From Pentagon to Thames Town: The Collapse of China's Ambitious Replicas

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • #china #chinatruths #chinanews

Комментарии • 34

  • @royrosete7085
    @royrosete7085 Месяц назад +13

    GDP built up......... GDP up..... no economic gain.... they waste their resources on this kind of projects but neglect their citizens... pity.

    • @popcorn6931
      @popcorn6931 Месяц назад

      No pity for stupidity… they built just to show off

      @SONMINHTRAN1 Месяц назад

      1000% correct

    • @Yautah
      @Yautah Месяц назад

      All this waste of concrete is insane and stupid. They increased the price with that much demand, and for what ?

  • @edwardbryan9501
    @edwardbryan9501 Месяц назад +13

    The key differences between China's copy towns and the originals are foreign cultures and foreign people.
    The CCP will never allow foreign cultures to integrate into their "CCP is god" culture.

    • @sleepinglaffey3886
      @sleepinglaffey3886 Месяц назад

      Patriotism of Xinnie PorkPooh #slopaganda #misery #shillbroth #tubecensor
      - With stimulus and measures, China's debt will be at 400% to 500% of its GDP in the next decade, according to Reuters.
      -Chinese 🇨🇳 property Ponzi sector, which accounts for 30% of GDP, is crashing
      -Tofu Exports and Western imports, accounting for 37% GDP, are down.
      -Foreign investment is falling over 90% compared to it's peak in 2018.
      -Foreign visitors are down 96% compared to the pre-pandemic level in 2019 with less than 200 americans left.
      -Consumer prices and pay are experiencing hyperstagdeflation while necessities are undergoing hyper flation.
      -Youth unemployment hits over 21% (in reality 75%+ after eliminating faked numbers), a record.
      -It's fast shrinking workforce is 10 years old than neighboring countries.
      - During the years 1990-2021, the US printed 6.5 time more money while China printed 147 times.
      - It has printed more money than the US and Japan combined, while it's economy is only half of them.
      - Current Chinese debt-to-gdp is already highest in the world, at 300%, according to Bloomberg.
      - This is a macroeconomic nightmare created by the party going way back in 1994 when they took the Tofu money off the international exchange. Now in 2024, the banks and the average little pink have no idea what is the ACTUAL value of anything within the country. Any stimulus from the Central state. will be meaningless and ineffectual because the Central Bank is a part of the Party. Thereby merging both fiscal Central and monetary private policies into one ongoing disaster. Local province officials were doing stimulus spending for decades in tandem of the "Economic Miracle" which will undermine any Central stimulus during an actual depression/recession or more accurately.. HYPERSTAGDEFLATIONARY NIGHTMARE.
      -- in the future house prices will drop to 10%, youth unemployment will be over 90%+ without streams, and middle class people over 35 will all be laid off with pays trimmed in half.
      How will you do in a country where real estate companies, local governments, and banks across China have crashed or fled? That is your challenge for the future (will you own a trash house with the mortgage?). Pensions will be laundered and your daily pay will be 1-2 dollars while you drink Poop Water and eat gasoline cooking oil while the Party and Porkpooh eat Tegong Special food supplies.
      Mengze harvard daughter: lives in US brother: australian green card daughter in law: british green card sister: canadian citizen brother in law: canadian citizen second sister: australian green card second brother in law: australian green card
      Arctic Catfish Shenzhen: laughs at how Leeks feed her
      Fei Fei Li the AI Spy and stealer-Has ties to the Party with Tsinghua University
      WOW SO GOOD AWESOME Organ Leeks #sloprosperity #theskydontlie

    • @JunHooKim-bn4yc
      @JunHooKim-bn4yc Месяц назад

      Didn't this very channel keep telling you that China was.., is.., will be collapse.?
      China has been on the brink of imminent collapse in every Tuesday for these 5 decades.
      And here... again..
      China is on the brink of another one collapse.!!
      What a magic country China is.

