Well in past they were like brothers but japan imperalist dreams to follow west example while china was weak and addicted on opuim japan basically stabed their long brother in back , of course chinese people will still be hurt by that betrayel and brutality of nation that was once allie .
China should not harbor hate on Japan and vise versa. Many countries did horrible things to each other. The sins of our forefathers are not our sins. Forget the offense so that in turn others may fprget the offense you did to them.
It was hilarious and ridiculous because it showed how desperate he was to win😂 to bring up something that happened 1000 yrs ago, even the subtitles were ridiculing him for it
@Keyboard Emperor lmfao no one gives a f*ck about this shit written like a 1000 years ago + i don’t know about Korea but didn’t Japan beat you in multiple wars through history? I definitely wouldn’t say that China in superior to Japan in any way whatsoever 🤔
+ Korea admitting all the crimes they committed in the Vietnam war, and not sucking up to America all the time. Say whatever you want about China, but at least they’re powerful enough to not have to constantly be a vassal state.
@Fire BlueWood "But China is still doing the same thing(copying) now" ........Damn Zhang bringing up something that happened 1000 years ago and then Yuta shooting back with that was so savage lol
@Keyboard Emperor This is a very stupid comment haha. It has the same meaning as a brother country, not a subordinate country. Korea was an independent country with diplomatic, political and military culture language all different from China. However, within Asia, the clothing of the Chinese royal, chinese bureaucratic dress (Tang Dynasty Ming Dynasty) was popularized in formal places like modern suits.Therefore It was worn mixed with Korean traditional clothes.Moreover, it was Chinese bureaucratic clothing that Korea was affected, not ordinary Korean Hanbok.(Even The bureaucratic attire also had its own format from country to country.) since ancient times, general traditional Korean hanbok has been worn by many Koreans. Of course, the common people could not afford to wear Chinese official costumes and royal palace costumes, and royal families and nobles were more likely to wear general Korean traditional clothes in their homes. Or it was worn in a double structure. (Current hanbok was not affected by Chinese bureaucracy.) Nevertheless, it is nothing more than a fad. It was a trade and political practice for various countries to claim themselves as tributary with China. Even Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam, Manchuria, Japan, Britain, France, and many other countries had to follow this form of tribute to exchange with China. Even in the Korean ‘Koryeosa’ record is our Goryeo (Korea), Since it is different from China, it is written that there is no need to try to resemble it. Rather, Goryeo-style hanbok became popular in both the Yuan and Ming dynasties, and the Chinese record also says that the world seems crazy because of the Goryeo-style hanbok. It's like a modern Korean Wave. Goryeo culture includes Korean food, ware and costumes. Korea was a completely independent country. The tributary country usually depends on whether or not the right to enact laws, the right to coin money, and the right to diplomacy belong to the subordinate country. On the other hand, Joseon has independent initiatives in both the diplomatic law and the military. In the case of East Asia, unlike Europe, the meaning of tribute is different and special. From the time of the Zhou Dynasty of China, it began as a feudal system by giving territories to subjects and receiving tribute. It is a trade culture formally used by independent foreign countries outside China to trade with China as princes disappear. Although the Korean dynasties were independent dynasties outside of China's territory, they used this system to trade with China and used tribute trade for the practical purpose of preventing disputes with the Chinese dynasty. Therefore, the tributary state (trade) is the correct expression. As I said above, there was occasional exploitation, but it's generally trade. During the Song Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, the tribute relations were completely different. During the Song Dynasty, Goryeo had the upper hand. Unlike Goryeo, Joseon was not a state of oewangnaeje (外王內帝), and since the early days of its inauguration, it had been advocated as an imperial state, so the Ming Dynasty asked for government uniforms. In addition, envoys were continuously dispatched to accommodate Chinese costumes. However, this was not simply the purpose of the toadyism(事大主義), nor was it enforced by the Ming Dynasty. The purpose of accepting the Ming Dynasty's dress system in the early Joseon Dynasty was to establish a new state system in the Confucian feudal order and to pursue practicality in diplomatic relations with China. And since it was also a matter related to the international status of Joseon and the legitimacy of the dynasty, it is not a matter to be seen easily. First, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, sent a decree to Goryeo instructing him to do ‘free sung gyo(聲敎) intercourse’ and ‘beomsu-gu in the main office of Euijong. First,'freedom of sung gyo(聲敎) intercourse' refers to the act of edifying the people as a virtue of the emperor as'sung-gyo', and to free this means acknowledging that Joseon is'independent country' and'independent country'. to be. Second, the term “beopsu-gujang in the main hall of Uijong” means to maintain the manners and customs that have been passed down from before. This position continues even after the founding of the Joseon Dynasty, which means that the Ming Dynasty at that time did not intend to force Joseon to wear Chinese clothing. And even within Joseon, there was a trend of emphasizing the distinction from China and the uniqueness of Joseon from a subjective standpoint. Representatively, during the time of King Sejo, the Appeals (上疏文) of Yang-Ji Yang(梁誠之), who used to be a Jiphyeonjeon(集賢殿) and Jikjehak(直提學), is the same. In Article 10 of Hunyo, King Taejo of Goryeo Dynasty, the customs and customs were to follow ours. Ming dynasty king, who said that he had set up the Ming Dynasty, also asked Joseon to do it on his own, as there was no need to change the customs. Rather, the Ming Dynasty told me to do it roughly, so the Joseon Dynasty told me to send the official uniforms properly. Even the cases mentioned above are all about Joseon's court clothing (mainly official clothing), not civilian clothing. Most of all, all of the court costumes, except for the'sayeo official', were made by Joseon. And as the times passed, the costumes influenced by the Ming Dynasty changed their own way, so it cannot be called a Chinese culture. Since long ago, Jungwon and the Korean peninsula have exchanged with each other, and in this process, they have developed by exchanging culture, culture, and economy. In this process, doubles also influenced each other. Although the Hanfu of the Wonmyeongdae appears in the Hanfu document, it was greatly influenced by the Korean traditional costume from the late Goryeo Dynasty to the early Joseon dynasty due to the influence of the Goryeo Yang, which was popular during the Mongolian period. It is recorded that I received it.
