  • Опубликовано: 30 ноя 2024

Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @jakaparker
    @jakaparker  3 года назад +1008

    Had just uploaded the English Sub..please turn on the CC ....juga sudah ada subtitle bahasa Indonesia yaa

    • @anggawijaya8932
      @anggawijaya8932 3 года назад +25

      Sehat dan sellu sukses buat keluarga dsna.

    • @oneof29
      @oneof29 3 года назад +30

      Mas, kok bisa bawa kamera ke mana2 mas? Apa memang sudah diizinin pemerintah sana? Atw karena masnya org indo jadi agak dibebasin?

    • @petekelvin2736
      @petekelvin2736 3 года назад +1

      I don't know who, but someone actually needs to hear this, you've got to stop saving all your money. Venture into investing some, if you really want financial stability

    • @petekelvin2736
      @petekelvin2736 3 года назад

      Invest globally in bitcoin, gold, silver, forex market, commodities. Just don't be left out and save yourself

    • @DosqSlipi
      @DosqSlipi 3 года назад +4

      Diplomat atau dlm rangka apa disana bro

  • @rubycoall
    @rubycoall 9 месяцев назад +164

    they don't look like they're wearing any make-up. I envy them. If they don't wear make-up, their skin looks healthy and natural. I like it ❤

    • @nhanngo3613
      @nhanngo3613 8 месяцев назад +20

      dprk real beauty vs SK Cosmetic Surgery haha.

    • @nayaf5416
      @nayaf5416 7 месяцев назад


    • @gregorvrana9761
      @gregorvrana9761 7 месяцев назад +25

      Without make-up is woman healthier and more beautiful.

    • @MoskusMoskiferus1611
      @MoskusMoskiferus1611 7 месяцев назад

      North Korean life in a Discipline

    • @GabeHowardd
      @GabeHowardd 4 месяца назад +4

      Meke-up is pretty popular in NK tho.

  • @RuffyUzumakii7
    @RuffyUzumakii7 9 месяцев назад +92

    i love every friendly interaction from that woman. It makes me smile. She has a warm character, very customerfriendly. Even came back to clarify the new price for the bananas. I wish the problems wouldn't exist and that the world could finally connect with North Korea...

    • @Jsarmy87124
      @Jsarmy87124 8 месяцев назад +3

      Why to destroy their culture hell no

    • @MrKasmo
      @MrKasmo 7 месяцев назад

      If the USA disappear and the unification of Koreas can happen. It's the USA embargo in North Korea that keep them away from the rest of the world.

    • @Opalescape
      @Opalescape 23 дня назад +3

      @@Jsarmy87124What? Their culture would be fine, bro. They do need their basic human rights and a leader who feeds their people. North Korea needs to change if the people hope to quit surviving, and start living. Culture =/= human rights. I think you’re mistaking North Korea with Sentinel Island.

  • @Alynn-r3g
    @Alynn-r3g 7 месяцев назад +53

    Pelayanan nya baik bgt nganterin galon sampe ke mobil. Semoga mereka disana sehat dan bahagia selalu. Amin.

  • @behappyHygge
    @behappyHygge 2 года назад +1541

    Hi, I’m a South Korean. This video is so interesting to me. Feels weird to understanding what they say. We are using the same language..Also, even though you are a foreigner you are using North Korean dialect! It’s a fun thing to me:) (good way) Thank you for sharing this video.

    • @behappyHygge
      @behappyHygge 2 года назад +47

      @the Game, Review and Reallife Channel I mean to me or to Koreans

    • @samirmohammed4278
      @samirmohammed4278 2 года назад +25

      How can he film in north Korea and publish and how does he have internet ? Is it legal ?

    • @NaiveOldhead
      @NaiveOldhead 2 года назад +252

      ​@@samirmohammed4278 There's a lot of speculation on who Jaka Parker is. Many believe he is an Indonesian diplomat working in North Korea. Regardless of what his job is, it is clear that he is being used for propaganda purposes. All the videos he posts on North Korea are positive and, because he's able to safely upload them without consequences, it's safe to say the government is aware of what he's doing.

    • @HeadhuntexGamer
      @HeadhuntexGamer 2 года назад

      @@NaiveOldhead It reminds me of the Soviet times when I lived in Estonia... everything was fake, the government lied all the time saying we had a perfect life and that the West was devil. We were slaves but without chains on our arms. I remember when there was a state TV show about the lies of the finnish people, saying that they lie that they were wealthy. And we always thought "It is impossible they're so rich, must be propaganda", and it was all true.

    • @vandkatech9503
      @vandkatech9503 2 года назад +138

      @@NaiveOldhead Yes, he's an Indonesian diplomat, so it's impossible for him to upload content that vilifies North Korea because it will cause diplomatic issues between the two countries

  • @souvenirpinrang4
    @souvenirpinrang4 3 года назад +69

    Anda sebenarnya youtubers terlangka di dunia. Sering2 upload video tentang korea utara mulai tempat wisata hingga street food korea utara

    • @kulkasfreezer4880
      @kulkasfreezer4880 5 месяцев назад +6

      Keuntungan jadi diplomat atau kerja di kedutaan yang ada di korut ya itu,dikasih akses buat beli mobil,sama bisa ngerekam walau masih ada aturan

  • @mahmudmarsudi4430
    @mahmudmarsudi4430 3 года назад +313

    Terimakasih bang, paling tidak Abang sudah bisa menyajikan hal hal yang baik di sana.... daripada hal buruk yang sering di kemukakan pihak lain...semua hal pasti ada sisi baiknya...juga buruknya...tidak ada yang sempurna...

    • @johanliever
      @johanliever 2 месяца назад +2

      Mereka sama aja dengan negara lain, pasti diisi warga berbagai macam karakter. Yg memberitakan buruk itu musuh mereka

    • @MónicaAbuchard
      @MónicaAbuchard Месяц назад

      Hay muchas cosas muy bonitas en el súper

    • @fikkichandradwiana3026
      @fikkichandradwiana3026 Месяц назад

      gak pernah ada orang yang jelek 2 in orang korut. semua tau warganya orang baik kok. Cuma jelekin pemerintahannya. Org2 justru support warga korut biar bebas.

  • @KiyokaMakibi
    @KiyokaMakibi 2 года назад +458

    Never thought I’d find someone shopping in a mini supermarket so fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

    • @Infinito_T
      @Infinito_T Год назад +3

      yes there was also a payment machine on the counter. Would be nice if they accepted visa or "american" mastercard)

    • @briangao3381
      @briangao3381 Год назад +2

      Maybe there’s “North Korean” Mastercard lol

    • @JH4RPlp
      @JH4RPlp Год назад

      fake af. There's no meat

    • @TIAGO543211
      @TIAGO543211 Год назад +8

      only for elite

    • @the_babbleboom
      @the_babbleboom 10 месяцев назад +10

      @@TIAGO543211 yes, every basic thing is "only for elite". and nobody in america has hookworm and there is no open sewage or tent cities of homeless people. in america everyone is "elite". totally normal way of thinking mate.

  • @hendrayana3798
    @hendrayana3798 3 года назад +164

    Saking sepinya, itu para pelayan melayani pengunjung sebaik mungkin, padahal yg beli cmn 2 orang, itupun suami istri😅

    • @soan8734
      @soan8734 3 года назад +17

      Kayanya itu toko khusus pengunjung luar negeri bukan sih

    • @jakaparker
      @jakaparker  3 года назад +127

      Saya datangnya kepagian, itu tokonya baru banget buka

    • @aminnurhakim1989
      @aminnurhakim1989 3 года назад +14

      Oww pantes ternyata kok sepi tokonya ternyata mas jaka datangnya kepagian hehe

    • @masadamsahid
      @masadamsahid 3 года назад +8

      Yg bikin heran sebenarnya uang yg dipakai. Bisa pakai macam-macam uang. Dan ngehitungnya jadi agak lama.

    • @chaotic_pineapple
      @chaotic_pineapple 3 года назад +3

      @@masadamsahid karena uang won mereka nggak punya harga mereka mau uang luar negeri untuk beli barang buatan cina

  • @landjar2965
    @landjar2965 3 года назад +662

    Lebih suka liat jaka parker drpd vid dokumentary, soalnya mereka d posisi turis. Kl ini berbaur sama warganya.. jd bs liat aslinya korut kyk apa. Btw, sepi banget ya supermarketnya.

