Always loved the fact your not one of those guys that used something for 15 min and does a review..2 years. Thanks for the Info. Battle tested Thanks Luke
I used to work for a major outdoor gear retailer. It was their consensus that artificial insulation in garments can lose loft (thickness, which provides the dead air space that makes it effective at retaining the heat that your body radiates. Hanging or laying insulated gear flat is the best way to store it. The less frequently insulation is compression and the less it is compressed each time will ensure the longest life and performance of the insulation.
Thank you for a brilliant unbiased review. I was seriously considering the wolfhound for the past few months, along with the Snugpak SJ3 in multicam and the Keela belay jacket, but in the end I plumped for the Snugpak based on cost (cheapest Wolfhound in uk is £107) and also I’ve never had a problem with their jackets over the past 30yrs, be it the Sleeka, the Vapour Active Soft Shell Smock, the SJ9 in DPM, the softie shirt, or the airpak. The last 3 are still going strong. That being said, my Helikon Tex products are also really well made. I have 3 of their windshirts, plus the woodsman anorak and trousers, and the grid fleece. In truth they’ve all been brought based on your reviews, so please keep up the good work and I’ll keep on buying more outerwear than I really need 😂😂
I have had the Wolfhound jacket in Desert night camo for around 2-3 years as well. Absolutely love it as a top layer for spring, autumn and as a mid layer in winter here in the Nordics. A bit too warm for summer use but on cold summer nights is lovely. My only problem is the collar (I have the nonhooded version), as it lets in wind too easily so a tube scarf is needed sometimes. Other than that, it's my go to jacket for city, hiking and skiing. The sizing as you said, is always silly with every product line Helikon has. I got local stores who sell their stuff, so I'm always surprised when trying stuff on and a size I didnt expect fits perfectly. Other than that, Helikon shirts, pants and jackets have been my go to for the last 5 years now and for the price (prices arent raised here) they beat out every competitor I've tried so far.
I'm glad the company I work for actually has their own clothing store for employees only. It's branded with the company logo, but they have good prices and sell everything except uw and footwear. Best thing is, if the size doesn't fit, I just bring it in to work and trade it out.
Thanks for saying something about the Hoodie jacket which is the one I'll buy if & when I pull the buy trigger. How is the hoodie attached, permanently, with a zipper, or buttons & is the hoodie adjustable?
I've been using the Wolfound hoodie all year and love it. The dwr works in more than a light mist, I've been out in a downpour and stayed dry for the 30 mins I was out. The inside never even got damp. Its not a hardshell but it will handle some serious moisture. The fabric still breathes very well. The bonus there is it regulates temperature a lot better than a waterproof shell but the flip side is strong wind will sap some heat. Overall with layering its a very versatile jacket. A light fleece layer makes it warm below freezing and it great by itself in cool weather. As for the hooded version I really like it Luke. Its non adjustable like the OR Superstrand. It stays in place with the zipper zipped all the way up and definitely holds extra heat in that way. Great for when you're a little cold when you start out then unzip and drop the hood once you're warmed up. Or have to go out into a windy area. I replaced my OR Superstrand with this and couldn't be happier. I lowkey hated the superstrand. It didn't breathe at all and wasn't very warm either. It was heavily influenced by the weather. Direct sunlight warmed it up like a sauna but as soon as it clouded over it felt like a major temp drop. I enjoyed throwing it in the garbage after the zipper piled up and happily ordered the Wolfhound. After a full year with it I couldn't be happier.
I have been using the hooded version for about 2 years now as well, really like it and the cuffs are decently better then what it looks like on the non hooded, also the hood is very comfortable especially when it gets windy ore with a bit of rain.
I just wanted to say, a friend bought me one of those JINYU stoves, this stove is so Cool, it runs off the Butane in a aerosol can like hair spray use to come in, I have a cook stove I’ve had for 30 years, that runs off those. I keep some cans under the sink just in case the power goes out, and this Stove-/- Heater is Top Notch, Thank You, for reviewing it. I love mine, I’m sure I’ll be using it soon. 🤠♥️✝️🇺🇸
Finding a warm waterproof jacket for my Arthritic ridden little body is a challenge. The best coat I found years ago was an Air Force artic coat. I wore that thing until it fell apart. And I don't live in Alaska.
Excellent review ! I like your style of straight to the point pros and cons section along with the point you bought this product with your own money not worried about advertisement kickbacks. Looks like a great jacket but not perfect, hopefully the company will consider your recommendations to make this product better. Great job and thank you.