@Keyboard Emperor and Goryeo is different from China, so there is no need to try to resemble it. Why ignore the record 고려사 권2 세가(世家) 권 제2 태조(太祖) 26년 4월 왕이 훈요10조를 내리다. 其四曰, 惟我東方, 舊慕唐風, 文物禮樂, 悉遵其制, 殊方異土, 人性各異, 不必苟同. 契丹是禽獸之國, 風俗不同, 言語亦異, 衣冠制度, 愼勿效焉. 넷째, 우리 동방(東方)은 옛날부터 중국의 풍속[唐風]을 흠모하여 문물(文物)과 예악(禮樂)이 다 그 제도를 따랐으나, 지역이 다르고 인성(人性)도 각기 다르므로 꼭 같게 할 필요는 없다. 거란(契丹)은 짐승과 같은 나라로 풍속이 같지 않고 말도 다르니 의관제도(衣冠制度)를 삼가 본받지 말라. In Article 10 of Hunyo, King Taejo of Goryeo Dynasty, the customs and customs were to follow ours. 洪武帝 朱元璋(ming dynasty king),who said that he had set up the Ming Dynasty, also asked Joseon to do it on his own, as there was no need to change the customs. Rather, the Ming Dynasty told me to do it roughly, so the Joseon Dynasty told me to send the official uniforms properly. 그리고 조선 내부에서도 주체적인 입장에서 중국과의 차별성을 강조하고 조선의 독자성을 강조하는 흐름이 있었다. 대표적으로, 세조 시절, 집현전(集賢殿) 직제학(直提學)이던 양성지(梁誠之)의 상소문이 그러하다. 세조실록 1권, 세조 1년 7월 5일 戊寅 3번째기사 민심 수습·제도 정비·강명·예법 등에 관한 집현전(集賢殿) 직제학(直提學) 양성지(梁誠之)의 상소문. 一, 儀從本俗。(중략) 吾東方世居遼水之東, 號爲萬里之國。 三面阻海, 一面負山, 區域自分, 風氣亦殊。 檀君以來設官置州, 自爲聲敎, 前朝太祖作信書敎國人, 衣冠、言語悉遵本俗。 若衣冠、言語, 與中國不異, 則民心無定, 如齊適魯。 前朝之於蒙古, 不逞之徒相繼投化, 於國家甚爲未便。 乞衣冠則朝服外, 不必盡從華制, 言語則通事外, 不必欲變舊俗, 雖燃燈、擲石, 亦從古俗無不可也。 예법(禮法)은 본국의 풍속을 따라야 한다는 것입니다. (중략) 우리 동방 사람들은 대대로 요수(遼水) 동쪽에 살았으며, 만리지국(萬里之國)이라 불렀습니다. 삼면(三面)이 바다로 막혀 있고, 일면은 산을 등지고 있어 그 구역(區域)이 자연적으로 나뉘어져 있고, 풍토(風土)와 기후(氣候)도 역시 달라서 단군(檀君) 이래 관아(官衙)와 주군(州郡)을 설치하고 독자적인 성위(聲威)와 교화(敎化)를 펴 왔으며, 전조(前朝)의 태조(太祖)는 신서(信書)를 지어 국민을 가르쳤는데, 의관(衣冠)과 언어(言語)는 모두 본국의 풍속을 준수하도록 하였습니다. 만일 의관과 언어가 중국과 더불어 다르지 않다면 민심이 정착되지 않아서 마치 제(齊)나라 사람이 노(魯)나라에 간 것과 같게 될 것입니다. 전조 때 불만을 품은 무리들이 서로 잇달아서 몽고(蒙古)로 투화(投化) 한 것은 한 국가로서는 매우 온당치 않은 일입니다. 바라건대 의관은 조복(朝服) 이외에 반드시 다 중국 제도를 따를 필요는 없고, 언어는 통사(通事) 이외에 반드시 옛 습속을 변경하려 할 것이 아니며, 비록 연등(燃燈) ·척석(擲石)이라 할지라도 역시 옛 습속을 좇아도 불가할 것은 없습니다. (세조실록 1권, 세조 1년 7월 5일 戊寅 3번째기사 한국사데이터베이스 조선왕조실록) 고려사 권235 열전 권제48 우왕(禑王) 11년 9월 명 황제(홍무제 주원장)가 사신을 보내 조서를 내리다. 張溥·段祐等來, 賜詔曰,(중략) 朕本寒微, 君位中原, 撫諸夷於八極, 相安於彼此. 他無肆侮於邊陲, 未嘗妄興九伐之師, 涉水陸之艱, 以患吾民. 爾高麗, 天造東夷, 地設險遠, 朕意不司, 簡生釁隙, 使各安生. 何數請隷而永堅, 况群臣諫納. 是以, 一視同仁, 不分化外. 今允虔誠, 命承前爵, 儀從本俗, 法守舊章. 鳴呼! 盡夷夏之咸安, 必上天之昭鑑. 旣從朕命, 勿萌釁隙, 以遂生. 장부(張溥)·단우(段祐) 등이 와서 〈명 황제(홍무제 주원장)의〉 조서를 전달하였는데, 조서에서 이르기를, (중략) 짐은 원래 한미한 사람이었으나, 중원(中原)의 임금 자리에 올라 여러 오랑캐를 위무하여 사방을 평안하게 만들었다. 저들이 변방에서 말썽을 부리지 않는 한 처벌하기 위해 군사를 일으켜 바다와 육지를 건너가서 우리 백성들을 고통스럽게 하지 않았다. 너희 고려는 하늘이 동이(東夷)로 만들어 지형이 험하고 멀어서, 짐은 〈너희 나라의〉 일에 간섭하지 않음으로써 분쟁 없이 각자 편안하게 살려고 하였다. 어찌하여 자주 예속되기를 청하고 자꾸 고집을 부리는가? 하물며 여러 신하들은 〈받아들여야 한다고〉 간언하였다. 〈짐은〉 모두를 평등하게 보아 똑같이 사랑하고 교화된 곳과 그렇지 않는 곳을 구분하지 않았다. 그리하여 이제 고려의 건성(虔誠)을 윤허하여 전왕의 작위를 계승할 것을 명령하노니, 의식은 본래의 풍속을 따르도록 하고 법은 옛 법을 따르도록 하라. 아! 오랑캐와 중국을 모두 편안하게 하려는 짐의 뜻을 반드시 하늘이 내려다볼 것이다. 이미 짐의 명령을 따랐으니, 불화를 일으키지 말고 생업을 성취하도록 하라.” 라고 하였다. August 17, 1260 (lunar calendar) 임자(壬子) Goryeo Temple Kwon 25 Sega Kwon 25 Won Jong (元宗) August The Mongol emperor sends a decree to enforce the ui gwan according to customs Ui-gwan (衣冠) follows the customs of his home country (Koryo), and do not fix anything. 一曰, “衣冠從本國之俗, 皆不改易. 行人, 惟朝廷所遣, 予悉禁絶. 古京之遷, 遲速量力. 屯戍之撤, 秋以爲期, 元設達魯花赤孛魯合反兒·拔覩魯一行人等, 俱勑西還. 其自願托迹於此者十餘輩, 來使亦不知定在何所, 事須根究, 今後, 復有似此告留者, 斷不准從. 朕以天下爲度, 事在推誠, 其體朕懷, 母自疑懼.” 1260년 8월 17일(음력) 임자(壬子) 고려사 권25 세가 권제25 원종(元宗) 원년 8월 몽고 황제가 의관을 풍속에 따라 시행하라는 조서를 보내다. 의관(衣冠)은 본국(本國: 고려)의 풍속을 따르고 하나도 고치지 말라. 정종실록 1권, 정종 1년 6월 27일 丙寅 2번째 하등극사 김사형 등 사신들이 명나라 예부의 자문을 가지고 돌아오니 임금이 친히 맞이 하다. 咨文曰: 建文元年四月二十五日, 準朝鮮國咨, 該本國王年老疾病, 已令男某, 權署句當, 咨請奏聞, 明降施行。 本月二十六日早朝, 本部尙書陳迪等官, 於奉天門, 欽奉聖旨: "已先太祖皇帝, 詔諭本國, 儀從本俗, 法守舊章, 聽其自爲聲敎。 今後彼國事務, 亦聽自爲。" 欽此。 擬合移咨, 照驗施行。 "건문(建文) 원년 4월 25일에 조선국(朝鮮國)에서 자문(咨文)한 것에 준하면, ‘본국 왕이 연로(年老)하고 병들어 이미 아들 모(某)로 하여금 국사(國事)를 임시로 서리(署理)하게 하고, 자문(咨文)으로 청(請)하노니 주문(奏聞)하여 시행해 주기 바란다.’ 하였습니다. 이달 26일 이른 아침에 본부(本部) 상서(尙書) 진적(陳迪) 등의 관원이 봉천문(奉天門)에서 성지(聖旨)를 흠봉(欽奉)하니, ‘이미 선군(先君) 태조 황제(太祖皇帝)께서 본국에 조유(詔諭)하기를, 「의례(儀禮)는 본국의 풍속에 따르고, 법은 예전 법을 지키며, 스스로 sunggyo(聲敎) 하는 것을 허락한다.」 하였으니, 금후에도 그 나라 사무는 또한 스스로 하는 것을 허락한다.’ 하였으므로, 상량 합의하여 이자(移咨)하는 것이니, 조험(照驗)하여 시행하십시오." 먼저 명나라의 초대 황제인 주원장은 고려에게 'sunggyo자유(聲敎自由)','의종본속 법수구장(儀從本俗 法守舊章)'을 하라는 조서를 보낸다. 첫째로 'sunggyo자유'란 제왕이 덕으로서 백성들을 교화하는 행위를 'sunggyo(聲敎)'라고 하는데, 이것을 자유롭게 하라는 것은 조선이 '자주국'이며 '독립국' 임을 인정하는 뜻이다. 둘째로 '의종본속 법수구장'이란 예법과 풍속은 이전부터 내려오던 것을 유지하라는 뜻이다. 이런 입장이 조선 건국 이후에도 이어지는데, 한 마디로 당시 명나라는 조선에게 중국의 복식을 강요할 생각이 없었다는 뜻이다.
@Keyboard Emperor no. The content I posted earlier is also written in ancient Chinese historical records, and it is what I learned in Korean textbooks and Korean schools. Tribute was a trade in itself, and many countries in Europe and Asia, as well as Korea, gave Tribute tribute to China. Its purpose is for the purpose of exchange. Before the 19th century, Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam, and all Central Asian countries paid tribute to China. Ancient Japan also paid tribute to China, and in the 19th century, when many European countries such as Britain and France demanded trade from China, they had to take this form. At that time, Tribute was a trade from an Eastern point of view. Moreover, Goryeo is a tribute state, but conversely, during the Goryeo and Song dynasties, Goryeo envoys plundered the Song dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty also exploited other countries. Also, if you use your logic, it is the same as saying that the Song dynasty paid tribute to the Liao dynasty, and the Song dynasty was exploited by Goryeo, so it is the same as saying that it is a subordinate country of Goryeo.. Expropriation often occurs when one side's national power becomes stronger. However, tribute was basically a trade for mutual benefit. In the case of East Asia, unlike Europe, the meaning of tribute is different and special. From the time of the Zhou Dynasty of China, it began as a feudal system by giving territories to subjects and receiving tribute. It is a trade culture formally used by independent foreign countries outside China to trade with China as princes disappear. Obviously, in the Goryeo and Joseon times, they tried to follow the Chinese official uniform system, but only in the diplomatic part, and they are not completely the same. Korea was different from China in both diplomatic, political, military, and cultural languages. Therefore, the Ming dynasty also recognized Korea's independence, maintained our own culture and language within the ancient Korean states of Joseon and Goryeo, and independent politics and military diplomacy. In Chinese records, Japan and Korea are recorded in ‘foreign records’. -- Don't distort the history of being a vassal for thousands of years haha. Isn't that the wish of you Chinese? Of course, it was not thousands of years during the Joseon Dynasty of Korea, but Joseon was defeated by the Qing Dynasty and defeated in that war in 1636. The reason for the Qing dynasty's attack was also a major factor in its rejection of the tribute trade system and its unwillingness to exchange. Joseon also rejected the tribute trade system with the Qing Dynasty. This is because they did not recognize the Qing Dynasty, which was established by the Yeojin people who paid tribute to Joseon. And the Qing dynasty plans an attack The relationship between the Qing Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty is nothing more and nothing less than a forced relationship because it was defeated in the war between Joseon and Qing (then later gold). At first, Qing formed a brotherhood with Joseon, but Joseon ignored this, and Qing attacked twice. Joseon was defeated in that war in 1636 and forcibly entered into a relationship with a military new state (君臣之國). The Qing Dynasty overthrew the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty ruled over the Ming Han Chinese. During the Japanese colonial era, Japan ruled China and achieved 'independence', so was China a vassal state of Japan? It is in the same context as this. The fact that Joseon was both a tribute state and a self-reliant and independent state is also evidenced by the official statement of the Qing Dynasty. In 1866, when the French minister in the Qing Dynasty, who misunderstood the relationship between Joseon and the Qing Dynasty, asked the Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of each country of the Qing Dynasty to ‘issue a visa so that French missionaries could go to Joseon,’ the secretary of each of the prime ministers said, “Joseon He refused, saying, "It is a subjugation of the Qing Dynasty, but internal politics and diplomacy are the same." Goryeo also received tribute. Although the Korean dynasties were independent dynasties outside of China's territory, they used this system to trade with China and used tribute trade for the practical purpose of preventing disputes with the Chinese dynasty. In the case of Goryeo, this system was adopted to trade with the Chinese dynasty, but in order to build pride as a nation, it showed the imperial system called "Haedongcheonja" (海東天子) and used the imperial etiquette of the king as a bell (宗). This is also referred to as the oeiwangnaeje. Also, envoys from Goryeo were located in the west, on par with envoys of Chinese and foreign dynasties in the rituals of envoys. In the case of Goryeo, like other foreign peoples who founded the North Korean dynasty, they claimed to be the Emperor and received tribute from other countries. The northern dynasty, founded by these peoples, also presented a heavenly emperor named Cheonwang and received tribute from those in the present Chinese territory. -- In regards to official uniforms, most of East Asia followed the Chinese official uniform system, but even the official uniforms have their own individuality. Even the cases mentioned above are all about Joseon's court clothing (mainly official clothing), not civilian clothing. Most of all, all of the court costumes, except for the'sayeo official', were made by Joseon. And as the times passed, the costumes influenced by the Ming Dynasty changed their own way, so it cannot be called a Chinese culture. Also, in the 1950s, China was helping North Korea to invade South Korea, not protecting it haha. 