I agree with you 100% and it feel odd to aproach a Deity the "vending machine" way ! It's like walking at you're friends house with the typical bottle of wine or bouquet of flowers we were learn to offer whenever you go at someone places and say "Now that I gave you something you must do this for me, advicing me on this, ect". Nobody does that in a relationship. Whenever I want help form my Deity I always light they caddle, put an offering in their altar and say "I'm gonna do this ritual now, if you wanna help please I'll be happy if you do" and I just let them do what they want by letting my space open to them.
I agree with this so much, what I've learned is they usually want something simple, not always but yesterday I ordered a dish called "Ode to Athens" and enjoyed it fully and that made Hecate very happy, usually just follow intuition and talk to them. The only time I've brought them into my circle is when I can feel multiple presences around me and I want to make sure I'm talking to the right person
How do you deal with prejudice because I get this all the time and it hurts me to the core cos I love magick and the supernatural and this problem is worse when it comes from some family members it really hurts
the metaphor of a stranger approaching you on the street is really accurate. Literally me calling Artemis in my circle for the first time, just to give her a simple offer and I literally started crying and telling her random things... without even introducing myself, jeez😅
I really like the 'vending machine' analogy. Just like any relationship, the ones where you're going into it only wanting something from the other party isn't necessarily going to be healthy or productive longterm. We've all met that person who only calls us when they need something, who thinks that if they buy you a drink you owe them something, where it only goes one way. Is that the relationships you want with your Gods, Ancestors and Guides or the spirits of where you live or your plant allies?
When I found Witchcraft/ Wicca when I was 21 (back in 1996) the books never talked about actually forming relationships with Deities or Spirits before you called upon them to help you with something. Everyone treated them like a "vending machine". It only worked for me a couple of times and I never had a set pantheon, or "Patron God or Goddess" because I never found anyone who felt right to me. I kept it general and would just pray or talk to the Goddess. It wasn't until almost 2 years ago when I found the Irish Pagan School, Lora O'Brien, Jon O'Sullivan, Orlagh Costello, and other Irish Pagans who actually lived in Ireland, that I felt a click. They spoke of the importance of building a relationship with your Gods, Guides, Guardians, and Ancestors BEFORE asking them for anything. They also spoke about living in right relationship with Ireland and her Gods. I am an American and really don't belong anywhere, but I have Ancestors from Ireland and Scandinavia. Which is why I found you this month. Thank you for sharing your opinion on this topic. I believe my Ancestors steered me your way to learn more about that side of my family. Thank you for all you do for us.
I completely agree with your points in this video. There have been times I've tried to call in random deities to ask for certain things but it has never felt right. I even once looked into deities that fit my magical practices and goals but that didn't feel right either. My main deity and the only one I'd say I worship and work with is my matron goddess Bastet. She was the one who chose me. I was thinking of her years ago and then suddenly found her statue at a thrift store the day after. That was that. Ever since then she has been with me. I daily hold her statue close to me. I often show a gesture of affection by putting my forehead against hers etc. I simply love and have her in my life and talk to her. Cats are also one of my favorite animals and I feel like family with them but that's a whole other thing. She may not be able to help me with every single thing but she's always beside me and protecting me and I truly cherish that Point is. Establishing a relationship feels very important. Asking a random stranger for something seems pretty weird. Now of course. I'm one of those few people that if approached on the streets. Of course if someone asked for help, like an older person or whatever. You help. But I still think there's a difference between helping someone in need and being a decent human being versus someone coming to you and being like "give me money". I'd be very offended and angry if someone tried to command me to give them money so why would it be okay to command the gods?
I made offerings to Odin for literally years, and never asked a thing. It never ever occurred to me to demand a thing! I give offerings, I bide with him, I give time, energy, love.
I know pagans hate to use this word, but talking to a deity is prayer. It can be a meaningful, beautiful experience. There's no right or wrong way to pray. You can include deity titles and attributes and make it formal, or make it very informal and say what's on your mind.
Yup! I even consider just talking normally a prayer. I guess it’s just a question of how you define the word prayer. But I also was never opposed to the idea of calling it prayer, I don’t know why one should hate that word 🤔 it’s not like prayers are exclusive to abrahamic faiths
@@TheNorseWitch yeah! Although I think when you first start to pray or talk at the gods, it can be a little awkward to talk the way you normally do. like, it definitely took me awhile to get used to it. I wonder if some people DO associate prayer exclusively with Abrahamic faiths? and/or have leftover baggage from Christianity...?
Oh yes when I first did it always felt awkward. But for me the reason was that I didn’t realize I can just talk normally. I thought I had to talk in a very specific formal manner that’s just not for me 🤣 Oh I think the latter is definitely a problem for a lot of people! They come from Christianity, have had bad experiences with it and now they reject the idea that prayer can apply to other religions as well :/
@@TheNorseWitch What I do in ritual now is offer formal hymns and prayers first, usually by using deity heiti/epithets and ritualized phrases, then give myself space for informal prayers afterwards. yeah, exactly! I also wonder if the rejection of prayer relates at all to the "Brosatru" idea of "we don't kneel to the gods". hmmm. I'm not sure about that one.
This was a great help..! I've never liked the whole "choose a deity to call in for a specific problem", I always felt that was disrespectful. It really should be just like a human relationship, build it up and respect the person in front of you. I've also been confused about offerings and how to communicate, so thank you for making it a whole lot more simple and down to earth.
ok so i am really new to all these. i was raised as a muslim and then became an atheist 6 years ago. but after being an atheist for 2 years, i found out about spirituality and realized that i actually feel really drawn to it. so i made a lot of research and finally found something called spiritual satanism. realized that "demons" are not horrible, in fact they are deities that we should approach with respect. however did not agree with most of the opinions that spiritual satanism community tried to spread, i decided to leave this path for my own good. i still know that "demons" are deities and i respect them a lot, i just don't worship them which is completely okay. but being a muslim for 14 years had its effects on me. for example when i was a satanist i was shocked that i did not have to worship neither satan or any other deity. because they do not expect to be worshipped. they just want respect from you. but now abrahamic religions ruling the majority of the world, this concept is becoming harder to understand. because if there is a powerful being, a god, you HAVE TO worship it. that was my understanding because of islam. i got rid of that with spiritual satanism and now watching your video made me realize something else. i've been feeling really drawn to osiris lately so i want to start working with him. i don't expect anything from him, just wanna get to know him because i feel like it. and i somehow always assumed that whatever thought i have in my mind, osiris already knew it. even if i did not tell him about it. the moment a thought crossed my mind my brain automatically assumed that osiris was aware of my thoughts. and i only realized this now when i hear you say "introduce yourself to them, tell them why you wanna work with them, communicate with them". because of abrahamic religions' "all-knowing god" figure i had a misconception in my mind like that. so i feel really enlightened right now lmao thanks for that.
