Cryptos EMP counters so much honestly. Gibby bubble, seer ultimate, rampart walls (amped part only), wattson fences and pylons, horizon ultimate, caustic trap, catalyst spikes, loba market, newcastle tactical (idk about octane pad, newcastle ult and conduits ult. One EMP can turn any fight around.
I feel like if you don’t play crypto then you don’t know how strong his ult is. It’s crazy strong. The amount of fights I’ve won because I was up against gibbys/wattson’s is too high to count😭
I'd go as far as to say that Wattson's pylon has got to be the most broken ult in the game. One pylon restores 250 shields, two pylons restore 500 shields. Which means that one stack of two ult accelerants has as much shields as 5 batteries, and it's automatically shared between your team, keeping their hands free to fight.
But her ult also eats any friendly fire which is realllllly fucking annoying because then you can't pair her with Fuse, Bangalore, Catalyst, Gibby etc.
there is a way to make it not, but its not consitent and you need to throw it at like a certain angle i cant explain, but it is possible@@clementine2444
I think an important consideration for ranking the ultimates is their ultimate cost. You brought it up for Mirage, but not really for the other ones. Like, Octane's jump pad may not be as good as other movement options, but you can get it really fast.
As a Loba main, I’ve won many games because I was able to supply my team with late game heals, ammo, stealing red-tier weapons (even if we aren’t going to use them, it’s better on the ground then in the enemies hands). Late game rings are when Loba’s ultimate is the best.
Personally this may be a bit bias, but i think Maggie’s ult is a lot more versatile, it’s good for running away, the stun can help secure a kill and still ok for entry. I think when it works as intended, it is a solid B, maybe A tier
Wattsons ult should be S+ recharges shields and counters what is in S+. Also recharges her tactical. She counters so many other ults too and all grenandes and even some tacticals.
I don't know about Horizon ult being S tier while Conduit ult being A tier. Each unit of Conduit's ult has more health with a smaller hitbox, Horizon's ult only has 175hp which is almost as fragile as Caustic's tactical, and has a huge hitbox. You can break it before it's active as well.
you seem to not understand the full potential of horizons ult. Its actually the best ult in the game, whenever u throw it the enemy team needs to react to it EVERY time,unless you want to get destroyed by nades etc. Even if the ult doesnt cause any damage its very good for disturbing enemies since they HAVE TO turn to it and destroy it which gives u so many options for starting,entering or finishing a fight.
@@Petar6372 I'm not saying that it doesn't do anything, it's obviously can't be nothing when you need to shoot something instead of players mid-fight. But Conduit's ult slows and deals damage to players in a decent range, drops multiple units with more hp and a smaller hitbox, but still a lower tier than Horizon's ult is questionable.
I agree. I think it needs more health. And honestly, for an ULTIMATE ability, it should have infinite health especially considering it's called a BLACK HOLE
@@Nitro15 I disagree, both ultimates has a similar purpose of taking away(or defending) the space from the enemy by throwing a specific unit except the fact that Horizon's concept is more offensive than Conduit's. Both are very similar ultimates.
no, you misunderstand. The enemy still has their tacticals, we're just only looking at each legends ultimate regardless of the rest of their abilities. @@Thekingofdumb8
Well, if you know how to use it for the last zones or indoors it’s extremely overpowered, if you shoot it indoors in whoever it falls down it will loose it’s Evo instantly
Na Lifeline needs to have a combat orientated ult, like a reverse emp that heals teammates and shocks enemies. She’s the weakest support legend for fighting bc her abilities only capitalize on weak or dead teammates.
I think the reason Wattson, Crypto, and Caustic ults are so strong is because they have (almost) no counterplay. The ONLY way to defeat Caustic ult is to be playing Wattson and have your pylon down already, and have the Caustic flub his throw, since he can LOS the pylon and the AOE is generous enough to force Wattson out of her den anyways. Caustic's ult forces any holed up defender out of their controlled space, with a single rare exception. Crypto's EMP, to a certain extent just by existing in the game, means that no setups are safe. He's like Caustic and can breach fortified territory with no opportunity for counterplay. The power of unblockable zone denial is what makes them all so powerful in higher level, defense-focused play. You can shoot a black hole, get under cover from a Bang airstrike, move a few inches from a Gibby airstrike, etc., but you just can't avoid an EMP obliterating your fortifications and chipping your shields, gas forcing you out of position, or pylon destroying basically every assault ability.
lifelines ultimate drops what your team needs, so if one of you has purple, and the other has grey, its gunna give blue, if both of you have purple, its gunna give 1 gold itll also give you the heals, hop ups, and utility items your team needs
i say it makes sense conduit has an ability that damages enemies with her shock powers and has an ability that heals shields for her teammates with her shock powers. i like her ult alot
Haven’t played since Seer was the newest character included and he was definitely broken with how much scanning and info you can get. So see his ult now F tier is shocking, how bad did he get nerfed? Also seeing Crypto get A tier is nice since I like to play him the most
@@gustandeancantelmo2267 I looked it up. He’s been over nerfed. Passive doesn’t provide enough info to track enemy, tactical is smaller range and easy to dodge, and lastly his ult only shows enemy when they are shooting or running which by then a good player can just find on there own so no real reason for the use.
