Echt hoor, ik kijk voornamelijk naar deze video's om te horen hoe geweldig Nederland eigenlijk is. Of dat het bijvoorbeeld beter is dan Amerika. Fun times
Every country has a questionable history if you look at it trough today's lens. The Dutch also had some amazing people who did great things for humanity.
I think they confuse nationalism & pride with 'we really like parties'. I'm not particular proud of the Netherlands, I do like Dutch and I do like the Dutch mentality, but mostly because it's my home. But I think it's really a personal interpretation for 'outsiders', as you can see in the video; the opinions differ a lot.
This is the first one that I don't recognise at all. National pride to me seems to be very low, especially compared to France or England. Dutch popular culture like music and films are seen as an embarrassment or "guilty pleasure", teens prefer to speak English sometimes or say that Dutch is an ugly language. Nationalism especially is really not a thing here. Maybe very recently with all the identity politics throughout Europe this has started to rise or become more visible, but for me it really feels like a recent development. Only football has always been an exception.
Anna de Bruijn like they said in this video, we could be a little more pride about our own language. Wat ik dus wil zeggen. Echte Nederlanders zijn juist heel trots Nederlander te zijn. Alleen als nuchter volk lopen we daar niet mee te koop. Wij hebben niet, zoals die Amerikanen, nationale vlaggen in de kamer hangen of dragen kleding met de Nederlandse vlag. Behalve vandaag dan op Koningsdag of tijdens EK’s of WK’s.
well it is, but its mightily surpressed, i agree with you especially the older generation often right out insults our culture and presence non-stop, I call it a post ww2 trauma.
I think we are actually very proud of our country and culture, but part of that culture is to be humble about it. We don't scream around how proud we are of our country, we just look down on almost all other countries xD
@@Roozyj mweh id sooner say we do it in more sneaky ways...we when "arranged" for the orange procession aside that is; that we do not perse follow patriotism (state worship) but we LOVE it when people notice us, or something we were a big part in. We love reading the dutch inventions list and we love to be world renowned for our water works, infrastructure systems or even something as silly as our tendacy to be long and/or walk fast
I would like to say this to Adrian: when we speak English (or ANY foreign language we know) instead of Dutch, it's not because we're not proud to be Dutch. Instead, it's because we take pride in our ability to adapt, and to speak a foreign language as well. This, too, is a part of our heritage that we're very proud of. In the 17th and 18th centuries, when the V.O.C. traveled the world for trade, they learned that it really benefits to speak and thoroughly understand the language of your host. That's why we had the English, the French AND the Spanish hunting us down: they were jealous of our wealth and how we gathered it in trade! (hahahahaha, just kidding). So we've taken this a step further: we think that, as a host, it may be profitable to speak and thoroughly understand the language of your guests/customers.
I feel we are proud when necessary. Celebrate a lot because we are very sober. I like the descriptions. I also found we are welcomed with open arms around the world, thank you!
I'd say we arent usually very expressive about it. We don't show it as much as for example the Americans and their ridiculous patriotism. But we aren't any less proud. And when we do choose to show it, it's like a bomb of nationalism.
Friendly advice from a U.S. citizen (soon to be dutch citizen one day) if one plans to visit us one day. If it involves the word "Free or "freedom" it means the complete opposite lol.
Bart, bedankt! Het is bijzonder vermakelijk, hoor. Deze inkijk in onze cultuur door de ogen van een schattige collectie buitenstaanders is ontwapenend. En leerzaam!
It is funny, I often hear that we love to complain (true, very true) and it usually implies we have it good here and no reason to complain as much. Nobody seems to consider it is because we complain that things get better.
wat ik wel heel vervelend vind is dat vooral Nederlanders van mijn leeftijd (ik doe het zelf ook) steeds meer Engelse dingen overnemen door het internet. we praten steeds meer Engels en gebruiken Engelse woorden, we nemen Amerikaanse tradities over (halloween is bijna populairder dan sintmaarten) en we kijken veel meer naar Amerikaanse series en engels youtube bijvoorbeeld. ik heb echt het gevoel dat door mijn generatie de Nederlandse taal gaat veranderen naar een soort Engels dialect😂
Maar ook echt hoor. Beetje jammer dat onze tradities verminderen maar ik begrijp soms wel dat mensen Engels wat makkelijker vinden dan Nederlands omdat het gewoon verdomd moeilijk is.
3:37 "young kids have the same polite manners..." no they don't. I'm a waiter. And everytime i bring something for the kids. The parents be like "what do you say then??"/"wat zeg je dan??" And the kids be like "............." nothing comes out there mouths. Not a single thank you. But oke lol.
Shy? And why is it, when the kids order their drink or food, they never say "i want the/a ..... please." And then the parent be like "please". While foreign kids always say please at the end when ordering/bring their order. And the parent don't need to tell them to say please. Its called manners.
I'm Dutch, many of my friends are Dutch, none of them are nationalistic or genuinely proud of our country. The only sense of 'nationalism' I ever experience is during sporting events and Kingsday - and that's not about national pride at all for almost everyone who takes part in it.
Veel van mijn vrienden zijn nationalistisch zelf wil ik ook mijn land dienen over een paar jaar na mijn hbo. Hoe kun je nou niet trots zijn op dit mooie land💪🏼🇳🇱
QQ Meister je kan toch gewoon trots op iets zijn ook al heb je daar geen invloed op gehad. Je kan toch ook bijvoorbeeld trots zijn op je favoriete profvoetballer die een mooie goal maakt. Ik noem maar ff wat
@@thomas15-12 ik vind dat toch wel echt iets anders dan een gevoel van persoonlijke trots op je afkomst. Nationalisme is voor sukkels, ongeacht waar je vandaan komt.
Daarom koos ik (een Amerikaanse vrouw) ervoor om in Nederland te wonen, mijn oma (aan mijn moeders kant) was Nederlands en mijn moeder (was Schots maar kwam in 73 naar Amerika). Hij koos ervoor terug te gaan naar Nederland omdat ik me voel alsof ik daar thuishoor. Ik weet niet waarom, maar ik denk dat, omdat ik veel Nederlandse persoonlijkheid heb, en ja, mijn oma heeft me Nederlands geleerd omdat ze dacht dat het op een dag nuttig voor me zou zijn en ze had gelijk!
