Kakiemon: a history of making Japanese porcelain
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- 2016 marks the 400th anniversary of porcelain production in Japan. It is said to have started in 1616 in Arita, a town on the southern island of Kyushu near Nagasaki. One of the major styles of porcelain from Arita is known as Kakiemon. The Kakiemon style dates back to the 1670s and was made for a largely European market. It originated with Sakaida Kakiemon I, who learnt the secrets to overglaze enamelling possibly from a Chinese specialist in Nagasaki in 1647. He then introduced this technique to Arita, earning the name ‘Kakiemon’, which derives from kaki (persimmon) after the orange-red colour of the enamel.
The Asahi Shimbun Displays
Made in Japan: Kakiemon and 400 years of porcelain
23 June - 21 August 2016
Find out more: goo.gl/PyISBb
I love Kakiemon ceramics. Pity I can never afford any but after I watched the film I can understand why
@Carlos Bradley Definitely, I've been watching on Kaldrostream for years myself :)
What has your comment got to do with Japanese ceramics ??
I've seen this 'recommendation' thing before. A scam perhaps ... ??
Interesting video, but I found it very difficult to read.
That last piece, exquisite!
ffs when you make a film like this, don't put text over the subject you're filming. Put it at the top, or the bottom, and don't obscure the subject. Jeez, this is basic shit! ffs. It would've been a wonderful film if I could've scanned the text, and watched the film, instead I'm forced to read the text, and can't see the film cause it's blocking every single bloody shot! Please, when you do a film, look at it from a viewers point of view (someone whose not seen it before) and ask yourself, will this annoy, piss off or in anyway agravate an audience? The film (aside from text) was beautiful and I would've loved to have enjoyed it. Please, just think!
Constructive comment but your aggressive and profane language makes you more annoying than the issue.
go away
Que maravilha. Que delicadeza.
Historic and interesting. I wonder: the cups I drank tea and sake from while in Japan, are they being the Kakiemon porcelain?.. As well as the crockery in some of the sushi eateries...
Unlikely unless you are somewhere charging $100 per bite lol
history of porcelain in Japan began with the Korean potters and craftsmen whom they kidnapped during their invasion in 1592.
japan irl
Not just porcelain! Pretty much half the major pottery towns were founded by kidnapped Korean slaves.
Neat, I liked that vid
The text in the middle of the screen is ridiculous
Spoken commentary would be an improvement. Would be better without distracting muzak.
Thank you )
Great video, really liked the music! Where did you get it from? :)
歴史的で面白い。 私は思っています...私が日本に住んでいたとき、私はお茶を飲みました - 彼らはかきもんめの磁器ですか?
そうですか。それはよい経験でしたね。ところでPetrさんのご出身はどちらですか?Where are you from? and greetings from Japan.
@@ledholm Watakushi no syussin wa Rosia desu... I am from Tula, Russia. Thank You very much for the reply. I am writing from my smartphone, so can not write it in Japanese, alas...
@@ledholm And where are You from? If You mind my asking. O-Namae wa?.. Keigu de... Petr
@@petrfrizen6078 はじめまして。名前はYuukiと申します。私の出身は日本の千葉県です。千葉県にはチバニアン(Chibanian)があります。チバニアン(Chibanian)は約77万年前に地磁気(N極・S極)が最後に逆転したことを証明する貴重な地層で、2020年1月17日に国際地質科学連合により命名されました。足元がすべりやすくなっているのでお気をつけ下さい。Petrさんのご出身のロシアのトゥーラはモスクワから南に165kmに行ったところで、ウパ川沿いにあるんですよね?で、スマートフォンでお書きになられてるそうですが、無理して日本語で書かなくてもいいですよ。ローマ字でも英語でもどっちでもOKです。そちらの今日のお天気はどうですか? How is the weather in Tula today?
@@ledholm It is somewhat warm... and cloudy. Tula is 193 km Minami from Moscow. Thank You very much for Your letter. I'll write to You a little bit later. Ja Mata nee...
Near sight, long sight, near sight, long sight
I have a small cup with gold around the rim and hand panted little pictures going round the cup showing what appears to be a woman handing him a coat then he turns into what looks like a wolf has hand written marks on the bottom trying to figure out what it is
Disappointing lack of examples from the 17thc.
I am running out of money, and the humiliating famine looms... and I would be getting subjected more and more to such situations... They are slowly killing me here... it is the war of attrition.
All this information written on the complete video, doesn't allow to appreciate the work and image. Really bad idea to give all that information while the most important thing is to let see and appreciate. What a pity!.
Which mafia of the white collar criminals, diplomats from Japan did organize all of that to me?.. Foreign Intelligence of the Republic of Argentine?..