Andreas Vollenweider - LIVE@HOME - Mini Concert 5 - 24.06.2020

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 425

  • @jmhuet
    @jmhuet 4 года назад +84

    When I think some people don't know Andreas, it's a tragedy for them !

    • @lfomelody756
      @lfomelody756 4 года назад +5

      I totally agree!!!!!

    • @fornlike
      @fornlike 4 года назад +2

      Such a great pleasure to discover that other people had this same idea which is in my mind since more than 20 years. I deeply feel you, M. Jean-Marie Huet.

    • @shaberahchristians9107
      @shaberahchristians9107 2 года назад +2

      I simply love this mans angelic music❤❤❤

  • @ofentsesegola3410
    @ofentsesegola3410 3 года назад +35

    I'm from South Africa and his music is the best thing that has ever happened to me. His music makes me feel astronomical and it inspired me to write poems.💛

  • @zwelakhendaba9244
    @zwelakhendaba9244 4 года назад +8

    Grandfather Andreas. You resemble le the presence of God through the magic of your hands when you play your music. I thank you for being alive in physical form during my young lifetime. I am 40 years old now, and used to listen to your music from the age of 20. The last song you played, used to be the most famous song in Soweto, a big township here in South Africa, in Gauteng Province. Bless you Grandfather. ❤️❣️🙏❣️❤️

    • @zwelakhendaba9244
      @zwelakhendaba9244 4 года назад +5

      I now have a 9 years old daughter who happens to be talented in music, and when I show here your mini concerts, she just gets glued on them.❣️🙏❣️

    • @AndreasVollenweiderFriends
      @AndreasVollenweiderFriends  4 года назад +4

      SA is the second home of this music. Thank you for your words, be well....

  • @davismiller4369
    @davismiller4369 4 года назад +80

    Please release these mini-concerts on CD. They are among the richest, deepest, most grounding and most transcendent work I have heard. Abrazos, Davis

    • @vladimirzagitov
      @vladimirzagitov 4 года назад +12

      I also support your thought! This is deeply transcendental live-mini concerts! Cheers from Ufa, Russia!

    • @claudettejones8516
      @claudettejones8516 3 года назад

      I agree a cd of the mini concerts ♥️ would be awesome!!! thank you for the beautiful music 🎶

    • @jack0cat
      @jack0cat 3 года назад +2

      I was just thinking about this what a awesome addition to anyone’s Vollenweider collection. ❤️👍

    • @dabox02
      @dabox02 2 года назад +1

      Just like Trilogy, this should be on CD, I agree....

  • @omarcorzo2336
    @omarcorzo2336 4 года назад +66

    From Mexico City: I’m just a 19 years old guy (and spent probably 13 being a musician), but your music has been a soundtrack in my life, i have a lot Of your albums (‘cause those are really hard to find) but thank you for your music, and for being there and here when nobody else is... thanks to my father who used To play “The Essential” album, since those days i fell in love with your music, and here we are, waiting for the only concerts that mexicans could see on live performance, thanks a lot Andreas

    • @oscarhofmann
      @oscarhofmann 4 года назад +1

      Omar, admiro tu apreciación por la musica del maestro Vollenweider. Es en verdad siempre un deleite desde que escuchaba sus viniles en los 80's. I never get tired of listening to his music, it just transports your sould to a beautiful quite place and relaxes your mind from any problems you may have.

    • @nozukogysman3073
      @nozukogysman3073 4 года назад

      Best investment. I have his albums, still collecting some more.

  • @camilopepone20
    @camilopepone20 4 года назад +2

    Namaste lieber Andreas, hab tiefen herzlichen Dank für dein Geschenk an uns, deine Musik, dein Ausdruck von Leben. Manchmal kommen mir einfach die Tränen, etwas tief in mir wird von der Musik berührt. Glück, Liebe, Freude, Göttlichkeit kommen mir in den Sinn. Danke Danke Danke!
    In meinen früheren Phasen von Depression war mir deine Musik ein liebevoller und wunderbarer Trost. Heute bringt sie mich oft einfach heim, in mir nach hause. Oh ist das schön. Danke! Herzensgrüße aus München

  • @holgerhenn6463
    @holgerhenn6463 4 года назад +1

    Was für ein Hochgenuss, so viele Jahre trage ich behind the garden mit mir....... Danke Andreas Vollenweider

  • @ohtoriginalhimbeertoni
    @ohtoriginalhimbeertoni Год назад

    Ich könnte stundenlang zuhören...
    Diese Musik ist einfach Balsam für die Seele!