아니. 내가 앞서 올린 내용도 중국 역사적 고대 gi록에 적혀있는것이며, 한국 교 과서와 한국 학교에서 배운 내용입니다. 조공 은 그 자체로 무역이었고 수많은 유럽과 아시아 한국뿐만 아니라 많은 나라들이 중국에 Tribute조공을 했습니다. 그 목적은 교류를 위한 목적입니다. 19세기 이전 만주·몽골·티베트·베트남 및 중앙아시아의 모든 나라는 빠짐없이 중국에 조공하였다. 고대의 일본도 중국에 조공하였으며, 19세기에 들어 영국·프랑스 등 유럽 여러 나라가 중국에 통상을 요구할 때에도 이 형식을 취해야만 하였다. 그 당시 Tribute은 동양의 관점에서 무역이었습니다. 게다가 고려는 조공국이지만, 반대로 고려와 송나라때는 오히려 고려 사신이 송나라에게 수탈을 하였다. 또 너의 논리라면, 송나라는 요(遼)나라에게 조공을 주었고, 송나라는 고려에게 수 탈을 당했기 때문에 고려의 종속국인것과 다름 없다는 말과 같다. 종종 어느 한쪽의 국력이 강해지면 생기는것이 수탈입니다. 그러나 조공은 기본적으로 서로의 이득을 위한 무역이였다. 동아시아의 경우는 유럽과 달리 조공(Tribute)이라는 것이 의미가 다르며 특수한데 중국의 주나라때부터 신하들에게 영토를 내리고 그에 대한 공mul을 받는 것으로 봉건 제도로서 시작이 되었으나 중국의 중앙 집권화가 시작되고 영토안의 제후들이 사라지면서 중국 영토밖의 독립적인 외국들이 중국과 무역할 때 형식적으로 사용된 교역 문화이다. 분명 고려, 조선당시에는 중국의 관복 시스템을 따르려햇지만, 어디까지나 외교적인 부분에 한해서였고, 그것마다 완전히 같지 않으며, 한국은 외교 정치 군사 문화 언어 모두 중국과 달랐다. 때문에 명나라 왕도 한국의 독립성을 인정하고있고, 한국 고대 국가인 조선과 고려 내부에서도 우리의 고유의 문화와 언어를 유지했고, 정치와 군사 외교도 독립적이었으며 중국기록에 일본과 한국은 ‘외국기록(外國傳)'에 기록되어있다. 수천years 동안은 속국이라고 역사를 왜곡하지마세요 하하. 그것은 너희 중국인들의 바람이 아닌가요? 물론 한국의 조선시대 당시 수천ㄴ도 아니고 조선이 청나라에게 패배하여 1636years 그 전쟁에서 패배하여 강제로 군신지국(君臣之國)’ 관계가 맺어집니다. 청나라가 공격하게 된 계기는 조선이 조공 무역 시스템을 거부하고 교류하지 않으려 했던 요인도 크다. 일제시대때 일본이 중국을 지배했고 '독립'을 했으니 중국은 일본의 속국이였습니까? 이것과 같은 맥락이다. 조선이 속국인 동시에 자주국·독립국이었다는 점은 청나라의 공식 표명에서도 증명된다. 1866years에 조선과 청나라의 관계를 오해한 청나라 주재 프랑스 공사가 청나라 총리각국사무아문(외교부)에 '프랑스 선교사가 조선에 갈 수 있도록 비자를 발급해달라'고 요청하자, 총리 각 국 사무 아문은 "조선은 청국의 속방(속국)이지만 내치·외교는 그 자주"라며 거절했다. 또 관복에 관해서도 동아시아 대부분 중국의 관복시스템을 따랐지만 그 관복조차 각자의 gae성이 존재한다. 무엇보다 '사여 관복'을 제외한 나머지 궁중 복식들은 모두 조선에서 자체적으로 제작했다. 그리고 시대가 지날수록 명나라의 영향을 받은 복식들이 조선 나름대로 변화하기에, 그것을 중국의 문화라고 부를 수는 없다. 또 1950년대는 중국이 북한을도와 남한을 침략하는것이지 지키는것이 아니다 하하.
Wow so many people in the comment section here are missing the point. The issue is not about using a product a company makes and creating something similar to it as a way of being "inspired by it". Everyone does that. You can say Apple was inspired by Microsoft and so on but its not a 100% copy of Microsoft. There are still enough differences between the two that you can identify an Apple product from a Microsoft product. The issue here is that China copies products with "100%" similarity to the original product to the point where its difficult for people to even know that its the fake product. Japan and Korea might produce products similar to other nations but they are not identical. China's products are often identical to those produced by other nations and they do it without acknowledging the original. Millions of people buy these fake products thinking that they are made by the original manufacturer. This is the problem because China created a huge industry out of doing this and they continue to do it without any regards to whether this is the right thing to do.
basboosa like say someone makes something of some expensive brand name item like a Gucci dress or shoe and then selling it like it's actually a Gucci brand's item. Cause every body is influenced by others but make something with their own spin on it
I acknowledge that China makes off brand products really really nicely and that not saying it’s fake and just a copy is wrong but they sell it at a lower price causing people who normally wouldn’t have been able to buy these products be able to maybe buy a designer bag they’ve always wanted... look all sides of the problem before accusing. I get this is wrong and ignoring copyright laws is illegal but this makes a lot of customers happy?
its been 2 years lol but i wanna tell u a lil something. fakes r actually great for ppl, not everyone can afford the real deal. however, many fakes look, well, fake. but many chinese brands make it very very similar, u wouldnt even be able to tell the difference. isnt this good for ppl who want to live a lavish lifestyle, but without breaking the bank?
@@user-pm2zv9fs5r yes but it is damaging to the business and creativity/innovation of the people who created such things. While a big business like Gucci may not be affected, think of smaller businesses who's products are being copied/mass manufactured and sold on ie. aliexpress. How do you think those people feel?
근데 모방은 나쁜 건 아니지만 제일 문제는 저작권을 가지지 않고 함부로 모방을 해서 팔아치운다는 게 가장 큰 핵심이자 문제점이라고 생각해요.. 사실 중국인들도 모른다고 말은 못하겠죠 방송에서 타고 있는 걸 1도 바꾸지 않고 그대로 따라하죠? 심지어 한국 일본 것을 따라하면서 그걸로 자신꺼라고 주장한다는 것이 문제라고 봅니다. 솔직히 말해서 우리는 이것을 보고 따라했다고 먼저 말해야 되지만 그렇지 않고 무조건 자신들이 최초라고 하는데, 적당히 우기시라고 중국인들에게 말하고 싶네요.. 그걸 무조건 최초라고 우기지 말라는 거죠
+Sungyeon Yoo. Even if it is inventions, it still is the same thing. Did you know Chinese people were the first to invent paper. sharing is a normal fact of procession for the wholethe world. everyone benefits from it.If no one shared... can you image if only China had paper. Even if it's not paper would you have the medicine advances you have today if Noone shared or copied. And on top of that if no one copied, can you image how much more expensive things would be. because of the fight for customers people have to make the price of products reasonable
This is a healthy debate, guys. I hope people would actually watch the episode show before they talk shit about Yuta or Zhang Yuan. I like both of them a lot.
It is undeniable that China is behind in current technology, in comparison to South Korea and Japan. I think Yuan wanted to put emphasis that Japan also copied China, allowing Japan to develop as a country, which is still helpful to the modern people today. Eg. Hiragana and katakana are simplified forms of Kanji (Chinese characters). China willingly shared and spread their culture with Japan and Korea, and allowed others to "copy" them. So when China is behind, I don't see how it is an issue when they "copy" Japan. Instead of being bitter about it, let's all help each other learn and grow.
Joy Qi it sounds good when you say such way but we have all those copyrights and patent nowadays. Chinese character was freely distributed as you said but things now are different. Don’t try to cover up
China is in no way behind in technology. Like they said, China copies everything, so they have copies of everything. They have their own versions of everything, just like South Korea and Japan. Japan has preserved significant amount of culture from one of the wealthiest if not the wealthiest dynasty in Chinese history. To China now, many of those cultural heritage are but belonging to the past.
come on. Just because Japan was affected by Chinese culture, it does not mean that copying the current technology can be justified. Before 18th century, it didn't matter for global economics whether other Asian countries use Chinese characters and their technology. It didn't harm China at all, rather made other Asian countires respect China. But we are currently living under international 'laws' and 'agreement' and copying stuffs and getting profits out of it is crime and not fair. To develop a specific technology, there are thousands people devoting their time and efforts and China should not take what these people deserve. Though I understand that China is in the process of development but you still cannot justify it
hmm but is a language, it's not different? I mean is like Spain will say that latin-countries stole their language ... common! they forced us to use their language, it doesn't count -.-
It’s bad to say bad about your country, but to be honest without things being produced in China thee would be less of the things we own because the majority of things owned by people is made in China
Why is it bad to say bad stuff about your country if it's the truth? I think people should admit and acknowledge when something is not good instead of not talking about it just because of patriotism/nationalism...