I keep saying i want Ash's ult to have a second slash within 1s. You slash once, travel, and if you select a new target within that 1s, you can slash again with maybe 50 percent distance on the second slash. It turns Ash into a proper positioning Legend, doesnt need a range increase, allows more flexibility of where you go, and actually allows you to win fights without letting you do something stupid.
Maggie’s ult got a buff to be able to destroy gibby shields, and a lot of other legend abilities, I’d say it’s use is defortification, it is good at getting rid of things that enemies put down to hinder you, though I have to agree that the inconsistency does make it a noticeably worse ability Wait… did you say sheila needs aim?!?
Since in the post Malone event everyone can revive quickly and have three extra lives, most people used the support characters because of how good they were when there was no ammo, medkits, Batteries or a place to take cover when there were ten teams left alive in the final circle and you couldn't go to the enemy's boxes to get something without being diverted and Lifeline with Coduit or Wattson was the best team, Lifeline's passive allows you to shoot and revive at the same time with the bonus that in This event, if they bypass your partner, they cannot kill him, Conduit's passive gives you a shield and his ultimate creates a wall of damage and with Wattson's ultimate, he regenerates your shield and destroys grenades. The other most used ultimates were Fuse, Ballistic, Horizon, Revenat, Wattson and Caustic. And you might wonder, what about the Recon characters? Welloo... They're not that useful, I was going to consider Crypto but I remembered the golden shield and everyone can revive fast and can't die until everyone dies soeeee... No good.
He is understimating the "selfish" ultimates because most players play with randoms and randoms are stinky so trying to be a team player with them usually dont help it only hurts so i usually go with the selfish ults unless im playing a stack
@@itsfametime426 i liked when valk was meta tho (it was a boring meta to watch ALGS but fun to play in) i hope they buff her jetpack fuel amount sometime soon. Valk mains need a little love fosho
Its worth pointing out Caustics' Ult effectively halfs peoples hit points also, as it attacks health directly meaning you are 100 hp max inside a Caustic Ult. Add to that it works on everyone inside the Ult the same way with no max limit, you can completely dominate third parties in the right situations. Pop one of these bad boys at the feet of a couple teams going at it, there is no greater power than that. Its better than a gibby Ult in that it pops immediatly and there is no red flash or safe area inside the mist, its just a completely toxic area that kills, blinds and slows everything inside it, leaving you and now your team free to calmly pick them off one by one.
as someone who plays Rampart a lot, I'd put Sheila a little lower on the tier list. the spin-up time has been the deciding factor of the fight so many times. also with the loud volume and the laser, it's so easy for enemies to see and hear that you have Sheila at the ready and then work around it, either waiting for you to un-ready yourself or forcing you to change position by using their own ults, throwing grenades, etc. however, i will say that there's no better feeling than when an enemy is hiding behind a door trying to heal, feeling oh so smug, only to bring out Sheila and just destroy them through the door 😂 also i've noticed a lot more people playing Rampart lately along with Wattson, so friendly tip: my friend is a Rampart main and i'm a Wattson main, and whenever we play together, the walls can block my pylon's AOE if we're indoors, so you have to be really careful. however the Wattson/Rampart combo can be super deadly if used correctly. being able to protect Rampart from abilities and grenades makes her EXTREMELY lethal. being able to help Rampart hold a position without being forced out of it is the key. it never gets old to see Horizon, Fuse, Mad Maggie, Bangalore, Gibraltar, Caustic etc. panic when they realize their ult and/or tactical has just been wasted.
As far as Mad Maggie's ultimate, I tend to use it to get to zone when I'm particularly far away. Or, I try to spam those speed boosters in the killbox to spam my shotty/smg combo. Edit: as far as Bloodhound goes, I'd argue B tier because I'm colorblind.
The amount of endgames I have won because of Newcastle shields when I was put in an otherwise indefensible position probably outweighs that of any other character
Hurts to watch as a Valkyrie main, since her Ultimate is not even bad by itself, evac towers just made it obsolete. She used to be must pick in ALGS and evac towers made Evan Verhulst (The greatest Valkyrie player ever), switch to Catalys has his main, despite having played thousands of hours with Valkyrie. This is tragic
Though I do agree that Wraith's portal is extremely good. You also gotta remember that you're only judging ultimates, and Wraith's ultimate without her tactical is basically you begging to get killed while placing the portals, unless there aren't enemies around of course. I also have to disagree on Ash's placement a little. If it's all about creating space, no one can do it better than a teleporter. So personally, I would put her in low A but above Fuse.
the fact u place Watson high when crypto is literally her kryptonite is kinda crazy p.s. everytime a horizon ult hits the gound i be broken before it even starts
I agree with this list except for bloodhound, personally while I’m playing with a bloodhound who uses his ult, while ik that it does nothing for me that ultimate gives me lots of confidence in winning that fight
A good combo me and my brother did in duos was he would trap enemy’s in fuses ring of fire and I would use the Valkyrie missle which would stun them, then my brother would also throw frag grenades in while they were stunned and we would finish them off with our guns.
