I (almost) Finished My Boat Safety Training

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 47

  • @lynziekirby8882
    @lynziekirby8882 Год назад +13

    Remember, Lorna, that is just their opinion, they don't know you and perhaps they are used to humbling people because they have some power to pass or fail them. Most people, in my opinion, would prefer you to be direct and to tell it as it is instead of waffling on for ages just to seem fluffy. So, don't take what they said to heart, you are just lovely and always come across very well and knowledgeable in your vlogs, which I always enjoy.

  • @beingauthentic1234
    @beingauthentic1234 Год назад +7

    Lorna I am autistic and can totally relate to all that you said in this video. Whether someone is autistic or not, there are many communication styles and someone should not be punished for theirs. Reasonable adjustments should be discussed at the time of offering any training, it should be something the trainer brings up. If they had an open and approachable policy you could have told them about your social needs and their understanding could have been different. This is in no way on you. As educators they have a duty to put you in the best position to achieve your potential. It also sounds like they need some training on inclusion because the way they handled it should have left you feeling understood and reassured. You are clearly a very knowledgeable person and your experiences are valid. Please give yourself a pat on the back for sticking with it in the face of adversity, that’s a real achievement. My dad actually has a canal boat on the Blackwater that you showed on your video when you walked from Heybridge to Chelmsford. I know your schedule sounds busy but if you ever fancy a cruise please let me know, keep positive 🙂

  • @robertlalor8090
    @robertlalor8090 Год назад +13

    Lorna, I have found it more fruitful to focus on what I believe to be right, rather than what I think people think of me. Don't withdraw, is my humble advice. Just keep on doing the right thing. Bless you

    • @t1n4444
      @t1n4444 Год назад +1

      A fair point ... but ... sometimes getting work depends on recommendation from fellow boaters.
      Personally I would prefer someone who was businesslike and professional.
      There's no need to strike up a lifelong relationship.
      From experience BSS inspectors prefer to crack on with the inspection with the minimum of chit chat and generally refuse a cuppa because they haven't the time and worry about the 'resilience" of their bladder.

  • @Silkytoaster
    @Silkytoaster Год назад +13

    Don’t let them get you down Lorna . You made some very good points that I think reflects on the trainers short coming - you mentioned that they did not mention the ‘problems ‘ they saw with your approach till the end and you are right how can one change if one is not given the guidance /feedback as the course progressed instead of dumping on you at the end. Keep at it girl. ❤ from Canada . Can’t wait till you new boat is finished .

  • @raymondc5473
    @raymondc5473 Год назад +10

    You did really well facing the fear of social anxiety (something I'm too well aware of), and you got on with it, doing your best and surprising yourself and others. Some people in the job of communicating knowledge and information can be very poor at communicating themselves. A bit of constructive criticism in a timely manner is fair enough, more guidance than anything allowing the student to move forwards in a better way (perhaps) is one thing but knocking someone's confidence like that is a sign of them having the problem. Keep at it. It's even more of a reason to push ahead, and I'm sure they'll learn from their mistakes as we all can x

  • @hamshackleton
    @hamshackleton Год назад +8

    I can relate to what you were saying about the accusation of being too blunt. I think it is NOT a fault, but comes from being a very independant person, used to coping with and sorting out your own problems, and not taking waffle for an answer. Just be yourself, and I think it will come right, in the end.

    • @ladygardener100
      @ladygardener100 Год назад +2

      If an inspector waffles purely in order to avoid any sort of potential disagreement (you can imagine trying to deal with the GWards of this world), then what will happen is that the inspection will just be a tick box situation: I'm not sure that it should actually be anything else!❤

    • @hamshackleton
      @hamshackleton Год назад

      @@ladygardener100 A box-ticker is a waste of space. An Inspector will notice faults that could be life-threatening.

  • @ladygardener100
    @ladygardener100 Год назад +5

    I have followed Lorna Jayne for years, and always considered she is level headed.
    I got the impression she deals with problems and with people in her full time work.
    I think this criticism sounds like a bit of nit picking: every person approaches their work in a slightly different way, that does not mean any of those ways are wrong.

