This ONE Thing Will Make Any Job Toxic ☢️

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 71

  • @JenniferBrick
    @JenniferBrick  Год назад +39

    Have you ever started what you thought was a dream job only for it to turn toxic?

    • @hydnlver
      @hydnlver Год назад +5

      I had what I thought was a dream job for over a year; then, earlier this year, a new manager was forced on our team without warning or real explanation. Immediately this new manager, with whom we'd already had negative issues and who had already proved stressful/frustrating/anxiety and panic attack-inducing to deal with, 1,) fired my co-worker with zero cause or justification, 2) forced me to RTO even though I had been explicitly hired as permanent WFH and my former (I had thought good) boss had repeatedly assured me that I was perm WFH irrespective of the pandemic, and, 3) gaslighted me, subtly and insidiously bullied me, harassed me, micromanaged me, and proved such a horribly toxic boss that most days I broke down in tears and had panic attacks because of them.
      But then they terminated me without cause - no actual reason whatsoever. Oh, but I *know* why it was, because the toxic boss wanted me out so they could have their own little clique-ish team....because I and my former co-worker had raised legit concerns with their management style and they didn't like it. In just the span of a few months, it went from being a workplace where I quite happily would've stayed for the rest of my life - where I felt respected and actually appreciated - to a place where I was crushed, demoralized, and miserable solely because of the toxic boss who seemed to be targeting and micromanaging me specifically and was determined to make my life hell. I literally felt physically ill, some mornings, going in to work.
      I'm still so shocked, so confused, so upset, and so incredibly angry about the whole thing. It was a profound betrayal on every level. It was actually when I found your videos - and watched your vid on all the signs of a toxic boss in particular, and mine ticked off nearly every single one - when I fully realized what was going on, and I understood just how dire and dangerous the situation was. Thank you so, so very much for what you do.
      I only wish I knew what I was going to do, or how I'm going to move forward now.... How can you ever, when your trust has been shattered so completely like this? Honestly, I've always been nervous/anxious dealing with supervisors and managers (let me put it this way: when they say 'do you have a minute?' or 'can I talk to you for a sec', my anxiety instantly spikes, and there's that knot in the pit of my stomach, and I *know* I'm not alone in feeling that way just as a matter of course....I've not done anything wrong, of course, but it still triggers fight-or-flight!), and this entire hellish situation isn't going to help matters any. :(

    • @stephenbayer3909
      @stephenbayer3909 Год назад +5

      Yes. I was hired at a large and prestigious company in my field - thought it was going to be the place I spent the rest of my working life. Within just a couple of weeks I got the sinking feeling that I was in a toxic situation - with a manager and a co-worker determined to isolate and undermine me and make my life a living hell. I suspect it was because the job was so high pressure that they got some kind of relief and perverted satisfaction at taking their frustrations out on me. The higher-ups were of little help - they had decided to look the other way because our business unit was considered important to the future of the company, so they felt they couldn't afford to lose the two people who were toxic. I lasted about 5 months but thankfully I am somewhere far better now.

    • @gearhead196
      @gearhead196 Год назад +4

      I worked for a company for almost 4 years. It was a really fast moving company but I had a good boss/mentor. He left the company and I reported up the chain, and the energy changed completely, suddenly everything I did was under the microscope. I got lumped into blame over things I didn't have any control of, so I just stopped putting up with it and found a better job.

    • @EmbraceTheStruggle24
      @EmbraceTheStruggle24 Год назад +2


    • @yukio_saito
      @yukio_saito Год назад +4

      Yes. It's so difficult to identify an early red flag🚩

  • @Kamone111
    @Kamone111 Год назад +24

    Bad attitudes and lazy coworkers always make it toxic!

  • @roberttackett7000
    @roberttackett7000 Год назад +74

    I think if you stay in any job long enough, it can become a career dead end.

  • @nnatalie50nn
    @nnatalie50nn Год назад +17

    Time to look for a new job . I’m too old for high school games .

  • @madArt1981
    @madArt1981 Год назад +46

    The day I started, it started. The bombardment of personal questions, passive aggressive comments, the “I’m just letting you know” the I do my job not yours and turning around laying down some excuse that explains why I need to help them and pretending to be the victim when you establish limits followed by petty vindictiveness.
    Then there’s the favoritism, nepotism and loyalty between a select small group that have all the perks and whistles.
    Even in this nightmare I lasted 3 years

    • @Uksoapfan
      @Uksoapfan Год назад +3

      I had a boss who said he hated skivers and wanted everyone to do a fair days work, yet he got a young lad who was part of his extended family a job there and that lad stood around a lot chatting and being disruptive and the boss said nothing to him, he let him do it.

    • @isabelleetchebarren8981
      @isabelleetchebarren8981 Год назад

      I feel like I’m in a similar situation. The good news is that one of the main supervisors is gone. I’m hoping that it will get better for me.