As a bloodhound main, I do agree bloodhounds ultimate since the season 16’s changes has been very selfish, a way I thought that would add more team utility to it would be with every knock your scan cool-down will be cut down by half or even fully cut down, tell me what you think in the comments!
Yaaa personly her ultimate is sooo good you just nead to have the right mind you see whar people are pushing with the ultimate passive as well it is sooooo good as a frager or a re frager
@@steav1478 yea. I agree it’s powerful when you frag with, but the issue is that’s even if you frag with it it provides minimal info to your team unlike a scan. Though I do agree it’s like B tier
Balistics should be above vantage. Vantage can only scan and provide a damage buff. Baislitic can provide movement buff for the team, unlimited ammo, faster reload and if you had a sniper for the 3rd weapon, can essentially replicate vantage sniper without the scan and damage buff. Even so it doesnt require one person to be behind the rest to pull off. Vantage requires range, balistic can be with the team
Idk when they changed Bloodhound's ult cuz I wasn't playing but wasn't it like scan CD decrease,speed,heat vision and additional time from knocks.Now it's a white raven scouting like an AC eagle instead of the skill recharge.
"Bloodhound's ultimate is kinda selfish, it doesn't help the team" then "Revenant's is very similar to Bloodhound's" instant B tier compared to the Bloodhound's, of which Revenant's relys on aim of which had Ballistics put down.
1) I've had the most success using Bangalore's ult to cause CHAOS AND CONFUSION 2) Fuse's is hit or miss.... if it hits, it's deadly 3) I agree, Ash's ult is good but could use some extra range (especially when compared to Pathfinder); I think they need to lessen the CD 4) Maggie's is downright terrible. I agree that it's not good at any particular thing. D might even be generous! 5) The Gunslinger dude's ult is pretty boring to me, but it's not bad. C is a good spot! 6) The buff to Pathfinder's ult range is insane. I don't think he even needed it but I'll take it lol 7) The minor buffs to Wraith's ult were well thought out. I agree, A or S tier 8) Octane's jumppad is indeed weak compared to other movement ults; they should shorten the CD even further to make up for it 8) Bloodhound's ult has always felt pretty "meh" to me. I've never gotten much utility out of it. I agree with D! 9) Rev's ult reminds me of Reyna from Valorant. It's good if you're good! 10) I actually think Horizon's ultimate should be stronger. The range should be increased! 11) Valk's I'd probably give A or B tier. First ranking I disagree with, it's too useful 12) Crypto's ult does nottttt deserve A tier I'm sorry lmao. He was only good during the Wattson meta 13) Who plays Seer? 14) Vantage.... I agree, it's just a sniper. But always having one is REALLY useful. B at most, but C is fair. 15) Gibby Gibby Gibby.... surprised they haven't nerfed it more. I regularly get kills with it 16) Lifeline's ult has been F tier for ages. Increasing the drop time to 6 seconds is too little too late. Easy F tier especially compared to Loba's ult 17) It have a very short CD helps him a lot. C is about right. 18) Loba is my main so I'm biased buttttt S-tier ult, especially before the CD nerf. Unlimited ammo. Huge time saver. 19) WHAT! No way Macro. NC has one of the worst ultimates in the game. Easy F tier. It's useless. Putting it above Valk is ridiculous 20) Conduit has a stronger defensive ultimate than all the defense legends..... 21) Cat's is pretty solid. A little situational. But overall it gets easy utility. Solid A. 22) Rampart's is difficult in such a fast-paced game. If this was Valorant, yes, S-tier. But it's Apex lol. Fuse is a direct counter 23) I've never cared for Wattson's ultimate. It's good for stopping ordinances but other than that what does it actually do? 24) S+ tier?!? Dammmmmmn. As an ex-Caustic main, you're making me consider going back to Gassy Daddy :)
@@GORYSCARECROW so does her passive, it's good but does it slowly so unless your poking out and doing far range shots not really because it won't heal you fast enough mid fight
You also got to think about the charge times. Like octanes jump pads obviously not as great of a movement tool as pathfinders zipline, but you do get a faster charge time
Rev's ult is so fucking powerful, yes it's selfish but its incredibly strong. Cracked and have to get away from a 3rd party? Ult for instant 75 shields and 50% off your tactical. Taking a 1v1? Ult, and unless they're significantly better than you they're losing that 1. Ive popped it IN FRONT of people before and they just couldn't do shit about it. It's just free 1v1 kills and an armor swap on command.