  • @rachelleottereyes364
    @rachelleottereyes364 Год назад +10

    If they could only critique you on your “attitude towards BSS”, then you have done a good job acquiring knowledge, because they couldn’t find anything wrong with your skills. Take that to the bank and be proud of what you have accomplished

    • @ladygardener100
      @ladygardener100 Год назад

      A lot of boaters have had concerns that the BSC scheme was set up by CRT rather than a completely independent body, we boaters may be a bit vague here!
      It's not an MOT, or is it?
      My Examiner had expertise in gas installation, which was why I selected him as I was concerned that the gas had been installed competently, but not convinced it had been thoroughly inspected and tested.
      He looked at the electrics, but that was it.
      most of the time was inspection rather than testing. Fair enough.

    • @t1n4444
      @t1n4444 Год назад

      Hmm, just goes to show the differences between examiners.
      I selected a Gas Safe bloke and astonished to note he took the gas system apart, right down to checking the gas regulator.
      He insisted on a length of gas supply pipe being supported along its 18" length (a new requirement since last BSS inspection).
      Also he wasn't a fan of bubble testers.
      And heb very strongly advised me against using a home brew diesel cleaning system on the grounds the CAV filter bowl was plastic.
      Happy to take his advice.
      A bit pointless not to as I was paying for it.
      This examiner has since stopped his testing work as he was seconded to BSS as an advisor, or so I understand.

  • @wendybrealey8368
    @wendybrealey8368 Год назад +2

    Feedback like that gives me the 💩. They’re crap teachers if they have an issue or think there’s something you can improve on and don’t give a heads up earlier ...don’t take it to heart. You know what you’re doing and sound knowledgeable and competent. And perhaps the attitude of staff like the one(s) giving you feedback and how they came across to you in the feedback session is why the BSS has an image issue with boaters. You’ll be a valuable ambassador ❤ Well done on what you’ve achieved.

  • @CherylSteele-rt8dj
    @CherylSteele-rt8dj Год назад +1

    Well done, Lorna. It has been lovely following your experiences on the training course. You will be a very useful and fun person to have around in the boating world. 🎉😊

  • @christinegibbins6105
    @christinegibbins6105 Год назад +3

    Lorna, take the positives and I feel they don't know you well enough as a person to make that judgement. Someone who calls a spade a spade, and not a shovel is the right one in any safety situation. Take care and good luck.

  • @jaybee1921
    @jaybee1921 Год назад +2

    Hi Lorna,
    Very pleased to hear you're doing well on your course, as others have said on here, don't worry yourself about the BSS thinking you're "blunt", we all know you better than they do. In my previous roles as an area manager or an inspector I had to be blunt with some people and was better respected for it as in the end they knew deep down that I was right and knew what I was talking about. So good on you Lorna, you just carry on being you, they have the problem, not you.
    All the very best Lorna,
    Take care,
    Jon B.

  • @proudprogressiveTG
    @proudprogressiveTG Год назад

    You are absolutely a joy to listen to, a wonderful communicator, honest direct and gentle not blunt. People just sometimes want something to pick on. Your spirit and pure intelligence ,love of life shines through. Remember opinions are like ***holes and everybody has one, please do not let them get you down.
    Socialize if you want to you have so much great energy to share and your courage and risk taking is an inspiration. You are a precious gift to those who know you and are loved more than you can imagine. If some people don't get you, so be it others will and do. i like to say there are 4 kinds of people, those that get us, those that don't, those that did once get us but don't anymore and those that don't get us yet, but will. You Be you ! we are all perfectly imperfect. Your reason for being a boat safety trainer are very very right. and thats the word from New Mexico USA🌈

  • @RedHillian
    @RedHillian Год назад +6

    "[...concerns with your attitude to the BSS...]"
    Well, I guess we can conclusively tell they're not subscribers to your channel then - because there's been more than a little positive discussion of who they are and what they do, and how enthused you are about working in this role with them for the past handful of months!
    I'm sure I recall you saying in an early video that they were looking to move forward out of examiners being a bit of an "old boys club" network. Maybe the course assessors need reminding of that!

  • @Moffit366
    @Moffit366 Год назад

    Holy cow you have grown so much in the last few years, presentation, self confidence, self care, and self like.
    The fact some story ding don’t thinks something is wrong is there problem, ask for a different counselor.
    Your paying for the course! Get the results you paired for.

