I built this kit a couple of years ago. Yes it's fairly simple for the large scale and while the panel lines are fairly large they sure took a pin wash really well. I wanted to work on my weathering skills, and finished it off pretty dirty, as a working navy airplane. Turned out very nice I think. I really found it a pleasant build.
She's a bit of a rough one. Good luck there Gary. Keen to see how it all fits together. I did like how the cover of the instructions state "detailed cockpit". Well sort of....... A decal for the instrument panel would have helped a bit. Cheers 🦘
Great review Gary! You're right about the decal registration.. I noticed the yellow stripe on the German flags was fractionally to the left. Why is it always yellow if there's a problem? I have to say I don't like multipart propellers unless you get a jig to assemble them, and here you don't.. 'Some details omitted'?? The destructions are pretty basic.. for a 1:32 scale kit I think /too/ basic, but then so is the model itself.
It looks like Hobbycraft essentially scaled up their old 1/48 kit, almost part for part. If this is the case, check the airfoil section of the wing as they got that upside-down on the 1/48 kit.
I have two of these kits from Hobby Craft in 1/48th scale. One has the box art of an RCN aircraft and the other is the "Korean War" boxing, with attractive art of the famous downing of a Mig 15 by 'Hoagy' Carmichael, on the 8th of August 1952. The 1/32 kit is literally a scaled up version of the 1/48th kit and should build up into a nice replica, albeit with little detail. Fit of parts is pretty good with just a light sanding required, undercarriage bay lacks any real detail and seems a little shallow, but this is an easy fix, engine detail is non existence but you won't see anything with that large spinner and backplate in place, cockpit opening is small with not much seen when closed up, and with most British aircraft of that period the cockpit is mostly all black. On a downside I remember walking into my favourite hobby shop in Melbourne many years ago and seeing Hobbycrafts 1/32 Seafury's and A-36 kits for sale on the shelves, wow I was overjoyed at the prospect of taking these home knowing Hobbycraft kits were good value for money, and this would continue with these large kits......how naive was I, happiness soon turned to sadness when I saw the exorbitant prices on these kits, and after viewing the contents I knew I wasn't doing myself any favours here in spending just over $100 for one kit, bye bye!
Gary mait,looks like a nice build,these kits are a direct opposition to the 1/32 kits coming from the likes of Fischer who produced the same kits but at a much higher price and probably a better kit, you know that the price nearly always wins,but it is still a good kit , go through the build and sort your way through by studying whats going on,paint as you go and don’t get bogged down with vaige picture ideas just follow your own pictures reference ‘s you can make a really good model with what you have in the box,you may have to search your stair,s box,tally ho for a great sea fury in1/32 hooray time for teachaps wee\ll soon get this sorted.
I always feel that separate layer in decals are from a fear of registration errors - a good choice for a manufacturer who knows the limitations of their tech. Hobbycraft were always cheap and were fun to build, and to scratch build on as they were all a bit crude in places - The instructions also compensated for the tooling limitations - Tooling was expensive to make so corrections to the tools were probably left and measurements put into the instructions to acknowledge that the makers were aware of issues but had to live with them or price the kit into oblivion. They are not Tamiya but supreme fun to learn on.
Maybe it could be enhanced by using the "Tempest II spares" from the Special Hobby/Revell Hawker Tempest MkV offering. I'm sure the exhausts and representation of the front of the Bristol Centaurus engine could be used on the Hobbycraft kit with good results along with the other extra detail parts . Maybe one of CMK's Bristol Centaurus offerings for the Tempest II could help, too.
Don't forget to check out the Supporters' Special video each weekend - you should get a notification but you can also see them on my channel's home page.
For a 1/32 the kit looks a little chunky and crude. Like it was a smaller kit enlarged. I am sure a good job can be made of it, but to get good results, I suspect some things need replacing with aftermarket. Starting with that instrument panel. But not stopping there. I could live with the lack of detail on the fuselage, but at this size, I would need more detail and better scaled small parts. Be interesting to see what you can make of this.
An interesting review. I like the thought of building this aircraft with folded wings but this kit would require an lot of scratch building to do this. (I think not all Sea Fury's had folding wings). Unless you really want the larger scale I would say the Airfix 1/48 model would be the better option. The Trumpeter 1/48 model doesn't seem to have great reviews
Blast from the past lol, I cut my teeth on Hobby Craft kits due to the fact they were the only ones putting out RCAF/RCN specific kits back in the 90/00's
I built this kit a couple of years ago. Yes it's fairly simple for the large scale and while the panel lines are fairly large they sure took a pin wash really well. I wanted to work on my weathering skills, and finished it off pretty dirty, as a working navy airplane. Turned out very nice I think. I really found it a pleasant build.
That's a blast from the past. I built the 1/48 version back in the day.
You'll do a great job with her.
She's a bit of a rough one. Good luck there Gary. Keen to see how it all fits together.
I did like how the cover of the instructions state "detailed cockpit". Well sort of....... A decal for the instrument panel would have helped a bit.
Cheers 🦘
Great review Gary!
You're right about the decal registration.. I noticed the yellow stripe on the German flags was fractionally to the left. Why is it always yellow if there's a problem?
I have to say I don't like multipart propellers unless you get a jig to assemble them, and here you don't..
'Some details omitted'?? The destructions are pretty basic.. for a 1:32 scale kit I think /too/ basic, but then so is the model itself.
