puts the age of the earth at best to be 20,000 years.
      6) Helium defuses so rapidly there would be no helium after, at most, 100,000 years, more so in hot areas where it defuses even faster. The deepest and therefore the hottest zircons (387 degrees F) contained far more helium than expected. All measurements are in agreement that all the helium should have leaked out long before now in the claimed age of the universe.
      7) The Earth was not supposedly formed when the imagined big bang happened. After a few hundred thousands of years, with a half life of 5,730 years, there should be none left, yet it’s found in abundance in “ancient” fossils.
      8) Comets burn up merely being anywhere near a sun, not just entering in an atmosphere. Scientists know comets cannot last millions of years, so they invent “oort clouds” as one “rescue device” where these imagined clouds make new comets.
      9) Again an imagined “the land became sea and vice versa” as a rescue-device, realizing the salt accumulation in the oceans would mean we could now walk across the oceans because the salt would be so thick.
      10) DNA breaks down quickly even in ideal conditions. Even evolutionists agree it should not last more than a million years. Yet we find it in bacteria dated at 250 MILLION years. (A false dating of at LEAST 250 times the true date).
      What’s so interesting is every single time evidence refutes evolutionists beliefs about the age of the universe, they make it clear they have no intentions of ever abandoning their made up claims of the age of the universe as proven by them never even being willing to consider if they are wrong, but instead assume the evidence must be wrong and hence they fabricate rescue devices over and over and over again.

    • @amark350
      @amark350 2 года назад

      @@ForumLight : Your response reminds me of a friend of mine that tried so hard to convince me that 911 was "an inside job"... he would go point by point and state tons of facts from "supposed experts". But nothing he said came close to changing my mind. Why? Because I did not believe the premise i.e. (George Bush and friends attacked America for whatever reason).
      The same is true for any conspiracy theory ... think of talking to a person that believes in UFOs... they will send you all sorts of "evidence"... but in the end, if you reject the premise (space people are flying around Earth and crashing their ships), then the evidence means very little.
      With the age of the Earth, the VAST majority of scientists believe the Earth is old... and every point you made can be rebutted and explained by real experts. Historians, archeologists, physicists, cosmologists, etc. nearly ALL unanimously agree that the Earth is old. These are the people that study these things and their opinion has more baring on me than a very small group of fundamentalist's Christians that are trying desperately to paint a picture of Young Earth (based off a literal interpretation of the Bible).
      You do realize that the majority of Christian denominations do NOT teach young earth (or at least leave it open to interpretation).
      In short, I would tell you the same thing that I would tell a "flat earther" ... - wake up and smell the coffee and stop trying to prove something that has already been settled by the people that study it.
      All that said, I do keep an open mind... but it would take a consensus vote from the scientific community to change my mind on this one. Not point by point facts from a fundamentalists.

  • @ryanreedgibson
    @ryanreedgibson 2 года назад +6

    What a far stretch with no scientific base. Keep your faith, but please keep science out of it.

    • @markcongleton9533
      @markcongleton9533 2 года назад +2

      keep faith out of is worthless

    • @ryanreedgibson
      @ryanreedgibson 2 года назад

      @@markcongleton9533 We all know that. But I was trying to be nice.

    • @ojaiallen8004
      @ojaiallen8004 2 года назад

      Observational science vs historical science. Evolution is a belief about the past which is not supported by observational science. If there was a global, year-long catastrophic flood then what observational scientific evidence would we expect to find? The very same observational scientific evidence we find. Rapidly buried and preserved fossils in water-deposited layers of rocks (sedimentary rocks).

  • @kenfarmer3266
    @kenfarmer3266 2 года назад +2

    I don't understand why so many are so adamant about saying they don't believe in God, that sin doesn't exist and there is no accountability, I guess if they think that way then they can do anythineg they want with no consequences,but also no hope for life after death. What it seems to me is those who scream the loudest are deep in sin and are to lazy to repent and therefore spiritually dead so there really isn't much hope for them

    • @ForumLight
      @ForumLight 2 года назад +2

      Their conscience knows, and as God says they'll try to suppress the truth. Those who claim not to believe in God but spend hours a day attacking believe in God clearly do know He exists and are just trying to suppress the truth.
      *"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold [suppress] the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,"*
      Romans 1:18-22

    • @ForumLight
      @ForumLight 2 года назад +1

      @Flust Hello. God's standard is far above our standard of "good". You might be the best person in the world, but have broken God's laws, hence we're guilty.
      Have you ever lied? Stolen (no matter how small)? Hated (Jesus says we're then guilty of murder in the heart)? Lusted? (Jesus says we're then committed adultery in the heart). Coveted what others have? Not honored your parents at some points? Used God's name in vain? Commit idolatry (having other things first over God)? And there's more.
      *"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."*
      Romans 6:23
      *"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"*
      Romans 3:23
      The law's purpose is to help us realize we're sinners and draw us to Christ.
      *"Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster."*
      Galatians 3:24-25
      So God / Jesus Christ offers the free gift of "DONE". As in it is DONE by what He did on the cross for us - Jesus Christ living a perfect life, then willing (and knowingly) going to the cross taking the punishment for our sins and if we trust in his finished work to be saved, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, we are born again by the Holy Spirit of God. How do we know if we're sincerely believing, instead of just saying it because we were told saying it saves us: by an obvious to us change of mind about sin: we now desire to get closer to God / Jesus Christ, to turn to him away from sin (and that life change is called repentance in the Bible).
      And just like our own kids will not be 100% perfect, neither will we for the rest of our lives. But just like we chastize our own kids because they're now our kides and we're guiding them to learn the right ways of living, so God / Jesus Christ will chastize us.
      *"For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?"*
      Hebrews 12:6-7
      We confess and continue with what is now a relationship with God / Jesus Christ.
      The world has countless versions of the "DO" religions: as in "DO this or that and you (might) be right before God". But God's truth is "DONE" and He seeks a relationship with us.
      It's like the prodigal son who finally had that change of mind and returned to his father, which simultaneously was about him turning away from all the fleshly things he wanted.
      *"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it."*
      Acts 2:21-24
      *"Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved."*
      Luke 8:11-12
      It's between each person and God. I pray this is a blessing to you!

  • @Edeskenney
    @Edeskenney 2 года назад +10

    I had a flood in my basement and had many lines on the walls and strange things growing in the water that looked like fish with legs.

    • @Mr.Robert1
      @Mr.Robert1 Год назад +1

      Life! From the simplest form. Water or just moisture with bacteria growing mold mildew and God knows what else. Depending on the size and if you had a picture of it that I could enlarge I would tell you exactly what it was how you familiar with water bears? Look it up on the internet.

    • @miscamisca6775
      @miscamisca6775 Год назад

      " I had a flood in my basement and had many lines on the walls and strange things growing in the water that looked like fish with legs. "
      They are called rat's and are pretty common

  • @vladmat7098
    @vladmat7098 2 года назад +6

    It seems to me whether it is getting worse and the level of madness is getting higher.

  • @fanfestdhl
    @fanfestdhl 2 года назад +1

    These people are as low as you get in the desperation field of panic.

  • @grunyonthoughtsfromagrunt8264
    @grunyonthoughtsfromagrunt8264 Год назад +6

    Dr. Dell Tackett has a video series he's in "Is Genesis History" it's a fascinating series.
    All of it is in line with the mission of this RUclips channel and the Ark Encounter.

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 Год назад +2

      Excellent series...a must watch for those seeking scientific evidence that bolsters the Biblical narrative.

  • @jesuschristislord7754
    @jesuschristislord7754 2 года назад +18

    "We are asked by science to believe that the entire universe sprang from nothingness, at a single point and for no discernible reason. This notion is the limit case for credulity. In other words, if you can believe this, you can believe anything."
    - Terence McKenna

    • @toddbradford4700
      @toddbradford4700 2 года назад +6

      Yet on the other hand it's supposed to make perfect sense that apparently god sprang forth from nothingness. If all things have to come from something then where did he come from? So claiming that god made the universe doesn't solve the riddle of where all this came from either.

    • @captaingaza2389
      @captaingaza2389 2 года назад

      Have you read god’s cure for leprosy?
      Leviticus 14
      The creator of the universe and this is the best he can do?
      This is clear evidence that god does not exist and that the bible is NOT a book of science

    • @DannyBoy21102110
      @DannyBoy21102110 2 года назад +4

      Well that's a Theory just like Majority of science - us flying planes and using rockets to get to space was also a theory to start with and science made it happen then its a fact, its very hard to go back into time and prove anything, just like its impossible to prove god. you just refer to a book and not as a theory but fact when ignoring any other religious book or god as your blinded by your faith - which makes you biased to it, meaning there is no logical conversation to be had.

    • @jalatham86
      @jalatham86 2 года назад +7

      @@toddbradford4700 God didn’t spring forth from nothingness. He always was, and is. He has no beginning or end. Doesn’t it make more sense for an infinite being to have created everything rather than matter creating itself from nothing that eventually produced intelligent life?