  • @ilenefink
    @ilenefink 4 года назад +2

    Hi Andreas, I have been loving your music since 1985 and was fortunate enough to see you a few times in NY, Penn and Conn USA. You are my HERO and I feel so grateful to have your music in my life. It really touches my heart!

  • @1Lightdancer
    @1Lightdancer 4 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for this mini-concert and your wonderful words.
    I met a Kora harpist and traditional story teller at the Folk Harp conference inn Olympia, Washington in 1996 - I love hearing one again! I remember him telling us he had been recognized as hanging the gift of remembering as a young child, and being trained to play harp, as he developed his gift

  • @damirhlobik6488
    @damirhlobik6488 Месяц назад

    listening to your music for 40 yearsm thank you

  • @asylumchoir4586
    @asylumchoir4586 4 года назад +29

    Dearest Mr. Andreas Vollenweider & Friends, Good morning from St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. We’re hoping everyone is well and is excited to join, once again, for a journey of wonderful music and imagination. Your notification of the next Mini-Concert was received here. Thank you for, “inviting,” us into your home and for sharing your heart with us. I still, almost, can’t believe that it is really you (we had never had the blessing to see you folks live before), and that we can actually communicate this way nowadays! I am star struck, because you and Friends have been a lifetime favorite. You are a big part of our love and smiles! ❤️🕊🕯🌎🕯🕊❤️ 😊

    • @asylumchoir4586
      @asylumchoir4586 4 года назад

      Dearest Mr. Andreas Vollenweider & Friends, If you will excuse my inability to contain or, “correct,” my heart, mind, or tongue here - Listening, watching, learning, enjoying, and LIVING your concert/gift to us all is, on a level, Spirits and Souls intermingling. When your album, “Book Of Roses,” was released, it took me aback, so, that Its stories were of no beginning and of no end. Something so powerful had connected; I love the study of language and all that it entails, yet it seems that I am doing it a great disservice by not being complete in description. Your, “Book Of Roses,” had touched me, deeply, so. I think that I was crying out, and It had replied unconditionally. It still does, along with your, “Dancing With The Lion.” The Spirit, Soul, Stories, are very primal and so very beautifully sacred. Thank you, sincerely. ✨❤️🕊🕯💫🐾🌎🐾✨🕯🕊❤️💫

  • @oscarhofmann
    @oscarhofmann 4 года назад +1

    Bitte spielen Sie weiterhin für uns alle mit diesen wertvollen Reisen aus Ihrem Studium in düsteren Zeiten.

  • @bernadettsiebert
    @bernadettsiebert Месяц назад

    Sooooo wundervoll ❤danke ❤diese wundervolle Musik fand mich heute… berührt meine Seele, es kommt die Erinnerung hoch, dass ich als Kind unbedingt Harfe spielen lernen wollte, doch meine Eltern haben die Geige für mich vorgesehen 🤷🏻‍♀damit hatte ich nicht viel Freude. Diese Musik ist so verspielt, regt meine Fantasie an, auf ihren Wellen kann ich mich auf höhere energetische Ebenen schwingen….🐬🦋🌞🌟danke😍

  • @okon-guitar3908
    @okon-guitar3908 21 день назад

    Als Zeitgenosse freue ich mich schon seit Jahrzehnten an deiner Musik und dem einzigartigen sound den du hervorbringst.

  • @TheSentinel909
    @TheSentinel909 4 года назад +42

    These livestreams are a bright light in an otherwise dark time... All the best wishes and thoughts from Serbia!

  • @cakenoodle
    @cakenoodle 4 года назад +16

    Dear Andreas, My daughter and I make a date to listen to your live mini concerts. It is something that we can both look forward to; being with each other and letting your music take us to a peaceful and wonderful place. We raised her in Hawaii when she first learned how to "Dance with the Lion" and when she moved to the East Coast of the mainland she pursued your music and has seen you perform live multiple times, always sharing the experience with me. Well, today we will meet again in an hour or so to be enriched by your loving spirit. Thank you for sharing and being the vehicle that brings my daughter and me together. Aloha.