    • @muhbintang_34
      @muhbintang_34 3 года назад +118

      Mahal ey itu pasti warga korut pendapatan kecil , mungkin yg belanja orang2 yg dari segi ekonominya cukup baik

    • @shyan1550
      @shyan1550 3 года назад +88

      Soalnya rata2 mungkin yg belanja disana yg ekonomi nya menengah ke atas pendapatan orang sana kecil soalnya

    • @bimocandrawardana1344
      @bimocandrawardana1344 3 года назад +78

      @@muhbintang_34 Pyongyang isinya orang yang jelas hidupnya,semua orang Pyongyang sudah pasti punya tujuan hidup,jangan samakan Pyongyang ama Korut yang diberitakan media barat,beda jauh,satu pembelot bilang aja Pyongyang itu kayak bukan korea Utara

    • @dilafadhilah5147
      @dilafadhilah5147 3 года назад +132

      Ada hidden opinion yg mgkn jarang disadari warga indo. Orang indo itu mau kemanapun mijak tanah negri orang pasti mencoba berbaur dgn org lokal nya. hasrat bersosialisasi nya besar drpd warga negara lain tanpa mandang mereka warga yg lbh maju atau kurang drpd bangsa indo.sebagai perbandingan sm org Korea (selatan khususnya) yg bahkan tinggal 20 tahunan di indo aja ga bisa bhs indo dan ga mau berbaur dgn warga lokal ( tentu ga semua, tapi kebanyakan). krn faktanya yg berbaur dgn lokal kebanyakan dibully sm komunitas mereka (bisa liat pengakuan channel Hansol Jang). Sy pernah ke kuala lumpur wkt itu ada org dr afrika selatan yg setelah tau sy org indo dia smp blg berkali " i swear i really like indo people". Bakat alami mostly orang indo= humanis.

    • @nurhadiumar9944
      @nurhadiumar9944 3 года назад +34

      itu bukan supermarket, itu cuma swalayan biasa kaya di indo, di kampung saya banyak swalayan kecil kaya gitu

  • @Cik64
    @Cik64 3 года назад +976

    Indomaret cabang Pyongyang ini mah 🤣

  • @12.haikalfk80
    @12.haikalfk80 8 месяцев назад +12

    jigana jang jelma ti luar mah, hirup di korut téh rada leuheung ari masalah gajih jeung tunjangan mah

  • @mraghulkhan276
    @mraghulkhan276 3 года назад +387

    Ternyata Harga Barang2 Indonesia Lebih Murah Di Korut daripada Korsel...

    • @dodoll8541
      @dodoll8541 3 года назад +50

      Pdhl lbih lengkapan di korsel dan banyak harusnya lbih murah y

    • @dodoll8541
      @dodoll8541 3 года назад +38

      Mungkin krna kursnya korsellan kisaran 1500 pper dolar sdgkn di korut 8400 per dolar

    • @bestenemies4520
      @bestenemies4520 3 года назад +24

      @@dodoll8541 kursnya Korut ma korsel aja Beda jauhh bree..

    • @dodoll8541
      @dodoll8541 3 года назад +8

      @@bestenemies4520 y makanya di korut lbih murah

    • @mdfrachman9372
      @mdfrachman9372 3 года назад +10

      Berarti tips buat yg di korsel perbatasan, klo belanja keperluan ke korut aja 😂😂😂

  • @knightof1990
    @knightof1990 3 года назад +2027

    Jangan2 itu cabangnya indomaret, isinya barang Indonesia semua 😂

    • @famartin8738
      @famartin8738 3 года назад +393

      @LocusNanDe byk orang Korea Utara yg emg minat produk Indonesia,karna murah dan kualitas terjamin

    • @oxNth
      @oxNth 3 года назад +39

      @LocusNanDe masa sih

    • @pendongengyusupmansyurp5393
      @pendongengyusupmansyurp5393 3 года назад +21


    • @hilfiadanni9833
      @hilfiadanni9833 3 года назад +86

      Inafood di Indomaret aja ga ada. Adanya di warung-warung kecil

    • @knightof1990
      @knightof1990 3 года назад +204

      @@famartin8738 tapi sebenarnya kalo karena faktor harga murah, harusnya produk2 dari china daratan mendominasi karena lebih murah termasuk biaya impornya. Masih penasaran kenapa banyak produk indo disana.

  • @TheNavigator_23
    @TheNavigator_23 3 года назад +549

    I'm watching your videos since 2017 about North Korea and sometimes your daily vlogs in Indonesia. I'm so amaze that you have plenty of videos about your daily life in North Korea

    • @jakaparker
      @jakaparker  3 года назад +47

      thanks a lot

    • @bennybennyson1079
      @bennybennyson1079 3 года назад +26

      @@jakaparker Same how? You are clearly related to somebody who is high up in command to live and shop in the capital?

    • @Joshdyisdifh
      @Joshdyisdifh 3 года назад +108

      He worked for the Indonesian Embassy to North Korea. Indonesia and North Korea have stable diplomatic relations.

    • @bennybennyson1079
      @bennybennyson1079 3 года назад +19

      @@Joshdyisdifh Yea after I wrote my comment he explained in video when lady asked him about camera that he was Indonesian guy/ but Forgot to delete comment.

    • @cafekanon5038
      @cafekanon5038 2 года назад +15

      Iya bangganya aku sebagai warga Indonesia sebagai ada Jaka Parker yang bisa bikin video sangat realistic tentang North Korea ngga seperti yang lain harus di kawal kemana2

  • @Katsumi590
    @Katsumi590 2 года назад +192

    The way you saved yourself after she said camera 🤣

    • @vickygalih5571
      @vickygalih5571 Год назад +8


    • @yussvirgo2322
      @yussvirgo2322 Год назад +17

      D E A T H mode activating

    • @TheMeloettaful
      @TheMeloettaful Год назад +12

      Man my heart stopped for a moment after that! I was so scared for him lol 😅😂!

    • @2jcward
      @2jcward 11 месяцев назад +14

      Lol, he totally acted like he didn’t hear or understand her. 😂

    • @Edie_MrigK
      @Edie_MrigK 7 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah! That was a close encounter with being caught. Indonesia's heat 😂

  • @elifardianto
    @elifardianto 3 года назад +695

    Is this store for foreigners only? The ladies in this store are more friendly than those in the "privileged store"

    • @pier87
      @pier87 3 года назад +150

      Asian market
      Cuz i can see many indonesian product in there

    • @Leandro.Oliveira
      @Leandro.Oliveira 3 года назад +8

      Ieh nusot lamino

    • @leonl9123
      @leonl9123 3 года назад +22

      Also as they use WON in the store I am pretty shure it is for everyone.

    • @AlfaOmega2503
      @AlfaOmega2503 3 года назад +27

      @@pier87 asian market? So north korean wasn't asian?

    • @pier87
      @pier87 3 года назад +99

      @@AlfaOmega2503 😂 dont u know about asian store?
      Asian store is a store who sells anything from asian country, not only korean
      Can be from indonesia, thailand, japan, etc

  • @anjaymabar7286
    @anjaymabar7286 3 года назад +75

    Banyak orang indo sama bule yg kemakan p3 r0 P4 g4n d4 media barat, sampai mengganggap Korut serendah itu, padahal negaranya seperti negara biasanya biasanya, walaupun dari segi teknologi kurang maju di bandingkan tetangganya.

    • @mabelasdua
      @mabelasdua 3 года назад +6

      @fasha77 Lah lo juga jangan ambil nilai dari 1 sisi jelek doang juga dong, makanya ini bang jaka kasih liat sisi lain kehidupan di Korea Utara kayak gimana tanpa terkesan embel2 menjelekkan atau men agungkan. Lo kira emang di negara maju contoh macem Inggris ga ada orang miskin dan Ga ada daerah kumuh?? Banyak bos

    • @mabelasdua
      @mabelasdua 3 года назад +4

      @fasha77 Nah tu kejawab sendiri kan kalo dia dokumentasi video dari sisi orang punya priviledge di Korea Utara. Gue juga bukan orang yang ngebela Korea Utara & statement TS diatas yg bilang kondisi negaranya biasa2 aja. Cuma yang bisa diambil poinnya kan balik lagi die jadi tau gimana kehidupan lain di Korea Utara karna die kebanyakan nonton video yg nyorot betapa miskinnya Korut, lo liat instagramnya jaka lah ada foto2 selain di Pyongyang. Gue bawa2 negara laen cuma buat perbandingan aje kali aja blm tau kalo orang miskin di negara kaya sekalipun juga ada, kan kayak elu ngebandinginnye ama Jakarta.