    • @toddbradford4700
      @toddbradford4700 2 года назад +3

      @@jalatham86 No. It doesn't make ANY more sense. If all the matter of the universe had to come from something then so would a god. And the mystery of where this god came from would therefore be just as baffling as where all the matter of the universe came from. So that "Claim" doesn't explain how everything started either. Quite frankly it's frustrating to even try to talk to people whose minds seem incapable of seeing the double standard they are engaging in. Perhaps the universe is cyclic in nature and it's always existed. That's a rather incredible thought I know but no more incredible than a being that has always existed. What's the difference? The question of the origin of the universe is perhaps unanswerable but I'm not going to just make up a fairytale to explain it like some clearly do.

  • @Ram0nArgila
    @Ram0nArgila Год назад +2

    The sheer size of the enourmous land animals found in the fossil record could NOT have stood upright in today's Earth gravity. That strongly implies that gravity was much reduced in the past. That gravity was less than today also implies the Earth was smaller in the past. When the fountains of the deep broke open these crevasses would have started creating new land on either side of the rift. The Earth grew in size as a result, but how it grew in mass is problematic, but it had to have happened if we are to accept the mass/size of land animals (dinosaurs and mammals, and plants) in the past. We know that animals today are limited in size by gravity. A lesser gravity is the best explanation for how large these things were in a reduced gravity.

    • @stavros222
      @stavros222 Год назад

      Are you excluding the possibility that the bones would be more strong than now?

    • @xenicmark
      @xenicmark Год назад

      "Unlike in mammals and birds, the trabecular bone does not increase in thickness as the body size of dinosaurs increases."
      “Instead it increases in density of the occurrence of spongy bone. Without this weight-saving adaptation, the skeletal structure needed to support the duck-billed, plant-eating hadrosaurs would be so heavy, the dinosaurs would have had great difficulty moving.”

  • @JamesRichardWiley
    @JamesRichardWiley 6 лет назад +4

    First of all there has been no evidence found in different parts of the world of a GLOBAL flood.
    Second, The Ark was not seaworthy. The animals would have died and the food supply rotted inside that musty, leaking boat. The dinosaurs were too big to get through the single door and the single window did not provide enough OXYGEN to sustain life, not to mention carry away the METHANE GAS from the animals farting.
    Give it up to science boys.

    • @iaam8141
      @iaam8141 2 года назад

      @James Richard Wiley, Science? It appears your knowledge (meaning for science) is just as defective as that of the Darwins and the Hawkins. E.g. do the animals had to be fully grown? Yeah, methane gas of your own emission has affected your brain.

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 2 года назад

      "First of all there has been no evidence found in different parts of the world of a GLOBAL flood." Of course there is. In China they have the same description of the Flood where only 8 people survived in an Ark.

  • @Hoo88846
    @Hoo88846 6 лет назад +5

    Our Chinese churches are very grateful for ministries like Answers in Genesis and Creation Ministries International. My husband is a Ph.D. in biochemical engineering. His brother is a Ph.D. in material engineering. I am a Pharm.D. There is another surgeon in our church who serves as the president of a Chinese seminary in Los Angeles who is very grateful for your ministry. Is there any chance that we can volunteer to do Chinese subtitles for your videos and lectures? I subscribe to you through the email. Please let me know. Chinese people especially in mainland China need your message. God bless.

    • @EinsteinKnowedIt
      @EinsteinKnowedIt 2 года назад

      @@nicholaschristie-blick3139 sadly there are folks with PhD degrees in some discipline ir another and yet they believe in ghost and other things that run counter to true knowledge. Superstition and Miracles are deeply ingrained in the human psychic. If you remove them from the Bible then you are still left with a good book. However, becuase man is man's worse enemy it is best to grin and bear it. But in my opinion, a doctorate means absolutely nothing if one is not a critical thinker.

  • @TruSciencePro
    @TruSciencePro 2 года назад +1

    All the hatred and ridicule…..
    When the bottom drops out, your health is fading, and your facing death…will you feel the same way?

    • @ForumLight
      @ForumLight 2 года назад +1

      *"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold [suppress] the truth in unrighteousness;"* Romans 1:18

  • @suedyett2988
    @suedyett2988 2 года назад +46

    I have a fossil rock that has sea shells imbedded in it….I found it in a creek bed up high in the mountains.

    • @sarahmurphy4068
      @sarahmurphy4068 2 года назад

      Yeah, the entire contiguous states were once covered in shallow tropical waters….hence sea organism fossils. Sorry, but everyone can find those in their backyard.
      Mountains form where two continental plates collide rock is pushed towards the sky. Over time these plates continue to collide, mountains will get taller and taller. So “In the beginning…” seems to rival science. In my opinion the Bible is a pov collection of stories and we all know perception is the driver for stories. Some stories weren’t included not due to facts or lies but that the men in charge of deciding what books and narratives went into the official cannon. So just like politicians today…if you aren’t in the “it” crowd you aren’t viewed as knowledgeable or correct.

    • @ilonahaun
      @ilonahaun 2 года назад +40

      Good, you've found evidence of plate tectonics and mountain range folding.

    • @eliteknowledge7298
      @eliteknowledge7298 2 года назад +4

      @@ilonahaun that's your theory?
      Good luck with that!

    • @ilonahaun
      @ilonahaun 2 года назад +40

      And your theory is to claim that 6.5 million different species fit in a 300! feet long wooden boat, built by 8 members of a family 3000 years ago, whose boss is 600 years old, to save himself from a flood whose water volume corresponds to several times the volume of the world's oceans?

    • @reddraghain
      @reddraghain 2 года назад

      Same found same on the top of a high desert mesa in Central AZ!

  • @dennyfromcharlestonsc3325
    @dennyfromcharlestonsc3325 2 года назад +7

    Not really. I studied enough Geology to know better. Floods are not planetwise

    • @donaldgoodnight7853
      @donaldgoodnight7853 2 года назад

      👍👍 no worldwide flood. No cores I have even taken had absolutely no evidence of a worldwide flood. By rock or ice. Fresh water lakes are not salty, mammals haven't died not on an ark(out of abundance of fresh water), and our diversity as humans Noah's family didn't spawn. A,worldwide flood is the one of the most false stories ever!! 🤣😂😂🤣 Many religions have many false stories. Science is a collective of peoven observation, It is rarely incorrect. But we will correct any wrong information. As discovery.

    • @iaam8141
      @iaam8141 2 года назад

      @Danny from Charleston, SC. Where did you study your Geology? Must have been a goon institution, for you make a statement like a goon. Am scratching my head about what you are trying to convey.

    • @donaldgoodnight7853
      @donaldgoodnight7853 2 года назад

      @@iaam8141Well, sir, do you consider an ice age, as a planetary flood? By geology and cores I have done. No worldwide flood ever. I worked at a test lab. On cores. No evidence of a worldwide flood.

    • @iaam8141
      @iaam8141 2 года назад

      ​@@donaldgoodnight7853. Global flood was in 3298 BC, + 2022 AD = 5,320 yrs ago. Duration of flood was 300 days. Noah was in ark for 377 days.
      What yr was the ice age? Duration? Was it planetwise? Provide hard dates n data. If cannot, it'll be mere you 'shooting mouth off like a mad man.' Like a lot of fancy talkers on this video thread.

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 2 года назад +1

      Floods are not planetwise, except the Great Flood of Noah's time.

  • @tsad5611
    @tsad5611 2 года назад +2

    No, they do however give evidence for the exact opposite.
    How do you go through life lying to yourself and others?!

  • @at1970
    @at1970 2 года назад +8

    Can’t wait until these guys win the Nobel prize for this.

    • @vladmat7098
      @vladmat7098 2 года назад +7

      Unfortunately, there is no Nobel Prize in pseudoscience.

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 2 года назад

      Creationist scientists use the same scientific methods as atheists. They just get results that atheists do not always accept for ideological reasons. So there is in fact many creationist Nobel Prize winners i.e. people believing in God.

    • @vladmat7098
      @vladmat7098 2 года назад +5

      @@jounisuninen You got confused. Creationism is not science. Atheism is also not science. And what are the ideological reasons? Name these Nobel Prize winners because I can't find them

    • @at1970
      @at1970 2 года назад +3

      You are 100% wrong. The scientific method always includes the possibility of being wrong. The holy books do not. There has never been a Nobel prize awarded for confirming anything in the Bible or any other religious text. You are confusing a pilot who is religious with saying that means god is flying the plane. Totally false conclusion.

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 2 года назад

      @@at1970 The scientific method always includes the possibility of being wrong and as I said, creationist scientists use exactly same scientific methods as the atheist scientists. Creationist scientists never use "holy books" as evidence. Instead, they prove scientifically that Bible contains the truth. We can see it e.g. in this video.

  • @paulswift6707
    @paulswift6707 2 года назад +6

    Lol sounds like your confused Sir. Bible stole story of great flood from much older non-christian religious texts. But nice try!

    • @ThyNam3less
      @ThyNam3less 2 года назад

      Um. Can you prove your claims??

