The fact that there’s no mention of his girlfriend suspecting him of cheating and giving it to her suggests that she may know where she got it and isn’t telling him.
Possibly because she is aware that you can get herpes from non sexual sources. A virgin can give themselves genital herpes if they accidentally transmit the herpes virus from a seasonal cold sore on their mouth to their genitals via touch. Additionally someone can get herpes that are asymptomatic and non-infectious which remains dormant until a moment arrives where the carrier’s immune system momentarily becomes too weak to hold it at bay. Both of these situations happen more often than you’d think.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
@@XenoGen3sisAm grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
My former doctor once asked me, verbatim, “you gettin any ass?” When I said no he went, “well that’s why you have anxiety.” I’d go see him do stand-up.
I came back positive for HSV-1 antibodies on a routine blood test, which is the cold sore strain, immediately thought I had full-blown hog-herp, but the Dr explained that like 50-80% of US adults have it. HSV-2 is the sequel you don't want to see, boys.
You can get HSV-2 through sharing a drinking glass and other ways as well. It is rare, but possible. HSV 1 and 2 are extremely communicable. It is a misconception that HSV-1 only presents on the mouth and HSV-2 only presents on the genitals. Either can present in either place, though the designations are the more typical designations.
You can get genital herpes on you mouth, it appears all around the lip and in the mouth. Cold sores only ever present on the ridge of the lip, that strain doesn't present genitally. @@dezmodium
Herpes can be latent for years and an outbreak can occur when your immune system is weaker. People get outbreaks from lack of sleep or stress. So either he or his girlfriend could easily out have had it asymptomatic for years and it came up now
@@MageKikiVTthe stigmatising of this virus is wild because minimum 50% of the population has herpes, it’s just completely latent in the majority. Stav is pretty switched on with this stuff in general and if he was shown the stats I doubt he’d give the same advice
Wouldn’t she still pass it to him though even if it’s latent? If that’s the case then I feel like it would show up on his routine test way earlier if it was latent in her.
@@reyshah426 no. Transmission of herpes typically happens when there is a visible lesion. Furthermore it could’ve been the other way around just as easily. You can have no symptoms for your entire life and then get an outbreak after a period of stress or sickness. The same applies with hpv
so funny when the aunt kissing you herpes thing is mentioned. that's totally what happened to me when I was a little kid. got cold sores young, and she was the only other one in the family with it.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
Respectfully, Stav and TJ are wildly off at the start. I had a similar scare to Eldis and spend a LOT of time Googling while I waited for results (don't worry, all is well). So it's unsurprising that he was the only one who knew what he's talking about. Both strains of HSV are really common, frequently asymptomatic, and can (rarely) be passed without symptoms. Because of those last two points, it's skipped on regular STD testing and almost only tested for when you have an outbreak or scare. People most commonly have an outbreak when they first get it, from there it's luck whether you get more. So this implies that she had her first outbreak, but maybe she'd just learned it's never tested for and got a blood test. She may have gotten it from cheating, or he may have been asymptomatic for years and she just got it from him. Him not having a recent outbreak makes this even more likely. Again, it's absolutely possible she cheated, we just have nowhere near enough information to know for sure. Did she have an outbreak? Did he? Which strain was it (1's more common and often passed by family/sharing straws)? If it's 1 and he didn't have one, I'd say get his parents tested before assuming anything. If it's 2 and/or he did, lean cheating. Anything else is too gray to say.
@@beezowdoodoozoppitybopbopb9488 That would be true if sex were the only way to get it. But a huge amount of HSV-1 infections don't come from sex. They're passed by careless relatives and sharing drinks. Then, a person with an oral HSV-1 infection can pass it to their only partner. Considering that people usually have an outbreak with their initial infection, if she had one and he didn't, this is a very likely case. But this is all stuff that so few people know, so it makes sense you wouldn't if you hadn't had a scare.
@@beezowdoodoozoppitybopbopb9488 That’s just not true, reread the comment they’re right, HSV-1 isn’t regularly tested so he could have had it for YEARS and never had an outbreak
Happens often with wrestling on dirty mats and body to body contact. Also Shingles, cold sores, herps are basically the same and can be triggered when consuming nuts and legumes due to an amino acid that feeds the virus.
High school health class - at least in Texas - makes herpes seem like the end of the world. It’s unpleasant for sure but the stigma is unjustifiable. It’s an inconvenience at worst. If you know someone with herpes don’t treat them like a sexual pariah. The more we stigmatize it, the harder it is for them to tell their partners.