@@wimroeven4931 Profeet Klaver,is voor af hakken van klitjes bij Moslim kindjes. DE as Soena en Alfitrah moskee,daar zal hij niets negatiefs over zeggen.
3:35 sorry, but street language is much more dominant amongst the youth now. Sadly (the youth is really going to shit now.) “Why?” you may ask. Because other cultures (mostly Turkish, Moroccan, and stuff) reproduce twice as fast (literally. Moroccan for instance get maybe 5 children per household, meanwhile the Dutch get a maximum of 2 per household. These cultures also tend to be more violent, for example: my brother was attacked yesterday (he got punched, kicked and his shirt was torn apart. The whole shirt-show) and nothing could be done against it, because he’ll just play the racism card. They also tend to drop out of school more. And when they get paid less, it’s “Racism”. Another example: they’ve been changing “Sinterklaas”, because they think it’s racism, the helpers of Sinterklaas (saint Nicholas in English) are black, because they enter trough the chimney, just like Santa, and because Sinterklaas is white it automatically tied to slavery. So how do you ruin a holiday, you make other helpers like “Kaas Piet” (cheese Piet), because of course let’s bring up offensive Dutch stereotypes ,which aren’t even true. They appear to think we have to adapt to their culture, in stead of they adapting to ours. And you are probably thinking I’m the racist one here, but I’m not. I hate to see people generalise those cultures. They’ve already made a bad name for themselves, not every one of them are bad. Those who adapt can stay here, but those who don’t even try can leave this country immediately.
Hahaha. That's so true. We complain about almost everything although we have the most things pretty well managed. But when foreigners complain about our country they will be put on their place.😂😂
Addie Olive, vind je dat vreemd? Natuurlijk mag iemand kritiek hebben op een land maar als buitenlander moet je daar wel een beetje mee uitkijken: ze zijn hier meestal wel te gast en tegen je gastheer ben je beleefd. Het hangt er ook heel erg vanaf hoe je iets zegt wat je niet bevalt aan een land. We hebben veel te veel toeristen en nieuwkomers die zomaar op een rotmanier kritiek spuwen tegen iedere Nederlander die ze tegenkomen en een gesprek mee beginnen. Alsof de individuele Nederlander hoogstpersoonlijk verantwoordelijk daarvoor is, alsof er totaal geen verschil onderling is en alsof er geen verschil zit tussen het volk en de regering en dit flikken ze ook bij Nederlanders in het buitenland zonder zich af te vragen of alle info die zij hebben überhaupt wel klopt! Zelf ook vaak genoeg meegemaakt. Als je op reis ergens heen gaat weet je dat je voorzichtig moet zijn met negatieve kritieken op een land, vooral met politiek. Dat is met ieder land zo dus waarom zou dat voor een land als Nederland anders zijn? De tijd dat iedereen hier ongevraagd zijn frustratie zomaar voor op het stoepje van het Nederlandse volk kon gooien zijn gelukkig voorbij: mensen hebben het gehad met de stereotypen. Natuurlijk hebben we hier regels, tradities en waarden. En natuurlijk mag en kan hier niet alles en vanzelfsprekend is Nederland geen paradijs. En dat hadden en kunnen buitenlanders heus wel weten als ze interesse hadden of hebben, niet dom zijn of hun gezonde verstand gebruiken. Helaas mankeert het daar aan en wij zitten met zulk rotgedrag opgescheept. En dat mogen we best laten merken. Is niks mis mee, hadden we in de jaren 70 al direct moeten doen. En dit is niet iets typisch Nederlands: geen enkel land met zijn inwoners pikt negatief gedrag en kritiek op zijn/haar dagelijkse gang van zaken!
Don't forget that you need foreigners to save you in future. Unfortunately for you guys, Dutch folks don't seem to brave or powerful. They always need another country to save them hahahaha
When I heard that a Dutch student invented a way to clean up the oceans of the immense amounts of plastic in it, I was very proud to be Dutch. Plus we recycle about everything: glass, plastic, metals, paper, etc. Also I'm proud of our mentality of 'doe maar normaal, dan doe je al gek genoeg' = 'act normal, that's weird enough'. Try to be a decent human being, who is part of the solution, instead of part of the problems in this world, is important to me. Thinking in solutions and strategies to make things better. That's what makes me proud and happy.
Heel leuk kanaal. Een welkom (positief) tegengeluid voor het soms negatieve imago van de multiculturele samenleving. P.s.: klopt dit alles grammaticaal? Ik ben soms zelf de weg kwijt in de Nederlandse taal. Excuus.
@3:34 I am a teacher in the Netherlands. I really wish that were true sir... It is not the fault of the kids though. In my experience it is the lack of rules/structure for the kids that teachers apply. The lower someone is educated, the bigger this problem is. But that is just for the teachers to deal with I suppose ^^
04:24 Okay, we complain. It's true. But that's exactly the reason why a lot of systems and roads work here. Because when something isn't up to standard we complain and work towards something better.
I used to think the Netherlands qas boring and irrelevant, until I moved to Canada and Italy. Boy life sure is great in NL compared to other countries, we simply don't see it because we are used to things running so smoothly
I really appreciate how honest the people in the video were. Also about how Dutch people complain about non important stuff. I totally agree! And I’m Dutch.
I've never came across a Dutch person that is proud of being Dutch. I don't really think we think too much about it, and it's more just tradition we follow.
@@jbird4478 Actually this is something George Carlin use to say a lot. His full quote is: Pride should be reserved for something you achieve or obtain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth. Being Irish isn't a skill... it's a fucking genetic accident. You wouldn't say I'm proud to be 5'11"; I'm proud to have a pre-disposition for colon cancer. I don't consider myself proud to be a Dutch person, like Americans or French people are. But I am proud to be a member of this weird group called Kaaskoppen
I left Holland more than 20 years ago and I am still happy that I did. There are many things to be proud of in Holland of course! But I have never found it a pleasant country and culture to live in. However, since I have been able to compare Holland with two other countries where I have lived, loved and worked, the Czech Republic and Australia, I have learnt to really value the Dutch political system and its civilised laws and institutions.
