Squealing like a school girl with you new-found interest in the Thoth. When I purchased my first book and deck and dug in I was so drawn in. I was engrossed in the book. I must have stopped each of my children multiple times just to say listen to this and read from the book. Don't get me wrong I also have and work with other types of decks by my Thoth does not fail when I use it. I do have the large and small version of this deck but I think I got them a number of years ago off MPC. Always love listening to your take aways on decks, your interpretation of said and just what you see in a card that I may not. Enjoy!!
I started with Crowley’s Thoth and used it exclusively for decades. Then, I went insane (LOL) and have managed to accumulate hundreds of decks. I have very, very few Thoth-based decks because I generally feel that if I want Thoth, I will use Crowley’s. That said, a few Thoth-based decks managed to get into my collection because they are just very special and different. I think this deck will have to be part of that number. I have come to notice that Crowley’s Thoth (for me) is kind of like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. If I want to understand something, it will show it to me very clearly. However, if I want something more like guidance, I use any other deck. LOL. I will never use Crowley’s deck to read for anyone else again because while it gives the clearest readings for me, it can be a bit brutal and lacking in empathy I suppose, which gives my readings that same feel. I say this because the way I read, the cards are a tool to help me focus and get in touch with my intuition and inner self. Crowley’s is all cerebral. And that is great, when appropriate. To me, it is a magician’s deck - all about knowledge. As opposed to a witch’s deck, which would be all about intuition and feeling. Now I am babbling. LOL sorry.
Thanks for the reminder, I needed that. Men naturally think logically, so their art style would differ. Though some detailed cards I find very beautiful, they just feel too cluttered and the symbols become more of a hindrance than a help. Same reason why we resonate to some decks than others.
YAYYYY! I am a Thoth-head, and I love it. Regular Thoth feels like home, but I am SO thrilled that Ashera is back! Hopefully it stays for awhile, I still have to make it through another 8.5 months of a no-buy. I've always wanted this deck.
thanks for sharing. I went and ordered it immediately. I only work with THOTH and this is the first thoth based deck I feel I can work with. Cant wait to get it.
Lisa you have really impressed me introducing the Asherah by comparing it with the Thoth.. I have been fawning over the Asherah over the past few years with the images of the major being soooo stunning, You bringing to attention the symbology on the minors pip style and your insight to the imagery has given me faith to buy the deck🙂
Thoth study is such a rabbit hole! I dip in and out but may have to dive in again with this deck. I love it’s colors and symbols. I agree with your comment that it is more intuitive while still being highly faithful to the original Thoth. That said, I’m bummed Lust is at 8 (at least the creator didn’t rename the card). More and more I’m a Justice at 8 person. I haven’t went in on other Thoth decks, keeping to the original but this deck has captivated my heart and mind.
I'm trying to remember if I ever did a walkthrough of Gil. I did have it at one point and did also rehome it later on - it's really cool but I wasn't reaching for it! SEMI TEMPTED to reacquire but I thin kI'm going to hold off!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this video! I think I had this deck on my list ages ago but completely forgot about it. I just received my deck and I am so in love. My spirit just sings with it. I got the small deck and I love the size, but I love the deck so much I think I will have to get the larger version too. (Did I mention I love this deck?) Oh I am pretty sure that flap is to protect it to make it smoother to close.
I really love this Thoth deck! The artwork is beautiful and vibrant and I love that it’s borderless too! I do agree that the face in the Sun is weird though. But yeah …Ugh another deck I have to buyyyy lol
I love what you said about the sun! I feel it too and when I think about it, that fits because the sun is hard to look at. It hurts our eyes even though it is the bringer of life. Your first impressions are spot on. 🙌 great run through, tysm P.S. to add a layer to the Judgement/Aeon card, the messenger is actually in the abyss...🤔or Daat depending on the perspective this deck def has a lot of interesting angles
Your enthusiasm for putting another layer on your tarot knowledge is infectious! Thank you for taking us on your journey! I don’t know if you have done a walk though of Benebell’s deck before but it would be interesting to see what connections you would draw now with your new thoth knowledge.
