Gohmert Calls Out Senate Republicans Who Sided With Dems in Opposing Trump's Border Emergency

  • Опубликовано: 14 мар 2019
  • Rep. Louie Gohmert said the 12 Senate Republicans who joined Democrats on Thursday in blocking President Trump’s national emergency declaration sent the wrong message to Americans.
    MORE: insider.foxnews.com/2019/03/1...

Комментарии • 370

  • @vjs4539
    @vjs4539 5 лет назад +36

    Mitt Romney is a disgrace.

    • @sigmundroberson7130
      @sigmundroberson7130 5 лет назад

      Trumps the fuckin disgrace, his punk Ass couldn't make Mexico pay for it like he promised so now he's trying to make American tax payers fund it. I'm a American citizen and a U S American airborne infantry veteran and I hate having a fuckin draft dodger as the commander n chief, that's the real fuckin disgrace!!!

    • @frankorner8797
      @frankorner8797 5 лет назад +1

      It's spelled shit Romney

    • @regularjoe2000
      @regularjoe2000 5 лет назад

      Yep, he's 100% lying Jack Mormon!

  • @johnwpelfrey
    @johnwpelfrey 5 лет назад +79

    This is crazy the rhinos will regret being stupid!

    • @williespeirs6134
      @williespeirs6134 5 лет назад

      John Pelfrey - maybe best not to spell out rhinos and use the word "stupid" in the same sentence. It's apparent that no-one other than Louie Gohmert seems to want to defend the president's actions. The veto isn't the issue - it's the budgetary question attached to the veto that's being called into question.

    • @YahshuaLovesMe
      @YahshuaLovesMe 5 лет назад +1

      sorry stupid people never regret much, let alone their own stupidity.

  • @glennduncan449
    @glennduncan449 5 лет назад +25


  • @calimoniquegb5158
    @calimoniquegb5158 5 лет назад +144

    Traitors! The dirty dozen!!!! We will not forget!

    • @tomk1tl
      @tomk1tl 5 лет назад +9

      Seems like the demoCRAP disease "lack of common sense" has spread to these 12 republicans...

    • @tomk1tl
      @tomk1tl 5 лет назад +11

      BTW, "The Dirty Dozen" fits them like a glove ;-))

    • @normanalvarez5751
      @normanalvarez5751 5 лет назад

      @Kaiser Soze 🖕

    • @unclecsdesk-talkingrelatio2563
      @unclecsdesk-talkingrelatio2563 5 лет назад

      The Mueller Team was sponsored by the swamp to torment the president and disrupt what he promised to the American people.

    • @YahshuaLovesMe
      @YahshuaLovesMe 5 лет назад

      Thanks, that is perfect, the Dirty Dozen! I am going to use it on their picture and put it out at FaceBook hahaha! Then NOBODY will forget their names!

  • @Harvieowen
    @Harvieowen 5 лет назад +36

    Time for those turn-coat Republicans to GO! Do NOT vote for those turn-coats. Let us drain the swamp!

    • @konigstiger3252
      @konigstiger3252 5 лет назад

      Harvie Woolley
      How is upholding the constitution turncoat. Abuse of power from both sides should be look down on.

    • @konigstiger3252
      @konigstiger3252 5 лет назад +1

      David Sinclair
      Watch Dems declare national emergency to ban guns. The bad thing about giving government dictatorial control is that it goes both ways.

    • @konigstiger3252
      @konigstiger3252 5 лет назад

      David Sinclair
      It is ALWAYS a problem when politicians abuse power. Ever since FDR, each president have expanded their own power thus undermining our constitution.

    • @robreid3101
      @robreid3101 5 лет назад +2

      @@konigstiger3252 If congress actually would do its fcking job the President would not have to use it.Blame congress moron thats were the blame should be laid

  • @HeyDude93gt
    @HeyDude93gt 5 лет назад +16

    I’m a Floridian that’s very disappointed Rubio voted against this

  • @doxiemomnews
    @doxiemomnews 5 лет назад +36

    Thom Tillis was about to lose my vote until he changed his mind. We must support our President!