You can only be proud of what you have achieved, i am proud if what we as Dutch have achieved. But nowadays there are a lot of idiots that want to be negative about the Netherlands and call everything racist and bring up everything we have done wrong in the past, they love calling everybody a fascist or Nazi. I anticipate that one of those is already popping a vain to react to this.
Derf Family kun je eens uitleggen wat er extreem is aan mijn mening, ik was links en ben iets meer opgeschoven naar het centrum. Er is een grote blinde vlek op links en er wordt met twee maten gemeten, dat was ik zat.
I am proud of what Dutch people have achieved over all, but you cannot only look back at your past with only pride. You have to admit the mistakes the Dutch have made in the past. But those mistakes do not mean you cannot be proud at all, it just tells you to not be too proud of everything you have done.
They are very, very proud! When they got sent home from the Songfestival they found a dancer by another country who was Dutch and they were really PROUD of that. They search for anything Dutch anywhere to be proud. It's like they have to be involved so they can be proud.
@@user-sk8sj2fu9m ah did someone piss in your cornflakes again this morning?? ;-) im sure my english accent isn,t that good, im dutch so i bloody hell don,t care about it. and i can sing a lot of songs its because i have somewhat of a good memory for music regardless of what language. fijne avond nog.
The one with the socks doesn't even get the joke going on. It says, I'm a hero. But because it's on the socks, it actually refers to a saying that goes; held op sokken (hero on socks) which means you're no hero at all.
We dutch people are also proud of our education. We have a really good school system, and we also have to learn a lot of languages. I do gymnasium, which means that I have Greek, Latin, Dutch, English, French and German, which is also something a lot of people are proud of.
Als we het gaan hebben over uitvindingen... Het gat in een CD of DVD is zo groot als een dubbeltje. Omdat dat het enige ronde ding was dat de uitvinder voorhanden had.
I do agree with this video and these foreigners, living in The Netherlands, seem to understand it. We are not overly proud like we don't start classes in schools with singing the 'Wilhelmus'. Most people even don't know the words and disagree with this. More and more people don't even like the Royal Family. It's not the Royal Family that makes us proud although many people kinda love to wave flags and dress in orange. We just love to celebrate. It's not just that we cheer for our national team but also (rock)bands that come to play find the Dutch audience amazing because we cheer and appreciate. But with engineering and finding solution we claimed land from the sea. We colonized the USA, South Africa, Australia, etc before the British took over. Almost all Dutch people speak several languages and are beloved guests in almost all countries. We were the first to allow gay marriage. We were the first to allow marijuana for self use and thought that prostitution is a business. We even take pride in being direct that others sometimes mistake for being rude. We are also very pragmatic and adopt to changes well. Even if we disagree with the changes. We have always been open to people that like the Dutch way and don't want to change it. If you don't like the Dutch way and want to change our way of living you are also not welcome and we tell you. I talk to a lot of people from all different countries and I'm republican and don't like our Royal Family, but in times I notice that I'm proud the be Dutch. That Abigail from Ethiopia with the orange socks. That's cute. She does understand.
Totally disagree. Kingsday is just another day to party nobody gives a single fuck about the kings birthday, we are mostly complaining about things we couldve had better instead of really appreciating what we have and if you say you're proud to be dutch you get a racism card put on you because we are a multicultural society.
Im not dutch, but I kinda feel very proud of the country!! The NL is such an amazing and unique place to live. Also when some tourist generalize amsterdam as being the whole country i get pissed off hahahahahah
Hey, ik zag geen link of mailadres op je website om te solliciteren, maar ik zou graag helpen om mensen nederlands te leren spreken, dus als je nog nakijkers nodig hebt...
Regarding the Dutch talking other languages and not Dutch: The Netherlands has a very long history of trade. We went to war for trade, we talk different tongues for trade and we've spread across the entire world building small trade colonies (we didn't conquer like Spain, Portugal, England or France, at least not untill very late) to mostly trade for exotic goods to bring home and sell at a hefty profit. Talking in English to English people is a flattering thing and builds a small temporary bridge to make more sales. We'll try other languages if we know some, we're always curious to learn on holidays etc, but not too far from our comfort zone. If you want to learn Dutch, you'll have to put in the effort and follow a course, get some books or audiobooks etc. and even then you need to practice with actual Dutch people. Now the kicker, there are many dialects in my little country and even a 2nd language, so even after learning proper Dutch, you still can get into trouble hitting language barriers :D
Dated and traveled with a Dutch girl. I always offered to get a place to stay and if it had a coffee make she would always feel super boujee. Haha I miss her so much.
I feel like it's definitely as the man at 4:37 says. We are a family, so we complain a lot and have no need to tell each other how proud we are or anything. However if somebody outside of that family starts talking shit we are united as fuck.
It's also true that we are little bit spoiled. Complaining about the weather, the bus is one minute too late etc etc (Wij Nederlanders zijn ook wel een beetje verwend en klagen vaak om de dingen waarover je niet hoeft te klagen)
So I think there's something to be said about pride. For me there's a clear difference between for example patriotism and just being proud of something. For example I am proud of our country as clearly The Netherlands offers a lot to countries that others don't always see and because we are so small our voice often gets deafened. And I think that's why we Dutchies tend to wave our flag around when we can. For example at world championships. We tend to win a lot of medals and then suddenly people know us. We invented a lot of stuff etc. But what I don't think we have a lot is Patriotism in the way for example the USA or France has. We embrace diversity to the max whilst still maintaining Dutch roots. But we don't try to promote ourselves better than we actually are. When something happens, like winning a medal, we like to say ' yay we're good ' but what I notice from certain other countries is that they say they're good... but don't always have the receipts to back that up. Take for example France that doesn't like to speak English for some reason. It's as if their language is holy and as if they can never do something wrong. In those cases we tend to be very blunt and be like ' ow come on we all have good and bad things, we're not perfect but we do our best. And if the largest news is how our trains keep coming a minute too late than I think we're doing fine ' I guess what I'm trying to say is that we tend to be proud of what we've achieved and what we are to other countries even if it doesn't show as fast. And even though we're not everywhere in the news like America for example, we do a lot of things behind the scenes and we don't mind that at all. But when it does happen that we're in the spotlight, we do like to take that moment and then give it to others again without complaining. And I like that.
