Points covered in video 10) Game Sense 9) Space 8) Mistakes 7) 1st Pick Advantage / Spawn Advantage 6) Adaptive Thinking 5) Good Hearing 4)Understanding Enemy Objectives / Win Conditions 3) Understanding Enemy Body Language 2) Ultimate Economy 1) Know Your Role
One very very important tip: Play every hero in quick play. Learn to play everyone. Not only do you learn to play AS that character, you also learn to play WITH and AGAINST that character. You will understand their plans, body language, strengths and weaknesses. Not everyone has time for that, though. So I recommed learning the following heroes: TANKS: Reinhardt, Orisa, Zarya and/or D.va DAMAGE: Soldier 76, Tracer, Pharah, Mccree, Echo SUPPORT: Ana, Baptiste, Lucio, Brigitte For any game you're in, one of these heroes can fill what you need.
i just want a proper composition in quickplay when i try out heroes i dont main like ana or roadhog. kinda makes me glad role queue is coming to qp too
Exactly! Im a flex main, so i kinda know how to fight against most of my mains. VS mercy as moira? Easy, i know how the mercies play. Lucio coming at you? Stay away from the wall (as lucio, id boop them) This is real, pals, learn how to play with all characters!
Can you please make a 1-hour video where you explain how to be a better player at everything, positioning, game sense and mechanics. You said you can tell a lot more about game sense only so could you please make a extra long video. Is this even possible? I think a lot of people would watch the whole video and learn a lot of it. But idk if it’s even possible to make such a long video...
widows hold their ult to counter other widow ult. I honestly think very few widows hold ult when there's not an enemy widow. In the widow vs widow matchup, you should always hold ult when defending to counter. And on attack, use asap.
I remember back in season 4 when I first started guy called me trash and said "you'll be stuck in plat forever kid" and messaged me saying I was trash I was looking at old messages checked his account and he's gold now and still actively plays
I'd like to see the Blizzard Guide called "How to git gud when you play on console as a single when nobody uses chat." ... I'm not kidding. Also... A lot of tips about Game Sense rely on teammates and even the opposing team to behave in a predictable way. How about the guide called "How to play against a team who is an unpredictable mess when it's you and 5 randoms who are also an unpredictable mess. " ... Again, not kidding.
And please let me follow up by saying... I'm not a great player. I can barely get out of bronze. I want to be better and I watch these vids and try the tips but find some of the things I mention above make it hard to learn.
That's the thing - in bronze, no one is in chat and people are unpredictable. Good positioning and awareness works wonders down there. Pay attention to EVERYTHING and react accordingly, regardless of what your team is doing.
If I was stuck in bronze I'd use the find group feature and get social enough to rank up with a good team. I switched from PC to console, so I'm good enough to rank in platinum, but it does suck that no one talks to each other.
Dolby Atmos enabled really does help. I turned it on a couple months ago and I was hearing stuff around me more and pinpointing where they’re at with much more precision. Highly highly recommend it.
I'm a tracer main and I've learned how to read roadhogs hook and I never get hooked unless I didnt see him... but really it works with everyone if they are about to do something they kind of stop doing stuff for a spilt second
Same with roadhog's hooks when i play genji, and with Mcree's stun. Alot of the times if you pressure them and get right in their face that's when they use their hook/stun. so i learned to read that
I had my doubts about this video being the same old information about gaining high ground and stuff but I can say that I’ll be rewatching this video so many times in the future. This is the most helpful video I’ve ever seen on overwatch
I started to watch these videos and I climbed to high gold in under 3 days and my friend I have been playing with has got from bronze to mid silver and we keep climbing thank you
So what I did to help build up my gamesense, especially regarding body language and predicting ultimates: When a fight starts, just pick an enemy and assume they gonna use their ult. If they didn't use it, you probable misjudged it, but that's perfectly fine and actually what we wanted here. See if they gonna use their ult in the next fight. If they did you can assume it takes them 2 fights to build up their ult. But that's not written in stone just yet. Sometimes it can take them only 1 and sometimes 3 fights, depending on how much damage/healing they could do. You always need to adapt your assumptions and correct them, but the first step is to just assume they have it. Do this in every team fight for each hero (not all at the same time). With every fight you will learn to better predict the enemy over many baby steps.