    • @septianrico4141
      @septianrico4141 3 года назад +3

      Ono bocil, ini hanya di kota Pyongyang aja. Dan ini udah yg Ter de best disana. Bang Jaka ga ada ambil dari tempat lain. Jadi bayangin sendiri aja deh kalo yg paling bagus aja kek gini

    • @adityadrew2746
      @adityadrew2746 3 года назад +2

      @fasha77 lah itu lu sendiri bisa juga kemakan propaganda.. siapa tau bayaran orang itu.. dasar bocah2 😂

    • @holicdoll666
      @holicdoll666 3 года назад +1

      @fasha77 shutttt bocil

  • @josevelazquez5469
    @josevelazquez5469 3 года назад +201

    Honestly all three of those ladies were gorgeous and very kind

    • @420bengalfan
      @420bengalfan 3 года назад +17

      they just wanted to make sure nothing got stolen by anyone because they are the storekeeper responsible for the inventory

    • @cupcakemuffin3699
      @cupcakemuffin3699 3 года назад +7

      Indeed they were very kind ☺️

    • @Blessed11127
      @Blessed11127 3 года назад +5

      I hope this footage isnt dangerous for them

    • @randomizer2240
      @randomizer2240 2 года назад

      @@420bengalfan stop talking shit.

  • @jameshepburn4631
    @jameshepburn4631 Год назад +83

    Reminds me of the “Friendship stores” China had back in the day. You needed the FEC (Foreign Exchange Certiififcates) special currency, not the Renminbi Yuan the locals used, to buy anything. The Friendship Store had imported products as well as goods that were only available at FS’s. The requirement for FEC’s effectively kept locals out of the FS’s to a great degree. Only locals with overseas relatives (hua chao or overseas Chinese), foreign friends, or had jobs dealing with tourists, could get their hands on FEC’s. However, it seemed common knowledge that Communist Party PRC bureaucrats had no trouble shopping at the Friendship Store. I even met a People’s Army General there once with a small escort group who asked if I had any American coins. I gave him a U.S. quarter and he thanked me for “Chow Ji Wah Shi Ng Ton”.

    • @videomover9809
      @videomover9809 Год назад +3

      what is chow ji wah shi ng ton?

    • @alanstringer.
      @alanstringer. Год назад

      @@videomover9809 I would also like to know this

    • @batsspiderssweety3784
      @batsspiderssweety3784 Год назад

      @@videomover9809Say it loud three times and find peace my dear

    • @megaotstoy
      @megaotstoy 11 месяцев назад +2

      that's exactly the same as it used to be here in Soviet Union, these stores had "Beryozka" brand

    • @jameshepburn4631
      @jameshepburn4631 11 месяцев назад

      @@videomover9809 George Washington

  • @pipikaka3886
    @pipikaka3886 3 года назад +348

    I like your uncensored videos on everyday life in Pyongyang. There are no other videos like this and they give us a great insight. Excellent work and thanks for sharing. But we have to talk about the elephant in the room. This minimarket is obviously only for diplomats or VERY high ranking officials of the NK state. It almost looks like a Duty Free shop to me. There are no other visible customers. Parts of the shop are locked off, which is also highly unusual. Of course, the ladies working in this market are super-friendly, as most of the people we witness in your videos. They even help you carrying that heavy water bottle.

    • @likretir
      @likretir 2 года назад +20

      bro what.

    • @slabdab4202
      @slabdab4202 2 года назад +79

      It’s a specialty store. Many stores in the west are like this, they have high end international goods. Obviously locals don’t shop for international goods lol give your head a shake

    • @cezarmaxim4314
      @cezarmaxim4314 2 года назад +50

      @@slabdab4202 locals CAN'T shop for international goods, that's the difference

    • @slabdab4202
      @slabdab4202 2 года назад +5

      @@cezarmaxim4314 in their culture it’s like illegal in a sense they are super religious it’s the same as muslims not eating pork except in China and North Korea. The government and state is the religion.

    • @Skibidibugs
      @Skibidibugs 2 года назад

      Well the forginer school his kid goes to is packed with other kids

  • @ariefsupardianto6071
    @ariefsupardianto6071 3 года назад +38

    Para pekerja minimarket sangat ramah dan profesional dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai karyawan, air galon sampai di anterin ke parkiran mobil

    • @dawudsajo4446
      @dawudsajo4446 3 года назад +3

      ini bukan negara bebas, aturan korut ketat jadi rakyat jelata mana berani bertingkah sombong

    • @niskykhastantyparisya2407
      @niskykhastantyparisya2407 2 года назад +1

      Dan pake Heels. Keren sekali mbak2 korut

    • @Senior2442
      @Senior2442 4 месяца назад

      ​@@dawudsajo4446Es ist ein freies Land.

  • @viktorcheng2061
    @viktorcheng2061 3 года назад +150

    Praying that one day the lady can experience the hot weather in Indonesia.

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 3 года назад +30

      Meanwhile south koreans love traveling to indonesia. I met them on few occasion here in Jakarta. Wish these ladies would have the same opportunity too one day.

    • @robertsilva8097
      @robertsilva8097 3 года назад +3

      Hello To Everyone

    • @robertsilva8097
      @robertsilva8097 3 года назад +2

      @@harukrentz435 Hello To Everyone

    • @AlphaArcturus101
      @AlphaArcturus101 3 года назад +1

      @@harukrentz435 Yeah meet them a lot while hiking mountain few time

    • @jakaparker
      @jakaparker  3 года назад +22

      di Jakarta setau saya ada Restoran Pyongyang, pernah ketemu penjaga toko di Pyongyang yang bilang pernah tugas di Indonesia di Restoran Pyongyang, tapi saya kurang tau sekarang apakah masih ada, apalagi jaman covid gini

  • @NewsCrew
    @NewsCrew Год назад +72

    You can tell this is a foreigner store because the calendar around 11:35 is shown in years for the Gregorian Calendar while North Korea's calendar years are measured in Juche.

    • @gnas1897
      @gnas1897 Год назад +29

      Among ordinary people the Gregorian calendar is also used. The juche calendar is only used in matters strictly regarding the state.

    • @stevenbaksh5545
      @stevenbaksh5545 Год назад +5

      It's like the USSR people didn't use the state calendar

    • @real_cat
      @real_cat 10 месяцев назад +4

      I Saw that Gregorian and Juche are written at the same time.
      and although they are separate, however they are used simultaneously.
      I'm South Korean and I know it correctly.

    • @rafaellecavalcanti9446
      @rafaellecavalcanti9446 5 месяцев назад

      I heard from an expert in North Korea that they use both.

  • @MichaelBennett1
    @MichaelBennett1 3 года назад +328

    What lovely people they were.

    • @skatejunt
      @skatejunt 3 года назад +6


    • @Nobody-ve6ot
      @Nobody-ve6ot 3 года назад +50

      They deserve better😔

    • @axolet
      @axolet 3 года назад +18

      If they don't smile, their head will probably explode from an implanted chip lol

    • @bruhz_089
      @bruhz_089 3 года назад +1

      @@Nobody-ve6ot no

    • @angele9375
      @angele9375 3 года назад +10

      I think the north Korean government is forceing him to make the country look good

  • @YappieKitchen
    @YappieKitchen 3 года назад +661

    Wow it’s interesting to see how these are just everyday ordinary stuff for us but over there it’s considered a valuable commodity. Even all the store clerk is assisting you.

    • @420bengalfan
      @420bengalfan 3 года назад +126

      The store clerk probably wants to make sure nothing gets stolen if inventory comes up short its the store keepers fault and they end up in a prison camp for theft

    • @nunyabiz4460
      @nunyabiz4460 3 года назад +55

      Nobody actually shops at these stores. It's complete b.s.

    • @nothnkyou
      @nothnkyou 2 года назад +126

      @@nunyabiz4460 yea they build this store only to impress you!! But they failed. Surely they’ll tear it down and build a new one to impress other people on RUclips.

    • @likretir
      @likretir 2 года назад +22

      @@nunyabiz4460 lol. what dude

    • @slabdab4202
      @slabdab4202 2 года назад +8

      @@nunyabiz4460 well off people do the same as America. What’s the difference ?