In older Thoth decks there was a choice of 3 Magus cards. The design of this Magus from The Asherah Tarot has some symbology similar to the other Magus choice card in the older Thoth decks. I own the older smaller Thoth deck with the 3 Magus that was gifted to me. Beautiful Thoth clone that I will most likely bye. thank you for doing a walk through of this deck. I have been studying the system also.
I am really getting the itch to learn about Thoth. I really like how the artist has included faces in some of the cards, like the lions face in the 7 of wands!
I just got a very Thoth inflused deck (The Urban tarot) and I wasn't sure if all of the key words on the minors so I went back to this video and I just wanted to say thanks for doing this side by side because it helped me see things in the deck I'm working that I would have missed
You really went from "🤢Thoth" to geeking out and comparing every deck to the Thot didn't you? 👏👏👏👏 Hats off Lisa! Love this story development for you Regarding the Queen of Cups: She is Cancer not the Knight, despite the crab on the cup or his back he is Aquarius. And even the Price of Cups on the Thot is very Scorpiony with him riding and being crowned by an eagle and the serpent issuing from the cup, both being higher esoteric representations of the sign (see the Death card). The Knight of Wands isn't supposed to be riding a unicorn, he's just supposed to be riding and have as a crest a winged steed and there's no mention of a unicorn either on Liber T (the basis of the designs) or The Book of Thoth written by Crowley although I do seem to remember being mentioned somewhere else but like you I also can't remember where, I just think is an interpretation mistake because one of the wings on the helmet do makes it look like the horse has a horn; side note, it's actually this card the Fire of Fire the one that's related to lightning because it represents the short outburst of pure energy, and you know what? i'm just gonna copy the part or the text that talks about these attributions in here: The Tarot of the Egyptians The Triplicities of the Zodiac Fire Fire of Fire Lightning - swift violence of onset. Air of Fire Sun - steady source of energy. Water of Fire Rainbow - fading spiritualized reflection of the Image Water Fire of Water Rain, Springs, etc. - swift passionate attack. Air of Water Sea - steady force of putrefaction. Water of Water Pool - stagnant spiritualized reflection of Images Air Fire of Air Wind - swift onset (note idea of balance as in trade winds.) Air of Air Clouds - steady conveyers of water. Water of Air Vibrations - bulk unmoved, spiritualized to reflect Ruach ( mind). Earth Fire of Earth Mountains - violent pressure (due to gravitation) Air of Earth Plains - steady bearing of life. Water of Earth Fields - quiet, spiritualized to bear vegetable and animal life. In each case the Cardinal sign represents the Birth of the Element, the Kerubic sign its Life, and the Mutable sign its Passing Over towards the ideal form proper to it; i.e. to Spirit. So also the Princesses in the Tarot are the Thrones of Spirit. from The Book of Thot, A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians being The Equinox Volume III No. V by The Master Therion Weiser Books, facsimile edition pg. 286. personally i didn't got along with Ziegler's book but sure, give it a try. What I will encourage is getting a copy of the Book T free pdf if you don't have already and of course Crowley's own book even if it's just to cross reference some of the data that could differ on occasion when reading the other books you already have. They can get a little arcane on their descriptions but I trust anyone can get the gist of it. I hope you continue to enjoy your journey with the Thot! :)
Thank you so much and yes - totally agree- that's not a Unicorn horn but I can see why sometimes it's interpreted that way! Thanks for the notes you left here :) That was fun!
I see why you like it Lisa for me I love the Zillich Tarot but it is watercolor not as detailed and I have the Tabula Mundi Tarot too. I am glad you are excited that is what learning is all about. Love and light to you and Peggy and fur babies!
Beautiful! Just purchased this! Thanks for sharing. The 5 of cups looks like a starfish with tentacles… wonder if there is significance there. The Ashtera Tarot illustrates the suits elements well. I just wish they used the Thoth keywords for the cards.