As a Sombra main, I have to give my Ashe, Baptist, Lucio, Moira, Phara, Reaper, RoadHog, Symmetra, Wrecking Ball, and Zen's a warning: Ashe and Wrckg Ball - Bob and your mines are deactivated with an EMP / Hack Baptist, Lucio, Moira, Phara, Reaper, RoadHog, and Symmetra - Your Ults are completely cancelled out with an EMP/Hack Zen - your health is 25% HP and 75% shield. An EMP gets rid of your sheild health, effectively reducing your health to 25% Hope this helps!
As a Sombra main, I honestly did not know about the mines being cancelled out. Then again I don’t encounter a lot of wrecking ball when I play. And I’m usually not Sombra when I do
For the one with hearing since recently this has been made easier due to subtitles being added helps when the game makes a ult voiceline quiet in a team fight saved my life alot
Not in bronze, people just shoot in bronze. If you're also low rank, remember to prioritize characters who have powerful ults and abilities so that you don't have to rely on a clueless team. Really helpful video, I will definitely apply what I can
read body language i do... i swear there was no reaper ult i didnt saw comeing for ages that one footstep right above your team or the potg hungry eyes when he yolo shade walks into your team gave it away everytime. game sense... mc cree didnt die but went missing be sure it it is right about to be highnoon at some of the useual highgrounds they always use. mistakes... i think punish the rein/winston is one of the most common callouts in my games
Dude I read this comment around about 3 weeks ago when I was stuck in plat. I took your advice and went tryhard with making myself better based on all this and now I’m high diamond
The tip about not holding your ults it's a good one. I started using my McCree ult more often and it's saved many games just being about to pick an enemy support or carry DPS to eliminate their value.
I don't know if this point was made in the video or not yet because I havent finished watching it yet, but whatever you do DONT SOLO QUE!!! Find a group to play with, even if you dont have friends who play overwatch, use the find a group feature to your advantage. Join random peoples groups or make your own public group so people can join, just dont play comp alone. When you solo que you basically leave weather you win or not up to luck, especially since theres no guarantee your teammates will have mics or even be in team chat. I once was lucky enough to join a group full of amazing people and players with just as amazing callouts. We all climbed 300 to 400 sr in one day alone. Communication is key and you can guarantee that in solo que. All of us from the group I mentioned earlier recognized how good our team synergy was and how well we worked with each other and we all added each other and made a group chat for us to arrange when we can play together again. The worst that could come from joining groups or finding groups is you find a toxic group who looses most of their games. In that situation, youre not obliged to stay, leave as soon as you see the flaws of the group, or try to talk about it with them. Don't stay in a group if theyre just making you lose sr.
@@DuckyBecomesIeanimagine your king and queen are your tanks, your knights and rooks are dps, and your supports are pawns. If you can deny a position(or space) by positioning your queen or knight properly, you will win
Usually these kinds of videos and especially Blizzard Guides' "tOp 37 WhAcKy WaYS to GeT iNtO OwL" are pretty bad but this is actually a fairly informative, well constructed video.
I’m just ab to get my first bronze star but bc I watch ur vids literally I’m better than one of my friends that have 2 bronze stars! I’m way better than the average player at my level and I thank it all to you!!
funny enough, I learned this kind of gamesense from Clash Royale, a mobile game. Learning that everyone eventually makes mistakes and how best to punish them for making mistakes is essential in that game as well. They're similar conceptually in that way.
The best tip to climb is to just not get toxic or microthrow, If u do ur best but your still loosing its mostly not youre mistake, rather the mistake of your team and youre probably gonna win next game
Body language Reaper normally use his ability (The one where he cant take damage,I forgot whats its called)into the middle of your team or try to get into the middle its most likely hes gonna ult.
"Mei's Blizzard" As a Mei main, I can confirm this happened a lot when I was starting out first. There was one time on a Hybrid map. The enemy team got the first point really quick, they had like 5 minutes so I didn't think it was worth using my ult, so I didn't for the *entire match*
Thx I used a Mei to counter an Mcree on the enemy side so I could stop him from using stun too many times on my teammate and her alt help out a lot especially in payload becasue they’re all bunched up and then I can get all of the players low so me or my teammate to kill them
If you play enough games you'll learn about high ground advantage and where each fight is going to take place on the map. Having good map sense is also a game changer so be sure to play each map for lots and lots of games before going into competitive.
I feel like one key to winning is to worry about killing the enemy, but not worry about your enemy kills. I feel like this is especially important if you play support. Yes, you are strong enough to get kills but you shouldn't prioritize trying to get play of the game. Prioritize trying to kill the enemy and push them back, but don't start changing up the game plan and team comp bc your not killing anything. Really anything that does something is helpful and someone is bound to notice your efforts.