    • @isabelleetchebarren8981
      @isabelleetchebarren8981 Год назад +1

      @@Uksoapfan where I work the boss hired her good friend to basically do the same job as me, but she’s not bilingual. I trained her in the beginning of the year and everything that we were both responsible for is now only my responsibility because her friend lightened her caseload. It’s very unfortunate for me because I’m doing double the amount of work.

    • @PraveenSrJ01
      @PraveenSrJ01 Год назад

      @@isabelleetchebarren8981all the best to you

    • @marygrace928
      @marygrace928 10 месяцев назад

      I lasted 3 months. I was coerced to quit. It was obvious they did not want me there by the way they discriminated and treated me. I was not going to submit to them and continued to be bullied.

  • @galaxyglitterlatte4664
    @galaxyglitterlatte4664 Год назад +9

    I stayed in a hostile, toxic, micromanaging work environment for 24 years because I was afraid to get into an even worse situation. It was the devil I knew. Plus the salary and benefits were really good. But my supervisor became intolerable and I couldn't take the stress anymore. I took a huge pay cut but I'm so much happier where I am now. I swear I think I would have ended up in an early grave if I had stayed. What good would the extra $ do me if I was 6 feet under??!! So many people I worked with ended up dying in their 50s and early 60s. 😭😱😱🤬☠

  • @caric8133
    @caric8133 Год назад +19

    I got into this situation a few years ago at a bank. I thought I had landed my dream job. They told me all the lines that seemed great "we work hard play hard" we are a tight nit group". Now looking back these were major warning signs. The first few weeks into the job I was literally fed to the wolves. They threw me in the deep end, no training and I would be constantly humiliated in front of the team by my boss. I got out thankfully after about a year of mental torment by my boss. I'm now working for the family business, happier than ever. There is hope and life after a toxic/draining job.

  • @rt8238
    @rt8238 Год назад +15

    I find the notion of "mentorship" at work a myth. I have experience of ppl claiming to want to mentor you, but dont have the time or real intention to do so. In a workplace setting you're left on your own to sink or swim, and have to really think strategically before you even ask for help or assistance from upper management. Real cut throat world imo.

  • @august21xp
    @august21xp Год назад +83

    Adult bullies and incompetent managers with EGOS

    • @JenniferBrick
      @JenniferBrick  Год назад +16

      Hurt people hurt people. So do narcissists.

    • @Uksoapfan
      @Uksoapfan Год назад +2

      @@JenniferBrick One boss was ex army and he was not very nice to men but was awful to female workers, he spoke to them like dirt and if they had an opinion or view he would tell them not to speak to him like a child, and he once said women should really be housewives.

    • @Uksoapfan
      @Uksoapfan Год назад

      @@jackcarraway4707 Ex forces bosses are the worst to work for, I find several ex forces people are bullies, especially the tall ones. Tall man syndrome as opposed to short man syndrome.

    • @csensale
      @csensale Год назад

      My supermarket is the only dept that doesn’t have a night crew so everyone feels rushed in the morning “so nobody feels like they’ll get yelled at”

  • @nnatalie50nn
    @nnatalie50nn Год назад +8

    Over looking issues , passive and play favorites.

    • @lethltruth
      @lethltruth Год назад +1

      Accountability is 100% the issue. I always hear Gordon Ramsay talking about how the leadership needs to hold the works accountable.
      When it's crunch time workers need to be focused. No excuses. Figure out what you don't know and invest in knowing today what you didn't know yesterday.

  • @Jazzmaster1992
    @Jazzmaster1992 Год назад +13

    I changed careers after leaving a horrible work situation around this time last year. The difference is night and day. In my old job the managers served themselves, and would even openly say things like "it's us or them", implying that the team they managed was a liability. In my new job I don't feel micromanged, talked down to, constantly misunderstood or made to feel incompetent, and it's allowed for all of my strengths (and weaknesses) to play together and make me really successful. What's expected of me has been made clear, with time I've been growing into the role, and most importantly I feel appreciated for all my work. Leaving the old job, which I'd had for many years, after new management basically destroyed the worker morale, my confidence was so shot I didn't think I'd amount to much ever again. Leaving this comment here for anyone who thinks you can't leave a toxic work situation and find better, because you absolutely can.

  • @taurahelms3068
    @taurahelms3068 Год назад +5

    Wow, this video is like my magical unicorn. I noticed this within my first two weeks at my current place of employment. To be fair, I was warned ahead of time but some people put on the facade really thick. As soon as I saw the fake, I believed it and now move accordingly. I'm playing chess and not checkers at this point.

  • @megaposter2437
    @megaposter2437 Год назад +5

    This helped me realize that my manager is better than I thought.