I love this deck and the size I have to get this deck. I love the whimsical of the Asherah Tarot will make me study more Thoth!! Thank for doing this for us. Love and light to you and your family, also fur babies
I’d not heard of the Asherah Tarot before but it’s interesting! I recently started studying the Thoth and I’m obsessed with its richness visually (especially since I cut the borders off the large size it pops) and symbolically. I’m also enjoying exploring other Thoth-based tarot decks and although the Asherah is very interesting, it’s not my jam art-style wise. I recently ordered the Tarot Avatara (by Gabi Angus West), which is Thoth based and Frieda Kahlo focused. If you ever get the Avatara I’d be interested in your impressions since you’re on the Thoth journey.
Lisa have you done a video on how you approached your Thoth study, what books you used or which you ended up enjoying? Or maybe you’ve talked about it in the monthly catch up videos and I just missed it. If you haven’t, I would be so interested to hear more about your process. I’m interested in jumping into the Thoth, but I find the resources to be a bit overwhelming. Everyone seems to have very strong opinions on the available books 🤣
LOL Loads of opinions!!! There's a fun livestream coming up in a couple weeks where me and my study buddies are gonna come on here and talk about all our experiences studying Thoth thus far! :) So keep an eye out for that!
I've had the oracle sized version of this deck from game crafters for many years. I love the artwork but the size and color saturation were not great. I'm going to order the tarot sized version from drive thru and I hope this satisfies my need to use this deck.
I’m not familiar with Thoth, other than the information I get from you, Dustin & Dani. I have picked up quite a bit on the symbology that I can pick up symbols on decks and know the meaning. I think the Thoth is not the most attractive deck, yet many people own one. 😁 I must be missing something. Anyway I think this deck is gorgeous, so colorful and I love the artwork. You’re right on the Sun card, what’s with the people face, when all the other cards had cute hand drawn faces? I also liked the font used. 💜💜💜
believe me when i say that is breathtaking in a good way once you're actually holding and SEEING each card of the Thot irl for a little while, even the regular sized version, they have a certain glorious quality about them
Thank you for walking through this one, it had definitely caught my eye! I"m interested in learning Thoth, but not really drawn to the "Thoth" deck. If anyone who ha the Asherah has any thoughts on whether it is a good deck to learn Thoth on - would love to hear.
I started my Thoth journey with Tabula Mundi and eventually used it in conjunction with Asherah, as they provide two dynamic takes on the Thoth architecture. I found them extremely accessible, after feeling alienated by the original Thoth. I'd definitely recommend it as a starting place, though you'll probably ultimately want to tack on a closer Thoth derivative (Tabula Mundi or Rosetta) if you decide to deepen your study.
No - it goes to the creators website - I can find no evidence of a full digital guidebook - just long blog entries on a handful of cards... perhaps a work in progress? If anyone finds a link to a full digital guidebook, I'd be super into it.
@@Lisa_Papez From the web site: The good news is that the printer I am using also does books so I am planning to release a hard copy guide book through them as soon as possible. In the mean time I am still giving out the pdf to anyone who contacts me. I am dubious as to how how efficient this sites mailing list is. The last post I made failed to send notification emails to me, so please let me know if you aren’t receiving updates.
Now I have to find out if "lust" was an earlier true meaning of the card symbol for "strength", or just one aspect of a reverse meaning. Because if lust was the earlier main meaning that kind of messes up how I think about the Strength card. Some cards have changed meaning over time, and we are doing it today with how cards are designed and then interpreted. I have been noticing a trend for cards to be "all positive and love and light", but that wasn't the original meanings of the cards, and now we are changing them again. It's like they are slowly turning into oracle cards.
