AliExpress BOOTLEG Figure Haul | Blue Archive, Honkai: Star Rail, and More!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 118

  • @AVLadle
    @AVLadle 2 месяца назад +64

    Finally got around to watching this! Glad to see this video also popped off and you're almost to 1k subs woo! Also great intro on the whole context on bootlegs. Definitely feels bad seeing people mistake bootlegs for the real thing, mainly younger consumers not deep in the hobby. But totally agree on Kayoko, love her design. Hope we get an official figure of her regular outfit at some point.

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much, you definitely inspired me to make my own videos! It means a lot to me to watch my videos. They have definitely come a long way 🥹

  • @violentincantation
    @violentincantation 2 месяца назад +429

    wow its her... silver wolg

  • @McFS15
    @McFS15 2 месяца назад +128

    Who can't love everyone's favourite Stellaron Hunter, Silver Wolg

  • @kajizu
    @kajizu 2 месяца назад +45

    I think if you are not a collector and just want some good figures to "decorate" some corner, they are a good option without having to spend hundreds of dollars.

    • @Ochsenfrosch
      @Ochsenfrosch Месяц назад

      What is the relationship to being a collector? It's not exclusive to a specific thing. You can still be a collector without original figures/statues.

  • @fooooooooooooooddd
    @fooooooooooooooddd 2 месяца назад +207

    excuse me? bootleg?
    well yeah the quality is lower from the official but damn that's some high quality bootleg

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +71

      I’m saying! Japanese figure companies like GSC really got to step up their game when it comes to budget figures. It’s getting harder to tell the difference between official license product and bootlegs now 💀

    • @HonkaiHistory
      @HonkaiHistory 2 месяца назад +20

      I mean, bootleg just means there's no official license. While they are often low quality, there are also some studios doing pricey high quality bootleg works, such as HM Studio for example.

    • @violetiolite
      @violetiolite Месяц назад +2

      ​@@HonkaiHistoryI looked that studio up and yeah, those are so high quality! I'll probably not buy for them because I'm not particularly a fan of +18 figures but that's pretty cool. Also found the HunYu studios, which also does some hum... Risque honkai figure (they look really good quality although doing one of Bailu is 🤢) but I really like their Hell Girl figure (it looks to be a non erotic figure). It's really cute.

    • @HonkaiHistory
      @HonkaiHistory Месяц назад

      ​@@violetiolite yeah, I have been thinking getting their nahida one since a while (it's a 100% safe one), because theirs looks absolutely stunning and there are just no licensed nahida ones except two garage kits.
      I know of quite a handful or more studios like that, but yeah, many of them go straight up the 18+ route, because that's something you would never be able to get from a licensed product.
      I wonder what Hoyo's stance is on this. I know they allow small businesses, like if there are only a few copies made and sold and profit is not large scale, they even tolerate some small businesses advertising on hoyolab, like selling 3D print models for custom figures and things like that.
      But they also have rules against depicting their characters in controversial ways and I feel like some of those studios might make enough profit to not count as small business anymore.

    • @mercyiix2794
      @mercyiix2794 Месяц назад

      @@HonkaiHistory theres alot of licensed 18+ figures wdym?

  • @bachkhoi9450
    @bachkhoi9450 2 месяца назад +37

    Nice review man, not many people making video about bootleg product.

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +2

      There is definitely a stigma around reviewing bootlegs in this niche, but someone’s got to do it I guess lol

  • @kojocreations
    @kojocreations 2 месяца назад +12

    Really cool to see the Silver Wolf figure as Hoyoverse rarely does figures and I wish they did more

