こんにちは、Tassoです! 今週も皆様お疲れ様でした✨ 今回は先週の日常vlogと、3月にQ10で購入していたスキンケアアイテムが一式届いた&使ってみたので、動画内で紹介させていただきました! リピートしたアイテムはハリ・たるみや乾燥に悩む私の肌をなんとか支えてくれているスタメンたち…! 本当におすすめです✊ そして今回新しく購入した中でも気に入っているのが、Abibのフェイスマスクと、Molvanyのプロテインクリーム♡ どちらもリピートを考えるほど良かったです^^ もし「ハリ、たるみならこれイイよ!」などオススメあれば、ぜひ教えて下さい🙏 国内ブランドも絶賛開拓中なので、情報求みます(笑)! 私は絶賛ヒノキ花粉に苦しんでいますが、皆さんは体調など大丈夫でしょうか? 黄砂もひどくなっているとのことなので、体調管理にはお互い気をつけて頑張りましょう! それでは、また次の動画でお会いしましょう😄 Tasso. Hello, this is Tasso! Good job for all of your efforts this week ✨! This time, I would like to share with you in the video my daily vlog from last week and the skincare items that I had purchased from Q10 in March, as I received & used a set of them! The repeat items are the staples that have managed to support my skin that suffers from firmness, sagging and dryness...! I really recommend them ✊. And among my new purchases, I like Abib's face mask and Molvany's protein cream♡ Both were so good that I would consider repeating them ^^. If you have any recommendations for firmness and sagging skin, please let me know! I'm also exploring domestic brands, so I'm looking for information (lol)! I am suffering from cypress pollen, but I hope everyone is feeling okay. I hear that yellow dust is also getting worse, so let's both take care of our health and do our best! See you again in the next video😄. Tasso.
잔잔한 일상들이 영상으로 너무 이쁘게 잘 담겼네요. 음악과 함께 잘 어울어져서 힐링했습니다. 재미있게 잘보고 갑니다. 또올께요 :)
저희도 항상 영상을 봐주셔서 감사합니다!✨
앞으로도 재밌고 힐링이 되는 영상을 만들 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다 ✊
Hello, this is Tasso!
Good job for all of your efforts this week ✨!
This time, I would like to share with you in the video my daily vlog from last week and the skincare items that I had purchased from Q10 in March, as I received & used a set of them!
The repeat items are the staples that have managed to support my skin that suffers from firmness, sagging and dryness...!
I really recommend them ✊.
And among my new purchases, I like Abib's face mask and Molvany's protein cream♡
Both were so good that I would consider repeating them ^^.
If you have any recommendations for firmness and sagging skin, please let me know!
I'm also exploring domestic brands, so I'm looking for information (lol)!
I am suffering from cypress pollen, but I hope everyone is feeling okay.
I hear that yellow dust is also getting worse, so let's both take care of our health and do our best!
See you again in the next video😄.