All it takes is one stupid gym teacher who somehow got in charge of sex ed to scare a whole generation and stigmatize STD treatment and therefore contribute to the spread
Me with a cold sore right now 👀 Ive had them all my life, as far as I remember. Anytime my immune system is low, about once a year if not more, i get one on my lip. Camphophenique helps!
@idab6864 no honestly,I've never thought of it as an std because I didn't get it sexually. I mean, I could've gotten it as a kid from a peck by another kid? But this makes me think I need to tell any future kisses that I get coldsores. They just never seemed contagious like that but I also never makeup with new people while I have one. If I'm kissing the person, they see it and know about it.
Ask your doctor about a drug called valacyclovir. Take it early enough when you feel one coming and for me at least it’s possible it doesn’t full on appear. Life changing.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
No. No good news at all here. His long term girl of 4 years cheated on him, why would he still want to be with her? You gotta put yourself first and not put that pussy on a pedestal
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
You should still tell someone if you have cold sore herpes. Giving someone else a lifelong virus is really not cool. Just because you don't think it is a big deal doesn't invalidate the infected's reaction.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤❤
This is the first time I’ve heard this show give terrible advice. You can absolutely get it from oral and then give it back to the person genitally. It can be latent in your system for YEARS. It’s the one STI that you can’t automatically assume cheating.
Technically, you can have herpes and it be dormant for years, until you have your first breakout. Although rare, it's definitely possible that she was faithful. If I'm being 100% honest, I'm way too insecure to even consider it though. If I were in his position, I'd tell her to kick rocks
.Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out.
Herpes is a tough one, you can have it and not have outbreaks for YEARS, also you could have a super mild outbreak and barely notice. You can even have an outbreak, go get tested but even get a negative test because you didn't get tested in time, on top of that you need to specifically ask for a herpes test because its not apart of the regular std tests. She could easily be telling the truth but its super hard to say. Unfortunetly the Stigma is way worse than the actual outbreaks too most of the time
Herpes and hpv are weird ones cuz there are different strains of each that cause different things. I had warts on my foot and I guess warts are a strain of hpv, so the doctor gave me the hpv vaccine and it cleared them up immediately.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out..
Nobody seems to be mentioning the fact that this girl may well have been the victim of abuse as a child and didn't want to include that as part of her history when discussing things with her partner. Could have been asymptomatic for a long time. I feel like Stavvy should stay away from the medical advice - lot of incorrect info here I think.
That's not an excuse for not telling your partner about an std. Both of them could have been asymptomatic, I don't know why you're injecting childhood abuse into this situation.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out😊
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out😊
I have read all the comments and ok its POSSIBLE she didn't cheat. But the only thing i will say is, why did she go get tested? If its a thing you guys do then ok. But....
Well I can't read and Protestant Jesus told me people only get diseases from personal moral failings or betrayal by their loved ones. I'd ask a Dr. But I'm enjoying the Murican freedom to not afford access to basic medical care.
You can test negative for a long time, years. Decades. Then when your immune system gets compromised, even from just stress or diet or the flu, you can get a full blown outbreak. You can't spread it if you don't have an outbreak. You can have an outbreak internally tho, so be honest with yourself about how your tubes feel. Really, he could have had it for a long time and the stress of the relationship caused his first outbreak. Also, hell, she could have had it for years and years without knowing, well before she met this guy, and then boom she gets her first outbreak, freaks out, knows where it came from but not how to explain it wdyd?
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out😊
You guys are speaking about the different strains of the virus. Some out break more than others, some don’t even show sores. But the risk is the development of cervical cancer in women, that’s why we tell women we got it if we do even if you’re not in an “outbreak” No medication to treat it, they can only treat the symptoms and effects not the root.