Some Mei tips for everyone... if you are holding onto your Blizzard as Mei and catch a tank or 2 or more squishies with even a halfway freeze, consider tossing Blizzard while they're slowed. I usually like to flank the side or rear of the enemy team, so it's maybe 3 squishies and wall them off from their (main) tanks w/ wall oriented horizontally if behind, vertically if on the side. Now toss Blizzard at your feet and start freezing them, if they want to escape they need to run past you, which will freeze them twice as fast. Yeah...they're not escaping ;) If you have Sombra definitely try to combo with EMP to negate all escape abilities
I feel like some of the tips in this video needed to be reworded because I can list plenty of examples where holding a zen ult for a few fights can be game changing or on 2 cp where it’s alright to throw all 6 ults at once ofcourse it’s not ideal but it sure would help
Detroit (Aldous Young Remix) watch?v=rT6vU0Fm0Ac Btw, I used a free app called "Shazam" on my phone to find it. I've been using it for years; it's a great app. :)
Punishing enemy mistakes is def the most necessary for the majority of lower ranked players, because most of them make mistakes and so there are plenty of opportunities that can be taken advantage of. However, since most lower ranked players fail to communicate, let alone even join team chat, a huge amount of mistakes often go unpunished, and this gives those players with an already weak game sense a false sense of security (and overall bad habits), thereby perpetuating the nonsensical chaos that dominates lower ranked matches. Being accustomed to making mistakes because you were never consistently punished for them and thus never really learned what your mistakes even were will only severely hinder your growth, and more especially your performance in higher elos.
I've been getting a bit back into Overwatch, and while the guides here are useful, my issue is that you are using so much footage and that is distracting from the voice over as I try to figure out what I am seeing and what I am supposed to be seeing. This video was for a good part a nice departure from that, as you both have examples of pro's explaining what they're doing themselves, as well as the clip of NYXL vs. Outlaws which you show in full without voiceover, then repeat the clip in slo-mo and explain what is happening and why it works. To make it short, this kind of format works a whole lot better.
Yo...i have question...is it better that i do ult and do nothing because i need to escape or not do ult at all cause i would die and nothing....or just yeet it?
Never waste an ult if you are escaping dont ult if your team is also dead just let yourself die and dont yeet it either. When you use your ult think about what it will affect and how and if the result couldve been achieved without an ult
Dolby atoms is available for x box buy downloading the Dolby app. Sad thing is it costs 15 dollars and I have a surround sound headset so I took a pass. If you do chose to buy it to equip it got to x box settings and check the tabs. (I forgot where it was hope this is helpful.)
The crazy thing is regardless of how good you are mechanically you won’t do well if you don’t understand positioning and game sense. You can be mechanically a GM but be in bronze due to lack of knowledge but conversely if you have bronze aim but great game sense and positioning you can go into diamond and masters.
Also don't throw, feed, or stagger. This means: 1. Try your best even in a situation where your team is losing or not doing so well and STAY with your team. 2. Don't go in by yourself to fight 1v6 or something like that UNLESS you're well experienced to handle yourself OR if your team is close enough behind you to contest a point but that also goes with experience. 3. Stagger is when you don't wait for a full regroup and you go in partially only to be killed and get different spawn times or spawn locations. Try to stagger the enemy team but keep your team together.
One thing I find hard. I struggle to climb on PS4 but apparently it’s easy to climb on pc. Is it worth to buy a m&k for PS4 or is there a way I can make this easier for myself? I just don’t know what to do
If you can identify the steps the enemy needs to stop you to stop the enemy from the steps that would stop the enemy from stopping you from the steps that enemy needs to stop you from. 12:37
I guess I hold on to sound barrier and my team always call me out on it but I can’t help it??? I pop it on a dva ult or a big push but ig I’m still an ult hoarder.
With Zen I hold my ultimate really long and I play safer when I have it, the enemy team usually tries to kill me before using ulti's and if they can't nobody will ult for most of the game. I feel like the only times I get huge value from it is by countering 3 ults at once when they eventually try to ult, and then they win the fight with another 2 or 3 ults after it ends so it effectively counters lots of ults, the other time is early on in a fight if I get it really fast and an enemy player also gets their ult fast and thinks I don't have it. I see Zen players at the highest level taking really dangerous positions when they have trans available and they can use it to escape but I don't get this mentality, if the enemy has an important ult like blade or graviton shouldn't I be holding my ult and using it reactively?