    • @jimmyReesby
      @jimmyReesby 5 лет назад

      He changed his mind because he saw his vote wasn't needed. If it was he would have voted Trump down. Don't let him fool you 😡

    • @Wisdomabovegold
      @Wisdomabovegold 5 лет назад +1

      If we allow massive numbers of insane, irresponsible, amoral personalities to homogenize the planet humanity is setting itself up for inescapable and permanent Dark Age misery. The only hope for future human aspiration is to allow those groups of people capable of cultural sanity and civility, people historically proven to build intelligent and balanced systems of justice, to live peacefully on protected territories that are unapologetically free from those predators who history has shown only know how to create failed states. It is civility that should be exported, while incivility should not be given the opportunity to destroy what better people sacrificed themselves to lovingly build over the agonizing period of many generations.

    • @Wisdomabovegold
      @Wisdomabovegold 5 лет назад

      @Mike Carter
      I realize you think you're more 'awake' than everybody else. Now, please go away.

  • @janicefoundas9163
    @janicefoundas9163 5 лет назад +8

    I hope Trump vetoes everything these rats want!

  • @wallacedouglas2840
    @wallacedouglas2840 5 лет назад +51

    Mr. Gohmert I have liked you from day one .Your the voice of reason.

    • @YahshuaLovesMe
      @YahshuaLovesMe 5 лет назад +1

      and the voice of WISDOM, that man has a load of wisdom!

  • @Pushyhog
    @Pushyhog 5 лет назад +20

    Use to like rand paul, done with all these forever.

  • @chrisfuentes2957
    @chrisfuentes2957 5 лет назад +29

    Vote them out of the senate. And Romney, you will never be President. Ever.

  • @mlriecker
    @mlriecker 5 лет назад +72

    Since when do polititions do the will of the people?

  • @LUISNEVESable
    @LUISNEVESable 5 лет назад +45

    God bless the greatest country in the world USA, its legal citizens, and the president!!!

    • @Wisdomabovegold
      @Wisdomabovegold 5 лет назад +1

      There are videos all over social media that show people crossing the wall that was built ACCORDING TO DEM SPECIFICATIONS separating Tijuana from San Diego to suggest that walls don’t work to prevent illegal crossings. Let’s get something straight. These illegals are crossing a wall that the dems authorized prior to the Trump administration. The dems don't want to remove the structures they approved primarily because they know the construction was purposefully faulty. Trump's design being erected in Texas and New Mexico has a block of cement that goes down 6 feet into the ground not to mention sensors that can alert border patrol to the exact location of a breach. See the difference? The wall will not 'fix everything' and Trump never said that it would. If a sinking ship has many holes the wisest thing to do is to fix the biggest hole first. Sure, the dems have been willing to fund fences, ones that are easily penetrated and quickly corrupted. The reason they won't fund Trump's barrier is because they know he will only sign onto one that is EFFECTIVE and that WILL ENDURE FOR GENERATIONS TO COME. The dems want to focus on the little holes, policy changes that they can easily reverse when and if they were to assume power. They battle against the idea of a LONG-TERM INVESTMENT that will actually make the most significant dent in the problem. Come on, folks, there are no more excuses for you to be so damn 'confused'. There are snakes among us and if you cannot identify them by now you are as much enemy to this nation as those making the deals to take it down.

  • @tn2680
    @tn2680 5 лет назад +115

    I’m from Florida, Marco Rubio just lost my whole family’s vote.

    • @normanalvarez5751
      @normanalvarez5751 5 лет назад +3

      Me Too! Bro hes done!

    • @kiprose2237
      @kiprose2237 5 лет назад +1

      They are really stupid coward, I won't be surprised for mitt Romney but for the other guys like Rubio is just outrageous. ..

    • @martybarbeau
      @martybarbeau 5 лет назад +1

      Now go out and remind people when election time comes!!! We all need to hold these RINO's accountable!!!

    • @edwinzakrzewskijr7008
      @edwinzakrzewskijr7008 5 лет назад +1

      Please like I did have your family and friends E mail and call Rubio office Thanks Florida against Rubio

    • @unitedwestand5100
      @unitedwestand5100 5 лет назад

      What if he's the only Republican in the primary?
      Voting for the dem in the general won't help anyone....

  • @wdavis6939
    @wdavis6939 5 лет назад +6

    Republican Senators who voted to block Presidents resolution should resign.
    Derilection of office they hold and the people they serve.

