Vtuber Reacts to The Book of Choyer - THE ORIGINS OF THE SKAVEN

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 68

  • @oggblomskulk
    @oggblomskulk 6 месяцев назад +64

    Someone on the original video said it perfectly; How screwed do you have to be to ask nurgle and his ilk for help, and he looks at you and says nuh uh, fuck that.

    • @theenderdestruction2362
      @theenderdestruction2362 4 месяца назад +2

      i feel like the only one who would have helped would have been malal

  • @WurrzagsMorkyMischeif
    @WurrzagsMorkyMischeif 6 месяцев назад +54

    Daemons love the worship of desperate humans, so it tells you alot that even they dared not trespass in that cursed city

    • @bthsr7113
      @bthsr7113 5 месяцев назад +13

      Or that they couldn't hear these pleas.

  • @jefrosiers8880
    @jefrosiers8880 6 месяцев назад +36

    Thirteen Seats on the skaven council, thirteen names of the great horned rat, thirteen times the bell rings

  • @lewdington3498
    @lewdington3498 6 месяцев назад +49

    Ulthuan is floating on the water through magic so that why the skaven never reach it by underground methods

    • @TheLegitWeebs
      @TheLegitWeebs  6 месяцев назад +18

      Ah! That makes sense. I suppose that's also the reason why it sank during the end times then.

    • @Jaann1919
      @Jaann1919 5 месяцев назад +4

      IIRC they also arent in athel loren becuase loren is scaaaaaary

    • @n0n4me77
      @n0n4me77 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@Jaann1919The tree roots crush them

    • @samfire3067
      @samfire3067 5 месяцев назад +2

      Until total war warhammer.

  • @Nyghtking
    @Nyghtking 5 месяцев назад +10

    If I remember correctly, the empire hides the existance of skaven because even knowing about them doesn't do you much good, and telling your people "There is a group of monsters, that are cunning, outnumber you roughly 100-1, out arm you in terms of technology, that could be right under your feet right now or watching you from the shadows, and will show you no mercy if they attack" wouldn't help anyone.

  • @thepiousskeleton6046
    @thepiousskeleton6046 5 месяцев назад +14

    Some explanation for how the Skaven may have come to be in The Doom of Kavzar taken a reddit post analyzing it:
    "This story, is a story of ruin and tells us how a screaming bell affects both the land and people and three possible origins for the skaven. Warpstone meteorites eaten by rats turing them into skaven, possibly women birthing skaven from the curse of the screaming bell, or a “cult of the horned one” lead by the grey man who was transformed into the horned rat and some of the people of Kavzar into skaven."

  • @Beriorn
    @Beriorn 6 месяцев назад +30

    In the first edition of Age of Sigmar, the Skaven Screaming Bell had a rule where you can roll 2d6 for a random effect. But if you rolled a 13 on this (which is impossible), you'd automatically win the game. This was just a little joke thrown in because 1st edition AoS was the meme edition with models having rules where they got bonuses for you performing a battle cry, having more impressive facial hair or being older than your opponent. Now, 1e was also the "use whatever lol" edition because GW couldn't be bothered to properly balance out everything that got ported over from Fantasy, so you could do stuff like combine your Skaven with Kairos Fateweaver. Now, Kairos has the ability that lets you, once per game, pick the result of a roll. So if you were to, say, combine him with a Screaming Bell, used the Bell's special ability and combined it with Kairos'... it's a gg. Of course nobody let you use this, but it's still in there and 100% in line with how the Skaven work.

  • @gstellar96
    @gstellar96 6 месяцев назад +27

    Tilea is fantasy Italy. On the tabletop, they were mostly represented by the Dogs of War. That being a multi race mercenary faction where you could play dwarfs, humans, and even orks under one banner. They also have some that davinci style engineering but was never fully fleshed out

  • @Orlando2914
    @Orlando2914 6 месяцев назад +25

    I think Kavzar is Skavenblight now.

    • @TheLegitWeebs
      @TheLegitWeebs  6 месяцев назад +16

      Was confirmed by chat during my Ikit Claw stream that yes, Skavenblight is Kavzar. It was super cool to see that you could actually build the tower mentioned in this video in the game as a monument.