    • @AA-ze4mm
      @AA-ze4mm 2 года назад +1

      So I have heard this point before, but it doesn't actually make sense and I can tell you why. The term Christianity didn't exist until AFTER Christ. So, obviously, the flood and it's stories were being passed down for thousands of years before the time of Christ and Christianity. However, the religion progressed from Judaism to Christianity so it wasn't stolen it was always there as a historical fact.
      Now the reason why so many other cultures, from all over the world, have flood legends is because it actually occured. Hundreds of years after the flood, God dispersed people from Babel. This, in turn, created many different cultures many of which had their own flood legends; because, as time went on, the accurate version of the flood event was muddled, changed etc as it was passed on from generation to generation. Like the game of telephone. That's why the flood stories pre-date Christ because they happened before Christ. Just like the stories of Moses pre-date Christ. Anything that happened before the time of Christ will obviously pre-date Him. But that doesn't mean Christianity stole them.
      P.S. This is the first time I've commented on anything on RUclips! However, I really feel like this will help you understand. If not, I'm sure studying scriptures and the timelines of the Bible will help. Check out more of Answers in Genesis' content as well. I'm not sure if they mention other cultures' flood legends, but I'm sure they have info that will help you understand. Good luck!

    • @adamlarson6821
      @adamlarson6821 2 года назад

      @@AA-ze4mm Amen my friend, well explained!

  • @MrMartman777
    @MrMartman777 Год назад +1

    Many times facts won't matter. When the main thrust is An Hatred of God

  • @douglascutler1037
    @douglascutler1037 2 года назад +3

    I think we can now also positively conclude that donkey talked in the Old Testament.

    • @ForumLight
      @ForumLight 2 года назад

      You mean God cannot have a human voice come out of an animals to make one statement? You do realize that common descent evolutionists claim some populations of fish, frogs, reptiles, and more could learn to speak, read and write English and all other human languages, play baseball, pass laws, have marriage ceremonies, design and program computers and more if you just "give it enough time"? That should mean you reject it. Do you?

    • @TRUTHandLIGHT4809
      @TRUTHandLIGHT4809 2 года назад

      Animals communicate with other animals. The story in the Bible explains that the human understood what the donkey was thinking. God can do thar, don't you think?

    • @douglascutler1037
      @douglascutler1037 2 года назад

      @@TRUTHandLIGHT4809 No, no, no. The donkey really talked in human language. It says so right in the Bible. Don't you believe the Word of God? In these times when they fake moon landings and election results it's important to keep believing in truth and revelations.

    • @TRUTHandLIGHT4809
      @TRUTHandLIGHT4809 2 года назад

      @@douglascutler1037 My point remains the same--The donkeys thoughts and words were know. Easy for God to do. All life forms has thoughts.

    • @douglascutler1037
      @douglascutler1037 2 года назад

      @@TRUTHandLIGHT4809 You can't be a cafeteria Christian, only choosing what you think the Bible means. The Bible literally says the donkey talked, spoke, communicated with intelligible human speech.
      "Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”
      29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.”
      30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?”

  • @lightfollower5717
    @lightfollower5717 2 года назад +4

    I really don't like the gap theory and this is totally knocking it out of the saddle. Thank you.

    • @danobrien7118
      @danobrien7118 2 года назад

      This video is a bunch of lies peddled by self serving morons. How a geologist can spout this bullsh1t is beyond me. Please don’t allow these terrible generalisations to influence you. These AIG videos are embarrassing. Notice how this guy refers to random support from authorities backing his story up. I’m shocked that a grown up man could spout this drivel to an adult audience.

    • @tylerj3088
      @tylerj3088 Год назад +1

      @Joe dirty71 that is your opinion… same can be said about macro evolution.. nothing about it is factual or true.. look up the second law of thermodynamics

    • @cosmictreason2242
      @cosmictreason2242 Год назад

      @Joe dirty71 cope

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 Год назад

      @Joe dirty71 Please provide specifics as to what he said that is not true or perhaps what you have stated is not true.

  • @captivedesk3168
    @captivedesk3168 10 месяцев назад +1

    This is why ken and andrew were laughed out of Australia by the aboriginals who have been there for 50000 years

  • @KRAMPUS_420
    @KRAMPUS_420 2 года назад +10

    My forehead hurts from waaaaay too many face palms. There is an hour I'll never get back. I believe it actually cost me some brain cells, but I still have more than this guy.

    • @captainfordo1
      @captainfordo1 2 года назад

      I mean, if you come in with a secular worldview and unwilling to change that, you'll come out with a secular worldview.

    • @colinjava8447
      @colinjava8447 2 года назад

      @@captainfordo1 Why would anyone change it though?

    • @KRAMPUS_420
      @KRAMPUS_420 2 года назад +2

      I prefer to have a worldview based on actual science. Not, because the Bible tells me so.

    • @holysmokes3723
      @holysmokes3723 2 года назад +1

      Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful - Seneca

    • @captainfordo1
      @captainfordo1 2 года назад

      55 IQ: God exists.
      100 IQ: NOOO! God can't exist because there is no proof!
      145 IQ: God exists.

  • @achristine80
    @achristine80 Год назад +8

    I love this so much!

  • @billjohnson9472
    @billjohnson9472 Год назад +1

    plants bro. plants cant survive for months underwater and we see a dizzying variety of plants that are adapted to very specific environments, and evidence that they have done so for a very long time. the fact that we have such a diversity of plants all by itself disproves a global flood. and the idea that all of the diverse animals of the world migrated from a mountain in the middle east to their current habitats is equally ludicrous.

  • @KingoftheJiangl
    @KingoftheJiangl 2 года назад +8

    A child is losing an argument, covers their ears and goes "LALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU"
    This is just that taken to the nth degree. That, and he's making money off it

  • @emrwtf
    @emrwtf 2 года назад +4

    it doesn't disprove evolution, it proves there was a period when the earth was flooded. Probably many such periods in earth's history. and if humans had language during a time like this they would pass the story down.

  • @Doty6String
    @Doty6String Год назад +1

    Fossils take 10,000 years to form. Do the math.

  • @jasminehomes4615
    @jasminehomes4615 2 года назад +7

    There it is 10:30 minutes in. God is the authority - we must recognize what we see as guided by God. If You are asserting that some science books are wrong or deliberately misleading should you not also assume that the bible could be wrong or deliberately misleading at the hands of man.

    • @jesusislord461
      @jesusislord461 2 года назад

      Which part of the Bible? They are actually uncovering evidence everyday in so many dig sites ongoing right now. I would love to see what parts you are thinking of they have uncovered a ton of evidence to back the stories in the Bible up. They found evidence that god did cause the Egyptians to give the Israelites fine clothing and jewelry when Ramses let Moses take them to the promise land. Evidence of world wide flood. Burial sites of people from the there it is.

    • @jasminehomes4615
      @jasminehomes4615 2 года назад

      @@jesusislord461 What evidence that God "did cause the Egyptians to ..".

    • @jesusislord461
      @jesusislord461 2 года назад

      @@jasminehomes4615 they uncovered some of those treasures and they were clearly from pharaoh aka Ramses.

    • @jasminehomes4615
      @jasminehomes4615 2 года назад

      @@jesusislord461 Seems reasonable. After all there were 11 Ramses. Although in the Hebrew Bible Ramses is referred to as a city not a person. It was only in the creation of the King James Bible published in 1600 when the bible made reference to Ramses as a person. But how does the existence of the treasure or that Egyptian
      slaves escaping from bondage prove God.

  • @timmystevenssr.timbuck1966
    @timmystevenssr.timbuck1966 2 года назад +17

    Just more information that builds my faith as a Christian I am a believer in Jesus Christian and the Bible with out a doubt!!

    • @nialllambert3194
      @nialllambert3194 2 года назад +1

      But that’s ridiculous!

    • @distanceismyplastercast
      @distanceismyplastercast 2 года назад +2

      But none of his information is true

    • @holysmokes3723
      @holysmokes3723 2 года назад +1

      Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful - Seneca

    • @thelazyfishkeeper2730
      @thelazyfishkeeper2730 2 года назад

      ​ i do not claim that creationist are wrong.and evoltution is right. but what if, god started with raw materials. he spent a 3 billion years just making the sun and the earth and the moon. not to mention the other planets. remember he is timeless. so why would "I AM" be constrained by a 24 hour day??? that is a construct of man not "IAM""ie..." God.

    • @thelazyfishkeeper2730
      @thelazyfishkeeper2730 2 года назад

      @@holysmokes3723 ​ i do not claim that creationist are wrong.and evoltution is right. but what if, god started with raw materials. he spent a 3 billion years just making the sun and the earth and the moon. not to mention the other planets. remember he is timeless. so why would "I AM" be constrained by a 24 hour day??? that is a construct of man not "IAM""ie..." God.