Thing is all of tarot is oracle but not all of oracle is tarot. Everything is down to interpretation and perception. Lost in translation can happen within the same language, even. Homophones, Synonyms and other juicy language nuances allows space for conscious interpretation of 78 archetypes to cover the majority of life's situations. One person's strength over inner impulses - could be interpreted as interpreted as not immediately acting on intrusive thoughts and giving the situation consideration. And/Or integrating those inner desires into our whole, with the intention to not suppress. It all depends, right?
I saw that the creator just posted a tarot sized version of the third edition on gamecrafters! I’m not sure which size I’d rather get now 😬🤣 The tarot size comes with less extra cards, and I don’t know if that’s because she fit all the info on fewer cards or if there’s less info with that size.
@@alirobateau6767 I'd definitely recommend the tarot size, if you're choosing. And the creator will send a lengthy guidebook for free if you email her directly, so nothing lost!
I’ve never study Thoth but I have study a lot of astrology and it seems really heavy in the imagery so I’d suggest getting the basic of astrology down. Also now I want to study Thoth.
Thank you so much for doing this, both this and the Outgrow Yourself. I have to say that both draw and, I don't want to say repell, maybe disappoint (?) me. I like that these have the astrological information and the Hebrew letters, but I really miss the titles. The others have the titles but are missing this information. I also find both (particularly the Outgrow Yourself but both) to be heavily female presenting, which is disappointing for me. I think I need to reflect a some more.
If you haven't already, you should definitely give Tabula Mundi and Rosetta a go. The former is my favorite deck of all time, and you well know that it has loads of competition. They both have titles and TM in particular has as an energetic (gender, age, race) balance that is far more inviting. Or maybe I'm late to the party, and you have one or both of these!
Watched this because I heard it’s a Thoth deck. Not a Thoth deck. The swap of Adjustment and Lust is a tell but more importantly The Emperor is attributed to Heh in this deck and “Tzaddi is not the Star”. Not a Thoth deck. Almost every deck that people reference as a Thoth deck is not a Thoth deck. The only real Thoth based decks I have seen so far are the Thoth itself, Tabula Mundi, Rosetta Tarot, Liber T Tarot of Stars Eternal and one that I am very not into personally, the Millennium Thoth. Just because it uses the elemental, astrological and qabbalistic attributions doesn’t mean it is Thoth. Just means it is more Golden Dawn based which both the Thoth and RWS are. Waite just cared more about oaths to secrecy than Crowley did so it presents as much less occult in nature. This also goes for the Gill Tarot and Tarot of the Spirit. Seem like good decks. Not Thoth or Thoth based. Maybe partly Thoth inspired in presentation of the attributions but not Thoth. Just Golden Dawn based. Crowley’s changes may seem minor to many but when you study this stuff it is greatly significant. I am very late to this video but I have been looking for Thoth based decks as the adherence to the attributions are very meaningful to me so if anyone happens to see this and has any recommendations please let me know.
Squealing like a school girl with you new-found interest in the Thoth. When I purchased my first book and deck and dug in I was so drawn in. I was engrossed in the book. I must have stopped each of my children multiple times just to say listen to this and read from the book. Don't get me wrong I also have and work with other types of decks by my Thoth does not fail when I use it. I do have the large and small version of this deck but I think I got them a number of years ago off MPC. Always love listening to your take aways on decks, your interpretation of said and just what you see in a card that I may not. Enjoy!!
I would love to know which book was your first!
I cancelled my Fortuna Tarot, Opal Omen kickstarter deck in order to buy this deck instead. Very nice!!!
I started with Crowley’s Thoth and used it exclusively for decades. Then, I went insane (LOL) and have managed to accumulate hundreds of decks. I have very, very few Thoth-based decks because I generally feel that if I want Thoth, I will use Crowley’s. That said, a few Thoth-based decks managed to get into my collection because they are just very special and different. I think this deck will have to be part of that number.
I have come to notice that Crowley’s Thoth (for me) is kind of like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. If I want to understand something, it will show it to me very clearly. However, if I want something more like guidance, I use any other deck. LOL. I will never use Crowley’s deck to read for anyone else again because while it gives the clearest readings for me, it can be a bit brutal and lacking in empathy I suppose, which gives my readings that same feel.