  • @GDIdoujinmediaworks
    @GDIdoujinmediaworks 2 месяца назад +13

    Thanks so much for the crash course on modern bootleg figures. I have a couple of $60 figure sets myself which are pretty high quality and come with all the accessories, I suppose they are bootlegs if the originals retailed for $200-$300. Now what is the worst thing these bootleggers do is recast from garage kits -- I'm sure they get a hold of one garage kit, rescan / remold it and then sell it as their own. It's one thing to steal from companies with massive production lines, but garage kits are from small studios with limited runs who do these things out of passion. Now that being said, I actually envy the "extra capacity" of these bootleg manufacturers since I really want my own line of figures one day and imagine if I have a facility to churn out $15-$50 sets with an adequate quality -- having the same finish as a prize figure, but with all the accessories and dynamism of a scale figure. Whereas the reality -- just getting a tub of resin or silicone to create a one-off is expensive, I've been to Japan looking at unpainted garage kits and they all sell above the 10K yen price tag.

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +3

      Yeah genuine GKs can get VERY expensive. Especially, because of how elusive certain sets are. It does suck that it’s very unlikely for these smaller studios to get credit for their work unless their designs are picked up by a larger production line such as Alter or GSC. The least I can do is mention to the smaller studios that were responsible for the originals

  • @krawchick4418
    @krawchick4418 2 месяца назад +84

    if you love the stellaron hunters from honkai, the whole community lost their mind in the 3rd act its honestly historical how good it was

    • @mrswhatdoyoucare2947
      @mrswhatdoyoucare2947 2 месяца назад +9

      yeah because of Firefly-Mc-Waifu - honestly, worst arc ever i swear, this literally ruined Honkai

    • @redaja06
      @redaja06 2 месяца назад +4

      ​@@mrswhatdoyoucare2947 Which arc?

    • @mrswhatdoyoucare2947
      @mrswhatdoyoucare2947 2 месяца назад

      @@redaja06 Penacony Firefly Arc

    • @hntr5495
      @hntr5495 2 месяца назад +28

      @@mrswhatdoyoucare2947penacony was the best arc yet. You are alone on this one.

    • @thedr2629
      @thedr2629 2 месяца назад

      ​@@mrswhatdoyoucare2947lmao...grow up kid.... nobody the end of the day...hoyoverse managed to milk it's fan....and I'm okay with that.... firefly waifu material for life!!!!

  • @PandoraParoru
    @PandoraParoru Месяц назад +2

    i recently bought a bootleg elysia maid figure for 20€ while the og costs 200+€ and honestly the bootleg looks so good

    • @kenshinyoo
      @kenshinyoo Месяц назад

      Same, she looks so cute! Its not bad at all for a bootleg.

  • @fileasterisk
    @fileasterisk Месяц назад +4

    Okay, personally, I love bootlegs. Unfortunately figurines are hella expensive, and the quality of bootlegs is only getting better. They're a great way for the average person to get a figurine.

    • @kenshinyoo
      @kenshinyoo Месяц назад +1

      Fr, im just SO happy with my cheap elysia bootleg. She is cute 😊

    • @fileasterisk
      @fileasterisk Месяц назад +1

      @@kenshinyoo I have an Elysia too! She's the prettiest fr

    • @tliehfloyd9201
      @tliehfloyd9201 13 дней назад

      ull cringe at yourself in some years once u think back.

  • @Shuujin26
    @Shuujin26 2 месяца назад +36

    I have the resin statue of Silver Wolf by Hakimi Studio, and that bootleg version does not look bad at all.

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +5

      That’s great to know! Her resin has exploded in price since her release so even though I want her I don’t think it will happen for me 🪦 It’s good to know that the bootleg and her official are comparable in terms of quality but also a bit concerning…

    • @YabaiModding
      @YabaiModding 2 месяца назад +1


  • @CC-nt4zi
    @CC-nt4zi 2 месяца назад +30

    I don’t mind bootlegs if it’s something unique (original sculpts, or based on GK long from being in production), but any bootleg being represented as official or even the real deal is a big “no” from me.

    @REIDAE 2 месяца назад +4

    The kayoko and abigail figures are both taken directly from their in-game artworks. I find it more likely that they made the figures based on that rather than finding and copying the rare and expensive garage kits (that was also made based on the in-game artwork).