We do talk bad things about our country too. In terms of economy and political or the issues to other countries. We do that because we disagree. We do not like it. We do that so that the officials are aware of what have they done wrong. We all have opinions anyways.
Many international countries have production in China, but that does not mean other companies can copy company secrets without their permission. If that what you're saying should be reinforced, so would you mean that other countries can just copy China's secrets on agriculture or on other industries?
If you watch old season when takuya was there yuan and takuya fight a lot to.,I still remember they arguing over which country got the fastest train in the world...... I think takuya and yuta has similar personality in this show,both was the youngest so they seem laid back ,polite compare to other representatives
Liu Jindda uh.. went to Japan last month, and we found this all 300Yen shops in our neighbourhood. well, all of things that we have bought are just literally made in China.
Dyah Rahayu Pradita There is no problem with PRODUCT made in China as long as it's a REAL BRAND. "iPhone" are made in China (but it's from APPLE COMPANY). But there are fake company who copy and do fake brand. Those fake brand are banned in Japan.
일본애들은 지들도 복사해놓고 무슨. 원래 무단도용해서 샤프 라디오 만들고 그러면서 큰거야 독일에서 카세트 카메라... 핸드폰은 ibm에서 최초고 시제품 뽑은거는 모토로라야. 핸드폰 초기시장에서부터 일본 존재감 없었다. 그 때부터 기운거지. 90년대부터 이미 전자산업 일본 기운거. 노키아 삼성 모토로라 3파전하다가 스마폰으로 가면서 삼성 애플로 구도가 굳어진거
hmmmmm it's funny how japan is criticising china copying everything while japan was doing the exactly same thing before. china is just another japan. everyone copies one another, get over it.
I think the topic shoud be..the quality of their product.... Yes we cannot avoid copying it our nature but the result of your copying is the most important..I guess
사실 중국인들도 본인나라 문제점은 다 압니다. 하지만 중국인들 말중에 이런말이 있죠 "니가 나의 잘못을 지적하는건 좋지만 그것에 대해 비난하는건 싫다" 즉 저분도 본인 나라가 잘못된거는 알지만 누군가가 옆에서 본인나라에 대해서 비난하는걸 싫어서 처음부분에는 인정하고싶어도 안하는겁니다. 즉 다시 말해서 자기 가족이 잘못된 행동을 하면 그거를 말해주는건 좋지만 그것에 대해 험담을 하면 누구나 싫어하는것과 같습니다
What Chinese people call Han Zi (汉子) is not created by Chinese alone. It is a collectively derived writing system from many different regions in Asia. You can find various different origins of this writing system, scattered all over in Asia. These different systems were collectively put together as one IN CHINA, so it's fair to call it Chinese Han Zi, but China is not the sole creator of this writing system and therefore cannot claim any copyrights. Many European languages are based in Latin and no one even thinks that these European countries stole Latin to create their own. So Zhang Yuan's question (I know he said it as a joke...) to ask if Japanese ever asked for permission to take Han Zi is just pure stupid, although he said it as a joke.
Japanese do not only use Chinese charactors to create their own but also yet using many of them along with Japanese charactors, in incomparable degree with Latin and some European languages
“Scattered all over in Asia” Can you give an example? “These different systems were collectives put together as one IN CHINA” When Oracle script was invented surrounding countries of China didn’t even have civilization yet lol. Pure ignorant K-pop fans😂
I really like the concept of this show, it's funny and original (especially the settings which make it like they're all dirigeants of their country lol 😂😂)
@@myeongaefirefighter ppl copy a lot. thats j how it is, from the basis of chinese foundation, to bowls, to ceramics, korea and japan copied it all. maybe it was for the better, but it happens, its a cycle. wont be long until something like this happens once more
Peace !!!!!!! Don't you feel like all the countries are brothers and sisters that sometimes they love each other and sometimes they fight ???!!!!! Just like brothers and sisters. BUT they are so much cutter when they love each other !!!!!!! Love to All the countries from Greece and Peace !!!!!!!
Many Chinese like to bring major concepts such as history and the fact that China helps other nations, but it is not so relevant. Besides Japan knows that they have inherited some of their culture from China. But people from China might not know about the things they use originally coming from Japan. China gets away with things like that because of the power they possess in the economy. But to truly thrive and gain recognition, China will need to enforce stricter regimes.
요즘은 모방을 넘어 스틸을 중심적으로 하더라
카피닌자 수준
ㄹㅇ 좋은건 다 지들꺼라 하고 코로나 같은건 지들꺼 아니라고 씨부림
@@tyhju1234 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ씨부린대ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ사이다
강탈임 강탈 진짜 찢어죽이고 싶음. 중국 사라지게 해줄테니까 9억주라고 하면 내가 일억번을 환생해서도 9억 줄수 있을 심정
Whenever China and Japan start arguing I feel like it's never gonna end...Everything they argue about is so sensitive...
+Magicprincess9000 It's kind of justifiable if you look up the history (very gruesome history) but it's literally no use arguing nowadays.
I'd say it's still relevant, are you kidding?
Well in past they were like brothers but japan imperalist dreams to follow west example while china was weak and addicted on opuim japan basically stabed their long brother in back , of course chinese people will still be hurt by that betrayel and brutality of nation that was once allie .
sakurakou2009 APH Japan and China :3
China should not harbor hate on Japan and vise versa. Many countries did horrible things to each other. The sins of our forefathers are not our sins. Forget the offense so that in turn others may fprget the offense you did to them.
중국인 다들 따라했다고 하면 한자 얘기 꼭 나옴 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그런데 중국인들은 간자체 써서 한자는 잘 모릅니다.
한자를 간소화시킨것만... 알죠...
그래서 번체로 아름답고 열심히 글 써주니까
그거는 왕조 언어라고 지가 뭔데 저한테 한자 쓰지 말라고 욕하면서 강요하네요
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ
근데 웃긴건 자기들도 서양글자인 로마자로 한어병음 표기함ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아 ㅋㅋ 그래서 그때 저작권법이 있었냐고 ㅋㅋ
영어로 쓰고 한자로 바꾸더만ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 개웃기네 그리고 한자는 동이족이 만듦
근데 한자가 중국 한족이 발명한것도 아니잖아?ㅋㅋㅋ
LOL Yuta is ready to fight xD
맞아요. Copy와 steal은 다른 거 같아요.
Zhang bringing up kanji is hilarious
It was hilarious and ridiculous because it showed how desperate he was to win😂 to bring up something that happened 1000 yrs ago, even the subtitles were ridiculing him for it
@Keyboard Emperor lmfao no one gives a f*ck about this shit written like a 1000 years ago + i don’t know about Korea but didn’t Japan beat you in multiple wars through history? I definitely wouldn’t say that China in superior to Japan in any way whatsoever 🤔
hahaha the caption licensing issue 1000 years ago is hilarious
@Keyboard Emperor Are you just a bot who repeat the same comment? Lmao
@Keyboard Emperor Of course, If Joseon didn't 'respect' China, they would've attacked our country or something.
모든 중국인들이 장위안 처럼 모든잘못을 인정해주고 일본역시 억지를 안부리고 인정을 한다면 세계의 나라들이 정말 좋을텐데... 중국 정부가 참 안타깝네...
장위안도 진짜 많이 바뀐 스타일... 아마 다신 보기 힘든 유형일듯ㅜㅜ
장위안 중국 돌아가면 공안한테 잡혀감
+ Korea admitting all the crimes they committed in the Vietnam war, and not sucking up to America all the time. Say whatever you want about China, but at least they’re powerful enough to not have to constantly be a vassal state.
@@eLl886 Yes everyone is arrested by the police lol, people like you really have no critical thinking.
@@scholarssolutions6735 가서 시진핑이랑 놀아
중국한자 배꼇다고 ㅋㅋㅋ개웃기네
당나라때 한자를 일본이 배워간건 사실이여
@누 백제 한자는 어디서 옴?
@@独来独往-q6u 그럼 병음은 서양로마자랑 인도어는 또뭐임?;;
“Did you Japanese ask permission before you used Chinese characters”...............Damn
@Fire BlueWood "But China is still doing the same thing(copying) now" ........Damn
Zhang bringing up something that happened 1000 years ago and then Yuta shooting back with that was so savage lol
@Keyboard Emperor This is a very stupid comment haha.
It has the same meaning as a brother country, not a subordinate country. Korea was an independent country with diplomatic, political and military culture language all different from China. However, within Asia, the clothing of the Chinese royal, chinese bureaucratic dress (Tang Dynasty Ming Dynasty) was popularized in formal places like modern suits.Therefore It was worn mixed with Korean traditional clothes.Moreover, it was Chinese bureaucratic clothing that Korea was affected, not ordinary Korean Hanbok.(Even The bureaucratic attire also had its own format from country to country.)
since ancient times, general traditional Korean hanbok has been worn by many Koreans. Of course, the common people could not afford to wear Chinese official costumes and royal palace costumes, and royal families and nobles were more likely to wear general Korean traditional clothes in their homes. Or it was worn in a double structure.
(Current hanbok was not affected by Chinese bureaucracy.) Nevertheless, it is nothing more than a fad.
It was a trade and political practice for various countries to claim themselves as tributary with China. Even Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam, Manchuria, Japan, Britain, France, and many other countries had to follow this form of tribute to exchange with China.
Even in the Korean ‘Koryeosa’ record is our Goryeo (Korea),
Since it is different from China, it is written that there is no need to try to resemble it.
Rather, Goryeo-style hanbok became popular in both the Yuan and Ming dynasties, and the Chinese record also says that the world seems crazy because of the Goryeo-style hanbok. It's like a modern Korean Wave. Goryeo culture includes Korean food, ware and costumes.
Korea was a completely independent country.
The tributary country usually depends on whether or not the right to enact laws, the right to coin money, and the right to diplomacy belong to the subordinate country.
On the other hand, Joseon has independent initiatives in both the diplomatic law and the military.
