The Ultimania has additional details on revenge value that hasn't been noted in the video.,_mechanics_%2B_backups_from_Pastebin)_-_Ultima_Spark (search "counteractions")
Hello there. Thank you very much for sending this. I was not aware that there was other data available, like the only source of information I currently have is the spreadsheet, otherwise I would have definitely pointed it out. I'm sorry for my oversight and I will pin your comment so that people can read up on it. Besides that, I wish you a great weekend!
The Ultimania has additional details on revenge value that hasn't been noted in the video.,_mechanics_%2B_backups_from_Pastebin)_-_Ultima_Spark (search "counteractions")
Hello there. Thank you very much for sending this. I was not aware that there was other data available, like the only source of information I currently have is the spreadsheet, otherwise I would have definitely pointed it out. I'm sorry for my oversight and I will pin your comment so that people can read up on it. Besides that, I wish you a great weekend!
Liking this for the algorithm
Thank you very much for that!