  • @Dechieftian
    @Dechieftian Год назад +2

    At 22:50 Dr. Snelling discusses the flood dynamics .. and asks the question .. did the flood cover Mt. Everest .. NO! answer the Dr. Snelling .. Mt. Evererst is made up of 'fossiliferous' rock that came about as a result of the flood .. he goes on to say .. Mt. Everest wasn't there before the flood. So let me see if I got this right. The Global Flood as we know it from Genesis occured about four thousand years ago .. and Mt. Everest .. did not yet exist. Would in fact, come about as a result of the flood. Well well isn't this interesting. Natioal Georgraphic have covered The Himilayas in general and Mt. Everest in particular from the perspective of type of materials and time periods the mountains were formed. They summarize the results of their findings as ... 'Rising at the border of Tibet and Nepal, Mount Everest formed from a tectonic smashup between the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates tens of millions of years ago. The collision crumpled the landscape, raising mountains along some 1,5000 miles, a range we know as the Himalaya'. I think the National Geographic study and findings are much more credible than the nonsense that Dr. Snelling is sharing with whomever he is speaking .. I believe they are at the Ark Encounter in Williamsburg KY.

  • @monteclark1115
    @monteclark1115 2 года назад +3

    The title says this proves evolution is wrong. But then right from the start the Bible is said to be true and correct and cannot be false, and then using that as the framework. Shouldn’t we be working backwards to see where the evidence leads? I never noticed this before until an atheist pointed out that these guys always start off about how the Bible is the word of god so it must be true, before they start making their case about something.

    • @simonskinner1450
      @simonskinner1450 2 года назад

      Or maybe like me they came to conclusions from evidence, then found the truth against the assumption presented by 'Atheists' in all media that there are millions of years.
      I suggest the bombardment in the media of Evolution, without the reasoning of this video, may raise even your suspicions a out their motives.

    • @monteclark1115
      @monteclark1115 2 года назад

      @@simonskinner1450 the theories in this video seems full of holes to me. He provided very little physical evidence and then just started telling us what the Bible says and it left me more confused then before. He really didn’t make much sense when he talked about the fossils, and then he threw the Bible into it as if it would help explain his fossil evidence but It still didn’t make sense. That’s what I took away from it.

    • @simonskinner1450
      @simonskinner1450 2 года назад

      @@monteclark1115 So you did not get the worldwide dynamic that was given to you, that fact of chalk beds, or sandstone beds, or limestone beds stretching around the world overlaying each other, describing how each animal type would be collected in the Flood as it progressed. He confronted you with very idea that animals or trees can die and yet be preserved in the air waiting for dust to cover them, instead of a catastrophic flood event scouring the rock and gathering life or plants into beds to be fossilised.
      I have been there, where you are and this may be new to you, but seriously how could you imagine fosslilization without a flood?
      The phenomenon you need to know about is the mechanics of how sediments layer themselves in a flow allowing different density sediments with varying grade size to sort using the speed of the flow. This cannot be seen in action, but only when the flow stops and the water above it cuts through to leave canyons.
      However I sense it is all the talk of the Holy Bible being used as history and fact that puts you off. Remember it is followers of Darwin that put the emphasis on the Flood for truth, as Darwin proposed it would be false if his theory was true based on uniformatarianism, so without proof for his theory only gaps in it, the biblical version must be considered. Exciting times.

    • @monteclark1115
      @monteclark1115 2 года назад +1

      @@simonskinner1450 floods and mud slides and volcanic activity happens all over the world , they just don’t happen everywhere at the same time And he failed to convince me of that. He also did a lot of preaching from the Bible about it but left out the parts that are ridiculous like the firmament and the rainbow. But the idea that Mount Everest didn’t exist yet, I found that to be outlandish.

    • @ForumLight
      @ForumLight 2 года назад +1

      If God exists, why is He not able to give us His Word, and then why is He not able to preserve it? If we believe in God, it's illogical to claim He is too weak to give us His Word and/or too weak to preserve it.

  • @maxwellhouse750
    @maxwellhouse750 2 года назад +10

    Pretty convenient that the creation layer was right near the base of the Colorado river and not 1,000 feet below the surface of the river or 700 feet above. Amazing. Selective bias in seeing what you want to see.

    • @Gospeldefenseagancy
      @Gospeldefenseagancy 2 года назад +2

      Why would the creation layer need to be 1,000 feet below the surface or 700 feet above it. What do you mean? This is absolutely not necessary. Much of the water that killed everyone and everything sank into the ground, so why would you expect it to be above or below the water?

    • @judaspriestcod-m6259
      @judaspriestcod-m6259 2 года назад

      We don't need layers of ground to proof That God Created everything it's there for you who need the physical to believe and yet you don't...
      I pray for you

    • @maxwellhouse750
      @maxwellhouse750 2 года назад

      @@judaspriestcod-m6259 You are correct. I do need proof on a story over 2,000 years old written by men. I’m more on the agnostic side. I am an average person with plenty of faults, but my measuring stick is how I treat the people I know and love. I would never inflict them with illness, disease, financial hardship etc. to “test their love” for me. So basically you can accept, possibly have a horrible life physically, mentally and financially with a promise for a better life, but no proof. Or you might be a horrible person that lives a spectacular life here on Earth with no problems whatsoever and we are all supposed to believe payback comes later in terms of eternal damnation. Or perhaps you lived in a society that did not allow religion and never heard of God, but you get eternal damnation anyway. Sounds pretty messed up or perhaps people that have been in control over the ages create these systems to keep people in line. Did all the people that worship sun gods prior to Moses automatically go to Hades because they didn’t know any better. So many rabbit holes.

  • @micharlflynn4404
    @micharlflynn4404 2 года назад +2

    Science based on the Bible isn't science, it's fables.

    • @rowanmarc
      @rowanmarc 2 года назад

      The same could be said of science based on philosophy. Darwin’s ideas did not originate with observation, he read Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Anaximander, who believed in life arising through mutations that were naturally selected, and then he looked for things in the natural world to match that view. So evolution does not have a scientific basis either.

  • @meganwilliams2962
    @meganwilliams2962 2 года назад +3

    Explain Australia with its continuous human occupation between 40,000 and 60,000 years?

    • @TRUTHandLIGHT4809
      @TRUTHandLIGHT4809 2 года назад +1

      Man made story.

    • @hdde8888
      @hdde8888 2 года назад

      What? Older than 5782 years? No humans at all?

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 2 года назад

      What proof for 40 000 years?

    • @meganwilliams2962
      @meganwilliams2962 2 года назад

      @@jounisuninen "...Molecular clock estimates, genetic studies and archaeological data all suggest the initial colonisation of Sahul and Australia by modern humans occurred around 48,000-50,000 years ago....The oldest human fossil remains found in Australia date to around 40,000 years ago - 20,000 years after the earliest archaeological evidence of human occupation. Nothing is known about the physical appearance of the first humans that entered the continent about 50,000 years ago. What is clear is that Aboriginal people living in Australia between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago had much larger bodies and more robust skeletons than they do today and showed a wide range of physical variation." The Australian Museum.

    • @TRUTHandLIGHT4809
      @TRUTHandLIGHT4809 2 года назад +1

      @@meganwilliams2962 Your faith is strong in the fable of evolution

  • @brettmaclay464
    @brettmaclay464 2 года назад +5

    2 genesis:
    7 god formed man of the dust (DNA) of the ground.
    9 and every plant before it was in the ground.
    19 and out of the ground the lord formed every beast.
    When I read the Bible without someone telling me what to think I understand billions of years of evolution in all life. Our bodies made of earth are the home to our spirits, we are children of God, he is our father.

    • @defrebourgeois9661
      @defrebourgeois9661 2 года назад

      I know my father. Is yours called Jean-Pierre too?

    • @distanceismyplastercast
      @distanceismyplastercast 2 года назад

      Then again that could be a story and the Hindu's got it right or the budists, or they could also be fairy tales. They all have exactly the same amount of evidence for or against them, which is zero.
      Or perhaps, the scientists with evidence and theories that can actually predict things.

    • @brettmaclay464
      @brettmaclay464 2 года назад

      @@distanceismyplastercast the Bible account is no where near what is tought over the pulpit. God told Adam to REPLISH the earth, implying the world was full of some form of specie before Adam. Adam possibly evolved into a new specie, someone gave him anesthesia and removed genetics to form eve in order to propagate the pure specie.
      Hindus and Sumarians history seem to be less altered and science gives answers

  • @victormark2205
    @victormark2205 Год назад +2

    What accounts for the different geological layers seen in the Grand Canyon?
    Why are geological layers often slanted in mountains?

  • @dennishein2812
    @dennishein2812 2 года назад +44

    I’ve always wondered where the fossilized remains of people in this? They should have been quickly buried like everything else but I’ve never seen where they showed humans or even spoke of them in the flood.

    • @corndog9482
      @corndog9482 2 года назад

      Well, 'they' own The Smithsonian, and every other world organization, including all forms of media and "news" outlets, world "governments" and their "military" ("legal" terrorist forces). The Smithsonian has been hiding and getting rid of evidence of The Most High and His-story for at least a couple centuries already.

    • @Gospeldefenseagancy
      @Gospeldefenseagancy 2 года назад +5

      How would we know if we have found fossils of humans from the flood? How would we know if they were from the flood and they didn’t just die of old age? We know this about animals because there are billions of animal fossils in one place, and that wouldn’t happen without a catastrophic event. For the humans, you could just say there was a bad disease or there was a war. There would be no way to tell if they were from the flood.