Before I purchased mine, I sent the company an email and they said if I'm from the United States. Then I should order one size larger. They were right and it fits me just fine, no problem there.
have had a total of 3 of these jackets, two hoodless and one hoodie. The first was a mens medium (US) in black. Wore it while overseas in some really cold weather with just a fleece sweater underneath. Plenty warm!!! ended up ripping after an incident. So I bought two more. Next two ordered directly from their sight, as the sizing issues he talks about are true....however! I learned from speaking with the company on the issue. When you order from amazon the sizing is mixed and not separate correctly because they have both US and EU sizing. So when you order from their sight you are ordering in EU sizing and need to order appropriately but when ordering from amazon the sizes get mixed together from US/EU size batches. So anyways! I have two now hooded and non-hoodie and both in EU size large, ordered directly from their site with no issues. DNC color and warm as can be!
For real, that thing is super expensive. I think quality commands a higher price but at a certain point I’m like ok this article of clothing is for rich people. That’s how I feel about the weather wool anorak and the filson cruiser
I've had one in Flecktarn for a couple years. It is an excellent jacket. I bring it hiking, I stash it on my motorcycle. Its just east to pack. My only con is the cuffs. I imagine someone who has big hands will find it difficult to put the jacket on. I feel my hand would be considered average size and the cuffs are tight. Now if I could just get some free time to try out my Swagman in the woods..
I miss your old music at the end of every video, great music and is in the recently new video game ExoCross so hopefully you inspired a games company to use that great music.
I have to say, if you're looking for an insulated jacket, you should absolutely test the Keela Belay Pro. Not sure if it's available where you are, Keela are a Scottish company and they make some absolutely top of the line gear, used by mountain rescue, expedition teams, SF, the lot. I've worn it in very similar conditions and found it to be so breathable yet incredibly warm (130gsm primaloft gold) - their solo jacket is brilliant too and for someone who completely relates to what you're saying about the noise of the jacket (It really bugs me!) I've not found that issue with them so far!
theres a growing awarness of the health side effects caused by some dwr finishes used in the outdoors gear industry. might be worth looking into for some gear reviews.
I’ve got both the Wolfhound and the Wolfhound Hoodie. Really like them both but do prefer the hooded version. Only issue with the Wolfhound is the chest pocket got a hole in the lining after only a few wears but may have been me trying to fit my iPhone 12 Pro Max in it. I wish the hooded version had waist drawcords but it’s just slightly elasticated
Great video man! How would you compare this too the OR superstrand you review a while back. Also wondering the coldest temps you’ve combined a light puffy jacket and the swagman in
Sounds good I mean I am warm so that sounds good and with the layer. not to bad, not sure what type of merionwool thickness you ran though on the longsleeve, I use 200gram, with 19.5 mikron fiber on top and bottom 100% merino, if it gets colder put another similar layer ontop that's a bit thicker and heavier but 98% cotton 2% elestan, worked well down to about 5-7F and the pants I wore was Fjällräven vida pro on the outside, and a similar type of jacket but another brand.
I'm 44.5 inch chest 185 5'8 which size should I get? I'm also interested in the husky insulated coat from this company if you know the sizing for that as well Finally, great review man
Yeah get the one with a hoodie and let's see what it looks like. How do you feel in it if it gets wet not gets wet? What about it? Does a hoodie work real good? Does it keep you warm or what? Let us know. Does it have a sizing problem with that too? Thanks. Get it right away. Thanks a lot
It has a lot of pluses also some minus's. Loudness not good, those cuffs hate that design aspect. Like to get my coat off fast and it you have something in your hand it would be impossible with out dropping it. It would be interesting to see the hooded model first hand. Are those cuffs the same? One big issue concerning sizing quality control is where it's made. You know the answer. Lot of their products in general are not consistent. Shoes, coats, shirt, whacky from one run to the other and the same with the material from my experiences. One model to the next from the same company all different. It's where what plant they are made in. Who knows but it's crazy. All good review
Moonlander EDC has a review of the hooded model. The cuffs are elastic and so is the waistband. Rides up. Sizing for a large was noticeably small. The hood has an elastic band around it as well. No adjustment. Too hot. The rest much the same with the fleece in the outside of the pockets. Maybe you want to try one. Just maybe.
This is not a dis on your review, but with my body type (6'3", long upper body) I prefer Parka model jackets. With these short model jackets, I run a high risk of getting a cold on my back muscles resulting in fairly severe backpain. I have the same problem with shirts, sweaters, and underwear. I always need models made with a long body.