  • @Meddour_Nacer_Abderrafik
    @Meddour_Nacer_Abderrafik 3 года назад +1

    J'ai découvert votre sensationnelle musique en 1985 et depuis à ce jour, c'est toujours avec une grande émotion de plaisirs et de sérénité de ré-écouter votre répertoire plein de virtuosités musicales et de prouesses de créativité de rythmes exceptionnels. Mes voyages sur les routes, mes longues soirées et veillées jusqu'aux lueurs matinales sont toujours embaumées par les sons de vos doigts sur votre harpe qui semble me transmettre de longues histoires riches en harmonies. Merci pour votre simplicité créative, votre oeuvre artistique, unique, marque le réveil d'une nouvelle musique UNIVERSELLE pour l'humanité.

  • @Lucdebo
    @Lucdebo 4 года назад +1

    Seid 40 Jahren immer noch ein großer Fan. Diese Musik ist Magie, sie hilft mir den Alltag zu bewältigen. Hier in Portugal leider nicht so bekannt. Ich freue mich schon auf das nächste Minikonzerz💚

    • @andreasvollenweider5917
      @andreasvollenweider5917 3 года назад

      Hello Thanks for your comment and supports, your comments and constant support has brought me this far. Keep Supporting ❤️
      Please send me a mail via.

  • @juancarlosgallego4862
    @juancarlosgallego4862 3 года назад +1

    Beautiful music... And beautiful landscape

  • @phenixe.9237
    @phenixe.9237 4 года назад +1

    We adore you, Mr. Vollenweider! Greetings from Southern Germany.

  • @michelk.5508
    @michelk.5508 3 года назад +1

    Wunderschön 🎶 Kopfhörer aufsetzen und träumen. Danke dafür

  • @pbweill
    @pbweill 3 года назад +3

    What a great idea to let his fans see the lake behind him. So pretty.

  • @timmartin8191
    @timmartin8191 3 года назад +1

    I've been a fan for many years. Thanks for doing what you do while sharing your talent with the world.

  • @ludwigmiddendorf1504
    @ludwigmiddendorf1504 4 года назад +18

    Today my twin "kids" had birthday, 20years and because one is in Sweden and one in Spain I was in a sentimental mood when listening to this music which touches me still after nearly 40years.
    So when I mentioned this concert to the kids we listened to it virtual together and we all got sentimental and relaxed and happy at one time.
    Then I told them the story of AVAF and what I meant to me and my son said, that maybe the inventing of the modified harp and playing it in that special way must be a spiritual experience and journey - as well as listening to this music was something new and spiritual for himself. They loved it.
    So I would like to thank once again, especially today, for your mini concerts. It gives so much positive energy and love and kindness.

  • @Meddour_Nacer_Abderrafik
    @Meddour_Nacer_Abderrafik 3 года назад +1

    I discovered your sensational music in 1985 and since to this day, it is always with great emotion, pleasure and serenity to re-listen to your repertoire full of musical virtuosities and creative feats of exceptional rhythms. My travels on the roads, my long evenings and evenings until the morning light are always perfumed by the sounds of your fingers on your harp which seems to transmit me long stories rich in harmonies. Thank you for your creative simplicity, your unique artistic work marks the awakening of a new UNIVERSAL music for humanity.

  • @LaurieSophie
    @LaurieSophie 4 года назад +26

    Oh Andreas that was soo beautiful I was crying the whole time tears of joy. The feeling you and your harp bring to me is indescribable. Bless you my dear friend for all you do for all of us and the message you bring. Bravo to you. Long time fan since the beginning. I wish I could bring that much joy out of my own harp. Every day I’ve been listening to your music to get me threw the trying times were all going through. Ok I’m going to watch again🤗❤️💐💐💐💐

    • @royaltee7950
      @royaltee7950 4 года назад +1

      Omg,I started crying as soon as I heard those first few notes.Its such beautiful,rich melodies!I was instantly transported back to my childhood.

    • @darrettp
      @darrettp 3 года назад +1

      you have to see him play live! I did about 30 years ago at the Fox Theater in Detroit, and it was spectacular..until he hit a bad note and cringed and everyone laughed :) Good sense of humor he has!

  • @vidalarturolopezjimenez1132
    @vidalarturolopezjimenez1132 4 года назад +1

    Andreas Vollenweider hace más de 30 años escuche por primera vez tu música en una estación radial universitaria de Colombia en un especial de música de la nueva era, desde ese entonces quede facinado con esas melodías que están llenas de magia son un deleite para el alma, muchas gracias maestro por compartir esta maravillosa música un gran abrazo para ti desde Bogotá Colombia.