    • @corndog9482
      @corndog9482 2 года назад +12

      @@Gospeldefenseagancy Yes there would - by the same standard we gauge the animals by. If human fossils were present in the same "stratum" preserved in the last position they were in, such as while eating, giving birth, etc, and there were masses of them, you could reason the same thing.

    • @Gospeldefenseagancy
      @Gospeldefenseagancy 2 года назад +4

      @@corndog9482 How could you tell the difference between human fossils from a flood and a war? This kind of stuff doesn’t happen for animals. There have been many wars over the years. We don’t have many fossils from even wars where bodies weren’t picked up. We haven’t found many human fossils, anyway.

    • @corndog9482
      @corndog9482 2 года назад +6

      @@Gospeldefenseagancy "How could you tell the difference between human fossils from a flood and a war?"
      Look around the human remains. Do you see masses of other animal fossils around the human fossils in the same "stratum"? If so, I would say that would make 'war' less likely in that scenario. Vice versa; if there were only a bunch of human fossils, I'd be more inclined to assume a war, ritual/genocide/mass burial of some kind.

  • @dannyuitz
    @dannyuitz 2 года назад +11

    Please someone explain him how we date and separate fossil records

    • @Mikewright143
      @Mikewright143 2 года назад

      They actually date them by how old they think the rocks are that they found them in it’s all theory never 100% truth

    • @solofourohsixgaming
      @solofourohsixgaming 2 года назад

      They don't actually have a scientific way of knowing how old a fossil is. It is merely an assumption to say evolution exists. But if evolution was real we wouldn't have dinosaurs "6.5 billion years later". They would have evolved into a different species. They say monkeys became humans but somehow we still have monkeys. Doesn't make sense.

    • @solofourohsixgaming
      @solofourohsixgaming 2 года назад

      You know what else proves there was a flood, 3 quarters of the earth is water. If our planet was 6.5 billion years old we would have less water, not more.

    • @jayess9752
      @jayess9752 2 года назад

      They try to date the rock layer it’s in or one above or below. So if they find a layer of, say volcanic debris, they can date that pretty accurately. Then if the fossil is above that layer, they know it’s younger. If it’s below that layer, they know it’s older.
      Sometimes they find them between known layers so they can give a range.
      Sometimes they have species that they have repeatedly confirmed with such processes. These species can then be used to give soft estimates for the age of things found in the same layer. Such estimates are never considered definitive.

    • @solofourohsixgaming
      @solofourohsixgaming 2 года назад

      @@jayess9752 When mnt saint Helens erupted scientists knew exactly when the rocks were formed. But when they used carbon dating it showed the rocks were formed millions of years ago. do you not see the problem with that?

  • @leecaldwell8796
    @leecaldwell8796 2 года назад +5

    Then where did all the water go that would've been a whole lot of water to just disappear.

    • @fredhicks7483
      @fredhicks7483 2 года назад +1

      Aliens.....siphoned it off to use on other planets.....

    • @Emy53
      @Emy53 2 года назад

      Scientific research change the story as they learn new theories. They don't really have it figured out without a doubt. I still believe in science.

    • @crisjones7923
      @crisjones7923 2 года назад

      Maybe you have noticed that there is still a lot of water on earth. The water ran of into the ocean basins.

    • @leecaldwell8796
      @leecaldwell8796 2 года назад +3

      @@crisjones7923 if the water covered mountains that's a whole lot of water
      Where is it now.

    • @fredhicks7483
      @fredhicks7483 2 года назад

      @@crisjones7923 and that water is useless as it is. It provides more water vapor which is a very good thing......

  • @distanceismyplastercast
    @distanceismyplastercast 2 года назад +6

    The problem with religious theories is that they are based on this is how it is was and that's it. So it is impossible to prove them wrong or right. But every religion has its own creation. So as they all.must be right.
    But what they do all know us that the only people who have evidence and that have theories that can be tested must be wrong.
    By the way how was the volume of water quadrupled and where has it all gone?

    • @lindafox3619
      @lindafox3619 2 года назад

      The water came from above AND the DEEP , (under the earth ) It went into filling the oceans AND into the ice pack storage.

    • @distanceismyplastercast
      @distanceismyplastercast 2 года назад

      @@lindafox3619 The Ocean and ice packs are still there. Where has the 3,000 meters of water that covered them during the "flood" gone. It's like that water was never there.

    • @bigdofba
      @bigdofba 2 года назад

      Relgious people…Evolution is a hoax.
      Also Religious people…I believe man walked on water, rose from the dead, and lived to be over 900 years old because this book says so.
      The Bible says to kill people that work on Sundays and to stone women that aren’t virgins….the Bible also says, “thou shall not kill”
      The cool thing about evolution and the internet is that we can now easily find and dissect all of these contradictions in all of these religious books.
      This is why the world is getting less and less religious. Basically, religion is dying.

  • @Mr.C-Mister
    @Mr.C-Mister Год назад +1

    WOW 39:00 HE MADE A HUGE MISTAKE. He meant to say you can go back up to 4000 years ago at the flood of Noah. Carry on.

  • @user-pf3zw5sl8o
    @user-pf3zw5sl8o 2 года назад +18

    01:35 (AIG) In general, therefore, the land animals and plants would be expected to have been caught somewhat later in the period of rising Flood waters and buried in the sediments in much the same order as that found in the geologic record, as conventionally depicted in the standard geologic column. Thus, generally speaking, sediment beds burying marine vertebrates would be overlain by beds containing fossilized amphibians, then beds with reptile fossils, and, finally, beds containing fossils of birds and mammals. This is essentially in the order:
    1 Increasing mobility, and therefore increasing ability to postpone inundation and burial;
    2 Decreasing density and other hydrodynamic factors, which would tend to promote later burial; and
    3 Increasing elevation of habitat and therefore time required for the Flood waters to rise and advance to overtake them.

    • @lizd2943
      @lizd2943 2 года назад +4

      Why? Many dinosaurs were quite quick, yet they're always found under large slow mammals. Why do birds show up before mammals?

    • @randelford5817
      @randelford5817 2 года назад +3

      You have the ability to USE multi sylabic words and some technical terms, but I will dish dash away from your mish mash word salad of poppycock and be better off! Number 3 is a fact, but doesn't mean a thing.

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 2 года назад +3

      ​@@lizd2943 I thought so before, but there are claims that the fossil layers do not follow a sequence that is based on slow gradual stratification. In my understanding the living creatures must have been buried very quickly under mud masses to be able to become fossilized before getting eaten away. Slow fossilization under soil layers would be of course impossible, because animal corpses do not stay untouched on earth's surface waiting to be buried by 2mm/100 years of stratification. Animal corpses are practically always eaten away in couple of days.

    • @lizd2943
      @lizd2943 2 года назад

      @@jounisuninen Why assume the only thing that can bury organisms quickly is a worldwide flood?

    • @jayess9752
      @jayess9752 2 года назад +3

      @@jounisuninen the fossil layers do show us the sequence of evolution. They always follow that.
      Yes fossilization is usually from a quick burial, as you pointed out, but the rock layers and the actual fossilization process take millions of years.

  • @thenaturalmidsouth9536
    @thenaturalmidsouth9536 2 года назад +13

    Sorry. When you start from a premise that some bit of received knowledge is true, and then work backwards from that in order to "prove" it, selectively cherrypicking a few facts to back it up, it's nothing but wish fulfillment of fairy tales.

    • @DavidRLentz
      @DavidRLentz 2 года назад +1

      Thank you, Mr. Jones. Brilliantly insightful and remarkably succinct.
      To this I would add: using persuasion in a tendentious ploy to negate science? This shows that the patriarchical archaism of "divine decree" you recognise is wanting.

    • @braintrust4kids787
      @braintrust4kids787 2 года назад

      So... hypothetically... you meet someone. That person proves without a doubt that they are trustworthy. Not only that, they show you that they are through actions, deeds and word.. they have such miraculous signs that they are raising people from the dead left and right.. this person, after they die, appears to you in the flesh. You can talk and eat with them.
      That person walks up to you and in love tells you that the world was created in 6 days.
      Now... you have a source. Is this source reliable.. lets compare this source to the one Charles Darwin...
      Charles Darwin was an imperfect human, a racist, with questionable morals who regularly wrote that African American peoples were less evolved than their European counterparts. He was an individual who hated women and wanted to suplant them.
      He tells you, that the world was not created in six days but in millions of years.
      Which source do you base your beliefs on?
      There is no doubt that Jesus existed, walked the earth and rose from the dead. The evidence is incontrovertible.
      Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice(B) is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
      Do you build your house on sand? Or rock?
      I prefer to build my house on the rock, Christ Jesus. He is the only perfect individual who exists..

    • @thenaturalmidsouth9536
      @thenaturalmidsouth9536 2 года назад

      @@braintrust4kids787 BTW, your slander against Darwin is false. He abhorred slavery. HATED IT. Of course, many of his social views wouldn't pass muster today, but it's a damn lie to say he supported slavery. Which means you're now bearing false witness. I think the Bible had something to say about that.....