    • @LukasJampen
      @LukasJampen 5 месяцев назад +11

      Also explains why it is complete marshland and why the skaven grow black grain in the marsh to feed the immense population of the city and big parts of the under empire. The constant rain made it marshland and the giant wheat fields probably got corrupted or twisted in some way to still grow there.

  • @krzysztofdabrowski9399
    @krzysztofdabrowski9399 5 месяцев назад +7

    The way I understand it, it's the Curse of 13 that beget the Skaven. The fall of the city went for months if not years. When the rats first came, they were just rats. Then they were bigger. Then more bloodthirsty. Then bigger again. Then somewhat misshapen... Even the ones that devoures the Longbeards at the end, weren't full Skaven yet. Maybe bipedal, but the size of halflings, not men, driven by instinct, not orders, and using teeth and claws, not weapons. And then centuries passed on, and the bell still tolls.

  • @draconomega
    @draconomega 6 месяцев назад +22

    The Skaven are probably one of, if not, the best faction CA has made for any of the settings. Its just so original and filled with personality that no other faction has come close to show.
    Have you ever seen a race that uses magic stones as currency, magic, science, food, drugs and many more? A race that is both riduculed because of how dumb and backstabbing they are, but also feared to no believe because of their numbers and cunning? Everything about them, and how the under-empire works, is sooo interesting.

    • @TheLegitWeebs
      @TheLegitWeebs  6 месяцев назад +3

      Agreed. I can understand why so many people enjoy seeing the antics they get up to.

    • @Brutalyte616
      @Brutalyte616 5 месяцев назад +7

      Games Workshop are the ones who made the Skaven, and they're one of the few truly original concepts that GW didn't originally just copy-paste into Warhammer, as while there are plenty of original concepts now, most of GW's original version of Warhammer was borderline plagiarized from other fictional works.
      Creative Assembly, on the other hand, made Total War: Warhammer, and they've done a fantastic job with reinvigorating interest in Warhammer Fantasy over the better part of a decade since they literally released Total War: Warhammer 1 within a year of the End Times concluding, and their work has actually been influencing Games Workshop's recent reboot of Warhammer Fantasy - The Old World by causing GW to reevaluate their work on factions like Kislev and Grand Cathay.

  • @troublesomezorua
    @troublesomezorua 5 месяцев назад +8

    One of the books gives a very good explanation for why the Empire doesn't acknowledge the Skaven. Basically they absolutely know that they exist, but they also know that 99% of Skaven plans are ruined by other Skaven and their constant infighting keeps them weak. So they can take down the 1% of plans that actually happen. If the Empire ever publicly acknowledged them, they might panic and immediately unify into a Vermintide too strong to stop.

  • @FoReJeR
    @FoReJeR 5 месяцев назад +12

    The Skaven were actually on Ulthuan. It is out of reach for them because it is a piece of the seabed that levitates above the surface of the ocean. So the Skaven cannot traditionally reach it from underground. And around the island there are magical fogs raging, making it impossible to get to the island without a specially trained elf. But the Skryer clan had already invented submarines, and one horde of them reached the inner sea of ​​this donut.

  • @cristodemonte1690
    @cristodemonte1690 5 месяцев назад +5

    i thinks, that the worst and most fearfull things about this story is : the dark god did not respond to the plea of the manling... do you know how fucked up that is ? THEY ALWAYS respond. if they did not this time, something powerfull enough to stop the plea from coming to them was there... it is a nightmare.

  • @SerLoinSteak
    @SerLoinSteak 5 месяцев назад +11

    The origin of the Skaven is unknown, the Doom of Kavzar is just the oldest written record regarding the Skaven. And unfortunately the Skaven aren't exactly the kind to care about their own history and what little written records they have are either giving praise to the Great Horned Rat or just narcissistic autobiographies

    • @LukasJampen
      @LukasJampen 5 месяцев назад +4

      I mean after all [insert skaven name] is the greatest of the skaven which already are the greatest species in existence. So obviously it would be prudent to keep records of such an esteemed personage so that future generations could experience a hint of the greatness they are destined to never achieve.