I say this because the way I read, the cards are a tool to help me focus and get in touch with my intuition and inner self. Crowley’s is all cerebral. And that is great, when appropriate. To me, it is a magician’s deck - all about knowledge. As opposed to a witch’s deck, which would be all about intuition and feeling. Now I am babbling. LOL sorry.
Thanks for the reminder, I needed that. Men naturally think logically, so their art style would differ. Though some detailed cards I find very beautiful, they just feel too cluttered and the symbols become more of a hindrance than a help. Same reason why we resonate to some decks than others.
YAYYYY! I am a Thoth-head, and I love it. Regular Thoth feels like home, but I am SO thrilled that Ashera is back! Hopefully it stays for awhile, I still have to make it through another 8.5 months of a no-buy. I've always wanted this deck.
thanks for sharing. I went and ordered it immediately. I only work with THOTH and this is the first thoth based deck I feel I can work with. Cant wait to get it.
Since Sagittarius is mutable fire, I've associated it with electricity in my mind (alternating current) so the lightning bolts made sense to me.
I love all of these Thoth comparison videos. I am interested in learning and these videos help bridge the gap for me.
Lisa you have really impressed me introducing the Asherah by comparing it with the Thoth.. I have been fawning over the Asherah over the past few years with the images of the major being soooo stunning, You bringing to attention the symbology on the minors pip style and your insight to the imagery has given me faith to buy the deck🙂
Do you have the Lo Scarabeo Liber T deck Lisa? I like the softer lines of that Thoth clone.
Thoth study is such a rabbit hole! I dip in and out but may have to dive in again with this deck. I love it’s colors and symbols. I agree with your comment that it is more intuitive while still being highly faithful to the original Thoth. That said, I’m bummed Lust is at 8 (at least the creator didn’t rename the card). More and more I’m a Justice at 8 person. I haven’t went in on other Thoth decks, keeping to the original but this deck has captivated my heart and mind.
The asherah is gorgeous. Definitely in a to buy list…
Have you ever done a walkthrough for the Gil tarot?
I'm loving this deck and have never heard of it till this video.
I'm trying to remember if I ever did a walkthrough of Gil. I did have it at one point and did also rehome it later on - it's really cool but I wasn't reaching for it! SEMI TEMPTED to reacquire but I thin kI'm going to hold off!
this deck is now available in regular tarot size, the images are much bigger and beautiful
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this video! I think I had this deck on my list ages ago but completely forgot about it. I just received my deck and I am so in love. My spirit just sings with it. I got the small deck and I love the size, but I love the deck so much I think I will have to get the larger version too. (Did I mention I love this deck?)
Oh I am pretty sure that flap is to protect it to make it smoother to close.
I really love this Thoth deck! The artwork is beautiful and vibrant and I love that it’s borderless too! I do agree that the face in the Sun is weird though. But yeah …Ugh another deck I have to buyyyy lol
I love what you said about the sun! I feel it too and when I think about it, that fits because the sun is hard to look at. It hurts our eyes even though it is the bringer of life. Your first impressions are spot on. 🙌 great run through, tysm
to add a layer to the Judgement/Aeon card, the messenger is actually in the abyss...🤔or Daat depending on the perspective
this deck def has a lot of interesting angles
Your enthusiasm for putting another layer on your tarot knowledge is infectious! Thank you for taking us on your journey! I don’t know if you have done a walk though of Benebell’s deck before but it would be interesting to see what connections you would draw now with your new thoth knowledge.
I definitely plan to revisit SKT - the Revelations edition - with this newfound layer in place!! Soon-ish :D (very ish... lol)
@@Lisa_Papez can’t wait!!! Excited 🙌
In older Thoth decks there was a choice of 3 Magus cards. The design of this Magus from The Asherah Tarot has some symbology similar to the other Magus choice card in the older Thoth decks. I own the older smaller Thoth deck with the 3 Magus that was gifted to me. Beautiful Thoth clone that I will most likely bye. thank you for doing a walk through of this deck. I have been studying the system also.