    • @braintrust4kids787
      @braintrust4kids787 2 года назад

      @@thenaturalmidsouth9536 i will remove that he favored slavery. That was misinformation that I heard from my father from social darwinism teachings. I know of social darwinism. But since people claim he is not tied to this I will concede I should not have claimed that. However, Darwin is like me in that he is an imperfect human operating on imperfect humam impulses. We cannot base our beliefs on humans, who are imperfect in their leanings. The only one that we should put our belief in is God, who is perfect.

  • @JMichael2x2
    @JMichael2x2 2 года назад +2

    I love the way science, that grew out of a Judea/Christian worldview, is now pointing to the credibility of that worldview as rooted in truth.

    • @donlimoncelli6108
      @donlimoncelli6108 2 года назад +1

      How, exactly, did science grow out of a Judeo-Christian worldview? The more likely explanation is that Judeo-Christianity posited a world view, calcified it (where it still remains today) and that the scientific view emerged as a less God-centered view. Fro the beginning the scientific outlook has been that it doesn't have to be the case that God created everything and is the cause of everything.
      From rationalism's very infancy, Christianity has criticized this shift away from blind belief, and it continues to this very day.

  • @petertrebilco9430
    @petertrebilco9430 2 года назад +29

    Very atypical academic questions, closed-ended, yes-no. Where are the doctoral ‘how’ questions seeking to interpret or explain? If we can’t be sure of our interpretations of the geological timeline, how can we be sure of a random religious explanation of the non-existence of that same timeline? Sometimes (and by sometimes, I mean always) religion blocks out the sun so that light may not be shed on the facts as they appear in the geological record. A tragic waste of a doctoral degree. Shame on that university. I too am a graduate of Sydney University. It’s a much better institution than this example of dark age thinking would have you believe.

    • @wellnesstherapy1715
      @wellnesstherapy1715 2 года назад

      I greatly share your rhetorical question.

    • @rayhill5767
      @rayhill5767 2 года назад

      Doctoral types have crazies in their ranks like anything else.

    • @evansboxing5762
      @evansboxing5762 2 года назад

      Do you believe in spontaneous generation?

    • @jb664q
      @jb664q 2 года назад +1

      @@evansboxing5762 the scientific theory (not the same as lamens term theory) of evolution says absolutely nothing about spontaneous Generation. Stop trying to strawman what evolution demonstrates to be true by introducing topics it doesn't even address.

    • @mikebuchanan3018
      @mikebuchanan3018 2 года назад +5

      It’s this simple;
      1 Corinthians 1:27 Context
      24But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 26For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: 29That no flesh should glory in his presence. 30But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

  • @stoneybologna1982
    @stoneybologna1982 2 года назад +8

    Besides the fact that this is complete nonsense, disproving evolution would not prove that god is real. That requires it's own substantiation.

    • @jonathancrawford7647
      @jonathancrawford7647 2 года назад

      God used evolution and 6 days to make everything is God's time not our time. God created light on the first day, no planets, so how can we measure that "day"? It has nothing to do with our spinning ball we are on but has everything to do with how God measures time.

    • @stoneybologna1982
      @stoneybologna1982 2 года назад

      @@jonathancrawford7647 cool story, bro. There's no evidence for any of it ,though and everything that we've learned about the beginning of the universe through scientific investigation conflicts with it. There's absolutely no reason to believe it.

  • @maj9676
    @maj9676 2 года назад +1

    If you remove religious texts, what proof is there of god?

  • @schmurgen5242
    @schmurgen5242 2 года назад +47

    So if you’re using fossils to prove a great flood, what about dinosaur fossils proving an old earth? Also proving evolution

    • @solofourohsixgaming
      @solofourohsixgaming 2 года назад

      How exactly does dinosaur fossils prove an old earth and evolution? You do realize dinosaurs still exist so if evolution was real there would not be any dinosaurs left because aren't they 6.5 billion years old? How exactly are dinosaurs not people by now?

    • @set3777
      @set3777 2 года назад +12

      "dinosaurs" (behemoths) were created on the 6th day by God.
      Job 40:15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
      Job 40:16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
      Job 40:17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.
      Job 40:18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.
      Job 40:19 He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.
      Job 40:20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.
      Job 40:21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.
      Job 40:22 The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.
      Job 40:23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.
      Job 40:24 He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.

    • @domdomdominoes6128
      @domdomdominoes6128 2 года назад

      Oil is from trees that have been flooded buried on earth(( fossil fuel))

    • @billtierney2201
      @billtierney2201 2 года назад +3

      If a dinosaur life-span was millions of years, you would have something.

    • @set3777
      @set3777 2 года назад

      @@billtierney2201 Soft tissues, blood cells and DNA have recently been found in dinosaur bones. So most dinosaurs died about 4400 years ago in Noah's flood. Some died after the flood. Don't believe the lies written in text books.

  • @frazersimpson9273
    @frazersimpson9273 2 года назад +4

    If the world was covered in water, where did it drain too

    • @Mr.Robert1
      @Mr.Robert1 2 года назад +1

      evaporate into clouds

    • @frazersimpson9273
      @frazersimpson9273 2 года назад +1

      @@Mr.Robert1 It would take years for all that water to evaporate and it hasnt dissapeared so it would fall as rain again

    • @Sunshineonmymind714
      @Sunshineonmymind714 Год назад +1

      A study was recently published where scientists say they have discovered a 6th ocean underneath the surface of the earth. At first I was like what no way and then I googled earth’s 6th ocean and a ton of articles came up. Simply put the flood waters receded back into the fountains of the deep.

    • @tylerj3088
      @tylerj3088 Год назад

      @@Sunshineonmymind714 somebody who does research, good work..

  • @christopherwheeler5404
    @christopherwheeler5404 2 года назад +2

    This does not disprove evolution. Next this guy will tell us the earth is flat.

  • @user-pf3zw5sl8o
    @user-pf3zw5sl8o 2 года назад +6

    01:35 (AIG) In a global watery cataclysm, therefore, there would be simultaneous wholesale destruction of animals and plants across the globe. The tearing apart of the earth’s crust would release stupendous outpourings of volcanic lavas on the continental scale found in the geologic record. The resultant “waves” of destruction are thus easily misinterpreted as mass extinction events, when these were just stages of the single, year-long, catastrophic global flood.
    It is also significant that some fossilized animals and plants once thought to be extinct have in fact been found still alive, thus demonstrating the total unreliability of the evolutionary time scale. The last fossilized coelacanth (a fish) is supposedly 65 million years old, but coelacanths are still here, so where did they “hide” for 65 million years? The Wollemi pine’s last fossil is supposedly 150 million years old, but identical living trees were found in 1994. The recent burial and fossilization of these animals and plants, and the extinction of many other animals and plants, during the single biblical flood thus makes better sense of all the fossil and geologic evidence.

    • @jayess9752
      @jayess9752 2 года назад

      I’ve seen people do the math on the energy all of that would take and basically it would vaporize the planet. Also, there isn’t enough water to cover the earth.

  • @eddieandrews3335
    @eddieandrews3335 2 года назад +17

    Even Gods thinking "I like your passion mate but your not helping"

    • @haroldwilson8081
      @haroldwilson8081 2 года назад +1

      That me me chukle, your not Australian by the way are you?

    • @eddieandrews3335
      @eddieandrews3335 2 года назад

      @@haroldwilson8081 ha ha close, Kiwi

  • @squaretrianglez
    @squaretrianglez 2 года назад +2

    Man has rebelled against God.

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 2 года назад

      Consequence: Genetic diseases.

  • @mherrera1953
    @mherrera1953 2 года назад +4

    It just proves we had a flood, not that religion had anything to do with it.

    • @johnc.8298
      @johnc.8298 2 года назад

      Yes, you are totally correct. However, most (albeit not all) scientists don't even want to entertain the concept that there was a flood at all in spite of the massive death and layers of sediments having been laid down all over the world. If they would just admit what they see and rightly claim, as you did, it doesn't mean religion had anything to do with it, at least they would be correct and believers would still have to accept the flood as being of God as a faith position.

  • @johnraven5227
    @johnraven5227 2 года назад +7

    There was a big flood when the Bosphorus Strait broke through into the Black Sea and flooded early settlements. Many think this is the source of the Ark story. Look it up.

    • @rowanmarc
      @rowanmarc 2 года назад

      The Black Sea is not close to Israel, so the idea that it is the source of the Flood account in the Bible is not a reasonable hypothesis. This is why your comment quite rightly said “many think,” because it is speculation, it does not even have sufficient grounds to be considered a hypothesis.

    • @TRUTHandLIGHT4809
      @TRUTHandLIGHT4809 2 года назад

      Earthly flood happened. All rock formations are proof

    • @TRUTHandLIGHT4809
      @TRUTHandLIGHT4809 2 года назад

      @@bradthompson5383 not a valid response. Be specific on one point, don't just throw out names hoping to sound smart.
      I made a solid no apologizes statement.
      Name 1 thing very specifically that you think refutes that statement.