  • @MoonMan3000
    @MoonMan3000 Месяц назад +7

    The funny part is they built all these world famous turist attractions with the goal to attract turists from all over the world to China😂
    And if anyone still is doubtful about if Chinas ”growth Miracle” the past 30 years was all ”real GDP” or not and/or why the local government debt could have soared so high.. This is the video for you😅

  • @midimusicforever
    @midimusicforever Месяц назад +8

    Tofu-dreg replicas!

  • @wtan1851
    @wtan1851 Месяц назад +3

    The bigger the plans, the bigger the losses. That's what you get from this system.

  • @5nowChain5
    @5nowChain5 Месяц назад +3

    You look at all these project's... its no wonder the country is bankrupt.😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Fr.VeniceLAI
    @Fr.VeniceLAI Месяц назад +2

    These multiple Billions USD replicas served their purposes during the time of their construction & building.... they assisted to increase PRChina's GDP growth figures and most importantly, many got very wealthy in the process either providing the concepts, constructions, materials, workers, or giving the necessary approval, the inspection seals, issuing documents & the final red seals etc. etc. Those many involved in the projects were most happy .... spending the monies. They were like consuming at the great feasts, of wines, great cuisines, at Great Banquets ... now what left afterwards, like in a Grand Banquet Halls ..filled with dirty plates, cutleries, unwasted table linens and also those unwashed bathrooms/toilets etc. etc. Mostly, Abandoned, with nobody interested to clean up the mess, except the occasionally assigned street cleaner.

  • @tedzehnder961
    @tedzehnder961 Месяц назад +2

    I doubt they are doing it solely out of admiration. I think it`s more like,"Hey, we can build that too, no big deal see, whatever you can do, so can we".

  • @Sandman253
    @Sandman253 Месяц назад +1

    They built but no-one came.

  • @medannylee1
    @medannylee1 Месяц назад +1

    Big movie set.

  • @MasticinaAkicta
    @MasticinaAkicta Месяц назад

    I wondered how they were doing, wasn't it a few years a go that even Xi was like "Eeeh yeah don't make those. It makes us look stupid."
    So you have cloned areas that end up too expensive for most chinese to life in. And it is too small for the rich chinese.

  • @gabriellechung356
    @gabriellechung356 Месяц назад

    Who made the decisions to build these? Don’t they do any research or survey and ask the public if they would live there? Probably would have saved a lot of money.

    • @seekthetruth1478
      @seekthetruth1478 Месяц назад

      Who? They're living in luxury homes in another country, with tons of money taken with them.

  • @0Zebadee0
    @0Zebadee0 Месяц назад

    If you build it they will come ..., except they won't.

  • @btdt346
    @btdt346 Месяц назад

    A fools errand.

  • @stevidente
    @stevidente Месяц назад

    Taking the concept of “build it and they will come” a little too far.

  • @felixcat9318
    @felixcat9318 Месяц назад

    The original buildings in London, dating back hundreds of years were better constructed than the modern Chinese copycat structures!
    Rather than creating tofu dreg cities that no one wants, China should use that money to implement internationally accredited food safety standards which are rigorously enforced!

  • @Chris.Davies
    @Chris.Davies Месяц назад

    China: spend borrowed money to build Tofu Dreg liabilities no one wants or needs.
    Democratic country: invest capital to build productive assets.

  • @RogerSanGabriel
    @RogerSanGabriel Месяц назад +1

    They copy everything.

  • @buckkw5108
    @buckkw5108 Месяц назад

    It's creepy..

  • @wayangkulit2890
    @wayangkulit2890 Месяц назад

    Of course it's all a criminal rip off 😂😂😂

  • @sporehux8344
    @sporehux8344 Месяц назад

    Why run the scam out to building 80% is completed, just complete payouts after the fancy scale model is complete, end result is the same and you don't waste all that tofu.

  • @markgarin6355
    @markgarin6355 28 дней назад

    Well if you don't have an original thought......oops looks like the Pentagon.
    Sorry, pet store with 0 not a pet store.

  • @jhendricks203
    @jhendricks203 Месяц назад

    CCP sure like to spend, another copy of our congress .