Put horizons in F TIER. I can’t remember the last time a horizon ultimate has done anything to hurt my team. Me or my teammates destroy it within seconds. It actually helps me, since I know that the enemy team will be pushing in because of that ult. Get that crap out of here.
So is it just my opinion that caustic’s ultimate is one of the worst in the game? Doesn’t last for very long, extremely easy to avoid, 5-6 damage guaranteed if you land it directly at their feet
As a vantage main, I’m disappointed lol. Her sniper is broken in the right hands. Anybody who’s cracked is going down. The accuracy of the sniper is crazy good. I think it’s fair to put her in at least B tier. But I’m biased because she’s my main :)
Don't really agree with Bloodhound, yes it's selfish but not totally as Revenant Ult for exemple... something you didn't mention is that everytime you use it you send a white crow to indicate to your teammates the nearest enemy or squad. It's like scanning a white crow instantly, it's underrated but it's good and not selfish. Placing it below Octane's ult is weird honestly.
Tacticals next? 🤔
Absolutely. Then passives after that!
No passive’s
Cryptos EMP counters so much honestly. Gibby bubble, seer ultimate, rampart walls (amped part only), wattson fences and pylons, horizon ultimate, caustic trap, catalyst spikes, loba market, newcastle tactical (idk about octane pad, newcastle ult and conduits ult. One EMP can turn any fight around.
Yes it also destroys octane pad
Felt like crypto's ult should be an S tier. It does a lot, as far as damage, slowing, destroying traps, and various ults.
I feel like if you don’t play crypto then you don’t know how strong his ult is. It’s crazy strong. The amount of fights I’ve won because I was up against gibbys/wattson’s is too high to count😭
@@Dp12451no, it just gets damaged
not just that but it can also easily stop enemy pushes and give u and ur team time to breathe and reset a bit before continuing a fight.
As a caustic main, Seeing macro give my ultimate to S+, Made me ascend to the heavens.
I'd go as far as to say that Wattson's pylon has got to be the most broken ult in the game. One pylon restores 250 shields, two pylons restore 500 shields. Which means that one stack of two ult accelerants has as much shields as 5 batteries, and it's automatically shared between your team, keeping their hands free to fight.
I sometimes hold 4 and it's broken
But her ult also eats any friendly fire which is realllllly fucking annoying because then you can't pair her with Fuse, Bangalore, Catalyst, Gibby etc.
there is a way to make it not, but its not consitent and you need to throw it at like a certain angle i cant explain, but it is possible@@clementine2444
@@clementine2444it even eats Horizon's lift
I think an important consideration for ranking the ultimates is their ultimate cost. You brought it up for Mirage, but not really for the other ones. Like, Octane's jump pad may not be as good as other movement options, but you can get it really fast.
but many times it is just wasted randomly
As a Loba main, I’ve won many games because I was able to supply my team with late game heals, ammo, stealing red-tier weapons (even if we aren’t going to use them, it’s better on the ground then in the enemies hands). Late game rings are when Loba’s ultimate is the best.
being a fan of macro is like maining mirage before his huge buff
He needs another buff
Lmao pre-seaosn 5 mirage will always have a place in my heart, still main him to this day
Ballistics ult def is a team work but it's amazing in bubble fights
It's especially good early game when your whole team is out of ammo
I love how everyone has all these fancy ults like portals, bombardments and even a literal black hole and the one that wins is a simple gas grenade
It’s historically an s tier ult in real life too.
@@xxcridonxx7614 s tier ult for the Germans for sure
@@levisamom5069 exactly
Personally this may be a bit bias, but i think Maggie’s ult is a lot more versatile, it’s good for running away, the stun can help secure a kill and still ok for entry. I think when it works as intended, it is a solid B, maybe A tier
Wattsons ult should be S+ recharges shields and counters what is in S+. Also recharges her tactical. She counters so many other ults too and all grenandes and even some tacticals.
I don't know about Horizon ult being S tier while Conduit ult being A tier. Each unit of Conduit's ult has more health with a smaller hitbox, Horizon's ult only has 175hp which is almost as fragile as Caustic's tactical, and has a huge hitbox. You can break it before it's active as well.
you seem to not understand the full potential of horizons ult. Its actually the best ult in the game, whenever u throw it the enemy team needs to react to it EVERY time,unless you want to get destroyed by nades etc. Even if the ult doesnt cause any damage its very good for disturbing enemies since they HAVE TO turn to it and destroy it which gives u so many options for starting,entering or finishing a fight.