  • @onsearchforalighthouse
    @onsearchforalighthouse 3 года назад +190

    Incredible... this is an absolute different world for me as a German. Thanks for your Videos.

    • @hunterbhiden8760
      @hunterbhiden8760 3 года назад +3

      Would rather have German products!

    • @hdlisz
      @hdlisz 9 месяцев назад +2

      People from East Germany should still know these shops. When it came to packaging, only the bare essentials were written in pale writing. Only simple and not so colorful and illustrated.

  • @rajafatih19
    @rajafatih19 2 года назад +457

    As an Indonesian I’m pretty surprised that they have lots of Indonesian products there🇰🇵🇮🇩

    • @Jidannugrahaa
      @Jidannugrahaa Год назад +18

      Sebagai orang mars , saya bangga makanan saya tidak di jual disana 🤣🤣

    • @kirikanann7069
      @kirikanann7069 Год назад +6

      pemimpin negara korea utara sangat pintar dalam mengambil keputusan untuk masa depan negaranya..walaupun sama" merdeka dari jepang dengan korea selatan, tapi perbandingannya kayak afrika dan jepang, bahkan skrng korsel udah lebih terkenal dan maju keknya dari jepang🤣 tapi korut kek gk ada kemajuan sama sekali😂

    • @junix82
      @junix82 Год назад +6

      ada Indonesia coyyy
      jngan lupa pake bendera

    • @blueflora4534
      @blueflora4534 Год назад +2

      @@junix82 bwahwhahwhaahahah ngakak

    • @dorokdok1485
      @dorokdok1485 Год назад +1

      Overproud banget Cok.. padahal b aja sih

  • @yenxion6516
    @yenxion6516 3 года назад +80

    I can’t get over their hair style and how the street looks. It like like they are stuck in the 70s,80s and 90s.

    • @74thartillery__
      @74thartillery__ 3 года назад +6

      it's the 80's

    • @jj-zk5wz
      @jj-zk5wz 3 года назад +1

      Golden era

    • @jorgehabash8690
      @jorgehabash8690 3 года назад +6

      Better than in this today dystopia.

    • @aalot6744
      @aalot6744 3 года назад +5

      No artificial hair colors, no cosmetic surgery I think they're just beautiful.

  • @evranj
    @evranj 3 года назад +103

    8:00 wow, also "Attack Detergent" there, actually it's a Japan brand, but yes it was produced in Indonesia 🙂, thanks for your video, like it 👍

    • @faustinuskaryadi6610
      @faustinuskaryadi6610 3 года назад +9

      Ada produk Jepang dengan tulisan bahasa Jepang juga kok pas mas Jaka ngeliatin micin merek Sasa. Kemungkinan diimpor dari pabrik China.

  • @sodumb4032
    @sodumb4032 3 года назад +566

    Bang saran, jangan terlalu banyak "yeeeee" bikin kaget soalnya 😭

    • @sphrc8200
      @sphrc8200 3 года назад +42

      Nontonnya sambil dag dig dug jeder

    • @slowr15v3rider9
      @slowr15v3rider9 3 года назад +5


    • @adityanovski
      @adityanovski 3 года назад +7


    • @acme-ut8eg
      @acme-ut8eg 3 года назад +15

      Njengkelin dengernya

    • @rizkyassalam4470
      @rizkyassalam4470 3 года назад +6

      Sama 😭

  • @alisalman5917
    @alisalman5917 Год назад +430

    Idky but i found this scene 1:08 so wholesome. Despite all the horrors of North korea that’s portrayed by the media, we can’t deny the fact that they’re still normal human beings just living their lives regardless of the harsh reality. And that store clerk’s really beautiful and kind!

    • @xKamiiii
      @xKamiiii Год назад +71

      true true. those people didn't choose that life after all and they're probably oblivious to the other type of "freedom" you have in europe for example

    • @hahamanin
      @hahamanin Год назад

      Dude that's fake they do it infront of foreigners... In 18:14 everything's just gone too and before you say another ignorant thing.. Yes foreigners living there do have to tell authorities where exactly you are going beforehand

    • @hahamanin
      @hahamanin Год назад

      Watch one of North Korean defectors videos and what they say about the harsh reality before making such a stupid and ignorant comment... Media doesn't portray everthing in the world fake you fcking wok

    • @nottoo2818
      @nottoo2818 Год назад +10

      Bro is from Sudan 💀💀💀

    • @Babaloomi
      @Babaloomi Год назад +34

      maybe not wholesome... idk seems really set up that the volleyball game is played in front of the store reserved for foreigners. yet i agree with u

  • @zakiyahsyarifah5107
    @zakiyahsyarifah5107 3 года назад +278

    Orang korea Utara benar2 ramah dan mereka juga tampak bahagia kok gak seperti di berita2 orang barat

    • @francis4503
      @francis4503 3 года назад +33

      Jadi kenapa banyak yg coba lari ke korsel...semua ini cuma lakonan aja

    • @RamonJulian_
      @RamonJulian_ 3 года назад +62

      @@francis4503 buat ngeliat oppa² yg cantik cuyy eh pas disana pas manggil orang malah dikacangin awokwok

    • @yobelamandaputra9534
      @yobelamandaputra9534 3 года назад +31

      Yang terlihat belum tentu seperti yang dipikirkan
      Ini cuma cuplikan aja masih belum yang lain-lain

    • @aalganteng2111
      @aalganteng2111 3 года назад +53

      Kalo di pyongyang mah kaya kaya bro. Beda sama di luar pyongyang

    • @francis4503
      @francis4503 3 года назад +10

      Yang kaya itu semua berpangkat atau ada jawatan dalam kerajaan..tapi itu bisa dilucut bila2 oleh presidennya

  • @gaessaekki3556
    @gaessaekki3556 3 года назад +267

    Orang Korea Utara ramah ramah ya seneng liatnya

    • @johnrocky1695
      @johnrocky1695 3 года назад +93

      Kalau nggak ramah nanti di rudal

    • @-Dzetch-
      @-Dzetch- 3 года назад +14

      @@johnrocky1695 awokawok

    • @fufu56
      @fufu56 3 года назад +5

      Auto ningoi

    • @gamalsar5854
      @gamalsar5854 3 года назад +1


    • @keivin8306
      @keivin8306 3 года назад +2

      @@johnrocky1695 Yassalam

  • @putrajaya7687
    @putrajaya7687 3 года назад +169

    Sehat terus bang jaka, terus berbagi konten positif tentang korut dan patahkan hal miring berkaitan dengan negara itu.

  • @RebellionWarrior
    @RebellionWarrior Год назад +126

    It is amazing how he can travel freely there without a guide or anything as though he and his family have moved Democratic People Republic of Korea for a while. Every other international foreigner when they go to North Korea they have to have a guide with them but for Jaka Parker and his family they don’t and they can move freely around the country, very interesting concept, thank you so much for the videos.

    • @ampa4989
      @ampa4989 Год назад +13

      Maybe he can move around Pyongyang because he's a resident. He cannot travel across the country without a permit.

    • @mattyp6908
      @mattyp6908 Год назад

      He’s Asian that’s why

    • @Liverpool5095
      @Liverpool5095 Год назад +41

      He is a Diplomat from Indonesia or Malaysia.

    • @rapemap
      @rapemap Год назад +12

      ​​​@@Liverpool5095certainly Indonesian (he's using colloquial Indonesian)

    • @carmenl163
      @carmenl163 11 месяцев назад +20

      He's an expat, he works there and lives in the city with his family. Did you really think he was a tourist, driving a Hertz rental car?

  • @diobrando482
    @diobrando482 3 года назад +92

    3:12 ทิวลี่ Tivoli!. Chocolate wafer made in Thailand.

    • @StrawberryPinkGirl
      @StrawberryPinkGirl 3 года назад

      Wait what? You have a snack that is called like my hometown?

  • @nattapon1498
    @nattapon1498 3 года назад +84

    I really like your videos in North Korea. Please upload clips often. I am your fan from Thailand. 🤩🇹🇭🎉

    • @5-070
      @5-070 5 месяцев назад


  • @rign_
    @rign_ 3 года назад +233

    She's still using classic old-fashion calculator, bless them & their family.

    • @nateg5505
      @nateg5505 3 года назад +43

      It's quite common in all Asian countries. I've been to the most modern parts of Japan and China and they use calculators even when they have registers. It's more common for them to use calculators for foreigners from what I've seen so they can show them the final price before ringing everything up to avoid any confusion on final pricing.

