R Schumann - Davidsbündlertänze (Books I & II) - Fernando Santirso (Piano) - Live Recording

  • Опубликовано: 24 сен 2024
  • 1. Lebhaft: Lively (Vivace), G major, Florestan and Eusebius;
    1:35 2. Innig: Heartfelt (Con intimo sentimento), B minor, Eusebius;
    3:26 3. Etwas hahnbüchen: Something cocky (Un poco impetuoso) (1st edition), Mit Humor: With humor (Con umore) (2nd edition), G major, Florestan;
    5:05 4. Ungeduldig: Impatient (Con impazienza), B minor, Florestan;
    5:58 5. Einfach: Easy (Semplice), D major, Eusebius;
    7:50 6. Sehr rasch und in sich hinein: Very quickly and inwardly (Molto vivo, con intimo fervore) (1st edition), Sehr rasch: Very quickly (Molto vivo) (2nd edition), D minor, Florestan;
    9:52 7. Nicht schnell mit äußerst starker Empfindung: Not fast with very strong sensation (Non presto profondamente espressivo) (1st edition), Nicht schnell: Not fast (Non presto) (2nd edition), G minor, Eusebius;
    14:35 8. Frisch: Fresh (Con freschezza), C minor, Florestan;
    15:38 9. No tempo indication (metronome mark of 1 crotchet = 126) (1st edition), Lebhaft: Lively (Vivace) (2nd edition), C major, Florestan;
    17:28 10. Balladenmäßig sehr rasch: Balladically very fast (Alla ballata molto vivo) (1st edition), ("Sehr" and "Molto" capitalized in 2nd edition), D minor (ends major), Florestan;
    19:00 11. Einfach: Easy (Semplice), B minor-D major, Eusebius;
    20:50 12. Mit Humor: With humor (Con umore), B minor-E minor and major, Florestan;
    21:29 13. Wild und lustig: Wild and funny (Selvaggio e gaio), B minor and major, Florestan and Eusebius;
    25:10 14. Zart und singend: Tender and singing (Dolce e cantando), E♭ major, Eusebius;
    28:04 15. Frisch: Fresh (Con freschezza), B♭ major - Etwas bewegter: Something more moving (poco piu mosso), Florestan and Eusebius;
    30:24 16. Mit gutem Humor: With good sense of humor (Con buon umore) (in 2nd edition, "Con umore"), G major - Etwas langsamer: A little slower (Un poco più lento), B minor; leading without a break into
    31:58 17. Wie aus der Ferne: Like far away (Come da lontano), B major and minor (including a full reprise of No. 2), Florestan and Eusebius; and finally,
    35:52 18. Nicht schnell: Not fast (Non presto), C major, Eusebius.

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