Carston as a zen main I get what you’re saying I’d say it depends on the situation Trans without blocking an ult can win fights by saving teammates, creating space and staggering the enemy team
Also asking a team mate to swap to counter something that's constantly killing you or other team mates is never a bad thing to do. For example when a Winston or D.VA is harassing your healers asking for someone to swap to a Reaper is the best call to make. Never feel ashamed to ask someone to swap heroes if it's going to result in better chances of winning.
Another example is if there's a Hanzo or Widow killing your team mates asking a tank to switch to Winston isn't bad either. Each situation is different so learning counters is a good habit to have. Also certain picks for certain maps/points is next level experience. Not all heroes go good in all situations. Try to be flexible.
Dude I’ve been playing comp with music blasting in my ear this entire time, and now you say audio is an important part in the game. Welp higher rank here I come.
People who are new to OW or to Multi-player Gaming in general may get a bit confused when you mentioned that use ults even if it's not epic and also when you said don't use many ults. Players need to have played the game for a bit and not blindly understand that "I've to use an ult within two minutes and this way I will surely reach GM". What I mean is that Gamesense is better understood when a player themselves come upon it rather than someone else teaching(Kinda like Math-sense). Yes some tips like "look into your mistakes" will help us gain other gamesenses but not all do. PS: Just my thoughts!
10:13 learn the sound of footsteps.
Looks at Zen
The payload moves like a stone...
Zen's fire is usually easy to pick out, though. That high pitched PING PING PING
Sigma, present. O_O
@@a-box-of-balloon is WHIMSical today.
"Good hearing"
Aw man my hearing's great, I can pick out my tinnitus at the expense of every other sound around me
Points covered in video
10) Game Sense
9) Space
8) Mistakes
7) 1st Pick Advantage / Spawn Advantage
6) Adaptive Thinking
5) Good Hearing
4)Understanding Enemy Objectives / Win Conditions
3) Understanding Enemy Body Language
2) Ultimate Economy
1) Know Your Role
Thank you!
Pin-worthy comment right here
We need timestamps dude
thx rly helpful
thx so helpful
One very very important tip: Play every hero in quick play. Learn to play everyone. Not only do you learn to play AS that character, you also learn to play WITH and AGAINST that character. You will understand their plans, body language, strengths and weaknesses.
Not everyone has time for that, though. So I recommed learning the following heroes:
TANKS: Reinhardt, Orisa, Zarya and/or D.va
DAMAGE: Soldier 76, Tracer, Pharah, Mccree, Echo
SUPPORT: Ana, Baptiste, Lucio, Brigitte
For any game you're in, one of these heroes can fill what you need.
i just want a proper composition in quickplay when i try out heroes i dont main like ana or roadhog. kinda makes me glad role queue is coming to qp too
thats basic
Exactly! Im a flex main, so i kinda know how to fight against most of my mains. VS mercy as moira? Easy, i know how the mercies play.
Lucio coming at you? Stay away from the wall (as lucio, id boop them)
This is real, pals, learn how to play with all characters!
Dang and you even edited this and added echo!
17:04 getting sleeps like this is the best feeling in the world
"If you die, think about what caused you to die"
Me: I need healing (Critical health)
youre plat lol
Anna Nichols whats wrong with that
Then the question becomes why were you on critical health?
Thanks man now I dashed up with genji, baited the beat, and after I bladed 4K
My gamesense is perfect, everytime I charge in with rein it’s for a reason
Henrik im Plat Lol, i was just joking
My bad
Same that’s why I’m gonna finally get out of gold after 18 seasons
Yeah I think everybody gets what u are pointing at hahahaha.
I play zarya/hog because I'm a dps. The same goes to moira)))))))
Can you please make a 1-hour video where you explain how to be a better player at everything, positioning, game sense and mechanics. You said you can tell a lot more about game sense only so could you please make a extra long video. Is this even possible? I think a lot of people would watch the whole video and learn a lot of it. But idk if it’s even possible to make such a long video...
@Ender13123 👏👏
If you want an hour long lecture on overwatch watch wizardhyeong’s wizard university
If you want an hour long lecture on overwatch watch wizardhyeong’s wizard university
Ender13123 sounds like smth zenyatta could say :D
@Ender13123 Wrong
widows hold their ult to counter other widow ult. I honestly think very few widows hold ult when there's not an enemy widow. In the widow vs widow matchup, you should always hold ult when defending to counter. And on attack, use asap.
9:57 Every single overwatch pro has good hearing
*Remembering about the Deaf top500*
They finally added subtitles on the ptr!