@@Petar6372 I'm not saying that it doesn't do anything, it's obviously can't be nothing when you need to shoot something instead of players mid-fight. But Conduit's ult slows and deals damage to players in a decent range, drops multiple units with more hp and a smaller hitbox, but still a lower tier than Horizon's ult is questionable.
@@evo4gpluswhy are you comparing two very different Ultimates,
The new girls one is literally just a better version of Watson's passive
I agree. I think it needs more health. And honestly, for an ULTIMATE ability, it should have infinite health especially considering it's called a BLACK HOLE
@@Nitro15 I disagree, both ultimates has a similar purpose of taking away(or defending) the space from the enemy by throwing a specific unit except the fact that Horizon's concept is more offensive than Conduit's. Both are very similar ultimates.
i think that fuses ult is a c for me bc i can phase, jump drive, revnent tactial, valk fly, gravety lift, and some times just walk through it.
We are talking about with no one having tacticals but even so just slide jump out of it, it's b for me because of the markings
no, you misunderstand. The enemy still has their tacticals, we're just only looking at each legends ultimate regardless of the rest of their abilities. @@Thekingofdumb8
no hate, it's just my opinion. have a good day! 🤗
@@MrAgentTurnerhe said imagine they’re dummies and they don’t have tacticals
Well, if you know how to use it for the last zones or indoors it’s extremely overpowered, if you shoot it indoors in whoever it falls down it will loose it’s Evo instantly
Lifelines ultimate should change to either a buy station or a respawn point if they truly want to keep care package in the game
Na Lifeline needs to have a combat orientated ult, like a reverse emp that heals teammates and shocks enemies. She’s the weakest support legend for fighting bc her abilities only capitalize on weak or dead teammates.
I think the reason Wattson, Crypto, and Caustic ults are so strong is because they have (almost) no counterplay. The ONLY way to defeat Caustic ult is to be playing Wattson and have your pylon down already, and have the Caustic flub his throw, since he can LOS the pylon and the AOE is generous enough to force Wattson out of her den anyways. Caustic's ult forces any holed up defender out of their controlled space, with a single rare exception. Crypto's EMP, to a certain extent just by existing in the game, means that no setups are safe. He's like Caustic and can breach fortified territory with no opportunity for counterplay. The power of unblockable zone denial is what makes them all so powerful in higher level, defense-focused play. You can shoot a black hole, get under cover from a Bang airstrike, move a few inches from a Gibby airstrike, etc., but you just can't avoid an EMP obliterating your fortifications and chipping your shields, gas forcing you out of position, or pylon destroying basically every assault ability.
lifelines ultimate drops what your team needs, so if one of you has purple, and the other has grey, its gunna give blue, if both of you have purple, its gunna give 1 gold
itll also give you the heals, hop ups, and utility items your team needs
i say it makes sense conduit has an ability that damages enemies with her shock powers and has an ability that heals shields for her teammates with her shock powers. i like her ult alot
Haven’t played since Seer was the newest character included and he was definitely broken with how much scanning and info you can get. So see his ult now F tier is shocking, how bad did he get nerfed?
Also seeing Crypto get A tier is nice since I like to play him the most
lets just say there is a reason he is at a 0.7% pick rate right now.
Yes but why
@@gustandeancantelmo2267 I looked it up. He’s been over nerfed. Passive doesn’t provide enough info to track enemy, tactical is smaller range and easy to dodge, and lastly his ult only shows enemy when they are shooting or running which by then a good player can just find on there own so no real reason for the use.
I keep saying i want Ash's ult to have a second slash within 1s. You slash once, travel, and if you select a new target within that 1s, you can slash again with maybe 50 percent distance on the second slash. It turns Ash into a proper positioning Legend, doesnt need a range increase, allows more flexibility of where you go, and actually allows you to win fights without letting you do something stupid.
Maggie’s ult got a buff to be able to destroy gibby shields, and a lot of other legend abilities, I’d say it’s use is defortification, it is good at getting rid of things that enemies put down to hinder you, though I have to agree that the inconsistency does make it a noticeably worse ability
Wait… did you say sheila needs aim?!?
I just wish Mirage clones would shoot enemies and climb. (Shooting enemies but not doing any damage, just pinging the shots)
Small note, dont relay too much on the window trick for ash it barely works with any of them
Since in the post Malone event everyone can revive quickly and have three extra lives, most people used the support characters because of how good they were when there was no ammo, medkits, Batteries or a place to take cover when there were ten teams left alive in the final circle and you couldn't go to the enemy's boxes to get something without being diverted and Lifeline with Coduit or Wattson was the best team, Lifeline's passive allows you to shoot and revive at the same time with the bonus that in This event, if they bypass your partner, they cannot kill him, Conduit's passive gives you a shield and his ultimate creates a wall of damage and with Wattson's ultimate, he regenerates your shield and destroys grenades. The other most used ultimates were Fuse, Ballistic, Horizon, Revenat, Wattson and Caustic. And you might wonder, what about the Recon characters? Welloo... They're not that useful, I was going to consider Crypto but I remembered the golden shield and everyone can revive fast and can't die until everyone dies soeeee... No good.