‘If a random person on the streets to ask you move you most likely wouldnt help them’ Ok so funnily enough when I used to live in the city with my fiance and his brother we actually did just this 😂😅 We went on a walk to get donuts and coffee and we saw a group of people moving out of their house. We exchange hellos and they jokingly asked us to help, and my fiance’s brother didnt even hesitate, just went in their house and helped them 😂 Me and my fiance were kinda sketched out so we went home then realized we left his brother alone with strangers in a sketchy part of the city 😂 So we went back, turns out they were super nice, so we all helped them for hours move until they were finished and drove away in the Uhaul. They ordered us pizza and gave us each like 20 bucks for the help. Sorry for the ranty story, just thought it was hilarious you mentioned it! Lol.
Yes I've never really understood the mentality of taking a deity off a shelf. I was at a circle once and the priestess leading kept listing off deities to invoke into the circle - I just sank into my spot feeling embarrassed to be there - if those deities should arrive. For me I've felt the presence of a number of deities at various points during my practice, mostly since I became an adult; in my teens it was more challenging because of Christian trauma etc. The strongest connection by far is with The Morrigan, who I've worked with for about 5 years now but honestly most of the work I engage in with The Morrigan is devotion and listening. If I'm working a spell and I feel I would like to ask for support I do. Lilith has been coming through as well for the past year or so and feels present a lot more of the time. The dynamic is already pretty different. Great to hear your experiences and thoughts. Many blessings 🙏
Im very glad i came across this video.... I'm revisiting paganism and deity worship, and you confirm here what my intuition already told me...establshing relationships and humilty with deities is key. Thank you for keeping it real.
agree!! i always thought the window shopping approach to deities can get weird real quick n be lowkey disrespectful. i don't even like calling the deities in my life My deities like many ppl do. not judging anyone who does, it is easy n quick wording, i understand, but for me i just think "they're not Mine. they're in my life and i'm grateful, but i don't own them" yknow? lovely video as always!!
I agree with all of this! I have 2 deities that I've been honouring and connecting with for 3 years ish. I have only ever asked them for anything once, when my granddoggy was hit by a car and I did a healing working. But even then I didn't demand their presence and help I asked them nicely. They came through and I've been showing them gratitude since. Calling in any deity you've never connected with or honoured before, and probably never will again after this 1 working just feels so ick to me. But then some humans have respect, some have a sense of entitlement so there you go. Thank you for this video because it is so correct! ❤
I feel like that "vending machine" style of deity work is a progression from the style of magic where spirits were trapped and threatened until they complied (Aradia is a good example). It's not my jam, either.
The funny thing is that I found quite a few of my deities by approaching them in spellwork that feels a bit like the "vending machine approach", but I agree it's not the same as actual deity work (also I have had spirits reach out to me first and answering them is very powerful and establishes the relationship more quickly). I was lucky that most of the deities I approached were very willing to help people, like Sekhmet for example (Sekhmet has basically been one of my spiritual moms since then, I wished it wouldn't have taken literal pain to force me to reach out to her though). It can be helpful for first contact but beyond that, you really need to put effort into the relationship, even if they are the very nice ones. I think that generally a working relationship with a spirit, deity, entity is usually more effective and personal than pulling a "vending machine" spell form a book. I also 110% agree with the respect and talking (maybe doing/thinking in the broom closet) part. Being nice to the spirits is usually enough for them.
I agree with alot of your points Bente! In my experience i got into the whole trend of creating an alter for every deity that i worked with. But as my practice has changed immensely I have just stick to one space for everyone. Including my ancestors. When it comes to deity work or meditations, majority of the deities don't mind about an altar, they already view your body as one. In my practice, simply just talking to them as friends is all it matters. Words have more power than herbs or candles. i have learned that now.
So i've always heard that "calling" was essentially an invitation, like "hey i'm going to do a thing that's in your domain, if you wanna come watch". I've never heard of "releasing" i've always heard "thank" them. It will always be more effective to work with someone who you have an ongoing relationship with, but if you don't have a relationship with someone of a particular domain, a good introduction is "hey i'm throwing a party, wanna come?" I don’t know if this makes any sense, but it's like, no one is ever obligated to do anything for you, whether you have a relationship or not, so all you can really do is say "hey, I'M doing a thing, you're invited, you can do it with me, you can just watch, or you can not come at all, it's up to you."
I agree! I didn’t receive anything from Hekate until I gave her my dedication. She started helping me with spells and tarot when I didn’t even ask her because I started with worship and offerings before I ever asked for help with magic. Treat your gods and deities well and they will give you their help gladly. They may even do it without asking if it is a Patron deity of yours.
I definitely agree with what you're saying-- and I had a similar experience with 'corresponding' deities. I came into paganism through Wicca and it seemed for a time you could slot any deity into the role of the Lord or the Lady and you'd be all set. I had working relationships with certain deities but it all felt very surface-level. As I moved away from Wicca and into Hellenic polytheism and really got into learning about patrons and reciprocity and the like (thanks to Aliakai), my practice and my faith have both grown stronger.
Hi totally agree with you Bente. Coming from a High Magic background now a religious witch who worships Deities and works with them you have to be respectful like you would to a human being. Some may work with you some may not. You need to get to know them. Blessed be.
Hi Bente! I always look forward to Wednesdays🙂 yes it makes total sense to approach deities and spirits with respect and forming a relationship, just like with any being. The act of summoning or commanding never feels right in general. I do think in my opinion that there is a difference between for instance, a plant spirit, a deity and an ancestor, in the sense that they don't necesarely exist in the same dimension, so that a deity or archangel, who, to me, is more of an archetypal consciousness outside of space and time, can be present in multiple places/levels at once. Whereas an animal spirit is perhaps more bound to the linear physical realm, also because it's connected to a physical body. I have actually never done any spirit work in practice, mainly because it feels quite daunting and maybe I'm not ready, but I love learning more and more about it
there have been multiple times where i’ll start just wanting to work with a planet’s energy and am instead visited by that corresponding deity and asked to strike a deal with them involving working with them long-term! this is how i met my patron as well :)
Oh my!! This is so true!!!! When I started my path in Norse Paganism, I was overwhelmed by the fact that almost every book said that you should have an altar, learn the correspondences of every deity and give offerings to the deities and spirits whenever you want to ask for something. And for me that didn't make sense because I felt like giving them offerings all the time or everytime you want something from them, that would make them feel uncomfortable at some point or maybe they would feel pressured to do something they probably don't want to do. Instead, as you said and I 100% agree, I introduced myself to them and started talking with them, just random things; like a simple conversation, for example how my day went and how an specific event reminded me of an specific deity; another example and something I do often is, whenever I'm at the terrace of my apartment admiring the sky, I whisper their names and it's amazing how something changes when I say the name of an specific deity. Those things made me keep a connection with them without feeling like I made them uncomfortable. Of course I give them offerings, but most of my offerings consist in my time, for example learning about them and making videos about my path and sharing my knowledge. It's kinda funny what you said about asking them for something and they doing it for you because that's something that actually happened to me!! I remember, one time I was talking with them and I simply said that I would be grateful if they could give me some guidance with a problem I was struggling and actually Odin helped me!! Since then, I learned that genuine connection is definitely more effective than learning all the correspondences; and that offerings should be like a gift: something you give without expecting to get something back, it should be a representation of your respect and gratitude. Of course I respect other people's practices and their way to approach to deities, this is just my experience ☺️🖤✨
You bring up good points. I'm a bit in the middle. I definitely agree that you'll get more out a being when you have a relationship with them. I'm foremost a occultist how mostly works with Infernals. With some I have a deep connection, and with others I don't, but that doesn't necessarily stop me from respectfully calling them into a circle to asked for their help. They always have my deepest respect and a offering in the form of food, drink, candles, ect. 99% of the time I get a positive reaction. Respect really seem to be the key to these interactions. The biggest difference is who I sense stick around after a ritual is done. The beings I'm connected with tend to stick around for a while, while the others don't. Sometimes a connection forms during a ritual and I find myself drawn to deity and start forming that bound afterwards.