The size issue… bought an xl from the US site fit fine. Bought from the uk site, too small. Examining the tags closer. The US purchased one says XXL uk
Hood is a must for me. I'm not sure if it's related, but the second i hit puberty many, many years ago, my hairline retreated faster than the French. Shaved head gets cold.
I use the hooded version for more than two years also. You can fold the entire jacket to the hood, like with ECWS gear, where is pretty compressed and in similar size, so no need for the storage bag. Just throw it in the backpack as similarly sized "bag" as the hood naturally takes similar shape filled. The hood actual I use half/half. Sometimes the wind and cold is too much and really helps. But also, nicely covers the neck so I love it even when the hood is not on the head.
I haven't ordered this jacket because I am 6'-4" and 285. I doubt that the XXL would be long enough or fit my shoulders, even if it came a bit over-sized. Lol.
I own the 3XL hooded version in Shadow Gray and it fits me well. Not tight, not loose! While not as tall/heavy as you ( 180cm ≈ 5'11" 260lb ) I do have broad shoulders. If you can, order a 3XL and return it if it is too short ( 2XL ➡️ don't bother)
those cuff are a "fail". If you have anything tactical to do, they will be in your way. Imagine re-holstering and your sleeve drops down. Or not getting a good grip on a line or tool because some of the fabric gets close to your palm. They just cheaped out. Try the Condor brand instead.
Nah dont buy it. Our money talks pretty damn loud. If they want our money they need to change their ways. As a hunter and outdoorsman product claims/lies are huge and like you said have potentially horrid outcomes. For the matierial cost of this jacket, HELL NO!!! There is no way this jacket should be over $50 without a true waterproofing layer, just look anlt any hunting outfitter and youll fond the same thing but quiet, and waterproof
You could probably get something similar for about 1/3 the price on temu. No reason to pay $150 for a simple jacket like this; H-T's prices are ridiculous, imo.
they are totally messed up with sizing. I ordered L by their sizing table I'm a bit skeptical that it will fit however that's my size according to the table.I got a shirt once my usual size XL and it was waaaaay too big like XXL .Very inconsistent sizing by the company
Always loved the fact your not one of those guys that used something for 15 min and does a review..2 years. Thanks for the Info. Battle tested Thanks Luke
I used to work for a major outdoor gear retailer. It was their consensus that artificial insulation in garments can lose loft (thickness, which provides the dead air space that makes it effective at retaining the heat that your body radiates. Hanging or laying insulated gear flat is the best way to store it. The less frequently insulation is compression and the less it is compressed each time will ensure the longest life and performance of the insulation.
Also throwing them in a drier on low heat helps
Same with sleeping bags
Thank you for a brilliant unbiased review.
I was seriously considering the wolfhound for the past few months, along with the Snugpak SJ3 in multicam and the Keela belay jacket, but in the end I plumped for the Snugpak based on cost (cheapest Wolfhound in uk is £107) and also I’ve never had a problem with their jackets over the past 30yrs, be it the Sleeka, the Vapour Active Soft Shell Smock, the SJ9 in DPM, the softie shirt, or the airpak. The last 3 are still going strong.
That being said, my Helikon Tex products are also really well made. I have 3 of their windshirts, plus the woodsman anorak and trousers, and the grid fleece. In truth they’ve all been brought based on your reviews, so please keep up the good work and I’ll keep on buying more outerwear than I really need 😂😂
I have had the Wolfhound jacket in Desert night camo for around 2-3 years as well. Absolutely love it as a top layer for spring, autumn and as a mid layer in winter here in the Nordics. A bit too warm for summer use but on cold summer nights is lovely.
My only problem is the collar (I have the nonhooded version), as it lets in wind too easily so a tube scarf is needed sometimes.
Other than that, it's my go to jacket for city, hiking and skiing.
The sizing as you said, is always silly with every product line Helikon has. I got local stores who sell their stuff, so I'm always surprised when trying stuff on and a size I didnt expect fits perfectly.
Other than that, Helikon shirts, pants and jackets have been my go to for the last 5 years now and for the price (prices arent raised here) they beat out every competitor I've tried so far.
Yet another unbiased review, you are as passionate about the cons as much as you are the pros
I bought the Wolfhound and it's amazing!! Thank you so much for all the editing!! Keep up the outstanding work.