  • @billw7894
    @billw7894 5 лет назад +8

    From Missouri, Roy Blunt lost my vote forever! If politicians cant protect US citizens they need to get into a different line of work.

  • @peggypoe8928
    @peggypoe8928 5 лет назад +157

    Rep. Gohmert is absolutely correct, we Trump supporters won't forget the senators who didn't have the President's back.

    • @Afternoondreamers
      @Afternoondreamers 5 лет назад +1

      Peggy Poe It's good to know at least 12 Republicans have grown a pair

    • @RodMartinJr
      @RodMartinJr 5 лет назад

      Wrong! Some of them might have been RINOs, but at least one is a constitutionalist. Emergency powers given by Congress were *_unconstitutional!!!_* Trump using those powers is unconstitutional. You cannot save the country by destroying the country. That should be powerfully obvious, but apparently it's not. Too many people voted to destroy the Constitution under Bush and Obama, too. Eventually, we won't have any of it, then having a strong border won't mean sh*t! We will no longer have an America, but just another tyranny.

    • @samualcrocket1405
      @samualcrocket1405 5 лет назад +2

      @@RodMartinJr Listen to the video that you are commenting on. Congress granted the president that power back to Carter and no want to reascend it when there is a real national emergence at the border.

    • @RodMartinJr
      @RodMartinJr 5 лет назад +1

      @@samualcrocket1405 Emergency? Hell yes! Manufactured emergency by Globalist-Leftists who want to destroy America.
      Two weeks ago, I was gung ho for the use of emergency powers. What changed? Quite simply an education happened. I found out I was horribly wrong.
      Thanks for the history lesson. Now, let me return the favor!
      Where in the Constitution does it give the president emergency powers? Answer: It doesn't!
      Where in the Constitution does it give Congress the power to give up its power to the president in emergencies? Answer: It doesn't!
      The emergency powers act was UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!
      States can amend the Constitution to give the president emergency powers, but did we have a constitutional convention of states on this issue? Nope!
      Now, imagine a Demonrat president using emergency powers to take all guns and put anyone who disagrees in a camp from which they never reappear.
      Starting to catch on?
      Trump should've used the veto power on the spending bill, sending the government back into partial shutdown. That was constitutional.

    • @regularjoe2000
      @regularjoe2000 5 лет назад +3

      These Rhino Republicans are trying to weaken Pres. Trump leading into 2020 elections, so the Dynasty Bush/ Jeb Bush can run against him.

  • @wyc7769
    @wyc7769 5 лет назад +6

    Careful you don't lose your senate majority. Get better Republicans for the senate. ASAP.

  • @ninewolves213
    @ninewolves213 5 лет назад +61

    Rep. Gohmert is dead on about NC. WE ARE SICK of all the illegalities going on. We want the wall. WE WANT IT NOW!

  • @1perveysage
    @1perveysage 5 лет назад +11

    Oh don't worry. We are going to remember who voted against our president. Come election day they will have to find new jobs. As for Mitt, he is about 1 step away from being Schiff or Schumer.

  • @stevenboss1019
    @stevenboss1019 5 лет назад +123

    Those Republic are a disgrace to the American people.

    • @donmccoy8053
      @donmccoy8053 5 лет назад +6

      List all names.just like Democrats.vote them out

    • @kellc1347
      @kellc1347 5 лет назад

      I disagree. I want strong borders, a wall etc as bad as you but this administration is gonna be the only chance we will also get to put a limit to the executive branch from being kings. Some of those repubs I'm not a fan of but I do support our constitutionalist senators and them sticking to their principals.

    • @Pushyhog
      @Pushyhog 5 лет назад

      And the shitty Republicans that put em there and vote once every 4 years.

    • @standtallvets5386
      @standtallvets5386 5 лет назад

      More of a sworn proven enemy against the people. They would be in Gitmo right now if people would quit playing with them wearing kids gloves!! After this long people rightfully deserve the steep consequences of getting run over.