As far a cold sore and genital herpes they are more closely related than, say, chickenpox. Oral herpes is hsv-1 and genital herpes is hsv-2. They can interchangeably infect both areas but obviously that only happens with oral
Herpes isn’t the cervical cancer virus, human papilloma virus is the cause. It’s associated with genitals warts, and the visible presenting strains are counterintuitively not the ones that are most likely to cause cervical cancer so we can’t assume we don’t have it just because no warts appear
is it possible that they've both had it for a while and didnt know it? and i thought you cant even detect it unless you are in the middle of an outbreak. Chicken pox is a form of herp.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤❤
.Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
It's estimated 60-85% of the population has herpes 1. If you've had unprotected sex with more than 1-2 people you most likely have it. Most people carry it and never show symptoms. Herpes 2 is around 12% and is more commonly associated with genital sores.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
I dont know how i dont have it tbh i crushed so much🐈 when i was younger, with dirty girls all kinds of girls... i got so damn lucky, dont even get coldsores
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
@@Air7Rhythms yea its not exactly the same in every single person you dumb fuck it can literally lie dormant and pop up when your immune system is low like when you get sick
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
Fr i genuinely don't know, I'm not a doctor, but I have heard that it's a craaazy easily transmitted disease and you can technically get it from like sharing a drink or something. But I'm not a doctor, that could be completely horseshit.
@@aaronvanzile3824 A ton of people get type 1 from sharing drinks or being kissed by relatives when they're younger, and something like 80% of people who have it don't know that they do. It's not that it's super common to transmit asymptomatically, it's just absolutely everywhere.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
That is factually incorrect. Most people with it are asymptomatic, and it's rare, but can spread without an outbreak. Yeah, it's totally possible she picked it up elsewhere and spread it to him. It's also possible he already had it and gave it to her. There's just not enough info here to assume that.
@@anthonypillarella you don’t know what you’re talking about. In order to get genital herpes you have to get contact with a flare up otherwise it’s difficult to get unless you’re regularly sleeping with them. If it came out of no where and it’s been a year long relationship, 100% she cheated. I’d put $10 grand on that
@@adamhbrennan The way most people get it - sharing drinks with friends, kissing whoever he dated/kissed before her, careless relatives. Because contrary to popular belief, type 1 is not only oral and type 2 is not only genital. They're more common in those places, but you can absolutely pass type 1 by giving oral.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
The fact that there’s no mention of his girlfriend suspecting him of cheating and giving it to her suggests that she may know where she got it and isn’t telling him.
Possibly because she is aware that you can get herpes from non sexual sources. A virgin can give themselves genital herpes if they accidentally transmit the herpes virus from a seasonal cold sore on their mouth to their genitals via touch.
Additionally someone can get herpes that are asymptomatic and non-infectious which remains dormant until a moment arrives where the carrier’s immune system momentarily becomes too weak to hold it at bay.
Both of these situations happen more often than you’d think.
Ideally, the caller should not be asking a comedian for medical advice lmao
Bad advice, what are you going to tell me next? Something crazy like I should speak to a medical professional instead??!!
In America asking a comedian is as close as they get to free healthcare
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
@@XenoGen3sisAm grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
My former doctor once asked me, verbatim, “you gettin any ass?” When I said no he went, “well that’s why you have anxiety.” I’d go see him do stand-up.
I came back positive for HSV-1 antibodies on a routine blood test, which is the cold sore strain, immediately thought I had full-blown hog-herp, but the Dr explained that like 50-80% of US adults have it. HSV-2 is the sequel you don't want to see, boys.
You can get HSV-2 through sharing a drinking glass and other ways as well. It is rare, but possible. HSV 1 and 2 are extremely communicable.
It is a misconception that HSV-1 only presents on the mouth and HSV-2 only presents on the genitals. Either can present in either place, though the designations are the more typical designations.
@@dezmodium so you're a comm and you have the hero? Damn bro 😔
You can get genital herpes on you mouth, it appears all around the lip and in the mouth. Cold sores only ever present on the ridge of the lip, that strain doesn't present genitally. @@dezmodium
Well, like 40% of US adults have HSV2…
Herpes can be latent for years and an outbreak can occur when your immune system is weaker. People get outbreaks from lack of sleep or stress. So either he or his girlfriend could easily out have had it asymptomatic for years and it came up now
Glad someone said this
@@MageKikiVTthe stigmatising of this virus is wild because minimum 50% of the population has herpes, it’s just completely latent in the majority. Stav is pretty switched on with this stuff in general and if he was shown the stats I doubt he’d give the same advice
Wouldn’t she still pass it to him though even if it’s latent? If that’s the case then I feel like it would show up on his routine test way earlier if it was latent in her.
@@reyshah426 no. Transmission of herpes typically happens when there is a visible lesion. Furthermore it could’ve been the other way around just as easily. You can have no symptoms for your entire life and then get an outbreak after a period of stress or sickness. The same applies with hpv
I was looking for this comment.