  • @blanck7457
    @blanck7457 5 месяцев назад +4

    6:00 its to reference the only city in the world that takes rat extermination to the extreme, a city in Canada where all rats are hunted down and killed. It might be the only place in Canada/America thats rat free

  • @bthsr7113
    @bthsr7113 6 месяцев назад +5

    That story was, as far as we can tell, the birth of the Skaven, setting them on the road to become the rat men we know and laugh at. Before that, if any rat men existed, they were not an unrelenting tide.

  • @Doctor_Sirus
    @Doctor_Sirus 5 месяцев назад +3

    You are slightly mistaken about the skaven. A great many people know about the skaven, including several populous cities. There are, however, several reasons why they are still not common knowledge.
    The first is actually accidental and somewhat funny: they are mistaken as beastmen. It's not necessarily a far leap to say these wierd rat things are beasts of the forests like all the other mutants of the world. In fact in Gotrek and Felix, Felix goes back to Nuln after a skaven invasion and asks around about the invasion, and it's a common belief the city was invaded by beastmen.
    The second is part of skaven tactics: the arre often quite bad at it, but stealth and subterfuge is the skaven bread and butter. When given an option the will always try stealth first, and it is often their first tactic to take a city or undermine it.
    The third is the big reason. Skaven outnumber every other race, even orks. The skaven battle tome even suggests that if people knew the real scale of the skaven populous and the size of the under empire, people will go insane at the sheer size of it. The only reason they don't drown the surface in sheer weight of numbers alone is they hate each other only slightly less than the surface world. There are skaven cities under just about every major city, and witch hunters often kill people who encounter skaven because they don't want word to get out just how close everyone is to getting invaded at every opportunity.
    It's despair they are fighting off, and it is also slightly practical: the skaven believe the surface world doesn't know much about them both because they are being lied to, and because skaven leadership is consistently up their own ass about their own genius; one rat leader set a building on fire, admired the beauty of the flames and the skaven industrial ingenuity that came about to make their weapons, and then died as the building fell on him.
    The point is if the skaven knew that the jig was well and truly up, they would attack in force and so many empires will fall before they would be pushed back.

  • @keaering5183
    @keaering5183 5 месяцев назад +1

    Consider the skaven book series called Thanquol. Its about a skaven grey seer of the same name. It is well written and gives a great look at how the skaven operates as a civilization and why the human empire harshly rebukes all knowledge of the skaven.

  • @marius4729
    @marius4729 6 месяцев назад +5

    I can’t guarantee for it, but my opinion is, that the Skaven were only “called” to the City by the bell.
    I mean in the story about Nagash it is sayed, that Nehekara was the first civilized nation and there existed Skaven as well (around 200 years after the start of the story, but I think those few years can be ignored. After all in “The doom of kavzar” it says that the story spreads over multiple generations)
    Please correct me if I’m wrong…

  • @orben-amos6172
    @orben-amos6172 5 месяцев назад

    in warhammer fantasy they have two moons, Mannslieb the "good moon" or the "true moon" and Morrslieb the "dark moon" or the "chaos moon". the Skaven call it "Morskrit".

  • @Drakefance5
    @Drakefance5 6 месяцев назад +5

    The new Age of Sigmar cinematic trailer is a great Skaven trailer btw, if you want to see more of them in action.

  • @Nirual86
    @Nirual86 5 месяцев назад +4

    The story is something of an in-game tale and may not actually be factual. But its pretty much the closest thing to an origin of the Skaven we have.

    • @LukasJampen
      @LukasJampen 5 месяцев назад +3

      It also explains a number of things. Why skaveblight is marshland, has enormous black grain fields growing there (main food source for the city) and why in lore the city has a giant spire going through multiple levels of the city (if it sank into the marshland).

  • @cbretz1217
    @cbretz1217 5 месяцев назад +2

    As of a few days ago The Great horned rat has made a deal with the everchosen and become officially the the 5th major chaos god in AoS setting.