I'm proud that we are relatively openminded, that we are small but have quite a lot topsporters and great inventions. But mostly it's that a lot of people say 'o, wow, you're dutch' while traveling, that made me feel 'o, I should be proud, I guess'. There's also a lot of stuff I'm not proud of at all (for example history, millionairs that shouldn't be millionair, destroying nature, not very welcoming/nice to refugees etc). I would rather say that I'm blessed I'm Dutch. And when I celebrate King's Day it's because I like to party and that everyone is in orange and when I hang out the flag when I was 17 I didn't know it had anything to do with pride: Just a tradition. So all in all I think we are quite average when it comes to pride
The Dutch are the most kind people I have ever met in my life. They have gold hearts and I’m so proud to be in their country actually it’s I call my country to because my man must come from the Dutch family ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Navigation a shipwrecked crew who found themselves on an island of the west coast of Australia (17th century). In the sloop and primitive navigational aids found their way to present-day Jakarta.
The Dutch are so proud of their country, when there is a random RUclips video with the word Dutch in it, everyone watches. 😂
its true I do look and I am proud
this hits home a little bit to close for comfort
I'm in this picture and I don't like it
Dutch Rulezzz!
We are way to proud. We dutch people even look up videos how great we dutch people are, and then we say to our selves zie je wel!
Echt hoor, ik kijk voornamelijk naar deze video's om te horen hoe geweldig Nederland eigenlijk is. Of dat het bijvoorbeeld beter is dan Amerika. Fun times
@@emmaoelius Dat Nederland beter is dan de VS, daar heb je niet echt een video voor nodig.
ach amerikanen doen dat vast dagelijks
Maar echt 😅😂
Zet dutch in de titel en heel Nederland kijkt😂🇳🇱
Romi Lindeman XD
Ja helemaal 😂
dat klopt
Are we proud?
Fuck yes!
Brazilian sitting next to a Belgian talking about the Dutch: "And they do have the best beer."
Proud of our history huh..
(Insert gekoloniseerd joke)
Still proud.
Zeg makker, kokosnoten zijn geen specerijen.
Every country has a questionable history if you look at it trough today's lens. The Dutch also had some amazing people who did great things for humanity.
De voc is het rijkste bedrijf aller tijden. Feitje van de dag.
VOC mentaliteit, niks mis mee.
I think they confuse nationalism & pride with 'we really like parties'.
I'm not particular proud of the Netherlands, I do like Dutch and I do like the Dutch mentality, but mostly because it's my home. But I think it's really a personal interpretation for 'outsiders', as you can see in the video; the opinions differ a lot.
Exactly! Personally I truly hate kingsday😂 but I love a good party
There is a small group of people, you are not doing a big research
This is the first one that I don't recognise at all. National pride to me seems to be very low, especially compared to France or England. Dutch popular culture like music and films are seen as an embarrassment or "guilty pleasure", teens prefer to speak English sometimes or say that Dutch is an ugly language. Nationalism especially is really not a thing here. Maybe very recently with all the identity politics throughout Europe this has started to rise or become more visible, but for me it really feels like a recent development. Only football has always been an exception.
Anna de Bruijn like they said in this video, we could be a little more pride about our own language.
Wat ik dus wil zeggen. Echte Nederlanders zijn juist heel trots Nederlander te zijn. Alleen als nuchter volk lopen we daar niet mee te koop. Wij hebben niet, zoals die Amerikanen, nationale vlaggen in de kamer hangen of dragen kleding met de Nederlandse vlag. Behalve vandaag dan op Koningsdag of tijdens EK’s of WK’s.
well it is, but its mightily surpressed, i agree with you especially the older generation often right out insults our culture and presence non-stop, I call it a post ww2 trauma.
I think we are actually very proud of our country and culture, but part of that culture is to be humble about it. We don't scream around how proud we are of our country, we just look down on almost all other countries xD
@@Roozyj mweh id sooner say we do it in more sneaky ways...we when "arranged" for the orange procession aside that is; that we do not perse follow patriotism (state worship) but we LOVE it when people notice us, or something we were a big part in.
We love reading the dutch inventions list and we love to be world renowned for our water works, infrastructure systems or even something as silly as our tendacy to be long and/or walk fast
something like ... indeed we do not wear bike helmets, what are you even suggesting ... *gloats*
Wow, quite an informative series to watch as a Dutch citizen. Makes me appreciate things I took for granted. Thanks a lot!
love the orange socks!
*hurricane Katrina*
Me: _MoRe LiKe HuRrIcAne tOrTilLa_
haha niiiiice
@@ariari4133 wat?
@@ariari4133 wat heeft dit te maken met de meme? Ik heb geen flauw idee waar de fuck jij het over hebt.
*me proudly watching the dutch flag from behind my window*
That,s one ugly vlag
ben ik de enige die geen Nederlandse stok vlag ding heeft????
Ik heb geen vlaggenstok, maar ik heb kleine vlaggetjes die ik in de plantenbak kan rammen, dan staat er toch nog eentje in de dakgoot. :)
I would like to say this to Adrian: when we speak English (or ANY foreign language we know) instead of Dutch, it's not because we're not proud to be Dutch. Instead, it's because we take pride in our ability to adapt, and to speak a foreign language as well. This, too, is a part of our heritage that we're very proud of. In the 17th and 18th centuries, when the V.O.C. traveled the world for trade, they learned that it really benefits to speak and thoroughly understand the language of your host. That's why we had the English, the French AND the Spanish hunting us down: they were jealous of our wealth and how we gathered it in trade! (hahahahaha, just kidding).
So we've taken this a step further: we think that, as a host, it may be profitable to speak and thoroughly understand the language of your guests/customers.
The thing about the family, squabbling between eachother, but bond when attacked, is so true. Plus sports and innovation
I feel we are proud when necessary. Celebrate a lot because we are very sober. I like the descriptions. I also found we are welcomed with open arms around the world, thank you!
