A vrai dire c'est la parole de Napoléon Bonaparte " une belle femme plaît aux yeux comme des bijoux et une bonne femme plaît au coeur comme un trésor" c'est pourquoi cet empereur là s'est marié au premier noce avec une veuve !! c'est à dire il y a une différence entre le mot " belle"et bonne " . Merci pour la dignité de votre famille... c'est de la part l'enfant du Mékong.
I know that seeds yes they call kangkong I all way to pick that seeds my mouth watering for all salad that vegetables 😋I always remember when I was young one day I will go to visit and want to see my mother land
Watching your video today made me miss both of my grandparents, both sides of my grandparents were farmers along river Mekong. My mother ‘s youngest sister is 92 years old and still lives on her farm today. Great video again 😊
I think the plant you were looking for is called Rosary Pea. It is native to India and parts of tropical Asia. Rosary pea is highly toxic and can be fatal if ingested. I am not an expert with plants but happen to come across them on the internet.
ខ្ញុំអ្នកបាត់ដំបងឮចាស់ៗប្រាប់ថា អង់គ្រេមអង់ក្រម . This red seeds in Peru people using these red seed for jewelry and house decorations. The red seeds are poisonous,
ខ្ញុំតែងតែមេីលពូ គ្រប់VDO😀
សប្បាយណាស់បង បានជួបឱពុកម្តាយ បានឃេីងបងប្រុសធ្វេីញាំស្តៅ ឆ្ងាញ់ៗណាស់បង
ស្តៅឆ្ងាញ់ណាស់គ្មួយ 😊
ស្តៅញាំត្រីឆ្អើរនឹងអំពិលទុំ គ្រាន់តែនិយាយហ៊ាទឹកមាត់ហ្ម៉ង😊😊😊
Great video brother!
Thanks for the visit. Happy life.
Salad look so yummy 😋😋😋 look good brother my mouth watering 😋😋
Thank you 😋
C'est une famille adorable avec de bonnes paroles qui me plaît beaucoup au coeur : c'est un trésor moral pour nos compatriotes.
I am very happy from your words.
A vrai dire c'est la parole de Napoléon Bonaparte " une belle femme plaît aux yeux comme des bijoux et une bonne femme plaît au coeur comme un trésor" c'est pourquoi cet empereur là s'est marié au premier noce avec une veuve !! c'est à dire il y a une différence entre le mot " belle"et bonne " . Merci pour la dignité de votre famille... c'est de la part l'enfant du Mékong.
I know that seeds yes they call kangkong I all way to pick that seeds my mouth watering for all salad that vegetables 😋I always remember when I was young one day I will go to visit and want to see my mother land
So nice of you
30:47 ឃ្លានទឹកត្នោតណាស់😫ខានផឹកយូហើយ
Bonjour bong laor TV 很高興看你的節目 想到我以前的從前 在柬埔寨
I'm also glad to hear about you. Hope you are happy and successful all the time.我也很高兴听到你的消息。 希望你一直快乐成功。
ពិតជា រីករាយណាាស់ដែលបានមេីលវីដេអូនេះ💞😇
ញាំស្តៅ មិនមែន ញ៉ាំស្តៅទេ
Thank you for showing me how to make sadaow salad 🥗
Hope you enjoy
បាទ ខ្ញុំសូមអរគុណណា
Very good family 👪 ❤️
You are so kind
You can leave a bowl of water for mommy dog and baby dog 🐶 the weather looks hot they can get thirsty. 😊 the food looks so delicious.
Thanks for the tips!
ទឹកត្នោត គួរតែប្រើអំពង់ ឬស្សី យកទៅអប់លើពោងដុតស្លឹកត្នោតអោយឈ្ងុយ ដើមចាស់ពីដើម នោះទើបទឹកត្នោតកាន់តែឆ្ងាញ់ តែអីលូវពុំសូវប្រើ ព្រោះវាធ្ងន់
Can you please next time can you show me ផ្លែល្ពៅ ( azadrachta India fruit) thank you
Watching your video today made me miss both of my grandparents, both sides of my grandparents were farmers along river Mekong.
My mother ‘s youngest sister is 92 years old and still lives on her farm today.
Great video again 😊
Glad you enjoyed it. And thank you so much.
Next time used baskets to put under the grass in water u will getting more snails
Yes, thank so much.
Bong Laor the food you cocking lock so yummy😋😋😋
Thank you for showing me how to make sadaow salad. Looks so delicious.
Thanks for visiting
ខ្ញុំចង់បានវីដេអូរធ្វូើបង្គីពីរពាក់នៅខែត្រតាកែវដែលដើមត្នោតពីរដើមព្រែកគ្នាខ្ញុំចង់ថតដើមត្នោតព្រែកគ្នានឹង សូមអរគុណ
Living Simple life, I love it.
I am very happy to hear that. Thank you so much.
I think the plant you were looking for is called Rosary Pea. It is native to India and parts of tropical Asia. Rosary pea is highly toxic and can be fatal if ingested. I am not an expert with plants but happen to come across them on the internet.
Thank you so much.
បាទ នៅផ្ទះលោកពុកខ្ញុំខេត្តតាកែវឯណោះ
បងប្អូន១០នាក់ដូចខ្ញុំដែរ តែស្លាប់១នាក់ដែរហើយ
ឈ្មោះវល្លិតូចមួយប្រភេទដើមសាច់ស្វិត ស្លឹកសណ្ឋានស្រដៀងនឹងស្លឹកអម្ពិល ដើមនិងស្លឹកមានរសផ្អែមឈ្លេមឡមៗ គ្រាប់ផ្លែតូចៗមូលៗ កាលណាទុំមានសម្បុរខ្មៅមួយកំណាត់ក្រហមមួយកំណាត់ ( ម. ព. មក្លាំ ផង ) ។
ខ្ញុំអ្នកបាត់ដំបងឮចាស់ៗប្រាប់ថា អង់គ្រេមអង់ក្រម . This red seeds in Peru people using these red seed for jewelry and house decorations. The red seeds are poisonous,
អង្រ្កេមអង្រ្កម ក្នុងវចនានុក្រមសម្តេចជួនណាត
ស្តៅ= neem (in English) 🙏
Two name in English at USA, I know too it too. Thank you so much.
@Bong LaorTV my comment was not dedicate to you, but for someone who need his/her research. Thanks 🙏
Thank you so much.
Thank you