Stav sitting truly like a beautiful greek cherub in this one
so funny when the aunt kissing you herpes thing is mentioned. that's totally what happened to me when I was a little kid. got cold sores young, and she was the only other one in the family with it.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
Respectfully, Stav and TJ are wildly off at the start.
I had a similar scare to Eldis and spend a LOT of time Googling while I waited for results (don't worry, all is well). So it's unsurprising that he was the only one who knew what he's talking about.
Both strains of HSV are really common, frequently asymptomatic, and can (rarely) be passed without symptoms.
Because of those last two points, it's skipped on regular STD testing and almost only tested for when you have an outbreak or scare. People most commonly have an outbreak when they first get it, from there it's luck whether you get more.
So this implies that she had her first outbreak, but maybe she'd just learned it's never tested for and got a blood test. She may have gotten it from cheating, or he may have been asymptomatic for years and she just got it from him. Him not having a recent outbreak makes this even more likely.
Again, it's absolutely possible she cheated, we just have nowhere near enough information to know for sure.
Did she have an outbreak? Did he? Which strain was it (1's more common and often passed by family/sharing straws)?
If it's 1 and he didn't have one, I'd say get his parents tested before assuming anything. If it's 2 and/or he did, lean cheating. Anything else is too gray to say.
@@beezowdoodoozoppitybopbopb9488 That would be true if sex were the only way to get it.
But a huge amount of HSV-1 infections don't come from sex. They're passed by careless relatives and sharing drinks.
Then, a person with an oral HSV-1 infection can pass it to their only partner.
Considering that people usually have an outbreak with their initial infection, if she had one and he didn't, this is a very likely case.
But this is all stuff that so few people know, so it makes sense you wouldn't if you hadn't had a scare.
That’s just not true, reread the comment they’re right, HSV-1 isn’t regularly tested so he could have had it for YEARS and never had an outbreak
Something like 90% of humans carry some version of a herpes virus
Concurred! True facts all around
Yeah, I feel like for how much this is being brought up some research may be called for before speaking on it again.
Stavvy tested positive for Blimpee's
Happens often with wrestling on dirty mats and body to body contact. Also Shingles, cold sores, herps are basically the same and can be triggered when consuming nuts and legumes due to an amino acid that feeds the virus.
Herpes gladiatorum too, most wrestlers / judoka got it once
High school health class - at least in Texas - makes herpes seem like the end of the world. It’s unpleasant for sure but the stigma is unjustifiable. It’s an inconvenience at worst. If you know someone with herpes don’t treat them like a sexual pariah. The more we stigmatize it, the harder it is for them to tell their partners.
All it takes is one stupid gym teacher who somehow got in charge of sex ed to scare a whole generation and stigmatize STD treatment and therefore contribute to the spread
Loveline with Stavvy is the best 👏
Me with a cold sore right now 👀
Ive had them all my life, as far as I remember. Anytime my immune system is low, about once a year if not more, i get one on my lip. Camphophenique helps!
I'm curious, do you disclose to new partners?
@idab6864 no honestly,I've never thought of it as an std because I didn't get it sexually. I mean, I could've gotten it as a kid from a peck by another kid? But this makes me think I need to tell any future kisses that I get coldsores. They just never seemed contagious like that but I also never makeup with new people while I have one. If I'm kissing the person, they see it and know about it.
@@carmen3091 the problem is you can shed the virus even without a cold sore. At any time they can get it on their mouth or genitals
Ask your doctor about a drug called valacyclovir. Take it early enough when you feel one coming and for me at least it’s possible it doesn’t full on appear. Life changing.
@@rooneybanana thanks!
HSV-1 and HSV-2 used to be seen as mouth or genital herpes separately, but the proliferation of oral sex in the 60s screwed that all up.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
@@Rosemary64276 What even is this comment? Lol
@@Turgid_Spleenis Confused bot.
In a weird way, the good news is since you both have it, you don't have to worry about giving it to her and vice versa. So there's that.
No. No good news at all here. His long term girl of 4 years cheated on him, why would he still want to be with her? You gotta put yourself first and not put that pussy on a pedestal
You can’t catch herpes twice! 😂
...ya...there's that
@@JosePineda-jn8jk Well you can catch oral herpes and genital herpes 😂
The alcoholic mentally ill comic is 100% mulllan 😂
This trio knows nothing about the subject matter at hand. Shockingly. 😂😂😂😂
No one does unfortunetly, it's so stigmatized and no one does any research unless they get it
One of them could have shared a drink or smoked a joint with a infected person and spread it that way.