  • @charlotteabel7738
    @charlotteabel7738 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for these Heavenly hugs and kisses. You have blessed my soul for many years. I know God sent you to wrap me in Divine love. I am so very grateful for my journey with you...God. I love you.

  • @virruffolo6647
    @virruffolo6647 2 года назад

    lOVE you Andreas### Thank you soooo much! you are a fantastic Chanel of God!### Im in Heaven when you play!

  • @wlkrlaw
    @wlkrlaw 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for the beautiful music. What a gift at a time when we so need you.

  • @rolfhein7336
    @rolfhein7336 3 года назад

    noch nie habe ich Harfenklänge als so schön empfunden wie bei Andreas Vollenweider. Dieser Sound und natürlich die Spieltechnik sind absolut einzigartig und berühren die Seele

  • @federicogiller5741
    @federicogiller5741 3 года назад

    Thank you Andreas, I've been listening to your melodies since the mid 80's. Your music invokes divinity. Thank you, thank you, thank you...

  • @geopatay
    @geopatay 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much. Greetings from the Chicago, IL, USA, area. I so much appreciate your wonderful music and thank you for gracing us with your talent and gifts.

  • @marcetonantzinelaiiimlahat2167
    @marcetonantzinelaiiimlahat2167 4 года назад +1

    Your Music is magical, a beautiful inspiration 😍🤩 Thank you Andreas, God bless you and this beautiful Planet❣✨👼🏻🎶🍀🙏🏻🌎🌈🇲🇽😘

  • @arnloz
    @arnloz 4 года назад +6

    Thanks Maestro Andreas for making our home days better with your sublime music, greetings from Monterrey, Mexico!

  • @treeskesoentken1767
    @treeskesoentken1767 2 года назад +1

    Please keep us inspired by your peaceful music to always go for the positive, Andreas 💖

  • @PrimulaCarniolica
    @PrimulaCarniolica 4 года назад +1

    Unique sound, words, creation of wisdom Andreas. To listen your music is like to meet first "love" or reopen "remind box"....Thank you for your music from more than 30 years ago until last videos and in future!!! Stay healthy, creative and leader of quality music and musicians.

  • @DanielKneubuehl
    @DanielKneubuehl 2 года назад

    …auch dieses Mini-Konzert gibt mir feuchte Augen… so schöne Erinnerungen an all die unzähligen Konzerte von dir hier in Bern…. einfach wunderschön in dieser schwierigen Zeit so himmlische Musik geniessen zu dürfen. Danke Andreas!

  • @ClaireGregory67
    @ClaireGregory67 4 года назад +1

    Thank you Andreas. Your wonderful mini concerts bring our past and present together. I so enjoy your sharing your music in this present time and also your gentle powerful words of love. I feel refreshed and anchored. I love the fact that the familiar music is evolving as we are.

  • @rafcangioli
    @rafcangioli 4 года назад +1

    Dear Andreas
    Thank you for your wonderful music

  • @narcisogalan3496
    @narcisogalan3496 3 года назад

    Thanks Andreas i have all your LPs from Dominican Republic , 30 years enjoying your music ! God bless you!

  • @tanjabuchel1044
    @tanjabuchel1044 3 года назад


  • @elsausau6599
    @elsausau6599 3 года назад +2

    my dad introduced me to andreas vollenweider 's music, when I was still a baby ,now am 31 years old until now he has all of his album cds, am glad and happy to listen to such good music,

  • @jerryngobese3216
    @jerryngobese3216 4 года назад +1

    This is Heavenly Expensive music... Bravo Andreas, Bravo

  • @rmgwheelsspokeslab.7767
    @rmgwheelsspokeslab.7767 4 года назад +1

    COVID-19 is a toy compared to Climate Crisis or Climate Change, as you prefer to call it. We must change our lives and learn how and where to find happiness. It´s more about a personal internal journey than travelling around the world. WHAT A PEACEFUL MUSIC. THANKS!

  • @elsdujeu5989
    @elsdujeu5989 3 года назад

    35 years ago, heard your music for the first time, and I loved it. It makes me happy, it gives me hope, it makes me see the good. We raised our children with your music and now our grandchildren. My 4year old granddaughter asked, as we were watching this mini-concert : grandma, is this an angel playing ? He makes my heart so happy ❤️

  • @andredesaintphalle
    @andredesaintphalle 4 года назад +6

    I first heard your music in 1985. My girlfriend and I particularly loved “White Winds” and we she died at 37 years of age in 1987, I played it in its entirety at her funeral. It was sublime. What a treat to find you again here. ❤️

    • @dBFreqs
      @dBFreqs 2 года назад

      White Winds is awesome. So ahead of its time and still relevant. Sorry for your loss Brother.