You just got me to get this deck immediately, thank you for sharing!!
Loved learning Thoth with you! I'm looking forward to your video at the end of the month.
I love this deck, the imagery and colors, have to have it 💗
I am really getting the itch to learn about Thoth. I really like how the artist has included faces in some of the cards, like the lions face in the 7 of wands!
It's a fun study rabbit hole for sure!
I just got a very Thoth inflused deck (The Urban tarot) and I wasn't sure if all of the key words on the minors so I went back to this video and I just wanted to say thanks for doing this side by side because it helped me see things in the deck I'm working that I would have missed
You really went from "🤢Thoth" to geeking out and comparing every deck to the Thot didn't you? 👏👏👏👏
Hats off Lisa! Love this story development for you
Regarding the Queen of Cups: She is Cancer not the Knight, despite the crab on the cup or his back he is Aquarius. And even the Price of Cups on the Thot is very Scorpiony with him riding and being crowned by an eagle and the serpent issuing from the cup, both being higher esoteric representations of the sign (see the Death card).
The Knight of Wands isn't supposed to be riding a unicorn, he's just supposed to be riding and have as a crest a winged steed and there's no mention of a unicorn either on Liber T (the basis of the designs) or The Book of Thoth written by Crowley although I do seem to remember being mentioned somewhere else but like you I also can't remember where, I just think is an interpretation mistake because one of the wings on the helmet do makes it look like the horse has a horn; side note, it's actually this card the Fire of Fire the one that's related to lightning because it represents the short outburst of pure energy, and you know what? i'm just gonna copy the part or the text that talks about these attributions in here:
The Tarot of the Egyptians
The Triplicities of the Zodiac
Fire of Fire Lightning - swift violence of onset.
Air of Fire Sun - steady source of energy.
Water of Fire Rainbow - fading spiritualized reflection of the Image
Fire of Water Rain, Springs, etc. - swift passionate attack.
Air of Water Sea - steady force of putrefaction.
Water of Water Pool - stagnant spiritualized reflection of Images
Fire of Air Wind - swift onset (note idea of balance as in trade winds.)
Air of Air Clouds - steady conveyers of water.
Water of Air Vibrations - bulk unmoved, spiritualized to reflect Ruach ( mind).
Fire of Earth Mountains - violent pressure (due to gravitation)
Air of Earth Plains - steady bearing of life.
Water of Earth Fields - quiet, spiritualized to bear vegetable and animal life.
In each case the Cardinal sign represents the Birth of the Element, the Kerubic sign its Life, and the Mutable sign its Passing Over towards the ideal form proper to it; i.e. to Spirit. So also the Princesses in the Tarot are the Thrones of Spirit.
from The Book of Thot, A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians being The Equinox Volume III No. V by The Master Therion
Weiser Books, facsimile edition pg. 286.
personally i didn't got along with Ziegler's book but sure, give it a try. What I will encourage is getting a copy of the Book T free pdf if you don't have already and of course Crowley's own book even if it's just to cross reference some of the data that could differ on occasion when reading the other books you already have. They can get a little arcane on their descriptions but I trust anyone can get the gist of it.
I hope you continue to enjoy your journey with the Thot! :)
Thank you so much and yes - totally agree- that's not a Unicorn horn but I can see why sometimes it's interpreted that way! Thanks for the notes you left here :) That was fun!
I see why you like it Lisa for me I love the Zillich Tarot but it is watercolor not as detailed and I have the Tabula Mundi Tarot too. I am glad you are excited that is what learning is all about. Love and light to you and Peggy and fur babies!
I want to love the Zillich so bad... that dang Justice instead of Judgement on key 20 just drives me nuts though. The artwork is so so pretty though!