    • @zetsy5407
      @zetsy5407 3 года назад +16

      Yes and we Malaysian still use it

    • @danylvrr
      @danylvrr 3 года назад +9

      Lol but it's not normal to use this nowadays? Here in my country some people still use it

    • @kazuha7578
      @kazuha7578 3 года назад +2

      Larii ada waifu mayad

    • @jafetvelasquez
      @jafetvelasquez 3 года назад +5

      We still use them in Mexico

  • @josephgoebbelsh2285
    @josephgoebbelsh2285 2 года назад +25

    USA say : North Korean are bad, they poeple are sad, not friendly and ETC
    Indonesian : Oke I going to north Korean now

  • @joenandani5472
    @joenandani5472 3 года назад +292

    Ternyata orang Korut walau terisolasir tapi tetap rendah hati dan sopan
    Btw Pelayanan di toko itu termasuk sangat sangat ramah

    • @krisnasutanandika5665
      @krisnasutanandika5665 3 года назад +35

      orang korea utara dan selatan bassically sama sama Ramah, tapi etika di sana jangan samp[ai menyinggung perasaan mereka dan selalu kita jaga etika jangn sampai membawa atau membicarakan hal sensitive di depan mereka, kalau mereka sudah tersinggung dan marah mereka bisa sangat galak.. (pegalaman berguru dengan orang korea)

    • @agietgenskresta698
      @agietgenskresta698 3 года назад +18

      Orang Korut rendah hati dan tidak sombong!

    • @krisnasutanandika5665
      @krisnasutanandika5665 3 года назад +1

      @@agietgenskresta698 betul

    • @agietgenskresta698
      @agietgenskresta698 3 года назад +13

      @@krisnasutanandika5665 Orang Korsel Sombong, Rasis dan Kebanyakan Bergaya karena pengaruh budaya barat

    • @krisnasutanandika5665
      @krisnasutanandika5665 3 года назад +21

      @@agietgenskresta698 iya , cuma di kota besar kaya Seol, Busan Incheon.. kalau di kota kecil yang basically Farmers sama lah mereka ramah ramah. Di kota besar karena budaya metropolitan mereka jadi banyak kompetisi ekonomi, nah itulah sebab kenapa Korut menutup diri dari paham liberal seperti ini

  • @anuradhapriyankara5226
    @anuradhapriyankara5226 3 года назад +100

    There was so much demand from customers, they had to lock down the other store to prevent overcrowding.

  • @boutek
    @boutek 3 года назад +68

    There's always more staff than customers.

    • @aaronlane8276
      @aaronlane8276 Год назад

      meanwhile in the US there are always more customers than staff

  • @shaggymcdaniel3216
    @shaggymcdaniel3216 Год назад +15

    We take for granted what we have. Just the smallest items make someone in North Korea very happy.

    • @shaggymcdaniel3216
      @shaggymcdaniel3216 6 месяцев назад

      @DonnellOkafor-pd7yn I didn’t say anything relating to that.

    @PATVKA 3 года назад +73

    Hats off to these ladies! I can see a clear difference in this video and in the privileged shop. In this video you speak much more than in that one, and they are beeig much nicer!

  • @reginaclarissa8878
    @reginaclarissa8878 3 года назад +70

    Hai ka🤗
    Aku pengen deh denger cerita Kaka. gimana awalnya bisa nyampe ke Korea Utara dn bekerja disana,
    Bahkan keluarga kaka juga ikut.
    Pengen lebih tau kebudayaan,pendidikan,org2nya
    Seperti apa.
    Thanks ka🙏🏻
    Maaf klo ada kata yg kurang tepat

    • @mckmckkrat
      @mckmckkrat 3 года назад +19

      dia kerja di kedubes untuk indonesia

    • @Minimal_UCL
      @Minimal_UCL 3 года назад +18

      Dia di kedubes indonesia untuk korea utara

    • @deletedaccount6618
      @deletedaccount6618 3 года назад +9

      Disana kalo bolos sekolah di hukum mati

    • @IndoWalk1989
      @IndoWalk1989 3 года назад +13

      @@deletedaccount6618 patut di terapkan di Indonesia 😂

    • @dilafadhilah5147
      @dilafadhilah5147 3 года назад +5

      Kedubes cuyyy ga gampil masuknya lwt jalur awal kemlu 😭 keren bgt sih mas jaka

  • @youlniverse9575
    @youlniverse9575 3 года назад +341

    "Pop mie?"
    "What? Ahh Cup-eu Ramyeon"
    "Ahhh OK 😂"

    • @pietroflow
      @pietroflow 3 года назад +1

      Sounds funny, please translate to English for the rest of the world

    • @farthurf.5221
      @farthurf.5221 3 года назад


    • @kristoforuspratama4812
      @kristoforuspratama4812 3 года назад +13

      @@pietroflow the shop clerk said "cup noodles" but its on Korean...but in Indonesia we called all cup noodles as Pop-Mie instead (regardless of the Brand)

    • @pietroflow
      @pietroflow 3 года назад

      @@kristoforuspratama4812 thanks

  • @lilithlianshi2094
    @lilithlianshi2094 Год назад +17

    im really suprised that indonesian product are in North Korea, and they are even still in indonesian language not translated to english or korean.

  • @rachmathidayatullah1796
    @rachmathidayatullah1796 3 года назад +159

    Ini nih mantep jiwa. Harusnya masyarakat Indonesia lebih teredukasi bahwa fungsi KBRI di Pyongyang punya peluang diplomasi besar

  • @ausaskar
    @ausaskar 3 года назад +55

    That "volleyball game" wrapped up pretty fast lol, at least they moved that van so the ladies could get the water out

    • @SamSolis-wt2ul
      @SamSolis-wt2ul 6 месяцев назад

      Yess!! It seems kinda staged

    • @PhatInAHat
      @PhatInAHat 4 месяца назад

      @@SamSolis-wt2ul lol, for sure

  • @netisz2264
    @netisz2264 3 года назад +89

    pensuplai produk makanan ringan : japan, china, Indonesia dan thailand 😅

    • @nrlizz8265
      @nrlizz8265 3 года назад

      Valid si😂

    • @faustinuskaryadi6610
      @faustinuskaryadi6610 3 года назад

      Yang produk Jepang mungkin disuplai dari pabrik di China.

    • @netisz2264
      @netisz2264 3 года назад

      @@faustinuskaryadi6610 ga mesti, hubungan sosial ekonomi jg masih oke" aja ..
      korut jepang memanas cuma gimmick aja .. aslinya ya akrab wkwkkwk
      selain negera mereka deket tinggal nyebrang laut

  • @anangade5035
    @anangade5035 9 месяцев назад +6

    Pelayanannya bagus ya.. Sampe d antar kemobil lohh.. ❤❤

  • @osmopolito
    @osmopolito 3 года назад +818

    Not gonna lie, north korean girls are beautiful and very friendly

    • @Bontonepol
      @Bontonepol 3 года назад +38

      not like in south? capitalism not worth in north..

    • @sheikprofessional
      @sheikprofessional 3 года назад +10

      @@Bontonepol oh no Lindus

    • @brightlyvirya7500
      @brightlyvirya7500 3 года назад +52

      Same as in south but in south korea they have better skin care product and more choice of hair style

    • @rikhochan8452
      @rikhochan8452 3 года назад +24

      Setuju, bentuk muka mereka juga gak begitu kotak² kaya di selatan, dan cantik mereka (korut) natural gitu....

    • @springhunter7607
      @springhunter7607 3 года назад +78

      No plastic like the south one

  • @xfauzi
    @xfauzi 3 года назад +307

    i do not expect Indonesian vlogger in NK, eveh he round-trip. and i do not expect to, Indonesian brand exist in NK
    btw beli nya royal banget, banyak-banyak gitu.
    Saran saya mas kasih subtitle Eng, biar audience luar banyak yg nonton, keknya orang luar juga banyak komen disini.