In the case of East Asia, unlike Europe, the meaning of tribute is different and special. From the time of the Zhou Dynasty of China, it began as a feudal system by giving territories to subjects and receiving tribute. It is a trade culture formally used by independent foreign countries outside China to trade with China as princes disappear.
Although the Korean dynasties were independent dynasties outside of China's territory, they used this system to trade with China and used tribute trade for the practical purpose of preventing disputes with the Chinese dynasty.
Therefore, the tributary state (trade) is the correct expression.
As I said above, there was occasional exploitation, but it's generally trade.
During the Song Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, the tribute relations were completely different. During the Song Dynasty, Goryeo had the upper hand.
Unlike Goryeo, Joseon was not a state of oewangnaeje (外王內帝), and since the early days of its inauguration, it had been advocated as an imperial state, so the Ming Dynasty asked for government uniforms. In addition, envoys were continuously dispatched to accommodate Chinese costumes. However, this was not simply the purpose of the toadyism(事大主義), nor was it enforced by the Ming Dynasty.
The purpose of accepting the Ming Dynasty's dress system in the early Joseon Dynasty was to establish a new state system in the Confucian feudal order and to pursue practicality in diplomatic relations with China. And since it was also a matter related to the international status of Joseon and the legitimacy of the dynasty, it is not a matter to be seen easily.
First, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, sent a decree to Goryeo instructing him to do ‘free sung gyo(聲敎) intercourse’ and ‘beomsu-gu in the main office of Euijong.
First,'freedom of sung gyo(聲敎) intercourse' refers to the act of edifying the people as a virtue of the emperor as'sung-gyo', and to free this means acknowledging that Joseon is'independent country' and'independent country'. to be.
Second, the term “beopsu-gujang in the main hall of Uijong” means to maintain the manners and customs that have been passed down from before.
This position continues even after the founding of the Joseon Dynasty, which means that the Ming Dynasty at that time did not intend to force Joseon to wear Chinese clothing.
And even within Joseon, there was a trend of emphasizing the distinction from China and the uniqueness of Joseon from a subjective standpoint.
Representatively, during the time of King Sejo, the Appeals (上疏文) of Yang-Ji Yang(梁誠之), who used to be a Jiphyeonjeon(集賢殿) and Jikjehak(直提學), is the same.
In Article 10 of Hunyo, King Taejo of Goryeo Dynasty, the customs and customs were to follow ours.
Ming dynasty king, who said that he had set up the Ming Dynasty, also asked Joseon to do it on his own, as there was no need to change the customs.
Rather, the Ming Dynasty told me to do it roughly, so the Joseon Dynasty told me to send the official uniforms properly.
Even the cases mentioned above are all about Joseon's court clothing (mainly official clothing), not civilian clothing.
Most of all, all of the court costumes, except for the'sayeo official', were made by Joseon.
And as the times passed, the costumes influenced by the Ming Dynasty changed their own way, so it cannot be called a Chinese culture.
Since long ago, Jungwon and the Korean peninsula have exchanged with each other, and in this process, they have developed by exchanging culture, culture, and economy. In this process, doubles also influenced each other. Although the Hanfu of the Wonmyeongdae appears in the Hanfu document, it was greatly influenced by the Korean traditional costume from the late Goryeo Dynasty to the early Joseon dynasty due to the influence of the Goryeo Yang, which was popular during the Mongolian period. It is recorded that I received it.
@Keyboard Emperor and Goryeo is different from China, so there is no need to try to resemble it. Why ignore the record
고려사 권2 세가(世家) 권 제2 태조(太祖) 26년 4월 왕이 훈요10조를 내리다.
其四曰, 惟我東方, 舊慕唐風, 文物禮樂, 悉遵其制, 殊方異土, 人性各異, 不必苟同. 契丹是禽獸之國, 風俗不同, 言語亦異, 衣冠制度, 愼勿效焉.
넷째, 우리 동방(東方)은 옛날부터 중국의 풍속[唐風]을 흠모하여 문물(文物)과 예악(禮樂)이 다 그 제도를 따랐으나, 지역이 다르고 인성(人性)도 각기 다르므로 꼭 같게 할 필요는 없다. 거란(契丹)은 짐승과 같은 나라로 풍속이 같지 않고 말도 다르니 의관제도(衣冠制度)를 삼가 본받지 말라.
In Article 10 of Hunyo, King Taejo of Goryeo Dynasty, the customs and customs were to follow ours.
洪武帝 朱元璋(ming dynasty king),who said that he had set up the Ming Dynasty, also asked Joseon to do it on his own, as there was no need to change the customs.
Rather, the Ming Dynasty told me to do it roughly, so the Joseon Dynasty told me to send the official uniforms properly.
그리고 조선 내부에서도 주체적인 입장에서 중국과의 차별성을 강조하고 조선의 독자성을 강조하는 흐름이 있었다.
대표적으로, 세조 시절, 집현전(集賢殿) 직제학(直提學)이던 양성지(梁誠之)의 상소문이 그러하다.
세조실록 1권, 세조 1년 7월 5일 戊寅 3번째기사
민심 수습·제도 정비·강명·예법 등에 관한 집현전(集賢殿) 직제학(直提學) 양성지(梁誠之)의 상소문.
一, 儀從本俗。(중략) 吾東方世居遼水之東, 號爲萬里之國。 三面阻海, 一面負山, 區域自分, 風氣亦殊。
檀君以來設官置州, 自爲聲敎, 前朝太祖作信書敎國人, 衣冠、言語悉遵本俗。 若衣冠、言語, 與中國不異, 則民心無定, 如齊適魯。
前朝之於蒙古, 不逞之徒相繼投化, 於國家甚爲未便。 乞衣冠則朝服外, 不必盡從華制, 言語則通事外, 不必欲變舊俗, 雖燃燈、擲石, 亦從古俗無不可也。
예법(禮法)은 본국의 풍속을 따라야 한다는 것입니다. (중략)
우리 동방 사람들은 대대로 요수(遼水) 동쪽에 살았으며, 만리지국(萬里之國)이라 불렀습니다.
삼면(三面)이 바다로 막혀 있고, 일면은 산을 등지고 있어 그 구역(區域)이 자연적으로 나뉘어져 있고,
풍토(風土)와 기후(氣候)도 역시 달라서 단군(檀君) 이래 관아(官衙)와 주군(州郡)을 설치하고 독자적인 성위(聲威)와 교화(敎化)를 펴 왔으며,
전조(前朝)의 태조(太祖)는 신서(信書)를 지어 국민을 가르쳤는데, 의관(衣冠)과 언어(言語)는 모두 본국의 풍속을 준수하도록 하였습니다.
만일 의관과 언어가 중국과 더불어 다르지 않다면 민심이 정착되지 않아서 마치 제(齊)나라 사람이 노(魯)나라에 간 것과 같게 될 것입니다.
전조 때 불만을 품은 무리들이 서로 잇달아서 몽고(蒙古)로 투화(投化) 한 것은 한 국가로서는 매우 온당치 않은 일입니다.
바라건대 의관은 조복(朝服) 이외에 반드시 다 중국 제도를 따를 필요는 없고, 언어는 통사(通事) 이외에 반드시 옛 습속을 변경하려 할 것이 아니며,
비록 연등(燃燈) ·척석(擲石)이라 할지라도 역시 옛 습속을 좇아도 불가할 것은 없습니다.
(세조실록 1권, 세조 1년 7월 5일 戊寅 3번째기사 한국사데이터베이스 조선왕조실록)
고려사 권235 열전 권제48 우왕(禑王) 11년 9월
명 황제(홍무제 주원장)가 사신을 보내 조서를 내리다.
張溥·段祐等來, 賜詔曰,(중략)
朕本寒微, 君位中原, 撫諸夷於八極, 相安於彼此. 他無肆侮於邊陲, 未嘗妄興九伐之師, 涉水陸之艱, 以患吾民. 爾高麗, 天造東夷, 地設險遠, 朕意不司, 簡生釁隙, 使各安生. 何數請隷而永堅, 况群臣諫納. 是以, 一視同仁, 不分化外. 今允虔誠, 命承前爵, 儀從本俗, 法守舊章. 鳴呼! 盡夷夏之咸安, 必上天之昭鑑. 旣從朕命, 勿萌釁隙, 以遂生.
장부(張溥)·단우(段祐) 등이 와서 〈명 황제(홍무제 주원장)의〉 조서를 전달하였는데, 조서에서 이르기를, (중략) 짐은 원래 한미한 사람이었으나,
중원(中原)의 임금 자리에 올라 여러 오랑캐를 위무하여 사방을 평안하게 만들었다.
저들이 변방에서 말썽을 부리지 않는 한 처벌하기 위해 군사를 일으켜 바다와 육지를 건너가서 우리 백성들을 고통스럽게 하지 않았다.
너희 고려는 하늘이 동이(東夷)로 만들어 지형이 험하고 멀어서, 짐은 〈너희 나라의〉 일에 간섭하지 않음으로써 분쟁 없이 각자 편안하게 살려고 하였다.
어찌하여 자주 예속되기를 청하고 자꾸 고집을 부리는가? 하물며 여러 신하들은 〈받아들여야 한다고〉 간언하였다.
〈짐은〉 모두를 평등하게 보아 똑같이 사랑하고 교화된 곳과 그렇지 않는 곳을 구분하지 않았다.
그리하여 이제 고려의 건성(虔誠)을 윤허하여 전왕의 작위를 계승할 것을 명령하노니, 의식은 본래의 풍속을 따르도록 하고 법은 옛 법을 따르도록 하라.
아! 오랑캐와 중국을 모두 편안하게 하려는 짐의 뜻을 반드시 하늘이 내려다볼 것이다.
이미 짐의 명령을 따랐으니, 불화를 일으키지 말고 생업을 성취하도록 하라.” 라고 하였다.
August 17, 1260 (lunar calendar) 임자(壬子)
Goryeo Temple Kwon 25 Sega Kwon 25 Won Jong (元宗) August
The Mongol emperor sends a decree to enforce the ui gwan according to customs
Ui-gwan (衣冠) follows the customs of his home country (Koryo), and do not fix anything.