So one time in gold I was having a bad game and somebody told me to never play again, he deranked to bronze lmao
I remember back in season 4 when I first started guy called me trash and said "you'll be stuck in plat forever kid" and messaged me saying I was trash I was looking at old messages checked his account and he's gold now and still actively plays
@@kaisac. lmfao
I thought this comment was gonna get inspirational lmfao.
I'd like to see the Blizzard Guide called "How to git gud when you play on console as a single when nobody uses chat."
... I'm not kidding.
Also... A lot of tips about Game Sense rely on teammates and even the opposing team to behave in a predictable way. How about the guide called "How to play against a team who is an unpredictable mess when it's you and 5 randoms who are also an unpredictable mess. "
... Again, not kidding.
And please let me follow up by saying... I'm not a great player. I can barely get out of bronze. I want to be better and I watch these vids and try the tips but find some of the things I mention above make it hard to learn.
That's the thing - in bronze, no one is in chat and people are unpredictable. Good positioning and awareness works wonders down there. Pay attention to EVERYTHING and react accordingly, regardless of what your team is doing.
If I was stuck in bronze I'd use the find group feature and get social enough to rank up with a good team. I switched from PC to console, so I'm good enough to rank in platinum, but it does suck that no one talks to each other.
Everytime a Reinhardt over extends I yell "PUNISH HIM" to my team xD
Same but I yell “REIN CAN DIE
Dolby Atmos enabled really does help. I turned it on a couple months ago and I was hearing stuff around me more and pinpointing where they’re at with much more precision. Highly highly recommend it.
A few years ago I heard advice that said to turn it off. TTvTT what is life?
That ML7 clip was beautiful. I love his Ana play.
Although I knew this information (from years of playing ow), it's still nice to have it condensed and articulated in a youtube vid.
good job!
I'm a tracer main and I've learned how to read roadhogs hook and I never get hooked unless I didnt see him... but really it works with everyone if they are about to do something they kind of stop doing stuff for a spilt second
Same with roadhog's hooks when i play genji, and with Mcree's stun. Alot of the times if you pressure them and get right in their face that's when they use their hook/stun. so i learned to read that
I had my doubts about this video being the same old information about gaining high ground and stuff but I can say that I’ll be rewatching this video so many times in the future. This is the most helpful video I’ve ever seen on overwatch
Remember jimmy neutron? Yeah, me too.
I bet Jimmy Neutron would get a higher rank than me if he played.
I started to watch these videos and I climbed to high gold in under 3 days and my friend I have been playing with has got from bronze to mid silver and we keep climbing thank you
what rank r u now
@@d9lle now im plat almost diamond
So what I did to help build up my gamesense, especially regarding body language and predicting ultimates:
When a fight starts, just pick an enemy and assume they gonna use their ult. If they didn't use it, you probable misjudged it, but that's perfectly fine and actually what we wanted here.
See if they gonna use their ult in the next fight. If they did you can assume it takes them 2 fights to build up their ult. But that's not written in stone just yet. Sometimes it can take them only 1 and sometimes 3 fights, depending on how much damage/healing they could do.
You always need to adapt your assumptions and correct them, but the first step is to just assume they have it.
Do this in every team fight for each hero (not all at the same time). With every fight you will learn to better predict the enemy over many baby steps.
Your attention to detail is inspiring!! Keep up the totorials PLZ bro
Great video. I will sure rise after this vid. THANK YOU :)
Rise up, fellow gamer!
5:32 “ok let’s talk about mistakes”
*im right here*
My tip is don’t solo queue, do find a group I gained 200 sr just from finding a group in less than 24 hours
Also go Dallas Fuel
I don't have friends
@@2renn Make a group where randos can join, enforce role's, and make friends.
im shy
I only like solo queuing, almost in GM tank
One of the best guides for getting better at overwatch and for increasing you understanding of the complex game of overwatch
Easily one of the best videos that I've seen for Overwatch content, definitely good stuff!
This should be necessary watching for all players in comp. Basically an 'advanced tutorial'. Great video guys!