  • @pageant1fd
    @pageant1fd Год назад +8

    I hope their criticism wasn’t connected in any way to your gender Lorna. Are guys expected to be blunt or direct in communication whereas you were expected to be meek and mild in your manner ? I would tackle their comments and ask why they had not voiced their concerns earlier. Show them lass you are well up for the job.

  • @hymek7017
    @hymek7017 Год назад

    If your communication is as good while doing BSS work as it is in these videos then you have nothing to fear. Good luck Lorna.

  • @massivelyfence8111
    @massivelyfence8111 Год назад +2

    It's a shame you had a bit of a negative experience. People with a bit of social anxiety can be very sensitive to any perceived criticism, especially after expending so much energy on the general socialising aspects of the course.
    I also have a vague memory from a past video that your work background was in some kind of managerial role - if people are finding you a bit blunt or direct, perhaps this just reflects skills which are appropriate for your work which you are now applying to a new area.
    You clearly have good communication skills, you have this youtube channel and do great on it. This course is just a new context to apply your skills slightly differently. Your description of their feedback sounds like it's not a failure, it's not even really an error, it's just valuable insight for your own development.
    Well done :)

  • @grahamlewis6062
    @grahamlewis6062 Год назад +2

    Lorna. You’re doing so very well. A few things you’ve mentioned I ve wondered if you may be autistic. Your strength of character, direct straightforward speaking, and practical outlook along with the personal ‘space’ awareness do seem to be pointing in that direction. Nothing to be scared about your word ‘systematic’ is just typical of my own grandson. Down to earth, direct, adventurous, observant and so many other abilities which in an autistic person are all greatly beneficial to a profession.. Keep going and and maybe the very people doing your appraisal need to consider the positive attributes of your communication directnesses. As an exboater( sadly age health etc has meant our lovely boat needs to move on to another family). Any BHS examiner, who expressed confidence in their directness was actually a plus that the job had been correctly done!!! Joan

  • @ronniemanuel6287
    @ronniemanuel6287 Год назад +2

    Yes , you are unlimited! and it's great

  • @JCDiamond
    @JCDiamond Год назад +1

    I am very sorry to hear about your experience with feedback. I don't think that was particularly well done - and I don't understand why if they THOUGHT there was an issue, this wasn't discussed with you earlier. It would have been so much easier to discuss/explain. I totally get it though - completely as in some ways you and I are quite a lot alike.

  • @pfalzgraf7527
    @pfalzgraf7527 Год назад +1

    It is a good thing you seek the fault first in yourself. However, sometimes the problem is not on your side (or at least to the lesser extent)!
    So, you have learned a lot and you are good at what you did. If your questions to your trainers were getting THEM into difficulties, that only shows that you are quite the engaged learner - maybe unusually so, but don't you ever let people tell you that you're the opposite of what you're intending to do! What you describe sounded to me as if your questions brought your teachers/trainers to their limit and they are not used to such an inquisitive pupil. I hope you told them about your motivation what you said in this video - If they're good teachers that should give them to think.

  • @marvindebot3264
    @marvindebot3264 Год назад +3

    I'm sorry but I'm with Edmund Blackadder on the Morris dancing 😎
    I'm sure you loved the farm and the animals.
    WTF? Blunt I think is good in an inspector, you shouldn't be sugarcoating anything or being overly nice, just honest and to the point without being rude. As for why they thought you had a problem with them as an org I don't understand at all; I think someone needs some sensitivity training and it's not you. You'll be damn good at this job and don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise.

  • @lahendrix8
    @lahendrix8 Год назад

    It sounds like they need to read Berne Brown’s book Dare to Lead. Asking questions and confirming you are understanding a concept is how you learn and gain knowledge. Staying quiet is how miss learning happens.

  • @vicmiller7191
    @vicmiller7191 Год назад

    Sounds to me that the instructors need to go back to school and learn lesson one. incorrect behavior needs to be identified quickly so that behavior can be adjusted before it becomes a mode or habit that can be diffulcult to adjust as needed. you as a student are relying on the instructors to teach the behavior and attitudes that is expected by the organazation on day one not day 4 or 5. you appear to be going at it with the correct mindset of learning all you can from the instructors in the short time you are with them, And you well do very well dispite what they are saying. You go Girl and you well do well. Thanks for sharing. and good luck.