    • @hdde8888
      @hdde8888 2 года назад

      What? Older than 5782 years? No humans at all?

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 2 года назад +2

      The description of Noah's Ark and the Flood is found in many cultures, even in China (with different names), so it obviously was not just a local catastrophe.

  • @jm9841
    @jm9841 2 года назад +1

    I thought this would be interesting. Scientists. I was wrong. Just wrong.

  • @therealzilch
    @therealzilch 2 года назад +6

    I agree with Ken Ham: the Earth is not flat. Everything else he says is wrong.

  • @efandmk3382
    @efandmk3382 Год назад +3

    The flood story comes from Ancient Mesopotamia. It is known that at one time that area of the Earth did have massive flooding. A flood so massive that it must have seemed worldwide to the people who observed it. Get it?

    • @ForumLight
      @ForumLight Год назад

      And yet there are fossils of sea creatures high above sea level and on mountain tops all over the world, so it was a worldwide flood covering up the Earth. When we face God for a lifetime of lying, stealing, coveting, lusting, hating, blaspheming and more, it won't work for any of us to say "well how was I supposed to know?!". I implore people to re-read the gospels yet again and forget what any religion or church claims they say.

    • @freddiefreihofer7716
      @freddiefreihofer7716 5 месяцев назад

      @@ForumLight That's because the mountain tops were thrust upward with the fossils in them when the plate tectonics clashed and forced them that way.

  • @TheBillypitts
    @TheBillypitts 8 месяцев назад +1

    Such fallacy. The idea that two of each kind of animal would survive is fallacy. When the boat landed on Mount Ararat which the boat has never been found. And the site doesn't look like a resting spot.. all the animals would need to get from the mountains to their country of origin. While trying not to be eaten at the same time while trying to make babies. The carnivores would have eaten the herbivores.

  • @matthewhogue9727
    @matthewhogue9727 2 года назад +11

    Greatly appreciate all of you guys hard work 👍 may GOD continue to bless you all.

    • @distanceismyplastercast
      @distanceismyplastercast 2 года назад +1

      Thought he wasn't supposed to like liars.

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 2 года назад

      @@distanceismyplastercast He neither likes people who play "scientific thinkers" while they reject the 2nd rule of thermodynamics, which tells us that life has never been able to start without intelligent design.

    • @distanceismyplastercast
      @distanceismyplastercast 2 года назад

      @@jounisuninen So exactly what in the 2nd law of thermodynamics means that life had to be designed? I must have missed that bit of the lecture.
      The problem with your intelligent design is that someone would have had to design God for the same reason and someone would have had to design that super God....... ad infinitum.

  • @gaijin8014
    @gaijin8014 2 года назад +4

    Twist, bend and deny facts to fit the two thousand year old fantasy fiction you're peddling.

  • @paulsancho88
    @paulsancho88 Год назад

    I saw a comment that said, "Why didn't God just kill everyone, why save 1 man and his family? Why not just start over and create a new Adam and Eve?" Which made me ask why? If he was so unhappy with humans, He could create something He was happy with.

  • @chamberlainmiller2991
    @chamberlainmiller2991 Год назад +3

    I appreciate this speaker’s presentation and arguments

  • @suzibillball
    @suzibillball 2 года назад +37

    How exactly does this disprove evolution?!

    • @EinsteinKnowedIt
      @EinsteinKnowedIt 2 года назад +3

      Via the 700 club. Duh🤣🤣

    • @LisaAnn777
      @LisaAnn777 2 года назад +16

      it doesn't. I don't think creationists know what evolution is. neither do they understand a worldwide flood is impossible.

    • @EinsteinKnowedIt
      @EinsteinKnowedIt 2 года назад +2

      @@LisaAnn777 They don't care to understand that one. However, historical asteroid strikes can do damage never before seen by modern man. So, there was a flood. There were ship builders like Noah who predicted the weather just as done today but far less scientifically.

    • @raccoon6072
      @raccoon6072 2 года назад +5

      @@LisaAnn777 I think there are quite a few creationists that know that evolution is the right thing. But won't admit it. That would imply that there is a made-up story in the bible and to them that's a no-no.

    • @LisaAnn777
      @LisaAnn777 2 года назад

      @@raccoon6072 I often hear them say they believe micro evolution exists but not macro evolution, but small changes in a species will add up over time and obviously cause them to diverge into a new species. So unless they think there is some magical stopping point for micro evolution then they must believe in it.
      This implies they don't actually care about is true, only want they want to be true.

  • @Az75499
    @Az75499 2 года назад +1

    Why are there not fossils of small dinosaur's?

    • @paganphil100
      @paganphil100 Год назад +2

      Pappy: There are plenty of fossils of large and small dinosaurs (and other ancient animals). Just go to your local museum.

  • @Paul-ru2gv
    @Paul-ru2gv 2 года назад +7

    All these AIG lectures, when put together, are very convincing. Atheist trolls who comment on these you tube videos would not be convinced by any logic because they have already made up their mind.

    • @johndena2882
      @johndena2882 2 года назад

      Exactly, the evidence is there for anyone who wishes to see...

    • @johndena2882
      @johndena2882 2 года назад

      @Alex Perez when you consider that the monarch butterfly between the stages of caterpillar and butterfly, turns to liquid, a talking donkey isn't at all out of the realm of possibility...

    • @johndena2882
      @johndena2882 2 года назад

      @Alex Perez you may not be able to see it, but there is evidence for the intelligence of design. And every aspect of the natural world, displays it throughout its entire existence... You forgot the willing to see part...

    • @johndena2882
      @johndena2882 2 года назад

      @Alex Perez just because the design has been twisted doesn't mean it's not intelligent...

    • @johndena2882
      @johndena2882 2 года назад

      @Alex Perez fossil record itself clearly shows the devolvement of life...

  • @dr.a.995
    @dr.a.995 2 года назад +3

    Answers in Genesis? You jest, surely. The flood evidence to which you refer belongs in which era? From Precambrian to Cenozoic how many humans were walking around? Precisely. Wish I could stand to listen to more but it is painful to think about what you are going to do with the evidence that doesn’t support Genesis.

  • @matthewschreiber2421
    @matthewschreiber2421 2 года назад +2

    Wrong. Due to plate tectonics.

  • @ItIsNot1984
    @ItIsNot1984 6 лет назад +17

    I was at creation musuem and the ark a few weeks ago. It was awesome!

    • @michaelalexander4656
      @michaelalexander4656 2 года назад +1


    • @gregwaghorn9717
      @gregwaghorn9717 2 года назад +1

      Where were the tools used to make the ark ?
      They didn't have sawmills with steel saw blades, iron nails and hammers.
      I thought Bunnings was only 30 years old.
      Did the ARK BUILDERS have hard hats and work boots...😂
      Did they have logging trucks transporting the timber logs from the forests of Canada, NZ, and the Amazon....😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @gregwaghorn9717
      @gregwaghorn9717 2 года назад +2

      Did the ARK have a casino and brothel on board...? 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @davidgardner863
      @davidgardner863 2 года назад

      @@gregwaghorn9717 , Paul Bunyan of the Bronze Age!

    • @rayhill5767
      @rayhill5767 2 года назад +2

      I went to Disney World. That proves Mickey Mouse is real.

  • @peterstabler2321
    @peterstabler2321 2 года назад +5

    Once upon a time in fantasy land....

    • @chuckgulledge2304
      @chuckgulledge2304 2 года назад

      Someone dreamed of evaluation

    • @johnc.8298
      @johnc.8298 2 года назад

      You are right about "once upon a time". However the massive destruction of animals and multiple layers of sedimentary rock (sediments come from rock being broken down by water), and the world's geography having been reshaped by massive amounts of flooding and ice is NO fantasy. It's all there to be observed in the present. All the necessary water is there as well. F.Y.I., 71% of the world's surface is covered by water. If the continents were levelled into the ocean's valleys and trenches, there is enough water to cover all the land over a kilometre deep. Yes, a massive catastrophe certainly did occur "once upon a time" and the remaining evidence demonstrates it was no fantasy.

  • @jadis40
    @jadis40 2 месяца назад

    Nah. Rock layers and fossils disprove a worldwide flood. The final piece in the puzzle that made me realize the "global flood" NEVER happened was the Grand Canyon. Anyone with a basic knowledge of geological processes knows it's bunk.

  • @bumfit5491
    @bumfit5491 2 года назад +3

    I bet it’s hard to make a living with a phd in geology … preaching to the choir … always a good crowd ..

    • @kenjiwebb1509
      @kenjiwebb1509 2 года назад +3

      It is easy to make a living in geology, oil companies and mining corporations are always looking for good geologists... if he is not fully employed, maybe Dr. Snelling is not really that good at it

    • @bumfit5491
      @bumfit5491 2 года назад +3

      @@kenjiwebb1509 everybody knows the Bible shows the exact location of all mineral deposits … it’s in the back on foldout maps ….