@@Lisa_Papez I see what you mean you are studying it deeply right now so I so understand. Love and light
Beautiful! Just purchased this! Thanks for sharing. The 5 of cups looks like a starfish with tentacles… wonder if there is significance there. The Ashtera Tarot illustrates the suits elements well. I just wish they used the Thoth keywords for the cards.
I love this deck and the size I have to get this deck. I love the whimsical of the Asherah Tarot will make me study more Thoth!! Thank for doing this for us. Love and light to you and your family, also fur babies
I’d not heard of the Asherah Tarot before but it’s interesting! I recently started studying the Thoth and I’m obsessed with its richness visually (especially since I cut the borders off the large size it pops) and symbolically. I’m also enjoying exploring other Thoth-based tarot decks and although the Asherah is very interesting, it’s not my jam art-style wise. I recently ordered the Tarot Avatara (by Gabi Angus West), which is Thoth based and Frieda Kahlo focused. If you ever get the Avatara I’d be interested in your impressions since you’re on the Thoth journey.
Have had this deck for a few weeks and am OBSESSED so glad you made this video tysm❤
Lisa have you done a video on how you approached your Thoth study, what books you used or which you ended up enjoying? Or maybe you’ve talked about it in the monthly catch up videos and I just missed it. If you haven’t, I would be so interested to hear more about your process. I’m interested in jumping into the Thoth, but I find the resources to be a bit overwhelming. Everyone seems to have very strong opinions on the available books 🤣
LOL Loads of opinions!!! There's a fun livestream coming up in a couple weeks where me and my study buddies are gonna come on here and talk about all our experiences studying Thoth thus far! :) So keep an eye out for that!
It's "Crowley", not "Crawley", so, it's "Crowley", rhymes with "holy"!
I've had the oracle sized version of this deck from game crafters for many years. I love the artwork but the size and color saturation were not great. I'm going to order the tarot sized version from drive thru and I hope this satisfies my need to use this deck.
I’m not familiar with Thoth, other than the information I get from you, Dustin & Dani. I have picked up quite a bit on the symbology that I can pick up symbols on decks and know the meaning. I think the Thoth is not the most attractive deck, yet many people own one. 😁 I must be missing something. Anyway I think this deck is gorgeous, so colorful and I love the artwork. You’re right on the Sun card, what’s with the people face, when all the other cards had cute hand drawn faces? I also liked the font used. 💜💜💜
believe me when i say that is breathtaking in a good way once you're actually holding and SEEING each card of the Thot irl for a little while, even the regular sized version, they have a certain glorious quality about them
Thank you for walking through this one, it had definitely caught my eye! I"m interested in learning Thoth, but not really drawn to the "Thoth" deck. If anyone who ha the Asherah has any thoughts on whether it is a good deck to learn Thoth on - would love to hear.
I started my Thoth journey with Tabula Mundi and eventually used it in conjunction with Asherah, as they provide two dynamic takes on the Thoth architecture. I found them extremely accessible, after feeling alienated by the original Thoth. I'd definitely recommend it as a starting place, though you'll probably ultimately want to tack on a closer Thoth derivative (Tabula Mundi or Rosetta) if you decide to deepen your study.
@@dmchristmas thank you 🙏
Did the QR code go to a guidebook?
I don't know about this edition, but I have a previous edition which did have a PDF guidebook with it. Probably the same thing.
No - it goes to the creators website - I can find no evidence of a full digital guidebook - just long blog entries on a handful of cards... perhaps a work in progress? If anyone finds a link to a full digital guidebook, I'd be super into it.
@@Lisa_Papez From the web site: The good news is that the printer I am using also does books so I am planning to release a hard copy guide book through them as soon as possible. In the mean time I am still giving out the pdf to anyone who contacts me. I am dubious as to how how efficient this sites mailing list is. The last post I made failed to send notification emails to me, so please let me know if you aren’t receiving updates.
@@Lisa_Papez She'll send you the lengthy digital guidebook if you email her directly. It's rich--and free--so definitely worth it!
