A tired detective plays 'Sherlock Holmes Chapter One'.

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • I had to rest before completing the editing of this video.

Комментарии • 9

  • @AndresGarcia-ul1wk
    @AndresGarcia-ul1wk 9 дней назад +3

    Good video! SH Chapter One is a great game in my opinion. Though I do not recommend the DLCs, except "M for mystery" and "Beyond a joke". The others are a bit expensive for what they are (I completed one DLC in less than 8 minutes).

  • @misterholmesian
    @misterholmesian  11 дней назад +1

    After ending the recording, I realised why *SPOILER FOR THE CASE* the severed finger and ring was placed outside the room of the informant's body on a table.
    Why do you think?
    A look at everything on the table gave me an idea.

    • @AndresGarcia-ul1wk
      @AndresGarcia-ul1wk 9 дней назад +1

      Mmm, well, if we just ignore the sheet music, then I was thinking that maybe he had those papers concealed between his ring and his finger. But I doubt it because the papers seem to be intact, except for the edges that show that they are pages torn off from a notebook or a book. However, it does not have anything printed on it that could make it seem to be coming from a book, though he could have taken some of the blank pages present at the end of some of them. Maybe they are pages from the hidden book? But why did he take them out? Could it be that he wanted to write to his wife? But that would mean that he had hope that he could get out of that place or that, at least, he could get the letter out of there, which is not very probable... I think I am overthinking this haha.

    • @misterholmesian
      @misterholmesian  9 дней назад

      I don't know the answer in the game, but I believe the papers on the desk aren't particularly relevant. The building seems to be their hideout (hence the cards, bottles, map, and papers around the room), so those papers may have been there before the informant's arrival. I doubt they'd need to clear the table to just put a finger and ring on it. It takes so little space. If that's a table for their work, I'd put it there. So its location is openly known to the group.
      I have to think that the ring and finger were taken outside the torture room because they wanted to do something with it. If not to dispose of it, then perhaps to use it. As a trophy? Maybe. But I think it more likely they might use it to find the book they have yet to find. After all, that's more important than a trophy. That note in the torture room was about their disappointed boss. If it were me, I'd do almost anything to find that book, to save my skin and please the boss.
      So I would think really hard about what I have and know, to get what I want.
      The ring tells us that the informant is married. Perhaps the criminals can use that to their advantage. What do you think?

    • @AndresGarcia-ul1wk
      @AndresGarcia-ul1wk 9 дней назад

      @@misterholmesian for some reason RUclips just did not inform me of your answer.
      Anyway, let me share my thoughts on yours.
      I agree with the inference that that place is their hideout. I think it is safe to discard the idea that they wanted the ring as a trophy. As you well pointed out, their boss was mad at them so I doubt that having the informant right there with them and having been useless at the task of extracting information from him they would have, despite that, kept something as a trophy.
      I think, as you said, that probabilities point to the ring being used as a tool for "uncovering" the hidden place where the book was. So yes, in the end I agree.
      I had discarded that possiblity due to the sheet music and the papers below the ring; they got me so carried away from the simple, tough apparently, correct answer.
      By the way, now that you bring up the possiblity of the criminals using the ring as a way to get the book, I deduce that Dondolo's wife is no longer in Cordona. I am going to proceed and explain my deduction.
      First of all, it is certainly safe to assume that both Mr. and Ms. Dondolo have a very strong bond, the engraving on the ring is evidence suggestive of that fact. Now, following on that assumption, one must also assume that they, to a certain degree, took care of each other. Thus, if one of them were to go missing for some days, then the other would start to act, either by informing the police or by starting to look for the missing one for him or helself. It is known to the wife that he works in a library and she certainly knows where it is located, isn't that right? Now, when you went to the place in question, Holmes observed that the handle hadn't been touched in a couple of days (due to the dust). Now, regardless of which one of the two actions presented above she did, then his place of work would be an interesting place to take a look at, thus, his door handle would show signs of having been touched either by the cordona police investigating or by herself. However, that is not the case.
      This could have happened due to many reasons. First, she could have already been captured by the criminals, but then we must ask ourselves, why are there no signs of her in the hideout? We, then, discard this possiblity. Next is that she is heavily sick. She could have easily told one of the nurses to call a police officer and tell him about it. However, I suppose she would have first written a letter to her own home asking his husband why he did not go to visit her, and then she would not have received any reply. So what are we left with? That Mycroft got to her and told her that his husband was missing? There would be no need and I don't see Mycroft doing that, unless she was in danger, but until Holmes had begun investigating we did not know of any wrongdoing with certainty. Therefore, we have certain clues that point to a concrete direction: both of them taking care of each other, the husband being an informant and knowing the dangers of being so, and finally, the engraving: "Together always and forever". It all points to the scenario of mr. Dondolo having told his wife to leave Cordona due to the dangers that were awaiting him. He fully knew that, by doing what he was doing, a tragedy could occur anytime, so he insisted to his wife that she left Cordona and went to another place. He probably promised her something like: "when all this finished, I´ll reach out for you and everything will be back to normal". But it didn´t.
      Thus concludes Herlock Sholmes' great deduction! (Sorry, I had to do that.)