As a Sombra main, I have to give my Ashe, Baptist, Lucio, Moira, Phara, Reaper, RoadHog, Symmetra, Wrecking Ball, and Zen's a warning:
Ashe and Wrckg Ball - Bob and your mines are deactivated with an EMP / Hack
Baptist, Lucio, Moira, Phara, Reaper, RoadHog, and Symmetra - Your Ults are completely cancelled out with an EMP/Hack
Zen - your health is 25% HP and 75% shield. An EMP gets rid of your sheild health, effectively reducing your health to 25%
Hope this helps!
you forgot mcree with deadeye :)
As a Sombra main, I honestly did not know about the mines being cancelled out. Then again I don’t encounter a lot of wrecking ball when I play. And I’m usually not Sombra when I do
You should make a part 2 with the more tips you have please
For the one with hearing since recently this has been made easier due to subtitles being added helps when the game makes a ult voiceline quiet in a team fight saved my life alot
Not in bronze, people just shoot in bronze. If you're also low rank, remember to prioritize characters who have powerful ults and abilities so that you don't have to rely on a clueless team. Really helpful video, I will definitely apply what I can
read body language i do... i swear there was no reaper ult i didnt saw comeing for ages that one footstep right above your team or the potg hungry eyes when he yolo shade walks into your team gave it away everytime.
game sense... mc cree didnt die but went missing be sure it it is right about to be highnoon at some of the useual highgrounds they always use.
mistakes... i think punish the rein/winston is one of the most common callouts in my games
Dude I read this comment around about 3 weeks ago when I was stuck in plat. I took your advice and went tryhard with making myself better based on all this and now I’m high diamond
James H. Nice should try to work in a coaching career
Raze VorteX you?
Well yeah you awnsered in my comment :D and even it was mediocre advice if this would have worked you could be GM in another week maybe 2
The tip about not holding your ults it's a good one. I started using my McCree ult more often and it's saved many games just being about to pick an enemy support or carry DPS to eliminate their value.
didnt know about that dolby atmos setting +1
Also this is a great video that puts alot of rather abstract things into simple words with good examples!
My game sense is perfect
I T-bag for a reason
Edit: thx for the hart and likes omggg wooohoooo
lol, me too
Cool Pug hahah i love being toxic for the enemy team
tbag is the best in OW, it gives you more confidecnce, good mood and makes the enemy play worse cause ragged. In conclusion, tbag makes games.
Btw, edits delete the heart, rip heart :(
RebelWhomper Gaming sad
Game detective {looks around} ay genji doomfist!
Genji: whaa-
Enemy doomfist: hello there
Really really good points in this video. well put together and as a coach i will refer people to this video alot :)
Can we show the last lesson for DPs moiras and crazy tanks? Love the video btw
8:22 "Next up, adaptive thinking"
*PVC clip*
Play Winston, so you don't have to aim. Play Zen to prevent the enemy team from hearing you. But for real, thanks for the tips!
There’s a top 500 who is deaf lmaooo 9:54
Really? That’s so cool! What does he play?
Support main/flex. Maxgaming76
I don't know if this point was made in the video or not yet because I havent finished watching it yet, but whatever you do DONT SOLO QUE!!! Find a group to play with, even if you dont have friends who play overwatch, use the find a group feature to your advantage. Join random peoples groups or make your own public group so people can join, just dont play comp alone. When you solo que you basically leave weather you win or not up to luck, especially since theres no guarantee your teammates will have mics or even be in team chat. I once was lucky enough to join a group full of amazing people and players with just as amazing callouts. We all climbed 300 to 400 sr in one day alone. Communication is key and you can guarantee that in solo que. All of us from the group I mentioned earlier recognized how good our team synergy was and how well we worked with each other and we all added each other and made a group chat for us to arrange when we can play together again. The worst that could come from joining groups or finding groups is you find a toxic group who looses most of their games. In that situation, youre not obliged to stay, leave as soon as you see the flaws of the group, or try to talk about it with them. Don't stay in a group if theyre just making you lose sr.
12:36 so you need to stop them from stoping you from stoping them from stoping you, got it :D
may i add a little tip about the concept of SPACE? learn some chess fundamentals - perfect examples of how to utilize space effectively ;)
Ow really is just 3d chess with 12 people controlling 12 pieces each
@@rebelwhompergaming5328 well said
Can you gimme sum tips about spacing that u learn from chess
@@DuckyBecomesIeanimagine your king and queen are your tanks, your knights and rooks are dps, and your supports are pawns.
If you can deny a position(or space) by positioning your queen or knight properly, you will win
I just recently hit GM as a Genji main and this video taught me quite a lot lol
Pc or ps4?
AhmetCya xbox, the superior platform for Overwatch between the consoles
Usually these kinds of videos and especially Blizzard Guides' "tOp 37 WhAcKy WaYS to GeT iNtO OwL" are pretty bad but this is actually a fairly informative, well constructed video.
I’m just ab to get my first bronze star but bc I watch ur vids literally I’m better than one of my friends that have 2 bronze stars! I’m way better than the average player at my level and I thank it all to you!!
funny enough, I learned this kind of gamesense from Clash Royale, a mobile game. Learning that everyone eventually makes mistakes and how best to punish them for making mistakes is essential in that game as well. They're similar conceptually in that way.