I'm glad the company I work for actually has their own clothing store for employees only. It's branded with the company logo, but they have good prices and sell everything except uw and footwear. Best thing is, if the size doesn't fit, I just bring it in to work and trade it out.
have the hoodie-variation myself for 4 years now and it is still one of my favourite pieces of all my gear.
Thanks for saying something about the Hoodie jacket which is the one I'll buy if & when I pull the buy trigger. How is the hoodie attached, permanently, with a zipper, or buttons & is the hoodie adjustable?
@azclaimjumper It ist permanently, without adjustjment
@@azclaimjumper it enclouse face o-wise with a zipper up to the chin. covers my forehead, ears fully- and chin partially
@@bennibo85 BIG thank you.
@@bennibo85 Thankfully, no zipper used to attach hoodie to jacket.
I've been using the Wolfound hoodie all year and love it. The dwr works in more than a light mist, I've been out in a downpour and stayed dry for the 30 mins I was out. The inside never even got damp. Its not a hardshell but it will handle some serious moisture. The fabric still breathes very well. The bonus there is it regulates temperature a lot better than a waterproof shell but the flip side is strong wind will sap some heat. Overall with layering its a very versatile jacket. A light fleece layer makes it warm below freezing and it great by itself in cool weather. As for the hooded version I really like it Luke. Its non adjustable like the OR Superstrand. It stays in place with the zipper zipped all the way up and definitely holds extra heat in that way. Great for when you're a little cold when you start out then unzip and drop the hood once you're warmed up. Or have to go out into a windy area. I replaced my OR Superstrand with this and couldn't be happier. I lowkey hated the superstrand. It didn't breathe at all and wasn't very warm either. It was heavily influenced by the weather. Direct sunlight warmed it up like a sauna but as soon as it clouded over it felt like a major temp drop. I enjoyed throwing it in the garbage after the zipper piled up and happily ordered the Wolfhound. After a full year with it I couldn't be happier.
I have been using the hooded version for about 2 years now as well, really like it and the cuffs are decently better then what it looks like on the non hooded, also the hood is very comfortable especially when it gets windy ore with a bit of rain.
Thanks for sharing your experience with the hoodie jacket.
Always the best information from you. Thanks again for the informative review. Still one my go to guy for reviews.
I just wanted to say, a friend bought me one of those JINYU stoves, this stove is so Cool, it runs off the Butane in a aerosol can like hair spray use to come in, I have a cook stove I’ve had for 30 years, that runs off those. I keep some cans under the sink just in case the power goes out, and this Stove-/- Heater is Top Notch, Thank You, for reviewing it. I love mine, I’m sure I’ll be using it soon. 🤠♥️✝️🇺🇸
Excellent review, as allways. And the problems with the sizing continue, I have experienced. Apart from that, no issues.
Got 2 of these, grey and Taiga green. You're bang on with the sizing issue.
I've got a lot of their stuff and it's the same across the range. 👍
Yes i would love to hear your review of bearskin hoodie. I HATE the commercials.
Finding a warm waterproof jacket for my Arthritic ridden little body is a challenge. The best coat I found years ago was an Air Force artic coat. I wore that thing until it fell apart. And I don't live in Alaska.
Awesome review as always mate. You talk...I listen. Thank you again and great work.
Excellent review ! I like your style of straight to the point pros and cons section along with the point you bought this product with your own money not worried about advertisement kickbacks. Looks like a great jacket but not perfect, hopefully the company will consider your recommendations to make this product better. Great job and thank you.
worn mine during a midnight hike in my local woods . very warm .
Before I purchased mine, I sent the company an email and they said if I'm from the United States. Then I should order one size larger. They were right and it fits me just fine, no problem there.
have had a total of 3 of these jackets, two hoodless and one hoodie. The first was a mens medium (US) in black. Wore it while overseas in some really cold weather with just a fleece sweater underneath. Plenty warm!!! ended up ripping after an incident. So I bought two more.
Next two ordered directly from their sight, as the sizing issues he talks about are true....however! I learned from speaking with the company on the issue. When you order from amazon the sizing is mixed and not separate correctly because they have both US and EU sizing. So when you order from their sight you are ordering in EU sizing and need to order appropriately but when ordering from amazon the sizes get mixed together from US/EU size batches. So anyways! I have two now hooded and non-hoodie and both in EU size large, ordered directly from their site with no issues. DNC color and warm as can be!
Those camo patterns are sweet
Get well soon!