  • @JoseGLazo
    @JoseGLazo 4 года назад +2

    Thank YOu Thank you. for the beautfiul songs . Muchas Gracias Andreas Vollenweider. See you in 2 weeks Again . Have a nice day . whit love a big fan of yours music.

  • @rogierverrijt3014
    @rogierverrijt3014 4 года назад +14

    Hello dear Andreas! Is was again a wonderful journey with your beautiful music! You are one of the Golden Hearts! We all need your music, spirit and wisdom!

  • @vitorsilva2529
    @vitorsilva2529 4 года назад +1

    Wow 🤩 so First of all I’d like to say that I’m your fan a many year’s ago. When I was children my daddy turned his disc player and I heard your beautiful song and joined with him to meditation. Nowadays I keep hearing you with my baby daughter 💗 all this is very wonderful and special. I’m spirit man and I believe that God and your angels communicate with us throughout the many forms and one of these is the music. I concluded and I have sure that your music blessing me throughout my life.
    Thank you 🙏 my friend I’m felling grateful 😃
    Vitor Brazil 🇧🇷

  • @JoeyFransz
    @JoeyFransz 3 месяца назад

    At least 4 decades of your cosmetic sound, it helps me throughout bad, happy, sad times and difficult times to find the inspiration and strenght to go on, may we all enjoy that specific sound thank you sir🤙💪🤟👍

  • @jopacsd
    @jopacsd 4 года назад +1

    Your music has a great healing power. May your love, throughout your music, warm peoples hearts in moments of sorrow,, and awlways make us to see the good in us, and in this world. Thank you for existing and sharing your gift with us all. Your huge fan from Brasil, JP

  • @lfomelody756
    @lfomelody756 4 года назад +1

    How wonderful to have Andras as the soundtrack of my life!

  • @martinvanhemert2459
    @martinvanhemert2459 4 года назад +3

    Greetings from the State of Utah in the US. I've been in love with your music for 40 years. Thank you so much!

  • @jacquestessier95
    @jacquestessier95 4 года назад +2

    Magog, Canada. Sublime. Vous serez toujours capable d'enchanter. Merci tellement.

  • @BruecknerAmbient
    @BruecknerAmbient 4 года назад +1

    Thank You very much for the wonderful (WONDERFUL!) music (then and now), Andreas! :-)
    I'm very happy to see You again in these videos!
    On this occasion let me say that Your music had (and continues to have) a great (uplifting!) impact on me since ever I first heard it (more than 30 years ago). I hardly can imagine my life without it! :-)

  • @joseluisdorantes4819
    @joseluisdorantes4819 4 года назад +1

    The best song.. Piramyd.. Thanks Maestro!! Querétaro, Mexico.

  • @marcelmichelbach7107
    @marcelmichelbach7107 4 года назад

    Hallo Andreas 🖐Dieses Mini Konzert war wieder wunderschön und entspannend.😊😊😊 Die Musik lässt mich Kraft tanken und mein Herz geht auf. Jedes dieser kleinen Konzerte stellt eine Bereicherung für mich dar. Bereits seit "Behind the Gardens", damals noch beim Vater in jungen Jahren mitgehört, bin ich dabei. Meine Kinder bekommen diese wundervolle Musik nun auch wieder mit auf den Weg. Ich hoffe sie lernen sie genauso lieben wie ich. Ich freue mich auf das nächste Konzert und sende herzlich Grüße aus Bayern/Deutschland.

  • @MichelDuhart
    @MichelDuhart 4 года назад +6

    Simplemente GRACIAS!!! Desde México, nos brindas luz, esperanza y alegría, un bálsamo en estos tiempos oscuros. Thank you very much Dear Andreas, you bring us light, hope, joy during these hard moments. I hope you are all right. Hugs and best regards!

  • @ladybearbaiter
    @ladybearbaiter 4 года назад +1

    Thank you. Your music is heavenly, I have enjoyed it for years. I think it would be beautiful wedding music.