  • @letzgobrandon5007
    @letzgobrandon5007 2 года назад +13

    Faith gives you long arms. Look how far this guy is reaching. Science wins you lose

    • @greatjob7113
      @greatjob7113 2 года назад


    • @duaneholcomb8408
      @duaneholcomb8408 2 года назад +1

      Science wins and supports. My faith.

    • @allyb3631
      @allyb3631 2 года назад

      Is that like the science that says take the useless vax or that there’s no gender lol.

  • @paulrobertson5550
    @paulrobertson5550 2 года назад +1

    Are you intimating that man lived along side the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Albertasaurus and the like? That pterodactyls and man existed together? How was the moon formed? I am asking seriously, and seek answers.

  • @marygercke6255
    @marygercke6255 2 года назад +9

    The seventh day is His day of rest. Remember the Sabbath and call it a delight!

    • @tbadami1
      @tbadami1 2 года назад

      How the seventh day, a day of rest was actually started, 445,000 yrs ago, a flesh and blood alien race of immortal beings landed on earth. Built domains and created man. On their first seventh day of work, I quote, " By eve time, complete was the encampment! For the night therein the heroes
      gathered. Ea and Alalu and Anzu the doings considered; all that was done indeed was good!
      And it was evening and it was morning, the sixth day.
      On the seventh day, the heroes in the encampment were assembled, To them Ea spoke these words:
      A hazardous journey we have undertaken, from Nibiru to the seventh planet a dangerous way we traversed.
      At Earth we with success arrived, much good we attained, an encampment we established.
      Let this day be a day of rest; the seventh day hereafter a day of resting always to BE. Now these were the gods of earth,
      Who and when they wrote the scriptures, made man believe a different story, why to keep man to continue serving and worshipping them,
      till they return to earth their second time!

    • @jesusislord461
      @jesusislord461 2 года назад +1

      7th day Adventist?

    • @adriel2919
      @adriel2919 2 года назад

      Grand enlightening. God loves man so, I cannot comprehend how or why anyone would reject his Grace. But, as written, "Wide is the path that leads to destruction (i.e., eternity in Hell) narrow is the path that leads to salvation (eternity with Jesus) and few find it". It is painfully sad to see how many, today, willingly choose the wide path of life.

    • @distanceismyplastercast
      @distanceismyplastercast 2 года назад

      So that's Saturday then.

    • @holysmokes3723
      @holysmokes3723 2 года назад

      @@adriel2919 If God loves man so much why do children get raped, murdered and go hungry?

  • @blazeboyblazeboy4470
    @blazeboyblazeboy4470 2 года назад +22

    Looking from a layman's eye...the grand canyon was formed by a major body of water changing its position from possibly a pole shift or continental changes in early crust. The area of the grand canyon was once sea floor. It's rather obvious to a novice...

    • @daveperk
      @daveperk 2 года назад +5

      it was water in two very large bodies, Grand Lake (past Grand Junction and into the western Rockies) and Hopi Lake farther south, more water than Lake Superior, water which breached a southwest natural dam and poured out all at once, in a period of a few weeks. It carried off thousands of cubic miles of dirt and cut the Grand Canyon in a short period of time. The Kaibab Plateau is an area where the earth's crust ROSE, floating on magma, because so much weight was removed from the crust by the outflow of water cutting the canyon.

    • @blazeboyblazeboy4470
      @blazeboyblazeboy4470 2 года назад +1

      @@daveperk tks!! I always suspected this!!

    • @blazeboyblazeboy4470
      @blazeboyblazeboy4470 2 года назад +1

      @@bradthompson5383 give me ur theory, and stop being a jerk about other theories and yes if u have info on non conforming areas of this giant washout or crack in the crust, I would like to hear it. I'm just suggesting alternative ideas from which we're taught. Tks

    • @blazeboyblazeboy4470
      @blazeboyblazeboy4470 2 года назад +3

      @@bradthompson5383 ok explain to me yhe difference between jagged earth crust rock and round edge rocks which can only be rounded on both sides by tumbling or under water erosion. Just because your college told u so does not make it so. Think logical not what someone told u to be true. Open minds are amazing. U should try it.

    • @blazeboyblazeboy4470
      @blazeboyblazeboy4470 2 года назад

      @@bradthompson5383 I welcome your ideas. Explain your theory of the canyon gape. I'm not narrow minded, just inquisitive.

  • @d.b.cooper6112
    @d.b.cooper6112 2 года назад +2

    Why do the religious try so hard to square our origin circle? B/c if the Bible is wrong about our origin, it's most likely wrong about our destination.

    • @Corry-be4kz
      @Corry-be4kz 5 месяцев назад

      RIGHT 😂😂😂

    • @Learningthetruth7
      @Learningthetruth7 4 месяца назад

      Because they would like the truth to be revealed and not suppressed. Evolution crumbles the minute you honestly look at the scientific fact that there has never been a change of kinds

  • @pokercardsriver
    @pokercardsriver 2 года назад +3

    Actually your God would not have been around before things fossilized. Here's why. Christianity is not that old. God only shows up after pagen gods. Therefor you can't claim "god" was there. Nope sorry my simple logic and understanding of the stories in the Bible won't allow it.

    • @EinsteinKnowedIt
      @EinsteinKnowedIt 2 года назад

      Oh the time-line is off. The good book does say God was in the beginning. One can argue what beginning. But then the same one will accept big bang as a beginning. All in all Genesis is just as accurate as that theory. That there is no beginning to nature can be reasoned out. All attributes of God are infinite in their kind. But Genesis and the big bang theory have zero conceptual differences.

  • @robertfarrell8879
    @robertfarrell8879 2 года назад +3

    Were human fossils ever found in the Redwall Limestone?

    • @Michiel_de_Jong
      @Michiel_de_Jong 2 года назад +1

      Or where are the modern day mammal in the same layer with dinosaurs, for that matter?
      Or a dinosaur buried next to an elephant?

    • @TRUTHandLIGHT4809
      @TRUTHandLIGHT4809 2 года назад

      @@Michiel_de_Jong all live forms are at various levels. There are no specific levels indicating a certain millennium. All the layers we placed within days of each other

    • @Michiel_de_Jong
      @Michiel_de_Jong 2 года назад

      @@TRUTHandLIGHT4809 | That line of thinking was possible till the mid 19th century. By that time the observations and the closer inspection of those layers made this hypothesis untenable.
      Fossils in those consecutive layers were very different; plants as well as animals and you never find modern day mammals in the same layer with dinosaurs, or vise versa.
      Moreover, the layers were formed under different conditions; as a bottom of a shallow sea, as a dry desert, as a lush forest, as a lava deposit, etc.
      Moreover, the orientation of the crystals in the rocks of those respective layers are in different directions, showing that the earth magnetic field direction was different during the formation of those respective layers.
      Moreover, the Lead content in the Zirconium crystals differs between those layer, related to the amount of Uranium that has been decayed to Lead during the time that has passed since the formation of those Zirconium crystals/layers.
      Etc, etc.
      Believe what you want, but don't send your kids with this 6-days-creation-narrative to college/universities... You will be responsible for the fact that they start the game with a 0-1 deficit, in the discussions they will have.

    • @TRUTHandLIGHT4809
      @TRUTHandLIGHT4809 2 года назад

      YOU SAID--}"| That line of thinking was possible till the mid 19th century. By that time the observations and the closer inspection of those layers made this hypothesis untenable. "
      (nothing has changed. We still know that the layers were laid down at the same time (within days))
      YOU SAID--"Fossils in those consecutive layers were very different; plants as well as animals and you never find modern day mammals in the same layer with dinosaurs, or vise versa.
      (faulty logic. Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence--NORMAL JUVENILE mistake you make there)
      YOU SAID--}Moreover, the layers were formed under different conditions; as a bottom of a shallow sea, as a dry desert, as a lush forest, as a lava deposit, etc.
      Moreover, the orientation of the crystals in the rocks of those respective layers are in different directions, showing that the earth magnetic field direction was different during the formation of those respective layers. Moreover, the Lead content in the Zirconium crystals differs between those layer, related to the amount of Uranium that has been decayed to Lead during the time that has passed since the formation of those Zirconium crystals/layers.
      Etc, etc."
      (you are conflating the sediment laid down by the flood with tectonic movement and geologic activity after the flood)
      YOU SAID--
      }Believe what you want, but don't send your kids with this 6-days-creation-narrative to college/universities... You will be responsible for the fact that they start the game with a 0-1 deficit, in the discussions they will have."
      (appeal to fear, and authority. Starting off with a BELEIF is worse than accepting what we all already know. There was a flood and all life was buried alive. There are many dozen dinosaur graves where they were fleeing and got trapped and made a mass grave The evidence for a flood is off the charts if you want to discuss)

    • @Michiel_de_Jong
      @Michiel_de_Jong 2 года назад

      @@TRUTHandLIGHT4809 | As I said, it doesn't concern me when you believe what you believe about creation, but be aware about your responsibility for your possible choice to send children ill-equipped with your creation opinions, based on wrong hermeneutic concepts with regard to Genesis 1 and 2, into a battle against well established facts.