So proud that we watch video's about the dutch, being proud to be dutch while being dutch with fellow dutchers. in a land of more dutch.
I'd say we arent usually very expressive about it. We don't show it as much as for example the Americans and their ridiculous patriotism. But we aren't any less proud. And when we do choose to show it, it's like a bomb of nationalism.
So true!
Friendly advice from a U.S. citizen (soon to be dutch citizen one day) if one plans to visit us one day. If it involves the word "Free or "freedom" it means the complete opposite lol.
The Dutch seem to be very good at insulting other cultures and are probably proud of that too.
@@louiseleite3866 Yes. Because we indeed metrically have among the best culture available when it comes to freedom, expression, pride and community.
@@TheArrowsPath No you don't. Your country has become a Marxist liberal s**thole just like the other countries in Western Europe.
I am proud
Our property now
@gaatje niksaan Ga je Nederlandse geschiedenis leren aub
@gaatje niksaan kolonisatie is toch net wat anders dan migratie, vriend.
Hippity hoppity that's now my property
Ja ik ben zeer trots op de geschiedenis van Nederland wat we hebben bereikt met dit kleine landje!
Een muggepoepje.
These people are prouder of the Dutch than I a Dutch person am
Dan moet je dr iets aan doen. Is iets om je te schamen
@@Marcus-gh8bh broh
Bart, bedankt! Het is bijzonder vermakelijk, hoor. Deze inkijk in onze cultuur door de ogen van een schattige collectie buitenstaanders is ontwapenend. En leerzaam!
0:29 best comment 'if you let them' Priceless! Excellent observer(ess).
It is funny, I often hear that we love to complain (true, very true) and it usually implies we have it good here and no reason to complain as much. Nobody seems to consider it is because we complain that things get better.
What happened to the Indonesian guy at the beginning (Robin)? I would've loved to hear his thoughts.
I also thought it's odd how the guy was introduced but never reappeared!
wat ik wel heel vervelend vind is dat vooral Nederlanders van mijn leeftijd (ik doe het zelf ook) steeds meer Engelse dingen overnemen door het internet. we praten steeds meer Engels en gebruiken Engelse woorden, we nemen Amerikaanse tradities over (halloween is bijna populairder dan sintmaarten) en we kijken veel meer naar Amerikaanse series en engels youtube bijvoorbeeld. ik heb echt het gevoel dat door mijn generatie de Nederlandse taal gaat veranderen naar een soort Engels dialect😂
Maar ook echt hoor.
Beetje jammer dat onze tradities verminderen maar ik begrijp soms wel dat mensen Engels wat makkelijker vinden dan Nederlands omdat het gewoon verdomd moeilijk is.
Helemaal mee eens
Getting a bit homesick again (been abroad 15 years now...) Really nice and balanced ideas are expressed. Proud but not over the top...
3:37 "young kids have the same polite manners..." no they don't. I'm a waiter. And everytime i bring something for the kids. The parents be like "what do you say then??"/"wat zeg je dan??" And the kids be like "............." nothing comes out there mouths. Not a single thank you. But oke lol.
NoDaut dat is niet waar misschien weten de echt kleine kinderen dat niet maar bijna iedereen zegt gewoon dankjewel
NoDaut yeah the new dutchies are a lost cause
That's being shy
Shy? And why is it, when the kids order their drink or food, they never say "i want the/a ..... please." And then the parent be like "please". While foreign kids always say please at the end when ordering/bring their order. And the parent don't need to tell them to say please. Its called manners.
@@NoDautMK1 Yes, but kids could still be shy and want to talk as little as possible.
I'm Dutch, many of my friends are Dutch, none of them are nationalistic or genuinely proud of our country. The only sense of 'nationalism' I ever experience is during sporting events and Kingsday - and that's not about national pride at all for almost everyone who takes part in it.
Veel van mijn vrienden zijn nationalistisch zelf wil ik ook mijn land dienen over een paar jaar na mijn hbo. Hoe kun je nou niet trots zijn op dit mooie land💪🏼🇳🇱
@@thomas15-12 Wat heb je er aan om "trots" te zijn op iets waar je zelf geen invloed op heb gehad.
QQ Meister je kan toch gewoon trots op iets zijn ook al heb je daar geen invloed op gehad. Je kan toch ook bijvoorbeeld trots zijn op je favoriete profvoetballer die een mooie goal maakt. Ik noem maar ff wat
@@thomas15-12 ik vind dat toch wel echt iets anders dan een gevoel van persoonlijke trots op je afkomst.
Nationalisme is voor sukkels, ongeacht waar je vandaan komt.
@@RubsNL zegt de gene met NL in zijn naam XD
I fell in love with the poffertjes :-) and the little flag on top
Daarom koos ik (een Amerikaanse vrouw) ervoor om in Nederland te wonen, mijn oma (aan mijn moeders kant) was Nederlands en mijn moeder (was Schots maar kwam in 73 naar Amerika). Hij koos ervoor terug te gaan naar Nederland omdat ik me voel alsof ik daar thuishoor. Ik weet niet waarom, maar ik denk dat, omdat ik veel Nederlandse persoonlijkheid heb, en ja, mijn oma heeft me Nederlands geleerd omdat ze dacht dat het op een dag nuttig voor me zou zijn en ze had gelijk!
rose rose yes.
Natuurlijk zijn we trots op ons land. Ik ben trots om Nederlands te zijn en zou het niet anders kiezen. 🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱
Ik zou wel trots willen zijn , maar dat is verboden door profeet Klaver, volgens hem is dat racisme
@@wimroeven4931 klaver moet zn bek houden en doorgaan met gras kauwen
Profeet Klaver,is voor af hakken van klitjes bij Moslim kindjes.
DE as Soena en Alfitrah moskee,daar zal hij niets negatiefs over zeggen.