  • @layedia7128
    @layedia7128 4 года назад +16

    Hello Dear Andreas, this instrument is called " Kora " in my country Sénégal. I've buy one not a professionnal but i sommaires learn to play it. It is the instrument of the great Cissokho's family. Thanks you for your music. I'm waiting for TOMORROW !😀

  • @jesusmarquez4613
    @jesusmarquez4613 4 года назад +1

    EXCELENTE, Como toda su música. Gracias por ese regalo.

  • @adamkowol6517
    @adamkowol6517 4 года назад +2

    Thank You Andreas 💜

  • @jime6353
    @jime6353 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so so much for this music. You are such a source of inspiration and encouragement. I’ve been a fan since 1985. Peace and Blessings to you from America.

  • @dBFreqs
    @dBFreqs 2 года назад

    I took my father to one of your shows in Mesa Arizona. He has since passed on, but fine memories. I have been a huge fan for decades. There is something special about this music and the many voyages it has taken me on over the years. Thank you so much Andreas.

  • @marcovulcano
    @marcovulcano 3 года назад

    Musica paradisiaca.... Grazie Andreas! From Italy! Thanks

  • @alb3087
    @alb3087 4 года назад +1

    Beautiful music from a beautiful soul. Thank you.

  • @micheloderso
    @micheloderso 4 года назад +1

    Herr Vollenweider, ja, wir müssen mit aller Energie die wir in uns haben versuchen eine Veränderung in vielen Dingen zu erreichen, genannt soll sein z.B. unser Umgang mit Lebewesen, zwei und vierbeinigen. Respekt vor der Schöpfung ist der wichtigste Grundgedanke. Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Weisheit und Ihrer wundervollen Musik.....

  • @kiethjohnson9564
    @kiethjohnson9564 3 года назад

    When I immerse myself in Andreas' music I forget to look out the window. But with these Mini Concerts, I get to look out my window, I get to watch out Andreas' window, and I get to watch his strings vibrate! What a world we live in!
    The kora! Andreas' is a griot as I am each in our way! I have goose bumps!
    This is beautiful

  • @anthonymccabe7800
    @anthonymccabe7800 4 года назад +8

    Thank you, Andreas, the way your music lets us find peace inside, wonderful.

  • @gorsky61
    @gorsky61 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for this music ... the joy it brings ... memories comes to my head. And now new joy. Hear you again (from Bavaria)

  • @muhammadkhalid867
    @muhammadkhalid867 4 года назад +1

    love you, Andreas. From Pakistan

  • @ericjones3008
    @ericjones3008 4 года назад +3

    Fond memories of hearing you at the Keswick Theater in Philadelphia years ago. I stood in line for a picture, but didn't have a camera. I asked for a hug, you gave me a hug that still embraces me to this day.
    Hearing, and now seeing you in these mini concerts is a huge pick me up, keep sending us your friendly vibes Sir, we all miss you soo much.

  • @jacobkgwadi6193
    @jacobkgwadi6193 10 месяцев назад

    I'm from SOUTH AFRICA I've followed you from a young age and by playing your music it influenced many of the people around even now I'm still in love with your music... please make a concert in SOUTH AFRICA PLEASE.❤

  • @bigsexyvolvo6032
    @bigsexyvolvo6032 4 года назад +10

    Thank you for these beautiful gifts. It feels so personal to be allowed into your studio and hear you play like this and talk to us.
    I have loved your music since 1982 when I first heard 'Behind the Gardens...'
    A friend had been in Germany and heard it playing from a bar in a back street in Dusseldorf. He went in to ask what this amazing music was and the barmaid wrote it down for him. Next day he spent hunting for a record shop and found a cassette of the album and brought it home to Scotland.
    It took me another year to find the LP in a record shop here, I was so excited to finally have my own copy, I played it endlessly for weeks. It's still one of my very favourite albums today, and still play it and all the others.
    Looking forward to the next mini concert already.

  • @josol7922
    @josol7922 4 года назад +1

    Moment MAGIQUE ... merci 🙏🏻

  • @olanicklasson8046
    @olanicklasson8046 4 года назад +2

    Thank You Andreas

  • @RodrigoLobosChile
    @RodrigoLobosChile 4 года назад +1

    Amazing!!!!!. Many thanks. Greeting from Chile, South America

  • @MarisolDavidovich
    @MarisolDavidovich 3 года назад +1

    ME ENCANTA ME ENCANTA!!! el poder que tiene Andreas, me da PAZ y me tranquiliza... la felicidad la vuelvo a encontrar, cada que te escucho!!!♥️😌ERES LO MÁXIMO!!!