If you have Herpes, YES! you should tell your sexual partner. WTF Stav, thats mental to say.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
You should still tell someone if you have cold sore herpes. Giving someone else a lifelong virus is really not cool. Just because you don't think it is a big deal doesn't invalidate the infected's reaction.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤❤
This is the first time I’ve heard this show give terrible advice. You can absolutely get it from oral and then give it back to the person genitally. It can be latent in your system for YEARS. It’s the one STI that you can’t automatically assume cheating.
How long have they been together?
And why is she even _getting tested_ if they’ve been in a committed relationship for a while?
5:38 clearly referencing ian
Technically, you can have herpes and it be dormant for years, until you have your first breakout. Although rare, it's definitely possible that she was faithful. If I'm being 100% honest, I'm way too insecure to even consider it though. If I were in his position, I'd tell her to kick rocks
.Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out.
@Rosemary64276 I'm glad to help. I like your name! My great-grandmother was named Rosemary.
@@boblob-law9401 thanks
Herpes is a tough one, you can have it and not have outbreaks for YEARS, also you could have a super mild outbreak and barely notice. You can even have an outbreak, go get tested but even get a negative test because you didn't get tested in time, on top of that you need to specifically ask for a herpes test because its not apart of the regular std tests. She could easily be telling the truth but its super hard to say. Unfortunetly the Stigma is way worse than the actual outbreaks too most of the time
Herpes and hpv are weird ones cuz there are different strains of each that cause different things. I had warts on my foot and I guess warts are a strain of hpv, so the doctor gave me the hpv vaccine and it cleared them up immediately.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out..
Nobody seems to be mentioning the fact that this girl may well have been the victim of abuse as a child and didn't want to include that as part of her history when discussing things with her partner. Could have been asymptomatic for a long time. I feel like Stavvy should stay away from the medical advice - lot of incorrect info here I think.
I mean, they called in
That was my first thought as well.
That's not an excuse for not telling your partner about an std. Both of them could have been asymptomatic, I don't know why you're injecting childhood abuse into this situation.
Why is the story you invented more likely than her cheating on him lmao
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out😊
If it’s HPV you could have gotten it ages ago and it barely pops up later
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out😊
I have read all the comments and ok its POSSIBLE she didn't cheat. But the only thing i will say is, why did she go get tested? If its a thing you guys do then ok. But....
Well I can't read and Protestant Jesus told me people only get diseases from personal moral failings or betrayal by their loved ones. I'd ask a Dr. But I'm enjoying the Murican freedom to not afford access to basic medical care.
You can test negative for a long time, years. Decades. Then when your immune system gets compromised, even from just stress or diet or the flu, you can get a full blown outbreak. You can't spread it if you don't have an outbreak. You can have an outbreak internally tho, so be honest with yourself about how your tubes feel.
Really, he could have had it for a long time and the stress of the relationship caused his first outbreak. Also, hell, she could have had it for years and years without knowing, well before she met this guy, and then boom she gets her first outbreak, freaks out, knows where it came from but not how to explain it wdyd?
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
Who would have ever thought Stav would be the Angel on your shoulder while Eldis is the devil on the other. Damn Albanians.
My mas friend has it and my dad never let her kiss me as a child, dodged a bullet tysm dad
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
My ex knew she had it from the start and just never told me. I’ve still never hit a woman but damn if God was real she’d get hit by lightning 😂
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out😊
You guys are speaking about the different strains of the virus. Some out break more than others, some don’t even show sores. But the risk is the development of cervical cancer in women, that’s why we tell women we got it if we do even if you’re not in an “outbreak”
No medication to treat it, they can only treat the symptoms and effects not the root.
As far a cold sore and genital herpes they are more closely related than, say, chickenpox. Oral herpes is hsv-1 and genital herpes is hsv-2. They can interchangeably infect both areas but obviously that only happens with oral
you’re thinking of hpv not herpes.
Herpes isn’t the cervical cancer virus, human papilloma virus is the cause. It’s associated with genitals warts, and the visible presenting strains are counterintuitively not the ones that are most likely to cause cervical cancer so we can’t assume we don’t have it just because no warts appear
HPV causes cancer, not herpes
is it possible that they've both had it for a while and didnt know it? and i thought you cant even detect it unless you are in the middle of an outbreak. Chicken pox is a form of herp.