The best tip to climb is to just not get toxic or microthrow, If u do ur best but your still loosing its mostly not youre mistake, rather the mistake of your team and youre probably gonna win next game
Body language
Reaper normally use his ability (The one where he cant take damage,I forgot whats its called)into the middle of your team or try to get into the middle its most likely hes gonna ult.
Yeah and you can tell when a Mcree is gonna ult because of his positioning
@@Si-dq4dl Oh shit,never really thought of that... thanks
Anthony Reynoso I can never find the McCree in time 😭
Lately I’ve been seeing them drop into the back lines and out of sight of everyone. It’s taught me to look around more often lol
this is the video that shouldve been out a long while ago, great tips
"Mei's Blizzard"
As a Mei main, I can confirm this happened a lot when I was starting out first. There was one time on a Hybrid map. The enemy team got the first point really quick, they had like 5 minutes so I didn't think it was worth using my ult, so I didn't for the *entire match*
Thx I used a Mei to counter an Mcree on the enemy side so I could stop him from using stun too many times on my teammate and her alt help out a lot especially in payload becasue they’re all bunched up and then I can get all of the players low so me or my teammate to kill them
If you play enough games you'll learn about high ground advantage and where each fight is going to take place on the map.
Having good map sense is also a game changer so be sure to play each map for lots and lots of games before going into competitive.
6:25 dafran is an absolute god
This is very well said
I feel like one key to winning is to worry about killing the enemy, but not worry about your enemy kills. I feel like this is especially important if you play support. Yes, you are strong enough to get kills but you shouldn't prioritize trying to get play of the game. Prioritize trying to kill the enemy and push them back, but don't start changing up the game plan and team comp bc your not killing anything. Really anything that does something is helpful and someone is bound to notice your efforts.
Ty for theese videos! Tyty they are very useful!
Some Mei tips for everyone... if you are holding onto your Blizzard as Mei and catch a tank or 2 or more squishies with even a halfway freeze, consider tossing Blizzard while they're slowed. I usually like to flank the side or rear of the enemy team, so it's maybe 3 squishies and wall them off from their (main) tanks w/ wall oriented horizontally if behind, vertically if on the side. Now toss Blizzard at your feet and start freezing them, if they want to escape they need to run past you, which will freeze them twice as fast. Yeah...they're not escaping ;) If you have Sombra definitely try to combo with EMP to negate all escape abilities
yes more guides!
Very informative. Thank you
16:16 "Here we have 2 professional Overwatch players using their mating calls"
6:16 actually
Awasome video!first vid that helps explain what game sense is :)
I'm good at everything you talked about, especially at predicting, and hearing, but I still stuck in Plat for over 2.5 jears.
Maybe ur Doing something wrong then. Bc i get from Silver to daimond with Only dos when my aim sucks. My main is 3.9 supp main
This is actually amazing thank you!
I feel like some of the tips in this video needed to be reworded because I can list plenty of examples where holding a zen ult for a few fights can be game changing or on 2 cp where it’s alright to throw all 6 ults at once ofcourse it’s not ideal but it sure would help
Nate this is great! Thanks man
Somebody knows the name of the song they used in the intro? 🤔
Detroit (Aldous Young Remix) watch?v=rT6vU0Fm0Ac
Btw, I used a free app called "Shazam" on my phone to find it. I've been using it for years; it's a great app. :)
Cheers for the video:)
Punishing enemy mistakes is def the most necessary for the majority of lower ranked players, because most of them make mistakes and so there are plenty of opportunities that can be taken advantage of. However, since most lower ranked players fail to communicate, let alone even join team chat, a huge amount of mistakes often go unpunished, and this gives those players with an already weak game sense a false sense of security (and overall bad habits), thereby perpetuating the nonsensical chaos that dominates lower ranked matches. Being accustomed to making mistakes because you were never consistently punished for them and thus never really learned what your mistakes even were will only severely hinder your growth, and more especially your performance in higher elos.
literally most useful ow video on the internet
Legit one pf tje best Videos ever for tips
I think the most important point is to play this game a lot. When you don't play it often you don't know the maps very well or the enemies
2:40 that sleep is hilarious
I've been getting a bit back into Overwatch, and while the guides here are useful, my issue is that you are using so much footage and that is distracting from the voice over as I try to figure out what I am seeing and what I am supposed to be seeing. This video was for a good part a nice departure from that, as you both have examples of pro's explaining what they're doing themselves, as well as the clip of NYXL vs. Outlaws which you show in full without voiceover, then repeat the clip in slo-mo and explain what is happening and why it works.