  • @briangallimore5425
    @briangallimore5425 2 года назад

    Have loved your inspiring music for 25 years. You are an incredible artist and very positive influence on so many lives. Thank you!

  • @pinkropers
    @pinkropers 4 года назад +1

    An unexpected yet completely welcome message of encouragement and validation. Thank you so much. The music couldn't have been better.

  • @jirehnyathi6543
    @jirehnyathi6543 3 года назад

    Behind the garden... My late father's favourite track. Ever Illusive, ever enticing... It sucks the soul from the body and sets it on a journey to another realm... You truly are the greatest.

  • @dietergalle
    @dietergalle 4 года назад

    Traumhaft. Da kann ich stundenlang zuhören.

  • @joepworther2284
    @joepworther2284 Год назад +1

    Pyramide 😍😍😍😍😍 Danke Andreas...

  • @RockyGene
    @RockyGene 4 года назад +4

    Your music is where I turn to when I need to feel peace

  • @yolandaluongo
    @yolandaluongo 4 года назад +3

    Andreas, un saludo afectuoso a la distancia desde mi confinamiento social obligatorio en Valparaìso, Chile! con el agradecimiento por tu mùsica maravillosa que me acompaña desde fines de los '70. Tu mùsica para mì, es como un mosaico de vivencias a travès distintos tiempos y espacios y que atesoro en mi mente y en mi corazòn.

    • @andreasvollenweider5917
      @andreasvollenweider5917 3 года назад +1

      Hello Thanks for your comment and supports, your comments and constant support has brought me this far. Keep Supporting ❤️
      Please send me a mail via.

  • @maynardferguson_aficionado6309
    @maynardferguson_aficionado6309 4 года назад +1

    🏝🍒You are Loved, Deeply... You Make This Life Live-able & Squeeze Out Every Drop of Hope✨🌄🍧

  • @burstyn70
    @burstyn70 4 года назад +2

    5 People are very confused. I do feel for them. Andreas, you're a musical genius and magical inspiration, from the beginning, now and until the end of time...and beyond...Thank you from a fan since 1981..and always.

  • @Bronco541
    @Bronco541 3 года назад +1

    Andreas Vollenweider is a positive wizard. He is just as peaceful and nice in person apparently as his music sounds :D

  • @elsamere
    @elsamere 2 года назад

    This reaches so deep into my soul. What magical music. What a beautiful soul is Mr Vollenweider.

  • @mydo6838
    @mydo6838 4 года назад +1

    Vielen herzlichen Dank das Du uns jedesmal mit deinem einzigartigen Können verzauberst, abschalten lässt und auftanken lässt.
    Für mich isr es jedesmal ein wohliges positives geniesse
    Lg aus Zürich Altstetten

  • @sologerry7809
    @sologerry7809 4 года назад +1

    You’re simply gloriuos!!!! More than 40 years admiring your beautiful and extremely creative music. Thanks for existing!!!!!!

  • @suzyharthcock7913
    @suzyharthcock7913 4 года назад +1

    I am a huge fan of yours for such a long time, so delighted to be a to listen to you this way, to be able to share your work. Bless you, for all the pleasure you have given so many😍😘🕊🎶🌺💜💜💜

  • @willyegli9290
    @willyegli9290 Месяц назад

    Balsam für die Seele ❤

  • @_biljka_
    @_biljka_ 4 года назад +3

    Dear Mr. Andreas, for more then 35 years you are a part of my life almost every day. One of my very special days in my life was yours concert in Belgrade, Serbia. I was in a first line. What a happy day. Thank you for making my life better. Wirh a lot of love and respect from Belgrade. 😊

  • @holginho7698
    @holginho7698 4 года назад +1

    another warm and smooth kind of music from the master of melody. thank you very much andreas. it´s a pleasure to listen to you again. greetings from germany.

  •  4 года назад +1

    Fabuloso, sigo disfrutando de sus músicas de mis discos de vinilo, bravo, bravo bravo.

  • @tomerdman9255
    @tomerdman9255 2 года назад

    How can he possibly get so many many beautiful sounds out of one instrument at the same time? He sounds like an orchestra. What an astounding talent!

  • @eeklosuppo70
    @eeklosuppo70 4 года назад +1

    Dear Andreas, back to the time. Shame on me that it is such a long time I played your beautiful albums ! Thanks for posting this.