@@dutchdevilxl2999 gras kauwen😂
3:35 sorry, but street language is much more dominant amongst the youth now. Sadly (the youth is really going to shit now.) “Why?” you may ask. Because other cultures (mostly Turkish, Moroccan, and stuff) reproduce twice as fast (literally. Moroccan for instance get maybe 5 children per household, meanwhile the Dutch get a maximum of 2 per household. These cultures also tend to be more violent, for example: my brother was attacked yesterday (he got punched, kicked and his shirt was torn apart. The whole shirt-show) and nothing could be done against it, because he’ll just play the racism card. They also tend to drop out of school more. And when they get paid less, it’s “Racism”. Another example: they’ve been changing “Sinterklaas”, because they think it’s racism, the helpers of Sinterklaas (saint Nicholas in English) are black, because they enter trough the chimney, just like Santa, and because Sinterklaas is white it automatically tied to slavery. So how do you ruin a holiday, you make other helpers like “Kaas Piet” (cheese Piet), because of course let’s bring up offensive Dutch stereotypes ,which aren’t even true. They appear to think we have to adapt to their culture, in stead of they adapting to ours. And you are probably thinking I’m the racist one here, but I’m not. I hate to see people generalise those cultures. They’ve already made a bad name for themselves, not every one of them are bad. Those who adapt can stay here, but those who don’t even try can leave this country immediately.
I watched this while my mom and I were hanging the flag bc my brother graduated 🇳🇱🎒
Hahaha. That's so true. We complain about almost everything although we have the most things pretty well managed. But when foreigners complain about our country they will be put on their place.😂😂
Addie Olive, vind je dat vreemd? Natuurlijk mag iemand kritiek hebben op een land maar als buitenlander moet je daar wel een beetje mee uitkijken: ze zijn hier meestal wel te gast en tegen je gastheer ben je beleefd. Het hangt er ook heel erg vanaf hoe je iets zegt wat je niet bevalt aan een land. We hebben veel te veel toeristen en nieuwkomers die zomaar op een rotmanier kritiek spuwen tegen iedere Nederlander die ze tegenkomen en een gesprek mee beginnen. Alsof de individuele Nederlander hoogstpersoonlijk verantwoordelijk daarvoor is, alsof er totaal geen verschil onderling is en alsof er geen verschil zit tussen het volk en de regering en dit flikken ze ook bij Nederlanders in het buitenland zonder zich af te vragen of alle info die zij hebben überhaupt wel klopt! Zelf ook vaak genoeg meegemaakt. Als je op reis ergens heen gaat weet je dat je voorzichtig moet zijn met negatieve kritieken op een land, vooral met politiek. Dat is met ieder land zo dus waarom zou dat voor een land als Nederland anders zijn? De tijd dat iedereen hier ongevraagd zijn frustratie zomaar voor op het stoepje van het Nederlandse volk kon gooien zijn gelukkig voorbij: mensen hebben het gehad met de stereotypen. Natuurlijk hebben we hier regels, tradities en waarden. En natuurlijk mag en kan hier niet alles en vanzelfsprekend is Nederland geen paradijs. En dat hadden en kunnen buitenlanders heus wel weten als ze interesse hadden of hebben, niet dom zijn of hun gezonde verstand gebruiken. Helaas mankeert het daar aan en wij zitten met zulk rotgedrag opgescheept. En dat mogen we best laten merken. Is niks mis mee, hadden we in de jaren 70 al direct moeten doen. En dit is niet iets typisch Nederlands: geen enkel land met zijn inwoners pikt negatief gedrag en kritiek op zijn/haar dagelijkse gang van zaken!
Don't forget that you need foreigners to save you in future. Unfortunately for you guys, Dutch folks don't seem to brave or powerful. They always need another country to save them hahahaha
When I heard that a Dutch student invented a way to clean up the oceans of the immense amounts of plastic in it, I was very proud to be Dutch. Plus we recycle about everything: glass, plastic, metals, paper, etc.
Also I'm proud of our mentality of 'doe maar normaal, dan doe je al gek genoeg' = 'act normal, that's weird enough'. Try to be a decent human being, who is part of the solution, instead of part of the problems in this world, is important to me. Thinking in solutions and strategies to make things better. That's what makes me proud and happy.
A country so nice they named it twice!
Underrrated comment!!!😂
Heel leuk kanaal. Een welkom (positief) tegengeluid voor het soms negatieve imago van de multiculturele samenleving. P.s.: klopt dit alles grammaticaal? Ik ben soms zelf de weg kwijt in de Nederlandse taal. Excuus.
This video makes dutch people even more proud! 😂❤️
We love you Calvin, greetings from TU Delft
calvind heeft over het algemeen wel een realistisch en goed beeld van de nederlanders :)
Mijn overgrootvader was Nederlands. I'm proud of that; it's a good feeling.
In Indonesia, We are still using some Dutch Words nowadays, but not a lot as 40 years ago.
@3:34 I am a teacher in the Netherlands. I really wish that were true sir... It is not the fault of the kids though. In my experience it is the lack of rules/structure for the kids that teachers apply. The lower someone is educated, the bigger this problem is. But that is just for the teachers to deal with I suppose ^^
Maybe nobody likes biology
@@flavien1093 I think deep down everyone likes biology :)
This video does me so much good, makes me feel even more proud
04:24 Okay, we complain. It's true. But that's exactly the reason why a lot of systems and roads work here. Because when something isn't up to standard we complain and work towards something better.
Have lived my entire life in the Netherlands and the only emotion I know is depression
Maybe you shouldn't support Feyenoord then🤔
@@daanhaagen ik kijk niet eens voetbal?
I used to think the Netherlands qas boring and irrelevant, until I moved to Canada and Italy. Boy life sure is great in NL compared to other countries, we simply don't see it because we are used to things running so smoothly
@@SamH-bm8vn oi, then you REALLY are deoressed,
I really appreciate how honest the people in the video were. Also about how Dutch people complain about non important stuff. I totally agree! And I’m Dutch.
Didn’t realise we’re such a proud people ;)
ik ook niet, maar nu ik erover nadenk ben ik eigenlijk ook best wel trots op nederland
I've never came across a Dutch person that is proud of being Dutch.
I don't really think we think too much about it, and it's more just tradition we follow.