To make it short, this kind of format works a whole lot better.
Can you please show an overview of all the tips next time?
Yo...i have question...is it better that i do ult and do nothing because i need to escape or not do ult at all cause i would die and nothing....or just yeet it?
Never waste an ult if you are escaping dont ult if your team is also dead just let yourself die and dont yeet it either. When you use your ult think about what it will affect and how and if the result couldve been achieved without an ult
Dolby atoms is available for x box buy downloading the Dolby app. Sad thing is it costs 15 dollars and I have a surround sound headset so I took a pass. If you do chose to buy it to equip it got to x box settings and check the tabs. (I forgot where it was hope this is helpful.)
The crazy thing is regardless of how good you are mechanically you won’t do well if you don’t understand positioning and game sense. You can be mechanically a GM but be in bronze due to lack of knowledge but conversely if you have bronze aim but great game sense and positioning you can go into diamond and masters.
Also don't throw, feed, or stagger. This means:
1. Try your best even in a situation where your team is losing or not doing so well and STAY with your team.
2. Don't go in by yourself to fight 1v6 or something like that UNLESS you're well experienced to handle yourself OR if your team is close enough behind you to contest a point but that also goes with experience.
3. Stagger is when you don't wait for a full regroup and you go in partially only to be killed and get different spawn times or spawn locations. Try to stagger the enemy team but keep your team together.
And last but not least protect your healers
One thing I find hard. I struggle to climb on PS4 but apparently it’s easy to climb on pc. Is it worth to buy a m&k for PS4 or is there a way I can make this easier for myself? I just don’t know what to do
If you can identify the steps the enemy needs to stop you to stop the enemy from the steps that would stop the enemy from stopping you from the steps that enemy needs to stop you from. 12:37
I guess I hold on to sound barrier and my team always call me out on it but I can’t help it??? I pop it on a dva ult or a big push but ig I’m still an ult hoarder.
That’s not good
With Zen I hold my ultimate really long and I play safer when I have it, the enemy team usually tries to kill me before using ulti's and if they can't nobody will ult for most of the game. I feel like the only times I get huge value from it is by countering 3 ults at once when they eventually try to ult, and then they win the fight with another 2 or 3 ults after it ends so it effectively counters lots of ults, the other time is early on in a fight if I get it really fast and an enemy player also gets their ult fast and thinks I don't have it. I see Zen players at the highest level taking really dangerous positions when they have trans available and they can use it to escape but I don't get this mentality, if the enemy has an important ult like blade or graviton shouldn't I be holding my ult and using it reactively?
Carston as a zen main I get what you’re saying
I’d say it depends on the situation
Trans without blocking an ult can win fights by saving teammates, creating space and staggering the enemy team
How do I get a invis name like in 1:15 (the hanzo)
Also asking a team mate to swap to counter something that's constantly killing you or other team mates is never a bad thing to do. For example when a Winston or D.VA is harassing your healers asking for someone to swap to a Reaper is the best call to make. Never feel ashamed to ask someone to swap heroes if it's going to result in better chances of winning.
Another example is if there's a Hanzo or Widow killing your team mates asking a tank to switch to Winston isn't bad either. Each situation is different so learning counters is a good habit to have. Also certain picks for certain maps/points is next level experience. Not all heroes go good in all situations. Try to be flexible.
I could watch pine click heads all day that guy is soooo clean
Please cover more!😁 we need to know everything
You can also use body language to tell if they have low health too
Nate, how do you implement these tips into your game. What do I do? Please reply
no matter how good you've become there are still those dumb teammates that don't know what their doing. Hate those kind of players.
Dude I’ve been playing comp with music blasting in my ear this entire time, and now you say audio is an important part in the game. Welp higher rank here I come.
"If you die, think about what caused you to die"
*Spams "I need healing"*
People who are new to OW or to Multi-player Gaming in general may get a bit confused when you mentioned that use ults even if it's not epic and also when you said don't use many ults.
Players need to have played the game for a bit and not blindly understand that "I've to use an ult within two minutes and this way I will surely reach GM".
What I mean is that Gamesense is better understood when a player themselves come upon it rather than someone else teaching(Kinda like Math-sense). Yes some tips like "look into your mistakes" will help us gain other gamesenses but not all do.
PS: Just my thoughts!
Thank god i needed help Im bad