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +2

      I mean 3-D printing exists, as long as they can find a template they can mass produce them. I would still count them as bootlegs because they entered the Aliexpress market AFTER the Garage Kits were showcased. Most people probably wouldn’t know they are copying GK but that is what reddit and MyFigureCollection is for

    • @REIDAE
      @REIDAE 2 месяца назад

      ​@@TakersKeep Sometimes a bootleg of a figure in her in-game art pose actually comes out before the licensed figure in the same pose (kamisato ayaka, hayase yuuka to name some instances). Doesn't mean the licensed figure copied the bootleg and it's true the other way around as well. I don't think the kayoko and abigail figures are related to the garage kits.

  • @Atang44
    @Atang44 2 месяца назад +2

    ngl that abby looks really really good for a supposedly bootleg item

  • @Tirana-qg1ft
    @Tirana-qg1ft Месяц назад

    Silver Wolf figure looks great.

  • @rdxzero
    @rdxzero 2 месяца назад +4

    i like your bootleg video because it lets me know the differences and what to look out for, like you said.

  • @plus5540
    @plus5540 2 месяца назад +10

    If I’m not wrong what’s on display on SW’s switch is a crop of the NSFW version of her made by the same studio 😂

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah, I realized that while editing this video. The madlads!!! 🤣

  • @lucyshire
    @lucyshire 2 месяца назад +1

    I was NOT expecting that voice but I'm here for it.

  • @AoiHyuuga1
    @AoiHyuuga1 Месяц назад +1

    i almost bought the silver wolf fig at a con, was about to tap my card when i noticed the eyes and paintjob 😭😭

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  Месяц назад

      You’ve got good eyes. If you had bought her at the con she probably would’ve been grossly overpriced too 💀

  • @Disctaro
    @Disctaro Месяц назад +1

    Congrats on passing 1k 👍

  • @poligrant5152
    @poligrant5152 2 месяца назад +2

    what you noticed with kayoko and unfinished look i think it wasn't smoothed with a grinder, most important part besides painting!

    • @poligrant5152
      @poligrant5152 2 месяца назад

      sorry not grinder, i meant sanding the figure

  • @roynobody
    @roynobody 2 месяца назад +5

    congrats on the 500 subs!

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you for all of your support!

  • @mogamiaki211
    @mogamiaki211 2 месяца назад +2

    Abigail looks awesome

  • @fuka109
    @fuka109 2 месяца назад

    Good review! This was a nice watch.

  • @nameinvalid69
    @nameinvalid69 Месяц назад +2

    1. yea don't pay extra for the box, it's pointless. Unless the seller tell you exactly the item is IN the box. You only ask for the paper box if you intend to sell it or something.
    2. there are shit tier bootleg and there are quality bootleg of course, the shit tier we call "cursed god" direct translation; the quality ones measured like "1st tier factory, 2nd tier factory".... The top tier ones has closed shop due to authority enforcement issue late 2023. In most cases what we get today are like 2nd~3rd tier.
    What most people have in mind about "bootleg" are the "cursed god" RUBBISH tier... They still exists, but that's not what the "mainstream bootleg" are now.
    The Chinese way of doing things are simple in logic - +ONE CENT FOR +ONE CENT OF QUALITY (direct translation).
    The last one looks quite detail, I maybe will rank it.............. 2nd tier? 😄😄 definitely the paint & edges aren't too refined but still okay.

  • @karkatter
    @karkatter Месяц назад

    saw blue archive and sighed

  • @EPE77U
    @EPE77U 2 месяца назад +1

    I'm also surprised of quality of these bootlegs. They have usually done awful job especially with painting and face but now they look pretty convincing when not looking for very small details. For price point they now seem worth it if you don't feel bad moral-wise. Good thing that pop up parade exists for cheap official figures. While obviously not as pretty as those 200e figures, for 40e they look so good

  • @SciFiMangaGamesAnime
    @SciFiMangaGamesAnime 2 месяца назад +1

    16:49 Woah, stitches looks pretty good.
    As always, thank you for showcasing. Not from the discord gang, but appreciate it nonetheless.
    UPD: Oh yes, the prologue in Star Rail was the best part for me too.