As always, you make a wonderful point. I especially love your emphasis on relationship, and that for our magic and our practice and connection with the deities and spirits, we really don’t need anything except heart and mind, body and voice. I always worry I am not doing enough, or setting up my altar the right way, and am learning very slowly to trust my intuition and my UPG. And when I really think about it, I keep the deities I feel most connected to and loved by close to my heart all day, every day. You talked about this in another video, about incorporating religious/spiritual practice into our mundane chores and activities every day. For example, we have a lot of gravel surrounding our house, and three dogs that are always running around kicking it up onto the walkway and driveway. When I sweep, it is a prayer to Frigg 💛 and my ancestors. And I can just do this quietly, sharing and offering a beautiful and simple moment with the spirits 💛
For me it would be..asking them into my space..showing gratitude.. showing love respect.. perhaps introducing myself…and then do that a few times.. I know if I was a goddess and I was “commanded” yeah..not gonna happen.
That explains where things went wrong when I first called for Frigg to help my sick friend. I didn’t really form the relationship before, everything happened unexpectedly and she was the one I started reaching for. Well barely if I’m being honest. I payed full price for what I asked,.. I always questioned “what did I do wrong?”. Nobody really knew the answers. None of my priestess could give me that answer…
i agree wholeheartedly. i don’t think anyone should ever command anyone to do something for them ESPECIALLY deities… that’s an ancient powerful being and depending on who you’re talking to it might be dangerous to try and force them to do something!
Hot, but not so hot, take: Approach them with an open heart, honesty and respect. You can wax poetics to them, be mega-formal if that is the way you feel more comfortable with. Me, I'm not that poetic, not that aesthetically pleasing. I start giving them simple offerings I know i can keep up with daily (yes, mainly water, as I am broke). And I treat them the way I personally like to be treated: as a person worth of true respect. As in, the respect any living being should be granted - in the form of empathy, honesty and courteous behavior. In other words - do unto your gods, exactly what you would like being done unto you. If you don't like being rejected because ONE time you couldn't help someone (because you were tired and/or didn't have the resources), then don't turn away from them because they didn't provide for you the way you expected it one time. And generally...... I suggest befriending them the way you would a fellow human you genuinely feel connected to. Show basic respect and love. Don't be fake (and by that.... I mean don't try to be someone you are not) and let them decide whether you are a good match or not Sometimes it takes time, sometimes connections happen right away. And sometimes you are not right for one another at a certain time.... but give it a few years and you will reconnect.
Your videos have been so helpful! I know this is a tad older but i watched your video where you reacted to uour first diety work video (lmao) and i followed some of your tips and found that Týr wants to work with me. Its incredibly intimidating but this was SO helpful on hopefully figuring out how to navigate that.
I love this topic. I am a kemetic pagan, and the thing i find interesting when reading old texts of how many priests would speak to the netjeru (in the form of spells / hymns) in quite a demanding tone. I myself practice how you say to, but its always cool to see how different cultures interact with gods.
@billiejean5205 hello, happy new year ! Thats quite a big topic so my first suggestion would be books such as; the book of the dead (translated by faulkner); looking into Egyptian mythology through various books; heka by david rankine; religion in ancient egypt by baines, leslo and silverman. Thess are just a handful, of course, but i hope this helps :] as a rule of thumb, with kemetic paganism, the more you read the more your picture of the practice is made clearer, same goes for other ancient practices. Many historians let their bias control the narrative so reading as much as possible should help anyone understand the practice. !!
I think many will use systems meant for Soft Polytheism into a different system. I am Wiccan and when working from that Paradigm the Gods are different faces of the Goddess and God, so I form a relationship with their basic idea as the Lord and the Lady but then I might just call on one of their faces that correspond to what I need and I might not work allot in advance to make a relationship with that face. For example Venus in this Paradigm is a aspect of The Goddess, I might not have worked allot with Venus and have a relationship with Her, but I have through The Goddess. This approach do not however work in a Hard Polytheist Paradigm.
I agree. I work with primal/primordial spirits, and you first need to prove yourself to the spirit based on their nature. I'm wondering what you think about working with primal spirits.
Hi! I'm starting to do deity work, more so worship than hands-on work, but I have a few doubts and maybe this question is too hard to answer but, how do I know if I'm believing? Is there a feeling, a thought, an emotion or anything that indicates in me believing? That's a pretty wild question, but it is something I question because while I am interested in deity work and have had my eye on a deity for quite some time now, how do I know if I'm actually believing in the deity and what I'm doing? I'd like to think that I do believe, but I do doubt and question at times.
I am 75% Germanic, Norse…a few generations removed from the boat..early 1900s. They got outta Europe and Germany while the gettin was good. Valhalla, I AM COMING. 11:45
Now what do you think about asking a deity for something that's outside their range? Like if you had a relationship with Idun and you wanted help for a war (I don't know, but that was the most extreme case I could think of 😅) - could you like ask her to approach a war god/goddess on behalf of you? Like she could go to Tyr or Freya and ask them to help you, because you have such a good relationship with Idun?
I just started deity worship mainly because i felt a connection to a certain deity and not that i particularly want something and its just shocking to hear ab the ''vending machine approach" 😭😭wth
the Norse Gods were often had a transactional relationships. some gods only worship / called on for onc once a year or so. you had your main Gods but some times you need something from a god that wasn't your main. here there wasn't any difference. you asked and offer a offering and hope to receive . tho that's the norm in Norse. but i think the mindset is different. its more military , the Gods Goddess's are like superior officer. you can have a relationship with them but you can ask any officer for something. tho a bribe doesn't hurt.