@@jbird4478 Actually this is something George Carlin use to say a lot. His full quote is: Pride should be reserved for something you achieve or obtain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth. Being Irish isn't a skill... it's a fucking genetic accident. You wouldn't say I'm proud to be 5'11"; I'm proud to have a pre-disposition for colon cancer.
I don't consider myself proud to be a Dutch person, like Americans or French people are. But I am proud to be a member of this weird group called Kaaskoppen
We are way too proud, we lookup ourselves on the internet
@@vinnie4v277 yeah almost all RUclips videos that mention Dutch people or the Netherlands have one thing in common :
@@vinnie4v277 That's not us, that is the youtube algorithm.
@@bramvanduijn8086 Nope, we search for it ourselves. We LOOKUP OURSELVES to hear people say how great our country is. We way to proud.
I left Holland more than 20 years ago and I am still happy that I did. There are many things to be proud of in Holland of course! But I have never found it a pleasant country and culture to live in. However, since I have been able to compare Holland with two other countries where I have lived, loved and worked, the Czech Republic and Australia, I have learnt to really value the Dutch political system and its civilised laws and institutions.
Dont get the dutch started on their water works. Now, thats something we are proud of.
I am proud to be DUTCH and to be living in a nice small AMAZING country. Dutch people are relaxt people. I love MY amazing country.
Nederlanders zijn trots maar ook beschijden en dat maakt het zo'n fijn land🇳🇱❤
Aster Bentvelsen bescheiden.
You can only be proud of what you have achieved, i am proud if what we as Dutch have achieved.
But nowadays there are a lot of idiots that want to be negative about the Netherlands and call everything racist and bring up everything we have done wrong in the past, they love calling everybody a fascist or Nazi. I anticipate that one of those is already popping a vain to react to this.
links tuig
@@ucallmeDave indd, landverraders zijn het of niet eens echte Netherlanders.
Derf Family kun je eens uitleggen wat er extreem is aan mijn mening, ik was links en ben iets meer opgeschoven naar het centrum. Er is een grote blinde vlek op links en er wordt met twee maten gemeten, dat was ik zat.
I am proud of what Dutch people have achieved over all, but you cannot only look back at your past with only pride. You have to admit the mistakes the Dutch have made in the past. But those mistakes do not mean you cannot be proud at all, it just tells you to not be too proud of everything you have done.
*laughs in gekoloniseerd*
2:30 the only thing i heard there was *hi my name is Catrina*
*sips tea* 💀
They are very, very proud! When they got sent home from the Songfestival they found a dancer by another country who was Dutch and they were really PROUD of that. They search for anything Dutch anywhere to be proud. It's like they have to be involved so they can be proud.
IF you aint dutch, you aint much... ;-)
You're just as much as the Dutch, we moeten niet gaan ego-trippen he? :)
Pak die kerel zijn koloniën af
Me: *Triggered about this*
Me: _sees a ship_
Few days later.
thats such a dutch thing to say lol lemme guess you cant speak with an english accent either and sing along to every dutch song
@@user-sk8sj2fu9m ah did someone piss in your cornflakes again this morning?? ;-)
im sure my english accent isn,t that good, im dutch so i bloody hell don,t care about it.
and i can sing a lot of songs its because i have somewhat of a good memory for music regardless of what language.
fijne avond nog.
Video made me proud. Maybe we are not that bad after all I guess
yeah it was fun too see how others thing about our country, they are really nice.
Waarom zouden wij überhaupt slecht zijn?
@@thomas15-12 omdat we vaak zo zeuren.
@@basbouwman5139 zoals peter dat doet, wees blij...
Great video!
The one with the socks doesn't even get the joke going on.
It says, I'm a hero. But because it's on the socks, it actually refers to a saying that goes; held op sokken (hero on socks) which means you're no hero at all.
1:40 Wow, hit the nail on the head!
5:34 This guy also makes some good points!
You know what they say: It ain't much, if it ain't Dutch!
True. I don’t correct foreigners trying to speak Dutch though. I’m proud of every word they can say correctly and praise them.
Dutch are just as proud as other European countries. Almost every country id the same when it comes to pride.
this makes me feel so proud to be dutch
But the thing we are the most proud of is that everywhere you are, you have WiFi😂😂😂🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱
We INVENTED wifi. Just sayin'
Excellent invention! Dank je wel from Canada! :)
We dutch people are also proud of our education. We have a really good school system, and we also have to learn a lot of languages. I do gymnasium, which means that I have Greek, Latin, Dutch, English, French and German, which is also something a lot of people are proud of.
In welk land converseer je gezellig in oud-Grieks of Latijn? Ik heb het niet gehad en mis het niet. #nieuwsgierig
Als we het gaan hebben over uitvindingen... Het gat in een CD of DVD is zo groot als een dubbeltje. Omdat dat het enige ronde ding was dat de uitvinder voorhanden had.
5:55 precies dat.
It is true that we are proud despite being a very small country achieve big things on the international world stage
Lex Buren Zo klein zijn we nou ook weer niet met bijna 18 miljoen inwoners.
I always wonder where in the Netherlands these students live, and for how long...
Probably in an expat bubble, with only filtered content about the rest of NL.
I do agree with this video and these foreigners, living in The Netherlands, seem to understand it. We are not overly proud like we don't start classes in schools with singing the 'Wilhelmus'. Most people even don't know the words and disagree with this. More and more people don't even like the Royal Family. It's not the Royal Family that makes us proud although many people kinda love to wave flags and dress in orange. We just love to celebrate. It's not just that we cheer for our national team but also (rock)bands that come to play find the Dutch audience amazing because we cheer and appreciate.
But with engineering and finding solution we claimed land from the sea. We colonized the USA, South Africa, Australia, etc before the British took over. Almost all Dutch people speak several languages and are beloved guests in almost all countries. We were the first to allow gay marriage. We were the first to allow marijuana for self use and thought that prostitution is a business. We even take pride in being direct that others sometimes mistake for being rude.
We are also very pragmatic and adopt to changes well. Even if we disagree with the changes. We have always been open to people that like the Dutch way and don't want to change it. If you don't like the Dutch way and want to change our way of living you are also not welcome and we tell you.
I talk to a lot of people from all different countries and I'm republican and don't like our Royal Family, but in times I notice that I'm proud the be Dutch.
