If it was the cops round fired that caused this childs death, it's a homocide & the cops need to be areested & charged for that crime. Most important is prwservatikn of life, & he absolutely knew it was a public area where innocent lives are at risk. There is no officer safety or fear in these circumstances. Quit your service rather than break your oath which binds you to defend & uphold the peoples rights, not protect yourselves at the expense of a 4 YEAR OLD GIRLS LIFE.
Whomever called the cops to begin with need to be held accountable. The police need to stop shooting in public they could have approached this differently I'm sure they knew where he lived.
The first person to come to help this poor little girl was the dentist that was working at that office and the 911 operator that my daughter called for help hung up on her
🙏🙏🙏for all the families 😢
If it was the cops round fired that caused this childs death, it's a homocide & the cops need to be areested & charged for that crime. Most important is prwservatikn of life, & he absolutely knew it was a public area where innocent lives are at risk. There is no officer safety or fear in these circumstances. Quit your service rather than break your oath which binds you to defend & uphold the peoples rights, not protect yourselves at the expense of a 4 YEAR OLD GIRLS LIFE.
IF they did not already pin it on the gunPERSON, you know the cops did the shooting. INDEPENDENT autopsy needed here!
Whomever called the cops to begin with need to be held accountable. The police need to stop shooting in public they could have approached this differently I'm sure they knew where he lived.
@@ricfoster3365they won't tell the truth.
The first person to come to help this poor little girl was the dentist that was working at that office and the 911 operator that my daughter called for help hung up on her
Wow Devil spirit negative energy hate
lol these are the kinda suspects Trump would pardon