    • @dhashaphra
      @dhashaphra 3 года назад +14

      Jangan lupa kasih subtitle Indonesia juga wey kasian saya masih sekolah blm bisa bahasa Inggris 😭😂

    • @kelvinupin
      @kelvinupin 3 года назад

      Belanja bulanan kali itu bang ,kaya nyokap kl belanja bulanan mah udh kaya orang kesurupan 😂😅

    • @postmalone7
      @postmalone7 3 года назад

      @@kelvinupin iya apalagi disana ada musim dingin jadi ga bisa bentar" keluar beli makanan jadi harus stock banyak dikulkas

    • @jakaparker
      @jakaparker  3 года назад +12

      sudah kasih engsub barusan..males aja sih ngasih sub satu satu..wkwk

    • @jakaparker
      @jakaparker  3 года назад +4

      @@kelvinupin yoi belanja bulanan sekalian cemilan buat bocah

  • @AaxXxeE54
    @AaxXxeE54 3 года назад +21

    I am from Russia and there are also Russian products in this store that I noticed

  • @Mstwinser
    @Mstwinser Год назад +28

    The ladies are so kind. They serve you nicely even sometime they need to repeat when you didin't get what they said. And more over they open the store when it's still locked just for one customer.

    • @FN-ib8wd
      @FN-ib8wd Год назад +7

      They have to, that’s a stire for the diplomats and the priviledged people. They need Dollars, thats why the prices aren’t in North Korean Won.

    • @dannie1020
      @dannie1020 11 месяцев назад +3

      They have one visitor a month. This is all a facade

  • @kevindwijaya1756
    @kevindwijaya1756 3 года назад +132

    Seneng banget ngelihat video2 daily begini dari mas jaka, kayak bisa ngerasain feel kehidupan sehari2 berbaur sama lokal di sana. Sesuatu yang ngak akan bisa dilihat di media berita.
    Gw malah ngiri lihatnya 🤣, kalau ada kesempatan bisalah 1 minggu di sana. Tapi ngak mudah kayaknya datang ke sini, bahkan sebagai turis biasa. Atau apakah mungkin bisa bercakap2 dengan lokal dengan mengatakan kita indonesia ada hubungan baik? Kelihatannya mereka sopan2 semua. Senang ngelihatnya

    • @skyejamss
      @skyejamss Год назад +4

      ini pyeongyang, ibu kota dan warga yang di sana itu orang orang yang lumayan kaya atau influential atau menjadi anak orang tsb dan bener bener beruntung, pasti kualitas hidup si situ bener bener bagus. kalo di luar pyeongyang, iya, udah ngk ada namanya kualitas

    • @yussvirgo2322
      @yussvirgo2322 Год назад

      Ya semoga impian lu tercapai & bisa pulang ya bro ......

    • @th-eo-n
      @th-eo-n Год назад +1

      gw juga, malah ada niat buat S2 disana

    • @FMATheQuiet
      @FMATheQuiet Год назад

      Semoga klo udh disana lu bida PULANG LAGI ya bro. Gak mikir njir malah pingin kesana si bro satu ini:v

  • @rezaaditya5823
    @rezaaditya5823 3 года назад +71

    Herannya itu bener bener barang indo yang bungkus blum di terjemahkan. 😂

    • @kinomen4062
      @kinomen4062 3 года назад

      Bisa JD makanan yg dri indo cocok di lidah mereka bro,

    • @malikfaisal416
      @malikfaisal416 3 года назад +1

      @@kinomen4062 Versi produksi lokal bukan barang khusus ekspor, yang biasanya udah disesuaikan dengan negara tujuan

    • @faustinuskaryadi6610
      @faustinuskaryadi6610 3 года назад

      Ini kayanya toko khusus ekspat deh

  • @Mike.T.
    @Mike.T. 3 года назад +22

    I've noticed from from this video and others that he's had that all the store employees wear jackets as part of their uniform. I can only assume but it seems like they must keep the stores cold in the winter.

    • @CDClock
      @CDClock 3 года назад +1

      @Bryan French what about the people that work there lol

    • @vandalt1717
      @vandalt1717 3 года назад

      @Bryan Frenchso that's why they didn't use the cashier machine

    • @chancebaker2933
      @chancebaker2933 3 года назад

      @@CDClock what about them?

    • @CDClock
      @CDClock 3 года назад

      @@chancebaker2933 they are north koreans. are they unworthy of the State's energy being used for their warmth?

  • @sikucinglucu
    @sikucinglucu Год назад +8

    Banyak produk indonesia. Kayak belanja di indomaret. Very interesting video. Thank you for sharing 😀

  • @Slaphappy1975
    @Slaphappy1975 2 года назад +21

    Thank you sharing. I have never been so fascinated by a convenience store hahaha. Greetings from Thailand.

  • @agusripai8440
    @agusripai8440 3 года назад +364

    Emang Korea Utara temen sejati nya Indonesia 🇮🇩❤️🇰🇵

    • @zhangnard1804
      @zhangnard1804 3 года назад +108

      Yoi bro kalo disuruh pilih us apa korut gua lebih milih korut karna ga munafik kaya us wkwkw ngeruk harta indonesia

    • @ctsc6292
      @ctsc6292 3 года назад +50

      @@zhangnard1804 tapi Korut munafik sama rakyatnya sendiri :/

    • @darmadplus379
      @darmadplus379 3 года назад +141

      Kalo cewek Korea Utara cantiknya ori , ya wajar sih korea dibagi dua , yg bagian utara yg catik wanitanya , nah bagian selatan yg cantik cowoknya...,

    • @silitkuda6373
      @silitkuda6373 3 года назад +26


    • @jakaparker
      @jakaparker  3 года назад +534

      Yup, nama Indonesia harum di Korea Utara, kalau saya belanja ke pasar2 tradisional dan bilang saya orang Indonesia, orang2 banyak yg senang dan menyebut-nyebut nama Pak Soekarno

  • @Galih-bi5nc
    @Galih-bi5nc 3 года назад +54

    At the first I thought you speak another language, and then i realized that you're Indonesian 😂

  • @lerwindelacruz7318
    @lerwindelacruz7318 Год назад +8

    @ 2:05 มีขนมจากประเทศไทยด้วย "โยเฟรนด์" there's wafer from Thailand for selling.

  • @wencannathipsongponakorn7026
    @wencannathipsongponakorn7026 3 года назад +62

    respect stinggi langit buat toko dkorea utara ni bang 😃👍👏👏

    • @jakaparker
      @jakaparker  3 года назад +21

      Salah satu toko favorit saya, karena banyak produk cemilan indonesianya

    • @kpztarakpz1195
      @kpztarakpz1195 3 года назад

      Lah dibalas,,,

    • @kpztarakpz1195
      @kpztarakpz1195 3 года назад

      @@jakaparker toko yg Laen dong bang

    • @ActiveChildGunner87
      @ActiveChildGunner87 3 года назад

      @@kpztarakpz1195 dia dah diindo

  • @Fr4ncM
    @Fr4ncM 3 года назад +142

    Funny how all those sugary cheap foodstuffs and basic personal care products we take for granted and sometimes we ignore, are the top notch stuff there.

    • @hanselsihotang
      @hanselsihotang 3 года назад +15

      There's so much Indonesian and Japanese cheap-stuffs on display there that I thought he took a vid from a typical Indonesian convenience store instead of closed totalitarian NK😂.

    • @klovis6796
      @klovis6796 2 года назад +2

      how did you figure it's top notch?

    • @ZA-7
      @ZA-7 Год назад

      Top notch?

  • @tifanyoctavia
    @tifanyoctavia 3 года назад +73

    Org Korea utara cntik2 alami😭🥰

    • @iwayanfebri678
      @iwayanfebri678 3 года назад +9

      Ya itu lah wajah orang Korea yang asli naturaly, belum begitu banyak orang sana yang ngerti perawatan wajah dll hanya sebagaian yang ngerti

    • @amanwhocareaboutfeels2591
      @amanwhocareaboutfeels2591 3 года назад +8

      Jangan di bandingin ama selatan yg oplas.

    • @rufckoff199
      @rufckoff199 3 года назад +1

      @@amanwhocareaboutfeels2591 wkwkw plastiq goyang

    • @ActiveChildGunner87
      @ActiveChildGunner87 3 года назад

      @@rufckoff199 dancing plastiq

    • @greenme770
      @greenme770 3 года назад +1

      Korea selatan gak asli

  • @aliciawaters1223
    @aliciawaters1223 Год назад +11

    Those ladies were so kind :) love the video.