Yeah I agree with you! I haven’t worked with Deity’s or spirits yet in my practice. I want to but being an American I have multiple backgrounds/ ancestors. Im Irish, Native American on both sides, and French (I’m sure more that I’m unaware of!). Maybe I’m just bad at making decisions lol. Anyway thank you for sharing!
Good video, totally agree. I would be interested in your opinion on approaching a deity for help with something they aren't normally associated with. Would they still be able to help?
Commanding them around seems pretty rude. I always hear ppl say ask them. Do they talk back? Cuz it’s not working for me lol but I also can’t visualize and don’t remember dreams lol so it’s been complicated. Feel if they were so powerful they would be able to communicate to the ppl that can’t visualize or notice very subtle things. I’m slightly clairaudient so if they speak that way would be nice lol
I have an important question and I really hope you could answer this.. I dont have alot of money so if I wanted to get a statue for aphrodite, could I make one myself? Would it be as good as getting one??
A question, does Athena and Freyja usually shares similar "aura", "energy" or "vibes"? For instance, you're trying to know who's reaching out to you as either to work with you or be your patron/patroness. Not sure if I make sense with my question but I hope I do. Could Freyja be confused as Athena or Athena be confused as Freyja?
I would personally say no. They are very very different. Aphrodite and Freyja - maybe. But not Athena and Freyja. I have never felt Aphrodites energy myself but Athena’s I did because she’s our covens high priestesses patron goddess. And I feel like their energies are very very different.
@@TheNorseWitch i had a reading back then where Ares and Freyja revealed themselves as my patron and patroness. Though, I'm not saying that I don't trust the reading nor it doesn't resonate but I might redo it myself soon. For confirmation. But I feel more drawn to Freyja herself and Ares himself. Also they both make sense on many aspects. Athena gives me something as well that I can't or cannot yet explain. Any advice you may give? At first, I was genuinely drawn to Greek pantheon, without any influence such as movies whatsoever. Books, more specifically encyclopedias. Whenever I get across these so called Greek myths, I feel some urge and drawn. Perhaps Freyja is some sort of influence or depends since it is someone else who did the reading. Also, I've been having weird dreams that I think I have a clue but not sure how to confirm. By the way, thank you for responding.
Ok, but what do I do after I find out a deity is reaching out? what am i supposed to say or do?? please help P. S. Im not yet ready to commit working with any deitys or spirits. How do I respectfully tell them that??
I have learnt not to disagree with women, Witches or beautiful creatures. As you fall into the category of all three I shall not be putting any comments in writing about subjects I don't fully understand. But I have a question for you. Your subject was about asking deities & spirits for help with stuff & asking things like that. Do you think deities & spirits would help people without people knowing or asking if they thought that person was worthy or needed help & did not know how to ask for it? Or do they need to be contacted in a special way?
@@TheNorseWitch now you have just used two words that I don't know what mean. Non binary & benevolent. I am sure these are very good words & won't disagree with you using them. To me you look like a beautiful woman. Now I have to go read up on some words . I shall return shortly. 🙂
Hi! I'm very new to paganism and i was wondering how you know which deity you should work with? Do you just ask a bunch of them or do they come to you?
There is a major difference between ceremonial Magick and solitary circle ritual on the one hand and altar ritual. In a circle one summons a deity or a spirit. Summoning is a strong verb. In your language (German) it is translated as 'vorladen' or 'aufbieten.' That is indeed strong. Personally, I believe that it is a left-over of hocus pocus from ancient times to make superstitious by-standers believe that the high priest and/or high priestess had special powers to summon a deity into a protected circle. They made sure that they protected their job. It is not even necessary to summon, because the deities are always present. A few years ago, I went to an event in a Hindu mandir and the keynote speaker was a Brahmanic priestess. She described the deities on the altar like this: "they are the symbol of the purity and the goodness that lives inside of all of us." I think that that is almost blasphemy, although more or less correct. Personally, I believe that everything that exists in this realm comes from the Gods.There is spirit in everything and as time evolves, everything perishes. When something burns for example, the spirit is released extra swiftly. There is a moment that it loses every single connection to matter. This moment is the moment that it can transcend to another realm, to the Otherworld. We do not summon the Gods, deities or spirits. Our mind can enter the Otherworld and connect to the - what Hindus call - Shakti, the great cosmic energy. Our relationship with this Shakti is very complex. I am a syncretic Viccan - vegan witch - and I believe that every action leaves energetic residu - karma. If I need money, I go to the bank. If I need healing, comfort, mental support, love etc. I go to one of my altars. If I say grace to commemorate a friend that has passed for example, I know that good karma attracts good cosmic energy. As an anarchist, I prefer not to use Magick for personal profit and that is based on principle, not on fear for bad karma. If there is one thing that we - in a nature religion - should realize though is that life is short and that it amounts to nothing to gather large treasures! Om shanti! 🙏😊
Hello bente, so question... how would you calm your inner spiritual person and help physically before full moons? I always get sick before the full moon. Physically herbs, but spiritually I'm so drained, foggy minded and feel a touch depressed. If I order from your shop do you ship to the U.S. or no? Wanted to ask before I just do... As always I love the videos and look forward to maybe oneday meeting you! Thank you and blessed be!
So I'm like brand brand new to all this. Ive never even seen a spirit or any kind of deity before but I really want to. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I agree with you 100% and it feel odd to aproach a Deity the "vending machine" way !
It's like walking at you're friends house with the typical bottle of wine or bouquet of flowers we were learn to offer whenever you go at someone places and say "Now that I gave you something you must do this for me, advicing me on this, ect". Nobody does that in a relationship.
Whenever I want help form my Deity I always light they caddle, put an offering in their altar and say "I'm gonna do this ritual now, if you wanna help please I'll be happy if you do" and I just let them do what they want by letting my space open to them.
I do the same thing ☺️ I just politely ask and if the spirit/deity doesn’t want to help then I have to accept that ☺️
I agree with this so much, what I've learned is they usually want something simple, not always but yesterday I ordered a dish called "Ode to Athens" and enjoyed it fully and that made Hecate very happy, usually just follow intuition and talk to them. The only time I've brought them into my circle is when I can feel multiple presences around me and I want to make sure I'm talking to the right person
Going by your intuition is usually the best thing one can do ☺️
How do you deal with prejudice because I get this all the time and it hurts me to the core cos I love magick and the supernatural and this problem is worse when it comes from some family members it really hurts
Tbh I don’t tell people I don’t feel like would understand 🙊
the metaphor of a stranger approaching you on the street is really accurate. Literally me calling Artemis in my circle for the first time, just to give her a simple offer and I literally started crying and telling her random things... without even introducing myself, jeez😅
I really like the 'vending machine' analogy.