  • @ML-HS
    @ML-HS Год назад +2

    Everything is spot on. I have not never been on sick leave as often as this one. My supervisor kept yelling at me. My coworkers took a cue and do it the same. Every single does not pass without being yelled at, belittle, gaslight etc.

  • @Uksoapfan
    @Uksoapfan Год назад +24

    Yes I have had that. A micromanager sure sounds like someone who is very insecure and cannot trust the workers. Hence why i like to do one person jobs, jobs where I do not have to interact with people, as often those people annoy the hell out of me, I like to be left alone to do the work. Although micromanaging or giving people menial/dirty jobs is sometimes a practice they often use to get rid of unwanted workers, as it saves the paperwork and possible tribunals if they lay you off/sack you. They want you to quit.

    • @JenniferBrick
      @JenniferBrick  Год назад +8

      Low trust is prevalent in toxic workplaces and with bad leadership.

    • @Uksoapfan
      @Uksoapfan Год назад +5

      @@JenniferBrick I used to dread going into work sometimes, especially when the boss used to gripe about people behind their backs, and I knew it was probably me included. And that was confirmed when he did moan about me once, they really think we do not know that they are slagging us off behind our backs. We do have good hearing, they seem to not understand that.

  • @Debrody1
    @Debrody1 Год назад +2

    Also sign of bad leadership. Boss lies and makes statements that make no sense. For example, one recent boss as a grade 7 special education teacher visiting regular classes. "Two girls came down to the office extremely upset because you don't remember their names." (Principal doesn't tell me the students names. Also, does that sound like a seventh grade complaint). "A student complained you spent a minute too long on the (opening activity) bell work. (Really, a student said that. Was there a stopwatch?). As I was entering a class, "A student's mother called upset you blocked the door as she was exiting the class and you were entering." (Was very surprised, turns out principal didn't check with the other teacher in the room. Student was actually a behavior problem who got in trouble with me the week before for VERY inappropriate behavior.). This next one is my absolute favorite. "Look, I have let go teachers with accomplished and distinguished evaluations because I didn't think they were a fit for our school. I have kept ineffective and developing teachers because I thought they were. (Hmmm, we are an affluent school. Perhaps I should let the parents know the principal feels an ineffective teacher is good for their child). If you think all of this is bad, you should see my reference letter. It is full of simple sentences, bad grammar and misspelled words. Sad but true.

  • @amycolucci6769
    @amycolucci6769 Год назад +4

    Dealing with this now!!! Remote hell job

  • @powerofk
    @powerofk Год назад +1

    I’ve had my share of good bosses and bad bosses at my job over the years. As I’m in the middle of a career change (went back to school in my mid-40s while cutting down to half time at work), I feel so, so lucky that my current boss has been the best one I’ve ever had. He was in over his head when he started, but really grew into the leadership role. It feels great that I’m on my way out not because of toxicity or because of mistreatment, etc., but because it’s finally time for me to move on to bigger and better things.

  • @cedric7122
    @cedric7122 Год назад +3

    That's the problem calling someone "Boss". This is not 1835.

  • @earthsteward9
    @earthsteward9 Год назад +3

    I worked in a toxic workplace where a few employees would send ego mails, they would ask you about something you were working on in an accusing way plus CC their manager, your manager, and often several of your co-workers. Upper management told them to stop it but they kept on doing it. The company brought in a consultant to talk to every employee in groups but several employees kept on sending a mean e-mails. On top of that I had a manager who would ask me about my work by standing by my desk with his fists clenched by his side and his muscles flexed like he was mad at me and ready to punch me.

  • @elayned6147
    @elayned6147 Год назад +1

    Just subscribed, love the content and the practical tactical strategies 👍👍😉♥️

  • @Dee14444
    @Dee14444 Год назад

    When i asked my boss about a challenge getting updates from certain team members ,she said she left it upto me how i manage it as she expects me to be accountable for the work i have been assigned.

    • @JenniferBrick
      @JenniferBrick  Год назад

      She doesn't know how to manage others so she's projecting it onto you.
      'I'm accountable to my assigned work, however management of my team mates work is outside the scope of my current role. I'm doing everything I can within my scope and I'm open to suggestions; how do you think I could approach this situation?'
      Put it back on her (careful with wording mine there is a bit salty)

  • @jeffreycone7504
    @jeffreycone7504 Год назад

    Leave a toxic job imedeatlly! I had a really had a bad supervisor. On my last week I asked if I could talk to him and I got revenge!!!!!! I gave him such cussing in front of everyone that he will remember it till the day he dies!!!! I told him how I hated being micro managed.I even insulted his mother. I LOVED IT !!!!!!! Then I walked out. Then I got an excellent in job in SanFrancisco.

  • @jonnuanez7183
    @jonnuanez7183 Год назад

    Not only was my last boss untrained to be one, but he was a macho bully whom I had to report 2 weeks into the job re: how he was with me. (We all know how HR is; but it had to be noted. Better noted than not).

