Kako su kupljeni helikopteri Mi-35P od Kipra? How Helicopters Mi35P were purchased from Cyprus?

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024
  • #mi35p #kipar #cyprus #helikopter #vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #nora #milos #tamnava #mlrs #vbr #helicopter #mi35m #mi24 #airforce ##russia #serbianairforce #rusija #srbija #serbia #naoruzanje #armament #arms #weapons #oruzje #rv #pvo
    During the public presentation of the delivery of eleven Mi-35P helicopters from Cyprus, the public in Serbia learned some interesting details about the whole business of buying these helicopters, which essentially represents compensation.
    Last week, the delivery flights of these assault-landing helicopters from Cyprus began with today's largest transport aircraft An-124, and all eleven Mi-35P helicopters from the entire squadron were delivered, because one was destroyed in an accident in Cyprus.
    On Thursday, during their public presentation at the military airport "Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović" in Batajnica, it was confirmed by the authorities of Serbia that the overhaul and probably the modernization of the helicopter will be carried out in two phases.
    The first six helicopters will, as it was said, "take off by the end of January", and the remaining five by the end of the summer of 2024.
    It is known that only five of these helicopters have been in flying condition recently in the Cyprus National Guard, so it is to be expected that they will be the first to be able to fly plus one of the remaining six that were previously grounded in Kyrenia, which is in in the best condition, and it remains to be seen how long the remaining five will fly in the Air Force of Serbia. That question arises, if the Russian experts are not able to make them capable of flying after 2026 with the accumulated amount of parts for these helicopters?
    On that occasion, the President of Serbia said that the helicopters were "half-paid" to Cyprus with articles of Serbian industry, that is, with self-propelled rocket artillery.
    Prilikom javne prezentacije isporuke jedanaest helikoptera Mi-35P sa Kipra, javnost u Srbiji je saznala i neke interesantne detalje oko celog posla kupovine ovih helikoptera koji u suštini polovnično predstavlja kompenzaciju.
    U prošlu nedelju su počeli letovi isporuke ovih jurišno-desantnih helikoptera iz Kipra najvećim transportnim avionom danas An-124, a isporučeno je svih jedanaest helikoptera Mi-35P od cele eskadrile, jer je jedan uništen u udesu na Kipru.
    U četvrtak prilikom njihove javne prezentacije na vojnom aerodrom “Pukovnik-pilot Milenko Pavlović” na Batajnici potvrđeno od strane nadležnih Srbije je da će remont i verovatno i modernizacija helikoptera biti obavljeni u dve faze.
    Prvih šest helikoptera će, kako je rečeno, „poleteti do kraja januara“, a preostalih pet do kraja leta 2024. godine.
    Zna se da je svega pet ovih helikoptera bilo u letnom stanju u poslednje vreme u nacionalnoj gardi Kipra, pa je za očekivati da će oni biti i prvi osposobljeni za letenje plus jedan od preostalih šest koji su ranije bili prizemljeni na Kiru, a koji je u najboljem stanju, a ostaje da se vidi koliko će preostalih pet leteti u ratnom vazduhoplovstvu Srbije, To pitanje se postavlja, ako ruski stručnjaci ne budu u mogućnosti da sa nabaljenom količinom delova za ove helkoptere ih osposobe za letenje i nakon 2026. godine?
    Tom prilikom predsednik Srbije je kazao da su helikopteri „pola plaćeni“ Kipru artiklima srpske industrije odnosno samohodnom raketnom artiljerijom.
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