Just like any relationship, the ones where you're going into it only wanting something from the other party isn't necessarily going to be healthy or productive longterm.
We've all met that person who only calls us when they need something, who thinks that if they buy you a drink you owe them something, where it only goes one way. Is that the relationships you want with your Gods, Ancestors and Guides or the spirits of where you live or your plant allies?
Exactly! ☺️
When I found Witchcraft/ Wicca when I was 21 (back in 1996) the books never talked about actually forming relationships with Deities or Spirits before you called upon them to help you with something. Everyone treated them like a "vending machine". It only worked for me a couple of times and I never had a set pantheon, or "Patron God or Goddess" because I never found anyone who felt right to me. I kept it general and would just pray or talk to the Goddess.
It wasn't until almost 2 years ago when I found the Irish Pagan School, Lora O'Brien, Jon O'Sullivan, Orlagh Costello, and other Irish Pagans who actually lived in Ireland, that I felt a click. They spoke of the importance of building a relationship with your Gods, Guides, Guardians, and Ancestors BEFORE asking them for anything. They also spoke about living in right relationship with Ireland and her Gods. I am an American and really don't belong anywhere, but I have Ancestors from Ireland and Scandinavia.
Which is why I found you this month. Thank you for sharing your opinion on this topic. I believe my Ancestors steered me your way to learn more about that side of my family.
Thank you for all you do for us.
I completely agree with your points in this video. There have been times I've tried to call in random deities to ask for certain things but it has never felt right. I even once looked into deities that fit my magical practices and goals but that didn't feel right either.
My main deity and the only one I'd say I worship and work with is my matron goddess Bastet. She was the one who chose me. I was thinking of her years ago and then suddenly found her statue at a thrift store the day after. That was that. Ever since then she has been with me. I daily hold her statue close to me. I often show a gesture of affection by putting my forehead against hers etc. I simply love and have her in my life and talk to her. Cats are also one of my favorite animals and I feel like family with them but that's a whole other thing. She may not be able to help me with every single thing but she's always beside me and protecting me and I truly cherish that
Point is. Establishing a relationship feels very important. Asking a random stranger for something seems pretty weird. Now of course. I'm one of those few people that if approached on the streets. Of course if someone asked for help, like an older person or whatever. You help. But I still think there's a difference between helping someone in need and being a decent human being versus someone coming to you and being like "give me money". I'd be very offended and angry if someone tried to command me to give them money so why would it be okay to command the gods?
I love hearing about other peoples experiences with deities so much ❤️ it always feels incredibly personal and special ❤️
I made offerings to Odin for literally years, and never asked a thing. It never ever occurred to me to demand a thing!
I give offerings, I bide with him, I give time, energy, love.
I know pagans hate to use this word, but talking to a deity is prayer. It can be a meaningful, beautiful experience. There's no right or wrong way to pray. You can include deity titles and attributes and make it formal, or make it very informal and say what's on your mind.
Yup! I even consider just talking normally a prayer. I guess it’s just a question of how you define the word prayer. But I also was never opposed to the idea of calling it prayer, I don’t know why one should hate that word 🤔 it’s not like prayers are exclusive to abrahamic faiths
@@TheNorseWitch yeah! Although I think when you first start to pray or talk at the gods, it can be a little awkward to talk the way you normally do. like, it definitely took me awhile to get used to it.
I wonder if some people DO associate prayer exclusively with Abrahamic faiths? and/or have leftover baggage from Christianity...?
Oh yes when I first did it always felt awkward. But for me the reason was that I didn’t realize I can just talk normally. I thought I had to talk in a very specific formal manner that’s just not for me 🤣
Oh I think the latter is definitely a problem for a lot of people! They come from Christianity, have had bad experiences with it and now they reject the idea that prayer can apply to other religions as well :/
@@TheNorseWitch What I do in ritual now is offer formal hymns and prayers first, usually by using deity heiti/epithets and ritualized phrases, then give myself space for informal prayers afterwards.
yeah, exactly! I also wonder if the rejection of prayer relates at all to the "Brosatru" idea of "we don't kneel to the gods". hmmm. I'm not sure about that one.
This was a great help..! I've never liked the whole "choose a deity to call in for a specific problem", I always felt that was disrespectful. It really should be just like a human relationship, build it up and respect the person in front of you. I've also been confused about offerings and how to communicate, so thank you for making it a whole lot more simple and down to earth.
ok so i am really new to all these. i was raised as a muslim and then became an atheist 6 years ago. but after being an atheist for 2 years, i found out about spirituality and realized that i actually feel really drawn to it. so i made a lot of research and finally found something called spiritual satanism. realized that "demons" are not horrible, in fact they are deities that we should approach with respect. however did not agree with most of the opinions that spiritual satanism community tried to spread, i decided to leave this path for my own good. i still know that "demons" are deities and i respect them a lot, i just don't worship them which is completely okay. but being a muslim for 14 years had its effects on me. for example when i was a satanist i was shocked that i did not have to worship neither satan or any other deity. because they do not expect to be worshipped. they just want respect from you. but now abrahamic religions ruling the majority of the world, this concept is becoming harder to understand. because if there is a powerful being, a god, you HAVE TO worship it. that was my understanding because of islam. i got rid of that with spiritual satanism and now watching your video made me realize something else. i've been feeling really drawn to osiris lately so i want to start working with him. i don't expect anything from him, just wanna get to know him because i feel like it. and i somehow always assumed that whatever thought i have in my mind, osiris already knew it. even if i did not tell him about it. the moment a thought crossed my mind my brain automatically assumed that osiris was aware of my thoughts. and i only realized this now when i hear you say "introduce yourself to them, tell them why you wanna work with them, communicate with them". because of abrahamic religions' "all-knowing god" figure i had a misconception in my mind like that. so i feel really enlightened right now lmao thanks for that.
‘If a random person on the streets to ask you move you most likely wouldnt help them’
Ok so funnily enough when I used to live in the city with my fiance and his brother we actually did just this 😂😅 We went on a walk to get donuts and coffee and we saw a group of people moving out of their house. We exchange hellos and they jokingly asked us to help, and my fiance’s brother didnt even hesitate, just went in their house and helped them 😂 Me and my fiance were kinda sketched out so we went home then realized we left his brother alone with strangers in a sketchy part of the city 😂 So we went back, turns out they were super nice, so we all helped them for hours move until they were finished and drove away in the Uhaul. They ordered us pizza and gave us each like 20 bucks for the help.
Sorry for the ranty story, just thought it was hilarious you mentioned it! Lol.