He is understimating the "selfish" ultimates because most players play with randoms and randoms are stinky so trying to be a team player with them usually dont help it only hurts so i usually go with the selfish ults unless im playing a stack
13:15 shouldve mentioned that when someone gets marked by vantage sniper your mates deal extra dmg for a short time
I dont think every ukt has to be team oriented, theres ults like revs that help engage and have your anchor in the backline
Valkyrie at D is criminal lmao
Anyway nice vid!
Did he put it C or D? Either way it needs to be A or B.... or even S.
Why? You can literally deploy your own drop towers now
Valks ult is ground loot now bruh😂 it's still good in it's own right but a wraith with evac towers is more versatile
@@jckfrost36 trueee
@@itsfametime426 i liked when valk was meta tho (it was a boring meta to watch ALGS but fun to play in) i hope they buff her jetpack fuel amount sometime soon. Valk mains need a little love fosho
As an Ash main, this is the first time I've seen my character out of C-D tier since launch.... It's a good day :‚)
bloodhounds ult also has the white raven mechanic built that activates after every knock. so its levels about D ranking
I say A
his tact I hate his ultimate I also hate cuz it picks no one up
You can also emote during mirage ult so you can create more clones which confuses the enemy more
I let you cook and you burned my kitchen down
21:20 the gas also goes REALLY well with bangalore's smoke
Its worth pointing out Caustics' Ult effectively halfs peoples hit points also, as it attacks health directly meaning you are 100 hp max inside a Caustic Ult. Add to that it works on everyone inside the Ult the same way with no max limit, you can completely dominate third parties in the right situations. Pop one of these bad boys at the feet of a couple teams going at it, there is no greater power than that. Its better than a gibby Ult in that it pops immediatly and there is no red flash or safe area inside the mist, its just a completely toxic area that kills, blinds and slows everything inside it, leaving you and now your team free to calmly pick them off one by one.
Maggie always gettin the short sticky wicky 😔
as someone who plays Rampart a lot, I'd put Sheila a little lower on the tier list. the spin-up time has been the deciding factor of the fight so many times. also with the loud volume and the laser, it's so easy for enemies to see and hear that you have Sheila at the ready and then work around it, either waiting for you to un-ready yourself or forcing you to change position by using their own ults, throwing grenades, etc.
however, i will say that there's no better feeling than when an enemy is hiding behind a door trying to heal, feeling oh so smug, only to bring out Sheila and just destroy them through the door 😂
also i've noticed a lot more people playing Rampart lately along with Wattson, so friendly tip: my friend is a Rampart main and i'm a Wattson main, and whenever we play together, the walls can block my pylon's AOE if we're indoors, so you have to be really careful. however the Wattson/Rampart combo can be super deadly if used correctly. being able to protect Rampart from abilities and grenades makes her EXTREMELY lethal. being able to help Rampart hold a position without being forced out of it is the key. it never gets old to see Horizon, Fuse, Mad Maggie, Bangalore, Gibraltar, Caustic etc. panic when they realize their ult and/or tactical has just been wasted.
Octane's ultimate used to trap people indoors is quite a relevant thing that you didn't mention.
Yoooo Macro thanks for featuring me in the vid!!! Best gift I could get before I leave for basic training tomorrow. Love you Macro❤
Rampart: Every problem has a solution and that solution is more bullets
Sheila relies heavily on your ability to read a fight. Being in the right place at the right time can be absolutely devastating.
As far as Mad Maggie's ultimate, I tend to use it to get to zone when I'm particularly far away. Or, I try to spam those speed boosters in the killbox to spam my shotty/smg combo.
Edit: as far as Bloodhound goes, I'd argue B tier because I'm colorblind.
Grateful to see an actual tier list in this tier list video xxx
The amount of endgames I have won because of Newcastle shields when I was put in an otherwise indefensible position probably outweighs that of any other character
As a bloodhound main I am absolutely sobbing right now you just gave me clinical depression and my life will never be the same
i came in just to see where Sheila (ramparts minigun) is. im not disapointed at all
The amount of people me and the boys have killed with the fuse/horizon/gibby ultimate combo is crazy
I hope lifeline ultimate change to 35%faster movement and revive mode, it's good to cover teammate when them down
Conduit’s ult is amazing!! I’ve used it for res and blocking entries
Hurts to watch as a Valkyrie main, since her Ultimate is not even bad by itself, evac towers just made it obsolete. She used to be must pick in ALGS and evac towers made Evan Verhulst (The greatest Valkyrie player ever), switch to Catalys has his main, despite having played thousands of hours with Valkyrie. This is tragic
Though I do agree that Wraith's portal is extremely good. You also gotta remember that you're only judging ultimates, and Wraith's ultimate without her tactical is basically you begging to get killed while placing the portals, unless there aren't enemies around of course.