一曰, “衣冠從本國之俗, 皆不改易. 行人, 惟朝廷所遣, 予悉禁絶. 古京之遷, 遲速量力. 屯戍之撤, 秋以爲期, 元設達魯花赤孛魯合反兒·拔覩魯一行人等, 俱勑西還. 其自願托迹於此者十餘輩, 來使亦不知定在何所, 事須根究, 今後, 復有似此告留者, 斷不准從. 朕以天下爲度, 事在推誠, 其體朕懷, 母自疑懼.”
1260년 8월 17일(음력) 임자(壬子)
고려사 권25 세가 권제25 원종(元宗) 원년 8월
몽고 황제가 의관을 풍속에 따라 시행하라는 조서를 보내다.
의관(衣冠)은 본국(本國: 고려)의 풍속을 따르고 하나도 고치지 말라.
정종실록 1권, 정종 1년 6월 27일 丙寅 2번째
하등극사 김사형 등 사신들이 명나라 예부의 자문을 가지고 돌아오니 임금이 친히 맞이 하다.
咨文曰: 建文元年四月二十五日, 準朝鮮國咨, 該本國王年老疾病, 已令男某, 權署句當, 咨請奏聞, 明降施行。 本月二十六日早朝, 本部尙書陳迪等官, 於奉天門, 欽奉聖旨: "已先太祖皇帝, 詔諭本國, 儀從本俗, 法守舊章, 聽其自爲聲敎。 今後彼國事務, 亦聽自爲。" 欽此。 擬合移咨, 照驗施行。
"건문(建文) 원년 4월 25일에 조선국(朝鮮國)에서 자문(咨文)한 것에 준하면, ‘본국 왕이 연로(年老)하고 병들어 이미 아들 모(某)로 하여금 국사(國事)를 임시로 서리(署理)하게 하고, 자문(咨文)으로 청(請)하노니 주문(奏聞)하여 시행해 주기 바란다.’ 하였습니다. 이달 26일 이른 아침에 본부(本部) 상서(尙書) 진적(陳迪) 등의 관원이 봉천문(奉天門)에서 성지(聖旨)를 흠봉(欽奉)하니, ‘이미 선군(先君) 태조 황제(太祖皇帝)께서 본국에 조유(詔諭)하기를, 「의례(儀禮)는 본국의 풍속에 따르고, 법은 예전 법을 지키며, 스스로 sunggyo(聲敎) 하는 것을 허락한다.」 하였으니, 금후에도 그 나라 사무는 또한 스스로 하는 것을 허락한다.’ 하였으므로, 상량 합의하여 이자(移咨)하는 것이니, 조험(照驗)하여 시행하십시오."
먼저 명나라의 초대 황제인 주원장은 고려에게 'sunggyo자유(聲敎自由)','의종본속 법수구장(儀從本俗 法守舊章)'을 하라는 조서를 보낸다.
첫째로 'sunggyo자유'란 제왕이 덕으로서 백성들을 교화하는 행위를 'sunggyo(聲敎)'라고 하는데, 이것을 자유롭게 하라는 것은 조선이 '자주국'이며 '독립국' 임을 인정하는 뜻이다.
둘째로 '의종본속 법수구장'이란 예법과 풍속은 이전부터 내려오던 것을 유지하라는 뜻이다.
이런 입장이 조선 건국 이후에도 이어지는데, 한 마디로 당시 명나라는 조선에게 중국의 복식을 강요할 생각이 없었다는 뜻이다.
@Keyboard Emperor no. The content I posted earlier is also written in ancient Chinese historical records, and it is what I learned in Korean textbooks and Korean schools. Tribute was a trade in itself, and many countries in Europe and Asia, as well as Korea, gave Tribute tribute to China. Its purpose is for the purpose of exchange.
Before the 19th century, Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam, and all Central Asian countries paid tribute to China.
Ancient Japan also paid tribute to China, and in the 19th century, when many European countries such as Britain and France demanded trade from China, they had to take this form.
At that time, Tribute was a trade from an Eastern point of view. Moreover, Goryeo is a tribute state, but conversely, during the Goryeo and Song dynasties, Goryeo envoys plundered the Song dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty also exploited other countries.
Also, if you use your logic, it is the same as saying that the Song dynasty paid tribute to the Liao dynasty, and the Song dynasty was exploited by Goryeo, so it is the same as saying that it is a subordinate country of Goryeo..
Expropriation often occurs when one side's national power becomes stronger. However, tribute was basically a trade for mutual benefit. In the case of East Asia, unlike Europe, the meaning of tribute is different and special. From the time of the Zhou Dynasty of China, it began as a feudal system by giving territories to subjects and receiving tribute. It is a trade culture formally used by independent foreign countries outside China to trade with China as princes disappear.
Obviously, in the Goryeo and Joseon times, they tried to follow the Chinese official uniform system, but only in the diplomatic part, and they are not completely the same. Korea was different from China in both diplomatic, political, military, and cultural languages.
Therefore, the Ming dynasty also recognized Korea's independence, maintained our own culture and language within the ancient Korean states of Joseon and Goryeo, and independent politics and military diplomacy. In Chinese records, Japan and Korea are recorded in ‘foreign records’.
Don't distort the history of being a vassal for thousands of years haha. Isn't that the wish of you Chinese?
Of course, it was not thousands of years during the Joseon Dynasty of Korea, but Joseon was defeated by the Qing Dynasty and defeated in that war in 1636. The reason for the Qing dynasty's attack was also a major factor in its rejection of the tribute trade system and its unwillingness to exchange.
Joseon also rejected the tribute trade system with the Qing Dynasty.
This is because they did not recognize the Qing Dynasty, which was established by the Yeojin people who paid tribute to Joseon. And the Qing dynasty plans an attack
The relationship between the Qing Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty is nothing more and nothing less than a forced relationship because it was defeated in the war between Joseon and Qing (then later gold). At first, Qing formed a brotherhood with Joseon, but Joseon ignored this, and Qing attacked twice. Joseon was defeated in that war in 1636 and forcibly entered into a relationship with a military new state (君臣之國). The Qing Dynasty overthrew the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty ruled over the Ming Han Chinese.
During the Japanese colonial era, Japan ruled China and achieved 'independence', so was China a vassal state of Japan? It is in the same context as this.
The fact that Joseon was both a tribute state and a self-reliant and independent state is also evidenced by the official statement of the Qing Dynasty. In 1866, when the French minister in the Qing Dynasty, who misunderstood the relationship between Joseon and the Qing Dynasty, asked the Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of each country of the Qing Dynasty to ‘issue a visa so that French missionaries could go to Joseon,’ the secretary of each of the prime ministers said, “Joseon He refused, saying, "It is a subjugation of the Qing Dynasty, but internal politics and diplomacy are the same."
Goryeo also received tribute.
Although the Korean dynasties were independent dynasties outside of China's territory, they used this system to trade with China and used tribute trade for the practical purpose of preventing disputes with the Chinese dynasty.
In the case of Goryeo, this system was adopted to trade with the Chinese dynasty, but in order to build pride as a nation, it showed the imperial system called "Haedongcheonja" (海東天子) and used the imperial etiquette of the king as a bell (宗).
This is also referred to as the oeiwangnaeje. Also, envoys from Goryeo were located in the west, on par with envoys of Chinese and foreign dynasties in the rituals of envoys.
In the case of Goryeo, like other foreign peoples who founded the North Korean dynasty, they claimed to be the Emperor and received tribute from other countries.
The northern dynasty, founded by these peoples, also presented a heavenly emperor named Cheonwang and received tribute from those in the present Chinese territory.
In regards to official uniforms, most of East Asia followed the Chinese official uniform system, but even the official uniforms have their own individuality.
Even the cases mentioned above are all about Joseon's court clothing (mainly official clothing), not civilian clothing.
Most of all, all of the court costumes, except for the'sayeo official', were made by Joseon.
And as the times passed, the costumes influenced by the Ming Dynasty changed their own way, so it cannot be called a Chinese culture.
Also, in the 1950s, China was helping North Korea to invade South Korea, not protecting it haha.
아니. 내가 앞서 올린 내용도 중국 역사적 고대 gi록에 적혀있는것이며, 한국 교 과서와 한국 학교에서 배운 내용입니다. 조공 은 그 자체로 무역이었고 수많은 유럽과 아시아 한국뿐만 아니라 많은 나라들이 중국에 Tribute조공을 했습니다. 그 목적은 교류를 위한 목적입니다.
19세기 이전 만주·몽골·티베트·베트남 및 중앙아시아의 모든 나라는 빠짐없이 중국에 조공하였다.
고대의 일본도 중국에 조공하였으며, 19세기에 들어 영국·프랑스 등 유럽 여러 나라가 중국에 통상을 요구할 때에도 이 형식을 취해야만 하였다.
그 당시 Tribute은 동양의 관점에서 무역이었습니다. 게다가 고려는 조공국이지만, 반대로 고려와 송나라때는 오히려 고려 사신이 송나라에게 수탈을 하였다.
또 너의 논리라면, 송나라는 요(遼)나라에게 조공을 주었고, 송나라는 고려에게 수 탈을 당했기 때문에 고려의 종속국인것과 다름 없다는 말과 같다.
종종 어느 한쪽의 국력이 강해지면 생기는것이 수탈입니다. 그러나 조공은 기본적으로 서로의 이득을 위한 무역이였다.
동아시아의 경우는 유럽과 달리 조공(Tribute)이라는 것이 의미가 다르며 특수한데 중국의 주나라때부터 신하들에게 영토를 내리고 그에 대한 공mul을 받는 것으로 봉건 제도로서 시작이 되었으나 중국의 중앙 집권화가 시작되고 영토안의 제후들이 사라지면서 중국 영토밖의 독립적인 외국들이 중국과 무역할 때 형식적으로 사용된 교역 문화이다.