Yes I've never really understood the mentality of taking a deity off a shelf. I was at a circle once and the priestess leading kept listing off deities to invoke into the circle - I just sank into my spot feeling embarrassed to be there - if those deities should arrive. For me I've felt the presence of a number of deities at various points during my practice, mostly since I became an adult; in my teens it was more challenging because of Christian trauma etc. The strongest connection by far is with The Morrigan, who I've worked with for about 5 years now but honestly most of the work I engage in with The Morrigan is devotion and listening. If I'm working a spell and I feel I would like to ask for support I do. Lilith has been coming through as well for the past year or so and feels present a lot more of the time. The dynamic is already pretty different. Great to hear your experiences and thoughts. Many blessings 🙏
Im very glad i came across this video.... I'm revisiting paganism and deity worship, and you confirm here what my intuition already told me...establshing relationships and humilty with deities is key. Thank you for keeping it real.
agree!! i always thought the window shopping approach to deities can get weird real quick n be lowkey disrespectful. i don't even like calling the deities in my life My deities like many ppl do. not judging anyone who does, it is easy n quick wording, i understand, but for me i just think "they're not Mine. they're in my life and i'm grateful, but i don't own them" yknow? lovely video as always!!
I agree with all of this! I have 2 deities that I've been honouring and connecting with for 3 years ish. I have only ever asked them for anything once, when my granddoggy was hit by a car and I did a healing working. But even then I didn't demand their presence and help I asked them nicely. They came through and I've been showing them gratitude since. Calling in any deity you've never connected with or honoured before, and probably never will again after this 1 working just feels so ick to me. But then some humans have respect, some have a sense of entitlement so there you go. Thank you for this video because it is so correct! ❤
I feel like that "vending machine" style of deity work is a progression from the style of magic where spirits were trapped and threatened until they complied (Aradia is a good example). It's not my jam, either.
The funny thing is that I found quite a few of my deities by approaching them in spellwork that feels a bit like the "vending machine approach", but I agree it's not the same as actual deity work (also I have had spirits reach out to me first and answering them is very powerful and establishes the relationship more quickly). I was lucky that most of the deities I approached were very willing to help people, like Sekhmet for example (Sekhmet has basically been one of my spiritual moms since then, I wished it wouldn't have taken literal pain to force me to reach out to her though). It can be helpful for first contact but beyond that, you really need to put effort into the relationship, even if they are the very nice ones. I think that generally a working relationship with a spirit, deity, entity is usually more effective and personal than pulling a "vending machine" spell form a book.
I also 110% agree with the respect and talking (maybe doing/thinking in the broom closet) part. Being nice to the spirits is usually enough for them.
I agree with alot of your points Bente! In my experience i got into the whole trend of creating an alter for every deity that i worked with. But as my practice has changed immensely I have just stick to one space for everyone. Including my ancestors. When it comes to deity work or meditations, majority of the deities don't mind about an altar, they already view your body as one. In my practice, simply just talking to them as friends is all it matters. Words have more power than herbs or candles. i have learned that now.
So i've always heard that "calling" was essentially an invitation, like "hey i'm going to do a thing that's in your domain, if you wanna come watch". I've never heard of "releasing" i've always heard "thank" them. It will always be more effective to work with someone who you have an ongoing relationship with, but if you don't have a relationship with someone of a particular domain, a good introduction is "hey i'm throwing a party, wanna come?" I don’t know if this makes any sense, but it's like, no one is ever obligated to do anything for you, whether you have a relationship or not, so all you can really do is say "hey, I'M doing a thing, you're invited, you can do it with me, you can just watch, or you can not come at all, it's up to you."
I agree! I didn’t receive anything from Hekate until I gave her my dedication. She started helping me with spells and tarot when I didn’t even ask her because I started with worship and offerings before I ever asked for help with magic. Treat your gods and deities well and they will give you their help gladly. They may even do it without asking if it is a Patron deity of yours.
I definitely agree with what you're saying-- and I had a similar experience with 'corresponding' deities.
I came into paganism through Wicca and it seemed for a time you could slot any deity into the role of the Lord or the Lady and you'd be all set. I had working relationships with certain deities but it all felt very surface-level. As I moved away from Wicca and into Hellenic polytheism and really got into learning about patrons and reciprocity and the like (thanks to Aliakai), my practice and my faith have both grown stronger.
Hi totally agree with you Bente. Coming from a High Magic background now a religious witch who worships Deities and works with them you have to be respectful like you would to a human being. Some may work with you some may not. You need to get to know them. Blessed be.
Thank you! I set up my first altar last night. ✨💜✨
Oh that’s exciting! 🥰
Hi Bente! I always look forward to Wednesdays🙂 yes it makes total sense to approach deities and spirits with respect and forming a relationship, just like with any being. The act of summoning or commanding never feels right in general. I do think in my opinion that there is a difference between for instance, a plant spirit, a deity and an ancestor, in the sense that they don't necesarely exist in the same dimension, so that a deity or archangel, who, to me, is more of an archetypal consciousness outside of space and time, can be present in multiple places/levels at once. Whereas an animal spirit is perhaps more bound to the linear physical realm, also because it's connected to a physical body. I have actually never done any spirit work in practice, mainly because it feels quite daunting and maybe I'm not ready, but I love learning more and more about it
there have been multiple times where i’ll start just wanting to work with a planet’s energy and am instead visited by that corresponding deity and asked to strike a deal with them involving working with them long-term! this is how i met my patron as well :)
Oh my!! This is so true!!!!
When I started my path in Norse Paganism, I was overwhelmed by the fact that almost every book said that you should have an altar, learn the correspondences of every deity and give offerings to the deities and spirits whenever you want to ask for something. And for me that didn't make sense because I felt like giving them offerings all the time or everytime you want something from them, that would make them feel uncomfortable at some point or maybe they would feel pressured to do something they probably don't want to do.
Instead, as you said and I 100% agree, I introduced myself to them and started talking with them, just random things; like a simple conversation, for example how my day went and how an specific event reminded me of an specific deity; another example and something I do often is, whenever I'm at the terrace of my apartment admiring the sky, I whisper their names and it's amazing how something changes when I say the name of an specific deity.
Those things made me keep a connection with them without feeling like I made them uncomfortable. Of course I give them offerings, but most of my offerings consist in my time, for example learning about them and making videos about my path and sharing my knowledge.
It's kinda funny what you said about asking them for something and they doing it for you because that's something that actually happened to me!! I remember, one time I was talking with them and I simply said that I would be grateful if they could give me some guidance with a problem I was struggling and actually Odin helped me!!
Since then, I learned that genuine connection is definitely more effective than learning all the correspondences; and that offerings should be like a gift: something you give without expecting to get something back, it should be a representation of your respect and gratitude.
Of course I respect other people's practices and their way to approach to deities, this is just my experience ☺️🖤✨
your piercing setup is perfection
For my own practice, it is the same 💜
Good to know I’m not the only one 🥰
You bring up good points. I'm a bit in the middle. I definitely agree that you'll get more out a being when you have a relationship with them. I'm foremost a occultist how mostly works with Infernals.