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад

      Thank you for joining them on this anime figure review venture. Wouldn’t have been able to get this far without all of your support!

  • @nuirejuvini9951
    @nuirejuvini9951 Месяц назад

    This is awesome!

  • @rafaflores2063
    @rafaflores2063 2 месяца назад +1

    I think that Kayoko looks good for the prize.

  • @sirbryakington7808
    @sirbryakington7808 2 месяца назад +2

    I don't think it's bad to have the box delivered folded because the boxes themselves are often very thin and flimsy. You can see it even in this video and they have very little chance of arriving assembled in good condition. I have Ganya from Ali. The price of the version with the box was 1/3 more than the price of the figure without it, which is quite a lot. So when I unpacked it, the box was dead. So yeah. Maybe a folded box when ordering a figure is a good thing.

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад

      True! If you have no intention of keeping the box that is be a good idea. Alls well that ends well I suppose! (Even if it is cheaper I don’t think I will ever make the conscious decision to buy a figure without it’s box)

    • @sirbryakington7808
      @sirbryakington7808 2 месяца назад

      I suspect that I have developed a strange fetish since I started collecting. I know that I am unlikely to sell any of my figurines and I don't move often, having lived in the same apartment for over 10 years now. But I keep every figurine box and this has also extended to other things, such as headphones or a mobile phone.

  • @hoangtruong6902
    @hoangtruong6902 2 месяца назад

    Nice!! actually great content that many (including myself) needed although you sound a little nervous

  • @Recrofne
    @Recrofne 25 дней назад

    Silver Wolf's eyes are definitely too far apart compared to the character and official figure, that was the deal breaker for me when it came to the bootleg.
    When it comes to buying figures with or without a box on Aliexpress, it doesn't really impact shipping durability. What they mean is do you want the "official" looking box, or do you want it just packed? They don't protect it any less. I almost always choose no box and they still come in their blister packs wrapped in air shells and bubble wrap.
    It's also worth noting that when you order with a box, sometimes they just fold up the "official" box and include that inside a shipping box next to the figure. I guess actually putting it inside is too much effort.

  • @eis6570
    @eis6570 2 месяца назад +2


  • @drafthard6562
    @drafthard6562 2 месяца назад +1

    Are these Aliexpress GK recasts any different from what E2046 sells? Thanks for review 👍

    • @ihfsa
      @ihfsa 2 месяца назад +1

      not really, they are basically from the same people, jsut one side sells them painted

  • @Cesgar999
    @Cesgar999 2 месяца назад +1

    ngl i love your silver wolf's figure. Need the link!

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад

      The links are now in the description of the video ⬆️

  • @Ochsenfrosch
    @Ochsenfrosch Месяц назад

    I don't know. If I can get a bootleg for €30 in fairly good quality and don't have to pay €250, it's hard to say no. Some figures are overpriced. I understand the point that it's better to support the artist and so on.

  • @ihfsa
    @ihfsa 2 месяца назад +1

    first video of yours i have wathced, but im gonna be honest, GKs deserve to be bootlegged especially with the low quantity, high prices during the Events adn the even more outragous prices in the aftermarket.
    Imo its an avaibility issue, if you cant get it legit no matter how much money oyu are willing to throw at it I see no issues in buying those.
    But all in all im an advocate of if you can buy it at a relatively reasonable price then alsways go for the Originals, but avaibility is the main issue imo

    • @ihfsa
      @ihfsa 2 месяца назад

      but in general i perosnally only accept buying recasts of unpainted GKd

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад

      Welcome aboard! I am inclined to agree! GKs can be notorious for being hard to get your hands on, plus there is a factor that not everyone has the time or equipment to build/paint them

  • @butanolHAHAHAHA
    @butanolHAHAHAHA 2 месяца назад


  • @Kai._.x.x
    @Kai._.x.x 2 месяца назад +2

    Sliver wolf actually looks good, what listing do you get her from?/how much was she?