분명 고려, 조선당시에는 중국의 관복 시스템을 따르려햇지만, 어디까지나 외교적인 부분에 한해서였고, 그것마다 완전히 같지 않으며, 한국은 외교 정치 군사 문화 언어 모두 중국과 달랐다. 때문에 명나라 왕도 한국의 독립성을 인정하고있고, 한국 고대 국가인 조선과 고려 내부에서도 우리의 고유의 문화와 언어를 유지했고, 정치와 군사 외교도 독립적이었으며 중국기록에 일본과 한국은 ‘외국기록(外國傳)'에 기록되어있다.
수천years 동안은 속국이라고 역사를 왜곡하지마세요 하하. 그것은 너희 중국인들의 바람이 아닌가요?
물론 한국의 조선시대 당시 수천ㄴ도 아니고 조선이 청나라에게 패배하여 1636years 그 전쟁에서 패배하여 강제로 군신지국(君臣之國)’ 관계가 맺어집니다. 청나라가 공격하게 된 계기는 조선이 조공 무역 시스템을 거부하고 교류하지 않으려 했던 요인도 크다.
일제시대때 일본이 중국을 지배했고 '독립'을 했으니 중국은 일본의 속국이였습니까? 이것과 같은 맥락이다.
조선이 속국인 동시에 자주국·독립국이었다는 점은 청나라의 공식 표명에서도 증명된다. 1866years에 조선과 청나라의 관계를 오해한 청나라 주재 프랑스 공사가 청나라 총리각국사무아문(외교부)에 '프랑스 선교사가 조선에 갈 수 있도록 비자를 발급해달라'고 요청하자, 총리 각 국 사무 아문은 "조선은 청국의 속방(속국)이지만 내치·외교는 그 자주"라며 거절했다.
또 관복에 관해서도 동아시아 대부분 중국의 관복시스템을 따랐지만 그 관복조차 각자의 gae성이 존재한다.
무엇보다 '사여 관복'을 제외한 나머지 궁중 복식들은 모두 조선에서 자체적으로 제작했다.
그리고 시대가 지날수록 명나라의 영향을 받은 복식들이 조선 나름대로 변화하기에, 그것을 중국의 문화라고 부를 수는 없다.
또 1950년대는 중국이 북한을도와 남한을 침략하는것이지 지키는것이 아니다 하하.
Yuta = savage
China is slave
you are really pathetic
Don't you wanna savage?
0:47 0:59 1:08 1:48 마음 속 고백ㅋㅋㅋ
2:15 희귀장면
욕하고 보니 중국인... 장위안 포함.
Wow so many people in the comment section here are missing the point. The issue is not about using a product a company makes and creating something similar to it as a way of being "inspired by it". Everyone does that. You can say Apple was inspired by Microsoft and so on but its not a 100% copy of Microsoft. There are still enough differences between the two that you can identify an Apple product from a Microsoft product. The issue here is that China copies products with "100%" similarity to the original product to the point where its difficult for people to even know that its the fake product. Japan and Korea might produce products similar to other nations but they are not identical. China's products are often identical to those produced by other nations and they do it without acknowledging the original. Millions of people buy these fake products thinking that they are made by the original manufacturer. This is the problem because China created a huge industry out of doing this and they continue to do it without any regards to whether this is the right thing to do.
basboosa like say someone makes something of some expensive brand name item like a Gucci dress or shoe and then selling it like it's actually a Gucci brand's item. Cause every body is influenced by others but make something with their own spin on it
I acknowledge that China makes off brand products really really nicely and that not saying it’s fake and just a copy is wrong but they sell it at a lower price causing people who normally wouldn’t have been able to buy these products be able to maybe buy a designer bag they’ve always wanted... look all sides of the problem before accusing. I get this is wrong and ignoring copyright laws is illegal but this makes a lot of customers happy?
its been 2 years lol but i wanna tell u a lil something. fakes r actually great for ppl, not everyone can afford the real deal. however, many fakes look, well, fake. but many chinese brands make it very very similar, u wouldnt even be able to tell the difference. isnt this good for ppl who want to live a lavish lifestyle, but without breaking the bank?
@@user-pm2zv9fs5r yes but it is damaging to the business and creativity/innovation of the people who created such things. While a big business like Gucci may not be affected, think of smaller businesses who's products are being copied/mass manufactured and sold on ie. aliexpress. How do you think those people feel?
@@luolinzhao9164 you're right, i didn't really think of fakes from smaller companies, but big businesses do copy a lot now that I think about about.
돈주고 배워라 애들 도둑교육시키는거 아니야 왜 판권안사고 그대로 베끼면서 배운대 배운게 있음 수업료 지급해야지
"the problem is, china copies 100%"
Me: ohhhh he's brave
겉은 백이면백 따라하는건데
속은 못따라가는 기술력ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
근데 모방은 나쁜 건 아니지만
제일 문제는 저작권을 가지지 않고 함부로 모방을 해서 팔아치운다는 게 가장 큰 핵심이자 문제점이라고 생각해요..
사실 중국인들도 모른다고 말은 못하겠죠
방송에서 타고 있는 걸 1도 바꾸지 않고 그대로 따라하죠? 심지어 한국 일본 것을 따라하면서 그걸로 자신꺼라고 주장한다는 것이 문제라고 봅니다.
솔직히 말해서 우리는 이것을 보고 따라했다고 먼저 말해야 되지만 그렇지 않고 무조건 자신들이 최초라고 하는데, 적당히 우기시라고 중국인들에게 말하고 싶네요.. 그걸 무조건 최초라고 우기지 말라는 거죠
I felt incredibly uncomfortable watching this, my Chinese roots make me think one way while growing up in the west makes me feel another :/
What do u mean ? Uncomfortable y ?
That's understandable. But it's also great that you can consider both side views :)
Honestly, same.
Everybody copies everybody. One culture has turned and spread into many...
+Jes_choy they arent talking about culture but current innovations
+Sungyeon Yoo. Even if it is inventions, it still is the same thing. Did you know Chinese people were the first to invent paper. sharing is a normal fact of procession for the wholethe world. everyone benefits from it.If no one shared... can you image if only China had paper. Even if it's not paper would you have the medicine advances you have today if Noone shared or copied. And on top of that if no one copied, can you image how much more expensive things would be. because of the fight for customers people have to make the price of products reasonable
+Sungyeon Yoo no hate just I guess in expression of opinion. I do understand ur point of view too
+Maya Lee you're the only one here who's spreading so much hate about an entire fucking country, grow up
김치 한복 아리랑 상추쌈 다 자기네 꺼라 우기니...
yuta looks so young!!!
This is a healthy debate, guys. I hope people would actually watch the episode show before they talk shit about Yuta or Zhang Yuan. I like both of them a lot.
That Chinese representative looks like L Infinite but older version
lmao he kinda does
Who deathnote?
"한자 빌릴 때는 허가 받았어요?" 아뇨... 중국 왕조들이 지들의 우수성을 나타내기 위해 주변국에 한자를 강압했어요..
2:20 Winwin says hello to Yuta
뻔뻔함의 대표민족은 중국인이라 생각했는데 저건 인정하는모양이네
that's so great of you zhang yuan admitting it 😄
It is undeniable that China is behind in current technology, in comparison to South Korea and Japan. I think Yuan wanted to put emphasis that Japan also copied China, allowing Japan to develop as a country, which is still helpful to the modern people today. Eg. Hiragana and katakana are simplified forms of Kanji (Chinese characters). China willingly shared and spread their culture with Japan and Korea, and allowed others to "copy" them. So when China is behind, I don't see how it is an issue when they "copy" Japan. Instead of being bitter about it, let's all help each other learn and grow.
Joy Qi it sounds good when you say such way but we have all those copyrights and patent nowadays. Chinese character was freely distributed as you said but things now are different. Don’t try to cover up
China is in no way behind in technology. Like they said, China copies everything, so they have copies of everything. They have their own versions of everything, just like South Korea and Japan.
Japan has preserved significant amount of culture from one of the wealthiest if not the wealthiest dynasty in Chinese history. To China now, many of those cultural heritage are but belonging to the past.
come on. Just because Japan was affected by Chinese culture, it does not mean that copying the current technology can be justified. Before 18th century, it didn't matter for global economics whether other Asian countries use Chinese characters and their technology. It didn't harm China at all, rather made other Asian countires respect China. But we are currently living under international 'laws' and 'agreement' and copying stuffs and getting profits out of it is crime and not fair. To develop a specific technology, there are thousands people devoting their time and efforts and China should not take what these people deserve. Though I understand that China is in the process of development but you still cannot justify it
Ray Ha Japan has no right to say those stuff since they have copied a lot of technologies from other countries in the past
hmm but is a language, it's not different? I mean is like Spain will say that latin-countries stole their language ... common! they forced us to use their language, it doesn't count -.-
It’s bad to say bad about your country, but to be honest without things being produced in China thee would be less of the things we own because the majority of things owned by people is made in China
Why is it bad to say bad stuff about your country if it's the truth?
I think people should admit and acknowledge when something is not good instead of not talking about it just because of patriotism/nationalism...
We do talk bad things about our country too. In terms of economy and political or the issues to other countries. We do that because we disagree. We do not like it. We do that so that the officials are aware of what have they done wrong. We all have opinions anyways.
We cannot ignore individual problems just by looking at things on the surface
Well, problem is, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Cambodia are entering the market. So....
Many international countries have production in China, but that does not mean other companies can copy company secrets without their permission. If that what you're saying should be reinforced, so would you mean that other countries can just copy China's secrets on agriculture or on other industries?
칫, 중국은 100모방이라고 인정이나 하지 일본은 자기네거라고 끝까지 우기고 후손들에게도 그렇게 쇄뇌 시키지..