  • @twitchgrey7181
    @twitchgrey7181 5 месяцев назад +2

    Never have played this game, but watching you react and even catching the live stream i can say that i want to get even more so because of the skaven, skaven are the best yes-yes

    • @LukasJampen
      @LukasJampen 5 месяцев назад

      A lovable collection of bastards, backstabbers and paranoid clowns aren't they. You should definitely read the Gotrek and Felix books. The second or third is all about a skaven invasion of the city Nuln and the actually good plans they come up with being only prevented because they can't stand their rivals getting a win is hilarious but at the same time the danger and terror they represent is properly felt whenever chapters are from Felixes point of view while the chapters from Thanquils pov (skaven greyseer) is some of the funniest shit ever.

  • @Many_Bones
    @Many_Bones 6 месяцев назад +2

    Morrslieb is one of the moons in Warhammer fantasy its the big green one and im pretty sure the one that got nuked in the end times

    • @LukasJampen
      @LukasJampen 5 месяцев назад +2

      It's also made of warpstone and a generally bad omen and a bringer of misfortune. Considering it is made of solid chaos magic that seems to check out.

  • @thegreatwyrmlord
    @thegreatwyrmlord 3 месяца назад

    The origins of the Skaven seems to have connections with nuclear fallout (black rain, mutating children)

  • @hoshi314
    @hoshi314 5 месяцев назад

    Guess who's getting a mini range refresh for AOS 4th ed? Yes-yes man-thing! We're back!

    • @cbretz1217
      @cbretz1217 5 месяцев назад +1

      And now the great horned rat is officially the 5th major chaos god as of vermin doom and deal with archaon

    • @hoshi314
      @hoshi314 5 месяцев назад

      @@cbretz1217 a massive skaven W

  • @marquisepixley684
    @marquisepixley684 6 месяцев назад +1

    The skaven one of favorite factions in warhammer

  • @Orlando2914
    @Orlando2914 5 месяцев назад

    If your interested in another book of choyar lore episode, I recommend, karak 8 peaks

  • @Nyghtking
    @Nyghtking 5 месяцев назад

    No one knows for sure the origen of the skaven, the story is the closest, they could be the creation of a mad mage making monster, the man in grey could have been their vary god assuming a mortal form to conjury the ratman into existance, they may even be a product of Tzeentch that has gone awry from his intentions.

  • @Mr_Alpharius
    @Mr_Alpharius 6 месяцев назад +1

    And guess who’s the big threat for AoS 4th Edition…

  • @gabrielcielolara7571
    @gabrielcielolara7571 3 месяца назад

    You deserve more views and subs, dude

  • @nicolasdanielmaldonadoorel6343
    @nicolasdanielmaldonadoorel6343 5 месяцев назад

    A trailer was recently uploaded for Age of Sigmar. I suggest you react to it, a clue. one can see green lightning

  • @jacktheripper3118
    @jacktheripper3118 5 месяцев назад

    My head cannon is the only one in the empire trying to tell about the skaven is Boris todbringer bc of terrif. Like now I’m my head Boris is Alex jones.

  • @jacktheripper3118
    @jacktheripper3118 5 месяцев назад

    It’s kinda the point it’s not clear where the skaven come from

  • @jacktheripper3118
    @jacktheripper3118 5 месяцев назад

    You should watch some terrif videos it’s the meme side of warhammer. Or watch okoiis 20 stack videos like 19 zombies or 20 warplok engineers

  • @marquisepixley684
    @marquisepixley684 6 месяцев назад

    the alpha for warhammer vermintide 2 versus lot you play as the skaven look really fun my favorite is the assassin's

  • @TheSexyHammershark
    @TheSexyHammershark 5 месяцев назад

    Imagine Skaven in 40K😳😳😳

    • @cybernurgle6413
      @cybernurgle6413 5 месяцев назад +1

      That would be the Imperium.

    • @bthsr7113
      @bthsr7113 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@cybernurgle6413 Except the Imperium is a stagnant force on its good days and is obsessed with the past, while the Skaven push the boundaries of science and engineering as best they can every single day. They may not have good understanding of it, and responsible safety practices are essentially an alien concept to them, to say nothing of disregard for the environment, but they actually try to march forward to improve themselves to new heights. While the Imperium's truly great days have them reclaiming a sliver of lost might.

    • @TheSexyHammershark
      @TheSexyHammershark 5 месяцев назад

      you aren`t wrong in that@@cybernurgle6413

  • @mandyogilvie686
    @mandyogilvie686 5 месяцев назад +1

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