    • @Silverboy9091
      @Silverboy9091 5 лет назад

      or you

  • @geneapodaca1597
    @geneapodaca1597 5 лет назад +127

    Do what you must President Trump WE THE PEOPLE have your back

    • @Afternoondreamers
      @Afternoondreamers 5 лет назад

      Well, there's not much you can do when/if he's convicted of crimes.

    • @skAhnaksA
      @skAhnaksA 5 лет назад +4

      @Troy Cartwright another moron jumps on the racist train. Please explain this racist rhetoric. Do even know what the word means? Please name another president who hasn't lied. What has he stolen? If you haven't grabbed a pussy, don't hate others who have. It's not a case of rape dumbass. His moronic ways seem to be working pretty good for America. I often wonder if he didn't get so much hate if he would try so hard. Imagine what could be done if he tried this hard and had some help from the swamprats.

    • @skAhnaksA
      @skAhnaksA 5 лет назад +3

      @Troy Cartwright I don't follow? You think protecting your border is racist? It's what the president is partially responsible for. I guess if you believe everything is fluid and facts don't matter you can say whatever you want. It does not make it racist.
      Someone builds a city on tornado alley and gets hit by a tornado a national emergency is declared. This is not a national emergency! This is poor decisions and it doesn't effect the nation. An influx of people trying to illegally cross the border, when the country is already over burdened is a national (everybody) emergency. If this was taken care of properly it would not have gotten to this point.

    • @kevinhensley4346
      @kevinhensley4346 5 лет назад +4

      @@skAhnaksA it does no good to use truth or facts with this guy or any other like him they just plain don't care they want their way and that's all they are moronic blind followers and think that they'll get something in the end
      Truth be known if they get their way they'll just get it in the back end and probably say thank you sir may I have another

    • @skAhnaksA
      @skAhnaksA 5 лет назад +2

      @Troy Cartwright I'm brown fuckwit. You welcome people that come to the door and knock. You shoot people that climb through the window. When your house is full you close the door.

  • @presidentnotsure3273
    @presidentnotsure3273 5 лет назад +12

    I would start investigating the politician's who say this isn't a national emergency. Hard to believe there isn't cartel/corporate* money somewhere in all this.

  • @jerryheppner2310
    @jerryheppner2310 5 лет назад +8

    Vote the flip floppers out ! Mark there names down and remove them . We need a government for the people . They're not sworth shit !!!!!!!

  • @frankcastelo6980
    @frankcastelo6980 5 лет назад +14


  • @5tomidnightmusic
    @5tomidnightmusic 5 лет назад +9

    Greatest President ever! God bless you, President Trump!

  • @aliceknight7571
    @aliceknight7571 5 лет назад +5

    Vote them out!
    Use your power, Mr President!!
    Build that wall!
    Promises made, promises KEPT!
    TRUMP 2020!!!

  • @netterstyl
    @netterstyl 5 лет назад +4

    Only thing worse than a Demogoon: a rino.

  • @Albert-fv4oy
    @Albert-fv4oy 5 лет назад +6

    Rubio,Romney,Ron Paul and the others republican senators who voted against the EMERGENCY DECLARATION are a shame to the GOP and to WE THE PEOPLE !

  • @edwinzakrzewskijr7008
    @edwinzakrzewskijr7008 5 лет назад +6

    The dirty dozen
    Vote out Rubio in Florida

  • @cn2957
    @cn2957 5 лет назад +5

    Take the 12 snakes out Republican Party

  • @michaelbuchanan2984
    @michaelbuchanan2984 5 лет назад +3

    Vote these twelve out of office!!

  • @user-ym5io2ul1o
    @user-ym5io2ul1o 5 лет назад +5

    LOUIE is one of my favorites.

  • @edstud1
    @edstud1 5 лет назад +6

    Romney, don't run again from Utah, you will lose!

  • @mikehubble3962
    @mikehubble3962 5 лет назад +4

    I'm from KY & I let Rand Paul & Masse know that as AOC said "U ARE ON THE LIST"

  • @eugenepearson4467
    @eugenepearson4467 5 лет назад +4

    The executive branch responsibility is to enforce law . Congress has abdicated the responsibility entrusted to them.

  • @litestreamer
    @litestreamer 5 лет назад +3

    Now is not the time to dispute presidential powers when we are faced with a national emergency at the border. We need border security now. Get your priorities straight!