Now I have to find out if "lust" was an earlier true meaning of the card symbol for "strength", or just one aspect of a reverse meaning. Because if lust was the earlier main meaning that kind of messes up how I think about the Strength card. Some cards have changed meaning over time, and we are doing it today with how cards are designed and then interpreted. I have been noticing a trend for cards to be "all positive and love and light", but that wasn't the original meanings of the cards, and now we are changing them again. It's like they are slowly turning into oracle cards.
Thing is all of tarot is oracle but not all of oracle is tarot.
Everything is down to interpretation and perception. Lost in translation can happen within the same language, even. Homophones, Synonyms and other juicy language nuances allows space for conscious interpretation of 78 archetypes to cover the majority of life's situations.
One person's strength over inner impulses - could be interpreted as interpreted as not immediately acting on intrusive thoughts and giving the situation consideration. And/Or integrating those inner desires into our whole, with the intention to not suppress.
It all depends, right?
I saw that the creator just posted a tarot sized version of the third edition on gamecrafters! I’m not sure which size I’d rather get now 😬🤣 The tarot size comes with less extra cards, and I don’t know if that’s because she fit all the info on fewer cards or if there’s less info with that size.
I was curious about this too! i’d prefer bigger cards, but I want the most “guidebook” type info too!
@@alirobateau6767 I'd definitely recommend the tarot size, if you're choosing. And the creator will send a lengthy guidebook for free if you email her directly, so nothing lost!
I’ve never study Thoth but I have study a lot of astrology and it seems really heavy in the imagery so I’d suggest getting the basic of astrology down. Also now I want to study Thoth.
Am I the only one that see a svvastika in the design of the fool? Like the more I look at it, the more I see it and think it’s on purpose.?
Thank you so much for doing this, both this and the Outgrow Yourself. I have to say that both draw and, I don't want to say repell, maybe disappoint (?) me. I like that these have the astrological information and the Hebrew letters, but I really miss the titles. The others have the titles but are missing this information. I also find both (particularly the Outgrow Yourself but both) to be heavily female presenting, which is disappointing for me. I think I need to reflect a some more.
If you haven't already, you should definitely give Tabula Mundi and Rosetta a go. The former is my favorite deck of all time, and you well know that it has loads of competition. They both have titles and TM in particular has as an energetic (gender, age, race) balance that is far more inviting. Or maybe I'm late to the party, and you have one or both of these!
@@dmchristmas I've got them both....of course. ;) I was also hoping for a - I don't know - softer (?) take on the Thoth.
The sun card kinda was a big no for me
Watched this because I heard it’s a Thoth deck. Not a Thoth deck. The swap of Adjustment and Lust is a tell but more importantly The Emperor is attributed to Heh in this deck and “Tzaddi is not the Star”. Not a Thoth deck. Almost every deck that people reference as a Thoth deck is not a Thoth deck. The only real Thoth based decks I have seen so far are the Thoth itself, Tabula Mundi, Rosetta Tarot, Liber T Tarot of Stars Eternal and one that I am very not into personally, the Millennium Thoth. Just because it uses the elemental, astrological and qabbalistic attributions doesn’t mean it is Thoth. Just means it is more Golden Dawn based which both the Thoth and RWS are. Waite just cared more about oaths to secrecy than Crowley did so it presents as much less occult in nature. This also goes for the Gill Tarot and Tarot of the Spirit. Seem like good decks. Not Thoth or Thoth based. Maybe partly Thoth inspired in presentation of the attributions but not Thoth. Just Golden Dawn based. Crowley’s changes may seem minor to many but when you study this stuff it is greatly significant. I am very late to this video but I have been looking for Thoth based decks as the adherence to the attributions are very meaningful to me so if anyone happens to see this and has any recommendations please let me know.
This looks like a mini version
Is there a bigger version?
Yes there's now a Tarot sized version on Drive Thru Cards :)