  • @ladygardener100
    @ladygardener100 Год назад +1

    ❤ I found those comments quite strange as I've always considered you to be confident through knowledge if that is the right expression.
    I would be very wary of trying to educate a boater, eg telling @Tony Brooks how things are expected to be to be!!!!

  • @billy4072
    @billy4072 Год назад

    Interesting stuff. I noticed a quote on another Channel , and he nailed it for me ..."the grinding tedium of social interaction " 🤙. I don't stand any nonsense anymore..I'll go some way to listen and put up with other folks opinions and antics... but remain true to my beliefs and what my character is. That channel was" ordinary things "

  • @pickledbeetroots4413
    @pickledbeetroots4413 Год назад

    As someone with Autism, what you experienced with them saying you were too "blunt" sounds awful. I don't behave like everyone else, I often put things bluntly but I also believe that it's a great tool to have when your in a supportive workplace. My autism isn't a hindrance or disability in my current job because I'm supported correctly. People enjoy working with me because I'm straight forward, what I tell them is correct and true even if it isn't always what they originally wanted to hear. Im sorry they treated you like that and didn't let you know about it earlier in the course. Do you think course like this would be accsesible to those who are neurodivergent? x

  • @user-wv5pw8tj6c
    @user-wv5pw8tj6c Год назад +2


  • @TomTremayne
    @TomTremayne 11 месяцев назад

    You're great Lorna Jane

  • @rotinkerbell
    @rotinkerbell Год назад +4

    Lorna, what reasonable adjustments are the course and tutors making? It seems there is little recognition of neuro diversity? Maybe some feedback to the course facilitators?

    • @t1n4444
      @t1n4444 Год назад +1

      What adjustments do you suppose "they" should make?
      You're on a course to get trained, it's not a dating agency.
      If the instructors pass a comment then it's for you to take notice and "adapt".
      If you appear blunt when dealing with clients then you'll soon see the results by the number of clients you get ... or don't ...
      You have to consider some clients will be experts at being blunt themselves ... plus some might insist their interpretation of the BSS regs is "better" than that of an inspector.
      Some clients will complain if you fail them on anything to do with safety.
      Most probably because they couldn't be arsed to read up on what's required, and prepare their boat in advance.
      The BSS inspection parameters are not written in stone, and, what was acceptable might have changed in the four years between inspections.
      We have yet to see what points are added to an all electric boat ref the battery technologies.
      You have to remember the BSS work retroactively, as in only recently insisting on CO monitors (marine versions at that).
      Much more information to be found on the BSS website of course.

    • @rotinkerbell
      @rotinkerbell Год назад

      @@t1n4444 aren't you a ray of sunshine?
      Those who run courses have a statutory responsibility to offer equality in their approach and an understanding into the diversity of learning styles.

    • @t1n4444
      @t1n4444 Год назад

      You know nothing of how such courses are run.
      From experience there's a "lot" of male banter (some of which is quite coarse) and you are expected to fit in from the word go.
      "You" don't have an opinion as such. You merely stay quiet until an instructor asks for questions.
      If ever you worked on a boatyard, say, then you would be well aware of the need for skin like an entire herd of rhino.
      Not all the instructors have read or can be arsed to understand "Instructing 101".
      You should consider too that if the instructors or any of the other trainees don't believe "your face fits" then they'll make sure you know.
      Such is life in some working environments, from the dust to the boardroom.
      Some places are very hostile to women, courtesy of the resident alpha male, who generally sets the tone.
      If you read a paper or watch/listen to the media then you know all this anyway.
      It is a disgraceful state of affairs but that's the way it is ... unless you, personally, thought to reprise Emmeline Pankhurst???

    • @rotinkerbell
      @rotinkerbell Год назад

      @@t1n4444 Oh sweetie.
      Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.” John Stuart Mill inaugural address to University of St Andrews 1865.

    • @biteursknbiteurskn
      @biteursknbiteurskn Год назад

      @@t1n4444And it is our lot in life to put down such foul behaviours, to drive them from the shores of this kingdom, so that it may be a truly virtuous land.

  • @myhillslife27
    @myhillslife27 Год назад

    I totally understand. I get it.. I am sorry that happened..

  • @layalabi1667
    @layalabi1667 Год назад


  • @wylieneal1380
    @wylieneal1380 Год назад

    Give them hell...girl you got this!

  • @anfieldroadlayoutintheloft5204

    goiods vid thanks lee