It looks like Hobbycraft essentially scaled up their old 1/48 kit, almost part for part. If this is the case, check the airfoil section of the wing as they got that upside-down on the 1/48 kit.
I have two of these kits from Hobby Craft in 1/48th scale.
One has the box art of an RCN aircraft and the other is the "Korean War" boxing, with attractive art of the famous downing of a Mig 15 by 'Hoagy' Carmichael, on the 8th of August 1952.
The 1/32 kit is literally a scaled up version of the 1/48th kit and should build up into a nice replica, albeit with little detail.
Fit of parts is pretty good with just a light sanding required, undercarriage bay lacks any real detail and seems a little shallow, but this is an easy fix, engine detail is non existence but you won't see anything with that large spinner and backplate in place, cockpit opening is small with not much seen when closed up, and with most British aircraft of that period the cockpit is mostly all black.
On a downside I remember walking into my favourite hobby shop in Melbourne many years ago and seeing Hobbycrafts 1/32 Seafury's and A-36 kits for sale on the shelves, wow I was overjoyed at the prospect of taking these home knowing Hobbycraft kits were good value for money, and this would continue with these large kits......how naive was I, happiness soon turned to sadness when I saw the exorbitant prices on these kits, and after viewing the contents I knew I wasn't doing myself any favours here in spending just over $100 for one kit, bye bye!
I agree with you Gary, very little detail for a 1/32
Gary mait,looks like a nice build,these kits are a direct opposition to the 1/32 kits coming from the likes of Fischer who produced the same kits but at a much higher price and probably a better kit, you know that the price nearly always wins,but it is still a good kit , go through the build and sort your way through by studying whats going on,paint as you go and don’t get bogged down with vaige picture ideas just follow your own pictures reference ‘s you can make a really good model with what you have in the box,you may have to search your stair,s box,tally ho for a great sea fury in1/32 hooray time for teachaps wee\ll soon get this sorted.
She’ll look good when you’ve finished with her Gary👍🏼
I always feel that separate layer in decals are from a fear of registration errors - a good choice for a manufacturer who knows the limitations of their tech. Hobbycraft were always cheap and were fun to build, and to scratch build on as they were all a bit crude in places - The instructions also compensated for the tooling limitations - Tooling was expensive to make so corrections to the tools were probably left and measurements put into the instructions to acknowledge that the makers were aware of issues but had to live with them or price the kit into oblivion. They are not Tamiya but supreme fun to learn on.
Maybe it could be enhanced by using the "Tempest II spares" from the Special Hobby/Revell Hawker Tempest MkV offering. I'm sure the exhausts and representation of the front of the Bristol Centaurus engine could be used on the Hobbycraft kit with good results along with the other extra detail parts .
Maybe one of CMK's Bristol Centaurus offerings for the Tempest II could help, too.
Fisher Model & Pattern produced a lot of aftermarket sets for this kit.
Surprisingly its a 2007 new tool, but that's hobbycraft for you. Not expensive though. Great large scale starter kits
Surface looks like the old Matchbox 1/32 kits, the good ones like the Lysander.
My pleasure dude!
You will work your magic Gary build on marra while i carve up these AB18mm naps . Regards Gav.
Looking forward to seeing them marra! Get on....parade!!!
Thanks for the membership- whoever sent me it?
Don't forget to check out the Supporters' Special video each weekend - you should get a notification but you can also see them on my channel's home page.
Apparently, the wing aerofoil shape is upside down !!
That would make life interesting....
For a 1/32 the kit looks a little chunky and crude. Like it was a smaller kit enlarged. I am sure a good job can be made of it, but to get good results, I suspect some things need replacing with aftermarket. Starting with that instrument panel. But not stopping there. I could live with the lack of detail on the fuselage, but at this size, I would need more detail and better scaled small parts.
Be interesting to see what you can make of this.
Hello Mr.gary!thank u4 sharing.keep the faith.with sticky greetings from sandy Brandenburg germany.yours truly.your modellmate.christian
Can't wait for the DBMK one
I'm told first quarter of next year...
@@garys_stuff and i will have to buy it from my cousin in Birmingham
Its a good platform for adding detail. But out of the box? Yeah. It's tough.
An interesting review. I like the thought of building this aircraft with folded wings but this kit would require an lot of scratch building to do this. (I think not all Sea Fury's had folding wings). Unless you really want the larger scale I would say the Airfix 1/48 model would be the better option. The Trumpeter 1/48 model doesn't seem to have great reviews
I'll wait for the DBMK 1/32 due early next year...
@@garys_stuff Ah I wasn't aware of this coming release however, due to shelf space I have to stick to 1/48, which is a shame.
Blast from the past lol, I cut my teeth on Hobby Craft kits due to the fact they were the only ones putting out RCAF/RCN specific kits back in the 90/00's
I am currently building a Ju88 -G from Hobbycraft in 1/48 it is very much the same ...very basic, poor scheme display but will make a half decent kit
I have both the bomber and night fighter versions myself......lacking in detail, but a good starting point to super detail it.
This right of out of the late 60s early 70s stuff. Very basic indeed, 1/72 scale models have more detail today.
I think you'll make a good model out of it but a beginner wouldn't stand a chance with those instructions.
I've never really liked Hobby Craft kits. I've been a couple. They build ok, but nothing exciting.
..набор совсем слабенький..
A truly disappointing and dreadful kit.