  • @ariefdzaki9715
    @ariefdzaki9715 3 года назад +180

    Tiap hari bikin konten bro tentang Korea Utara, durasinya lamaran dikit biar tau semua bahwa Korea Utara ramah2 warganya

    • @RP-pj4pf
      @RP-pj4pf 3 года назад +29

      Orgnya ramah, pemimpinnya yg gak ramah 😅

    • @hasanocean1
      @hasanocean1 3 года назад +22

      @@RP-pj4pf pemipinnya ramah kalau lagi tak diganggu , kalau berani ganggu ketentramannya baru

    • @jiyuchan17
      @jiyuchan17 3 года назад +22

      Warganya kalo kata pembelot asli ramah2, lugu2, cuma ekonomi bener2 jomplang antara ibukota dan pedesaan bikin kasian kalo denger cerita kehidupannya.

    • @dilafadhilah5147
      @dilafadhilah5147 3 года назад +1

      @@jiyuchan17 kehidupan warga pedesaan nya kek indo sebelum reformasi ya mba. Tiap malem listrik di pademin jd jatah listrik cm matahari terbit aja. Akses kendaraan cm sepeda krn yg pny kendaraan itu cm orang2 tertentu alias jarang banget. Bahkan kalo ada yg pny tv itu pasti udh yg berduit di kampungnya.

    • @Sheeees
      @Sheeees 3 года назад +1

      Untung pemerintah nya kgk punya chanel youtube pasti udah ketahuan nih bang jaka hati hati aja bang di sana jadi ke ingat kasus otto yg di hukum di korut tidak bisa pulang kenegaranya 👍🗿

  • @troobix_s
    @troobix_s 3 года назад +95

    Please, no more of this "yay" sound, too loud! Other than that - nice video, thank you!

    • @rickybulao5112
      @rickybulao5112 3 года назад +4


    • @robertsilva8097
      @robertsilva8097 3 года назад +5

      His videos are great stop being so mean

    • @NurglingGreg
      @NurglingGreg 3 года назад +5

      Yes please. Long time first time, no more damned yay sound.

    • @Serafin10CP
      @Serafin10CP 3 года назад +1

      @@robertsilva8097 How is that being mean?

    • @tantapinem5482
      @tantapinem5482 3 года назад +6

      It's just effect, show that he happy found product from Indonesia.

  • @8bithavok
    @8bithavok 2 года назад +20

    I'm surprised to see so many Japanese products in here, considering the history between the two nations.

  • @sophiapriest
    @sophiapriest 11 месяцев назад +4

    Those extremely loud "yay" sfx startle the heck out of me every time it plays

  • @seestan532
    @seestan532 3 года назад +272

    I got a little afraid for you when the lady asked about the camera 😂

    • @yakov5107
      @yakov5107 3 года назад +37

      it’s okay he’s working for the North Korean government

    • @osmopolito
      @osmopolito 3 года назад +6

      @@yakov5107 really? Then why they allow to post videos on internet

    • @yakov5107
      @yakov5107 3 года назад +64

      ​@@osmopolito The NK government probably hired him to improve North Korea's image in the world or someting like that
      but he’s definitely working for the North Korean government

    • @ekichandra
      @ekichandra 3 года назад +11

      @@yakov5107 Sakit jiwa lu

    • @captainsmith5851
      @captainsmith5851 3 года назад +2

      @@yakov5107 ohh ok

  • @ezratsabith4963
    @ezratsabith4963 3 года назад +321

    terima kasih sudah menayangkan sisi lain korea Utara 👍, selama ini media terlalu menggiring opini ke hal hal negatif. matur nuwun mas. tetap bikin daily vlog Korea Utara ya mas 💪🇮🇩❤️

    • @indiefolkmusic2349
      @indiefolkmusic2349 3 года назад +66

      Ini bukan positif bro...kamera aja ga boleh,diambil secara diam2,lebihnya banyak penjaga toko dari pada pembeli...tokonya digembok...artinya ada yg ga beres disana

    • @adearifin7799
      @adearifin7799 2 года назад +48

      @@indiefolkmusic2349 iya memang, tp aslinya tidak seseram yg digambarkan media barat, apalagi barat sangat benci korut. Memang negara ini bermasalah atau beda dngan yg lain, tp tdak 100% sama kaya media barat

    • @yo-bl8gk
      @yo-bl8gk 2 года назад +9

      ramah2 pelayan tokonya

    • @Tartax1922
      @Tartax1922 2 года назад +6

      @@adearifin7799 betul sekali

    • @tewollbantur4992
      @tewollbantur4992 2 года назад

      Itu mobil stangnya di kiri apa g ribet ya

  • @ashleycouncillor4336
    @ashleycouncillor4336 3 года назад +47

    I love your videos!! Love from 🇨🇦

    • @robertsilva8097
      @robertsilva8097 3 года назад +3

      I love His Video's Also

    • @Banggeek
      @Banggeek 3 года назад +3

      this is not propaganda, cause Indonesia is having Embassy in North K.
      its pure joy and fun !
      not like western thought. peace

  • @Melissa-SC73
    @Melissa-SC73 Год назад +14

    That is so nice that you bought special items for the kiddos.

  • @RangaGangsta
    @RangaGangsta 3 года назад +108

    im from america and im a new subscriber to your videos, great videos man keep it up

    • @connormacleod9900
      @connormacleod9900 3 года назад +7

      I also went to Pyongyang

    • @robertsilva8097
      @robertsilva8097 3 года назад +3

      @@connormacleod9900 Hello To Everyone

    • @prussiagermanindonesia
      @prussiagermanindonesia 3 года назад

      Hey US please gift Indonesia fighter jet

    • @trafalgarlaw4204
      @trafalgarlaw4204 3 года назад

      Are you cia, fbi, spy, or something like that? Reminder us and north korean people always conflict.
      Dont get me wrong ok, i just wanna make sure that you're don't like what i think,
      Sorry my bad english -_-

    • @Nabil_Khori
      @Nabil_Khori 3 года назад +1

      @@trafalgarlaw4204 wtf,is everyone from us is spy or CIA etc? Come on open your mind This video is isn't contain sensitive content, and spy doesn't really need thjs much

  • @tommyhallum2054
    @tommyhallum2054 3 года назад +39

    I love your videos! Such lovely people. Sending love from the states.

  • @lisablair8847
    @lisablair8847 3 года назад +67

    I really enjoyed watching this video. Stay safe and God Bless you and your family.

    • @michaelanderson7715
      @michaelanderson7715 3 года назад

      religious tripe

    • @lisablair8847
      @lisablair8847 3 года назад

      @@michaelanderson7715 ?

    • @michaelanderson7715
      @michaelanderson7715 3 года назад +1

      @@lisablair8847 "God Bless"
      - can you substantiate the existence of your invisible sky-tyrant ?

    • @lisablair8847
      @lisablair8847 3 года назад +10

      @@michaelanderson7715 it's my personal choice to believe. I'm not offended when others give me a blessing in their personal religious beliefs. I only see that they are wanting to wish goodness upon me, and me to them. I personally welcome religious diversity in others. 🙂.

    • @michaelanderson7715
      @michaelanderson7715 3 года назад +1

      @@lisablair8847 Read; no, I can't, it's baseless faith.

  • @5593steve
    @5593steve Год назад +6

    Thank you 🙏 this was a very good video and and very pleasing to watch 😊keep up the great work 👍

  • @Ggeovi
    @Ggeovi 3 года назад +57

    This guy goes to north korea just for getting content big respect

  • @farhanrizqulah
    @farhanrizqulah 3 года назад +130

    Sfx: 🥳🎉🎊

  • @빨강-w6i
    @빨강-w6i 3 года назад +18

    완전 ~ 친절 하네요
    직원 표정 너무 귀여워요

    • @nidhaltunisia3290
      @nidhaltunisia3290 3 года назад +2

      네, 한국인의 행복을 기원합니다 튀니지에서 온 외국인은 한국을 사랑합니다🇹🇳🤝🇰🇵🇰🇷

    • @clisonlytherapqueen2582
      @clisonlytherapqueen2582 3 года назад

      @@nidhaltunisia3290 you are from tunisia but write in hangul? That's kinda sus. I know you are from pyeong yang

  • @myfrankfurt
    @myfrankfurt Год назад +41

    Last thing I expected in a small North Korean supermarket was an employee in high heels.
    Other than that it reminds me a bit of the Intershops with foreign/better products in East Germany for the privileged with more money and connections. We also spoke the same language. One day you will be reunited as well :)
    All the best to Korea!

  • @WehRaimu
    @WehRaimu 3 года назад +19

    Anti mainstream bgt bang ngevlog di korut.