With some I have a deep connection, and with others I don't, but that doesn't necessarily stop me from respectfully calling them into a circle to asked for their help. They always have my deepest respect and a offering in the form of food, drink, candles, ect. 99% of the time I get a positive reaction. Respect really seem to be the key to these interactions.
The biggest difference is who I sense stick around after a ritual is done. The beings I'm connected with tend to stick around for a while, while the others don't. Sometimes a connection forms during a ritual and I find myself drawn to deity and start forming that bound afterwards.
As always, you make a wonderful point. I especially love your emphasis on relationship, and that for our magic and our practice and connection with the deities and spirits, we really don’t need anything except heart and mind, body and voice. I always worry I am not doing enough, or setting up my altar the right way, and am learning very slowly to trust my intuition and my UPG. And when I really think about it, I keep the deities I feel most connected to and loved by close to my heart all day, every day. You talked about this in another video, about incorporating religious/spiritual practice into our mundane chores and activities every day. For example, we have a lot of gravel surrounding our house, and three dogs that are always running around kicking it up onto the walkway and driveway. When I sweep, it is a prayer to Frigg 💛 and my ancestors. And I can just do this quietly, sharing and offering a beautiful and simple moment with the spirits 💛
For me it would be..asking them into my space..showing gratitude.. showing love respect.. perhaps introducing myself…and then do that a few times.. I know if I was a goddess and I was “commanded” yeah..not gonna happen.
That explains where things went wrong when I first called for Frigg to help my sick friend. I didn’t really form the relationship before, everything happened unexpectedly and she was the one I started reaching for. Well barely if I’m being honest. I payed full price for what I asked,.. I always questioned “what did I do wrong?”. Nobody really knew the answers. None of my priestess could give me that answer…
i agree wholeheartedly. i don’t think anyone should ever command anyone to do something for them ESPECIALLY deities… that’s an ancient powerful being and depending on who you’re talking to it might be dangerous to try and force them to do something!
Hot, but not so hot, take: Approach them with an open heart, honesty and respect. You can wax poetics to them, be mega-formal if that is the way you feel more comfortable with. Me, I'm not that poetic, not that aesthetically pleasing. I start giving them simple offerings I know i can keep up with daily (yes, mainly water, as I am broke). And I treat them the way I personally like to be treated: as a person worth of true respect. As in, the respect any living being should be granted - in the form of empathy, honesty and courteous behavior.
In other words - do unto your gods, exactly what you would like being done unto you. If you don't like being rejected because ONE time you couldn't help someone (because you were tired and/or didn't have the resources), then don't turn away from them because they didn't provide for you the way you expected it one time.
And generally...... I suggest befriending them the way you would a fellow human you genuinely feel connected to. Show basic respect and love. Don't be fake (and by that.... I mean don't try to be someone you are not) and let them decide whether you are a good match or not Sometimes it takes time, sometimes connections happen right away. And sometimes you are not right for one another at a certain time.... but give it a few years and you will reconnect.
Your videos have been so helpful! I know this is a tad older but i watched your video where you reacted to uour first diety work video (lmao) and i followed some of your tips and found that Týr wants to work with me. Its incredibly intimidating but this was SO helpful on hopefully figuring out how to navigate that.
Really helpful advice; connect with respect.
I love this topic. I am a kemetic pagan, and the thing i find interesting when reading old texts of how many priests would speak to the netjeru (in the form of spells / hymns) in quite a demanding tone.
I myself practice how you say to, but its always cool to see how different cultures interact with gods.
i want to learn more about kemetic practice any tips or placing to start?
@billiejean5205 hello, happy new year ! Thats quite a big topic so my first suggestion would be books such as; the book of the dead (translated by faulkner); looking into Egyptian mythology through various books; heka by david rankine; religion in ancient egypt by baines, leslo and silverman. Thess are just a handful, of course, but i hope this helps :] as a rule of thumb, with kemetic paganism, the more you read the more your picture of the practice is made clearer, same goes for other ancient practices. Many historians let their bias control the narrative so reading as much as possible should help anyone understand the practice. !!
@@yama4501 thank you sooo much! happy new year!
@@billiejean5205 happy to help :] !!
Thanks for this video. It really makes a lot of sense what you say!
❤ I love the take on this and agree 10000% this is so logical
I was really looking forward to this video!! I haven’t finished watching it yet but I already love it
I think many will use systems meant for Soft Polytheism into a different system. I am Wiccan and when working from that Paradigm the Gods are different faces of the Goddess and God, so I form a relationship with their basic idea as the Lord and the Lady but then I might just call on one of their faces that correspond to what I need and I might not work allot in advance to make a relationship with that face. For example Venus in this Paradigm is a aspect of The Goddess, I might not have worked allot with Venus and have a relationship with Her, but I have through The Goddess. This approach do not however work in a Hard Polytheist Paradigm.
I agree. I work with primal/primordial spirits, and you first need to prove yourself to the spirit based on their nature. I'm wondering what you think about working with primal spirits.
Always great advice! Thank you :)
Hi! I'm starting to do deity work, more so worship than hands-on work, but I have a few doubts and maybe this question is too hard to answer but, how do I know if I'm believing? Is there a feeling, a thought, an emotion or anything that indicates in me believing? That's a pretty wild question, but it is something I question because while I am interested in deity work and have had my eye on a deity for quite some time now, how do I know if I'm actually believing in the deity and what I'm doing? I'd like to think that I do believe, but I do doubt and question at times.
Agreed! Also, enjoyed the vending machine analogy 😅
Different topic - did you happen to make a sigil video?
I am 75% Germanic, Norse…a few generations removed from the boat..early 1900s. They got outta Europe and Germany while the gettin was good. Valhalla, I AM COMING. 11:45
Important note here: Germanic =/= German! ☺️
Now what do you think about asking a deity for something that's outside their range?
Like if you had a relationship with Idun and you wanted help for a war (I don't know, but that was the most extreme case I could think of 😅) - could you like ask her to approach a war god/goddess on behalf of you? Like she could go to Tyr or Freya and ask them to help you, because you have such a good relationship with Idun?
I just started deity worship mainly because i felt a connection to a certain deity and not that i particularly want something and its just shocking to hear ab the ''vending machine approach" 😭😭wth
the Norse Gods were often had a transactional relationships. some gods only worship / called on for onc once a year or so. you had your main Gods but some times you need something from a god that wasn't your main. here there wasn't any difference. you asked and offer a offering and hope to receive . tho that's the norm in Norse. but i think the mindset is different. its more military , the Gods Goddess's are like superior officer. you can have a relationship with them but you can ask any officer for something. tho a bribe doesn't hurt.
Another great video! I agree with what you said.