That Abigail from Ethiopia with the orange socks. That's cute. She does understand.
Yes we are and proud about it
To anyone who came to The Netherlands and decided to live here. Youre one of us now, feel proud to.
Totally disagree. Kingsday is just another day to party nobody gives a single fuck about the kings birthday, we are mostly complaining about things we couldve had better instead of really appreciating what we have and if you say you're proud to be dutch you get a racism card put on you because we are a multicultural society.
Im not dutch, but I kinda feel very proud of the country!! The NL is such an amazing and unique place to live. Also when some tourist generalize amsterdam as being the whole country i get pissed off hahahahahah
As long as you have a dutch passport and are way to stingy, youre as dutch as it gets. Be as proud as you want.
🇳🇱🧡✨ Maak er een mooie Koningsdag van!!
Jij ook!💜😘
Jij ook pik
Heel leuk of we zo trots zijn, ik zou wel een beschuitje willen delen met Abigail 😜
Always been proud to be Dutch , and now am a proud Australian.
Football matches, I recall that time when they lost against Spain, so apt with "de konink van Hispaanie heb ik altijd geerd"
Ik hou echt van deze video’s ook om te zien hoe andere mensen denken over NL en nog een goed voor mijn engels
Ik hou van dit soort filmpjes wij zijn gwn de beste
I'm Dutch, proud and emigrated.
Hey, ik zag geen link of mailadres op je website om te solliciteren, maar ik zou graag helpen om mensen nederlands te leren spreken, dus als je nog nakijkers nodig hebt...
Regarding the Dutch talking other languages and not Dutch: The Netherlands has a very long history of trade. We went to war for trade, we talk different tongues for trade and we've spread across the entire world building small trade colonies (we didn't conquer like Spain, Portugal, England or France, at least not untill very late) to mostly trade for exotic goods to bring home and sell at a hefty profit. Talking in English to English people is a flattering thing and builds a small temporary bridge to make more sales. We'll try other languages if we know some, we're always curious to learn on holidays etc, but not too far from our comfort zone. If you want to learn Dutch, you'll have to put in the effort and follow a course, get some books or audiobooks etc. and even then you need to practice with actual Dutch people. Now the kicker, there are many dialects in my little country and even a 2nd language, so even after learning proper Dutch, you still can get into trouble hitting language barriers :D
Cope, Nederlands gaat helaas uitsterven ik overdrijf niet de jeugd praat Engels gemixt met straattaal. Het is geen Nederlands meer.
4:37 well guys it appears we are kinda ancient greece those where like squabling family but attacked by foreingers united
I'm Dutch and I'm proud ya
i to
Dated and traveled with a Dutch girl. I always offered to get a place to stay and if it had a coffee make she would always feel super boujee. Haha I miss her so much.
Dit is dan ook echt een koningsdag video
I feel like it's definitely as the man at 4:37 says. We are a family, so we complain a lot and have no need to tell each other how proud we are or anything. However if somebody outside of that family starts talking shit we are united as fuck.
It's also true that we are little bit spoiled. Complaining about the weather, the bus is one minute too late etc etc (Wij Nederlanders zijn ook wel een beetje verwend en klagen vaak om de dingen waarover je niet hoeft te klagen)
weetje waar ik trots op ben? het weer XD het is altijd verassend niet vragen wanneer het gaat regenen maar hoelaat XD
So I think there's something to be said about pride. For me there's a clear difference between for example patriotism and just being proud of something. For example I am proud of our country as clearly The Netherlands offers a lot to countries that others don't always see and because we are so small our voice often gets deafened. And I think that's why we Dutchies tend to wave our flag around when we can. For example at world championships. We tend to win a lot of medals and then suddenly people know us. We invented a lot of stuff etc. But what I don't think we have a lot is Patriotism in the way for example the USA or France has.
We embrace diversity to the max whilst still maintaining Dutch roots. But we don't try to promote ourselves better than we actually are. When something happens, like winning a medal, we like to say ' yay we're good ' but what I notice from certain other countries is that they say they're good... but don't always have the receipts to back that up. Take for example France that doesn't like to speak English for some reason. It's as if their language is holy and as if they can never do something wrong. In those cases we tend to be very blunt and be like ' ow come on we all have good and bad things, we're not perfect but we do our best. And if the largest news is how our trains keep coming a minute too late than I think we're doing fine '
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we tend to be proud of what we've achieved and what we are to other countries even if it doesn't show as fast. And even though we're not everywhere in the news like America for example, we do a lot of things behind the scenes and we don't mind that at all. But when it does happen that we're in the spotlight, we do like to take that moment and then give it to others again without complaining. And I like that.
I'm proud that we are relatively openminded, that we are small but have quite a lot topsporters and great inventions. But mostly it's that a lot of people say 'o, wow, you're dutch' while traveling, that made me feel 'o, I should be proud, I guess'. There's also a lot of stuff I'm not proud of at all (for example history, millionairs that shouldn't be millionair, destroying nature, not very welcoming/nice to refugees etc). I would rather say that I'm blessed I'm Dutch. And when I celebrate King's Day it's because I like to party and that everyone is in orange and when I hang out the flag when I was 17 I didn't know it had anything to do with pride: Just a tradition. So all in all I think we are quite average when it comes to pride
I have a brother-in-law that's Dutch. Eats bread and cheese all the time. Enjoys beer.
4:38 this is it
Lessons this way is so funny... i enjoyed every youtube from all these people so far.. and yes, we Dutch are a bit weird lol
Dit soort filmpjes geven mn ego nou echt een boost
Amazing great country to be born and to live in!
5:42 *‘‘they don't take it to the point that they think they're the best people in the world’’*
uhmm, yeah we do. And rightly so!
The Dutch are the most kind people I have ever met in my life. They have gold hearts and I’m so proud to be in their country actually it’s I call my country to because my man must come from the Dutch family ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
instead of "heel holland bakt", on youtube we have "heel holland kijkt"
Navigation a shipwrecked crew who found themselves on an island of the west coast of Australia (17th century). In the sloop and primitive navigational aids found their way to present-day Jakarta.