  • @regularjoe2000
    @regularjoe2000 5 лет назад +4

    Don't we all see the Jeb Bush for President crowd.

  • @danielm.edwards1977
    @danielm.edwards1977 5 лет назад +2

    Send those who didn't vote to the border to help the men and women already trying to protect the border.

  • @rayhess3175
    @rayhess3175 5 лет назад +2

    I'm from PA-pat Toomey made me uneasy to vote for him last time around-he will NOT get another vote from me

  • @Joe-oi9ew
    @Joe-oi9ew 5 лет назад +5

    All you sell outs Rep, I will remember all of your names when its voting time

  • @cindyleftwick1190
    @cindyleftwick1190 5 лет назад +3

    VOTE ALL rhino republicans OUT!

  • @SeanWyseman
    @SeanWyseman 5 лет назад +1

    Ditch the Dirty Dozen.

  • @ronaldhelsel8772
    @ronaldhelsel8772 5 лет назад +4

    I’ll remember you at The ballot box Mr. Portman...

  • @klogjo
    @klogjo 5 лет назад +3

    The 12 are democrats who ran as republicans to do exactly what the did, vote against our President. They are truly the "DIRTY DOZEN" and will go down as such.

  • @lance8080
    @lance8080 5 лет назад +2


  • @robertburnsjr.4035
    @robertburnsjr.4035 5 лет назад +1

    Go Gohmert, I definitely would not vote for another BUSH.

  • @patrioticallyincorrect4069
    @patrioticallyincorrect4069 5 лет назад +2

    Probably because they're tired of winning😄

  • @JasonWilliams-bi6rk
    @JasonWilliams-bi6rk 5 лет назад +1

    12 rinos, 12 back stabbers, vote them out

  • @Hallands.
    @Hallands. 5 лет назад +1

    Gohmert har a way to get directly to the brass tacks. It's rather refreshing!

  • @vangiaido1285
    @vangiaido1285 5 лет назад +1

    Now we know who are Rino.

  • @rudddogg2575
    @rudddogg2575 5 лет назад +1

    Go louie

  • @maxwell-cwest8326
    @maxwell-cwest8326 5 лет назад +1


  • @jtobinams1
    @jtobinams1 5 лет назад +2

    God is with the president!

  • @ladyjillian6699
    @ladyjillian6699 5 лет назад +1

    Finish the Wall

  • @mgfhbmh1
    @mgfhbmh1 5 лет назад +2

    Keep up the Great work President Trump. Keep making America Great again.

  • @dorothymiddaugh6234
    @dorothymiddaugh6234 5 лет назад +1

    I just love Louie!

  • @colintraveller
    @colintraveller 5 лет назад +1

    Gohmert .. a true Patriot

  • @jamesgheen
    @jamesgheen 5 лет назад

    He needs to wait 20 days to do that.

  • @richardmcleod5967
    @richardmcleod5967 5 лет назад +2

    But how much more damage can they continue to do while they are still in office as they will be in office for quite a while longer and most people's memory is very short!
    Their "NO" votes have already had a substantial influence in lessening President Trump's position.

  • @Doc_Dolan
    @Doc_Dolan 5 лет назад

    It's ALL about "resist Trump / Never Trump". NOTHING ELSE!

  • @lorrainelee3092
    @lorrainelee3092 5 лет назад +3

    FB is up to know good. This has been up for a couple hours and only a little over 100 thumbs up? Commmmeee onnnn.

  • @MWcrazyhorse
    @MWcrazyhorse 5 лет назад

    5:55 hmmm

  • @akindele3534
    @akindele3534 5 лет назад

    I completely trust and have faith in Rep. Louie Gohmert

  • @danielm.edwards1977
    @danielm.edwards1977 5 лет назад

    :26 America's Most Unwanted

  • @sandyanoman5414
    @sandyanoman5414 5 лет назад

    Republicans never back down from a dem

  • @larrysingleton2864
    @larrysingleton2864 5 лет назад

    READ Louis Gohmert: Mueller Unmasked.
    READ Michael Cutler at FrontPage Magazine.

  • @unitedwestand5100
    @unitedwestand5100 5 лет назад +1

    I called Tillis and told him he had better support Trump on the National Emergency order!
    And, I meant it!