I also have to disagree on Ash's placement a little. If it's all about creating space, no one can do it better than a teleporter. So personally, I would put her in low A but above Fuse.
the fact u place Watson high when crypto is literally her kryptonite is kinda crazy
p.s. everytime a horizon ult hits the gound i be broken before it even starts
Ok one thing is octaine ult can block people pushing and be used for movement
I agree with this list except for bloodhound, personally while I’m playing with a bloodhound who uses his ult, while ik that it does nothing for me that ultimate gives me lots of confidence in winning that fight
A good combo me and my brother did in duos was he would trap enemy’s in fuses ring of fire and I would use the Valkyrie missle which would stun them, then my brother would also throw frag grenades in while they were stunned and we would finish them off with our guns.
I was struggling to find a video to watch, thanks macro
Remember that octane's jump pad comes back in like 90s
As a bloodhound main, I do agree bloodhounds ultimate since the season 16’s changes has been very selfish, a way I thought that would add more team utility to it would be with every knock your scan cool-down will be cut down by half or even fully cut down, tell me what you think in the comments!
Yaaa personly her ultimate is sooo good you just nead to have the right mind you see whar people are pushing with the ultimate passive as well it is sooooo good as a frager or a re frager
@@steav1478 yea. I agree it’s powerful when you frag with, but the issue is that’s even if you frag with it it provides minimal info to your team unlike a scan. Though I do agree it’s like B tier
Bloodhound is a girl?
@@Nitro15 no, their they/them, they have no gender because there just a hunter for the gods :]
@@sharkbitetheshark7993 ok, so that's just another way of saying they have no gender then?
Why did the guy above say her?
I’m glad finally someone is acknowledging how good Wattson is bro
Balistics should be above vantage. Vantage can only scan and provide a damage buff. Baislitic can provide movement buff for the team, unlimited ammo, faster reload and if you had a sniper for the 3rd weapon, can essentially replicate vantage sniper without the scan and damage buff. Even so it doesnt require one person to be behind the rest to pull off. Vantage requires range, balistic can be with the team
Finally, some appreciation for wattsons ult
as a lifeline main with 4k kills i love her ultimate. it gives lots of batteries so its rly good
Its trash
lifeline is the 2nd worst character in the game
if wattson ult wasn’t put in S tier me and macro would need to have some words
seer ult in F is crazy
Thank you for doing my Sheila the right way.
My man just casually flexing having every heirloom 😭
I agree with this alt tier list. Tier list certified 😤
Seer ult is definitely a B or higher even in a void with it still being imo the best ult for recon with team info
so glad my boy caustic getting some love
Idk when they changed Bloodhound's ult cuz I wasn't playing but wasn't it like scan CD decrease,speed,heat vision and additional time from knocks.Now it's a white raven scouting like an AC eagle instead of the skill recharge.
This is exactly why we don't let a gold / plat peaker make tier lists
Horizon+caustic+gibby ult in the final ring fill be nightmare
Glad someone is finally appreciating Watson's ult
"Bloodhound's ultimate is kinda selfish, it doesn't help the team" then "Revenant's is very similar to Bloodhound's" instant B tier compared to the Bloodhound's, of which Revenant's relys on aim of which had Ballistics put down.
Finally someone put respect on caustics name
Personally, I’d say top of S tier is a minimum for the minigun. I’d probably even go as far as putting Shiela in S+
Who let him cook
1) I've had the most success using Bangalore's ult to cause CHAOS AND CONFUSION
2) Fuse's is hit or miss.... if it hits, it's deadly
3) I agree, Ash's ult is good but could use some extra range (especially when compared to Pathfinder); I think they need to lessen the CD
4) Maggie's is downright terrible. I agree that it's not good at any particular thing. D might even be generous!
5) The Gunslinger dude's ult is pretty boring to me, but it's not bad. C is a good spot!
6) The buff to Pathfinder's ult range is insane. I don't think he even needed it but I'll take it lol
7) The minor buffs to Wraith's ult were well thought out. I agree, A or S tier
8) Octane's jumppad is indeed weak compared to other movement ults; they should shorten the CD even further to make up for it
8) Bloodhound's ult has always felt pretty "meh" to me. I've never gotten much utility out of it. I agree with D!
9) Rev's ult reminds me of Reyna from Valorant. It's good if you're good!
10) I actually think Horizon's ultimate should be stronger. The range should be increased!
11) Valk's I'd probably give A or B tier. First ranking I disagree with, it's too useful
12) Crypto's ult does nottttt deserve A tier I'm sorry lmao. He was only good during the Wattson meta
13) Who plays Seer?