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +1

      I try not to share links, but there are a lot of sellers on AliExpress that are selling almost the same thing. Just search for Silver Wolf/HSR figures. You can then check listings for good reviews and buy at your own risk

    • @Kai._.x.x
      @Kai._.x.x 2 месяца назад +1

      @@TakersKeep I don’t plan to buy any but just too look to see options, I probably won’t but I have a hard time finding actual figures that are official that I like that I can trust based off reviews and photos etc.

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +1

      So, I decided to share my links that I used for this video. They are now in the description of the video

  • @Robinskateboard
    @Robinskateboard 2 месяца назад

    Great review! I wonder how will Kayoko look after spraying a little bit of gloss finish paint, overall it looks nice considering the price. One question - where you get this awsome big poster on the left? Is it Taiga in nike shoes? :D

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +1

      The poster is actually a OC of a designer called Apari! It is part of her Chinese zodiac collection, this being her year of the tiger design. She draws these illustrations for her Skate Decks and Clothing lines. She doesn’t usually sell posters but she will occasionally sell her advertising banners at Cons.

  • @shoukiswife
    @shoukiswife 2 месяца назад

    silver wolg

  • @sailor8ae
    @sailor8ae Месяц назад

    Come back to Star Rail 🫶

  • @spartanjohn149
    @spartanjohn149 2 месяца назад +2

    I always say, why not one is making them articulate, like, I really would bought a full articulate silver wolf

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад

      I imagine a figma of Silver Wolf could happen in the future. As long as Hoyo cares enough to make it happen

  • @dddDdd-vx6iq
    @dddDdd-vx6iq 2 месяца назад +1

    i have silver wolf one, not a fan of bootleg stuff, but this fig was just so cheap and looks actually great, plus original one is 18 + figure and i dont really like these

  • @SandorThePuppy
    @SandorThePuppy 2 месяца назад

    I mean, if you didn't get an original and rely on scalpers... I wouldn't think twice, I'd rather give my money to someone doing a knock off than someone who didn't do anything.

  • @amd3247
    @amd3247 2 месяца назад +1

    26K views for less than 1000sub ? What's happening (+1)

  • @mobrocs2
    @mobrocs2 2 месяца назад +1

    Are you the guy from apocalypto?
    ...dont mind me just kidding lol

  • @9Tailsfan
    @9Tailsfan 2 месяца назад +3

    Silver Wolf with a Nintendo Switch 😂
    Kinda ironic since the game is not even on the Switch.
    Oh and maybe you should get back in HSR. There's a new character named Rappa comming out soon. She's supposed to be from Punklorde. Its the same planet Silver Wolf is from. Rappa is a Galaxy Ranger with a cyber ninja asthetic. And she's also a rapper. And her attacks look like a first person shooter.

  • @Roro_2999
    @Roro_2999 Месяц назад


  • @michotupka
    @michotupka 2 месяца назад

    I thought you were a girl for a secound
    (not hating, you look good)

  • @rickboy50000
    @rickboy50000 2 месяца назад +1

    add links to figures in the future

    • @TakersKeep
      @TakersKeep  2 месяца назад +4

      I don’t add links for figures because stock can change rapidly. So I only mention the websites I bought them from in passing. Plus, I try to give as little advertising to bootleg figures as possible. Mostly because the seller can be a bit shady. As long as you have the name of the characters from this video, you can explore AliExpress at your own risk

  • @ShiningBulbasaur
    @ShiningBulbasaur 2 месяца назад +1