  • @cathyejackson6741
    @cathyejackson6741 5 лет назад +1

    I will do everything in my power to unseat Senator Murkowski she goes where ever the money is in the short term but has no care about the future or what she is doing to Alaska.

  • @mikec.9177
    @mikec.9177 5 лет назад

    We elect them to represent us not do what they want

  • @paulbaker5085
    @paulbaker5085 5 лет назад

    I will not vote for Rob Portman Again

  • @zabimaru404
    @zabimaru404 5 лет назад

    Gig 'em Louie.

  • @chewybrand238
    @chewybrand238 5 лет назад

    Castration is "too good" for them! The worst kind of "traitors"!

  • @lenovo762
    @lenovo762 5 лет назад

    What a crushing defeat for Pelosi...this veto.

  • @ro5g5er
    @ro5g5er 5 лет назад

    Rob Portman has lost my vote forever

  • @CognitiveBerserkerNPCAndy
    @CognitiveBerserkerNPCAndy 5 лет назад


  • @tinageyer541
    @tinageyer541 5 лет назад +1

    I'm from Maine Collins lost my vote. Im sure my family and others will follow.

  • @michelleeramchuk6001
    @michelleeramchuk6001 5 лет назад


  • @overcees1
    @overcees1 5 лет назад +1

    Muted Paused and Silenced . I refuse to LISTEN or WATCH Fox Till JUDGE Comes BACK

  • @danrode104
    @danrode104 5 лет назад +2

    Gommies brother the tennis ball head has more smarts

  • @human-qp1mf
    @human-qp1mf 5 лет назад

    Remember Portland, Ohio when the time comes to vote him out! He must have something to hide! Bye!

    @NESCARLOS1 5 лет назад +1


  • @paulbaker5085
    @paulbaker5085 5 лет назад

    Vote the 12 out of office

  • @juschu67
    @juschu67 5 лет назад

    Establishment Empire is fighting back

  • @fmartinez004
    @fmartinez004 5 лет назад

    This is an annoying commercial

  • @davidscott5209
    @davidscott5209 5 лет назад

    The 12 republicans need some training on the constitution

  • @DixieFlyer2727
    @DixieFlyer2727 5 лет назад


  • @patriciairish8726
    @patriciairish8726 5 лет назад

    awesome man -- speaks truth

  • @byronsilas5134
    @byronsilas5134 5 лет назад +1

    Trump is a shoe in in (2020) period.....🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  • @larrywhite6637
    @larrywhite6637 5 лет назад


    @NESCARLOS1 5 лет назад +1


  • @drewsaint8762
    @drewsaint8762 5 лет назад

    How did any one who voted for Romney in the Utah republican primary not know he was a rino?

  • @hicker852
    @hicker852 5 лет назад +1

    If you're voted in office by what you say to be elected. Then you vote. that way. PRESIDEN. TRUMP. You will be re-elected and we true. Republicans. Will have your back.

  • @bobbysipes7994
    @bobbysipes7994 5 лет назад

    Well so much for the straight republican ticket, i hope every republican remembers these people when their election time begins.

  • @skyfoxf1113
    @skyfoxf1113 5 лет назад

    Kerry the truth: the sooner the better!!

  • @2grand
    @2grand 5 лет назад

    #Wall #Trump2020

  • @jeffburtard2386
    @jeffburtard2386 5 лет назад +8

    Kiss there Butts good bye next Elections! By the way it is NOT Blocked!

  • @lorrainelee3092
    @lorrainelee3092 5 лет назад

    Why can't the family of the murdered people sue, govt. is partially to blame.

    • @jaycampbell6402
      @jaycampbell6402 5 лет назад

      You are correct. We are told that our taxes go to provide public safety. A government that cannot provide public safety should be held to account just like a contractor who does faulty work would be.

  • @dalindiaz2988
    @dalindiaz2988 5 лет назад

    The dirty dozen, you there CAUSE you jump on trumps bus, shame on you ,what will your grand son say? My Lord!!!!!!

  • @arndtthielfoldt1745
    @arndtthielfoldt1745 5 лет назад

    Do. Not. Forget. Thise. 12. Traitors. Thy. Should. Never. Be. Reelected.