Thank you 🥹❤️
Yeah I agree with you! I haven’t worked with Deity’s or spirits yet in my practice. I want to but being an American I have multiple backgrounds/ ancestors. Im Irish, Native American on both sides, and French (I’m sure more that I’m unaware of!). Maybe I’m just bad at making decisions lol. Anyway thank you for sharing!
Maybe just read up about all of the cultures and then see what feels best? ☺️
@@TheNorseWitch thank you that is a great idea. Not sure why I didn’t think of it before 🤣
Hello, id like to learn more about lilith and how to work with her. Thank you.
Seh ich auch absolut so!
I would love to know how one finds a local mentor.. instead of watching internet videos💀 I’m ready… I’ll manifest one in
Thank you!❤
I couldn't agree more
Good video, totally agree. I would be interested in your opinion on approaching a deity for help with something they aren't normally associated with. Would they still be able to help?
I guess that depends… just try? XD
🔥🔥🔥🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 bless you. Thank you.
I love this:)
Commanding them around seems pretty rude. I always hear ppl say ask them. Do they talk back? Cuz it’s not working for me lol but I also can’t visualize and don’t remember dreams lol so it’s been complicated. Feel if they were so powerful they would be able to communicate to the ppl that can’t visualize or notice very subtle things. I’m slightly clairaudient so if they speak that way would be nice lol
Deference. Whimsy. Candor.
I have an important question and I really hope you could answer this.. I dont have alot of money so if I wanted to get a statue for aphrodite, could I make one myself? Would it be as good as getting one??
A question, does Athena and Freyja usually shares similar "aura", "energy" or "vibes"?
For instance, you're trying to know who's reaching out to you as either to work with you or be your patron/patroness.
Not sure if I make sense with my question but I hope I do.
Could Freyja be confused as Athena or Athena be confused as Freyja?
I would personally say no. They are very very different. Aphrodite and Freyja - maybe. But not Athena and Freyja. I have never felt Aphrodites energy myself but Athena’s I did because she’s our covens high priestesses patron goddess. And I feel like their energies are very very different.
@@TheNorseWitch i had a reading back then where Ares and Freyja revealed themselves as my patron and patroness. Though, I'm not saying that I don't trust the reading nor it doesn't resonate but I might redo it myself soon. For confirmation. But I feel more drawn to Freyja herself and Ares himself. Also they both make sense on many aspects. Athena gives me something as well that I can't or cannot yet explain. Any advice you may give? At first, I was genuinely drawn to Greek pantheon, without any influence such as movies whatsoever. Books, more specifically encyclopedias. Whenever I get across these so called Greek myths, I feel some urge and drawn. Perhaps Freyja is some sort of influence or depends since it is someone else who did the reading.
Also, I've been having weird dreams that I think I have a clue but not sure how to confirm.
By the way, thank you for responding.
Ok, but what do I do after I find out a deity is reaching out? what am i supposed to say or do?? please help
P. S. Im not yet ready to commit working with any deitys or spirits. How do I respectfully tell them that??
Is there anyway you could do a video about the goddess idun ❤️
I will definitely make one at some point ☺️
That sounds kinda bad mean and dangerous 😅 4:54
I have learnt not to disagree with women, Witches or beautiful creatures. As you fall into the category of all three I shall not be putting any comments in writing about subjects I don't fully understand. But I have a question for you. Your subject was about asking deities & spirits for help with stuff & asking things like that. Do you think deities & spirits would help people without people knowing or asking if they thought that person was worthy or needed help & did not know how to ask for it? Or do they need to be contacted in a special way?
Oh I‘m not a woman though 🙊 I‘m non binary.
Hmm I think spirits and deities can be benevolent towards humans without them specifically asking for it 🤔
@@TheNorseWitch now you have just used two words that I don't know what mean. Non binary & benevolent. I am sure these are very good words & won't disagree with you using them. To me you look like a beautiful woman. Now I have to go read up on some words . I shall return shortly. 🙂
I understand now, pretty earthling. Yes I think they could be kind too 🙂
I have been reading and listening, do you think someone with a Christian background could change?
Sure, if they really want to and are willing to put in the work ☺️
@@TheNorseWitch asking for a friend lol, I want to work
But seriously, any suggestions where to begin?
I can’t give you advice on this since I’ve never been a Christian
That's fine, I'm asking in your opinion, what's the best way to learn? I haven't been a Christian for some 10 years, but this feels right.
Hi! I'm very new to paganism and i was wondering how you know which deity you should work with? Do you just ask a bunch of them or do they come to you?
People say the deity chooses you and gives you sign, but I'm not sure what that means, or what the signs are ☹️
There is a major difference between ceremonial Magick and solitary circle ritual on the one hand and altar ritual. In a circle one summons a deity or a spirit. Summoning is a strong verb. In your language (German) it is translated as 'vorladen' or 'aufbieten.' That is indeed strong. Personally, I believe that it is a left-over of hocus pocus from ancient times to make superstitious by-standers believe that the high priest and/or high priestess had special powers to summon a deity into a protected circle. They made sure that they protected their job. It is not even necessary to summon, because the deities are always present. A few years ago, I went to an event in a Hindu mandir and the keynote speaker was a Brahmanic priestess. She described the deities on the altar like this: "they are the symbol of the purity and the goodness that lives inside of all of us." I think that that is almost blasphemy, although more or less correct. Personally, I believe that everything that exists in this realm comes from the Gods.There is spirit in everything and as time evolves, everything perishes. When something burns for example, the spirit is released extra swiftly. There is a moment that it loses every single connection to matter. This moment is the moment that it can transcend to another realm, to the Otherworld. We do not summon the Gods, deities or spirits. Our mind can enter the Otherworld and connect to the - what Hindus call - Shakti, the great cosmic energy. Our relationship with this Shakti is very complex. I am a syncretic Viccan - vegan witch - and I believe that every action leaves energetic residu - karma. If I need money, I go to the bank. If I need healing, comfort, mental support, love etc. I go to one of my altars. If I say grace to commemorate a friend that has passed for example, I know that good karma attracts good cosmic energy. As an anarchist, I prefer not to use Magick for personal profit and that is based on principle, not on fear for bad karma. If there is one thing that we - in a nature religion - should realize though is that life is short and that it amounts to nothing to gather large treasures! Om shanti! 🙏😊
Hello bente, so question... how would you calm your inner spiritual person and help physically before full moons? I always get sick before the full moon. Physically herbs, but spiritually I'm so drained, foggy minded and feel a touch depressed.
If I order from your shop do you ship to the U.S. or no? Wanted to ask before I just do...
As always I love the videos and look forward to maybe oneday meeting you! Thank you and blessed be!
i cant like this video its on 777 i cant ruin that
So I'm like brand brand new to all this. Ive never even seen a spirit or any kind of deity before but I really want to. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.