ㅇㅈㅇㅈ 또 저 일본패널 자국애 표현이 다른일본패널 보다 훨씬 강하고 방어적인듯
쇄뇌 이지랄하네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@user-ajl7f6ekk768 우한폐렴 중국산ㅋ
중국발 원조 코로나 ㅋㅋ
i find this show very awkward at sometimes
not when i watched the original g12 cast though
If you watch old season when takuya was there yuan and takuya fight a lot to.,I still remember they arguing over which country got the fastest train in the world...... I think takuya and yuta has similar personality in this show,both was the youngest so they seem laid back ,polite compare to other representatives
Lol Yuta is more savage than "polite".
Nice observation
한국도 그랬잖아
일본거 그대로 모방해서 성공했잖아.
우리도 인정할건 해야지
Japan did not invent mobile phones. The first mobile phone was made in USA by Motorola.
Which Chinese company Leovno own now.
@@lawrencelee5647 so? Does it make it that China has something to do with inventing first mobile or what
@@user-ajl7f6ekk768 By Chinese logic, yes it does.
0:40 여기 짱위안 의도한거냐ㅋㅋ
trying to explain world summit to a friend : It is kinda like alive action Hetalia talking about modern stuffs
징글징글하다ㅡ 중국
결론 : 역시 하는 짓이 똑같은 형제의 나라구나ㅋ
확실한건 한국이 그런말할 처지는 아님. ㅋㅋㅋ
China has such a bad reputation in America
and the rest of the world
Please go take a history course, and also educate yourself on the current economy and issues. :)
it probably wont be in the next 100yrs
Put away the racism lmfao.
In indonesia too, maybe in some country
He will never say that to Takuya
Hope YUan and takuya can sleep in the same room in Australia.
어메이징 차이나 근데 장위안이 저기서 제일 정상인축임
모방만 하다 망해라 ...아 개발한거 있지 우한ㅍㅖ렴
일본이 중국한테 뭘배워ㅋㅋㅋ
ㅇㅈㅋㅋ 조선이 중국한테 배운거면 맞지만
@@user-uv1xv5hr2s ???
우리 한국도 중국쓰레기들한테 배울거 없어
@@user-uv1xv5hr2s 네다 일베충
라멘만 해도 중국에서 전래된거임 ㅋㅋ
No need to defense..japan do a copying too about germany camera long time ago before nikon and canon rule the world
Absolutely agree
But they make it better than German tho
I can just imagine Australians & New Zealanders bickering over Pavlova etc 😂
The guy from Norway, when he smiles he looks so cute.
He looks like Spongebob
영어와 외국어가 난무해서 중국을 못 까겠어....
어쩌면 살기 위해 저러는 걸 수도
신비해져서 사려아함
그땐 눈치라도 봐서 모방이지만, 이젠 중국은 새로 모방하는 모든 아시아기원은 중국이다. 너희야말로 왜 중국문화를 따라하느냐?ㅋㅋㅋ
혼자서 다구리 꿋꿋하게 받아쳐내는거 본받아야겠다
ㅇㅈ 이게 맞다
한자는 배낀게 아니라 나눠준거지
오히려 자국글자 만드려고 할때 ㅈㄹ했잖아
근데 미국 제제 압박하니까 모방을 할수밖에 없는 상황인지라,,,,
I heard that if you bring a fake item in japan, like a plagiarized item, they would confiscate it and you might go to jail. Is it true?
Yeah. Many fake chinese products are banned in Japan.
They destroy everything
Melodie EXO-L NCT ohh so what my father was telling me was right all along haha I thought he was bluffing cause he often does that
Liu Jindda uh.. went to Japan last month, and we found this all 300Yen shops in our neighbourhood. well, all of things that we have bought are just literally made in China.
Dyah Rahayu Pradita There is no problem with PRODUCT made in China as long as it's a REAL BRAND.
"iPhone" are made in China (but it's from APPLE COMPANY).
But there are fake company who copy and do fake brand. Those fake brand are banned in Japan.
Lovely Name that explains everything. 😃
장위안. 그도 착해지기 싫었던 것이다.
Note that ramen was invented by a Taiwanese national (Momofuku Ando only became a naturalized Japanese citizen much later after said invention).
다 서로서로 베끼고 그러는거지뭐~저렇게 다 같이 인정하고 이해하면 얼마나 좋아~
This feels like Hetalia live action serie !
I don’t think Japan and China will ever get along.
우린 중국한테 뭐라할자겯없는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ우리나라도 일본 개따라함
일본애니기술은 한국 기술자나화가가 가서 발전한건뎈ㅋㅋㅋ
진서리 아이구. .......
He is Real Chinese...
저사람이 과장돼서 말했는데 실제로 일본 애니메이션 작화팀에 한국인 개많음 왜냐하면 우리나라는 애니메이션에 발전이없기때문에 일본으로 넘어감
Dramas too👏🏻
I need to be on this cast. I would burn so many of the cast XD
ㅋㅋㅋ 한자 저작권 ㅋㅋ
Name of the show?
한자 아직도 쓰네요 ㅋㅋ
This is really uncomfortable..
I guess this was before Yuta fell in love with a Chinese person (Winwin) lol
유타 표정 봐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Yuta ^^
This kinda reminds me on how us pakistanis and Indians fight 😂😂😂 except for we don’t come a conclusion on who is right and who is wrong
근데 비정상회담 은근 중국디스 많이 하네ㅋㅋ
일본애들은 지들도 복사해놓고 무슨.
원래 무단도용해서 샤프 라디오 만들고 그러면서 큰거야 독일에서 카세트 카메라...
핸드폰은 ibm에서 최초고 시제품 뽑은거는 모토로라야.
핸드폰 초기시장에서부터 일본 존재감 없었다. 그 때부터 기운거지. 90년대부터 이미 전자산업 일본 기운거.
노키아 삼성 모토로라 3파전하다가 스마폰으로 가면서 삼성 애플로 구도가 굳어진거
한자는 한족만이 만든게 아니지
@Justin Xiezzangae
hmmmmm it's funny how japan is criticising china copying everything while japan was doing the exactly same thing before. china is just another japan. everyone copies one another, get over it.
I think the topic shoud be..the quality of their product.... Yes we cannot avoid copying it our nature but the result of your copying is the most important..I guess
Joon Dara even 40 years ago , Japanese products stands for cheap and poor quality just like Chinese product now . So what's your point ?
사실 중국인들도 본인나라 문제점은 다 압니다.
하지만 중국인들 말중에 이런말이 있죠
"니가 나의 잘못을 지적하는건 좋지만 그것에 대해 비난하는건 싫다"
즉 저분도 본인 나라가 잘못된거는 알지만 누군가가 옆에서 본인나라에 대해서 비난하는걸 싫어서 처음부분에는 인정하고싶어도 안하는겁니다.
즉 다시 말해서 자기 가족이 잘못된 행동을 하면 그거를 말해주는건 좋지만 그것에 대해 험담을 하면 누구나 싫어하는것과 같습니다
why did zhang yuan always attack japan? 😂😂😂
나중에 91-3 에서 말을 뒤집음
Idl zang yuan , he act nice , he come fromSM
They r both contracted under SM
Herbal tea, anyone?
What Chinese people call Han Zi (汉子) is not created by Chinese alone. It is a collectively derived writing system from many different regions in Asia. You can find various different origins of this writing system, scattered all over in Asia. These different systems were collectively put together as one IN CHINA, so it's fair to call it Chinese Han Zi, but China is not the sole creator of this writing system and therefore cannot claim any copyrights.
Many European languages are based in Latin and no one even thinks that these European countries stole Latin to create their own.
So Zhang Yuan's question (I know he said it as a joke...) to ask if Japanese ever asked for permission to take Han Zi is just pure stupid, although he said it as a joke.
Japanese do not only use Chinese charactors to create their own but also yet using many of them along with Japanese charactors, in incomparable degree with Latin and some European languages
“Scattered all over in Asia”
Can you give an example?
“These different systems were collectives put together as one IN CHINA”
When Oracle script was invented surrounding countries of China didn’t even have civilization yet lol. Pure ignorant K-pop fans😂
조마조마했네 후..
Baby yuta 😙
우리도 일본거 허락없이 카피했지. 할말없다.
지금은 반대죠 방탄 따라하는거보세요ㅋ
우리나라도 일본꺼 따라하고 일본도 우리나라꺼 따라함
I really like the concept of this show, it's funny and original (especially the settings which make it like they're all dirigeants of their country lol 😂😂)
what episode is this?
I saw Jinwoo
I've been watching the old videos of NCT nowadays and I found this and then I remembered that yuta loves dong si Cheng(a pure Chinese) lol
Everyone 'copies' and everything is influenced by something else.
Back then, Korea also copied everything from Japan lol
Say what exactly?
@@user-ajl7f6ekk768 yeah we admit that. we kinda copied alot from Japan too and now China is copying from us alot..its..like..going around and around
@@myeongaefirefighter ppl copy a lot. thats j how it is, from the basis of chinese foundation, to bowls, to ceramics, korea and japan copied it all. maybe it was for the better, but it happens, its a cycle. wont be long until something like this happens once more
At least Koreans acknowledge it
Steal Beyond copy
is Yuta in a boy group?
SM rookie :0
Usagi Jean thank you
+KAT Yuta is in NCT
i didnt see him in any of the mvs tho
+KAT He's in NCT but not NCT U (its a sub-unit)
i love this show so interesting n funny
Peace !!!!!!! Don't you feel like all the countries are brothers and sisters that sometimes they love each other and sometimes they fight ???!!!!! Just like brothers and sisters. BUT they are so much cutter when they love each other !!!!!!! Love to All the countries from Greece and Peace !!!!!!!
Many Chinese like to bring major concepts such as history and the fact that China helps other nations, but it is not so relevant. Besides Japan knows that they have inherited some of their culture from China. But people from China might not know about the things they use originally coming from Japan. China gets away with things like that because of the power they possess in the economy. But to truly thrive and gain recognition, China will need to enforce stricter regimes.
장위안 정신좀차려라 ㅋㅋㅋ 모든게 다중국껀데 왜 코로나는 중국꺼라고 말안하냐??
따라하게 놔둬라. 어차피 made in korea,japan 퀄리티 못 따라간다.