14) Vantage.... I agree, it's just a sniper. But always having one is REALLY useful. B at most, but C is fair.
15) Gibby Gibby Gibby.... surprised they haven't nerfed it more. I regularly get kills with it
16) Lifeline's ult has been F tier for ages. Increasing the drop time to 6 seconds is too little too late. Easy F tier especially compared to Loba's ult
17) It have a very short CD helps him a lot. C is about right.
18) Loba is my main so I'm biased buttttt S-tier ult, especially before the CD nerf. Unlimited ammo. Huge time saver.
19) WHAT! No way Macro. NC has one of the worst ultimates in the game. Easy F tier. It's useless. Putting it above Valk is ridiculous
20) Conduit has a stronger defensive ultimate than all the defense legends.....
21) Cat's is pretty solid. A little situational. But overall it gets easy utility. Solid A.
22) Rampart's is difficult in such a fast-paced game. If this was Valorant, yes, S-tier. But it's Apex lol. Fuse is a direct counter
23) I've never cared for Wattson's ultimate. It's good for stopping ordinances but other than that what does it actually do?
24) S+ tier?!? Dammmmmmn. As an ex-Caustic main, you're making me consider going back to Gassy Daddy :)
You just wrote a whole book
wattsons ult increases shield regen for her team as well. with it being permanent, you can stay pretty healthy in a fight .
@@GORYSCARECROW so does her passive, it's good but does it slowly so unless your poking out and doing far range shots not really because it won't heal you fast enough mid fight
@@Nitro15lmao I almost bailed halfway through but I have something to say about all of them lol
D teir bloodhound ult? HELL NAAAAA
A tier for me
putting revs ult at B is the worst take ive ever heard its so good if your an actual good player
Exactly. If you're a good player. It relies on your skill. So it's good, but not S tier because it relies too much on skill
You also got to think about the charge times. Like octanes jump pads obviously not as great of a movement tool as pathfinders zipline, but you do get a faster charge time
And like by a faster charge time I mean it comes back in two minutes
but it is wasted randomly a lot and enemies can use it honestly idk and also loud af
Those are all also problems with the zip line? Wasting it randomly is a skill issue
Seer needs the biggest rework 😢😢 He used to be so fun to play with especially in control
Don’t let bro cook again 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🗣️🗣️🗣️🎤🎤🎤🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔥🔥🔥🔥
I believe ash’s portal doesn’t go to windows anymore
This hurts considering I have been playing seer exclusively since season 10
There's this guy in your comment section named "TheMacroShow" or something that I think is trying to impersonate you.
I'm checking out after C tier Octane. Jump pad was the only way you could've gotten use out of Old Rev's totem.
Its flexibility deserves at least B
Path ash and wraiths Ultimate is better pluse you cant really place something In c tier bucause of something it used to do
Well there's no potential of that anymore than I don't think it's underrated.
Rev's ult is so fucking powerful, yes it's selfish but its incredibly strong.
Cracked and have to get away from a 3rd party? Ult for instant 75 shields and 50% off your tactical.
Taking a 1v1? Ult, and unless they're significantly better than you they're losing that 1. Ive popped it IN FRONT of people before and they just couldn't do shit about it. It's just free 1v1 kills and an armor swap on command.
Put horizons in F TIER. I can’t remember the last time a horizon ultimate has done anything to hurt my team. Me or my teammates destroy it within seconds. It actually helps me, since I know that the enemy team will be pushing in because of that ult. Get that crap out of here.
So is it just my opinion that caustic’s ultimate is one of the worst in the game? Doesn’t last for very long, extremely easy to avoid, 5-6 damage guaranteed if you land it directly at their feet
They did my boi seer dirty with the nerf
That’s some crazy Vantage disrespect
trash character fr, only bots use her.
Mirage ultimate, on top BABY!!
You realise anyone with a brain will kill you in seconds if you throw a caustic ult on them
For ash, I wish we could aim her ult. It can be so good but it can also get you killed just as easy. It’s almost luck as much as it is skill lol
did you include hitbox size into your rankings? because pathfinder and revenant are severely punished by their giant hitboxes
Bro what, that has nothing to do with pathys ult
the fact that you put bloodhound's ult in D tier... nah
As a vantage main, I’m disappointed lol. Her sniper is broken in the right hands. Anybody who’s cracked is going down. The accuracy of the sniper is crazy good. I think it’s fair to put her in at least B tier. But I’m biased because she’s my main :)
I hope mirage never gets reborn, I love his kit because of how unique it is. It could use a few buffs though
Don't really agree with Bloodhound, yes it's selfish but not totally as Revenant Ult for exemple... something you didn't mention is that everytime you use it you send a white crow to indicate to your teammates the nearest enemy or squad. It's like scanning a white crow instantly, it's underrated but it's good and not selfish. Placing it below Octane's ult is weird honestly.
Maggies is underrated