Are you going to try out the Bearskin hoodie advertised all over the internet????? LOL
I have had the same thought! Get an unbiased review to see just how crappy it really is
For real, that thing is super expensive. I think quality commands a higher price but at a certain point I’m like ok this article of clothing is for rich people. That’s how I feel about the weather wool anorak and the filson cruiser
@@charliemcdowell5231Rich people wear clothing? I thought they wore poor people..
Just commented almost the same . Just said i can't see paying $280 for what looks like a zip up hoodie lol
I've had one in Flecktarn for a couple years. It is an excellent jacket. I bring it hiking, I stash it on my motorcycle. Its just east to pack. My only con is the cuffs. I imagine someone who has big hands will find it difficult to put the jacket on. I feel my hand would be considered average size and the cuffs are tight.
Now if I could just get some free time to try out my Swagman in the woods..
I miss your old music at the end of every video, great music and is in the recently new video game ExoCross so hopefully you inspired a games company to use that great music.
I got a Bearskin hoodie an i love it 👍
I have to say, if you're looking for an insulated jacket, you should absolutely test the Keela Belay Pro. Not sure if it's available where you are, Keela are a Scottish company and they make some absolutely top of the line gear, used by mountain rescue, expedition teams, SF, the lot. I've worn it in very similar conditions and found it to be so breathable yet incredibly warm (130gsm primaloft gold) - their solo jacket is brilliant too and for someone who completely relates to what you're saying about the noise of the jacket (It really bugs me!) I've not found that issue with them so far!
Excellent review 😊
as much as you always seem to bring the RAIN to your camp, I would have the hooded version...especially since you said it packs nicely...why not
For like 65 EUR/USD you can have a down jacket from Decathlon which is lighter, packs way smaller, is warmer, is cheaper.
I'd love if it had moral patch (velcro) on both arms. But still looks nice.
i really like that jacket. im a coat collector of sorts. too many coats really. thank you for the info!
Please try reviewing some of the Triple Aught design products. They are very good
theres a growing awarness of the health side effects caused by some dwr finishes used in the outdoors gear industry. might be worth looking into for some gear reviews.
I’ve got both the Wolfhound and the Wolfhound Hoodie. Really like them both but do prefer the hooded version. Only issue with the Wolfhound is the chest pocket got a hole in the lining after only a few wears but may have been me trying to fit my iPhone 12 Pro Max in it. I wish the hooded version had waist drawcords but it’s just slightly elasticated
Great looking jacket and a good review on the goods and bads. Your fly is down at 15 secs into the vid. lol
Well, I guess that would be a great jac ket...under a poncho when it snows or rains.
Have you looked at the bearskin hoodie?
I really hope you do the Bearskin hoodie! Please!
Nice. I've wanted to try the bearskin one but can't see paying $280 for a hoodie looking shirt jacket (whatever it's considered)
Have you seen the Baerskin jackets that's being advertised. Have you done a video on this? What's your thoughts on it?
Good afternoon
Enjoy your day
How does it compare to a traditional synthetic puffer jacket? I know it’s comparing apples to oranges but it’s it a alternative to a puffer?
Helikom Tex is great. Use alot of their stuff.
Please more winter overnight camping in the shed 😢
"It is a little bit stained, but no big deal. I can easily wash it off if I want to."
Which he clearly doesn't. Merica!
Great video man! How would you compare this too the OR superstrand you review a while back. Also wondering the coldest temps you’ve combined a light puffy jacket and the swagman in
hi buddy
Have you ever used the hood version? If so, which one would you recommend?
Also worth pointing out that the Wolfhound Hoodie has a double zip.
Are the YKK zippers Teeth or Coil Zippers?
@@azclaimjumper Teeth, I think.
Thank you
Sounds good I mean I am warm so that sounds good and with the layer. not to bad, not sure what type of merionwool thickness you ran though on the longsleeve, I use 200gram, with 19.5 mikron fiber on top and bottom 100% merino, if it gets colder put another similar layer ontop that's a bit thicker and heavier but 98% cotton 2% elestan, worked well down to about 5-7F and the pants I wore was Fjällräven vida pro on the outside, and a similar type of jacket but another brand.
Hello mate just wondering what neck warmer do you wear looks good
I'm 44.5 inch chest 185 5'8 which size should I get? I'm also interested in the husky insulated coat from this company if you know the sizing for that as well
Finally, great review man
Could you review the AeroCloud Sleeping Pad Elite? I think its a pretty good budget pad
Yeah get the one with a hoodie and let's see what it looks like. How do you feel in it if it gets wet not gets wet? What about it? Does a hoodie work real good? Does it keep you warm or what? Let us know. Does it have a sizing problem with that too? Thanks. Get it right away. Thanks a lot
Need to do the bearskin tactical 4.0 one 😂 noticed the comments writing this
yup we can hear it...