  • @barackillbombya3835
    @barackillbombya3835 Год назад

    Thank you!

  • @csensale
    @csensale Год назад +1


  • @joeskeptical4762
    @joeskeptical4762 Год назад

    *Calling anything* *_blank AF_* *sounds cheap.* A little class wouldn't hurt; texting abbreviations for F-bombs isn't the best idea.

  • @mercedeswilkins9085
    @mercedeswilkins9085 Год назад +8

    You’ll never know if a job is toxic til you’re in the inside

  • @quix66hiya22
    @quix66hiya22 Год назад +28

    This was my last job! Just about everything you said. I quit in January 2022 and still haven’t returned to a job. Frustrated, hurt, and burned out.

    • @JenniferBrick
      @JenniferBrick  Год назад +9

      I'm sorry this resonated. Sending you healing vibes - not all companies are like this 💜

    • @quix66hiya22
      @quix66hiya22 Год назад +2

      @@JenniferBrick thank you!

    • @Daysidukes9
      @Daysidukes9 Год назад +2

      It’ll take some time to recover 🤍
      Took me two years!

    • @luckyjayakody
      @luckyjayakody Год назад +3

      You did the right thing by taking a break. Many people rush to another job directly from a toxic job burnout without getting the wounds healed, without clearing the traumatic memories. Wounds, traumatic experiences from previous toxic job could sneak in to the new job & make it a misery, eventhough it could be a good job.

  • @astriddiaz9903
    @astriddiaz9903 Год назад +6

    Let’s talk about micromanaging co workers

  • @cokiboo
    @cokiboo Год назад +7

    First day at work, it started. My mgr hated me even when she hired me. I was frank in interviews i have 0 experience in her field, the company's software, she promised training, no micro-mgmt. I had a 10 min verbal training from the lady, my mgr's bff, i was taking over, "Do this, do that. Go explore n learn yourself." Of course I didn't understand! I asked questions and was bombarded with, "where's ur brain? I'm older than u, my brain works better than you. You sure you went to school?" Etc, my mgr was smirking and snickering by the side.
    3rd day on the job, my mgr backstabbed me to HR, another bff of hers, saying I'm lazy, wouldn't learn, wouldnt OT till 12am or 1am or work durin weekends when i went home. She expected me to learn everything in 3 days when it took her 30 years to be good in her job. There was no training at all, how does she 3xpect me to learn fast?
    I put up with it because i was new. I utterly felt useless, worthless. Developed hives, hormones went bonkers, couldnt sleep well, stressed. 2 months now, stopped talking at work. My mgr even empwered her group to override my wotk, blamed me for all mistakes they did. I accidentally found out recently she insulted me frequently behind my back to her groupies.
    Oh well, applying to other jobs now. Just worried about the chances since ageism is really bad.

  • @mercedeswilkins9085
    @mercedeswilkins9085 Год назад +4

    I think it’s more than 57% now that many ppl quit their job cuz of bad management

  • @PraveenSrJ01
    @PraveenSrJ01 Год назад +1

    A toxic job is likely a cashier at Walmart without any benefits which I worked for an eternity of 7.5 years which felt like forever!!

  • @ashleychemise
    @ashleychemise Год назад +2

    Great vid! Been through so much with toxic workplaces now I post about what pitfalls to avoid on the job.

  • @davidellis5141
    @davidellis5141 Год назад +10

    Good Morning Jennifer 🌞 - Many people are satisfied to have the word " manager " in their title. When I became manager of a store I worked at back in the day I relished the responsibilities & challenges & rewards that came with meeting or preferably exceeding them. See Ya 👋

    • @crystalcole888
      @crystalcole888 Год назад +2

      What does your comment even mean? You enjoyed being a manager? Okay. What you said is not relevant to what is being discussed. If you were trying to be snarky, you just came off weird. See ya?........

    • @davidellis5141
      @davidellis5141 Год назад +2

      ​@Crystal cole Why don't you leave a comment ? Easy to hide in the replies .. 🥱

    • @crystalcole888
      @crystalcole888 Год назад +3

      @@davidellis5141 No need for me to comment. She stated what she said very well. If you're going to try to insult someone, try making some relevant points. You dropped an insult and ran. A lame one. You're not exactly big and brave.

    • @davidellis5141
      @davidellis5141 Год назад +2

      @Crystal cole I have 101 comments on this channel. Was that my best ? ..No .. but it was not worth you getting hot under the collar over. You are the worst of social media warriors .. I just blocked you. Negativity is so boring. See Ya 👋 !

  • @liene4619
    @liene4619 Год назад

    Jennifer. Thank you. It's so refreshing to hear back the conclusions I've arrived by myself. No one around me seems to care that much.