  • @TheMenaceNoob
    @TheMenaceNoob 2 года назад +8

    i love the people of north korea they are great, you can see in the video how nice they are awsome video theres not another video out there like this

  • @Katonoficial1240
    @Katonoficial1240 3 года назад +104

    Ufff hace 4 años que sigo a jakaparker y el nos sigue mostrando más de NK como ningún otro ✌️🇵🇪🇵🇪

    • @streetscienceofficial8675
      @streetscienceofficial8675 Год назад +1

      Muchas gracias amigo

    • @blinktambo255
      @blinktambo255 Год назад

      Ese tipo es una propaganda de corea de norte .

    • @milei-lion
      @milei-lion Год назад

      @@blinktambo255 sospecho lo mismo. Pero tambien está la posibilidad de que haya distintos tipos de vida (clases sociales) dentro de North Korea. Puede que no sepamos que ellos pueden vivir de forma "normal" sin romper y respetando absolutamente la ideologia que les imponen desde que nacen. Y la gente que peor la pasan son los de "clase media" o "pobres" de ese pais. Mientras que las clases sociales mas altas gozan de beneficios, como este youtuber.

    • @zurkaze6539
      @zurkaze6539 Год назад

      ​@@milei-lionHow The Indonesian embassy became propaganda in North Korea

  • @TracyA123
    @TracyA123 Год назад +24

    What a wonderful little store! They have all of the foods we have! Pop Mie and the chocolates! The people are so kind and helpful! I believe that was fabric softener that he got in the store on the other side? I also saw fruit chews, those soda cases, come guzzlerz, and what appears to be a snack cake with vanilla! Thank you for this video I absolutely loved it!😉

    • @wharris7594
      @wharris7594 11 месяцев назад

      Only the Top Class in North Korea can buy from this store, the lower class cannot even go there

    • @igrokx70
      @igrokx70 10 месяцев назад

      Это специальный валютный магазин в который пускают только иностранцев! Местным туда нельзя!

  • @JohnTwo1
    @JohnTwo1 3 года назад +8

    FYI they do have change in dollars but they won't give change in it because they have been ordered to give change in won because this is a source of international currency for the state. Plus they get to decide the currency exchange rate.

  • @BreakawayBites
    @BreakawayBites 3 года назад +58

    Sounds a little unusual but I have thought of visiting North Korea as I have visited South Korea 3 times , most recently in 2019 before the pandemic but it will be near to impossible as all diplomatic ties with North Korea have been severed recently. I can relate to you as trying to document your experiences from your prospective. . Jaga diri and semoga sihat selalu.

  • @TalonMerlin777
    @TalonMerlin777 3 года назад +43

    They follow you and set prices like it's an antique shop, man

    • @ogbobbysaget7439
      @ogbobbysaget7439 3 года назад +10

      It’s how they keep track of your total, there’s no barecodes

    • @ogbobbysaget7439
      @ogbobbysaget7439 3 года назад


    • @TalonMerlin777
      @TalonMerlin777 3 года назад

      @@ogbobbysaget7439 oh yeah, ha

    • @rapid9534
      @rapid9534 3 года назад +4

      I wouldn’t mind these Korean girls helping me😂

  • @carmenl163
    @carmenl163 11 месяцев назад +6

    It's like one of those little shops near a campsite when you're on vacation. 😮

  • @KevinWakliFitness
    @KevinWakliFitness 3 года назад +42

    Much love from KENYA 🇰🇪

  • @jojov7696
    @jojov7696 3 года назад +56

    The fact that the woman checks each item on the list before putting them in the bags. If every supermarket does that, people would have to wait more at the cash register 😅

    • @ausaskar
      @ausaskar 3 года назад +26

      I'd imagine if they accidentally put something extra or forgot something that would show up during stocktake and they'd be in huge trouble.

    • @JD-ht7yw
      @JD-ht7yw 3 года назад +4

      Yeah bc you will be arrested

    • @woodz4270
      @woodz4270 3 года назад +6

      If i be the cashier i’m gonna check all the stuff twice cause i don’t wanna get arrested by the store owner 🤣

    • @namesurname5613
      @namesurname5613 Год назад +9

      Soviet method

    • @Everybodyknowsitimgooddgurl
      @Everybodyknowsitimgooddgurl Год назад

      Okay 💀💀 😂😂

  • @mistertrueromance
    @mistertrueromance 3 года назад +20

    12:00 nice save really nice save

  • @alwayssnacking
    @alwayssnacking Год назад +16

    I am very surprised that US Dollars are accepted there. That is very interesting to me. I even wonder how they came into circulation there

    • @abdulkhujliwal786
      @abdulkhujliwal786 Год назад +10

      It's for the government of North Korea, these places accept USD, EUR from tourists, and exchange them for North Korean Won (their local currency). North Korea is the second most sanctioned country in the world, and so, they don't have much in forex reserves for trading with other countries. Hence, USD and EUR are accepted from tourists there.

    • @derekjones977
      @derekjones977 Год назад +1

      wow interesting thank you for explaining this i was also curious about the usd being accepted.

    • @joojoojeejee6058
      @joojoojeejee6058 Год назад +3

      @@derekjones977 They had special shops even in the Soviet Union that accepted foreign currency. The whole point was to accumulate hard currency from whoever had it. (Such as me as a tourist when I was a small boy back in the day.)

  • @nlstudy
    @nlstudy 3 года назад +34

    Two questions,
    the first, because the shop assistants follow you instead of staying at the cash desk?
    second, why are there no shopping carts like in all normal shops?
    But are there no normal shopping malls?

    • @RaphTheKing27
      @RaphTheKing27 3 года назад +19

      I haven't been to North Korea but I have been to South Korea and in my experience, shop assistants in some stores followed me around. It may just be store procedure, especially when he needed help finding items.

    • @quint2885
      @quint2885 3 года назад +16

      In small minimarkets in my country it's a normal thing, there usually aren't many clients in the store at once, so the cashier/owner losely follow and keep an eye on the shoppers.

    • @ellegaitor2887
      @ellegaitor2887 3 года назад +5

      By the looks of it they help him find things and if he wants a large quantity of something he will pass them one of the item and they will sort the rest of amount out ready for him at checkout. They seem so lovely and helpful x

    • @dramas9509
      @dramas9509 3 года назад +8

      Well in my country some shop assistant follow the customers around as well, i think it is more about culture

    • @tantapinem5482
      @tantapinem5482 3 года назад +6

      It's small market, they don't have cctv too. And it's normal shop assistant follow buyer and explain about the product. You can see, he ask size M , price and shop assistant recommand a product but too expensive for him.

  • @christinethemommy6094
    @christinethemommy6094 3 года назад +6

    So much assistance just to shop! In the US we run into giant stores, grab what we want, check ourselves our with an automated clerk and leave. Over there you have 5 women walking around with you. Even in big city shops, like in New York, it's very impersonal. Just grab, pay & go. I guess because it's not very busy at all in shops in NK. Very interesting, thank you for sharing. One question though, is there no heat in shops? I noticed you said it was cold and everyone has jackets on inside.

  • @hermosavida9658
    @hermosavida9658 3 года назад +36

    Lebih seru belanja disini daripada mall privilege pyeongyang kmren.
    Disini lebih friendly,banyak jenis, dan ramah² juga petugasnyaaa

    • @gadisGrim
      @gadisGrim 2 года назад

      Pernah dapat pengalaman tidak mengenakan kah?

  • @nurulhasan3953
    @nurulhasan3953 2 года назад +5

    Mungkin kita harus melihat dan berpikir dalam-dalam dari Korea Utara. Di tengah gemerlap, kemajuan, dan tren yang tak surut kita hanya butuh kesederhanaan untuk menyambung hidup. Tidak bermegah-megahan dan fokus pada anugerah yang dikasih Tuhan dan ya..beribadah saja. Ketika ajal tiba nyatanya tak satu pun barang yang kita sukai dan kumpulkan dulu di atas dunia ikut dikubur bersama kita. Allahu Akbar. Makasih videonya Kak.

    • @BabyshkaTanya
      @BabyshkaTanya 9 месяцев назад

      이 사람은 가난하지 않고 원하는 것을 살 수 있지만 대부분의 사람들은 그러한 가격으로 물건을 살 여유가 없습니다. 평양의 월급은 약 50~70 달러입니다. 지금 말해,당신은 여전히 단순 만족?