It has a lot of pluses also some minus's. Loudness not good, those cuffs hate that design aspect. Like to get my coat off fast and it you have something in your hand it would be impossible with out dropping it. It would be interesting to see the hooded model first hand. Are those cuffs the same? One big issue concerning sizing quality control is where it's made. You know the answer. Lot of their products in general are not consistent. Shoes, coats, shirt, whacky from one run to the other and the same with the material from my experiences. One model to the next from the same company all different. It's where what plant they are made in. Who knows but it's crazy. All good review
Moonlander EDC has a review of the hooded model. The cuffs are elastic and so is the waistband. Rides up. Sizing for a large was noticeably small. The hood has an elastic band around it as well. No adjustment. Too hot. The rest much the same with the fleece in the outside of the pockets. Maybe you want to try one. Just maybe.
Weird. I got unsubscribed? Been a fan for years
I’d say try the hoodie, or I will!
If you look on there web site sizes are always changing from jacket to jacket think there is an update version out as well😅
This is not a dis on your review, but with my body type (6'3", long upper body) I prefer Parka model jackets. With these short model jackets, I run a high risk of getting a cold on my back muscles resulting in fairly severe backpain. I have the same problem with shirts, sweaters, and underwear. I always need models made with a long body.
The size issue… bought an xl from the US site fit fine. Bought from the uk site, too small. Examining the tags closer. The US purchased one says XXL uk
Hood is a must for me.
I'm not sure if it's related, but the second i hit puberty many, many years ago, my hairline retreated faster than the French.
Shaved head gets cold.
Get the Wolfhound Hoodie, then. Or better still, the Level 7 or Husky jacket, both also from Helikon.
I use the hooded version for more than two years also. You can fold the entire jacket to the hood, like with ECWS gear, where is pretty compressed and in similar size, so no need for the storage bag. Just throw it in the backpack as similarly sized "bag" as the hood naturally takes similar shape filled. The hood actual I use half/half. Sometimes the wind and cold is too much and really helps. But also, nicely covers the neck so I love it even when the hood is not on the head.
I haven't ordered this jacket because I am 6'-4" and 285. I doubt that the XXL would be long enough or fit my shoulders, even if it came a bit over-sized. Lol.
I own the 3XL hooded version in Shadow Gray and it fits me well. Not tight, not loose!
While not as tall/heavy as you ( 180cm ≈ 5'11" 260lb ) I do have broad shoulders. If you can, order a 3XL and return it if it is too short ( 2XL ➡️ don't bother)
i have the one with hood and the cuffs are different though not adjustable but ok
Isn’t storing these compressed a bad thing ?
No, it springs back to shape quickly and the materials are chosen for compression.
Needs to go to size 4x
Nice jacket,i see your vido and bay one。
Thank you Luke😺👍
Nice jacket. But wow.
Unfortunately, like many companies they don’t make anything for tall people.
those cuff are a "fail". If you have anything tactical to do, they will be in your way. Imagine re-holstering and your sleeve drops down. Or not getting a good grip on a line or tool because some of the fabric gets close to your palm. They just cheaped out. Try the Condor brand instead.
I did not hear what it is filled with...
Luke, why do you hide behind dark glasses?
Amazon is no longer quick for returns!!!!!
Nah dont buy it. Our money talks pretty damn loud. If they want our money they need to change their ways. As a hunter and outdoorsman product claims/lies are huge and like you said have potentially horrid outcomes. For the matierial cost of this jacket, HELL NO!!! There is no way this jacket should be over $50 without a true waterproofing layer, just look anlt any hunting outfitter and youll fond the same thing but quiet, and waterproof
Why can’t you put some effort into some decent merch? The logo is fine, but…not on a tote or a mug.
You could probably get something similar for about 1/3 the price on temu. No reason to pay $150 for a simple jacket like this; H-T's prices are ridiculous, imo.
Just by your review, I would Not buy this jacket....
they are totally messed up with sizing. I ordered L by their sizing table I'm a bit skeptical that it will fit however that's my size according to the table.I got a shirt once my usual size XL and it was waaaaay too big like XXL .Very inconsistent sizing by the company
And I have the bareSkin 3.0
I bought bareSkin 4.0