    • @misterholmesian
      @misterholmesian  8 дней назад

      That's an interesting theory. I'll tell you what I think.
      I believe the finger and ring were intended to be used to threaten the wife into locating and handing over the red book. Though, I'm not exactly sure it's the wife they want to threaten.
      They know the informant is married. If I were them, I'd use the wife to locate the book. They're a couple, so there's a good chance that she has seen the book or knows of her husband's hiding spots. I imagine the criminals would send the finger and ring to show they mean business. With a note that says something like, "We have your man. He is hiding a red book. Find that book and wait for further instructions. We are watching you. If you tell anyone about this, we'll kill him. Then we'll kill you.". Something like that.
      The reason the bookstore is untouched is because the wife does not know about the abduction. She either lives apart from the man due to marriage trouble or because she is on travel. Either way, if she lives apart from the informant, the couple may go days without seeing each other, and she wouldn't know to raise alarm. We know Mycroft wouldn't involve the police, for the information surrounding the informant is sensitive. Not even the deliverer (the woman at the Chronicle) knew about the case's details. I doubt the book shop remaining closed for two days was enough for the customers to call the police. They might have assumed it a personal reason. It seems no one else found the weapon used on the informant, so I doubt they would escalate to calling the police without looking around the area first.
      The criminals might have known that the wife wasn't staying with the informant at the time he was kidnapped. Kidnapping him at that point would be best so that they'd have time to deal with the informant without raising suspicion. However, after failing to find the red book, they resort to using the wife. I'm sure they were confident that the book would be on him. He wouldn't leave it at home during work because his home could be robbed. The same goes for the book shop. It's likely that he usually travels between home and the book shop with a stack of books. That's to keep the red book close to him at all times, but camouflage it with other books. That's why the kidnapper was more careful to grab the books rather than his weapon. He knew the red book would be there. I'm sure he meant to grab the weapon, but after causing trouble, and with witnesses being nearby, he was forced to move quickly. Forgetting it.
      I think that largely covers the facts.

    • @AndresGarcia-ul1wk
      @AndresGarcia-ul1wk 8 дней назад

      I see your points. It is amazing how we are extracting so much information based on this case. I don't think they have though it this much, but it is amazing though! (No offense frogwares).
      Regarding your first point, that Ms Dondolo knows of the hiding spots of his husband and has seen the red book, I'm not sure I entirely agree. Yes, they are certainly close, but would Mr Dondolo go to such lengths as to reveal to her loved one sensitive and essential information? I mean, as we have seen, having that information can get you killed. So I'm not sure the wife knows. Maybe he has said some things at home regarding his job, but they would have been ambiguous and vague. I would go to such lengths as to argue that he didn't tell his wife about him being an informant. It is too much of a risk. By the way, the way they would send the finger to the wife reminded me of 'The Adventure of the Cardboard Box' 😂.
      'She either lives apart from the man due to marriage troubles'. I see some difficulty in that. There is no evidence pointing to trouble in their relationship and, furthermore, Mr Dondolo was still wearing his wedding ring. I'm not sure I follow you when you say that the wife doesn't know about the abduction because she is on a trip. Is there some evidence of that? I mean, I based my deduction on the assumption that she would be living with him due to the balance of probabilities. But why would she be on a trip?
      I agree with the last point, though I found two things worth analyzing. First, I don't think the criminals knew his wife was away. I can't think of a way they could have know it. In my opinion, their boss just sent them his address, and told the criminals to bring him alive. As we have seen in the library, there is not much professionalism coming from this mob. The second point is that when the kidnapper grabbed the books, he would have seen a red one and instantly think it was the targeted book, so what happened there? I agree with him wanting to grab the weapon but being nervous due to witnesses.
      Pease upload more videos like these! I've had a lot of fun watching it! I think Chapter One has a lot of potential for the player to think and deduce things about its cases (as it is *abundantly* shown in this discussion 🤣).