Herpes can re appear many years after you are 1st diagnosed.
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤❤
People complaining a comedian shouldn't be giving medical advice maybe just should never watch stavy 🤣
is that ron jeremy
He is a dead ringer for Ron Jeremy😂
My best friend in high school was born with herpes cause his mom had it when she gave birth. Never had to tell anyone and we slept around all the time
.Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
60% I hear have this... Is this real?
It's estimated 60-85% of the population has herpes 1. If you've had unprotected sex with more than 1-2 people you most likely have it. Most people carry it and never show symptoms. Herpes 2 is around 12% and is more commonly associated with genital sores.
Yeah its actually not a big deal at all
@@tristankerr3655😂 it is a big deal 😂 wow
Yes it’s just usually dormant and only presents symptoms rarely
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
1/8 people has herpes 2 of the genitals way higher for 1 and higher if you include locations outside of the genitals
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
My uncle got herpes in his eye from sex xD
yea she cheating or is very oblivious
I dont know how i dont have it tbh i crushed so much🐈 when i was younger, with dirty girls all kinds of girls... i got so damn lucky, dont even get coldsores
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
It can lie dormant for years so you might still have it pop up later in life 😅
@@Imhighafbruh that a load of bull. It would have popped up by now. I've known people who had it and it came instantly
@@Air7Rhythms yea its not exactly the same in every single person you dumb fuck
it can literally lie dormant and pop up when your immune system is low like when you get sick
@Air7Rhythms litterally do some research into the virus you dumb dumb, it can lie dormant for years, you have no idea what you're talking about
I fuckin love Eldis. Real ass dude.
Pretty sure my nan gave me herpes.
Woah hold your sick my mind, the cold sore type!
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
Denial is a helluva drug
It ain't just a river in Egypt :(
Fr i genuinely don't know, I'm not a doctor, but I have heard that it's a craaazy easily transmitted disease and you can technically get it from like sharing a drink or something. But I'm not a doctor, that could be completely horseshit.
@@aaronvanzile3824 A ton of people get type 1 from sharing drinks or being kissed by relatives when they're younger, and something like 80% of people who have it don't know that they do.
It's not that it's super common to transmit asymptomatically, it's just absolutely everywhere.
Id sue
I believe you can get it if your parents have it or amth
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤
I mean i dont belive her but she could have in theory had it before
If you got genital herpes then yes, absolutely no question she cheated. Unless you’ve been with her for like a month and she recently got a flare up
That is factually incorrect.
Most people with it are asymptomatic, and it's rare, but can spread without an outbreak.
Yeah, it's totally possible she picked it up elsewhere and spread it to him. It's also possible he already had it and gave it to her. There's just not enough info here to assume that.
@@anthonypillarellahow would he have gotten it on his own without sleeping with someone else?
@@anthonypillarella you don’t know what you’re talking about. In order to get genital herpes you have to get contact with a flare up otherwise it’s difficult to get unless you’re regularly sleeping with them.
If it came out of no where and it’s been a year long relationship, 100% she cheated. I’d put $10 grand on that
@@adamhbrennan The way most people get it - sharing drinks with friends, kissing whoever he dated/kissed before her, careless relatives.
Because contrary to popular belief, type 1 is not only oral and type 2 is not only genital.
They're more common in those places, but you can absolutely pass type 1 by giving oral.
He said girlfriend of 4 years
Stav apparently has the not so serious herpes
Thats soooooo fucked
The only solid advice out of this rant was to talk to a doctor 😂 RIP poor buddy, being cheated on when you’re being loyal sucks
They have no idea what they're talking about lol, stop giving medical advise and spreading false info. Love Stav, tho!
I'd file charges against her. Is that not possible?
Listen one is on your lips and the other is you gential ….simple as that
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out
Monogamy is a myth
Ah yes, the mythical monogamy, never seen in the wild. Stfu you nerd
Stay in your basement incel.
that B cheated on you
This is absolutely a possible situation. Scientifically. I asked chat gpt.
One of them could have shared a drink or smoked a joint with a infected person and spread it that way.
Bruh… don’t tell me that cause now I’m doubting smoking with anyone ever again.
They are probably talking about genital herpes...
Am grateful to Dr ubarlo who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out❤